Lost: Black & White Siberian Husky Female In Central (S41)

  • Dog ID 37865
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 13 Mar 2012
  • Gender & Breed Female Siberian Husky
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Black & White
  • Marks & Scars White Fur Patch On Back Inbetween Shoulder blades. Blue eyes.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 12 Mar 2012
  • Where Lost Sheepbridge/Unstone, Chesterfield.
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area S41
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info White Fur Patch On Back Inbetween Shoulder blades Also Got a Pinkish Nose and Blue eyes. Chip was recently checked and has migrated down left shoulder. CHIP MAY NOT REGISTER, one of the Virbac faulty batch.
  • Listed By Lip
  • Views 16289
  • BONES SIGHTEDPoster Image
  • BONES SIGHTEDExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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https://www.shpock.com/en-gb/i/XaOfgi6RTzq2Tbsq/siberian-female-husky-4-years-old just incase not the dog for sales real age x
DogLostScruffy Dog - Central Team Volunteer
Update requested
Is she still lost?? In pic look like still puppyish but have just seen a dog like this with some polish men in grantham, had a square patch of fur lighter in colour on the back
The found dog has been reclaimed xLast edited: 2015-05-02 16:09:52 by Helen
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1038790316149251&set=gm.838573106235221&type=1 dog found in leigh on see dogs home please look
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153176561094805&set=pcb.10153182994765350&type=1&relevant_count=3 is anyone still monitoring Bones please second post I have put on not sure if they are being seen by owner
https://www.facebook.com/yorkshireanimalslostfoundshare/photos/a.1416153718653973.1073741828.1409173942685284/1553123721623638/?type=1 could this be bones
Could this be Bones
Thanks steph, but I don't think the face markings are quite the same.
have a look at this one
Wouldn't it be so lovely to catch and find out that it is Bones are after all this time. Crossing everything for a satisfactory outcome. x
A bit more info on the sigfhted husky which has been seen today playing with another dog. Dog warden attempted to catch without success, but we know this is a mostly black husky so could possibly be Bones.
I am bumping this to top of site as there have been sightings of a husky in Rother valley country park, in Shire Brook country park and in Beighton. The search team for Shadow missing from Stocksbridge are investigating this, but it is also close to the areas where Bones was last sighted.
I have just seen this on facebook and thought I should post in the event it is Bones :(

A female black and white adult husky was involved in a road traffic accident in St.Annes area of Nottinghamshire on 5th September - she was sadly pts due to the extent of her injuries.
She was chipped but the owners did not update details and so have been unable to be informed.
Posted by Kathie Devlyn-Heginbotham.
No recent sightings.
Hi All, any news on this girl?
Any update? Just wishing to see this girl or should I say "hussy" in the Blue where she belongs with her owners.
If we can find out the address she is coming to, we can bring a husky she knows well which would attract her more than a person. The advice given below is good and often works, and certainly on the ground is the best place to be, but we can't rely on it here as huskies are more oriented to other dogs.
animal lover
Can she try laying on the floor and whimpering (this I think is what Doglost have advised with other dogs, please correct me if I am wrong Admin) if she is coming for food and have a slip lead on hand. Hope that beautiful Bones soon shows herself.
i have just spoke with bones owner and the reported sighting is that of the reporters aunt is feeding what she thinks is bones around 5am daily and has tried to catch her but failed so far.i have asked the owner to try to find out where the "aunt"lives so we can do an early morning stakeout and at least try to follow her back to her nest in the woods or pounce and catch her!!
Thanks for update and explanation, chrissie.
""" the rook"""its the second patch of thickish wood on the same side of the boudery club going towards norton from the boundary ..if that makes sense...the sightings reported are vey early morning between 5am and 7am and also last thing at night between 11pm and midnight if your about round then...many thanks Last edited: 2012-06-27 11:26:18 by chrissie
update for the sighting at boudary academy.myself and joy have ben to investigate and have chased and caught a very thin akita male looks remarkably like bones from a distance but has a all black face ! the reported sighting in this area was of a female husky...sighter told us this dog had blood round rear end ...we think this could be bones who will now be in season!!and we think the male akita could well be on her scent so we have not ruled out the first reported sighting and ask to please keep a look out early morning and very late at night.
Sorry folks, this dog has all black face and is definitely not Bones.
Just had several sightings of Bones reported today from area of Boundary Academy, Jordanthorpe. She was seen entering and leaving nearby woods over the past few days.
Hi anymore sightings/news on this beautiful girl please?
Hi has Bones been sighted recently? x
any new or more sightings on bones ?
the rook
Hi, let me know which fields at Jordanthorpe the sighting have been and I will take Anouk (7 month female Sibe) up there for a walk, in the morning/eveningwe are not the far away
We may have 2 huskies running around Jordanthorpe area, one being a male who escaped from Norton area 4 days ago. We are trying to contact owner to put his photo on this site. There have now been 3 husky sightings on the same playing fields in the last 3 days. One was of a husky with a different face, the second is thought to be Bones, the third we don't know until we have got hold of the person and shown him pics of Bones.
Just got back after driving round Jordanthorpe, Dronfield and Unstone. I too guessed she would probably be out of the sun as it's very hot today. I took some cooked sausage and a slip lead just in case, but would have rung for advice had I seen her
She will probably be lying low in Frith Wood or Metapic Wood for the day to get out of the heat. Worth getting back to the playing field tomorrow morning, so I will be there in case she returns, can give owner a lift.
I'm driving that way in a few minutes to drop my son off at college. I'll have a good look round. Fingers crossed she's home soon x
Have just spotted bones on the school playing fields in Jordanthorpe, she wanted to play with my 2 dogs but was wary of my partner,she was heading towards Dronfield have notified owl and owners.this was at 6.15amLast edited: 2012-05-28 07:20:35 by wickedweims
There is a Female Husky listed in the found section 39701. Am guessing it isnt bones as the sightings seem definate, but just in case.... Lots of luck catching this beautiful dog x
Correction, the sighting was one day last week but was reported today, and Bones was on the forecourt of a garage.
I have been discussing Bones with him and will continue to do so. The problem is that she has a large territory and each time we think she has settled in one place for a day or two she moves on.
Wish we could do more to catch her. Wonder if Ray could help at all.
Sighted today near Asda on Whittington Moor. This is the southernmost point of her triangular territory. A man tried to catch her but she growled at him so he backed off. She is looking thin.
Anymore news on Bones?
I have just been told of a sighting last Tuesday 8 May by people I know. Their dog approached a husky of Bones' description near Graves Park, in the field behind the animal park near the church, but the husky was away very fast in the direction of Jordanthorpe.Last edited: 2012-05-17 08:09:23 by Owl
Come on Bones, come home now little girl xx
A sighting phoned in by someone who said she had seen Bones in Frith Wood this evening. She seems to be going between Frith Wood, Metapic Wood and Dronfield Nature Park.
Brilliant news. I check every day hoping she has been found and drive round the area several times a week
Good luck everyone x
she just needs that last little bit of courage to come over, she was stareing straight at us and then moved a little bit closer just didnt have the nerve to come all the way
Bumped for sighting soon after midnight in Dronfield Nature Park by Chrissie and jo-chessie. They were out having a look round her territory and saw her just across the narrow shallow river at the bottom of the Nature Park where both Chrissie's dog Poppy and my Wispa had found her trail a few days ago. Chrissie was talking to Bones for around 10 mins, and she came closer but didn't have the courage to come across to Chrissie. I got a call to get down there with the night vision scope but by then she had slipped back into the woods. Lip and Dennis arrived long before me, and left food. She must have just crossed the river from the Nature Park as very fresh pawprints were in the mud leading into the water. We are all cheered by the fact that Bones didn't run from Chrissie and didn't seem worried by the torches. We think she is feeling a bit lonely and fed up with the weather.Last edited: 2012-05-02 02:36:09 by Owl
Only eyes in the dark and a fast moving shadow too big for a fox. We followed a fresh trail on Saturday, she is apparently still on the same circuit between Unstone/Whittington and Frith Wood with a detour through the Nature Park.
I keep looking round the area but no luck. Have there been any recent sightings?
We have a trap, but she has so far declined to enter it for any bait whatsoever. Sightings reported from last week in Graves Park which gives her a bigger territory than we had realised. And a sighting this morning in Whittington near the school, an area we think is the bottom end of her patch. There have been other sightings there.Last edited: 2012-04-23 23:15:37 by Owl
So pleased she's been spotted again, I was getting worried as seen no update. I really hope she's caught soon. Would a trap help?
After no definite sightings for a few nights, Bones confirmed her presence with 4 howls just after everyone had left the frying-up area. Eyes and movements were also seen. Everyone is cheered to know she is still coming for her supper.
Bones get yourself sorted out and start making those paws walk back in the direction of your owners. Time to stop playing about in the wild your'e domesticated now! xx
Good luck! Hope she's home this weekend.
Bones was seen at close quarters by a family member on our vigil tonight. We have a plan of action and are working steadily and patiently to carry it out. We can't risk rushing things and scaring her off.
Thanks Rhys, but it wasn't Bones as she was seen bin-raiding back at the Premier store on Batemoor road early yesterday evening.
Great news you caught sight of her last night.
If it was Bones that he man had this morning, he should see posters around the B2Net stadium
Rhys Aubignac
I saw a man walking a dog what looks like bones, He was walking down past the Spar at 8:15 this morning heading towards the B2net Staduim.... The man was large he had army printed combats on.. a green coat
Bones is still out there and has been disturbing several people living on the edge of the wood by singing at unreasonable hours! One lady thinks she was right underneath her window one night. She was certainly there in the wood tonight. Both Chrissie and Nigel got brief glimpses through the dusk, and a few minutes after everyone had left the place where they had been frying chicken they all heard a lot of rustling in the bushes. Nigel ran back to see and found all the chicken had gone.
Confirmed that the found dog on site is not Bones.
This one was of a husky being walked on a lead, so we will check it out but assume it isn't and go ahead with our stake out plans for this evening.
Chrissie has just texted me that there has been another sighting, so Bones is still out there. I will post as soon as I get details.
Thanks Boo & Coco Pops. Too late to do anything tonight but will chase this up in the morning. The found dog is unlikely to be Bones as she was found yesterday on 8 April, and Bones was seen raiding bins at 11 pm last night. Last edited: 2012-04-09 23:23:05 by Owl
Coco Pops
38568 that's the ID number a black and White female under the name of Bones as Boo said below. Fingers crossed.
hi a dog has just been put on the found list on this site similar description to bones region central. has this been cross checked.
Lip, Chrissie, Wispa and I went to the Premier store on Batemoor Rd early this afternoon, and although it was raining the trail was so fresh from last night that Wispa had no problem following it. We had expected Bones would have taken a direct route south back to Frith Wood, no such luck. The trail went in and out of alleys on the Batemoor Rd estate via various dustbins then out on to the main road and up to the big roundabout on the bypass. Then it turned off down Sheffield Rd into Dronfield, past Sainsburys filling station, and headed east through a network of roads which included Bents Lane where there has been a sighting. Then finally down to Frith Wood, having taken in a few visits to shops' bin areas en route. Chrissie had the foresight to leave her car near Frith Wood in case the trail ended up there, much to our relief as we were all wet and tired and grateful for a lift back to my van. We have confirmed what we hoped, which is that Bones continues to use that wood as her base camp.
Just got more details. If you put Batemoor Rd S8 into google maps you will find it. It leads off Dyche Lane. It was a bin near the Premier shop at the south end of Batemoor Rd, and Lip and the other searchers got there about 5 mins too late. Although on the map it seems a long way, it's only a few minutes from Frith Wood and there is a direct route down a footpath.
Please can you tell me where Batemoor Road is and I'll have a drive out that way.
I expect we will catch up with each other some time soon. Anyway, sighting reported of Bones rummaging through bins on Batemoor Rd at 11 pm last night. One of the Bones team got out there pdq but no sign.
if i had know owl i would have come and said hi u pulled up the same time as me i parked in front of your van
No Jayne, this is one of the easier ones for me to pursue, it's all happening around 4 miles down the road from me and we are only searching our usual haunts!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owl...you are doing too much...but in your eyes not enough...dog angel...will bump...
Yes, that was me, with black & white spotted GSPxlurcher.
Was that u in white van with dog in cage in back? i drove all over unstone and sheepbridge trading estate before i went out tonight and then on way back home only a matter of time before shes caught
Bumped for sighting this afternoon near Whittington Moor roundabout. The girl who saw her is known to owner, and she is sure it was Bones. We seem to have a triangular territory between Whittington, Ramshaw Wood behind Horse & Jockey at Unstone Green, and the north part of Frith Wood. I must have just missed you in Frith yesterday, jo-chessie, as dog & I were there at noon and we got a trail so fresh it must have been laid that morning, Bones coming to the area Lip was frying liver in before dawn.
Been up Frith wood this dinnertime and nothing seen a few dog walkers and mentioned it to them they thought bones would have been found by now all have said if see anything they will contact owner also walked part way through bridgefield wood and no sightings will keep looking hopefully someone will see her again soon x
Thank you - he was castrated so not a big op. His stitches come out next week so if Bones hasn't been found by then I will be in touch and see how I can help. Hopefully she'll be safely home though x
Yes, a sighting in Fairview Rd Dronfield last week. Wispa and I were in Frith Wood last night, found some fresh scent. On Sunday several of us were there with Nala and Wispa who were very keen, plenty of scent and Nala found some fresh poo with bits of fur in. We are certain Bones is now using this as a base. It has numerous exits leading along footpaths to different bits of Dronfield, and plenty of shelter and water. Hope your dog makes a good recovery.
Any more news? I saw her poster in the vets in Newbold this morning plus one near the football ground. Once my dog is over his op I can help search
Been Back in Frith woods the last few nights cooking liver tonight we found some dark black poo round the area we were cooking
bones family and i have been out tonight and searched the woods off stonelow road .nala came with us and soon picked up the scent.nala led us round the area where there was a reported sighting yesterday.. whilst in the woods we found fresh remains of a eaten rabbit and dog poo nearby .we are sure this is bones by the way that nala reacted . search to be continued around frith wood area !!
Correction, it wasn't Stubley, it was Stonelow Road which is adjacent to Frith Wood. Chrissie and I will be meeting there with Bones' family this evening.Last edited: 2012-03-29 11:58:15 by Owl
Possible sighting in Stubley Lane. A man was walking his dog when a dog of Bones' description - including her unusual white patch between shoulders - came up and sniffed his dog.
Lip found more of Bones' fur where she had squeezed under a fence. Lots of scent around. Wispa and I started out on the golf course to check Bones hadn't returned there. Wispa said no, and took me back to the woods behind the Horse & Jockey. Nala had followed the same trail so we all met up. Found some more scent around one particular place, Wispa and Nala both agreeing on Bones' route. I can't walk any more today, still recovering from injury so am limited as to how far I can go, but Lip and family and Nala and Chrissie have gone back to search further.Last edited: 2012-03-25 19:49:17 by Owl
A number of people and several huskies will be searching the footpaths and bridleways around Unstone tomorrow.
Had a Phone Call someone saw her heading to unstone last week
Bone's White Patch http://www.imagebam.com/image/8d66ca181112708

not sure if html will work

<a href="http://www.imagebam.com/image/8d66ca181112708" target="_blank"><img src="http://thumbnails44.imagebam.com/18112/8d66ca181112708.jpg" alt="imagebam.com"></a>
Hope Bones is home soon
Thank you, just caught up with everything on the FB page and see that the Apperknowle sighting was of a husky with a man. Unlikely to be Bones in view of the other sightings of her running loose, but will keep my eyes open and will speak to the man if I see him and the husky around as I live close by.
Bone's Facebook group page

Lip, if there is a Facebook page being made for Bones, please post the link here, thanks.
Thank you Wendy. I'm bumping to top of list as there have been several sightings.
My son travels on the X17 bus along the Dronfield bypass to college 3 times a week. I'll get him to look out from upstairs as he might get a good view of the fields around the bypass
Seems that Bones may be going around the routes which Lip takes her for walks.
Sightings have been reported also from Crow Lane, Apperknowle, and from Prospect Road, Whittington. I took Wispa out today round the area of the golf course and she hit a scent and started working. Not a fresh scent, probably more than 48 hrs but less than a week. It was in the woods between the golf course and the bypass, and led through some very rough woodlands down below the back of the Sandpiper. The Stubley Lane sighting would fit with that, as there are woods and undergrowth running parallel with the bypass between the golf course and Stubley Lane.
Sorry to see Bones is lost. Hope her microchip brings her home. Fingers and paws xd.
Sorry it wasn't your girl Lip.
Just rang the Vets in Hikley not her
Owner notified of a Husky bitch found and taken to a vets in Hinkley.
Just been round stubley lane in Dronfield after a Possible sighting asked around and going back down again tomorrow to put posters up
Nothing so far. Our problem is that Dronfield and adjacent villages are laced with an amazing number of footpaths, bridleways, green lanes and green spaces. This makes it a very pleasant place for walking and riding, but an easy one for a dog to go low profile and not get seen by anyone.
Any more sightings? I drove through Dronfield and Unstone but nothing. I saw posters up in Unstone
Sorry to see Bones is missing. Hope his microchip helps to return him home. All xd.
Bumped to top for possible sighting in Green Lane, Dronfield, by lady who has a burger van. Bones' family together with Chrissie are on their way now. Bones' husky friend Nala seems to have got the hang of tracking and is also helping the search.
been out 4 hours this afternoon searched nature park in dronfield ,then met the owners and continued up to hundall where the sniffer dog whisper left off so sorry but nothing ..and no sightings reported yet.gave out lots of posters and got more people onboard looking
Wispa and I together with Lip continued the trail we had to abandon last night when it got too dark. We followed a loop round the steep woods which go from under the viaduct on Whittington Rd nearly as far as the mast. Lots of scent, but Wispa was very interested in fields and smaller woodlands further down the slope. This is private land so permission will be needed to search there. The rest of the family together with another husky who is Bones' friend headed in the direction from which the howling was heard, a bit further along the woods from where we were tracking. Have given scenting advice.
Someone local heard howling yesterday afternoon. We are all out searching this morning again. Last edited: 2012-03-14 13:33:53 by Owl
Posters emailed to S10,S11,S12,S13,S14,S17,S18,S2
Hope she stays safe.
Have put Bones on twitter + will circulate.
Wispa and I followed Bones' trail which went along the main road towards Dronfield but then swung off right down a footpath leading under the railway viaduct into woodland criss crossed by footpaths. Then up to a ploughed field at the top not far from Hundall where it seemed to stop above some very steep woods. So we retraced our steps, and Wispa picked up another trail going along the bottom of the same woods. We think Bones is likely to be somewhere in those woods.
Details put on Facebook pages Central and East Mids & Warks
Spoke to owner, she was in the garden and then got out over the fence. owner has postered and contacted the local DW, vets, etc.
Info and Advice sheet sent.
Owner called me a few minutes ago. Bones escaped from the back garden. Lots of posters have already been put up, and dog wardens for both Chesterfield Borough and N E Derbyshire are aware. Railtrak have also been informed. This is a built up area with fields and footpaths behind, a golf course not far away, various yards and industrial estates plus bits of woodland and scrub. We are going there in a while to see if we can find out the direction the dog was headed.
Sorry to see that BONES SIGHTED is missing.
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