Reunited: Chocolate And White Collie Cross Male

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  • Dog ID 37688
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 06 Mar 2012
  • Name LENNY
  • Gender & Breed Male Collie Cross
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Chocolate and white
  • Marks & Scars Welsh Collie cross Basenji. Chocolate brown with white belly and socks. Part of his right ear missi
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 02 Mar 2012
  • Where Lost Middleton, Langley.
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area M24
  • Date Found 10 Mar 2012
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Lenny is 3 years old. Chocolate brown with white belly, socks and white speckles on his face. He is wearing an ID tag and is MICROCHIPPED. He managed to slip out the door and darted off. If found he should be reported to the local dog warden - WHICH IS LAW.
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 1680
  • LENNYPoster Image
  • LENNYExtra Image


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Fantastic news - Welcome home Lenny - stay safe now clever boy xx
Great news x What a clever boy x Welcome home Lenny xx Stay safe now.
Welcome home Lenny, you clever boy! Stay safe now xx
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
WOO HOO!! Fantastic news that Lenny is home. On Thursday the family went about spreading the area of where he was last seen with the contents of their vacuum cleaner in a bottle of water. 10am Friday morning there was a bang on the door, opened it and there sat Lenny. Very very hungry, dirty but otherwise fine. He is booked in for a check up on Tuesday just in case.

The family did an amazing job and all their hard work paid off. Big hugs from DogLost and stay safe now Lenny :) xxx
Great news. Welcome home Lenny. Stay safe now:-)xxx
Paws and fingers xd for the safe return of Lenny
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
I have just spoken to Lenny's owner who is doing a fantastic job in spreading the news. All the right people have been notified, they have visited Manchester Dogs Home 8 times since he went missing, Petlog have been notified. Posters are up in the area and lots of local people know Lenny is missing. The owner is also out walking the area that Lenny knows well. They have also checked if there have been any accidents on the roads, none reported.

Unfortunately there isn't a photo of Lenny due to an accident with the camera and the owner doesn't have a PC. I have mentioned seeing if a friend can look for a similar photo.

Given lots of advice to the owner. There is farmland at the back of where they live and where Lenny was walked, so I have mentioned talking to the farmer, letting him know and leaving a contact number in case he sees him. Have also run through scenting and how to behave if Lenny is seen.

Come on Lenny, time to come home!

Drone SAR

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