Rainbow Bridge: Black And White Jack Russell Terrier Cross Female

  • Dog ID 36565
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 26 Jan 2012
  • Name PIPPA
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross (Spayed)
  • Age Elderly
  • Colour black and white
  • Marks & Scars She has light coloured eyebrows.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 26 Jan 2012
  • Where Lost In the fields by the river in Wellesbourne, Warks
  • Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Lost In Post Area CV35
  • Found In Region Central
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info She is a little deaf and short sighted.
  • Listed By jhaywood
  • Views 4572
  • PIPPAPoster Image
  • PIPPAExtra Image


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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I am so very sorry to hear this dreadful news. Owner's instincts are usually correct. I suspect this little one had already earnt her wings so God called her home. Such an awful thing for owners to bear but she is safe now, in the arms of God until you are together once more - this time you will never part again! God bless you all. x
Jack Russell 4
Run free at the bridge gorgeous girl xxx
My heart goes out to Pippa's owners...poor little lass...at least you have your baby home and know she's not in any pain...love to you all xx
So very, very sorry to hear the sad news about Pippa. RIP little sweetheart xx
So sorry to read this sad news. My thoughts are with the family. R.I.P. little Pippa. xx
Oh how tragic - yet another lost to water. I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with the family at this sad time. Run free at the bridge, lovely Pippa xx
My thoughts are with Pippa and her loving family, run free and play at the bridge sweetheart xx
My sympathy goes to the owners of Pippa who was called by Jesus to come to the bridge in the sunshine where she is like a young puppy again. At least you can lay her to rest, and it should bring some comfort to know that you loved and cherished her and gave her a good life. She has not gone from you forever, as one day you will be reunited with her. Night, night Pippa, sleep tight. Run free sweet one. Sending your bereaved family healing thoughts and comforting hugs for their sorrow. Remember Pippa is only a whisper away. God Bless+++
Oh I'm so sorry you didn't make it home gorgeous. Wait for your family in the sunshine - until then, sleep tight and sweet dreams. xx
I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with little Pippas devoted owners
Im so sorry Run Free in the Sunshine Pippa.XXX
Sleep tight Pippa xx
Very sadly dear little Pippa's body has been found in the river today. I'm so sorry that she didn't make it safely home. Sleep tight sweetie XX
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Sue...
It seems that Pippa was registered under CV3 instead of CV35 so had poster alerts sent to the wrong areas. I've now updated her page to the correct post code and sent posters to CV31,CV32,CV33,CV34,CV35,CV36,CV37,CV47
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine
Have posted on Twitter.
Pippa has been in the local paper this week, hoping that someone recognises her
Yes, they have, they are waiting for a reply on monday.
Have they contacted Waterways Liz? There may be someone who could come out and look.
Spoke to owner today, still no news, they are convinced she is in the river, she had gone down hill over the last week and because the bridge is narrow, they feel she lost her footing. Signs are up in the area and they have had no news yet. They will let us know as soon as they hear something xx
Info and Advice sheet sent.
I've been tweeting and getting re-tweets in the area. I'll do some more now.
Spoke to owner, he was walking on the bridge over the river, he stopped to let a lady walk past with a dog and when he got to the other side Pippa had gone. There was nobody else around and owner feels she has fallen into the river. The river varies from slow to fast flowing, so she may be at the bottom, he is going out today to have another look. Even if she was not in the river he feels that due to her age (15) she would not have survived the cold. He has contacted vets and the DW.
Have put Pippa on twitter + will circulate.
Tried to contact owner but it is ringing out, she is probably out looking. Will call later.
I'll do some tweeting. Pippa looks so like my friend's Parson Russell Terriers (esp Reggie). Moll (also a bit deaf with poor sight) was lost one night and we got her back quite quickly. I hope you have the same outcome. x
Im so sorry to hear that you have lost Pippa. My thoughts go out to you. we lost our 10 year old cairn a while ago. She'd dissapeared for 6 days (something she had never done before). We were absolutely distraught. Fortunately she was found by someone who had seen one of the many posters that we had put out.
So put out as many posters as you can. Speak to postmen, milkmen. We phoned the dog wardens every day. We tried to get a message out on our local radio station too.
Hoping that Pippa comes back. Very very soon.
shared on our facebook page, will be keeping a look out today when on our walks, Coventrydogs
Details put on Facebook pages Central and East Mides & Warks
How old is Pippa?

Get a poster to Wellesbourne Airfield http://www.wellesbourneairfield.com/
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in CV1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.

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