Lost: Grey With Spots And Patches Catahoula Leopard Dog Male In South East (OX49)

  • Dog ID 35889
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 03 Jan 2012
  • Gender & Breed Male Catahoula Leopard Dog (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Grey with spots and patches
  • Marks & Scars 3 large patches on posterior. Tan mixed in on face and paws
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 02 Jan 2012
  • Where Lost Watlington, Oxfordshire
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area OX49
  • Date Reunited
  • Listed By Quigley's Mum & Dad
  • Views 177913


Sightings and Information

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I haven1t forgotten Quigley either, but miracles do and can happen. I think there was a Staffordshire Bull terrier on Doglost who had been missing for about 8/9 years too. He was found abandoned but when found had obviously been treated well. The very suprized owners were reunited with their dog. via the microchip, and a phone call from the vet So you never know. And I know of two dogs who lived to a good age; one 18 and another almost 21. Paws xd.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Never forgotten Quigley...What a distinctive looking dog...Owners have never either...And Quigley is our most followed dog on Doglost.
Millys Mum
Ahh - dear Quigley. How could we forget him?!! Such a beautiful boy who has such a loving and caring family waiting for good news. I hope and pray that 2020 will be Quigley’s year. XxLast edited: 2020-01-06 17:07:17 by Millys Mum
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Details reshared to DogLost.co.uk Facebook Group X
Still thinking of Quigley. And hope 2019 will be the year that Quigley will be reunited with his family. Miracles can happen. Consider posting a LOST CAT ad in a National newspaper too. Prayers said, paws, and fingers xd. A|||Candle||| will burn for Quigley at my Church on Sunday. Aptly named St Francis of Assisi. Hopefully his microchip will work it`s magic.Last edited: 2019-01-11 07:32:42
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks both!
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Have shared to Doglost FB Group. x
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Have bumped Quigleys fb post on Doglost Oxfordshire & Tweeted for Quigley x
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Missing seven years today - always in our thoughts.
I'll never forget you Quigley xxx
Quigley's dad
Hi - thanks for the birthday wishes for Quigley and the shares - much appreciated. To Mary's question, yes, he had a US microchip that was registered in the UK databases. Thank you!
Happy Birthday Quigley. Can I just ask if Quigley's microchip is registered on one of the UK databases?
Happy 14th Birthday Quigley .I will make a wish for you xxx
Happy Birthday Gorgeous Boy!
Shared to This morning facebook today.xx
re-sharing x
Shared Twittered
sharing to groups x
I do feel for you, and anyone who has had their pet go missing. Perhaps 2017 will be Quigley`s year; your family`s too. Hoppe his microchip works its magic. Will hope, and pray as I do. Paws, and fingers xd
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I haven't been able to visit this site for a few years now. My husband diligently does the updating and checking. Not that Quigs is EVER out of my mind but for some reason every emotion floods back when I come here. But, now I'm here. I just want to say thanks to all for the support and help over the years. Guess what? Yesterday I boosted Quigley's post on his Facebook page (Quigley Missing Dog) for $20 American dollars and it's already reached close to 7,000 people and will continue to be shared over the week. Amazing! Too bad this sort of advertising wasn't readily available 5 years ago. I'm confident we would've found him right away. Every single person that loses a dog should be aware of this way of gaining notoriety. I remember Nicky Humber diligently stuffing envelopes to mail EVERY single vet in the UK his poster. EVERY single vet in the UK received Quigley's poster. Do you know that Nicky still gets calls from vets asking if he's been found or if they should keep the poster up? Wow. Nicky - we were ahead of our time:) kisses and hugs from across the pond. xo, Holly
He is another burned on my heart
Maybe 2017 will be the year we get the long lost ones home - if not, it won't be for want of trying
Millys Mum
Yes, just unbelievable that it's been 5 years since Quigley went missing. His face and distinct markings will be forever printed in my brain. I live in North Kent but know that, if a dog like Quigley appeared in our area, I would recognise him INSTANTLY. Shereen - I absolutely agree with you that there are so many newly registered DL Helpers, Coordinators and Followers that, as you so rightly say, one day someone somewhere will read Quigley's story and realise there's a dog in their area who is the spitting image of Quigley. So, so hoping and praying that 2017 will be the year when Quigley is found and reunited with his family. Fingers and paws all crossed 'this end'. xx
When was the last sighting of him?
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared Facebook & Twitter
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Page, Twitter & Public. I hope Quigley is safely back at home soon. X
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted @DogLostUK - hoping for news for you x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.x
Quigley has been missing 5 years today.***Please share***Someone somewhere may see this post.You just never know...Someone who may not of been on FB or Doglost then ,Could well be now! Many thanks. <3
So Sad Quigley's Mum and Dad...I still keep his Aircraft crate here!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks for the bump to Quigley's page. I can't believe it has been 5 years. Our hearts still hurt when we think of that guy. Please always keep an eye out for our Quigley. xo, Holly
Beautiful Quigley...Bumped xxx
Thinking of you today... love and thoughts going across the pond to Holly Jeff and their gorgeous children.... Can't believe another year has gone by and we still haven't found this gorgeous boy! 😢 We will never give up hope!!! Follow your star Quigs! With much love ❤️ Team Quigley
Quigley's dad
My heart jumped when i saw the picture, but sadly it is not him. Thank you so much for keeping an eye out for Quigley - even after all this time, I continue to check doglost and other sites everyday hoping that one day we find him - I'm so happy that others do the same. thank you shereen and nicky!! best, jeff
Thank you Kit'sMum .Aww Nicky and I both gasped at this...It isn't him,but the colouring is amazingly similar...Thank you so much to everyone who crossmatch with Quigley,we are so pleased he is in peoples minds..One day we pray to see his page in the Reunited section.xxx
Quigley's Mum and Dad please look at found dog today 6 December 108411
Just done another share for your boy xxxx
Still thinking of you baby boy
..we will never give up on you. 🐾 ❤ xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Quigley...such a distinctive dog...never forgotten about you and your lovely owner...shereen admin phones are down at the moment...when back on...hopefully virgin engineer can do n tuesday morning ...do gve me a call to see if you want alerts sending out to peeps in that area.
Sue - onestopalldogs
FB Twitter
Thank you so much for posting Kit'sMum! Bumping Quigley page just in case
I have just revisited this posting and wanted you to know that I saw a similar dog being walked in the upper Earlsdon shopping area of Coventry in January. I remember thinking "that is a catahoula!" but I don't remember it having any brown on it.If I remember correctly it was well and walking nicely on a lead. Sorry I haven't mentioned this before, but I don't live in the UK.
I have tagged Quigley on this map,hopefully there will be many views on his profile xx
Let's hope it's your year Quigley and you will be returned to your Mum and Dad who are missing you so much. Meanwhile, I hope you are safe, warm and loved. Think of Quigley often when walking round Watlington Hill area. xxx
I too still look out for beautiful Quigley in OX39 and surrounding villages. With his distinctive marks it would be hard not to recognize him! Someone somewhere must know where he is. Please come forward if you do!
I saw your piece in a newspaper saying come home Quigley we ll never give up on you. It brought tears to my eyes and I have kept the cutting in my purse ever since. I live in south oxon so will always keep looking.x
Hard to believe that such a distinctive looking dog is still missing ... so wish you were home Quigley ... I don't live anywhere near the south-east but I still follow Quigley's page in hope of some good news ...Last edited: 2016-01-04 18:17:32 by MAZ
Happy New Year Quiqley wherever you are. Perhaps 2016 will bring some news of his whereabouts. None of us are giving up ob you. I really feel for his owners. Paws xd
Yes Holly, there are many folk who still keep look-out, including me as I live in the area Quigley went missing; whenever I see a dog that looks remotely similar I slow down and have a good look, there are still posters in some of the cars I see locally too. People still talk about him around the villages here and if he is out there with someone else then it will only be a matter of time before he`s spotted. Miracles do happen. Thinking of you and your family as you enter 2016, and especially thinking of your boy xxx
Hi Holly, there are loads of us with pictures of Quigley still firmly in our minds, checking against found dogs - please be re-assured that you and he are not forgotten xx
Millys Mum
I still think of Quigley often and, like so many others, hope and pray that one day very soon he will be reunited with his family. It seems unbelievable that it's 4 years since he went missing. Quigley, where are you? Please, please, please show your gorgeous little face. Let 2016 be the best year ever for Quigley's family. Thinking of them and wishing for a miracle... Xx
Thankyou for posting . I cant believe it is 4 years . I just want to say, I don't know what say really , but Shereen , you are the bestest , and so hope Quigley is found, and sending love to owners
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Four years ago today we lost our buddy. I still remember like it was yesterday the call from the "dog sitter" that our boy was lost, the frantic flight back from the US, and the months and months of searching for Quigley. We still hope and pray that somehow, someway, he is found and our family can be made whole. We continue to be touched by the dog lost community, in particular Shereen and Nicky, for keeping the search going. Quigley is 12 now, and we would love for him to spend his last years with his family. Thank you again and happy new year! May all the lost dogs on doglost find their way home!
charlie and sooty
Re shared. Paws crossed x
He is out there somewhere,hope you are reunited soon x
:( four years now ...we wont give up though x
With another anniversary in a few days we're still hoping that we get this boy home! it does happen where many years later they are reunited so lets still keep our eyes open and keep the faith that one day this beautiful boy will be home where he belongs!
Thinking of you little man...I hope you are tucked up all cozy with a stocking awaiting you.Keep your real family in your dreams,they are just a heartbeat away.My Christmas wish is for you,that you follow your star and get back home.xxx
I'll never give up on you Quigley.... I still live in hope... whenever my phone rings from an unknown number I catch my breath hoping its about you! find your star beautiful boy follow it home
Such a lovely dog I hope one day you get the news you want to hear.Untill then I hope someone is taking good care of him x
Lovely piece xx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I wrote this piece about Quigley that has been featured on a website with a dog area. Please have a look. We still miss him so much. Please cut and past the link below. Holly


Happy Birthday Quigley. I still look out for you in and around the OX39 area and remind people that you are still out there somewhere.XXX
Happy Birthday Quigley .... will keep looking out for you and pray that you will soon be found and returned to Mum and Dad xxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Happy birthday Quigley.xx
Like everyone on here always looking out for you gorgeous boy.xx
Hope you are having a happy day, lad. Hope you are safe in someones arms, and that one day they take you to a vet that scans..............xx
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Happy Birthday beautiful Quigley. We are all thinking of you, hoping you are safe and well. Fingers crossed you get home to your real loving family soon xxxx
Millys Mum
Wishing gorgeous Quigley a very happy birthday, wherever he is but hoping bumping Quigley's page in recognition of his birthday will bring him to the forefront of people's minds who might think that they know of a dog who looks exactly like Quigley. He crosses my mind often and I continue to look for your boy wherever I am. Here's hoping... xx
Thinking of you Birthday Boy...and wishing you home xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Happy Birthday Quigley
Happy Birthday Quigs.... We'll never give up looking for you xxxx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Millys Mum - thanks so much for keeping an eye out. I had actually seen Bentley on another site a few months ago - definitely not Quigley, but it does look just like him, particularly as a young dog... We actually looked into adopting him, but he is not recommended for families with young children... Thank you again and please keep an eye out...
Millys Mum
I also continue to look for Quigley and couldn't help but notice a very similar looking dog to him on the Pro Dogs Direct rescue site today. It's not Quigley but could be the same breed which is described by Pro Dogs as a Spaniel Cross but I think Bentley looks like a Catahoula Leopard Dog. I just wanted Quigley's Mum and Dad to know that I'm looking out for Quigley in North Kent and South East London. Hoping that it's just a matter of time until he shows up somewhere in the UK.
Still looking, too, Holly xx
I also check frequently ... so sad no news ... just hope he's happy with someone ...
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I still check in regularly hoping to see it turned to blue....he just has to be somewhere....
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Quigley's Mum and Dad will never give up and nor will we because we know that miracles do happen.
Shared to Doglost South East and my Clarkey page.
Can't start to imagine the heartache you are going through. Things have come along way with social networking since Quigley disappeared so I have shared his Doglost page on Pets forever lost found and reunited Facebook page for you. X
My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine what you are going through. I do hope that one day someone will scan him and you will be reunited. x
Quigley's Mum and Dad
it is hard to believe that it has been three years since Quigley has gone missing... a day does not go by when we are not checking this site and browsing on rescue sites looking for Quigley... of course, life has gone on, but the loss of Quigley still leaves a huge whole in our family... just last week my oldest daughter was up crying that she missed her "big brother"... thank you so much to the doglost community (and of course, Nicky, Ruth and Shereen - "Team Quigley") for keeping the search going... happy new year my little boy and i hope you are safe...
circulating on twitter...QUIGLEY Elderly Grey with Spots/Patches Cathoula Leopard Dog STILL MISSING http://bit.ly/1rPtx0l #Watlington #Oxfordshire #OX49 Plz RT
Still looking xx
Can't believe it's 3 years.... We will never give up hope that one day Quigley is back where he should be... Wherever you are Quigley go follow your star xxx
Horrible ...it has been 3 years...we will never give up hope Quigley.xxxx
I know it is almost 3 years since Quigley went missing but I shall not forget him and those beautiful eyes. It may not be the ideal, but let us hope that someone is "looking after him" in their home and he is at least warm and cosy. Miracles do happen and you never know, he may yet turn up xxx
Will never give up hope!!!!
Just thought I'd take a look at Quigley's page. Always hoping.............
Will never give up hope that one day soon we get this boy home!!! Thinking of you Quigs wherever you are
XxxLast edited: 2014-09-18 14:10:58 by nicky
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I come on here frequently hoping for good news, he must be somewhere...surely someone musst have seen him whether alive or not....it is heartbreaking for his family...so sad.
Paula Griffin's Mum
Happy belated birthday Quigley, we think of you lots little man & agreed, hope you are tucked up cosy and warm somewhere nice until your mum & dad find you xx
This is fantastic news many thanks to all who helped get Quigley in the Countrymans Weekly.... Let's hope this brings some information!!
Nicky xx
Thank you Angus ...fingers tightly crossed !
Advertised in todays Countrymans Weekly Magazine - I hope it brings some news
Thank you Holly, for coming on Ragsie's page - I shared Quigley again for his 11th - and put him on a new site. So hard to believe that they have got to this age without being with us to help them enjoy their day. One day..............
Do you do twitter - Holly or any of Quigley's group? There are twitter storms every Friday for lost ones - maybe we could get Quigley on that?
Thank you Shereen... It's great this sighting came in... Sadly as you say not Quigley but awesome that people are still looking and haven't given up hope... There will always be hope and we'll never give up...
Come on Quigs !!!!! Keep looking people let's get this boy home!!!!
Hi pixies peeps thank you for thinking of Quigley and posting the poss match. It isn't him but your post is hugely appreciated!... Even a match that doesn't necessarily look like his picture is well worth posting here as we have many pictures of Quigley to crossmatch against. Thank you xxx
pixies peeps
I really dont think this one is quigley but it may be worth checking out perhaps. Dog in rescue with prodogs.http://www.prodogsdirect.org.uk/#/oscar/4582147651
A very belated birthday to the handsome Quigley - Happy Birthday sweetheart - hope you are tucked up cosy and warm somewhere nice until your mummy and daddy find you. I am still keeping an eye open for him. xx
Still hoping that dear Quigley will one day be found and reunited - there is always hope. Belated happy llth birthday Quigley xxx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I truly hope that everyone's prayers will one day be answered & he will be home.
Will light a candle to help show him the way.
Belated birthday greetings Quigley.
Well Quigley you've been bumped for your birthday... Happy Birthday gorgeous boy... Wherever you are your mum and dad want you home... So many people want to get you home... I for one will never give up hope that one day all our wishes will come true... Follow your star Quigley let's get you home where you belong...
Nicky Team Quigley xxx Last edited: 2014-03-22 18:19:35 by nicky
Happy 11th Birthday Dear Quigley!
Always hoping this lovely boy is found safe very soon. Happy 11th Birthday Quigley x
Quigley is still missing. It was his 11th birthday this week.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Happy 11th birthday Quigley - we miss you and think of you everyday... Please keep an eye out for him... We miss you...
Message left on sighted dogs page http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=64105 asking to look at Quigley's picture.
Holly I have sent you an email. Real longshot, but my dog is missing in Streatley which is around 10 miles as the crow flies from Xmas Common, and has been seen with a light coloured dog twice over the last two/three months.
Wishing Holly and Jeff all the best in their new home! Come on Quigs you've got a new home to explore!! Show yourself darling!!!!
Paula Griffin's Mum
Quigley is often in my thoughts, willing him home, just can't imagine the pain owners go through when their babies are lost, so sad :(
Of course Quigley I have not forgotten you and never will. Always on the look out especially when driving in areas of Watlington, Nettlebed, Fingest and Christmas Common. Miracles do happen and hope and pray you will be found and reunited soon. xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Quigley, I pray that you will soon be reunited with your owners.
I look for you all the time. Stay safe wherever you are. I will light a candle for you. xx
Please Quigley, get found, and reunited. Your family are desperate to have you back home with them. In the event that Quigley may have been stolen/taken in albeit two years ago is he still being made "TOO HOT TO HANDLE"?
You will need to copy and paste .
Click on it and it will not work
Long shot but will post.

Absolutely Gutted to be needing to bump dearest Quigley's page today ,The day, two years ago he had been registered with us (In Fact 24 hrs AFTER he went missing from the people who were 'caring' for him .!...and the place he went 'missing' from )

Quigley...we are all missing you and pray one day your STAR will bring you home...I have your crate in my shed ready for you flight home!¬!!!.We will never give up hope for you as you are very special to all who care for you .XxxxxLast edited: 2014-01-03 19:58:31 by Shereen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I meant it was 2 years ago today, not 1 year ago
Quigley's Mum and Dad
It was 1 year ago today that we were informed of Quigley's disappearance. Our lives were changed forever. We still hold out hope of one day being reunited with Quigley. Happy New Year, Quigs - wherever you are! Love, Mum and Dad
Still looking and hoping xx
Happy Christmas Quigley wherever you are I hope you're safe xxx
That's great news wensmum! And along with many vets being aware of Quigley it's even better! Thankfully there are many people still keeping their eyes open and are keeping Quigley in their hearts!
Nicky x
Hi Holly,
I don't know if you have caught up with this but the BVA now recommend scanning of new patients as best practice, and many more vets are now doing this, and using Halo Scanners - Quigley will be on the database - so if someone has found him and is looking after him, he stands a much better chance of surfacing. Sorry, I know that is a lot of "ifs" but it is another step along the way. There are so many of us looking all the time with him in mind xx
I'm sure there are many others like me who are still keeping an eye out for Quigley, and other dogs who have gone missing in the Chilterns Hills area of South Oxfordshire, and like me they probably check this web-site to see if there are any updates in the hope that the dogs have been found.
Thanks Bonnies' mum Sadly this isn't Quigley but thank you so much for looking....Hopefully next time it will be him....for some strange reason Jake does look familiar.
Bonnies' mum
Hi. There is a dog called JAKE on Animal Care Lancaster website. He is down as a crossbreed but he looks very similar.
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
Unfortunately I don't live anywhere near to where Quigley went missing but I do check rescue sites in the area in the hope of seeing one that matches his description....he just has to be somewhere, he can't have vanished off the face of the earth. It's the 'not knowing' that must be heartbreaking....xx
I still look out for Quigley. Whenever I'm on the Ridgeway I think of him and wonder about him. I still have his poster in my car and I still see people reading it when I'm out shopping or parked up. I like to keep it there to remind people that he's still out there somewhere and to keep him in their mind. I pray that one day soon you will be united with him. All the very best to you all ! Ellie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Jan / Ellie - thanks for checking in. We are absolutely still looking for Quigley and pray and hope that one day that we will be reunited with him. We have not had any sightings in some time, which is why we have not posted. Please keep a look out and keep awareness of Quigley up. We miss him desperately, and not a day goes by that we don't think of him. All the best, Holly / Jeff
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I don't understand why everything seems to have ground to a halt in July, have I missed something?
Me too...
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
Have we any further updates on Quigley, I think of him often....

Thinking of you today Quigley x my only wish is to meet you and get you home!
With the summer holidays coming this week... Please keep looking out for this boy... Hopefully with people out and about we can get some sightings!
We've not given up on Quigley you just need to show yourself!!!!

Team Quigley x
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks Bonnies' mum so much for looking out. Unfortunately, that is not Quigley - though it does look like him... Thanks very much to everyone for keeping an eye out - we appreciate it so much - please keep looking and we pray one day to be reunited with our buddy... . Best, Jeff and holly
Bonnies' mum
Hi please check out JAKE at Animal Care Lancaster. He is down as a collie cross
Quigley. You are in my thoughts too. Please get reunited soon, your mum, and dad are desperate for you to be reunited with them. I have also lit a candle, and wkill ask a Guardian Angel for help. Please come home.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Quigley, you are still in my thoughts. Hopefully you will be reunited soon. Please show yourself, but be safe. I will light a candle for you.
Quigley Quigley QUIGLEY!...come on where are you?
Still thinking about you Quigley and still believe you're out there somewhere! We haven't given up hope!

Please still keep your eyes open when out walking
Thank you

Team Quigley
Hi Mel
If you could call me on 07899025979 I'd be very grateful (I'll call you straight back)
Many thanks
Nicky (Team Quigley)
Thanks Mel,ill pass this info on....do you know when it was last seen there?
I appreciate this is a very long shot but someone's seen a white-ish with dark spots dog running loose numerous times near lowndes park in Chesham, Bucks.
You need to show yourself again Quigley.... Please help us to help get you home xxx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Quigley, you are still in my thoughts & prayers & hope you will soon be re-united with your mummy & daddy. Stay safe wherever you are, but they would love you to show yourself.
I have put a poster up at Hill Top Lane as the last one that I put up had 'disappeared'. I then put another one up along the Chinnor end of the Icknield Way (which is popular with dog walkers) and was delighted to see that the last one that I had put up was still there although it was a bit faded it could still be read. However I replaced it with a new one. Let's hope for a bit of sunshine to bring families out over the Easter period and remind them that Quigley is still out there. If anyone else could put a poster up in places that dog walkers go it would be helpful. I think we need to make use of these Bank Holidays as families do like to get out in the fresh air even if it is a bit 'nippy'!
Quigs - wherever you are, I hope you're safe and warm...There are many, many people wishing you home. I so hope it's soon.......take care. xx
Happy Birthday Quigley! Ten candles for each of the the things you are and all that you have brought to your family - love, hope, trust, beauty, joy, courage, patience, resourcefulness. loyalty and spirituality.
Come on home Quigley.
Im new to this site and have just come across Quigley and I've read all the posts and I hope that he is found safe soon and returned to his family. Never give up hope x My thoughts and prayers are with you xx
the gorgeous Quigley is never far from my thoughts.Happy Birthday boy xx We are all still praying he is found safe and well.xx
Happy Birthday beautiful Quigley. Please follow your star.XXX
Millys Mum
Also wishing Quigley a very Happy Birthday. I think of you often and especially today and then I discovered that it was your 10th birthday. Hope it's a good omen. Fingers crossed, as always, for your safe return. Please, PLEASE follow your star. Come on boy - it's time you were back home with your family xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Happy Birthday Quigley, let's hope you are found soon & re-united with your family. I will light a candle for you.
Happy Birthday Quigley - you are absolutely beautiful really wish you could be reunited. Keep looking to see if you have been found xx
Happy Birthday Quigley - you are absolutely beautiful really wish you could be reunited. Keep looking to see if you have been found xx
Happy Birthday Quigley! Greenies are waiting.... Lets get you home darling xxx
Paula Griffin's Mum
Happy birthday dear Quigley xx I can feel the pain your family feels, when I first heard about you I watched your birthday video it had me in bits, the love your family have for you is immense, I hope & pray soon you are reunited, in the mean time I hope you’re safe, well & happy, Holly & family you are very very brave x
Oh Quigley please follow your star...its just for you..im sure your 'Greeny's Cake' will be waiting for you as soon as this is possible...on your 10th Birthday...we are wishing you to be found.Xxx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
No tears today Quigley, on this, your 10th Birthday. We are thinking of you so much today and every single day. Our hearts hurt not knowing where you are. Our single wish is for a reunion with you or some closure which would help us to heal so much. We love you and appreicate you even more today than ever before...if that is at all possible. Follow your star and know that we are always with you. Happy Birthday!

Thank you all for your continued support and efforts. Holly
Just a thought, but with Easter coming up I think it would be a good idea if we could poster in the main dog walking places ie. The Icknield Way, The Phoenix Trail, Christmas Common, Watlington Hill and anywhere else that would be helpful. We only need one or so up just to remind people of Quigley and to keep him in mind!
I could do Chinnor end of the Icknield and Hill Top Lane. Perhaps someone could do The Phoenix Trail, Christmas Common and Watlington Hill, also the Risborough end of the Icknield and the Phoenix. We know that Whiteleaf has been covered but if anyone has any ideas or can help out in anyway it would be very much appreciated. Thanks
Hi Nicky
That's okay. If you could ring later, say after 8.30 that would be great. Saturday is always a looooong day and am normally home after 8pm Thanks
Thank you Jansus that would be great... Let me know via Quigley's hotmail whether you need any more posters and it would be great if you let us know a rough idea of which area you went too... Our sincere Thanks! Xx


I'll give you a ring tomorrow evening and let you know if we need to do more postering on Sunday. Thank you so much for your support!!! Xx


Anywhere around Whiteleaf and surrounding areas is where we concentrating our search so anywhere around there would be great. Thank you
Unfortunately I am not around this weekend but I have some posters left so can post some out to farms on the outskirts in the area if it helps - even if they end up getting two I am sure it wont matter. Also If I can find addresses for local rambling clubs I will send some there..
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

Thank you, team Quigley, for organising this leaflet drop. You know we appreciate it more than anything.

I wish I could write more but tears are starting...

I must admit that I thought Quigley was long gone although I always keep a look out whenever walking my boys and carry the mobile contact number with me. There used to be a tracking map for Quigley, has that been updated so that the newest area to look in has been identified. I will be out looking on Sunday and can target the Whiteleaf area if that is best.
The very best of luck to Team Quigley with the posting on Saturday. It would be wonderful if you could personally get a sighting yourselves! If you need some extra hands I could help out on Sunday, but as there are a few living local to Whiteleaf then I'm sure there'll be lots of helping hands! Good Luck everyone!
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Very best of luck to Team Quigley, will keep everything crossed & say a little prayer xx
Team Quigley are meeting at Whiteleaf car park 2pm Saturday...Last edited: 2013-02-26 01:50:35 by Shereen
Brilliant there has been another possible sighting of Quigley. Good luck with your search next Sunday, but it would be fab if he was found safe before then x

I'll give you a ring later in the week to make a plan for Sunday if we need too!

Nicky xx
Hi Nicky
What great news that there has been another sighting of Quigley. The problem for me is that I work Saturdays. I could help out on Sunday though !

We had another possible sighting yesterday five miles up the road from the other sighting last week!!!!

We're arranging a mass poster/leaflet drop following these recent sightings and would appreciate as much help as possible... As we all know this is a big area to cover. Thinking 2pm on Saturday 02/03 at the main car park at Whiteleaf. Could you please post on here whether you are able to help us so we can ensure of enough rolls of tape etc.

Kind Regards
Team Quigley x
Well I think to put this in a nutshell,the way I have read this is that Quigley has been sighted in Whiteleafe but the sheep in question that was attacked was over in Fawley which is quite a long way from Whiteleafe and the suspect dog was a Lurcher! Which totally puts Quigley in the clear! As Shereen has said he has never chased livestock before! It has been a mix up of stories and has understandably caused a worry for us all especially Holly and Jeff. I think that we do need to get these stories right !!
Sorry if my post was offence it was not intended for Quigley, but just wanted to ask if any dogs caught by farmers would have their photo taken , this is a country wide problem .please feel free to delete my post admin.Jenny.Hope Quigley gets home real soon.x
Hi All

Returning today from my visit to see Holly and Jeff... All I can say is can people please think before they write a comment.. Maybe say the comment aloud as if you we're Quigley's mummy and daddy and ask yourself if you would like to hear these things... As only a member of Team Quigley reading these comments last night was upsetting... I was seriously hoping that neither Holly or Jeff would read them but sadly they have...
It's great that people are still showing they care an still continue to search but the comments on here last night are very upsetting for them to read.. So maybe put yourself in their shoes before we write... Sorry if this sounds rude not intended to offend or upset but being here with Holly and Jeff you realise what a huge part Quigley has still in this families daily life

Thank you
Home tomorrow to continue to search for this boy!!!!
Come on Quigs xx
all I can say here is if any sheep has been chased or hurt ,I know its not Quigley...in our intensive search we have never had any reports of him doing so.
i know this wont be nice but if anyone hears of a shot dog perhaps they could go and take a photo of it to eliminate any missing ones .While it is tragic it is awful that the poor sheep get savaged and as already said , if the farmer sees this happening he has no choice but to shoot it.
Nadine Widdows
Thinking of beautiful Quigley. I am around over the weekend if you need support searching. Please call me 07867540301. x
Sadly Ellie the farmer won't see any difference to it being 'a rogue dog' as you put it...or being Quigley or any other dog. A dog is a dog and if is scaring or harming his livestock usually a farmer will do his best to catch the dog and if unable too, sadly the only other option is to shoot. Quigley is in survival mode and he will hunt for his food, praying which ever dog it is it does not get shot xx as for the Travellers, they will not give a damn about the Lurcher x Stay safe sighted dog xLast edited: 2013-02-21 21:43:47 by BBKM
Hi Clare. I certainly don't envy you being surrounded by travellers - I have another name for them, but I wouldn't print it on here! Sadly I do know some farmers and gamekeepers too that are a bit 'gun happy'! I certainly don't blame them as they can loose a lot of sheep especially at this time of year with all the lambing. However what is bothering me about all of this is that if their is a 'rogue 'dog out there as well as Quigley then that is quiet a different situation!
Hi Ruth/Shereen yes I remember that one. I've just telephoned a friend and it was he who told me about the sheep incident whilst we were talking about our new "neighbours" who have taken up residence. We are not that far away from Whiteleaf. Ellie, I hope never to see any dogs shot, no matter their background, which is why I try to get the dog wardens/police involved at every opportunity. Unfortunately for us we are surrounded by travellers - how lucky is that!
Dont worry Ellie, its all in hand.X....SH we will be in touch.X
ive looked all the way back to November and the only one listed on Dogwatch is the one at Fawley (6th FEB)
This is all a bit confusing. Who actually reported seeing Quigley?
ill have it saved but remember the one Ruth has just listed so will look back.......we will investigate until we can 100% rule this sighting out.
Hi Shereen, I think it was something that came through to me on Dogwatch Alerts. I think it was before I went away on 5 Feb but more early Feb. Sorry I don't have the alert anymore. Some of them I don't keep because there was no sighting of any car/van etc. Also I'm sure you will be aware that there is a travellers site near to Whiteleaf!
I've just looked back through my dog watch alerts and this is the only thing that mentions sheep being attacked, but it relates to the incident in Fawley, near Henley. Perhaps Claire gets her alerts from a different area?

1. Sheep Worrying
On Wednesday 6 February a pregnant ewe was viciously attacked whilst in her paddock at Fawley, near Henley. So severe were the injuries that she died the next day, despite all efforts to save her. It is suspected that she had been chased by dogs. Any information to: 07721 462672. Police have been informed. We would ask dog owners to keep their dogs under control at all times and especially at this pre-lambing season and remind them that livestock owners are entitled by law to shoot any dog found worrying livestock.

...Was it in the Buckinghamshire advertiser approx 17th January?....was it this or something more local to Whiteleaf?

http://www.buckinghamshireadvertiser.co.uk/south-buckinghamshire-news/local-buckinghamshire-advertiser-news/2013/01/17/farmer-fires-a-warning-to-dog-walkers-82398-32614863/Last edited: 2013-02-21 19:23:39 by Shereen
Claire Weston Turville can you copy and paste the alert on here so we can read it properly please?...or direct me to the press cutting?Last edited: 2013-02-21 19:17:20 by Shereen
Well I do so hope that if the farmer is going to start shooting dogs then he does shoot the right one!
Hi Ellie, if you read the press cutting it doesn't actually state what type of dog(s)that attacked the sheep. What I am saying is that I think it a strong possibility that it was a Lurcher type dog rather than Quigley. I am led to believe this from the Police alert sent to me. I do agree with you entirely that Quigley doesn't look like a Lurcher at all! I apologise for any confusion.
So, sorry Claire what are you saying here? That the Lurcher has been mistaken for Quigley or that the Lurcher is something else? Quigley doesn't look much like a Lurcher to me!
Good evening all, I hate to put a dampener on this but I recall a local police alert to me recently that a Lurcher had savaged a sheep and it had to PTS. I live fairly near the Whiteleaf area and we have recently had a couple of new travellers (not sure where from) but they have a young brindle Lurcher who seems to be fond of sheep and it has been reported to the police. In fact the farmer has said that if its seen in his fields again he will shoot it.
Everything crossed that this could be good news.
Oh Wow! Come on Mr Quigs!X
Have been following this beauty on here for ages... fingers crossed today is the day x
I keep coming back for news on Quigley - fingers xx
Millys Mum
Keeping everything crossed 'this end' that this latest sighting is Quigley. Good Luck Team Quigley!
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I check this site so many times in the hope that Quigley has been found & re-united with his loving family. I do hope for some good news soon.
I also check/compare found dogs in as many other sites as I can in the hope I might come across him.
OMG - is there anything we can do Shereen?
Praying this is him.Last edited: 2013-03-03 12:33:21 by Angus
We had a possible sighting of Quigley called in ,in the Whiteleaf area which Team Quigley are Checking out....please, if you are in the area keep your eyes peeled!
Thanks for letting us know M.PERRY ...ill see if I can look into this further...although he was never seen to chase livestock but will see if I can get any more details on this.X
hi team quigley, dont know if this information is of any use,
but in the local paper, The Bucks Free Press,15.02.2013, it said that a dog was seen chasing sheep in the Fawley area. I,m not saying this was Quigley, but was,nt he sighted in this area.
Thank you Caroline28
Holly and Jeff have been in touch with an animal communicator.. If I'm honest I don't think there's anything they haven't tried. But thank you sincerely for the suggestion.

It's lovely that people are still very much aware of Quigley and that people are still looking. Each month we get calls from the vets to update their notice boards and last month we had a call with a possible sighting sadly it was quickly ruled out to be another dog who looked remarkably like Quigley but the great thing is people are still aware and still phone in with the possibles. One day that sighting could be Quigley so if you dont see any posters in your area or at your vets could you please post on here and maybe with your help we'll get that covered.

Kind Regards
Team Quigley xx
I wanted to write something to say that I'm thinking of you all, quigleys family and if course quigley himself. Each milestone must be so hard for you and my heart breaks for you. I hope you don't mind me asking but I wondered if you had used an animal communicator at all? I know of one who comes highly recommended. If you want me to share these details with you please do get in touch. My email address is learbird@hotmail.com. There will be no offence taken if you don't want the details I just thought it might help to share them. Thinking of you all xxxx
Thinking of you as it is about this time last year I got involved with the search for dear Quigley, I still look out and tell people in the hope that one day he will come forward. Hopefully, Holly and Jeff this year will be a happier one for you and some good news will come your way, fingers crossed.
Hi All
It is indeed a sad time on the 1st anniversary of Quigley's loss. I haven't posted for a while here because I think that everything I would have said has already been said by others. I do agree with Owl's comment about Oscar the Sprollie who is running loose somewhere on Bodmin Moor and has been doing so for quite a long time now and much longer than Quigley. I have been looking in on his page and it has certainly given me much hope for Quigley. I am sure if Oscar can do it then so can Quigley. After all he's in similar surroundings to Oscar, open farmland with lots of wooded areas and of course with such places comes plenty of food!
I certainly agree with you Nicky when it comes to those ' dog sitters'. Everytime I think of them I feel such anger inside, not only that they lost Quigley but the fact that they aren't doing a damn thing to help find him !!!! On reflection, I am wondering if fireworks are what frightened Quigley as it was the new year and to add to this perhaps they had been on the grape juice or worse and were in no fit state to realise that if they had let him out then it was odds on that he would have run away!
Still, I guess we will never know but I do hope that they are not 'looking after' anyone elses dog !
I still have 6 posters Nicky which will be enough to do my local area ( I don't like to put too many up) as I think we should keep it subtle and not upset people. I'm hoping to get out and about with them again next week when things are back to normal ( if indeed there is still such a thing called normality in this day and age) and will let you know when I need some more.
I would like to wish everybody a Happy New Year and hope that it will be a Happier New Year for Holly and Jeff and we get some long awaited good news !
Last edited: 2013-01-03 15:22:09 by Ellie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
so many tears
Millys Mum
Like all of Quigley's fans, I LONG for Quigley to be transferred to the Reunited pages. My heart goes out to Holly, Jeff and family. Please show yourself dear Quigley. As Nicky has mentioned, even though I don't know all the 'ins and outs' regarding Quigley's disappearance, I also feel anger and hurt to those people who were entrusted with Quigley's care but, then again, I suppose anger is such a negative thing, that perhaps it is best to stay dignified so that we can just concentrate on raising awareness and getting Quigley back home to his loving family. Come on Quigley - just give us that long awaited little sign so that we know you are safe. Keeping just about EVERYTHING crossed this end... xx
I have no idea why that came up twice and cant delete it either.
Last edited: 2013-01-02 19:18:51 by nicky
I've sat in front of my pc on at least ten different occasions today trying to write something on this page. Words are just coming I can't imagine how Holly and Jeff are feeling on any day let alone today. Can't imagine that pain of one day your baby just not being there any more. Today (as I and many others do every other day) I feel so angry to the people responsible for Quigley being lost. How Holly and Jeff can be so dignified about it I don't know... I couldn't be. Out of respect for them I will keep my mouth shut.

Quigley as your mummy already said follow your star... Let's get you home where you belong.. where you should be with the people that love you.

If anyone wants any posters to remind people he's still out there please contact via email "quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk" or post on here and we will get them to you.

I do believe miracles happen and I truly hope and pray that Quigley will be in the reunited section one day soon and we can all meet this amazing boy!

Holly and Jeff

Feel the love from the UK we haven't forgotten we won't forget and we won't give up on Quigley!!!!

Much love xxx
I've sat in front of my pc on at least ten different occasions today trying to write something on this page. Words are just coming I can't imagine how Holly and Jeff are feeling on any day let alone today. Can't imagine that pain of one day your baby just not being there any more. Today (as I and many others do every other day) I feel so angry to the people responsible for Quigley being lost. How Holly and Jeff can be so dignified about it I don't know... I couldn't be. Out of respect for them I will keep my mouth shut.

Quigley as your mummy already said follow your star... Let's get you home where you belong.. where you should be with the people that love you.

If anyone wants any posters to remind people he's still out there please contact via email "quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk" or post on here and we will get them to you.

I do believe miracles happen and I truly hope and pray that Quigley will be in the reunited section one day soon and we can all meet this amazing boy!

Holly and Jeff

Feel the love from the UK we haven't forgotten we won't forget and we won't give up on Quigley!!!!

Much love xxx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Follow your star my dear Quigley and please get home. I can't believe I have lived without you for a year. Your presence is still so fresh. Thank you everyone for always looking out for my boy. Hurts to much to write anything more right now:( - Holly
we are all still praying that Quigley will be found. As owl says Oscar is still running wild around Bodmin Moor so I'm sure Quigley is doing the same xxx
Team Quigley, just to say I hope your dearest wish comes true............and he is found, soon.
Thinking of you on this anniversary
Wherever you are Quigs - stay safe and well - or better still, come home......xx
Same here Ruth...Praying one day soon that Micro chip will bring him home!.....Wish I could Bump for a sighting and not his one year anniversary of being missing :(
One year on ..... Quigley is not forgotten. I still find myself scanning the fields whenever I'm out walking or just driving around, and will carry on doing so for a long time yet xx
Although I do not post regularly, I have been thinking of you Holly and your family and of course, Quigley. As it is almost a year since he went missing, I hope we can all with renewed vigour alert the public once again that Quigs is still missing - check old posters, put up new ones etc. Hoping and praying he will show himself soon.
Millys Mum
Holly's message made me cry too. I do hope that Quigley is out there somewhere, having fun and thriving in the wild. And if any dog can do it, then Quigley can! Let's hope a renewed Facebook campaign does the trick and brings about that long overdue sighting. Fingers crossed and praying very hard 'this end' that we will receive some good news very soon. Show yourself Quigley just as soon as you like...xx
Dog Wardenstarmutts
I'm sure you have already done this but check in with the chip company as they usualy keep a record if anyone has found him and called in. Also make sure that it will come up in the UK as many chips coming from abroad say not registered.
It seems that Oscar the sprollie in Cornwall is still around and successfully living low-profile in the countryside, so it wouldn't surprise me if Quigley is doing likewise.
There have been a few miracles in the missing dog world in the last few days - I pray for another for Quigley
Im sending Quigleys owners my best wishes and I hope so very much he can be found soon
Will always keep an eye open for Quigley. Hope he's with someone who loves him too right now, but never give up hope.
I went to Oxford Animal sanctuary today to take some things for the dogs,Quigley's poster is still on display there.I think of Quigley every day and still look in fields when driving hoping for a glimpse of him.XxxLast edited: 2012-12-23 01:05:20 by Shereen
Oh how sad that has really got be sobbing I can't possibly imagine the anguish you must have gone through over the last year thinking and wondering about Quigley and are still going through . I am going to put him on facebook again to bring him to the public's notice that your lovely boy is still missing xx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
It is one year ago today that we said goodbye to Quigley, leaving him behind in London to celebrate the Holidays with our family in New York. We thought we would see him two weeks later when we returned to the UK. But, unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. QUIGLEY - It has been a rough year without you and we still miss you and think about you daily. One regret I will always have is that I didn't hold you tightly before I left and say a real "goodbye". I was so frazzled that day. Quigs, if you are still out there - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope you are being treated like the prince that you are and will always be to us, your loving family. And, if you are no longer with us please know that you are with us in spirit and have full representation on our tree. It was nice to come home to all of your ornaments that we packed away and put in storage four years ago. There will always be a "Greenie" in your stocking, buddy.
Quigley's Mum and Dad

Thanks for the support, Ellie and Jo.

I get so sad when I visit this page. It is hard. I wish the Countryman's Weekly Ad had yielded some more leads. I still pray for and think about Quigley, daily.

I am coming up on a year since I last saw Quigley. It still hurts so much and doesn't subside. Thank you for keeping the faith. And, Team Quigley, thank you.

The storm really was very bad. Luckily, we were only out of power. But, today I was helping a family that lost their home. It is so sad to see so many people without homes.

And, there are many displaced animals too.

Chilli is well. I love him:)

Hi Holly
So glad that you are all safe and well. I did think of you all as we watched the horrors unfold on TV and I did worry for your safety. What an awful year you have had!!
We have been out postering. I did do Watlington Hill, Xmas Common , the Icknield Way and Hilltop Lane about 5 weeks ago and I do believe that Shereen checked out these areas and also did Stokenchurch. I believe that posters are still up in the Frieth area and Bledlow Ridge and I postered behind the pub at Bledlow about 3 weeks ago (along the path to the Icknield Way) and the path that leads off to the right and through the fields. I will be checking out these places again and will replace any that have 'gone missing` in the next few weeks. I am happy to do more if Nicky and Shereen think that there are more places to do within my radius, but would do further if there is nobody else to do so!Keep the faith!
Hi Holly, there are still posters up in lewknor local people still talk about Quigley & know that he has not yet been found. When out for walks we still keep one eye on our dogs and the other hoping to see Quigley!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your continued support. We were without power this past two weeks but I did manage to place Quigley's advert in Countryman's Weekly before losing it. We lived with family and friends the entire time so we certainly did not rough it. But, there has been so much devestation in our area, it is shocking.

How is Quigley's profile in the areas where he was lost? Originally sighted? Feedback? Are there still posters, etc?


Thank you for sharing Quigley on your facebook pages....

Lorna.Milton thank you for the offer of the trap we have access to one and was in use in the early days when we had regular sightings of Quigley. Wonderful to hear success stories of dogs being reunited with their owners.. And one day we hope our boy Quigley will be one of them!!! Keep the faith!
We have a friendly dog trap if you need to borrow, providing you get regular sightings. We really know how you feel as over the past month two of our ex foster dogs ran off. But we caught them with help. See Pongo on dogs reunighted. Ring 07843 263441 if you want support
Posted on my FB page too. Come on Quigley stay safe but be seen xx
I've also put him back on facebook to see if it helps find him xx
Berties Family
put him back onto my facebook - Quidgley where are you?????
Bumping Quigleys page due to him being in Countrymans Weekly today.hope it brings Luck for dear Quigley.Xxx
Wer thinking of you.X...when Nicky said what your doing I wasnt surprised at all!...Hope the country mans Weekly Ad brings you good news...this is for the 7th and will bump Quigleys page then....Thinking of you all...Take care,and Be safe.XXX
Most people in the States under threat of the hurrican heading their way would be boarding up windows stocking up cupboards... I've just had a call from Holly and Only Holly and Jeff would be ensuring their advert for the Countryman's weekly goes through and gets sorted before they loose power.

Stay safe you're in our prayers and our thoughts and we hope this blows into nothing. To everyone out there we're praying for you and your families!!!!!

Much love and get in touch when you can let us know you're ok.

Jared it was lovely talking to you ... I miss you too gorgeous boy and your beautiful sister!!!

We love you guys take care!!
Team Quigley!!!!!! xxxxxx
Copied from Quigley's facebook page:

Just to let you all know, we put Quigley's missing ad on the website: dragondriving.co.uk

I also plan to place an advert in countryman's weekly since hunting season has begun.

Never give up:)
from Holly

Ellie good idea I'll send some in to them and if anyone can think of any of the big estates where they're likely to have the shoots please give me names and if possible addresses and we'll send them some also please could this be done via quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk for reasons which I wont go into on here!!!

We will never give up hope Holly!!!
I was just wondering if anyone has ever sent a poster to the Dashwood Estate? It is in West Wycombe and does cover something like 5000 acres or more ! If not perhaps we could drop one in the post to them. Could we confer ?
Bledlow Ridge is my area - most of the posters are still up, so that can be crossed off the list :)
Hi Nicky
Many thanks for your kind words but I would just like to say that I am egged on by the very thought that if I lost one of my beloved dogs then I know just how hesrt broken and distressed I would feel. I would just like to reiterate what has been said here before that this lovely family lost their beloved Quigley through no fault of their own and I am sure that other dog owners would know exactly how they would feel if they were in the same position. So therefore I would just like to ask all those dog owners and walkers to please make the most of these lovely autumnal days and help out with some postering where they can. We need to rally the troops to find Quigley and we need as much help as we can.
The lovely people of the Forest of Dean rose to the occasion in our hour of need and Quigley wasn't even lost on their patch, so I am sure that the lovely people of Bucks and Oxon can also rise to this very important task. A lovely family are heartbroken over their missing Quigley including two lovely little children who pine every night for their beloved Quigley. Come on you lovely people let's get this show back on the road once and for all so that we can put closure to the elusive Quigley. Could I also please ask those people who take down the Lost Dog posters to put yourselves in the shoes of the desperate people that are searching for their beloved pets. How would you be feeling in the same situation ? Come on now, help us out and turn a blind eye to them. It really isn't too much to ask, is it ?

Do you need posters as we are using new ones with a different design! Mail us your address and we'll send you some. Thank you for re-postering Team Quigley


As always the star you are!!!! xxLast edited: 2012-10-14 08:44:30 by nicky
Hi Holly, just to let you know I am always on the look out and tell as many people as I can. Posters are taken down, we'll in my area to Gt Missenden, anyway, but I will put some more up. Hope you are all well.
Hi Shereen
I can do Chinnor ie The Icknield Way ( again) I did it a couple of weeks ago but will check it out . Also Bledlow although I'm not sure about Bledlow Ridge as I don't know where the most popular places are that dog walkers are likley to go.I did do Hill Top Lane a couple of weeks ago though. I also put a couple of leaflets up Watlington Hill, Aston Hill Reserve , Aston Rowant Reserve and Christmas Commom. However it is probably a good idea to check it out again if you are in those areas as we know that people tend to remove them ! Good news about Hambledon etc as they are quite a way from me. Please are there any others out there that can help out ?
Hi Ellie

these three still have posters

ill do...
Christmas common

so we need...
Kingston Blount
Bledlow Ridge
Prices Risborough
Great Missingdon
High Wycombe
West Wycombe

if anyone can help ,please post an area here...

If you need posters please Email ...


Thank You
Hi All,
I think we need our dog walkers in the local area to keep an extra eye out for Quigley. Areas like Great Missendon, Aylesbury, Princes Risborough, Bledlow and Bledlow Ridge, Chinnor, Stokenchursh, Kingston Blount, Christmas Common, Watlington, Ibstone and High Wycombe. Also Hambledon. Fingest and Frieth and any areas where he has been previously sighted, including the small villages that I might have overlooked. It would also be very helpful if they could put a poster or two up in these places if there isn't already one there !
Come on Quigley we're all rooting for you. Please show yourself soon !!Last edited: 2012-10-09 12:33:44 by Ellie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to drop by and say hi and thank you for still postering. I still miss Quigley more than words can describe. Lately, I find it painful to come on his page. Tonight I got the courage. So, thanks for thinking of us and him.

Hi Everyone
Just to ask if it's possible for people to put a poster of Quigley in their car! I have a poster in mine and I do get asked by various people that see it about Quigley. Some are surprised that he still hasn't been found and I've often caught people reading in when I've been parked up when shopping etc . It certainly does help to let people know that he is still missing and keep him in their mind !
Jan.Petsearchuk regardless to where you live what you do to help in Quigley's search is amazing!!! Thank you
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I only wish I lived nearer and could do more than keep informing people via the internet that he is still missing.
Hi Jan
The new posters do still have 'still missing' on them although they are not dated. If we still keep up with repostering them hopefully people will understand that Quigley IS still missing! We just need some people to do some repostering !
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
When repostering, would it be a good idea to put ''STILL MISSING'' and the present date?...otherwise some folk may think it is old and ignore it!
Thank you for putting up new posters Ellie! Re-postering needs to be done all over but as you know this takes time so if anyone is willing to receive some posters and put them up in their local area that would be awesome... So if you could either contact us via Quigley's hotmail or even mention it on here and say which area you can poster that would be great even just one or two would be such a great help!

Team Quigley
Hi Team Quigley
While out this week postering I noticed that there were no posters of Quigley or Teddy in the places where I would have expected to find them. In fact I only found one of Quigley. I can only guess that somebody has been busy taking them down.
I was subtle with where I put Quigley's posters, not wanting to upset anybody, but at the same time a bit concerned that there were hardly any around.
I think that perhaps we should start putting some more up not only locally but other places like Fingest, Hambleden and perhaps the otherside towards Aylesbury, Princes Risbor' etc.
Thank you Ellie :) x
Hi Nicky
Yes fine. Will let you know when I need some more. Thanks
Ellie are you still ok for posters? Please let me know if you need any more x

Should anyone require posters please get in touch and we'll get some to you

Many thanks
Team Quigley x
Will do. I have my niece from Oz staying at the moment but she is going home on Monday so will get back down to postering "
please can anyone who can,and have put any up, make sure Quigleys posters are still up and maybe print a few off and have them in their cars to put up anywhere that dont have them anymore?
I can understand exactly how you feel Nicky. I remember seeing the picture of lovely little Olivia sitting on the sofa with her' big brother' Quigley in the Thame Gazette. I was drawn to the article by that lovely picture. As a mother of four I instantly recognised the look on both their faces and I just had to read the heartbreaking article and I have been hooked ever since !
It was one of those moments when you just wish there was such a thing as a magic wand but in reality you know that it's going to take time and a lot of input from others to bring this to a happy conclusion.
The people that visit this site are all heroes,from those that poster and search, even those that just visit to offer their good wishes. Even more important they are all strangers that have been touched by this families plight and just want to help get Quigley back.
So come on Quigley please show your face so that we can get you home to Holly and of course lovely little Olivia.
Hi Nicky, with comments like that I really should stop checking this site at work - it doesn't take much to bring a tear to my eye! I'm sure there are loads of people still looking and hoping that Quigley will come home soon. I think Team Quigley are amazing and with such support hopefully Quigley will be found soon.Last edited: 2012-09-13 12:32:29 by Julie
Hi Crowthers

As you said with the crops being cut now we should all keep our fingers crossed for some sightings... This boy has been hiding for too long. Come on Quigley and show yourself lets get you home.

I had a call from Holly and Olivia (her daughter) came on the phone and asked "have we found Quigley yet?" THE most breakbreaking question I have ever been asked.. all I could say with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes was "Not yet darling but we are all still looking" So I ask for everyone for the family out there waiting for this boy... Please keep yours eyes open.

For the people that follow this page.. for the people that go out looking... for the people that put up the posters.. keep the faith and that faith.. love and support WILL GET HIM HOME!!!!!

Team Quigley xxx
With all the corn and crop fields being cut I would hope that there might soon be more sightings as there are fewer places to hide. I have been looking over north of bledlow recently as there is plenty of water which must be essential in this hot weather, also the last two sightings have been north of the icknield way. What do others think?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks Shereen:)
Thank you Shereen... You truly are one in a million!!!!! x
Its Henley Show today...ill go down there and put some posters on the entrance and exits....hopefully Thousands of people will see them.
Waytogo Holly!!!!

Hi Wensmum

Thank you :))

Hi Karen
Great advice in not revealing too much information on here. I think we all need reminding that not everyone is sincere. The Wormsley Estate were very aware of Quigley when he first went missing but it would be great idea for us to contact them again.. with the shooting season starting up it might help flush Quigley out of hiding and we might get more sightings. Fingers crossed!!! Thank you for that great suggestion!!!!

Team Quigley xxLast edited: 2012-09-06 13:42:58 by nicky
thank you so much wensmum,the veterinary record and Holly and of course Team Quigley we are all waiting for that all important call, for his next sighting fingers crossed.xx
The Veterinary Record guy who was sorting the ads out reduced the cost yet again, so Holly, who had already paid for Quigley's ad, asked for the balance to be donated to doglost on Quigley's behalf, so I have just done this.

Team Quigley - you are great!
I have followed Quigley from when he first unfortunately went missing, all around the Watlington hill and Turville valley postering. Being local I regularly walk the area at Watlington and Christmas common and most people are aware of Quigley and for those who aren't I speak to and give a print out. Also most of the estates will now be preparing for the shooting season to start, so the pens and feeding stations will be put out in the woods I don't want to impose but has Wormsley estate been asked to look out? My next part of this message is for safety for everyone who posts and walks the area for those who are not local, there are some unpleasant people in the area trying to steal dogs off people whilst walking them; so I urge people please, try not to put too much personal information on here about themselves as this site is so open for all to see and sadly not always the sincere ones. Karen.
We have had these lulls before with Quigley and then he does seem to pop up again and we then seem to get a few sightings of him together. I must say that he is in a very rural area where there are lots of woods, shrubs etc for him to hide in.
We do need our dog walking friends in that area Frieth, Fingest, Christmas Common and Watlington, to keep their eyes peeled.
Come on Quigley show your lovely face, so that we can get you home to mum and dad !
I have to take one of my dogs to the vets on Monday so will check that there are still posters up there, if not will give them one. Every little helps !!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I wish we would get a sighting. Haven't had much time to think lately which is probably a good thing. Miss him.

I've been remiss with the blog:( Any ideas for topics to cover as I get back into writing it this week?

So nice to hear a update from Quigley's mum and dad...so pleased you are all settling in over the pond, I to think you will be reunited with your lad, hopefully soon...I'm always checking in on the page to see if there are any updates...fingers crossed oneday soon there will be the one...can't wait to see it...take care both of you and Chilli too xxx
I wanted to relate a little story about how one dog site degenerated into negative energy and that is the reason why I want to us all to maintain positive energy and focus on finding Quigley. I certainly don't condone what this pet sitter did and understand we are all a little nervous about using pet sitters now. Quite a few years ago (1999), I lost my beautiful Collie/Springer spaniel through ill health (around 16 years) and was devastated. I cried for days and days and eventually went to seek a Pet Bereavement Site on the net. We had not long had a computer and Bereavement Sites and "Trolls" were not really heard of - at least I had not heard of them. I could not find a British site (I believe they exist now) and managed to find one Pet Bereavement site in America (a genuine one). What followed was devastating to me - there were a couple of genuine souls who offered comfort and advice - this was then followed by days of a tirade of abuse from what we now know as "trolls" (including swear words) - this went on for days until I withdrew from the site. I could not believe how people could be so unkind - it was so hurtful even though it could not be personal as people did not know me or Beau. Forgive me then if I am a little over sensitive to any negative comments (and nothing on this site compares to the above. I have never really forgotten about that experience and felt sorry for the site that was "invaded" by unwelcome guests. Here's to Beau and all the deceased dogs. Now we must concentrate on the living, especially Quigley and all those other missing dogs! Please feel free to moderate if need be.
Hi Nicky
That's fine with me , will speak to you later.
Hi Ellie

I personally think we should consider re postering but maybe one or two in the local areas. As we know posters get taken down but it is the easiest way of letting people know and reminding people that Quigley is still missing. If you're happy with helping re poster Ellie I'll ring you tonight and maybe we could meet up and I'll sort you out with some posters.

If anyone else can help with re postering even if its just one or two in your area please contact us via quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk and we'll arrange to send you some posters.


Team Quigley
Hi Nicky and Shereen
I walked my 'terrors' up at Chinnor Hill a couple of days ago and noticed that there wasn't any Quigley posters. I was wondering , are we now only postering in the places where he has been seen ie. Fingest , Frieth and the Christmas Common area ?
Are you working on the knowledge that most people in the Chinnor and other areas are all aware of Quigley so it might not be worth postering in these places, bearing in mind that the posters do seem to upset some people !
If not I could always put one up there again ! What do you think ?
Hi Holly and Jeff, How lovely to hear from you and to know that you are all settling in well in your new home in New Jersey. Your garden sounds wonderful and I am sure that Chilli is having an amazing life , thanks to your kindness and obvious devotion to ALL your family !
Everybody is still working hard at finding Dear Quigley and I do so wish that your dream will be fulfilled much sooner rather than later. It would be so wonderful if Chilli could meet his big 'brother' and play together in that wonderful garden !
Trish at K9 Dreams
I really do not want to upset or add to Quigley's Mum & Dads distress, and I am fully aware that the focus of this site is to find Quigley, but I feel I must respond to some of the comments made by Ellie and Jan. I run a small home dog boarding buisness in Fleet, Hampshire. I am licenced by the local council and insured to walk 6 dogs at any one time (I tend to walk 2 at a time,I feel its safer for me and the dogs !!) My clients sign a consent to allow me to walk thier dog off lead. If they have consented for the dog to be off lead, then I take the dog for a trial walk, in a safe area, on a long line.
I have to say, that these days of 5 & 10 meter lines, flexi leads, haltis and k9 bridles, there is usually a lead for everyone.
Like you, I would be devestated if one of the dogs entrusted to me was lost and, again, like you, I would be out searching everywhere with everyone else......maybe this particular pet sitter is out looking and you just don't know.

Like I said, I really don't want to cause any more grief or upset to Quigley's family. I guess the point I am trying to get across, is that not all dog boarders/walkers are bad...there are plenty of honest, caring sitters around. Again, sorry if my comments offend anyone. Please feel free to modify if necessary.
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I do so wish he would give himself up now for you Holly, I can only imagine what you've gone through over the past months, I will keep searching websites for lookalikes...come Quigley show yourself, give yourself up to those who love you!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the bump. I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Life has been exhausting and full.

Just to let everyone know that we are well and still very much settling into our new lives in New Jersey. We received all of our belongings from our London home last Friday. I'm still unpacking:)

Chilli is very excited by our back garden. It is full of rabbits, chipmunks and squirrels all of which he is dying to catch. But, since we have been wounded so much already by the escape of our beloved Quigley, we are taking every precaution possible to keep Chilli contained. In addition to a full chain link fence, we have also installed an invisible fence so we can relax when Chilli plays in the garden.

I would like to say that I am thankful because Doglost has been an amazing resource and help for us since this past January when Quigley went missing. You have all been a source of support and inspiration. I don't know what I would have done without you.

It has always been our intention to make finding Quigley our number one priority. We put so much of our time, soul and money into finding him that it still shocks and saddens us that the situation exists. I would hate for this forum to degrade into anything else but a positive place for people to obtain information about Quigley's search.

It has been a long hard road for us. We have had to deal with some very emotional issues pertaining to trust, intense anger and deep-seeded guilt all surrounding Quigley and the fact that he was lost by someone else who claimed to be a pet sitter. We have chosen in general to be private about all of this in the past so as not to detract from the most important issue which is finding Quigley.

However, I understand that some people in the area might be concerned about their own pets. If anyone has questions about the situation or pet sitter, I would be happy to answer your questions if you message me privately on Quigley's facebook page.

For now, I will choose not to expand upon this discussion so as to keep it clear of any negative energy that can detract from the issue at hand.

Ellie, Nicky, Followers, Team Quigley - I thank you all for defending us and putting in so much time and effort and emotions of you own. I love you all.

I firmly believe that one day I will be re-united with my beloved Quigley. I will hug him so tightly. I will tell him that I looked so hard for him. He will tell me how it all happened and how scared he was. I will know from looking into his eyes all that he endured. Whether I am with Quigley again very soon through your efforts and hard work or whether it is on the day far, far away (I hope) when I go to heaven. I will be so happy to see him again. Words cannot describe the happiness I will feel when the longing I have to see him is fulfilled.

Good night for now.


Concerned at some of the comments on here - It's not that Murvi - or anyone else - isn't interested in hearing about the person/s responsible for losing Quigley - and I don't feel it's anything to do with standing up for justice. This can be sought when Quigley is home. I do realise how frustrating lack of action/news/sightings can be and that feelings are running high but I don't feel that these comments would encourage some (other)people to assist in Quigley's search - and I don't feel that they give a very good impression of the people who assist on Doglost throughout the UK and further afield to newcomers to dog search and rescue. There are other sites where such feelings may be discussed and comments made. Sorry if this upsets you - mods please remove if you wish. Last edited: 2012-08-25 22:16:51 by jobadger
Thank you Sue...Praying this brings us more news of Dearest Quigley.Xxx
Thank you Sue...Praying this brings us more news of Dearest Quigley.Xxx
Quigley is in the Veterinary Record
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
Murvi, If I or anyone else could find Quigley no one would be more pleased than I would...that is why I do petsearch! However I would also want to know about sitters, boarding kennels etc. who seem to be incapable of keeping a dog safe....accidents happen, I know that, but letting someone elses dog off it's lead isn't an accident. It should never happen. That's all I have to say, I will keep checking websites and crossposting Quigleys description as much as possible, unfortunately I am unable to physically help in searching for him or I would be there, believe me.
Hi Nicky
Many thanks for your kind words and support on the subject of the 'dog sitter'. Also thanks to Jan.
You have answered in a way that covers everything that I would have said myself.
Thank goodness there are still some of us out there trying to stand up for justice.
I've said all that I am going to say on the subject of the 'sitters'. They obviously do not intend on helping out so we are going to have to move on without them. The one thing that murvi has said that makes sense is that Quigley is the most important thing now and we will all still be focusing on him.
Sorry to say Murvi although you might not be interested in hearing about the person or people responsible for losing Quigley but I think many many people are. We can all make mistakes we can all make Big mistakes but its our actions after the making that can have a huge impact. On this occasion there was a massive mistake made but the people responsible could have acted so differently. Maybe at the beginning they were out there looking but sure as hell are NOT out there now.

People are interested as they want to make sure that they do not send their beloved pet to those that lost Quigley whoever they may be. If someone lost one of my dogs I would like to think they was doing as much if not more than myself to get them back but this hasn't been the case and this is the point that Ellie is making.

I would think that if the dog boarders responsible had any kind of bad feeling about this situation they would be still out there every day doing something.

Ellie has given and is still giving so much support to Holly, Jeff and The Team I think she is entitled to make her feelings known on this page. And people do actually want to hear it.

On a lighter note The One Show would be great if you know of any contacts that could get Quigley's story told that would be great Silver

I agree with Murvi - we need to keep our eye on the ball for Quigley and negative comments don't help. It is frustrating that someone let him off the lead, but they are probably feeling bad about it and maybe will never forgive themselves. What they did was wrong and I understand people feel angry, but we should move on and support Holly and her family and bring Quigley home! I know there was an item on "This Morning" - I wondered about "The One Show" which has many viewers nationwide and this is quite an unusual missing dog story. Someone somewhere may just have spotted him.
Ellie an Jan,I think it's more important to find Quigley than to be accusing anyone of who's to blame. I'm sure others will agree with me,we are not interested in hearing it.
Comment awaiting moderation
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
Same here Ellie, I would be so upset and concerned..(I'd never sleep!!) I'd be out looking all the while...it's the least that dog sitter can do to search and show some interest, he/she obviously isn't a dog sitter because he/she loves dogs...just money!.
Hi Jan
If the 'dog sitter' hasn't read this then they should be ashamed of themselves. If I had been stupid enough to have lost a dog under such circumstances then I would be on this site everyday wondering what I could do to help out ! Equally, if they have been on the site and read this, then they should also be ashamed of themselves for not having the backbone to respond.
I don't think that we should tar all dog sitters with the same brush as I am sure that many of them are responsible, dog lovers who just want to do a job that they enjoy, but sadly there are ones like this that are just in it for the money and just want to do the least that they can to get it !
I think that after poor Holly and Jeffs BAD experience with this COWBOY, one has got to be very careful now just who we are trusting with our beloved pets and make sure that we vet them carefully beforehand.
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I wonder if the so called ''dog sitters'' ever read this and know what other people have done to help Quigley and his owners....they don't deserve to ever ''walk'' a dog again. It always amazes me when I see on TV ''dog sitters'' out with numerous dogs which they obviously can't control, and then let some off lead. I'd never leave one in charge of my dogs..ever!
Hi Jan
We certainly know 100% that he/she lost Quigley ! This person was 'sitting' Quigley whilst Holly Jeff and family were on holiday ! They are so-called 'professional' pet sitters, taking money for 'looking after' peoples beloved pets ! They then took Quigley off his lead and surprise surprise , he ran off ! You couldn't make it up !!
I'm aware that mistakes happen, but like you say, if you were in this position then you WOULDN'T take any chances !
Then to add insult to injury they seem to have 'washed their hands' with the whole incident, and are somewhere skulking around Christmas Common where Quigley has recently been seen , yet can't be arsed to go out and look for him !
They can't even be bothered to come on the site and state their case and make some offers !
I wonder if their future customers are aware of this persons lack of professionalism and nonchalant, couldn't give a monkeys attitude to their stupid actions ???Last edited: 2012-08-20 13:52:35 by Ellie
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I presume we know 100% for certain that he/she did lose Quigley?.....I'm thinking about the recent scenario of the Chihuahua stolen from a dog show and then sold on for CASH!!!fortunately the owner has her back now...stranger things have happened. I had assumed, obviously wrongly, that he/she was helping in the search and even more keen on getting him back than anyone else (apart form his devoted owners of course). I have looked after other peoples dogs and can't imagine ever letting one off it's lead no matter how well it knew me...it just shouldn't be done, it isn't worth the risk.
Oh Dear ! I'm now wondering if our loser has not only lost Quigley and their tongue, but their backbone too ! What a state of affairs ! Never mind, perhaps I can at least help them find their tongue.
If I had been entrusted with a families beloved dog as a 'sitter' which I am sure pays very well, then bearing in mind that I would be a stranger to the dog and that the dog is in strange surroundings and is going on strange walks, also bearing in mind that in this case the dog was of a nervous nature then the VERY LAST thing that I would have done would have been to take this disorientated dog off of his lead !!!!!!! However, if in the unlikely case that I had been stupid enough to have done this, then I would have at least taken the responsibility to get off my lazy arse and go out and help find him. Especially if he was out there on my doorstep ! Now I realise that you are obviously not the brightest light in Watlington and it's surrounding villages, but at least, one of Will Shakespeares 'HALF WITS' would have been able to help find a dog !!!
So, whoever you are, how about trying to get your brain along with your legs into gear and help put the joy back into the family that you have so clearly destroyed !!!!
Last edited: 2012-08-19 13:45:34 by Ellie
As Quigley was last seen between Watlington and Christmas Common, is it possible that he was making his way back to the sitters house where he was staying ? I think it is quite possible that he would recognise where he was. Is the person that lost him looking out for him too ? I don't remember reading any info on this site as to whether he/she was looking out for him, but I think that under the circumstances this person ought to be helping us out at least in the Watlington and Christmas Common area. Perhaps they could let us know ? Unless of course they've lost their tongue too !
just to reiterate the FOD helpers have been amazing , in their search , Helen and co would have left no stone unturned in the search . Thank you !!Im so proud they are on my patch
Hi All

Just to keep you all up to speed...

The possible sightings of Quigley in the Forest of Dean have been ruled out. The amazing volunteers have worked so hard in getting to the bottom of each sighting and sadly we've come to the conclusion it's not Quigley. As a few possible Quigley look-a-likes have turned up in the areas of the sightings.

So (even though we never stopped) the search is on in the areas of Frieth/Fingest/Watlington as this is where Quigley's last few sightings have been.

Please continue to keep your eyes open and phone in ANY possibles.

Many Thanks again to you All and special thanks to the FOD Volunteers!!!!

Much Love

Team Quigley xx
That's great Jan.Petsearchuk people can help in all sorts of ways without living local and you doing what you're doing IS such a great help. Thank You!!!!
Team Quigley xxLast edited: 2012-08-11 22:26:02 by nicky
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
Although I can't physically go out and look for Quigley, I live too far away, I check through many dog rescue kennels for descriptions of found dogs who remotely look like his description. I do hope he will let himself be found, surely he's enjoyed enough freedom by now!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I am overwhelmed with gratitude for everyone's efforts. Thank you.

We have had a couple more possible sightings in the Forest of Dean area so PLEASE if there is anyone who can help poster please contact us via quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk and we will put you in touch with the volunteers who are working so hard to get this massive area covered. Anyone in the Ross-On-Wye or surrounding areas areas to the Forest please help us. Lets get this boy home... Thank you
Team Quigley xx
Hi Falco
Have replied to your mail many thanks xx
Hullo, I spoke to you Holly briefly the other day from the forest of dean. have been putting up posters of Quigley, with other doing the same in the area. the newspaper article in the Review in FOD is front page. I sent an email to Nicky with 2 websites of holiday campsites and caravan parks. Can u go onto those 2 websites and see if any of them in the Forest of Dean remind you of the name of the holiday place where the sighting was on the 2n July. Someone saw a woman twice at a holiday place in the Forest of Dean with a dog she identified as Quigley. One website is UKcampsite.co.uk-click on Gloucestershire and they are listed. Another website is lovecamping.co.uk . Please see if any of the names of these Holiday places reminds you of the name given by the person calling with the sighting of Quigley in July. thanks.Last edited: 2012-08-09 19:13:24 by falco
Hi All

A massive Thank you to the team in the Forest of Dean for getting so many posters up in the area so quickly.. Hearing from Shereen last night it was mammoth task due to the size of the area so sincere Thanks to all the Volunteers.

Ellie they're havent been any more sightings as of yet in the Watlington area since 24/07 but we're still searching the area and scenting as we go. All we can do is continue to spread the word and ask people to keep their eyes open in all areas.

Many Thanks for you using Quigley's hotmail its a great way to get in touch with us with your ideas and requests for posters or flyers as this allows the doglost site to be used for the correct purpose for important information and sighting details. quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk

Many Thanks Team Quigley xxLast edited: 2012-08-09 13:12:05 by nicky
Hi All, Just been catching up with the activities on Quigleys site and am amazed that he might be in FOD ! Has there been anymore sightings in Watlington area ?
Nice to hear that Holly and Jeff are safely home and sorting things out. What a mammoth task !
Do we know the distance from Watlington to FoD ? It must be quite a way and I'm beginning to think that Quigley should be in the Olympics ! :)
Better get on with some unpacking as I'm back at work tomorrow :(
Quigley's Mum and Dad

my newest blog post on "Theft by Finding"
Thanks to our DL Helpers in the FOD for moving so quickly on this!..x
Ahhhhh Thank you Holly cant wait!!!! yuk... All jokes aside will be great scenting..

Yes Jansus this is the second sighting from area and some volunteers are there putting up posters and searching the area around this new sighting.. The previous one was in a holiday camp where the dog was on lead.. This sighting has been called in saying the dog was on his own but with Doglost covering all areas volunteers have been called in quickly. Thank you... Team Quigley xx
Yes - have found the post on 2/7 there was a possible sighting GL15 - which is very close to Coleford forest of dean - the report there was that the dog was being walked. I am sure there is a Cycle hire place near by that will probably be busy for the summer holidays - so would worth sending or dropping in posters to them or other tourist places . You never know.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

We have arrived safely in New Jersey!!! The amount of work we have ahead of us is, well, exhausting.

I want to say THANK YOUall so much for continuing to search for my baby boy and for remaining so concerned. This is so much more than I could ever ask for. I can't believe you are all checking so thoroughly as far away as Coleford. Thank you.

Sarah - that is a wonderful idea about posters. If you email Nicky, with your address, she can send you as many as you need. I have used this method in the past to get Quigley's poster to vets and it worked wonderfully. The posters are very good quality with a story about Quigley's situation and disappearance on the back. I have left Nicky postage and enevelopes so she can get these to you. Please just let her know how many you will need. email quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk

Also, if anyone in Coleford needs smaller leaflets to hand out to dog walkers on footpaths in the Forest of Dean, please let Nicky know and she can send those. quigleymissingdog.co.uk

One another note, we did get our storage unit contents shipped yesterday. This unit contains items that we put in storage before we moved to the UK 4 years ago. Guess what, the hoover was still full of dust!!!! Nicky, it is coming your way!!

xo, Holly
Fingers crossed that Quigley's new helpers in the Forest of Dean get more news of him today ......... I'm sure I speak for the rest of Team Quigley when I say that we would be over there like a shot if we could be. We may not be there in body but we are with you in spirit xx
Thank you Angus and Mollychops we have everything crossed... Good Luck..Team Quigley xxLast edited: 2012-08-02 10:34:56 by nicky
Thanks Angus x two lovely FOD helpers are going to be out today spreading the word.
we have created a new poster for the possible Coleford sighting - if you can help wiht posters please email to admin@doglost.co.uk just put QUIGLEY COLEFORD in the header and we will send on to you
HI Sarah,

yes please anything which gets the word out into a target area is great - I used to do this myself with ebay sales from our shop and it does work in terms of getting the poster noticed in a different way.
I dont want to speak for doglost and I am sure they will come back to you - but I have slowly been sending out posters to things like rambling clubs and local hunts - so I am sure they will think that all publicity helps.

Regarding the sighting - was there not one before in Gloucester ? I seem to remember checking the area out on a map and there was a cycle park near by.I will have a look through the posts.
Apologies for posting this here but didn't know where it should go. Been following Doglost (and Quigley of course) for a while now and wanted to do something to help. I'm selling a lot of stuff through Ebay atm and quite regually dispatch five or six parcels a week that tend to go all over the country. My thought was simply that if it's ok from DogLosts point of view I could add a poster in the package with a dog that is relavent to that area that the parcel is going too. So if it's going to Gloucestershire could put one in for Quigley or Brooke for Lancs etc. Just want to know it's ok from Doglosts point of view before I start. No Ebay this week because we are on holiday from the weekend but could start when I come back...
Kind regards and keep up the good work x
SIGHTING CALLED IN TONIGHT. Asking for people to keep their eyes open in Coleford Gloucestershire. A man saw a dog looking very much like Quigley between Coleford and Staunton just before the quarry.. the dog ran off in the direction of the forest. The sighter had seen a poster in the local pet shop and called it in.. Many Thanks Team Quigley xxLast edited: 2012-08-02 10:19:11 by nicky
Good luck team Quigley xxx Tays mum.
Thank you Jansus that would be really helpful :) Happy Holiday Ellie :) Silver you can contact us via Quigley's hotmail that way you dont have to post any numbers on here. quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk
Last edited: 2012-07-29 22:13:13 by nicky
I live in Loudwater and would be very happy to help when I can. How can I pass my phone number to Team Quigley to make contact?
Hi Team Quigley I am away in Wales this week but will be intouch when I get back. Well done to all concerned things are certainly looking promising and hope for some good news when I get back ! xx
I will re-post on facebook as a lot of my contacts live in that area .
Hi All.. The Team met with the lady who called in the recent sighting and we're hopeful that this could be Quigley but as with all sighting they're never 100% certain. There area fits and its near to where he went missing and close enough to Freith and Fingest.. We've put up some new posters in the Watlington area but have to careful not to annoy the locals as they will just take them down. We'll be working round to getting new posters up in all in local villages but this takes time so if anyone is interested in helping with postering please email us and we'll get some posters sent out quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk. Holly has left plenty of items for scenting and lots of hoover dust so although they are making their way back home it will smell like they are still here :) The Oxfordshire animal sanctuary are aware of Quigley and only a few weeks ago Holly was in contact with them as there was a dog seen on their website with similar markings to Quigley but thank you Jan.Petsearchuk if you can think of anywhere else we might have missed please keep the suggestions coming.... The time has come to get this boy home!!! MANY THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT ... Team Quigley xxx
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I wonder if anyone is checking this website?http://www.oxfordshireanimalsanctuary.org.uk/
is there any news about the possible sighting?
hoping for good news- I am not far from Watlington so waiting for any information you have.
Nadine Widdows
Hi all... I am based locally in Sonning Common so please call me for the next search activity... I will be very happy to help. I will text you my number in a moment. Nadine x
Hoping this is Quigley would be fantastic before you go to get him back, let me know if I can help in any way.
An excellent article on petside.com Holly ! Also your blog on facebook . I'm not very au fait with facebook so haven't done as much as I'd hoped. Also most of my 'friends' are abroad or a long way away so couldn't really 'share' as many as I would have hoped. However they are both extremely well written and I'm sure will help other poor souls in your situation. I did notice that they put that you had two daughters and I'm sure you have one of each ! Don't let your little lad know else he might be embarrassed !!! :) xx
Come on Quigley you have to slow down and be seen again x
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi All,

thanks for the well wishes, Ellie!

Shereen- can Nicky use the posters she has or should I still do a new "recently sighted" one? Had trouble with computer today.

Also, I'm happy to report that Quigs has gotten dome more publicity while also spreading helpful tips to others with missing dogs. Makes me happy. Take a look: http://www.petside.com/article/missing-dog-what-do

TBH it doesnt really matter about the sighting being a week old it will give us more insite to his route...slowly slowly catchy monkey as the saying goes!

we will be putting more posters in the area but have to place them carefully as some residents dont like them flooded everywhere,this will all be done tomorrow.
I hope this is the boy too - perhaps the person who rang had only just seen a poster or had been away..... hopefully he's still in the area. x
Fingers and Paws crossed xxx
I so hope that this was Quigley! I live in Lewknor some of the posters are still up but I will print off more and replace the damaged / missing ones, also there is still a big poster at the cross road up hill road. Last edited: 2012-07-25 13:47:55 by jo
Fingers crossed it was Quigley. I was out that way last week and I didn't see any posters. Are there any plans to put some more up in the area?
Fingers crossed it was Quigley. I was out that way last week and I didn't see any posters. Are there any plans to put some more up in the area?
This is brilliant news, but can I be cheeky and ask why it has taken aweek to report it. From what we know of Quigley he could have moved on another 10 miles since then !
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
That is great news, I do so hope it is him. Is it far from where he originally went missing?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Ooooh....fingers crossed...
Comment awaiting moderation
Hi Holly and Jeff
So sorry that you are leaving. My heart goes out to you all and I know that we will miss you ! I do hope that you have a safe journey home and that everything runs smoothly for you .There are lots of people that are ready and willing to track down Quigley for as long as it takes and as you say he is in the very capable hands of Team Quigley !
I would like to wish you all the very best wishes for the future and I am of course including Quigley when I say that !!
God bless you all and take good care of yourselves !
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

We are packing up this week. Luckily things are very stressful and I don't have too much time to think about leaving Quigley here in England. It is so tough when I do get the moment.

I promise I will always remain active in looking for Quigley from afar. I have been blessed with the amazing helpers who have come to be known as "Team Quigley". Thank you all for your involvement and interest in re-uniting a very special dog with his family.

If I am sparse in the coming weeks, please remember it is not for lack of interest. I'm just trying to juggle getting my life up and running with this move back to the USA.

xo, Holly
Has there been a possible sighting in the Launton area?
A poster has been sent to the local Post Office in Launton. Team Quigley x Last edited: 2012-07-16 21:15:36 by nicky

Please email quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk if you can help with this so we can get some of his latest posters to you .Thank You
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Please take a look at my newest blog on "Missing Posters". Let me know if you have any other thoughts. Please pass it on.



We will most certainly continue to look for Quigley. I am cutting down on my working hours soon so hopefully will have more time to spend to do more.
Poor Chilli, that reminds me of my Primary School days when I would come home, armed with a descant recorder and a violin, eagerly looking forward to practising. Almost immediately our little 'Heinz 57 Variety ' would sit himself beside me, stick his nose in the air and begin to howl like a wolf! Needless to say it did wonders for my up and coming musical career !!!!
P.S. Perhaps you need some singing lessons ! :)Last edited: 2012-07-09 13:54:53 by Ellie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi All,

Mr. Quigs is so unique that I can't believe it either. Please look at his photos on Quigleymissingdog on Facebook. I even got a call last week of a dog seen at the Oxfordshire
sanctuary which had quite similar marking but wasn't my gorgeous boy. God I want him back.

Please continue to search for Quigley in all areas. As Colin the pet detective has advised: each sighting needs to be assessed on it's own and the disqualification of one sighting doesn't negate another. There have been many Freith sightings that haven't been disqualified and that are very possibly Quigley. So lets continue on and hopefully we will find him.

On another note: Team Quigley has named a "Quigley Come Home Star" in his honour. I think it will guide him back. It has to, right?

Also, chilli doesn't like The Star Spangled Banner. We sang it with the kids on fourth of July and he went absolutely mad! We were hysterical. What am I going to do with this guy? I hope adjusts to life in America sans afternoon tea :)

Xo, HollyLast edited: 2012-07-08 23:17:09 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
We past the dog leaving the Marsh as we were arriving this morning and got a good look at him.. It could well be the same breed but this one is browns and creams same spotty ears and similar markings, stunning dog. All his facial features are out lined in a striking cream as if drawn on with chalk We can eliminate this dog its sadly not Quigely Ive seen this type of dog now( want one) And can more imagine his familys lose coz absoloutly beautifull. Sorry Tays mum x Last edited: 2012-07-11 01:55:57 by scootjockey
scootjockey...the best way I think is approach the owner and enquire about the breed of dog...the catahula is very common in america but although id heard of the breed ive never seen one in england...I do think Quigley has quite a beagley type of face though...if you search the Catahula breed on Google you will see the different colour combinations..beautiful dog!...I think of Tay often as I spoke on the phone whith you in the early days..and always keep an eye out for him in the rescues I search online.Xxx
I think you are spot on with that jansus. What I find a little puzzling is that I look at lovely Quigleys face every day as I have for the last 6 months and to me he is absolutely unique. I am sure that I have never seen another dog that to me looks remotely like him, and yet these Quigley look -alikes keep creeping out of the woodwork. I think there has been at least 3 that we know of !
I feel like asking all owners of Quigley look-alikes to please keep them under lock and key 'til the real Quigley is safe and sound and sat in First Class with a bag of Greenies ,and a copy of Horse and Hound, winging his way back to Uncle Sam with his lovely family !!
As far as I know, and I am sure someone will correct me , this is an american breed - a type of cattle dog and last time I did a bit of research there was not a breeder in the UK.There are few "hound types " that do look similar though. On his face book page there are quite a few more pictures showing his markings clearly - which might help you if you want to have a closer look at this particular dog.
Hi. Sorry we are really out of the loop here but have popped onto the infamous Quigleys page from time to time. I was wondering mainly because we have never heard of this breed of dog let alone seen one before until Quigley sadly came onto doglost. We wondered how many are registered in England? Seen a dog which put us in mind of Quigley returning from its walk to a house in Wainfleet, Were really just curious at mo and not implying its Quigley we just wondered so thought best to enquire. Very best wishes stolen Tays mum x
Looking at the map, the last possible sighting of Quigley which was the one standing at the stables, is on the other side of the M40 , quite some way from Mousells Wood. So this makes it unlikely that the Quigley look alike from the farm would have actually roamed that far away from home ! Especially if he has a dodgey front paw ! Even if the front paw injury is recent then I think it still unlikely that he would have roamed that far from his surroundings ! So , in my mind, I think that the stable gate dog could still well have been Quigley !
Great shame that it wasn't Quigley. But it is good that the sighting was able to be followed up and discounted. So what about the other sightings in this area are they now all suspect? Does the owner of this dog double let it roam far from home?
Oh no. Does this mean the sighting of him running across the road may be the same dog? On the positive side it means the publicity is working and people are still looking for him.
Gutted this is not Quigley x Stay positive Team Quigley you are all doing brilliant xx
I have been following Quigley's story for a while now and when I saw sighting and went onto this page and read down I was getting so excited that this was Quigley. What a shame it wasn't!! Come on gorgious boy its time to show yourself and go home.
Is it possible that this is the dog that was sighted before ?
Oh no! I was so hopeful that this would be the day.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Oh no....tx guys for going out again...
Me and Nicky have just this second got back from the area....so sorrry to dissapoint but we found the dog responsible for this sighting he lives on a farm nearby,same collar,as discribed,very similar markings had a bad front paw, and he was out at the same time....we went to the farm and met him and hes a little bigger than Quigley and could quite easily be mistaken for him..sorry folks,The search goes on
This just has to be Quigley and it seems that he is interested in throwing in the towel ! Everything crossed !
Have everything crossed that this is Quigley...time he came home...come on lad lets get you seen xxx
There is no water actually in these woods but there are a few cattle water troughs around in the nearby fields.I can say this because I have been through Mousells a couple of times looking for Quigley. Most of Mousells wood is quite open although there is one quite dense area near the highest point.I also din't see any abandoned sheds, barns where he might lie up safely. There is also a pond near Hanover Hill which is on the opposite side of the Fingest to Frieth Rd.
I was searching Kimble Wood this evening from 5 to 6.30 which is the other side of Skirmett, plenty of water in there a few deer but no pheasant. As I have posted before there are quite a few phaesant low down on either side of the Fingest to Frieth Rd. I can help search on Friday evening, Saturday or Sunday if you need help.
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
I know we all want him home, but I don't think it would do any good to have a load of people suddenly descending on the area - might make him move on again. Slowly, slowly catchie Quigley??
I have just driven to the area. Moussels Wood is between Frieth and Fingest. From Lane End turn right when reach Frieth passing Prince Albert pub. Moussels Wood is on left along this road before reaching crossroads for Fingest left and Stokenchurch right. I feel very positive that Quigley will be found soon!
when you look at the map at the bottom is a house with a swimming pool...... water supply maybe?
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Got it Jayne! Wonder if there's a water supply nearby that he could be accessing? Any idea if a search party is going to be arranged?
route finder says 7.4 mile but thats by road so will be closer as crow flys and also almost a straight road too ............ I hope it is quigley xxxxxxxxxxx
Last edited: 2012-07-04 20:00:23 by migman34
Everything crossed and Praying for you.. Tucker'sMumX
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Everything crossed that this is Quigley and he is found .. come on boy, time to go home! I live in Hastings and there's a poster up in my vet's surgery .. not that I had to look at it to know it was for him .. he's so famous!!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
If the scale on my map is correct its about 8 miles away from where he went missing...
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Please let this be Quigley!! Maybe his sixth sense is telling him he MUST go home now? Never heard of this place - anyone got any idea where it is?
praying it is fingers crossed ..... come on qugley time to go home now baby xx
sounds like if they got that close that a softly softly approach is most likely to work. and some really tasty food!.And this is close to the last sighting.So hoping someone can build up his trust over the next few days if it is him.
oh i do so hope this i a sighting!I am just off to check maps to see where this is . I am sure all the people who have been so much support to Holly and family will be ready to leap into action again. wish I did not work so I could help more. Go team Quigley!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Got hold of Shereen...This sounds very positive....described the dog to a t....still in very good condition...slight limp on front leg...approached dog walker but despite coaxing would not come nearer than 15 foot...but they managed to get a very good look at the dog and its a good match for Quigley...
The area is Mousells wood...in the middle of...no other dogwalkers around...Have put Shereen in contact with the sighter for more detailed local knowledge. Everytime I bump Quigley I feel excited....this dog just has to get back...owners have been so proactive...as indeed all the helpers....watch this space...
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Sighting phoned into HQ...today localish....trying to get hold of Shereen....
Having looked at the tracking map,( and I must say what an excellent job Ruth has made of it ) it seems so frustrating that they are all 'quite close' sightings yet we have still been unable to 'nail' him ! Would it be useful to try the traps again ? Perhaps scenting them and throwing in a greeny or two ?
Teddy's Mum
Dear Holly,
I think of you and Quigley often also.
I haven't posted on his page as I am at a loss to know what to say. I cannot imagine how you must both feel at having to return to the States without Quigley.
The pain of losing our beloved dogs does not get any easier as i am sure you agree and our hearts are still breaking.

I will look at the Blog and am sure that all of us have something useful to offer any unfortunate person in our situation. I just want to help/support/prevent others from suffering an experience such as ours.

It would be so very kind of you to include a photo and dedication to Teddy on the site. Thank you!
Do I need to email you the dedication or do I do it on the site? Help!

I will continue to take Quigley's poster out on my sandwich board when I next go out and we will all be searching for him, Rags, tucker, Poppy, Brook and all the far too many gorgeous missing dogs out there.

Take care both..........Love Sam and Teddy xxxxx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Hi Holly. I, like many others I'm sure, often check Quigley's page but don't always leave messages. Just wanted to let you know that I will also keep looking out for him. Hope your moves goes well. Alison x
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks for posting, Shereen. Fingers crossed. We will investigate.

Take a look at Ruth's guest blog which addresses tracking dogs with maps:
Due to a possible sighting of a dog looking SIMILAR to Quigley in the GL15 area,further alerts have been sent out to BS35,GL13,GL14,GL15,GL16,NP16,NP25 areas...you never know,its not a million miles away...this dog was seen being walked by somebody,Eyes peeled please everyone.
Holly, I like Ellie and Jansus, feel the same and I will continue the search, hoping there will be good news before you go. Best of luck with the move.
Very well said jansus. I would just like to add that it was such a shame that their last six months here were so very upsetting, when they should have been making the most of it.
Quigley will be in good hands with team Quigley and as jansus says lets hope it's very soon !
wishing Holly and all the family all the best with their move (and chilli!)
and hoping that there is more positive news on Quigley very soon. jan
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi All,

I've been so busy! It is all happening so quickly. I can't believe we are leaving so soon. We are here in the countryside for our last "relaxing" weekend. I will miss the Chiltern Hills so much.

I plan to run an advert in each of the papers including the Thames Gazette probably next week, to answer your question, Jansus.

Thank you all for your continued efforts and support. I don't know how I would have gotten through the past six months or be able to move forward without you. You are all truly exceptional people.

With Love,
no problem- I have flyers - some I have given to be displayed at local boot sales - but I still have quite a few here. I am going to do Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Hunts as well as I have found quite a comprehensive list of addresses. Only to pleased to help.As I can not be much help "on the ground" so to speak if you can think of any thing else then let me know . Actually there were quite a few cycling clubs out at the weekend I wonder if they have notice boards - its worth a try.
Hi Jansus
If you're happy to do that that would be fantastic.. Extra eyes from the rambling clubs would be a great help as to would posters going out to remote farms. If you need more posters please send us your email address via quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk and we will get some more sent out to you. Thank you so much for your offer of help. Team Quigley x
So pleased to see Quigley bumped up . Let me know if you need any flyers posted out to say local rambling clubs or remote farms anything like that? Has he been in the thame gazzette recently.
I am very concerned about owners contributing to the cost of one national press ad. My professional advice to Neighbark(as a marketing & communications consultant) was that it was unadvisable. Advertising works over a period of time and has to be targeted to the right group of people. Even if it was appropriate, how do you know the Daily Mail is the right paper ? Have you checked NRS ?
Hi Ruth and Nicky
I see what you're saying about the distance. Originally when I thought of Fingest and Longwick it seemed a long distance between them but as you say when you think of 'as the crow flies'then it's not that far. So really ,it's worth now looking back around the Bledlow area. I've always felt somehow that he comes back there because of the scenting that Holly and Jeff did in the early days !
Hi Ellie,
If you plot the Fingest and Longwick sightings on the map, it is only 8-9 miles as the crow flies ...... so perfectly possible. The Longwick sighting is only a short distance from Bledlow, so we know he knows that area.
None of the recent sightings have been 100% so it's possible that both, one or none of them were Quigley - the only thing we can do is to treat every sighting that's called in as possibly Quigley (unless ruled out as another dog), plot them on a map, have a scout around the area for clues and make sure that people in the whole area are still aware. In the meantime we walk, look ....... and pray for more sightings.Last edited: 2012-06-26 09:30:07 by Ruth
Hi Ellie

The Fingest/Freith sighting was the 25/05 so more than possible especially if you read Shereen's comment in regards to dogs possibly covering anything between 5-12 miles a day and as the crow flies its not actually that far especially for a dog. :)Last edited: 2012-06-26 07:10:32 by nicky
This is getting a bit confusing because Quigley couldn't have been the dog in Fingest as well as the dog in Longwick ! Or could he ! Is it possible for him to have travelled all that way in that space of time ?
There was a possible sighting of Quigley last Thursday (21st June) at about 1.50pm near Longwick. The man was walking on the track which leads from Walnut Tree Lane,Longwick, under the railway bridge and out into the fields. He saw a dog on the footpath ahead and from his description, although he is not certain it was Quigley, we are treating this as a possible sighting. We have had other sightings in a similar area in the past that turned out to be a local dog that sometimes gets out, but he has been shown photos of that dog and is pretty certain it wasn't him.

Thank you to the people who have contacted Team Quigley via our new email address asking for posters. These have been sent out today.For those who are interested, the sightings map has also been updated. These are the links:



Team QuigleyLast edited: 2012-06-25 20:15:48 by Ruth
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Willing Quigley home! xLast edited: 2012-06-26 23:39:01 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Hi Crowthers - this is the link for the up to date sightings map. I'm afraid it doesn't have details of time, direction etc but the dates and location are exact, unless it says otherwise. Hope that helps.


Ruth (Team Quigley member)
Crowthers,Generally a dog who has been out for so long,will settle to an area,Im hoping this is the area he has chosen! he could hide up here and go unnoticed very easily.He could be covering anywhere between 5 and 12 miles a day but without more sightings it really is difficult to predict.
Hi Nicky. They certainly did and not too long ago. They were doing it in the last 50 years . I believe it used to work too ! There's a lot to be said about these strange old remedies as many of them are centuries old so have had plenty of time to prove themselves! :)
Good points well made Ellie! But the answer is till NO!!!! Did they seriously do that to relieve earache?????

Crowthers if you could email us so we have your email address we'll get an updated map sent to you. As for whether Quigley is likely to be staying in one place and getting a territory marked out and to what size I think Shereen would be best to answer this... We can only hope that he's staying in one area but wouldnt like to say for sure. One thing we do know for sure is that any animal living out in the woods would certainly not go hungry :)
Is it possible to update the sightings map with the exact place and time and direction Quigley was seen heading. I only ask as I regularly search likely areas in the evenings with my springers and it would be good to see if there was a pattern emerging. There is also so much water and food out there in the woods. Is quigley likely to be staying in one place and getting a territory marked out and if so how large would this area be.
Team Quigley
It was used in the Elizabethan days for treating leather, especially for gloves.
It was used by milliners for stiffening their hats.
Northern ladies splashed it on their faces to soften their skin and improve their complexions.
In Wales it was poured into childrens ears to relieve earache.
And if you ever go to The Centre of Alternative Technology at Corris Mid Wales you will see that they use it on their organic allotments.
More recently it has been used to track the elusive Quigley.
So what are you saying - You are not going to be taking the p--s !! :)
I'm sure that Holly, Jeff and kids would love to fill up a few plastic screw topped containers and leave them with you .............!
Come on........be brave........you know it makes sense !
If it helps to bring Quigley back to his family then hey ho !! :)Last edited: 2012-06-21 10:05:48 by Ellie
Well the days and weeks are quickly passing and before we know it this amazing family will be heading for home. I know Holly is really busy with preparing for the big move so we've been asked to take over with keeping everyone up to speed with the sightings and all things Quigley. Firstly should anyone require posters or flyers please email Quigleymissingdog@hotmail.co.uk where one of the Team will contact you and arrange to get them to you. Also if you would like to see an up to date sighting list feel free to mail us.

In regards to sightings we had another possible in the Lane End area 04/06 which is only a couple of miles from Fingest/Frieth.

We also had a call 10/06 with a posible sighting over Little Hampden area but after talking to the gentleman and showing him photos is wasn't Quigley. The great thing is people are still calling in with possible sightings which is what we need.

When Holly and Jeff have crossed the pond Holly has promised the send her weekly hoover dust and dirty washing so when the sightings come in we can still scent on their behalf! How wonderful!!!!!!! Although we have put our foot down on receiving the best form of scenting.

Please continue to keep your eyes open and keep ideas coming and should you need to contact us either on here or on the above email address we would love to hear from you. Kind Regards Team Quigley xx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Julie,

We have scented so much from the beginning in hopes that Quigley will catch the familiar odor and return to the same place. Basically, dog's recognise their owners through smell, primarily. So, we have scented with various things such as old clothes, urine and hoover dust to give him the familiar scent that he knows and loves. I know, sounds disgusting but we do it.
Hi Holly, our paths must have nearly crossed! Walked from Frieth to Skermit through the woods - it was worth a try. What does the scenting do by the way?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks, Jansus and AnnieSparky.

Jeff did some scenting today in the Frieth / Fingest area just in case he is out there. We felt we had to do something. We also spent a good part of the day at The Frog in Skermit. Such such a nice pub. Kids had a great time.
Just read your blogpost.....reading it was so sad for but it was also very informative. I have definately learnt a thing or two...thankyou! Hope with all my heart Quigley is found soon. Unfortunately I live too far away in West Lancashire to be able to help on the ground.....Team Quigley is doing a great job......lots of luck to you all xx
I will do a bit of research and send some flyers anyway - it can not do any harm.
Annie I know what you are saying - but if someone does see him from a distance
running across a road or field the spots might not be noticed. It was just a thought really. when I have neen checking on dogs blog etc I just put in hound, and then harrier hounds ,fox hounds etc come up and they do vary in colours a lot
Quigley's Mum and Dad
He is generally seen after 3:30.

My latest blogpost on dogs living feral:

I wonder if could tell me what sort of time of day Quigley might have been sighted in Fingest/Freith? Early morning? Dusk? Or normal daylight hours? I live but a mere stone's throw from the area.

Re Foxhounds: I can see that from a distance one could possibly mistake a foxhound for Quigley as they can indeed have patches of all three colours, although I've never seen a 'spotted' one?
just a thought - and I know its probably been done because you are always ahead of the game, but is it worth contacting all the hunts/foxhound owners in oxfordshire and buckinghamshire again to remind them about Quigley - as they may get a call asking if one of their dogs has escaped and might realise it could be Quigley ? To an amatuer they do look similar?
Regarding the foxhounds - we have seen photos of these particular dogs and they are similar to Quigley (foxhounds can be black, white and tan, and have dappling). Close up, they would not be mistaken for Quigley but if sighted at a greater distance it is possible that they could be. But as Holly said, some of the sighters still believe that it was Quigley that they saw.
I live near a hunt kennels and foxhounds ARE BIG so if this lady saw maybe Quigley who is quite small surely she would of noticed the dog's size and also foxhounds don't have black on them, tan and white are their colouring so hopefully she did she Quigley!
That's the last thing you needed with all the stress you're going through already. I'm not exactly local but if there's anything I can do to help, especially with your return to the States, I'd be only too happy to help. I'll email you my details (I'm sure I've seen your email on here somewhere!) and if Team Quigley need an extra set of hands/eyes they can contact me.
With regards to Fox Hounds, I suppose they do look a bit similar, but Quigley is very distinctive, so hopefully it was him!
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
Holly my heart goes out to you. I am crying with and for you. I wish with all my heart that you can get some kind of closure, preferably with Quigley in your arms. I can't do much searching but I do trawl through various internet sites daily...hoping with you! Jan.
I'm crying too Holly having read your posting. I do feel so very very much for you all and pray that he is found very soon.
On a slightly brighter note. To my knowledge ,Fox Hounds are normally much whiter (where the white is on them) than Quigley who's much more dappled and spotted. I know that some 'white' dogs do have dappling but Quigley's is very notable !
To add to this the Freith and Fingest area is very very rural and is mainly made up of farms and estates. On the few occasions that I have been there the only people that youseem to pass are normally in cars. There doesn't seem to be many people there that would walk about so perhaps that is why there has only been one sighting of him. Quigley could well melt into the background and stay unnoticed for most of the time. Unlike say, Chinnor where there are a lot more people and many dog walkers where the odds on spotting him would be a lot higher !
I would be interested in other peoples views on this too.
Hi Holly, what a time you are having one thing after another! I will do the sites this week but I will need an email, address and tel no to register you. You can email me this info, but with you going back it is difficult.also may need chip number. Like Jansus says there is always hope, just hope it can happen before you go.
I was just checking in to let you know that none of us are giving up. I have given posters to be shown at boot sales and kept some back in case there are any other sightings. I can understand how you missed the passport thing. Its easily done at the best of times ,let alone when you have all this on your mind. But there is always hope - a dog has turned up today after 2 years. Sincerely hope that your good news comes sooner. I saw there were a few posts around about raising some funds for a full page national advert of long term missing dogs - will let you know if I see any more. I will be watching on here and face book for any news. there were some interesting posts by old dog whisperer on the record breaking thread for kip, about dog behaviour - but I dont expect you have had a spare moment to read them .jan (:
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

We returned to the UK yesterday after one CRAZY week in the States. It turned out that Olivia's passport expired this past April, unbeknownst to me. We realised this only when we got to Heathrow to check in for our flight on the day of the Jubilee. Gulp!

Luckily, some very nice people made some calls and Homeland Security allowed us into the USA. But, we needed to locate Olivia's birth certificate and get a new passport expedited in order to return to the UK. Never a dull moment, I tell you.

I blame it all on Quigley! In our zeal to find him, we have let the rest of our lives fall apart. I have no regrets about that. But, I'm floundering.

I will continue to update doglost and quigleymissingdog on facebook, but if I'm a bit scarce please know that I am very preoccupied with all that is going on.

Please continue to search, poster and mail even if you are unsure of where to do it. I have posters that I can send you. Just let me know where to send them.

I'm crying right now at the thought of leaving this country in a few weeks. My heart is broken. So broken. I feel guilty, sad and broken. i will never give up hope for closure or for finding my baby. I want nothing more than to just know what happened to him.

I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessings but besides the health of my family and friends I would give up all of these things in a heartbeat to get him or just know.

Please remember this and don't lose interest. I beg. Nicky has promised to continue to update on a frequent basis as the investigate information. I will update as well.

We are still unsure about the Freith/Fingest sightings. There are some fox hounds in the area that look strikingly similar to Quigley. They do get out. But, some of the sighters swore it was Quigley. So, we will continue to investigate.

Julie, thank you for all of your help. I have never met you, but I appreciate you.

Denise, thank you for remaining so determined to help find Quigley. I would love if you send out info for Quigley. Any help is appreciated. Let me know what you need via e-mail.

With love and heartfelt appreciation for you all,
Forgot to mention - one of my friends works for the Oxford Mail and he's going to try and get the details printed in the paper next week - won't be anthing big though. Fingers crossed!Last edited: 2012-06-10 18:54:43 by Julie
Hi - I've put some posters up near the cricket club in Freith and also down one of the Bridleway walks which looks like it's well used. I've given some posters to one of the locals and they're going to put it in the noticeboard and check that the local pub has one. Some of the posters in Fingest has fallen down so I've taped them back up! Hope there's some more sightings soon.
Hi Holly and Jeff, tomorrow I am sending Teddy's info and if you want me to do Quigley too, to lots of lost pets search websites that I found. I spoke to South Bucks RSPCA and mentioned that Quigley is still missing and she said to tell you never give up, there have been a lot of happy reunitings even after years apart! X
Julie,sorry for the delay in posting!
Team Quigley are still in the process of checking the area to see if there are any similar dogs in the area.
it would be brilliant if you could do some flyers at the cricket grounds while your there if you dont mind?

The Horse Sactuary will of been postered a while back but wouldnt hurt to let them know Quigley is still out there.

Many Thanks
Hi Team Quigley, I've been checking for updates on Quigley since Jan and have been keeping an eye out whilst walking our Lab - so sad he's not home yet. Has the sighting in Freith been confirmed? I'll be at the cricket ground near there on Sunday and wondered if it would be worth handing out some leaflets? Also, has the horse sanctuary near Princess Risborough received a leaflet? JulieLast edited: 2012-06-07 13:14:44 by Julie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi, im in the Statesvthis week so limited access. Advertised this week in Henley Standard and Bucks Free Press. Fingers crossed. Holly
yes quite. The farming community is shameless. If a collie is no good at working sheep they are very often shot.There are so many in West Wales in need of good homes and having had them myself for many years I know what wonderful dogs they are.I think I need to prove to myself that I will always go on rescuing them( god willing)and feel that having lost Maggie in the way that I did I need to give something back to another collie in need. However, it would be wonderful if after rescuing the new one Maggie would come trotting along the forest path to meet us and I would have 4 wonderful dogs.......how I've prayed for that daily.......
Hi Toby
I'm so glad that you managed to rescue the lovely collie. I spend a lot of time in Wales over the course of 30 years. I do like the Welsh people but sadly the farming community are a bit lax when it comes to the treatment of their dogs !
That is so sad and uplifting you never forget but you can move on and help another darling ,well done Toby, Maggie 36760 is chipped so there is every hope.&
Wishing QUIGLEY walks through the door soon xxxLast edited: 2012-06-03 21:14:31 by Reynard
Thank you for your kind words.I have currently reserved a blue merle collie who is in the pound/kennels in West Wales. She was rescued from a farm in Lampeter and was on the point of being shot by the farmer but someone stepped in and got her to the pound. She is a gorgeous little thing and although I could weep for Maggie(often do) every day, if I can give this dog a new lovely home then this gives her a life,helps the pound with a good donation and also gives me some relief and distraction. My wonderful boys Sam and Toby( and boyfriend's collies Bella and Buddy) have kept me going on. As you say, this experience changes you forever, that second when Maggie went off chasing birds in the trees( her favourite pleasure)I saw her run off and that was it.I have cursed myself if only, if only, if only, I had kept her on that lead for 5 more minutes, I might have her curled up in bed with me tonight.As you say,if I disappeared off the face of the earth today, I would want a guardian angel to look after my dogs.This site is a godsend...its a comfort to know there are lots of people who feel as I do.
Hi! team Quigley , we are meeting up at the Trout Inn on Tadpole Bridge Buckland nr Faringdon SN78RF 11.30 to-day Sun 03 June if anyone wants to come along and help search/find Holly 39774 a young black Cocker (Stolen from SN7 nr faringdon) , please.Owner is exhausted and not well so hoping to lend a hand (perhaps no kiddies & Dogs please as its too exhausting for them & they may scare Holly away TRACKER DOGS WELCOME) if anyone is in the area to-day Thanks! xLast edited: 2012-06-03 10:12:13 by Reynard
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
Oh dear that lovely poem has me in tears....for all dogs out there who are lost and for all of their owners who desperately want them back....come on Quigley, show your lovely face...
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Denise,
Thank you for keeping your eyes open and for pledging to do it even when we are gone. Yes, we posted Quigley on Animal Search. We are hoping to get some more sightings in Freith/Fingest areas. Jeff and I will come up from London to go scenting tomorrow and then leave for a quick trip to the States. We will return to the UK after the half term. Team Quigley will take care of things for the week we are gone.
Claire and Jasper
Wickedweims - I have tears rolling down my face. Just checked in to see Quigley's Blog, hoping for more sightings. Thank you for posting that beauutiful poem. I think that Doglost HQ should put it in a public place on the site to give comfort to all the heartbroken people whose beloved pets are missing. I thank God every day for my sweet dog, Jasper, lying at my feet snoring. Can't imagine what I'd do without him xxxxLast edited: 2012-06-01 19:27:41 by Claire and Jasper
I'm still spreading the word, at work, at Tesco and my local RSPCA and friends and neighbours. They are all still aware of dear Quigley. Have you tried www.animalsearch.co.uk 01432 266900?What happened about the recent sightings? Will always search for him even when you have gone back to The States. Will you still have the same email?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Beautiful poem. Thank you. I hope that he is enjoying his time in the sun. I just hope he is somehow happy and well taken care of at this point. I would do anything to have him back. Anything.
wickedweims..... That is beautiful!!! Brings tears to your eyes and so perfect for Quigley :'(
Have bee watching this post since the beginning saw this and thought of you
pray you get your boy back safe

I’m sorry I got lost,
It wasn’t meant to be
I will try and explain
And hope you
Can forgive me

It was so lovely in the sun.
Running free, chasing leaves
I was having so much fun.

Jumping and climbing
I could have done it all day.
When I stopped and looked around,
I had lost my way.

I want you to know,
It was nothing you have done.
I just got carried away
With playing in the sun.

I'll never stop looking
For a way back home,
And promise you this
No more will I roam

I still feel your love for me,
Deep within my heart.
You must think that too,
So we are never far apart.

It may be all we have for now
And that’s enough for me.
For when I walk back
through the door
I’ll be wanting my tea.
wickedweim x
Quigley's Mum and Dad
My newest blogpost on microchips. Let me know if there is anything I should add:



Hi Ellie

The Prince Albert has had a poster and flyers and are aware of the possible sighting in the area so will be keeping an eye out. The Chequers haven't had one recently as far as I'm aware but we will be over that way again either tomorrow or Saturday so will call in. Holly even if you wanted to text you wouldn't have got us the signal in that area is shocking!!
Hi Holly
I'll see what Team Quigley come back with and if need be will ring the pubs tomorrow as I'm running out of time now.
I don't envy your busy time at the moment and feel sure that if it were me then I would be totally bald by now( having pulled all my hair out !).
Will be intouch soon ! XLast edited: 2012-05-30 14:42:18 by Ellie
Quigley's Mum & Dad
Hi Ellie,

Thanks for the information. I will leave this for one of the members of "Team Quigley" to answer as they are in the area investigating today.

I am slowly trying to relinquish control over this situation, which is very difficult for me. But, I know that I must trust "Team Quigley" to act in our best interests once we leave for the States. So, this week is sort of like a trial separation. I'm doing all I can to keep my nose out of things and get my life in order (movers, organizing, blog post, etc.) Jeez, I'm dying to text them!!!

But, if you are willing to make those calls, it can't hurt. I suppose they would just say they already know. And, if they haven't heard from "Team Quigley" yet, we can get posters and leaflets there.

Your call.


Hi All
Has Frieth and Fingest been postered ? There are also some pubs in that area that might be worth giving a poster to. One is the Prince Albert and there is also The Chequers Inn. These places are also quite close to Skirmett and Hambledon which also have pubs and would be worth postering. Unless anyone has done it I could ring the pubs and ask if they would mind putting a poster up for us ! I Have to say that Quigley sure has good taste and an eye for lovely scenery. Bless him !!Last edited: 2012-05-30 10:32:34 by Ellie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

Denise, I got your e-mail. So sorry not to reply. Have been so crazy busy. I hope you are feeling better about Alfie. He must've had such a loving, long life. You should be proud and happy to have been with him as a mummy.

Toby- I'm so sorry to hear about your Maggie. I have been physically ill at times as well. This has been an awful experience that has changed me forever. There is a hole in my heart that won't ever heal. The unkown is what gets me the most. I could handle anything else.

Initially, I was opposed to adopting another dog especially so soon after Quigley went missing (we got him in April). It wasn't easy. But, I did it because my kids were a mess without Quigley. They were begging for another dog. My daughter, in her six years of infinite wisdom, convinced me that getting Chilli wouldn't make us love or miss Quigley any less. But, she told me, it would help to get her mind of Quigley a little bit. She was right. It gave us another dog to focus on and to bring joy into our house. Chilli does not in anyway replace Quigley. In fact, he is turning out to be Quigley's polar opposite which ironically makes us think of Quigley even more sometimes. But, we still work just as hard in our pursuit to find Quigley.

The short answer is YES, do it. I think especially if you rescue, you will feel as though the dog needs you just as much as you need the dog. If you went missing (sorry, sounds so morbid), wouldn't you want Maggie to find another mummy to take care of her? Yes, do it. Let me know how it goes. Good luck! I will keep Maggie in my "Please God, let my dog return home soon".

HollyLast edited: 2012-05-28 17:53:41 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
unfortunately I think I will be off line for a few days unless I can get to an internet cafe - So I will really be praying that you get some more good news this week - and I will arrange for the flyers and posters to do some of the boot sale circuit on my return,but fingers crossed I wont have to.
Hi Ellie, Thank you for your kind words, it helps and you are right he had nearly 17 wonderful years so there are plenty of happy memories and time is a great healer.
Hi denise
I am so sorry and saddened to hear about Alfie. How very upsetting for you. I always tell myself when I've been in the same situation that the amount of happy days with them far outweigh the sad ones. Time heals all, but our happy memories go on on forever. RIP little Alfie.
Hi Holly and Jeff, I am keeping everything crossed do so hope this is Quigley. Did you get my email the other day? I am sorry I haven't been much help recently, but with Alfie now gone I have been very sad and have just read Toby's message it is so heartbreaking . If you want my help next week please let me know.
I can sympathise with you saying your heart breaks everyday. I lost one of my collies ( rescued last year from sanctuary) Maggie, on the 31st Jan this year. Out having our early morning walk with the other 2 collies then GONE we have looked and looked. I do the same route every day; I think about her everyday and often dream about her. I've lost many dogs over the years as in had them put to sleep, old age and the like, but, I have never gone through something as awful as this.....it has literally made me ill.I notice from your page that you rescued another dog. have you found this to be helpful to you at this time?? I have considered it as I have been rescuing collies for many years......not that another dog would replace my lovely little girl/I just wondered if you found having another dog helped with the pain in any way.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Please keep eyes peeled in the Freith - Fingest area.Last edited: 2012-05-26 16:39:43 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
I really hope that this is a good lead, if it is confirmed can you suggest which woods around Fingest you would like searched tomorrow (Sunday)
Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let it be Quigley ! My fingers are crossed ! Come on Quigs !
me too jansus me too. xx
I do so hope this is Quigley . Will keep checking in tomorrow for news.xx
:D ! You beat me to it JayneLast edited: 2012-05-25 21:58:01 by Shereen
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Bumped...tx for email Holly...all the best...
Hi Holly,

This is so tough for you, you are all in my thoughts so often (sorry that doesn't help you) Just to say that I hope Quigley follows in Lizzies footsteps and is caught quickly. You are an inspiration to the rest of us. Thank you
Quigley's Mum and Dad
We had a possible sighting of Quigley in Freith/Fingest area. Team Quigley will investigate. Please keep a look out. Thanks everyone:)Last edited: 2012-05-26 16:40:37 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you Ellie for offer of help but Holly posted some which arrived today for when I returned home. (I don't have internet where I was.)Karen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi All,

If anyone needs posters or leaflets please let me know. I can mail them or leave them for you in Kingston Blount. Some of you have e-mailed me about this so I want others to know as well.

I haven't been on the forum as much as I am starting to become a bit overwhelmed by our impending departure. I also spent a few days in the states last week trying to settle our living arrangements for when we go back to the USA.

I hope you all know that I am not giving up on Quigley. I never will. Right now it is just a bit tough as I am simply drowning and can't keep up with the momentum that I started this search with in January.

I long for a reunion or closure before we leave more than you can ever imagine. My heart breaks everyday, still. I will continue to do all that is in my power to get Quigley back home.

Hi Karen
I have about 20 Quigley leaflets . I live in Chinnor and could meet you somewhere Thursday or Friday if poss.I think you will need more thsn that though!
Hi Holly and Jeff
If someone can get me some more leaflets I will put on cars when I am free as I am attending, Karen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks, Karen for the info. Unfortunately, Olivia has a judo tournament on Saturday so we must stay in London. I wish I could. But, if anyone will be there, I'm happy to mail leaflets. Just let me know. Holly
Hi Holly & Jeff
There is a very large competative dog show at Halton (Nr. Wendover) on Sat. There will be competators from around the country, I can give you details of the show secretary, in case you would like for flyers etc.Karen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Berties Family,

Thank you. Every little bit helps. I really appreciate that you haven't lost faith in our boy. I wish I could will him home.

Thanks too, Wensmum!

Berties Family
although I have not previously posted I have been watching this page since the first day and really thought he would have only been missing a day or so. I have looked on the maps and because I am travelling to the other side of Oxford in Saturday via Bicester and a place called Kidlington I have printed off posters and we are going to try in the other direction to the sightings. I will try to poster each village we go through - really hope this helps.......
Bless you - am praying for you and your lad also xx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Team Quigley Rocks!

My newest blogpost:

I should have known (: team quigley dont miss anything. Anything else I can do just let me know.
I also rang Wren Davis and spoke to a lady about Quigley just for good measure .
Jansus - Wren Davis have a poster and their milkmen are aware of Quigley :)
I see that Wren Davis Dairy own a lot of land around Prestwood. Would you like me to send them a flyer?

Sorry to see Quigley is STILL missing. Prayers said and fingers xd for a positive result soon.
Ellie, I'm pretty sure that was tried when he was in Bledlow!
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
Ellie, I doubt that would work (though anything is worth a try), I have had neutered males with bitches in season and they didn't take the slightest notice of them.....I do so wish there was at least a sighting of Quigley.
Hi It's me again! Sorry if I'm scraping the barrel a bit here but what about a bitch on heat ? Don't laugh. Please!
I know he's had an 'op' but would curiosity get the better of him and lure him out ? I'm going on the research of men that have been, well you know, chopped ! It apparently doesn't stop the interest ! I'm going to crawl back under my rock now !
Thats a good website Ellie...we will all keep racking our brains working out what can be done next just wish we had more clues to work with...but WE WONT GIVE UP THATS FOR SURE!!!...any more suggestions we are willing to give anything a try...and if we thought going out 24/7 would work we would do it...there was a time when we virtually did but its so exhausting theres only a certain amount of time you can keep that up! so, we need another sighting please Quigley ,then Team Quigley can check it out as usual.Xxx Last edited: 2012-05-13 20:32:36 by Shereen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Ellie,

You have very good instinct for this sort of thing. Thanks for constantly researching and helping me with advice on matters such as the animal tracker.

Unfortunately, we did have quite similar traps set up in various areas during our search. Shereen was able to get them and set them us for us. Unfortunately, we were only able to catch foxes and rats. If we get another credible sighting, we would certainly try again:)

Hi Everyone, I haven't posted for quite some time, but that was simply because I didn't have any news/ideas/sightings to add to this page. BUT... I have been out looking for Quigley (as well as Teddy) on most days since Quigley's run down the Northend Road on day one and met Jeff on day two! Ellie, I know you care deeply about him too, but almost everything, including 'traps' and cameras (via Shereen's tireless efforts) and sniffer dogs have been tried. In fact, anything at all I can think of HAS BEEN tried. Holly and Jeff, I feel for you very deeply and, as you say, you desperately need some kind of closure. So would I. However, I would just like to say to you that you can rest assured your having to leave this country does not mean the search for Quigley will stop! It won't and it hasn't! I mostly walk off the beaten track (where I'm not supposed to be, but needs must!) to look for 'anything' unusual at all. I am sure that there are lots of people like me out there whose hearts have been touched, both by Quigley and your huge efforts to find him since day one. My heart goes out to you every day and the search WILL continue. If there is anything at all to report, even in your absence, Shereen will be the first point of contact. Lots of love to you both.
i have been on an American website called LOST PET RESEARCH AND RECOVERY where they are using quote- Deer Traps To Catch Skittish Dogs. I know I have suggested something along these lines before and I appreciate that we need to have a sighting before we could use one, but perhaps someone could look on this website and see what they think (under the heading deer traps ).
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I can assure everyone that everything, and then some, is being done to get Quigley home. I don't post every single thing that we do b/c sometimes I just don't have the time or energy and I just need to get things done. Sometimes, I'm too emotional.

But, Nicky (Quigley's honorary Godmother) is right in telling you about all we have done and still try to do. In addition to everything she has mentioned, although a bit kooky, I have even consulted various animal communicators on the matter.

It frustrates and saddens me deeply to know that no matter how much time, effort, money, prayers, searching we throw into the mix, we are still unable to bring Quigley home. Believe me when I tell you the fear and sadness of leaving this country without Quigley, or any sort of closure regarding his disappearance, is overwhelming. I never could have imagined I would have to deal with something this tragic. The irony of bringing our best friend, Quigley, on a journey to live abroad all the way from the USA, only then to lose him, is just so difficult a situation to understand.

For me, this journey has been a lesson in life. Whilst though I hope and pray that God will see fit to reunite us with Quigley very soon, preferably before we leave the UK, I know that the situation is no longer in my control. Instead, I must be content in figuring out the positive I can take from this situation to make myself a better person. And, as I have mentioned in the past, that is realising the goodnesss I've found in people. So many wonderful souls have helped search for Quigley along the way. I've come to trust and respect Team Quigley and Shereen as if they are members of my own family. And, I know I will be required to trust them to continue on along with Doglost volunteers and Pet Detectives in searching when we are gone. And I do, trust all of you.

Believe me, I would hire Pet Detectives around the clock if I thought it would help. I just don't know what else they could do even if working 24/7.

That is why we need more sightings, ideas and information. We need clues. We need people to come forward if they think they have seen Quigley or even if they think they have any information as to what might have happened to him, then we and Pet Detectives can investigate.

We need people to continue handing out leaflets and searching even in areas beyond where Quigley has been seen.

We haven't posted a sighting map in a while. Here is one that was updated through March 9th if anyone is interested in looking back in old areas or in searching further afield.

Sighting Map: http://g.co/maps/wwtpj

If anyone would like me to mail them leaflets, please contact me at hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com and I will send them to you.

Thank you, everyone, for your concern and your help and your prayers.

HollyLast edited: 2012-05-13 16:40:29 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Shereen our local co ordinator is on the case full time..and as soon as any possible sightings she is there to check them out...we just have to wait for those phone calls coming in...every area of possible sightings has been postered and leaflet dropped.
Hi Nicky
I hear what you are saying although I never knew about the helicopter ! Is the Pet Detective on the case constantly or is he only about at certain times ? I'm only going by the fact that he has only been mentioned here when he was up at Ibstone which was some weeks ago now ! I don't know as much as you because you are far more into the background of the case so I can only make suggestions from the sidelines ! I was just thinking that with time running out perhaps someone who could be on the case ALMOST 24/7 could possibly get more results ! Just a thought !
Ellie... With respect no amount of money will make Quigley jumped out from wherever he is... Holly has had and still has The Pet Detective working for her and trust me he's not cheap! It would be great to hear of any ideas you have regardless to cost.. Bearing in mind they have had a helicopter search.. blood hounds... weekly advertising in numerous papers.. Every vet in the country has received a poster and a letter along with many of the rescue centres... Tens of thousands of flyers have been handed out in person and door to door. Along with miles and miles of woodland searched on a regular basis. And now has been lucky enough to receive coverage on This Morning... Ellie hear our plea if you can think of anything thats not been done please help us with more suggestions we would be so very grateful. with love Nicky x
Hi Holly and Jeff
I must apologise, but I'm going to be a bit cheeky here !
With your return back to the States now imminent I was thinking that what is needed is an immediate injection of money to get a professional person on the case to help Team Quigley in their search. Team Quigley are doing a fantastic job but with time running out I just feel that you need a major boost of funds to catch Quigley and get him on that plane with you back to the States !
So I was wondering if your Company/Boss could help you with this. This is the point where I conjure up an image of my old Gran, wagging her finger at me and announcing 'If you don't ask 'my girl' then you won't get ' !! After all, the morale and happiness of staff is paramount and I cannot think of anything worse than you boarding that plane in July without your beloved Quigley ! I know that Team Quigley will still be hard at it when you've gone, but the best scenario would be taking him with you !
So unless you're your own boss then how about it ? It wouldn't do any harm to ask. Even if you had to pay him back over the course of time, that would be better than going home without him !
So come on Jeff's Boss dig deep and help unite a lovely family !
Hope he comes home before you have to leave xx will your new pup be able to go with you? x
I so hope something comes of it for you. Everything crossed! xx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I love ITV This Morning! Here is the link:


Quigley's Mum and Dad
If you would like to help Quigley, please e-mail thismorning@itv.com and post on their website to please include Quigley's information so I can be contacted if someone has seen him. http://www.itv.com/thismorning/homeandgarden/missing-pets-120511/

thank you!
Ive swapped photos so the poster one is the one that was shown on This Morning Today its a new one Holly has found and by request...Ive kept the one of Quigley running (its so lovely) and we wont give up that you can be assured of! but we need him to be going on that vital journey WITH YOU!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks, everyone for your support.

I can't find a link on ITV This Morning website nor can I find Quigley's information. Maybe it hasn't posted yet? I sent them an e-mail and tried to call but couldn't get through to anyone. I will post a link if I get one.

Fingers crossed as it would be helpful if people could see Quigley on the website for follow-up.

HollyLast edited: 2012-05-11 14:15:32 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
so glad you were given this chance of some extra publicity - I am sure none of those who have helped you will give up even if you are going back to the states. With the internet you will only be a few clicks away.

Lets hope that you have some more sightings very soon.
So sorry to hear you're returning to the States Holly and Jeff ! We've just got to find Quigley before you go ! If not, there are still lots of people that will keep looking including me .
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Has any one got the link please...would love to see the feature.
It was amazing to see Quigley on this morning, well done Holly and all involved! Hopefully Quigley will be home with you before the move back to the States but if not the search will go in anyway, we will never give up until we find him xxx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

First of all, I would like to thank ITV for including Quigley in their segment. I am so grateful that they chose to help us!

Unfortunately, as some of you may have heard in the segment, we will be moving back to the States in the end of July. We were devastated by this news but we really don't have a choice as it is for my husband's job. WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP LOOKING FOR QUIGLEY AND WE HOPE YOU WON'T EITHER!!!

The fact that Quigley was just feature on This Morning on ITV has certainly helped soften the blow.

Please, someone, anyone. Come forward if you have any information on Quigley. Our goal is to be re-united with him before we move back. FINGERS CROSSED!
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Well done Holly just seen the lovely Quigley on This Morning, hope it brings that all important phone call.xx
Well done Holly and what brilliant news. I haven't seen it yet as Friday is a busy day for me, but will look later or tomorrow on ITV Player.
I rang Wren Davies (from the info given by Karen )just to confirm with them that Quigs is possibly in their area and to keep their eyes peeled. The lady I spoke to confirmed that they knew about him and that all the milkmen are looking out for him too !She also confirmed that the posters were up ! So FULL SPEED AHEAD !!
WOW MASSIVE WELL DONE TO HOLLY!!!out of all the thousands of requests they probably got!!!!Quigley and family really deserve info leading to them being reunited...FINGERS AND PAWS TIGHTLY CROSSED!!!.♥♥♥XXXX♥♥♥

P.S Jackalee thanks for bumping!!.XxxLast edited: 2012-05-11 12:55:37 by Shereen
You done it!!!!!!!! Never been a more deserving family!!!! I'm so thrilled for you guys!! WELL DONE TO SHEREEN for pointing this out so quickly.. Holly you totally rock your email would have broke their hearts with this story which is why they picked Quigley.. So much publicity he made it Nation wide. So much love to all involved!!!!
Well Done on getting Quigley on the This Morning show ...just seen it & it was very impressive. I truly hope this brings Quigley home to you as you have done so much already to make the public aware of Quigley's plight. My heart goes out to you ...Keep Positive. We are all thinking of you both xx
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Bumped Quigley due to him being mentioned on ITV's This Morning.
Have spoken to Holly to post: The woods opposite sixty acres road are quite large and depending which way you choose can go up to Gt. Hampden and round and down back down Denner Hill and down past stoney green hall and wren davis feilds, there is a footpath past the fields which you can go through which eventually come back up past Prestwood church (on the main Wycombe road). This is further down from sixty acres road. Karen
Good Luck tomorrow Holly. Fingers and toes crossed for dear Quigley !
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Have sent Quigley's pics and info. Thanks, Shereen. Fingers crossed.
This Morning
This Friday we’re intending to feature an item on missing pets. So if you’ve lost a pet, or think you’ve had one stolen, let us know and we might be able to feature them in our missing pets gallery. Email thismorning@itv.com with some good shots of your missing pet and a few details that might help: when you
last saw your pet, any distinguishing marks, habits or characteristics. Maybe it was wearing a particular collar. We need your emails by 5.00pm Thursday the 10th
Last edited: 2012-05-09 13:01:02 by Shereen
I lit a candle to St Jude - he takes care of lost things, and I'm sure that includes souls like our babes - until they come home
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Wensmum,
Thank you for the kind words. I didn't even have to check to know that you are Rags's mum because I feel exactly the same way about you. You seem so dedicated to your search for that adorable little guy. I check your page often and get excited when rags gets bumped.

I know you know the anguish we still feel daily. Why doesn't it get easier? Losing Quigley has definitely shaken our world to the core. We miss him daily.

I appreciate your support. I try to be positive, which isn't always in my nature. But, we have been blessed with amazing people who haven't given up on Quigley and they are the ones who keep us going.

Maybe if we both wish upon a star tonight at the same time we can bring these babies back home. Here is to hoping or maybe having a dream that he is in my arms if just for tonight :)
Just wanted to say thank you to you two for being such a shining inspiration - when I feel down about my lass, I look at how you two are always totally focussed, apparently cheerful (whatever you are feeling inside), and you give me strength to try something different to find my lass. I so long to see Quigley in the blue - thank you for being the way you are, wish I was nearer and could help search. Sorry you have had hoaxers after you, they are the pits - sick people, but they do shake you. Will keep sharing Quigley
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

Welcome back Ellie! This forum just isn't the same when you are away:)

Jeff will poster today in the are of Prestwood. Nicky, Ruth and Jeff met with the woman who had the sighting yesterday. She was shown pictures of other dogs in that area that could be confused with Quigley and still feels it was Quigley although she couldn't be 100 percent. So, the best we can do is poster and keep eyes peeled.

Denise, I still have posters in the bin outside my house so if you plan on re-postering anywhere feel free to get some or you can join Jeff in postering Prestwood in a bit. Totally up to you. Thank you!

Hi Holly and Jeff and Team Quigley
Have arrived back from wet, windy and very cold Wales, having dodged the elements and meandered down narrow lanes trying to avoid the ewes and their lambs.I Walked my dogs off their little legs and mine also.
So sorry to read about the thug but unfortunatley these nasty opportunist types always seem to rear their ugly heads when other people are trying so hard to cope ! I don't think he's had or seen Quigley at all and is just trying to cash in just like these sought of nasty types do.I know what I would like to do with him, but unfortunately it's against the law !
I must say that I thought about you and Quigley everyday and was so hoping for some good news. Although not the best news we would have liked ,it's certainly good and encouraging news that he's possibly been sighted.
So the search for dear Quigley continues and I think that those woods are not too far from his last sighting ! So could be good news indeed!
let me know if you want me out looking today. If I don't hear from you wishing you all the luck that this will be the day it is good news!
just looked it up on map as I did not know where it was. quite a lot of woods around so might explain lack of recent sightings. fingers and everything else crossed that this leads to more news.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Another possible sighting which Jeff and team Quigley will check out tomorrow. In Prestwood. The woods across from 60 Acres Road. We'll let you all know what we think. Fingers crossed.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
That caller does not have Quigley. If he wanted money for him, he would have produced Quigley. You caught him out so he was angry and wanted to hurt you. And I think we can all guess who this type of person is. I hope the do police investigate and also check out the places this person probably comes from. It's possible he's seen him, but obviously doesn't have him himself. Quigley is a very clever dog so he's out there somewhere. At some point he has to surface. Let's hope this vague sighting was him. You are doing so well and Quigley must be so proud to have human parents like you! Come on Precious, where are you? x
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Got a vague call about a sighting in Skirmit yesterday. Not sure of credibility. Don't have much info but keep your eyes peeled, PLEASE.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks. Yes, we have contacted the police.
Sorry to hear you got a nasty call,I feel sure the police can trace malicious calls even when the number is withheld. I also check Quigleys page every day wherever I happen to be and look forward to the day when he goes over to the reunited page. xx
Hi Holly, so very sorry to hear of your bad experience with a hoax caller. Did you by any chance get their phone number and if so did you report it to the police?
Millys Mum
Oh Holly and Jeff - how awful for you and what an absolute creep with clearly very little going on in his sad little life... Let's hope this horrible 'person' is repaid for his evil act 100-fold. I'd better not post what I really think of him as I know that my post would be removed! But, on a positive note, I've just read your latest blog and it's brilliant and so well thought out and with such helpful and sensible advice for anyone who finds thmeselves in the same situation. I just love that piccie of your daughter with her 'big brother' Quigley. The photo is just joyous which just makes me feel so very sad for you all. As I've said before, I live miles away from Oxfordshire but check on Quigley's page each and EVERY day and long to see him reunited with his family. Fingers crossed, as always - come home soon dear Quigley xx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks guys. Here is my latest blogpost:

How awful, so upsetting but keep strong all the good,lovely people here to help find Quigley over rides the weirdos.
Live one day in the life of what Quigley and his family is going through and im sure this person would never of done this im sure!Quigley we will NEVER give up.Xxx.♥ ♥ ♥
some people are so sick.But what goes around comes around. They will get their just rewards one day. And they obviously have very sad and empty lives - otherwise they would not have time on their hands to be so evil.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you for doing that RachelJane. A great idea for sure. These are the types of things that are so helpful for us. It gets the words out to so many people to continue looking for Quigley.

On a sad note, it has been a rough few days. Some thug contacted us claiming to have Quigley but wanted money before handing him over, which is a classic red flag. When we wouldn't give the reward without him producing dog, he didn't show up and claimed instead that he would now torture poor Quigley. It was so horrible.
Hi Holly, I wanted to update you as I have have Sam, Teddy's mum 'Team SPILLERS' who have thousands of followers on facebook, have kindly agreed I could place a link about Teddy and Quigley on their page. Here is what I posted...Please help - lost Doggies!!
I am posting this on behalf of worried owners who have lost their dogs. In particular 'Teddy' missing since 12/12/11 and Quigley missing since 2/1/12. Both are missing from the Oxfordshire area.

Their owners are distraught and are working tirelessly to try and find out where they are or what has happened to them. I am asking please if you will take a look at the following links and share them with your friends and family. It only takes one lead and who knows they may be reunited with their owners. I would like to say thank you on behalf of their owners to Team SPILLERS who have been very kind agreeing for me to place this post. It's good to know that there are still kind people in the world. Then the two links to Teddy and Quigley's pages. You never know!! I am waiting for some other horsey institutions to come back to me about posting on their pages too. Fingers crossed x
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I check every morning hoping to read good news...after the weekends dreadful weather I hope he is somewhere dry and warm.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Yes, Ruth and Nicky have been amazing. All of this has been covered. Team Quigley has been so wonderful and giving of themselves that I have been in awe. Rest assured that work is still being done daily to get Quigley back home. Thank you, all.
Battersea @ Old Windsor has been done :)
Ruth, I didn't know this was done! My daughter knows someone who works at Windsor Battersea Dogs Home, I will give her posters of Quigley and Teddy. Ellie I will givef a Teddy poster to Chinnor Kennels, have a good time away.
Re posters to rescue centres.
Nicky and I researched and sent posters, and a letter from Holly, to all the rescue centres that we could find in: Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Northamptonshire, Hertfordshire and into London - in fact everything in a 70 mile radius of Watlington.
Also to all vets in a 50 mile radius.
All in all, Nicky stuffed and stamped 200 envelopes :)
Quigley's Mum and Dad
HI Denise,

I will check with Nicky. I think she sent Quigley's poster to all of these. But, thank you for the numbers. I will call to follow-up and make sure they were received.

Ellie--Thanks and we will miss you and all of your comments and help when you are gone. Be sure to drop an email or post to let us know when you return. Have a nice time away.

Hi Denise
I don't have any posters of Teddy but think it would be a good idea to drop one off at the kennels. If anyone is local that has a Teddy poster then perhaps they could drop one in.I'm a bit stuck for time as I'm away this weekend and next week otherwise I would do it !
I looked in a local telephone book, for animal shelters at Lewknor there is a re homing centre no. 01844 355293, Battersea lost dogs line 0901 477 8477, Chiltern 01296 623885, Dog Rescue Society 01494 482695 it would be best if you ring Holly, as you can explain every detail of Quigley. thanks Ellie for doing Chinnor Hill Kennels, did you tell them about Teddy?
Hi Holly
I've got to pay a visit to my 'second home', the wilds of Mid Wales after this weekend as I have stuff to do there. I just don't want you to think that I'm 'abandoning ship' or 'bowing out' as the place is so wild that I can only get a phone signal in the nearest town and as for a computer, I can't even go there !I will be thinking of you all and keeping my fingers crossed for some good news ! Will be gone for a week or so.Last edited: 2012-04-26 12:41:56 by Ellie
Hi Denise
I rang the kennels up Chinnor Hill this morning and spoke to a lady who hadn't heard of Quigley (!) So I took a poster up and realised that the lady was very young and possibly new. However I noticed there were still 2 posters in the window and I changed one of them for the more recent still missing poster. I then explained that if Quigley was nearby then he may make his way towards the barking dogs and she said they'd keep and eye.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks Denise and Ellie. Yes, we sent a poster to Battersea Dog's Home. Do you think that is enough? Also, Reilly, thanks for the idea. Will look into it.

Placed adverts in Bucks Free Press and South Bucks Star again today. Also Oxford advertiser. Will do other publications next week.

Goodnight everyone.
Hi Denise
I'll phone them tomorrow and if need be drop them off a poster.
Holly, have you notified Battersea Dogs Home (they also have a branch in Windsor) it maybe worth sending them a poster to keep a look out for new dogs coming in.
Hi Ellie, I did poster the kennels at Chinnor Hill, they were closed that day but I left a note and a poster. It was some time ago now so re-postering would be a good idea or a phone call to them, are you able to do this?
I have just had a thought and I don't know if this has been covered already but when I dropped my husband at the mess at High Wycombe on Easter Monday there was a Sainsburys home delivery van parked by the side of the road than runs down from the mess to the main road (sorry I don't know the area - its the road that runs past the cricket pitch and joins the main road by a boarded up pub - The Red Lion?). Anyway he was parked by a tree that had a Quigley poster on it and I wonder if you have contacted the local supermarkets who do deliveries in that area to give their drivers flyers?
This is probably 'old hat' but while I was out with my dogs this morning I heard all the dogs from the kennels up Chinnor Hill barking. I don't know why I haven't thought of it before but it could be the ticking clock effect when I've been used to hearing them or possibly the coming of summer and there are more dogs there. However I was wondering if Quigley is in the area would he respond to the barking dogs and make towards the kennels ? Have we previously covered this scenario ? Have the people from the Chinnor Hills Kennels been notified of Quigley ? Sorry if this has already been covered, but you never know. Sometimes quite obvious things do get overlooked !
They really are a great group of people that comment on this page. Such selfless people that are giving so much of their time to Quigley and Teddy ! They are all amazing !
I love your blog Holly and would like to have commented on it but I don't have the links needed to comment. However I'll tell you now that I thought it was great and it reduced me to tears as such things like this do. Keep up the good work and keep the faith. As someone has already said on here 'You never know what's around the corner '! As for your nails - They'll keep !! :-)Last edited: 2012-04-24 14:33:26 by Ellie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Wow, I logged on to see all of these comments. Wow. Thank you.

Thank you, everyone for your suggestions and advice. Thank you for your offers of support and help. Without this forum and Team Quigley (you know who you are) we would not have been as successful in spreading the word about Quigley as we are today.

Please know that I take all of your advice to heart and try to research most suggestions. It takes time. Time which I used to spend on frivilous things like manicures, pedicures and social engagements. But, I don't care. To be honest, I'm happy to have been taught the lesson of Quigley's value in my life. Family (human and otherwise) is really all that matters.

I will keep you all posted on my progress. Please continue to follow my blog as I'm busy compiling my next post. It feels good to give back albeit in a very small way. www.whereohwherehasmylittledoggone.blogspot.co.uk

This is the e mail address of the guy who wrote the article about the dog in the daily mail today....

Hi Millys Mum , yes a good omen I'm sure! I have also just been talking to to my boss who has the Daily Mail , and he agrees! I think everything is worth a try!!! also I'm sure This Morning do a "dog feature" with Pam St Clement? I'm sure I have seen something about missing dogs, all ideas are worth looking into. xx
Shereen, thanks I know there must be hundreds but don't the RSPCA, Dog Wardens etc have a central data base they look on when new animals come into them? I just feel so helpless I don't know where to start if you can suggest where I can help? I obviously don't want to repeat what you are doing so where would be best?
Holly and Jeff, I also agree with the TV appeal,our local one, Meridian, covers a wide area.
Millys Mum
It's me again! I've just checked our the circulation of the Daily Mail which is one of the most popular tabloid newspapers. It's over 2 million!
Millys Mum
Oh, bloody hell Lynn - great minds think alike! We both had the the same thoughts and posted at the same time. Spooky eh, or perhaps a good omen?! Surely someone can help get our national media on board. Fingers also crossed here in North Kent.Last edited: 2012-04-24 11:46:31 by Millys Mum
Millys Mum
Hi Holly & Jeff - I check out Quigley's page at least once a day, every day and, like others, long for him to appear in the Reunited pages. I just love the look and sound of your lovely and clearly very much-loved lad (he sounds a right ol' character & he does have THE most gorgeous face). Reading the Daily Mail newspaper as I do most days (if I have time!), it struck me that they do cover so very many animal and dog-related stories, as today (cross black Lab who 'helps' his thatcher owner - not sure about that one?!!). Your story is so 'newsworthy' that surely they could be persuaded to feature Quigley's missing story i.e. that you rescued him from a 'kill' rescue in America, brought him to the UK, and that you have 2 young children who miss him terribly, not to mention yourselves! Does anyone on here have any good contacts so that his story can be told nationwide? BTW - I read your blog - it's great and hoping so very much that this will help to bring Quigley home...xLast edited: 2012-04-24 11:39:47 by Millys Mum
Hi , I know this has probably already been suggested , but what about doing an appeal on National tv? maybe This Morning? or Breakfast TV? also an article in national newspapers,? I know you have concentrated on loacl media, but maybe time to try further afield? you just never know! good luck! I will keep fingers crossed for some news soon xx
We'll go to the Lure racing and hand out flyers on Saturday. Team Quigley
Doglost is nationwide and althought lots of dog wardens follow us and check doglost every day not all of them follow us (we are working on it)and there are hundreds aslo if you do a search on the amount of councils in the uk you wont believe it there are loads!

We do alert the pounds in a very large area but I hope you can understand we couldnt possibly do all of them.But if owners/helpers want to its up to them really.We do check rescues and dogs up for rehoming (As do helpers) we do this online,and my whole favorites bar is full up with hundreds of rescues which I regularly check by going down the list.(I normally do this once a week)I hope that answers your question.

Ronniedog I have a feeling the Lure racing has been cancelled for the 30th but they are holding it on the 28th instead,check out the link


I work in Piddington and have been keeping an eye out on my lunchtime walks around the village for a while now. The poster in the bus shelter in Piddington had fallen down, I propped it up as best as I could today, and will try and go back tommorow and re-fix it again properly. I found out this weekend that there is a fun lure-racing (for all dogs) evening next Monday 30th from 5.30pm until dark taking place in the polo field on the A40 at West Wycombe (the field where the circus is held - on the left hand side as you drive westwards out of West Wycombe). I hope to go along myself, as it's only 1/2 mile from work. I will try to get a few posters run off at work and take some along with me, if the organisers are okay with this, as my guess is that most of the people who go will be fairly local.
My husband was posted to RAF High Wycombe a couple of weeks ago and I asked him to keep an eye out for posters on the noticeboards and there are some up. I am visiting there this weekend and will take some 'still missing' ones with me to replace them if necessary and put extras up if I can.

Do you have a walk planned for saturday?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
registered Quigley on website and spoke to animalwardens.co.uk, so far no joy...will keep you posted.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Check out the blog I have started to chronical our experience in losing and searching for Quigley. I plan to offer advice and tips to help others in a similar situation:


Thanks Elaine and Lynn. I will investigate these possiblities.
Just an idea. Has Holly seen animalwardens.co.uk. I've tried contacting them re some of the lost dogs in this area but they will only speak to the owners as they say they get so many dogs in. They seem to have sites where they look after the dogs close to South Bucks, Bedfordshire, Northants and herts border...not sure about oxon. We aren't that far away from where Quigley was last seen really, in case he moved north wards or north eastwards after that.
Hi I check on here everyday hoping for news, but Lily's story is so inspiring to everyone!!! I looked for traveller sites and they are on The Oxford Council website,........there are quite a few!

here is the link ,........good luck, fingers crossed for you. x

http://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/authorised-gypsy-and-traveller-sites Last edited: 2012-04-21 17:52:07 by Lynn
Sorry to hear Olivia not well and can't get here, if I had known I would of gone with Sam. Regarding the traveller sites, surely Pet Detective knows of these and visits regularly? Also might be worth him going to the 2 big estates near to Sam (Wormsley and Nettlebed?). Also Shereen, does Dog Lost cover all over the country so they are alerted to dogs missing from this area? That hopefully means Dog Wardens all over are on the look out too?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Unfortunately, Olivia has tonsilitis and Jeff is working on Sunday so we can't make it up to the country again this weekend. I'm not so happy about it but so is life I guess. Luckily, Sam has offered to give out some leaflets if she goes to the point to point. Thanks Sam! I'm grateful for that.

Please keep the word out about Quigs!

I've started advertising on Gumtree...
Hi Holly, hope you are feeling better and will be ok to go to Kingston Blount races. I don't know all the traveller sites, Colin should know or maybe ring the various councils and explain. There is one on the B4009 near to Longwick and another at Bishopstone and the one near to Horsenden. Wishing you all the luck this weekend.xx
Teddy's Mum
Hi Holly and jeff,
Let us be positive about Quigley and Teddy.
We will keep searching and we will get them back, because our love for our beloved angels will see us through.

It is Kingston blount races as our friends have said.
Are you well enough to go out for a couple of hours Holly?
I will be honest and say that I would struggle this weekend, as no one to cover the horses etc in my abscence.
I would be grateful or we could do a couple of hours together?

I have run out of Quigley's flyers and will get some more of Teddy's done tomorrow.
Warning: Board very uncomfortable!

Take Care Holly.
Speak very soon.
Hugs.....Sam x
The next Kingston Blount meeting is this Saturday 21st April so not much time to make plans, you'll have to get your skates on !!!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Ellie and Denise,
Can you give me a list of all the traveler's sights b/c I'm not exactly sure of where they all are. I will make sure they are checked. You can e-mail me.

When is the point to point? Maybe I can where the Quigley/Teddy sandwich board. I'll talk to Sam.
I agree Ellie, all the sites to be checked THOROUGHLY! Holly, did you know there is a Point to Point at Kingston Blount, a good place to make people aware of Quigley to hand out flyers.
Do we know whether all the travellers sites have been thoroughly checked out ?. And by thoroughly I mean caravans out buildings empty vehicles etc ?
Quigley's Mum and Dad





I'm so pleased that the 'Dog left to rot in the river' has been cleared up. It certainly wasn't the sort of news that people like Holly Jeff and Sam wanted to read just before they climbed into bed ! The article I read in The Herts Advertiser 24 certainly made the council and the EA look like a bunch of gung ho , heartless 'cowboys' ! It certainly set my heart racing until I read the comment from a SENSIBLE person that it looked like a muntjac deer !
On a lighter and a more hopeful note I was talking to someone yesterday who knows someone whose dog was missing for a year. It was thought to have been living feral for most of that time . They got it back and it settled straight back into his old life without any problems ! :)Last edited: 2012-04-17 09:58:52 by Ellie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
In response to the deer situation: It was definitley a deer as it had hooves. Pictures, although gruesome, were forwarded to me to put my mind at ease by Nicky. It has also been moved out of the way so others don't have to see it or confuse it with a dog anymore.

We have investigated the "dog left to rot in the river" article. We have contacted the Environmental Agency and they have claimed that it was not a dog, but a goat.
Comment awaiting moderation
I find it unbelievable that nobody from the council looked into this properly. Surely if an animal is found dead then the first thing to do is to look up records to see if it is missing ! If they believed that it was a dog,in which case it could have been a much loved pet, then you don't just 'dispose' of it without first getting a description and then putting out inquiries ! I do sometimes wonder why we have to pay such exhorbitant council tax !?! There are quite a few words for such people and GUNG HO and thoughtless certainly comes to mind !Last edited: 2012-04-16 11:06:08 by Ellie
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
According to the 'deer society' muntjac deer are russet brown in the summer and grey brown in the winter. No mention of patches, white or speckles as in Quigleys description, so thankfully doubt it would be him! pity someone can't get a description of the deceased animal.
Someone that saw the 'dog' have said that they saw it and were convinced that it was a muntjak deer.
Linda W
Hi I just a thought Quigley hasn't been spotted just lately. I have just read a report in on line paper and wondered if it worth you checking here the link. http://www.hertsad.co.uk/news/dead_dog_left_to_rot_in_london_colney_river_1_1347036
He could have moved on and it not a great distance to a dog looking for home. xx Hope it not but maybe worth a check.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
A huge thank you to Nicky and Ruth who went out this evening to investigate another animal carcass. Team Quigley, I don't what I would do without you to help us through these difficult times. A concerned person called thinking that it was Quigley. It was a black and white deer that was found on the ridgeway north of the m40. It wasn't Quigley. So, the search continues...
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks, Denise, for continuing to re-poster...we appreciate it immensely.
I will be re-postering areas where needed. I will go over to Bledlow behind the Lions during the week. Keep positive, it is so hard when there have been no sightings recently, I so feel for you.xx
Teddy's Mum
So sorry Holly and Jeff.
Was so hoping for you.
Sam and Teddy
Quigley's Mum and Dad
gutted:( I miss this dog like crazy.Last edited: 2012-04-13 23:00:01 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
So sorry it wasn't Quigley :( I will be out at the weekend re-postering, I noticed up at Pulpit Hill posters have gone in the parking area.
Team Quigley has unfortunately ruled out this possible sighting as most probably a dog that was being walked in the area at the same time: (
Teddy's Mum
Fingers and paws crossed for you Holly.
Sam and Teddy xx
yes just means bumped up the list which usually means some new activity.
Quigley's Mum & Dad
Call me stupid....what does bumped up mean? Has there been a credible sighting? I really hope so....I also handed out leaflets at Thame show on Sunday, could do with some more popped into my letterbox when anyone is passing my way
So excited when I saw Quigley had been bumped up. Please letas hope this is a credible sighting and hopefully not too far away. Jan
Oh please, please, PLEASE let it be Quigley ! I have fingers and toes crossed and am praying so hard ! Come on Quigs show yourself again !!!!!!!!!!Last edited: 2012-04-13 09:09:28 by Ellie
Oh I hope and pray...I was just about to check on Quigleys thread when I saw this, hope it`s a sign!! Will be sending positive thoughts, let us know if there`s anything I can do, I`m walking at Stokenchurch Dog Rescue this morning LindaT helper
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Possible sighting of Quigley today. Team Quigley is investigating. Will post when we have more confirmed information. Fingers Crossed. Say prayers. I'm soooooo happy to see him bumped.Last edited: 2012-04-12 23:51:36 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Bump for Quigley.x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh Quigley, please come home now. x
Hi Holly, thank you for your text. Alfie very sadly, has lost the use of his back legs so cannot walk now. He is nearly 17 but still enjoys life and the vet has lent me a little cart to attach to him, he needs to get use to it. It has been a very emotional time but I still think of Quigley (Teddy and Max) every day and will still continue to look for them, so let me know when and where you want me. Hope you had a good Easter. x
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks for everything, Sam. I just posted on your page. But, I will wear sandwich board next time around. Let me know when and wear!
Teddy's Mum
Holly and Jeff,
Had a positive and informative meeting today with Colin.
Hope that I was able to help!
Sure that he will have discussed with you both what was said.
Best regards. Sam x
Teddy's Mum
Hi Holly and Jeff!
We certainly raised awareness at Thame Show as we were so eye catching! Although I have to be honest and say that our secret weapons were Mr Fozzie Bear (who sang his way around the showground!) and Buzz lightyear. We spoke to hundreds of people and gave out all our leaflets.
I still have Quigley's poster and am happy to keep it attached to Teddy's board to wear agin at a car boot or festival etc, unless you needalong it back? Let me know.
Hi Holly
I'm certainly not a doggie expert but I was thinking that if anyone is a behaviourist then maybe they would know the answer to this. It's just that thinking about all the sightings from Stokenchurch to Butlers Cross to High Wycombe and West Wycombe, he then came back to Bledlow where you were scenting ! If all these sightings were of him and things definitely point to it then why come back to Bledlow ? It must be worth another try !
Quigley's Mum and Dad
HI Ellie,
I wish I knew the answers to this myself. We are certainly willing and able to go scenting on Sunday when we are up from London. The last time we think he showed up was when my dad was in town. I'm at a loss as since we haven't heard anything. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I just don't know what that is. I guess we can plan for a hike there on Sunday if we don't hear anything else. Thanks.
Hi Everyone
Getting back to the last sighting of Quigs at the rear of the Lions at Bledlow which was only 2/3 weeks ago, then does anyone think it possible that Quigley could be coming back around to that area because Holly and Jeff were scenting there. Is it possible that he can still smell the scent or just remembers the place where it was ? If so would it be worth Holly and Jeff re-scenting that area again ? Does anyone know for sure the answers to this ?
Hi Holly
Definately an emotional one. It's a shame we didn't have any joy searching for the deceased dog but at least it wasnt Quigley :) Not Quigley at the house check but definately a lovely pointer. We handed out flyers and put up posters at Bourne End. And have made a start back at the begining in Watlington to replace the old posters with new ones. It's been a while since I've written on here but felt I needed to give an update because although we've not been vocal we have certainly been active. Dearest Holly this train journey continues and we wont be getting off until it stops. Much love... Stay strong and positive!!!!! Shareen you inspire me every time I see you for that I thank you!!!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Ellie,
Yes, the Longwick sighting has been discounted as we believe it was Woody. The sighting of Quigley in the same spot behind Lion's of Bledlow is still believed to be a true sighting. The woman saw the dog from far away but we haven't had anyone discount it. So, Bledlow is still a place to keep eyes peeled. Emotional weekend to say the least.
Did we ever find out whether the possible sighting of Quigley on the path at the rear of the Lions at Bledlow 2/3 weeks ago was Quigley ? I know it was about the same time that Woody the JR was mistaken for Quigs at Longwick but nothing else was said about the sighting at the Lions ! Can someone please clarify this ?
So sorry to hear about your emotional weekend Holly and Jeff it really must be a nightmare and I do so feel for you all.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for your continued support and efforts especially this weekend. Denise, thanks for giving out leaflets at Great Kimble Point to Point. Karen, thanks for taking leaflets and posters for this past weekend and next to give out. Sam, thanks for including Quigley on Teddy's sandwich board. Fingers crossed.

We had an emotional weekend. We searched for a deceased dog that we thought was possible Quigley but wasn't. We checked a dog in a house that someone thought might be Quigley but it was a pointer. We had a dog sighting in Bourne End which Nicky and Ruth investigated but it isn't thought to be Quigley. So, no positive sightings still:(

Please like Quigley on facebook and share his page and this page as well:


Thanks. Holly
Met Sam(Teddy`s Mum )and Fozzie with friend 2day at Thame Show wearing their sandwich boards...very striking and eye-catching, as was Fozzie with his harness, and he kindly allowed a few of Quigleys flyers into his boxes too :-) Lets pray that it might jog someone`s memory .. it certainly drew attention to anyone who may not know about these missing babes. The answers are out there somewhere. LindaT helper
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks, Denise! You Rock! I was at Kingston Blount Point to Point a few weeks ago giving out flyers and I don't think I even got to a quarter of the people. It was huge! So, well done and thanks so much.

Linda T, thank you for all of that searching as well. You rock too!

Sam, thanks for getting together the sandwich board. You all rock!

Happy Holidays!

Am hoping to go to the Thame Country Show 2morrow with visitors and will take some of the flyers from Stokenchurch Dog rescue with me. Yesterday late afternoon had a good long walk through the BBONT nature reserve on the far side of the old cement works in Chinnor, and spent ages scanning the lakes and sides of the old quarry; found a pile of pidgeon feathers then spotted a large browny/grey shape in the scrub near the lake, after making a noise a few times the shape woke up and I realised I`d woken an old dog-fox from his snooze :-( I actually thought at first it might have been Teddy!! It`s a very quiet spot and took a few photos of shapes that I need to put on the `puta to zoom in on, but I think they are just logs and dross. Having the camera or camera phone handy if there is a potential sighting could help to identify a distant dog. Have a good weekend, Holly.... and well done for adopting Chilli, he`s a lucky boy. LindaT helper
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Denise...really appreciated.
Hi Holly and Jeff, Gave out all the flyers at the Point to Point there were so many people there so I didn't manage to even do half! Lots were aware and everyone really nice wishing luck in finding him. Quite a few said to go to all the travellers sites and spread the word about the reward, perhaps Colin (pet detective) would be willing to do this? Hope you are having a nice Easter.
Teddy's Mum
Hi Holly and Jeff,

How is Chilli settling in? I used to be a Trustee of Stokenchurch dog Rescue so am pleased that you have adopted a dog from there.

Thanks for your message and of course I would be pleased to share Teddy's sandwich board with Quigley. I will also take a poster of little Cutler and raise awareness for him. I just want to do whatever i can to bring one/all of these dogs home where they belong.

Hope that you meeting was positive Holly!?!
I look forward to seeing Jeff tomorrow.

Best regards.......Samx
Hi Holly and Jeff hope your new little companion is helping the sadness. Thanks for the flyers I will do as much as I can on Saturday. Perhaps after the weekend contact Sam (Teddy's mum) and think about a combined appeal (it makes sense as gone from the same area)it might have more impact?

I'm really sorry but I won't be able to help this weekend. Regarding holidays, Easter is non existant for me. I'm working Friday, Saturday and Monday. Sunday I've made an 'appointment' to see my grandson, a nine month old smiling laughing bundle of joy ! Who I only get to see about once every 6 weeks. So sorry Denise !
Their ought to be lots of people there as it is quite a big local event and if we have reasonable weather there should be lots of ramblers etc too.
Happy Easter to all those lucky people who have some days off :( and as for Quigley get your ass out in the open so that we can get you home to your new little brother !!! X
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks Jansus. I'm not sure what to think anymore:( I just want a sighting. I just spoke to Shereen and she was very supportive of the fact that Quigs is still out there. I will continue to keep up his notoriety until he is found. Of course, there is always the idea that he could have been picked up so I will look into that.

Denise has offered to give out leaflets at the Great Kimble Point to Point this weekend. Is anyone available to help her as we will be in London this weekend. Any help would be appreciated.


If you think he may have been taken, are there any other internet sites that you could get a nationwide advert on? I was thinking of Gumtree or preloved ? Freeads? I am not sure whther you can or whether it would work - but the one advantage is that Quigley is so distinctive that if you could just get something out there saying "have you seen this dog?" then it may jog someones memory? Other than that I think in the circumstances you are doing everything you possibly can. Congratulations on your new addition. What a lovely thing to do. My dog is a rescue dog and is absolutely a star.
Hi Holly, Congrats on new additiont o the family. My husband and I walked the Aylesbury Ring today sadly we saw no dogs at all out with anybody. As I have put on Teddy's page that there are now very few posters up in Butlers Cross of Quigley or Teddy & also Cutler. Somebody busy taking them down especially along the footpaths on the fences! However Denise & I did leaflet the houses along with Teddy & Cutler and I'm sure that if someone has seen any of them they would hopefully have telephoned. Good luck to you all for this coming Easter weekend and I'm sorry I am unable to help as I shall be away but will be willing them to get their asses back home pdq!
Jansus, please would you contact me on email .... fiona@widespec.co.uk thank you !
Hi Holly Welldone on adopting the new member of your family Chilli ! As the owner of 3 of the little rascals I can say that they are alert, intelligent and charismatic little dogs ! They are also great house dogs and it only takes my gate latch to click and all Hell breaks loose thus keeping away the dreaded burglars ! On the down side they need their teeth checked regularly (mine have cost me a fortune over the years ) and they are a little unpredictable and can be snappy so you will have to be wary with the children. I'm sure they used to be able to roll over 'soppy' Quigley but Chilli will be a bit different !Having said this Chilli will probably prove me wrong but it is best to be aware. As for gorgeous Quigley he is certainly top of my list for things to do and I am sure also the rest of the lovely people that post on here and do all the hard work with the postering etc. Their energy never fails to amaze me. I know that it's difficult but do try and have a lovely Easter/ Passover and who knows, with the holidays coming up someone could well spot Quigley. Hopefully there will be plenty of people around and he might just pop his head out from wherever he's hiding!X
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

I think it is important to keep the word out about Quigley. Leaflets, posters, word of mouth. If anyone needs, please let me know. Leaflets to people on footpaths are always very helpful. Replacing old, weathered posters is great too.

I am running adverts again this week in hopes that we get some more information or sightings.

I will meet with the Pet Detective on Wednesday and I will post any suggestions he may have for us here.

Thank you all again for your help and support. Please do not give up searching and keeping the word out for our beloved Quigley. I still believe we can find him and dream of the day he will come home to us.

We have adopted a new Jack Russell, Chilli, from Stokenchurch Dog Rescue. We hope he can help us find Quigley or maybe Quigley will be more likely to come bounding out of the woods if we have a doggie with us.

I think we also need to consider that Quigley may have been picked up at this point. Please continue to check with your vets and neighbours to make sure they haven't acquired/seen a new, gorgeous pointer/beagle looking dog.


Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks, Claire. We are praying for a sighting sometime soon. Come on Quigs! This isn't funny:( So many dogs missing in this area, I know. So sad.
Thanks Jayne - My fault for skim reading ): I did read the info a while ago - but did not realise how difficult the collar was to get off. That makes a lot of difference.
Hi Holly, I have done a lot of slow driving around today. Started at Stoke Mandeville, back roads thro' to Marsh, Owlswick, Ford, Haddenham, back again and down to Bishopstone and then onto Terrick. Sadly nothing to report on any of the missing dogs. My husband and I will be out walking tomorrow from Wendover, up to Ellesborough, Butlers Cross, Cadsden and Hampden and back down to Wendover (if I make it!!!). Obviously we will keep an eye out for any of the missing dogs. There is now a missing Black Lab from HP17 area called Max which we will keep an eye out for as well.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Jansus...its lockable and made of teflon so even with bolt cutters it would tak hours to remove...long enough for owner to track down if being held anywhere...the developers came to us for advice during developement...it also has 2 copper wires on the out side so if someone was trying to cut the collar off...if the circuit is broken its texts your mobile to say someone is trying to remove the collar...it even texts you to say when the collar needs charging...all very clever.
Could there not be a device that doesn't need topping up ? There wouldn't be one on wild animals as they wouldn't be able to top them up for obvious reasons. I was thinking more along the lines of another microchip that could be inserted into the dog or even somehow included in the ID microchip ! The scientists in my family are Geologists and Pharmacologists so they wouldn't be of any help. I think we would need someone whose into Science Engineering or along those lines. What a great help it be would be if we could get this to fruition !
I can see the collar would be useful in the case of a lost dog - but not one that is stolen.Or if it comes off.
However a small ear tag type device or even better something that could be hidden would be good - but you do wonder if some of these "low lifes" to put it politely would somehow remove it if they knew it was there.
I have bben racking my brains as well to think of an answer
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
A chip is inside the dog so cannot be charged up however there is a tracking collar...a link is on the left hand side of this page below the donate button...called never again retriever collar.
Slightly off topic here but I am wondering why somebody hasn't come up with the idea of putting a tracking device into the microchip of dogs ? Something like the police have when cars are stolen. I know it is done with certain animals such as whales when they want to track their journeys around the oceans, so why not dogs? The obvious important thing would be that it is not dangerous to the dogs health, but what a help it would be in cases like Quigley, Teddy etc. It would also stop those nasty people that steal our dogs and cause such heartbreak and suffering to not only the owners but the dogs too. I guess it would be more expensive but that's nothing compared to the heartbreak that these missing animals cause ! Perhaps someone from LostDog would have some idea about this and could put input into the subject. Maybe there is someone who visits LostDog that could put in some advise. This could be a chance to sort this out and perhaps proceeds could go to LostDog !Last edited: 2012-04-02 10:56:00 by Ellie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Ellie,

Thanks for the vote of confidence. It is so hard to not have had any sightings of Mr. Quigs in the past few weeks. I don't do well with it. But, stories like that are the one that keep me going. I hope Quigley is enjoying his walk on the wild side. I just hope that he isn't enjoying it so much that it keeps him from coming home to us!

Sam, I don't have a list to e-mail. It is as Shereen describes from find any vet. I meant that in the past I have e-mailed them Quigley's poster and description.
Hi, Just logging in to report that I walked the Ridgeway this afternoon with my 3 JRs and hubbie + binoculars in tow ! There was no sight of Quigley and not as many people as I thought there would be. Where are they all ?!!
There were plenty of cyclists whizzing by at 40 MPH and a couple of times I had to grab my dogs for fear of a serious accident :)
I gave a flyer to some walkers that I met who had seen the posters and said that they walk regularly so would keep an eye open, but the creme de la creme was a lady with 2 children and her dad who I got chatting to and they just happened to have a couple of Pointers too. The gentleman then informed me that his other daughter had got a Pointer from a dog rescue that had been running feral for quite some time and had been thought to have been living on rabbits and pigeons etc for sometime ! I was so pleased to hear this and want Holly to know as I detect that she has been a bit despondent in her last few posts !
So there we have it. These Pointers are really something special. Tough old dogs just like me my hubbie tells me :( !Last edited: 2012-04-01 16:37:48 by Ellie
Teddys Mum...if you look to the right hand side of this page theres a green advert that says 'Find Any Vet UK',click on it and follow instuctions on the link.i.e postcode etc...it will come up with a list of all the vets you need.X
Teddy's Mum
Hi Holly,
It was good to talk to you yesterday! My offer of help is there if you need it.
When we spoke a couple of months ago, you said that you would email me a list of vets. Would you still be able to do this as I would really appreciate it?
Speak soon and have a lovely Easter.
Sam and Teddy xxxx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Denise,
Thanks for volunteering to do this. You have been so wonderful to us. We are coming up to the country later today and we will spend the week there. I have flyers and can drop them to you at some point during the week. Let me know what works. You can text.

Unfortunately, we won't be around for the Easter weekend as we have holiday plans with close friends (they are like our extended family here in the UK) back in London for both Passover and Easter (we celebrate both). Both holidays are this weekend coming up.

Quigley, come bouncing out like the Easter Bunny:)Last edited: 2012-04-01 08:38:20 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Come one Quigley,its time to show some one where you are again.XXX
Hi Denise, sorry I am unable to cover anything this Easter weekend as I am away visiting daughter up North (subject to petrol stations having the liquid gold stuff!). Will be out and about though this week up until Thur having a lookaround for Quigley, Teddy & Cutler.Last edited: 2012-03-31 18:46:07 by ClaireC
The Point to Point is on Easter Saturday at Kimble, I will go and hand out flyers to people, if anyone else can that would be good as they are always a lot of people. I will need more so if I can meet someone who has some to give me during the week that would help.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks for the idea, Claire. Spoke to Sam re the fair. We will liase.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you everyone for keeping the faith! Ellie, thanks! You did so much! I really appreciate it.

I have advertised in every paper this week including Henley Standard and Oxford Mail to get back into Oxfordshire.

I am at a loss. Quigley, if you are out there still, please show yourself. I can't take not knowing. It hurts so much:( We miss you so much.
I dropped a poster of at the Chinnor Station then went on to the Ridgeway between the A40 and M40 and postered along there and went through the tunnel and did some along there.
I spoke to a lady and man in the wooden hut who I think were forestry commission and he did say that he had taken down some of the old lamenated ones that had gone nasty. However I looked for posters and they were still present in the entrances but I added more and spaced them out well. It was actually a job to find decent places to put them as I avoided trees incase I upset somebody ! I met a man that I know who was walking his dog and he told me that he goes up there with his dog 4 times a week and always looks out for Quigley ! I gave him a flyer ! I also stopped off at a lady I know who has a lot of land that runs adjacent to the Ridgeway and gave her a flyer to 'put in a safe place' incase she spots him. She's also going to have a word with her gamekeeper and other staff.I then went onto Watlington, up the hill to the Ridgeway and postered along there. I spoke to a couple of people who knew of Quigley and gave them a flyer. Lets hope for a sighting this weekend. Come on Quigley please show your lovely face !
I will be keeping my eyes open on Sunday as I will be on the ridgeway - and we still have flyers for quigley and a poster up for Teddy at the cafe near where I work. I am sure there are a lot more like me in the back ground who are still watching and waiting and hoping for a sighting.
I will be keeping my eyes open on Sunday as I will be on the ridgeway - and we still have flyers for quigley and a poster up for Teddy at the cafe near where I work. I am sure there are a lot more like me in the back ground who are still watching and waiting and hoping for a sighting.
Hi Nicky
Have left a message on your phone for you to ring me if poss. I urgently need some posters by this PM. If you can contact me by phone or here I would appreciate it. Many thanks !
Everyone I meet on my walks is aware of Quigley, and I see posters everywhere; yesterday evening I walked from Sandpit Lane Bledlow along past the old Bledlow Mill and along the bridleway into Longwick, and then back via the village hall and playing fields, and I did see a couple of posters, also picked up an older poster from the lane...not sure if it had blown off a post, but did reattach it further along as there was a new one nearby. Also picked up a dropped flyer but didn`t see anyone to give it to who didn`t already know. When I go out I do make sure my phone is switched on and ready as if I did see a potential sighting I would try and take a photo to e.mail to help identification...I am sure everyone else would be able to do this if they have a camera or camera-phone :-) Trouble is, I am guessing that if Quigley is living wild, like a fox, he is probably not coming out in the daylight and it`ll be the really early walkers or really late ones that might spot him. But that doesn`t stop me or anyone else keeping eyes peeled:-) The Thame Easter Show is on at the showground by Thame Rugby Club on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. Come on Quigley, out you come!! LindaT helper
The Thame Country Show is coming up soon and it may be a good idea to have some posters/leaflets handed out to people as they enter as a thought.
Hi Holly&Jeff
Sorry I couldn't get back in time for the meeting today as i had hoped nevertheless we are constantly keeping an eye open for Quigley in case he decides to revisit his old hunting grounds.Hope you had some luck with the gliding school.

I will replace these with the oldler ones for now, If Holly would like newer ones put up then let me know, I can collect them from you or you can drop off whichever is eaiser for you. Last edited: 2012-03-29 16:58:10 by jo
Hi Jo
Thanks for that. Yes there is a poster that says STILL MISSING but I'm hoping to pick them up in the morning so that I can do the Ridgeway.It probably won't matter to much if you put the old ones up they will certainly be better than the one I saw ! Unless of course Holly has a better idea- not really sure what she would rather do !The alternative would be for me to drop you some down tomorrow PM (?)
Hi Ellie,

I will replace the poster this afternoon and also put some up Hill Top road (across from the B4009).

Is there a newer poster that says STILL MISSING that I can replace these with just so that locals that walk pass these posters every day will notice they are differnt and know Quigle is still missing and that the posters just haven't been left up.
Hi Jo
I noticed that the poster on the Leathern Bottle side of the M40 bridge needed replacing last week, but I never had any posters to replace it. As you are quite close would you be able to do it for me and save me a trip ? Many thanks if you can !Last edited: 2012-03-29 15:35:07 by Ellie
Sorry I don't comment on here very often, but I do check in every day incase of a sighting.

As I have said before I am in Lewknor (just under Aston Rowant Nature Reserve, next to the lambert arms) and alway look out of my windows up at the hill hoping to see Quigley bounding across and I keep a pair of binoculars handy just in case!

The poster are still up around here but some are wind / water damaged so I will replace these and also add more along the from the A40 toward Christmas common when I walk my pack.

Please be assured lot's of people are still keeping eye out for Quigley around here! Last edited: 2012-03-29 15:31:18 by jo
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Call for help:

Today, our Pet Detective will be at The Fox Country Inn on the Main Road in Ibstone at 4:30. He would like to poster and leaflet again in that area since Quigley hasn't had sightings further north. And, he was seen multiple times, daily in this area in earlier days. If anyone is able to join, please meet at this time and place. It will be both helpful for us and informative for you.

Ellie, on the actual ridgeway behind Aston Rowant Nature Reserve. It is the stretch literally between the a40 and m40. This is where he had a sighting. The other side of the m40 would be great too.

Thank you agin for your support! Best, HollyLast edited: 2012-03-29 15:02:18 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Holly
Sorry to be a bit thick, but where exactly do you mean on the Ridgeway ? I'm on holiday this week so could probably fit it in tomorrow pm ( back on Saturday }:( Are you meaning between the A40 and M40 and then the otherside of the m40 ?
Thank you for birthday wishes for my daughter. That's good the Phoenix Trail is still ok as it is popular, especially with Easter coming up. Good thinking Ellie with postering the station and again with Easter there will be a lot of people on the train, hopefully keeping a look out.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Ellie,

Yes, definitley keep some for replacing and double checking that they are still there as the days progress. I appreciate that! I do think that Phoenix trail is important.

I also spoke to Shereen this morning and she suggested double checking and repostering the ridgeway between the a40 and m40 and back on the otherside just in case he crossed back over.

Let me know if anyone is able to do that.

Thanks all!

HollyLast edited: 2012-03-28 14:43:31 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks for that info Holly. It's lovely to know that other people keep up with the info on Dog lost and not just us ! I'll collect the posters from Darren and Sue anyway as I have noticed one or two that could do with replacing and it's handy to have a few !
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I had a call from a biker this morning. He said there are still posters up on the Phoenix Trail. I don't know who he is but he said he follows updates on doglost. So, thank you anonymous helper! Holly
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Denise--Happy Birthday to your daughter! I hope she has a great day.
And, thanks for your continued efforts and support.

Ellie--I agree as I would never confuse a Jack Russell with Quigs either. Although, his face has that "pretty" look. I guess, as with any sightings, we can't be 100% postitive it was Quigley or not unless we see him for ourselves. All we can continue to do is approach this hunt as methodically as possible. Let's hope for another credible sighting soon so we have something to work off of. Thank you for your help, Ellie.

Also, I'm so happy we are checking the Phoenix Trail as that hasn't been done in a while.

Godspeed to Quigley! I love that little buddy.Last edited: 2012-03-27 23:35:11 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
I've just spoken to a man by phone who's tied up with the Station. There won't be anyone there until Saturday but he's asked me to put the poster in the letterbox and he will put it up in a prominant place on Saturday . Just incase anybody thinks that it hasn't been done !Last edited: 2012-03-27 19:22:40 by Ellie
Hi Denise
I am collecting some posters from Darren and Sue tomorrow so will poster the Station and have a look along the Phoenix Trail tomorrow and replace what's needed.Happy Birthday to your daughter on Friday !Last edited: 2012-03-27 19:22:07 by Ellie
I will check the Phoenix trail as soon as I can or if anyone else can as I am really busy at the moment (daughters birthday on Friday so off present searching!)I, like Ellie can't believe a JR can be confused with Quigley but I suppose if you are not a dog owner then different breeds don't stand out so much as they do for us. I was thinking the railway at Chinnor would be a good place, although I have put posters on the route but still think it is a good idea to put up at the station.
As the owner of 3 x Jack Russells I am a little confused !
My two oaps are typical JRs small and one is the proud owner of a set of 'Queen Anne ' legs. My 'delinquent' is a long legged Parson Jack Russell who is notably bigger all round than the other two and is what I would call a BIG JR. However, to me he is still a SMALL dog which is where the confusion starts !From what I have read about Quigley he is cross Pointer and the size of a Collie which is as Holly has so rightly called of MEDIUM size. So how can anyone confuse a JR with Quigley ? What I am really trying to say is - are we sure that the dog in Risbor / Longwick was Woody and not Quigley ? Or is it possible that Woody just happens to mooch around that area and people are jumping to conclusions ?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Ellie and Denise,
If you are willing to poster the railway and phoenix trail, that would be great. I haven't checked either of those places. Let me know if you need posters.

Also, Chloe T, thank you for the information. We did visit Becky, Woody's mum, a little while after visiting Horsenden Farm. And, after enquiring about Woody's whereabouts at the time of this potential sighting, which was on the 23rd, we did conclude that it was likely Woody and not Quigley which is why we haven't listed it here.

The big differences between Woody and Quigley are:
Quigley is slightly bigger in size
Quigley has tan around his eyes and Woody is only black and white
Quigley's body has a lot of speckling and Woody is more white.
Woody is 14 and has an older looking face.

We certainly should continue to be vigilant about trying to spot Quigley in this area. But, this is another reason why we would like to poster further afield south, east, west since we are afraid he could potentially migrate, out of the area.

Also, Chloe, we have considered a trap for when the time is right. We will keep in mind that you are able to help with checking it and let you know if we need to call upon those services. Thank you.Last edited: 2012-03-27 11:33:18 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
I forgot to add that with the lighter nights ahead of us this will work in our favour as lots of people will walk dogs later, and we will have more light time to spot the elusive Quigley !Last edited: 2012-03-27 10:40:38 by Ellie
Hi, I live locally in Bledlow and walk between here, Forty Green, Henton, Longwick and Ilmer most days. I was chatting to the landowner at Little Horsenden Farm (on the B4009) at the weekend and he explained Quigley's owner had visited following a potential sighting, I believe on the 24th. Sorry to be pessimistic, but there is a long-legged Jack Russell called Woody who lives at a smallholding in Bledlow, and regularly takes himself off for a walk, mostly on the Bridleway between Bledlow and Walnut Tree Lane in Longwick, or to the park at Longwick. To those not familiar with Quigley's appearance, or in poor light, they could be confused. I will however, as always, continue to keep my eyes peeled for any sighting. I wondered if you had considered the possibility of setting a dog/fox cage trap in an area where a few sightings had been confirmed? If local, I would be willing to check the trap regularly for whatever is caught! Chloe.
What a shame there was'nt a sighting at the weekend. There didn't seem to be many people around considering the beautiful weather ! Has anybody postered the Chinnor Railway Station ? If not I will do it. With Easter coming up and if the weather stays fine then the Railway Station is a popular destination for people to come, and then they will often go for walks and picnics in the area too. This is also a very popular time for visiting relatives and getting out and about which is what we need for a sighting ! As somebody has already mentioned, I think that the Phoenix Trail would be a good place to check the posters as this is very popular with cyclists dog walkers and walkers.Last edited: 2012-03-27 10:26:43 by Ellie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you Crowthers, Denise, Ellie and all members of "Team Quigley". We need a sighting!

Let us know if you need more posters and are interested in postering more south to see if he has migrated.

I am still in awe of the wonderful people I have met during this horrible experience. Thank you, everyone.

COME HOME QUIGLEY!Last edited: 2012-03-27 02:04:58 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
We searched Pulpit Woods on Sunday afternoon with our two springers, they put up a dozen pheasants, two rabbits and a deer but no sign of anything else. Have you leafleted the local milkman who deliver in your search area? My son starts at 2.30 (Wren dairies) in the morning and is always seeing foxes, badgers etc in the early hours which might tie in with Quigley hunting for food.
Walked and posted a footpath that goes from the main road from Longwick to Chinnor over the little rail track and eventually comes out at Oddley Lane, saw nobody! did a few houses but had to go out will do more next week probably Longwick area where I will put through letterboxes unless you want me to do elsewhere?Has the Phoenix Trail still got posters up does anyone know?
My hubbie and I took our old codgers and our delinquent to Hill Top Lane and walked along the ridge path to beyond Wainhill. My hubbie took his binoculars and scanned the views for any sight of Quigley and I looked in all the places that I thought he could possibly hide, but sadly no sightings. I spoke to a couple of walkers who did not know of Quigley but had seen the posters and I asked them if they would keep and eye out for him and they said they would be happy to. Somebody had obviously been muck spreading as there was quite an unpleasant pong in the air. I remarked to my husband that if Quigley was in the area and could smell it then he would probably throw in the towel and come out with his paws up !
There were still posters around but not as many people as I would have predicted. X
Quigley's Mum and Dad
PLEASE SHARE. Buckstv interview:

Hi All. I have some more flyers here if anyone needs any. Please contact Holly and she will advise you of our address. Marishka, I am not sure if you got some from somebody else but I still have yours put aside if you still want them.
I`ve been walking the woods between stokenchurch dog rescue and spriggs alley, down the bridlepaths towards Hallbottom Farm ( on the lower track between Stokenchurch and Bennet End ) I think most people I`ve spoken to are aware of Quigley. Haven`t seen many posters up in the woods here though, and as I usually have a rescue dog with me it`s not always easy to stop and poster at the same time as I need to keep full control of the dog I am with, but I will try to take note of where needs postering. Trouble is these woods are private and not sure if the landowner leaves the posters in situ. This is a large area of woodland, with a lot of pheasant bins off the footpaths as they shoot in season, there would be lots of places where a dog could stay out of sight LindaT helper
Just to let you know that I'm a delivery driver in that area and always keep a look out for him and Teddy who is also missing in that area hope you find him soon
posting in facebook groups
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

Jeff and I were out all day as were some of our helpers. We posted further south and we investigated a sighting that came in last night on a path between Longwick and Bledlow. We think it might have been another dog that has similar markings but is a Parsons Jack Russell. But, keep your eyes peeled just in case.

If you are out searching tomorrow, please look anywhere that an old sighting has occurred. Best thing to do is talk to people that are out on footpaths with dogs and ask if they have seen a dog that fits Quigley's description. If anyone needs leaflets to give out, post it here and I'll let you know where to pick them up.

Any of the woods near Stockenchurch, woods between Whiteleaf and Great Kimble, Bledlow are all good areas to look.


HollyLast edited: 2012-03-24 17:22:27 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
:-) No problem, I walk every day all over the Chilterns anywhere between Stoeknchurch/Ibstone while walking at Dog Rescue, Stokenchurch, and then Bledlow, Chinnor, Bradenham, Cadsden etc, it`s my local stamping ground and I`m keeping fit while I am between dogs, so to speak ! Usually try to take my napsack with treats etc, and mobile with numbers...just in case. Fingers X`d By the way the video clip was excellent ! Oh...and I don`t walk all those places all in one go...I`m not that fit!! :-) LindaT helper
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi LindaT,
Thank you for your vigilance! That man is not a hoaxer. He is my dad. He flew out from the states to help us look for Quigley and has been on foot searching for the past two weeks. It is true, we did get a possible sighting in Bledlow. But, it was after the fact and we were trying to dicipher its credibilty. But, if you scroll down, you'll see that I posted it in my comments when Ellie asked about the most recent sighting. Sorry to make things confusing. Thanks for going out and seaching daily.Last edited: 2012-03-24 07:48:25 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
I was walking at Bledlow yesterday in the area I met the Sam the Pet Detective lady and Shereen on 1st Feb (near Warren Cottage )and was talking to two ladies from Bledlow with a German Shepherd and two Jack Russels, they told me they had spoken to a man last week ( or earlier this week ? ) in that area who said he was Quigleys owner and that there had been another sighting there...I haven`t seen this mentioned on here so wondered if this was the case? I didn`t of course ask anything about the man, hope it wasn`t a hoaxer, but I did tell the ladies how to look on this site as they said they were not familiar with it, perhaps if they read this they may let us know more, please? If I see them again I will ask them, they live and walk there regularly and I have seen one lady before LindaT helper
If Quigley was spotted in the same place at Bledlow then is it possible that he is aware of the scenting that Holly and Jeff did a while back ? Maybe he comes back to this spot often .
Holly you were amazing ! It takes a lot of nerve to be interviewed like this and you did it so well ! The weather is meant to be nice this weekend so there will probably be lots of dog walkers, ramblers, cyclists and horse riders out and about. Somebody must spot our 'foxy' Quigley !
To view this footage on some computers from this page ,you may need to shrink the page to 75% as the link runs under the adverts....

Holly that was AMAZING coverage!!! WELL DONE!!!!!photos were great too and the video.XLast edited: 2012-03-23 20:10:02 by Shereen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Take a look at the interview about Quigley on Buckstv:


Hi Quigleys Mum& Dad, Denise and I "did" Butlers Cross today and hopefully with all the postering you get some more positive feedback. Hope to see Quigley in the Blue by the time I get back on Sunday night. Good Luck
We will be out walking on Sunday 25th with our two springers, is there any particular area you would like us to walk in just in case we strike lucky?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Ellie, same as last time--path up from lions of bled low
Is there much info on the possible Bledlow sighting? Also if anyone has a plastic poster then the one at Lewknor on the Leathern Bottle side of the m40 tunnel needs replacing. I would do it myself but do not have the ' outside' ones.
Alternatively if I could pick some up then I could do it .
Quigley's Mum and Dad
That we be awesome--thanks claire! thanks too,denise. just a possible bledlow sighting last week but nothing since. will get in touch for weekend.
Hi Holly and Jeff, I have been up to Pulpit Hill every day and Bledlow (all posters gone except at the log cabin very nice of them to display). Any more news? I am going to the Butlers Cross area and put thru peoples letterboxes and poster where needed. Let me know about weekend where you want me.
Hi Quigley's Mum & Dad. No problem will keep a lookout. I've only seen the one poster in Butlers Cross area ie Village Hall. If your dog is in this semi area it could be a good idea to put up a few more posters especially in Butlers Cross area. I will try & print some off and do some on Friday on various Telegraph poles etc.if you would like me to.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Claire - yes, we are still looking in that area. He has been seen a few times in the wood between great Kimble and great hampden. Thanks!
Just a thought have you considered an animal psychic or animal communicator..
Hi Quigley's Mum & Dad, are we looking in and around Butlers Cross area for Quigley still? I am out and about around that area tomorrow and I carry all sorts of different size leads with me these days! Was up Coombe Hill this afternoon and saw Quigley poster and although weather glorious and you could see for miles sadly didn't see any dogs on their own. Will continue to look though. Please confirm area(ish) for me though. Thank you.
I'm so pleased that it wasn't Dotty. At least we know that Quigley is in that area. I must say I didn't really think that the homeless man could have had Quigley, because if the team are having trouble catching him then the homeless man would have had to run like an ostrich and throw a lasso like John Wayne ! Only joking ! It's back to business as usual then now. Good luck everyone. Mr Quigley, the time has now come to show yourself. The game is up !
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your continued support. Just to let you all know, we have ruled out Dotty as possibly being confused with Quigley in the current sightings because both people feel they saw the face close up enough to say it wasn't Dotty. We have had two people report to us that the dog in High Wycombe with the homeless man is a collie cross. I have even obtained a picture. So, we believe this was a false sighting unless there is another homeless man with a dog there.

Thanks! Please don't give up looking!Last edited: 2012-03-21 14:06:54 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Met a couple yesterday who were out looking Quigley at Cadsden yesterday. Friend at The Plough is also keeping his eyes/ears open for him as well as Teddy and now Cutler.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
1982--could you contact me ? I have a few questions. My number is 07770751631. My email is hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com.

Thanks claire. I'll look into it.
Hi Quigleys Mum, have you thought about putting out a call on local radio Mix 96 Tel No 01296 393396? You never know somebody may have seen him. I've just suggested this to Sam (Teddy's Mum)
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Ellie,
Thanks for that you are so great behind the scenes! I appreciate it.

I don't think it was Dotty but we are still in the process of checking. Will update.

Hi All
Logging in to get the latest updates. Do we know if the dog sighted at Butlers Cross is Quigley or Dotty ? Also I emailed Tythrop Park and asked them if they would ask staff to keep an eye out for Quigley. They have quite a lot of land and Quigley could quite easily make his way there. I haven't had a reply yet but at least they know !
Hi Quigleys Mum, strangely I met Sam & dotty this morning and Dotty is darker than your Quigley but more or less same height and of course she is a girl. Sam did say she thought of going up to Bledlow this afternoon. Hope this helps
Hi, whilst out looking for Teddy, Quigley and now Cutler around Butlers Cross area this morning with my husband, we talked to a 30 strong walking club some with dogs who were going to walk from Butlers Cross to Cadsden back through local footpaths/woodland to Butlers Cross and will keep their eyes peeled for any of these dogs. They did see your poster of Quigley at Butlers Cross Village Hall info board.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks everyone!

Bill, Sam, Dottie--thanks for looking for Quigs! But, please get in touch with me 07770751631 or hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com as I have a few questions. thanks. Holly
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Although I don't post on Quigley's page very often, just wanted to let you know that I'm actively looking out for him (and Teddy) when I am in the area. Seen posters of him everywhere - even as far afield as Penn Street, when I pulled in to read a poster I'd noticed on my way back from work. Hope they are both home soon xx
Bill, Sam & Dotty, as you very kindly have said you are actively looking for Quigley when out and about and you are from Butlers Cross area please can you keep an eye out for Teddy, Female GSD Dog ID 35377 who is possibly in Butlers Cross area too. Thank you
Teddy's Mum
Happy Birthday Quigley!
Sam and Teddy xxxxx
Bill,Sam and Dotty
Hi there, Just to let you know there is someone else out there looking for your Quigley, we are from the Butlers Cross area and walk our dog Dotty twice a day in and around this area.
I hope some of these sightings around this area haven't been false due to our dog having similar markings to Quigley as she is a pointer x Dalmatian.
We will continue looking out for him and I'm sure if he's close Dotty should point him out to us.
just in case this sighting is a possibility I am going to ask a friend who is fund raising for Bucks university whether she would put up a poster on a student notice board in return for me making a donation to her charity . I will let you know how I get on. Also I will do a search on homeless charitys in high wycombe to see if there are any email addresses.
Is there any possibility that cctv cameras could have caught this person with the dog, if only to rule out Quigley? I walked this morning from Smalldean Lane in Bradenham up into the woods behind the Lodge at Saunderton ( opposite Hearing Dogs ), and back around the edge of the woods towards Bradenham back to the car, just keeping my eyes peeled. Saw some posters, but unfortunately nothing running loose anywhere, keep safe, Quigley, and it`s time to give yourself up now young man! LindaT. helper
Hi, this may be a false sighting so hope it won't put you on the wrong trail but thought i'd best mention it as I just saw the ad in the Wycombe Star and the dog looked familiar. Nearly 2 weeks ago I saw a man walking with a dog on Amersham Hill in High Wycombe. I work in the town centre and then spotted the same man with the dog walking by the British Legion. I haven't seen them since but will keep an eye out. The man looked as though he could be homeless. It may be worth asking the Old Tea Warehouse to display missing posters:
Amersham Hill
High Wycombe
HP13 6NQ

I don't trust my memory enough to know whether it's the right dog. Wishing you all the best in your search.
Fingers crossed, hope your boy is with you sharing his Birthday cake today. Happy Birthday Quigley wherever you are, get yourself down to the pub where your Mum, Dad and lots of helpers are going to be and make your Mum's Mothers Day come early xx Good luck everyone xx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

If you are out today, we are spreading throughout the woods from great hampden up through pulpit woods. Text me 07770751631 and I'll give you a specific area. DON'T CALL HIS NAME OR
CHASE HIM. call me if you see him:07770751631.

Quigley's Birthday cake will be shared by all so come by. 5:30pm at the Rose and Crown on the A4010. Fingers crossed that Quigley is there with us!

Thanks! Holly
Well done Holly. Just listened on iplayer. Shame James cut you short for the travel news but you got the important points over. Fingers crossed this helps in finding Quigley. Who knows, perhaps he was listening and will show himself this weekend to celebrate his birthday. Good luck. Carole
Nadine Widdows
Tweeted and FB'd - Poster still up at the Pet Barn, Sonning Common and will print some posters over the weekend. We're happy to go walking in the region of last sighting so please get in touch. x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Oh well done Quigleys mum....
Quigleys mum will be on BBC Oxford between 5.20-6pm tonight so im bumping his page.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you everyone for another wonderful day of searching from Mr. Quiggles.

If you are looking DO NOT CALL HIS NAME! This will make him run further away.

In fact, the best thing to do if you see him is to act aloof b/c right now he is staying away from people.


Thank you and goodnight:)
Now Mr Quigley,Its time for you to come home and be with your family again,you have had your adventure and we appreciate you have been trying to find your family but,its time to settle a bit so we can keep up with you because you are way too fast and clever!....So,today Mr Quigley im sending you this message,Happy Birthday To you! you are a very special little doggy.and I would like to meet you please....oh yes could we make it BEFORE Saturday? so we can all celebrate your Birthday together.You have got lots of new friends waiting to meet you.Lots And Lots of Love Shereen and your new Doggy friends.Xxx
Holly and Jeff I really feel for you today being dear Quigley's birthday and wish him a happy birthday where ever he is. Now with the sunny weather hopefully he will be out enjoying it and more sightings will happen. Keep strong, you are amazing and so positive and determined we will find him.
Happy Birthday Quigley. I will be helping my son move to his new house in Chinnor over the weekend so will be keeping my eyes peeled so to speak all the time.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY, QUIGLEY! You were born on the "Ides of March" which is so fitting for your character. Since the day we brought you home from the shelter, you have made tidal waves in our lives. And, today, you stand true to your character frolicking about the countryside making us all a nervous wreck. Please make today the day you come home to your loving family. We miss you so much and the pain doesn't get any easier. We just want to hug you again. We have a cake to celebrate on Saturday at the Rose and Crown. 5:30. All Helpers big or small are invited to have meet up and have a slice of Quigley cake. Won't you join us, Mr. Quigles?

Last edited: 2012-03-15 08:18:17 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks Nigelham,you are so nice! Every eye peeled helps. If you want to email me your address, I can post some leaflets for you to give outon walks and keep in ur pocket. My email is hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com
Hi. I'm a professional dog walker and i walk around pulpit hill, cadsden & kimble regularly, usually at least once a day but often 3 or 4 times a day. Have obviously seen the posters and have been keeping be eye out for Quigley, but now you have confirmed sighting in the area i'll be extra vigilant and my colleagues are also on the look out. Let's hope he is found soon!
Another good place to leave a poster and some flyers is Ellesborough Golf Club. I'm sure they wouldn't mind and of course the area around the golf course is quite vast.
Linda T - Coombe Hill, Pulpit Wood and round Chequers are all postered. Also Ellesborough and Butlers Cross have been done.
Hi Holly,I walked up by Whiteleaf Cross then from there continued over to the woods behind the pub The Plough at Cadsden. Saw very few people, those I did see gave out my last flyers. What a scare you must of had with that phone call from Stokenchurch Dog Rescue let's hope for some more positive sightings soon.
If you are going around Chequers estate area of Ellesborough there is a large derelict barn on the road from The Russel Arms Public House heading toward PMs estate Chequers. That might be worth a look in and around there just in case he's hiding in the barn. Good Luck.Last edited: 2012-03-13 10:16:51 by ClaireC
Might be worth doing the Aylesbury ring walk from Wendover to Ford, goes via Ellesborough and if he is heading north east from Great Kimble, one or many of us may just bump into him! Am going to try to get over there Sunday to do another walk plus flyers, posters etc. Great news the 2 sightings. There are so many dogwalkers in this area too, hopefully lots more sightings.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi All,

Thanks Denise, Karen, Linda T. Good idea, Ellie and Racheljane.

Does anyone ride a horse and want to search on Saturday if we set something up? Let me know. Since he seems to stick to the woods, this isn't a bad idea.

Mountain bikes? Anyone with a mountain bike want to search on Saturday? Let me know as well.

Today was yet another difficult day. Stockenchurch Dog Rescue called b/c someone reported a dead dog at Aston Rowant Nature Reserve and they thought from the description it might be Quigley. I am so thankful that they all have us on the radar. It WAS NOT Quigley. Shareen checked. It turned out to be a very decomposed muntjack. And, she took a picture of the hooves to prove it to me:) Thank God it wasn't my Quigs.

I'm visualising, Quigs. Golden chord pulling you to my heart center.

View Quigley's birthday from last year. He will be nine on the 15th and we will celebrate on Saturday.

Hugs. HollyLast edited: 2012-03-13 07:29:50 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Have been over to Gt. Kimble and Askett amd Pulpit wood and postered posts that did not have a flyer, spoke to some walkers and gave flyers out and went up the fort and postered, very dense area of woodland and light limited at about 4p.m. postered all the cars that were in the car park, as people were coming and going, karen.
There is usually a point-to-point meeting at Kimble on Easter Weekend, if Quigley isn`t home by then it would be a good place to hand out flyers as it`s a very popular event...I`ll try and check it for certain. I`m driving up to Aylesbury tomorrow afternoon and go via Great and Little Kimble, will look out. Pulpit Wood, Chequers Estate and Coombe Hill at Butlers Cross are all very busy with walkers and if not already postered are all within easy distance of Kimble. I`ve just read that Lord Carrington has been very helpful...that is surprisingly good news :-) LindaT helper
Walked around Monkton Woods and Hill Woods near to Gt Hampden so beautiful up there but no Quigley and nobody walking to give out flyers to, very quiet. Tomorrow I'll go back to the cross at Whiteleaf it is such a popular area unless Holly, you want me elsewhere? He's got to come home for his birthday!
Just wanted to say I have been following Quigley's story right from the start, I think you are all amazing and just wish I was nearer to help out (I'm in Yorkshire!). I wonder if it would be worth trying to round up a few horse riders to do a search, (being a horse rider myself I know how much ground you can cover!) you are also higher up to see over fences and hedges. Maybe Quigley would be inquisitive and may even come out to look at the horses !! Just a thought - Come on Quigley your family are missing you. ( I will keep saying a prayer that he comes back to you soon) xxLast edited: 2012-03-12 12:14:19 by racheljane
Dog Lover
Hi, I have been reading your posts and really hope that you find Quigley soon. It must be such a horrible time for you to not have him at home. I walk a daily route between Lacey Green and Saunderton and always keep a look out for you!. Everybody here is aware he is missing and willing him to be found! He is such a distinctive dog that I am sure you will be successful in your search xx
Just logging in to catch up on progress. Well done to everyone for such a hard weekend. You are all so brilliant !
I was wondering if anyone has any clout with the Thames Valley Police. I was thinking along the lines of an off duty police dog handler. Somebody like that could well be able to track down Quigley and it would be good practice. I know that they have to practice so this could be an ideal opportunity ! Just another thought !
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

We are finally back in London after an exhausting weekend. Good News! Quigley had a credible sighting more north. He seems to continue migrating.

We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and help in finding a dog and helping a family that many of you have never met. I am constantly in awe of all of you. And, I am inspired to continue searching for Quigley because of your hard work, daily.

Shareen also deserves a special THANK YOU as well as the amazing volunteers. I don't know where or how she finds the time to help and be a constant source of support.

My fingers are crossed for another sighting this week.

Quigley, I BEG and IMPLORE you to STAY IN ONE PLACE. You are making this so much more difficult than it needs to be. I keep imagining the golden chord pulling you back to my heart center.

Grandpa has flown in from New York to help us get you...he is your favourite. Come back for him! He will be here for your birthday on Saturday and we don't want to have a party without you!Last edited: 2012-03-13 10:30:42 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Linda I've done Bradenham Manor recently, and all surrounding houses plus houses along the road from west wycombe. Found a couple of local dog trainers one of whom works with the RAF base on the other side of that hill and took posters for several locations inside. Next up on Tues.
Just rtnd from hols and sorry to see Quigley is still missing, am walking at Bradenham tomorrow morning and will keep a look out. Speen is near Whiteleaf..has anyone postered at the Home of Rest for Horses at Speen, or Shana Riding school at Lacey Green, near Bradenham? LindaT helper
Marishka, I did Whiteleaf Cross on Saturday morning there were posters up at the car park and there are some at the bottom of the hill at the Plough pub and I gave out flyers by the cross and around the footpaths and on cars, a good place especially at weekends to redo as it is popular.
Denise, I did from the crossroads at Gt Hampden to Whiteleaf a couple of weeks ago. I went the full length of Peters Lane, then about half way from the junction of Peters Lane/Lower Icknield Way to junctions LIW/Cadsdean Road. Pretty dark by then so had to stop. Caretaker at school was charming.
I presume people have thought of white leaf cross. Great place for someone not so active to sit and chat and flyer and it attracts walkers and tourists and locals alike
Hi Shereen, I know those hills are a killer but must be doing me some good, I hope! Everyone I gave out flyers to where really nice and helpful and promised to keep their eyes peeled! If you are around near here next week have you any flyers for Teddy you can give me?
Hi Denise...I saw your car there as I was on my home tonight as I was going to pop up there to flyer the cars but you got there before me! ;o)))
Thanks for doing that! I cant believe the bloomin hills around there!!!

I would also like to say from myself and Doglost,There really has been some AMAZING people out there helping dear Quigley,you have all worked so,so hard the posters cover a very large area now and everyone you bump into wherever you walk,know about him! Im so pleased to have met you all,your hard work WILL be rewarded a million times over.THANK YOU!Last edited: 2012-03-10 21:53:14 by Shereen
I went to Whiteleaf woods this morning and afternoon put loads of flyers on peoples cars and gave out too. Put posters up and also at Whitleaf postbox. Didn't do the houses as not sure if any have been done there as there are a lot I didn't want to do again and waste flyers. I now don't have any so will need to meet someone soon to get more. I can't tomorrow but early next week I can.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
We had a change of plans, so we will leave posters on the picnic table at the lions of in the morning.. If you would are looking for a place to walk, poster and hand out flyers, please call or text holly at 07770751631 and will suggest a place. Thanks!
I'll be there at 10. Will there be posters and flyers to collect as I need some.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
We will meet at 10:00 at Lions of Bledlow Saturday morning. Whomever is able to help, we will divide up postering/flyering further afield east and west. Thanks so much! Holly
Sorry to be a bit thick, but could somebody explain to me how I can access these maps please !
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Comment awaiting moderation
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you everyone. Marishka, I have some of the small flyers at home in London. I can leave a stack outside my door today for you to collect, if you would like. Let me know.
pets at Home in HW has had a poster up at the front and one at the vet since early on and I updated them once but not for a while now. I don't think they'd have any room for a pile at the front though the vet area might. Beaconsfield Waitrose doesn't have a public notice board and weren't willing to put one up in store but the receptionist had seen the Bucks free press articles and was very interested so has taken some for the staff room and to give to the delivery drivers. HI Darren, will link up with you sometime soon but still exhausting my own store of flyers and seem to be miles away all the time!
Hi Darren, yes, that's exactly the one I was talking about. I did drop off flyers and Gerry (the owner) has no problems with having them on his counter at all. I could do with some more though in due course, just to keep them topped up. It's a very popular place and frequented by a lot of dog walkers, as I said before.
Hi Annie, did you drop flyers off at the dog food shop in Stokenchurch (opposite Stokenchurch dog rescue, if not we will drop some in as we only spoke to them yesterday morning and they said they were happy to have some flyers on the counter. The pet shop in Wycombe "Jollyes" have already got a poster but were not prepared to have any flyers, they were asked yesterday.
There is also 'The Kennel Shop' on the A40 (near Stokenchurch). It's a hub for dog owners/lovers far and wide. I will drop a little 'wadge' of handouts in there this afternoon for his counter.
I was just thinking - taking out the obvious method of handing out flyers to dog walkers - where else would you be likely to "capture " them? There is a large pet food /outlet in high wycombe , but I can not think of the name of it at the moment - but I wonder if they would have flyers on the counter for you . There is a pets at home as well.
JUST REMEMBERED JOLLYES petfood superstore
Last edited: 2012-03-07 12:40:41 by jansus
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Quigley's youtube footage:

Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks, Denise. That would be great!
That's fantastic news with Lord Carrington being so helpful this is going to make such a difference. Shall I go and put some posters up today? Great about the sighting in West Wycombe. I know what you mean with a warm dog in bed with you except my one doesn't keep still, but he's still lovely to cuddle up to!
Hi there!! so sorry the sighting at Swyncombe wasn't Quigley, I'm sure there will be another sighting of him soon and he will be safely in your bed !!! a coincidence with regards Marishkas post and her rescue guy!...........I live in Warwickshire , but have a new boss whom I've met for no more than an hour,(my old boss retired and sold up) and my new boss lives in Watlington!!!! one of the first things I asked him was did he know about Quigley...and he was very aware of him, and told me about all of the posters and support!!!! ......so you have lots of support from all over , no one will forget about him,(my new boss has has 3 dogs whom he's out and about with) I wish you well in your search, you have such great support and everyone is doing such a great job in trying to find him ...I will continue to check in daily for an update....hoping for fab news soon ....It WILL happen x
Well done Lord Carrington ! He's normally very helpful in local problems ! Quigley will soon be home to keep you warm Holly. I'm still having sleepness nights and I've never met him, although he now feels like an old friend to me. Keep the faith !
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

I contacted Lord Carington's estate and they were very helpful! They said we are welcome to poster at public footpaths and accessways as we had thought. And, they said the have not and will not remove posters but ask that we do so in due course. They were upset to hear that Quigley is still missing and know that he was seen in the area a few weeks ago. They also promised to alert their workers and farm staff to his disappearance. This is a huge bonus for us! Thank you, Lord Carington.

Now, Jeff is away tonight so I've recruited the kids to keep is spot warm in bed. But, I wish it was Quigley, to be honest. The kids kick and snore and move all around. Quigley used to plop down in one spot against my bum and sleep soundly the whole night keeping me warm.

I know he is still out there as he was last seen in West Wycombe a few days ago.


Say prayers for him to rear his gorgeous little face for a sighting some time very soon. I NEED A SIGHTING...
Quigley's Mum and Dad
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Quigley's Mum and Dad
The pointer with the purple collar was NOT Quigley. Shareen checked it out this morning. Thanks, Shareen.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Wow, that is amazing. So many people know and are helping. Thank you Mark, although we haven't met. Quigs, come on out of hiding!!!

Please "Like" Quigley's page on facebook. I've uploaded some more pictures of him.

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Quigley-Missing-Dog-white-with-black-spots-and-speckles-oxfordshire/3544867812Last edited: 2012-03-06 06:38:47 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
So I break down in central London and get rescued by lovely Mark from the RAC who also happens to be from West Wycombe and part of the Quigley hunt this past weekend! Thanks so much to everyone who's got involved, we really can't but succeed with all these lovely people on board!
Good luck !!fingers crossed for good news soon!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
emmad23--thank you so much for offering to help! I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. It was quite a full weekend. If you e-mail me at hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com I can put you in touch with someone to give you leaflets to give out on certain footpaths in specific areas close to you. Thank you! Thank you!

Lynn-I saw this too! Perhaps we can investigate.

There has been a possible High Wycombe sighting but we are certain of it yet. Will give more info when and if we have it. But, keep eyes peeled. Thanks!
Thanks Lynn got this alert earlier and have already emailed Dogwatch to find out if I can get more details from the person who sighted this dog...Ill also be going there in the morning to see if I can find this dog.X
Hi although I don't live near ...I'm in Warwickshire , but i've been following to see if any daily news ....good luck! I'm sure you will find him soon!..................this is a real long shot ....but! check out found / sighted 37674 .......a brown / white maybe pointer dog? as I say it's a long shot, but it is in Oxfordshire...... maybe worth checking out? ..... you are all doing a fantastic job xLast edited: 2012-03-05 20:24:54 by Lynn
The possible sighting in West Wycombe makes sense, because he's dropped down from Stokenchurch where he was last sighted. Hopefully this might mean that he will come back across Bledlow Ridge and back into Chinnor or Bledlow. Fingers crossed ! In my opinion, this is the best scenario !
The possible sighting in West Wycombe makes sense, because he's dropped down from Stokenchurch where he was last sighted. Hopefully this might mean that he will come back across Bledlow Ridge and back into Chinnor or Bledlow. Fingers crossed ! In my opinion, this is the best scenario !
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Possible sighting on Friday in west Wycombe. Eyes peeled please:)
Hi Ruth - I am having a very disorgansed weekend - I have just have relatives contact me who want tocome over tomorrow - but I was supposed to be meeting my son at chinnor. If I give you my email - can you send me your address - and I will either try and get over or I will send you a S.A.E for the flyers because I work in the week. Jan

Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you to everyone who came out today to help us and show your support. We felt the love. We know Quigley did too. We are amazed by all of you. Fingers crossed! Good Night.
I couldn't meet up this morning, but have ctd., walking the Chiltern Way starting from Park Lane (next to Longburrow Hall Stokenchurch)down to Hallbottom Farm through the valley and back into the top of Park Lane Stokenchurch,(I do this every day), All the posters are intact along the routes, horse riders were out today and stopped and informed. KarenLast edited: 2012-03-03 18:03:44 by karen
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jansus, I actually live in Bledlow Ridge but I'm sure I cam sort something out about meeting on Sunday to give you some flyers.
Hi - cant help searching tomorrow but will try to get there before work to pick up some leaflets
dont worry Rocky has been found ,his owner always looks out for Qugley on his walks though
We have another little man missing from Sergeant's wood near Whiteleaf and Cadsden which some of Team Quigley may be covering areas close to there tomorrow if you could keep an eye out for him too? his name is Rocky a Lancashire Heeler heres his page ...
Thank you.
Where I work the industrial estate has about 50+ businesses and people come from all neighbouring counties. there is a cafe that all the units use. The lady who owns it said she will be only too pleased to have some flyers on tables etc. I cant get to Bedlow tomorrow as I have to wait in for an emergency plumber - but I may be up on Sunday - Ruth - will you have some spare flyers if I can get to Chinnor?
Good luck to everyone this weekend. Will be thinking of you all and wishing I was with you ! Come on Quigley show your gorgeous face so that you can be scooped up and taken home !!
Quigley is on front page of Thame Gazette as a link to Ruby's successful return. Leaflet drop time and place and Holly's mobile number also mentioned. Good luck to everyone this weekend!!! Am busy showing, so won't be around I'm afraid.
Thank you, Holly for info re Darren's posters below. The 'Still Missing' and new photos (as opposed to the ones we've had up since he went missing from here) is exactly what I was looking for. It will help to renew interest. I agree, Darren is a Godsend. I will arrange getting these via Shereen, so no worries on your part. Surely, steak for the rest of your life sounds too tempting to ignore, Quigley????! Last edited: 2012-03-02 12:20:10 by Annie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
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Hi Shereen, unfortunately I can't make Saturday morning, but, can I just ask: are the new posters being printed straight off Quigley's page? If so, I have printed several of those off already. However, if the ones being printed by Darren are the slightly different (i.e. some show 3 images of Quigley) then I would like to have some please. Several around my area Northend/Christmas Common/Wormsley need replacing and I think slightly different ones would have greater psychological impact on people. The message being that the new posters are an 'UPDATE' and are not just the old ones that have been left up and can therefore be ignored. If that's ok, perhaps we can arrange to meet and I will reposter these areas? After all, it's not impossible for Quigley to complete the circle and come round to where he started from (however complicated he's making it for himself and everyone who desperately wants him home!!)

Marishka, your poor little ShiTzu! Being hunted down and retrieved by Great Danes... the mind boggles!!) I hope he enjoyed his day out.
ok, so I didn't achieve a lot today but replaced a few old manly posters and found some houses I missed in Bolters End and a couple of farms I missed. Found farmer/workers on both and had a good talk with them. Also found a coal merchant who is displaying in his cab and who took a few to give to customers.
(By the by my Shi Tzu who got hit by the car in Jan had his first country walk today and only bumped into two trees and got lost once - we sent the great danes to retrieve him, and that worked well so he had a good day out)
Thanks K9chum!

Ill be at THE LIONS OF BLEDLOW 10 AM SATURDAY 3rd March...if anyone from the Oxfordshire border cant make it, but would like posters let me know and Ill pick more up and can meet you.
I am at Crufts next week for 3 days on a Discover Dogs stand. Have printed off copies of poster to display. Don't know if it will help find Quigley but will publisize Dog Lost. Just sorry that I am not near enough
to do more to help. Everyone is working so hard to bring this lad home.Last edited: 2012-03-01 10:44:37 by k9chum
ps, will be there in a couple of hours, not sure where I'm going yet but will tell you when I've been!
Hi Nicky, I've been doing this since the 3rd of Jan so i think the truthful answer is no, I can't. I don't think it really matters though as the ones I did earliest (all of Christmas Common, all of Northend, all the roads form there to Stonor and pretty much every house and business in that whole area) are either out of date as he's moved on or need redoing as it's been so long. More recently I've done Bledlow, Sydenham, Kingston Stert, Bennet End, Bolter's End, Horseley's Green, Whiteleaf, Bradenham, the north half of Cadmore End, Hambleden, Ilmer, Kingsey, Saunderton Lee, Saunderton. I think that's all. I've done a few random bits and bobs too but generally late in the day when all blurs together. More particularly I've done all the stand alone houses on the roads joining these places and all farms, businesses etc likewise. I think that's all for the last 2-3 weeks, anything earlier is either no longer relevant or needs redoing anyway.
Marishka could you please let us know what which roads/streets etc you've covered door to door so we can make a note of them and make sure we don't waste time by covering the same houses. Many thanks
Morning all, re the RAF - I've encountered quite a few RAF personnel in my door to doors and all have taken flyers to put up on notice boards etc but I haven't personally approached them formally. I'll be up again all day tomorrow so any advice re where needs visiting would be welcome.
just a thought would it be any use getting publicity for Rubys return/story on itv local news and then as an add on ask for photos of other lost dogs in the south East to be shown on the screen as well? I know Teddy and Quigley are not lost in the same circumstances but if the photos were going across the screen whilst rubys amazing story ( also emphasising the importance of microchipping)was being told - it could reach a wide audience?
Teddy's Mum
Hi Quigleys mum and Dad,it is Teddy's mum here. I am pleased for you that everything is looking so positive and sightings have been good. I rang the pet detectives this morning and asked them to pass a message on for you to ring me, if you would be so kind. I am completely at a loss as to where to move forward regarding finding Teddy. Obviously, Percy's death has completely thrown me as it has put all possible sighting etc up in the air. I would like to discuss the possible sighting from the helicopter. It would be very much appreciated. I would be happy for anyone to come out on a mounted ride with my ponies again with me. Many thanks....Sam 07503 233 945
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks, everyone. Claire, that is an excellent idea. I will look into it. LP also suggested contacting the hang gliding clubs. And, I have thought of contacting walking clubs. If anyone belongs to any of these or has any contacts, let me know. Ken and Angie, thanks for the mention of Quigley on the radio. That is awesome. Everyone is working so hard to get this boy home to his family. Come on Quigley, feel the love. COME HOME!
We will have all the flyers with us by eop tomorrow. If anyone would like to collect some from us we live in Henton which to those who do not know is literally a couple of minutes away from The Lions pub in Bledlow. Unfortunately I will not be in tomorrow evening but Sue will be. If you would like some please let me know.
Denise - are you able to meet at 10am on Saturday at the Lions? Let us know if you are as we are hoping to get as many helpers together as possible so that we can split up the areas and flyer as many houses as we can. Before then we will be deciding on the priority areas.
Anyone else who can be there, please let us know in advance so we know how big an area we can target ..... you don't have to spend all day, or even all morning - an hour would be great!
Hi Quigley's Mum & Dad. Have you thought of contacting RAF High Wycombe Police Flt to ask them to keep an eye out and ears open for your dog. They do have access to website for serving personnel to read and could put a message on it for you. HQ Air Cmd (Walters Ash) (ex No 1 Site) is still "looked after" from the RAF High Wycombe (Naphill)end and therefore any message would go to both sites. Hope this helps you in some small way.
Darren, that's amazing, with all this publicity it's just a matter of time. Where are we able to pick up the flyers everyone is just so lovely, the sightings are positive so very encouraging. Where's best to post the flyers everyone needs to know an area to cover so we don't do it twice! We've got to get him home for his birthday so we can all celebrate!
Where in Chinnor was he sighted ? I cannot go too far with my dogs as previously stated but I'm often along the ridgeway and Hill Top and the ridgeway going towards Crowell, and can always drive out too.
I'm so very sorry that I cannot make Saturday as it is my busiest day of the week. I absolutely HATE working Saturdays and would much rather be out with you guys looking for Quigley, but in these times of austerity and job losses I've just got to cling on in there !
If I could pick up 30 or so leaflets from you Darren from some agreed point them will do so. Well done everybody ! You are all stars ! This has just GOT to be the weekend that we nail him. I'm beginning to think that there is a tad of Greyhound in him judging by the speed and distance that he's covering !
I can't make Sat, but as I have said in earlier posts the Chiltern Way Park Lane has many footpaths which have posters but the area is huge with woods surrounding. Alot of the footpaths go through private wooded land, everyday I have been going around but not able to go up through two areas as so large, if folks are able to do these walks as well., KarenLast edited: 2012-02-28 10:54:16 by karen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
wow Darren... that is incredible - thanks so much...

I thought it would be helpful to give a quick summary of the most recent sighting areas. We now have four areas (1) stokenchurch - we have two confirmed sightings in Stokenchurch woods on feb 16 and 22, (2) Bledlow - we have confirmed sighting in Bledlow on feb 12 and jan 31, and potential two others in between, (3) Hampden, Lacey Green, Loosley Row - we have confirmed sighting on Feb 18, and two other potential sightings within last few weeks, and (4) Chinnor.

On Chinnor, as we described below, another dog (a collie mix) was reunited with his family on Sunday - we think a few of the Chinnor sightings were this other dog, HOWEVER, we have discussed with his owner, and the dog was not out for all of the sightings - and the people in Chinnor that has seen him said it was Quigley, not the other dog. So, I think there is a good chance that the Feb 17 and Feb 26 sightings in Chinnor were Quigley.

As you see, it appears that Quigley is traveling lots of ground. I've been assured by the experts that it is possible that he is covering this territory - so the best strategy is to make sure that posters are up, and there are people aware in those areas (and in between), and even further out, so when we get a fresh sighting, we can jump on it.

Thanks so much to everyone, and we are not giving up!!
Darren, you are an absolute star!
I've mostly been doing door to door and all isolated buildings or small clumps of buildings such as ex-farms that are now a bunch of barn conversions. Yesterday I broke pattern a little to cover the footbridge over the M40 at Stokenchurch and the houses both sides, plus the tunnel under and the farm on the other side. I stood in the estate there and gave flyers for about an hour to everyone bringing kids home from school. I also spent about an hour standing in Stokenchurch talking to passers by, and flyered most houses at the M40 end where they border the scrub woodland, plus the businesses there and the health centre. I found a couple of farms and ex-farms sticking out into the countryside and flyered them then stopped on the way home to do Studely Green, including the garden centre and all farms near there. I did my best in Stokenchurch but a lot of people didn't know yet and it's quite a big place so could do with more!
Good morning. We've made a decision and will be printing 10,000 flyers. These will be done today/tomorrow. If anyone needs us to bring some to you please let me know. The quicker we get these out there the better. I will have the balance with me on Saturday where hopefully we will see lots of search volunteers to hand them out to.
Hi guys just a note to say managed to get a little bit of air time about Quigley and the search on local BBC radio. Have directed listerners to this posting. Fingers crossed for new sighting. KEEP THE FAITH x.
Ken and Angie.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I'll take as many as you are willing to make for me, Darren. I am so thankful that you are able to help us like this. You and Sue are two of the most wonderful people I've met. Nicky, leaflet dropping house to house is such a great idea. Anybody who is willing to help get the word out, thank you! We will be there to meet up on Saturday and will spend the day wherever needed. Quigley, your time is NOW! Go to someone, anyone! That person will bring you home to us. We NEED some wet nose, please:). We love you!Last edited: 2012-02-27 21:47:25 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Wish i was closer but in Derbyshire, you are all doing fantastic,best of luck and keep up the good work, will keep an eye on mr quigley and look forward to seeing him in the blue
Sorry should have said could people please let us know as soon as if you can make it Saturday so Darren will know a rough idea of how many flyers to print. Thank you x
PLEASE READ!!!! These flyers going door to door and on car windscreens are proving to be a great success. Asking now for a mass of helpers.. Holly are Jeff are so greatful already to the help thats being given but we know they wont ask a direct plea like we're going too. What we are asking is on Saturday whoever is keen to get out there once again and continue being as wonderful as you all are already and get hundreds if not thousands of these flyers through peoples door... How great would you feel knowing that the flyer you posted helped to get Quigley home to his wonderful family. We're suggesting we meet 10am at the Lions of Bledlow so we can see who would be prepared to cover which area (or much as) even if its just one street that would be amazing. I f you cant make it but would still like to help it would be great if we could know which streets you're going to cover so we dont waste either time or flyers. Thank you so much for taking the timne to read this... And lets keep positive comments coming... HE IS STILL OUT THERE and between us all we will get him home to Holly and Jeff and their adorable children. WITH THANKS TEAM QUIGLEY XXX
Hi all have been out this morning checking all posters from Longburrow hall (stokenchurch) down to Hallbottom farm along the valley back up to the top of hallbottom and all posters intact and spoke to doggy folk (handing out fliers)and some of the farmers,Ellie I like delinquent dogs my old boy has his moments too!!Karen
Darren, I'll have whatever you can manage, after Ruth's request! Well done Ruth and Nicky to have given out so many let's hope now there'll be sightings as more and more people become aware.
Hi Darren, as Nicky and I got rid of about 300 this weekend, I would say we need at least a couple of thousand to keep us going for a week or two!
Went to Lewknor yesterday, walked between the Lambert Arms and the church ( under the M40) and only saw 1 poster on the Lambert Arms side. There were lots of posters up at Hill Top Lane, I think they were Darren's nice plastic ones. Walked through to the woods but no sign of Quigley. I can't go too far with my dogs as 2 of them are oaps and the 3rd is a delinquent that barks at every dog that passes, making us a bit unpopular with other dog walkers .
I would like to have some fliers please Darren. Perhaps about 30 as I do meet lots of doggy people ! Thanks.
Thank you so much Darren, i'd like 100 if i may
I would really like to get these little flyers printed but only had one person let me know how many they would like. PLEASE CAN EVERYONE LET ME KNOW URGENTLY.
I walked and gave out the hand sized leaflets in Great Hampden and Lacey Green also Chinnor ridgeway up into the woods, most people were aware and were still looking out. I just can't understand with such awareness and many people out, why there has not been more sightings. Are we looking in the right area, the collie that was found, there has been no publicity with posters etc but was caught at the weekend. Do you think he might of gone beyond the kennels the other way?
Can we please ask that if you do any postering or leaflet drops, you put post on here telling us where has been done. That way no one will waste time duplicating an area.
Tiggs , I think I know where these dogs are from (The pointer sized one is Chocolate coloured as he was mistaken for Percy a few weeks ago) I am going to visit these people tomorrow on my way out to look for Quigley .

Darren I would like anything up to 50-100 of your handout sized flyers please and if you have any spare plastic ones...I can pick them up from you anywhere in the Chinnor /Stokenchurch or even Bledlow area? let me know what suits you and a time.TxLast edited: 2012-02-26 21:48:04 by Shereen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone, Thank you for all of your help and support this weekend. We spent the weekend in the country and scented heavily in the Hampden and Lucy Green areas. We will try to make it to Stockenchurch area for more scenting this week. We believe the unconfirmed chinnor sighting, which we had been skeptical of from the beginning, was another dog. I guess We helped reunite this collie cross with his owners today. Oh how we Wished it was Quigley when we got the call he had been captured but we were so happy he got to go home to his family. Come on Quigley, come home soon! Your birthday is coming in a few weeks and I want to bake you a cake in the shape of a greenie. You can eat the whole thing!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone, Thank you for all of your help and support this weekend. We spent the weekend in the country and scented heavily in the Hampden and Lucy Green areas. We will try to make it to Stockenchurch area for more scenting this week. We believe the unconfirmed chinnor sighting, which we had been skeptical of from the beginning, was another dog. I guess We helped reunite this collie cross with his owners today. Oh how we Wished it was Quigley when we got the call he had been captured but we were so happy he got to go home to his family. Come on Quigley, come home soon! Your birthday is coming in a few weeks and I want to bake you a cake in the shape of a greenie. You can eat the whole thing!
I flyered all the houses in Bennet end and up to Grange farm the other day. i've got about 300 A4 flyers printed up so if anyone would like to swap some small for large it would be good to have a mix. I have been out of action this weekend for personal reasons but should be up again tomorrow (Monday). Darren, may I swipe a few of your plastic ones too?
I have posted on Stokenchurch Dog Rescue's FB page re the possible sighting and asked all locals to keep a look out for him but not to approach or call him. Have also asked assist manager to make all walkers aware during the weekLast edited: 2012-02-26 20:34:34 by lmbb118
/Last edited: 2012-02-26 20:48:17 by lmbb118
Radnage - Bottom Road, Hatch Lane, Green End Road, Radnage Common Road, Bennett End Road, Horseshoe Road, Cherry Lane and Radnage Lane now all postered.
Also all houses in Mill Lane, Chinnor have been leaflet dropped.Last edited: 2012-02-26 21:47:11 by Ruth
Me again. We have been handing out scaled down posters (A6 which is a quarter of an A4 sheet)this weekend and they have proved extremely receptive by all. People can pop these in their pockets as opposed to carry an A4 sheet around with them. What i am going to do is print some of these printed off. Please can i have ideas of numbers from people urgently please. Nicky and Ruth have been putting these through letter boxes as well as putting them under the wipers on cars so again the more publicity the better. I am not adverse to running several thousand of these off if needs me. We can distribute to the 'search members', maybe leave some at the Stokenchurch Dog Rescue for the walkers, shops in the areas etc etc. NB THESE WILL NOT BE WATERPROOF THOUGH. Last edited: 2012-02-26 19:54:55 by Darren
Becky Taylor
Hi, have been to Great Hampden this afternoon. Lots of posters everywhere. Was visiting family and people in the village are talking about Quigley. My family will be keeping an eye out as they look onto woods. Have asked them to keep spreading the word!
Hi Karen. Just to advise you that some of the posters are printed on plastic and are totally weatherproof so no need for lamination.
Have just got back from Hallbottom farm through the valley and back into stokenchurch. The original posters on the paths are still in place apart from 1 which I replaced, there were a number of joggers and walkers so have stopped and spoken to and given a poster, sadly no sightings Karen p.s. I noticed 3new posters stuck out but may get wet as not in plastic or laminated, will check and replace if water damaged.K.Last edited: 2012-02-26 17:29:59 by karen
I have jusr seen this on Dogwatch alert.These dogs might be in the same area if anyone sees them. Could pointer sized dog possibly be Quigley?

1. Terrier Lost

A small white with brown patches terrier shitzu mix dog went missing from Stonor on Saturday 25 February. Very friendly, no collar but chipped. Any information to: 01491638264.

2. Stray Dogs

One small black dog and one brown pointer sized dog, both with collars were spotted today, 26 February at 15.00 at Greenfield near Watlington. They were making their way towards Pishill and they both looked very tired.

I think that we might need to take into consideration that the Kingston Blount Point to Point takes place on Sat 10th March. It's normally quite a noisey affair with loud speakers that can be heard in my garden in Chinnor. Hopefully Quigley will be safe and sound at home by then, but if he's still on his adventure I wondered if the noise might spook him a bit ! I'm not sure what we can do about it but I think forewarned is forearmed ! That is if he's still in that area too.
am local so have shared on facebook. Walked the fields & woods near the recycling centre at the Radnage turning - posters up but didnt see any other walkers. Walk here several times a week
I have asked friends in stokenchurch to share the link on facebook. Have just come back from walking the ridgeway the opposite direction to where we usually go - so towards the chalk pits etc. Posters still up - met hardly anyone - but no sightings I am afraid.
We could also just print up lots of pieces of paper with Holly's email and phone number on with reference to Quigley and give those out to walkers etc. Just a thought to save time !
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you amazing helpers! If you want to help us bring Quigley home then PLEASE print out some posters from doglost.co.uk. And give them out to people while you are walking. Talk about Quigley and please call any information you receive into us. If anyine evn thinks they have seen him we need their NAME and NUMBER. PLEASE HELP! We had good results with this yesterday. If you email me hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com I will post some to you this week. Also, we made up some business size cards that people gladly took and called with information. Catching Quigley will be a joint effort. Thank God for sending some people into our lives to help us.
The woods around stokenchurch including the private pophleys estate have footpaths through down into the valley, from here you can go up to radnage and Bledlow or back to hallbottom farm and across the fields through the woods out onto the A40 oxford rd. It is very quiet at most times I live very near this, is this thought to be the approx. area?karen Last edited: 2012-02-25 23:13:26 by karen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi everyone - thanks for the help today!! A special thanks to Team Quigley!! We are getting closer... For those out walking, would be great to have the woods around stokenchurch, up through Kingston and Crowellhill to bledlow covered. Also, the hampden area. Thanks, and enjoy the lovely weather!
Another way of making people aware that Quigley is still out there.. we found today by handing out small flyers people can carry these on their person as oppose to A4 posters.. Also leaving these on parked up cars especially in the areas of known dog walking routes and generally jumping on random people it can have really good results! If they're not interested nothing lost but if one person out of hundred flyers has seen this wonderdog then thats amazing!
There was another possible sighting in woods near Stokenchurch a couple of days ago,please keep your eyes peeled!
Walked around Woods on the edge of Stokenchurch for about 2 hours. Unfortunately, no sign of Quigley.Last edited: 2012-02-25 20:26:55 by Shereen
Posters now up in Routs Green, Walters Ash, Naphill, Speen, North Dean, West Wycombe. Also done Kingston Hill, Crowell, and Sprigs Alley into Radnage Town End.Last edited: 2012-02-25 18:21:12 by Ruth
Been up around Great Hampden and Loosley Row posters still there and put more up. Hopefully with this warm weather more people will be out and about and more sightings will be reported, fingers crossed. Come on Quigley let us see you!
Posters are still up from Park LAne nr Longboro' Hall at all footpath sites going down into the valley of the Chiltern way. Karen
I am working at Stokenchurch Dog Rescue this weekend so will alert all volunteer walkers that he may have been sighted in Stokenchurch and ask them not to call/approach him should he been seen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,
Thank you all for keeping up with the saga of "Quigley". Over the last week we have had sightings in Great Hampden, Lacey Green and an unconfirmed sighting in the woods near Stokenchurch (and before that, Bledlow). So, we are still looking at a big search area. We think the best we can do right now is poster further afield and hand out flyers to walkers on footpaths and keep up awareness. If you need posters, please email and we will get you some - hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com and we will get them to you. For walkers, please keep an eye out in these areas: ridgeway between the A40 and Bledlow and surrounding footpaths, lodge hill, great hampden, and stokenchurch. Thank you so much!! Quigley, come home!

Will be out looking on Sunday morning for a long walk. Which area(s) would you like covered? Thanks
Just waiting for another sighting - but should be up on the ridgeway at the weekend again near chinnor area - so will be keeping my eyes open . Still have the numbers stored on my phone just in case.
Dear Holly & Jeff, as soon as I'm back in the area my first thought is Quigley, as other's have said Quigley has touched the hearts of people in such a way as both you and Jeff have. I will not give up, Karenx
Linda W
Hi Holly and Jeff, people are not giving up on Quigley, many people on here and many more like me I sure are looking. I live in High Wycombe and saw it in the Bucks free press. I can't look all the time as my husband works but we went looking on Tuesday afternoon off and most Sundays with dogs. driving round and taking walks. I even look out of my window across Fields. I hope Quigley will be home with you soon he's touched people's hearts.Last edited: 2012-02-22 15:06:35 by Linda W
Holly and Jeff please do not think people are giving up on finding Quigley. I have family and friend that live in this area and we are all still looking out for him all the time, even when I am driving I look across the fields in the hope that I will spot him and be able to give you some good news. We are praying Quigley will be home with you very soon.
Morning... Just been along checking the posters at Lacey Green and all good no posters have been tampered with. I'll check Loosley Row later as I run out of time this morning.
I'll go and check the Lacey Green area tomorrow morning as it's just down the road from me.
Holly - I'll not give up until we find him xx
Noone will give up. Quigley has captured the hearts of more people than you could ever imagine. It's everyone's intention to reunite him with his family as soon as humanly possible. It was difficult to search for him this afternoon because it was drizzling and the cloud cover was low but again, be reassured all of us will do all we can come rain or shine.
There isn't a word to describe the indivuals who are defacing the posters in a way which could be to the detriment of the searchers but let's all rise above them, replace the posters if necessary and continue what we all set out to do. Last edited: 2012-02-21 22:18:33 by Darren
possibly near Lacey Green but if any are found please could you make a not of locations when replacing them.X
I don't think anyone is going to give up on him Holly. He owes us all a cuddle and we want it !
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you for that, Nicky. I get so scared that people will give up on him but your dedication really keeps us so positive. This is one of the most difficult situations my family has ever been through and having your support helps us so much. Thanks for today to all of you who were out there when I couldn't be. Love, Holly
Shereen... Is there a particular area this is happening or just randomly... Hope no-one is stood in front of a poster with pen in hand if Im passing!
Thats lovely nicky : ))
Its been brought to my attention today there is a possiblity that somebody is going round altering the phone numbers on the posters...not sure how true this is but If anyone is out and about please could you check them...There are three (I think) different types of posters and it could be on any of these so if anyone finds anything like this please replace them but keep hold of the tampered ones ...I hope this isnt true but be vigilent.Thank you.X
Be it 1000 miles by car 100 miles on foot... Sitting and watching for hours on end for one small glimpse.. day or night it's what I'll do and I'm sure will many others. This wonderful dog has captured the hearts of many people but aside that it's his wonderful mum and dad that have touched my heart as I'm sure they have yours too. To Holly and Jeff every day I will be out there looking until your boy is home and your family complete again. Much love Nicky x
Come on quigley, lets have you home now !!! I have got every faith you will see him soon xx
Just a thought perhaps on the new posters that will be printed at some stage maybe not have his name on it? Although you have told us not to call his name the public are not aware of this and probably will call his name to get him to come to them.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
You're right Liz, this story is pretty special. I can feel the love. There are too many positive people and vibes involved for this too not happen. Quigley will come home and our family will be whole again. Just remember, if you are out looking, please DO NOT CALL HIS NAME. And PLEASE DO NOT CHASE HIM. These things will only drive him further away. If you see him call it in. That is the best thing you can do at this point. Thank you everyone for your continued support and for postering and keeping eyes open in these new possible areas. Last edited: 2012-02-21 07:08:06 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Am hoping to get back out in the area again this weekend. will check here first to get the update on the sightings. By the way..a tip for other people following this mission...don't read about it at lunchtime at work as several people caught me bawling my eyes out over the sheer good nature and teamwork being shown on here - everyone united by a an adventurous little dog - this is pretty special :)
Lacey Green along with Loosely Row and Hampden have posters up.
Have been out this morning checking all the posters put up Sat., and existing ones up at Cowleze woods, all are intact and not causing any obstructions. Placed at key points on posts on footpaths. I can go over to Lacey Green later if needed,Karen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you everyone for your continued support. We are evaluating some information re sightings from the weekend and will post it when appropriate. Thank you for all of your help. In terms of posters, let's all just try to make sure we are hanging posters in public places such as entries to footpaths and not on private property unless we obtain permission from the landowner. And, only tape or string around trees, not tacks. In oxfordshire, this information was relayed to us through DogLost. At least that is how I understood it. I would assume the same rules apply in Buckinghamshire. I know eveyone is doing their best and we will continue to try to be as respectful and appropriate as possible. Our only goal is to get Quigley back and the posters really do help. And, I promise to remove them once he is found. In fact, I will place an add in the papers telling people they may remove them. I promise. Thank you. Holly
Bobsmum, Helper, Surrey
I would just like to say we have been following Quigley's story & to his mum & dad really hope u get your lovely boy home soon we love our dogs they are part of our family so I cant even begin to imagen what you guys are going through on dog lost there is a dog called Lucy that went missing week ago we helped poster &spread the word she is now back home she had been sold &new owner saw the poster! don't lose hope x in response to HeidH we all understand about rules but if it help bring back our family member &the posters are cleaned up after?? Have a heart! Good luck in the search for Quigley & really hope he's back in his loving home soon xxx
Very well said Darren. Without getting involved with politics, this is sadly the way things are going these days !
Darren, Exactly, also the fact that Holly and Jeff have said when lovely Quigley is back we will all go around taking the posters down. But the fact that they are not even up for a day is ridiculous because the quicker Quigley is found the quicker we can take the posters down so if everyone helps by putting up with the posters on display,then there is more chance that there is awareness and Quigley is reunited.
Last edited: 2012-02-19 19:25:48 by denise
Darren, Exactly, also the fact that Holly and Jeff have said when lovely Quigley is back we will all go around taking the posters down. But the fact that they are not even up for a day is ridiculous because the quicker Quigley is found the quicker we can take the posters down so if everyone helps by putting up with the posters on display,then there is more chance that there is awareness and Quigley is reunited.
Putting my emotional head on now, would it not of been polite and courteous if authoratitive people would have the decency to actually phone and advise people it is illegal to put these posters up as opposed to what appears to be several peoples hard work and dedication going to waste. Do they not want a happy ending to what is already a very difficult time for the family?
Hi Nicky - If Holly and Jeff were with the 'howling dog', whether it was a real one or a recording, then that could be perfect
Comment awaiting moderation
That's quite an interesting idea Ellie - because the sound of a howl wouldn't necessarily send him running away, he might be inquisitive and go towards the sound, and we know that Quigley has played with other people's dogs and so is interested in them. Likewise, the sounds of children playing might attract an inquisitive dog. Or even the sound of a cat mewing or foxes howling - a lot of dogs would run towards these too.Last edited: 2012-02-19 15:20:18 by NickyJ
Sorry if this sounds a bit bizarre but would Quigley react to a howling dog ? I know that wolves and foxes do but would a ' feral ' dog ? I was wondering if you could get close to where you definitely know he is, would he come out and investigate a howling dog, even if it was only a recording. As we know, dogs have extremely good hearing which would be immensely helpful ! I think the behaviourist's on the team such as Shereen and Marishka would know for sure, but I don't think it would have the adverse effect. I'm not sure if this could be arranged or how we could set it up but as I've said before desperate times need deperate actions,
Good Luck today Team Quigley...im sorry I cant make it today but will be back tomorrow.Hopefully you wont need me because you will have caught him.Fingers and Paws crossed!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
A special thanks to Darren, Nicky, Ruth, Marishka and James for their help. Quigley continues to elude us... If you
see him, please don't yell his name or chase - we don't want to scare him into a new area. Please call us and doglost ASAP.

Thanks again!!

We don't think the sighting in Chinnor was credible.Last edited: 2012-02-19 07:35:22 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Comment awaiting moderation
Hi- What happened with the sighting in Chinnor ? Do we know whether it was Quigley? Also re the missing posters along the footpath from the Lions. Do we know who owns this land or is it a public footpath. I know Lord Carrington owns a lot of land around there, perhaps it's something to do with him. I'm sure he would have someone looking after his land , perhaps a gamekeeper or farm hands. Could they be doing it ? Is it worth having a word with LC he's quite amenable ? Just a thought !
Let me know if you want me there although I have friends over but Great Hampden is near to me and if it was a positive sighting I can get there or my daughter can to help. Quigley is certainly a traveller! I need posters and I can poster that area and the surroundings if needed early next week. Good luck!x
Everything crossed for you!
I'll get out over that way tomorrow.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Sighting in great hampden - more details soon
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Jeff has picked up posters from Darren and said they are awesome. Thanks Darren! He also said that all of the posters going up the footpath from Lions of Bledlow are down, again:(. He will reposter as this is an important area since it is exactly where Quigley was seen last Sunday. So, please if you go up to that area at all going forward, always keep a poster or two to reposter with. If you are are unable to pick some up from the back car park today, feel free to text me your address and I can even throw some in the post for you. Thanks everyone. My fingers are crossed for a sighting today. Good luck and thank you. Again, spreading out around paths in Bledlow would be great. Thank you folks!
Am off to work , a very looooong day:( Would much rather be out looking for Quigley:) At least if that was him sighted in Chinnor then he won't be too far away. Good luck everyone, today's the day! Fingers crossed X
I will be out in the morning to check out this possible sighting...Thanks for everyones continued support...Lets hope for success this Week end.Xxx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Also, we will leave the "original greenies" with the posters as well if anybody needs. Thanks. Holly
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hello everyone. First, Darren, thank you so much for the posters - it is much appreciated. Darren, I've left you a message and can pick up the posters when convenient. For those looking for posters, I'll leave some in the parking lot at the lions of bledlow on the picnic table around 11am. As mentioned, I think it would be great if those looking tomorrow can spread out a bit fron the bledlow area. Ruth, karen, marishka, denise that sounds great. If anyone else is looking for spots, the paths up from bledlow up through princes risborough need coverage as well.

There was an unconfirmed sighting in chinnor that we are looking into now... Last edited: 2012-02-17 22:25:45 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Darren, I would expect Jeff or Holly to come on here at some point tonight to let everyone know what they'd like us to do tomorrow. If they don't and you'd like someone to come to Henton to collect all the posters then I could do that. I'll be setting out at about 8.30 so could come out then if that's any good?

Jeff/Holly - unless you have somewhere else you'd like me to go, I (along with my friend Nicky who texted you the other day Holly) will plan to walk around Lodge Hill and towards Bledlow Ridge.Last edited: 2012-02-17 21:49:47 by Ruth
Hi Just checking in to keep up with the info. Could someone please answer poor Darren ! He came on earlier with some posters and is offering some much needed help !
Hi Holly & Jeff I have some more help if needed, at my local vets this afternoon I was asked if Quigley had been reunited, I explained the latest info. The Branch Manager said she would speak to someone who does search & rescue for humans and animals and ask them if they could help. I haven't had any further information yet but will contact you as soon as I hear from them. As I explained earlier I will poster at the back of me in Stokenchurch on the Chiltern Way (which links to Bennett End and Radnage). I understand that the photographer is cross posting and had a chat with you. Let me know if you want me to meet with the 4x4 wheel cover to be postered, I spoke to Shereen earlier and updated what was offered with the radio station etc. Hope to meet up with you and Marishka at some point this weekend, KarenLast edited: 2012-02-17 21:32:01 by karen
I have printed 60 A4 and 15 A3 flimsy waterproof sheets plus a dozen or so A4's and A3's on rigid waterproof plastic. I would really like to give these to someone tomorrow to try and assist in Quigleys safe return. I have an appointment in Slough at 8 in the morning and will be in this area (Henton) around 10am. Both myself and Sue are planning to walk anywhere anyone wants us to Saturday and Sunday but I would really appreciate someone letting me know where and when the posters are needed. Sue will be at home in the morning if the are wanted before I return. Thank you.
i'll be around Saturday so will probably walk the ridgeway somewhere between Watlington and the M40, but will concentrate on postering if required, checking back with earlier contacts and chatting to raise awareness as I'll have the usual ragtag bunch of ne'erdowells in tow! I'll be close by though if needed in a hurry.
Holly and Jeff, is there an area you want specifically covered near to me? I am near to Bar Lane, or is there elsewhere you want people? I could do with some more paper and plastic posters. Has The Lions got posters up inside? I'm going in there to meet friends on Sunday so could put some up with the permission of owner.
Comment awaiting moderation
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hello - thanks to everyone for continuing the search. I think we are now well covered on the ridgeway, midshires way, and other paths around the Lions of Bledlow. For those looking to walk, search and poster, I think it would be great to concentrate on the areas surrounding - so the icknield way path, the ridgeway down to Lodge Hill and bledlow ridge, and up to Princes Risborough. Thanks again, and let's hope Quigley pops his head out this weekend!! Best, Jeff
Comment awaiting moderation
Thanks for that Annie. I'll give it a go !
Hi Ellie,

If you're having trouble downloading and printing from the site, have you tried emailing the poster to your own email address? i.e. View Poster, and then click on the email tab on the top?

Otherwise, maybe Darren can help?
Hi- I've been having trouble downloading the posters to print them off. It might be that my computer is incompatable ( it's a Vista). In situations like this my son normally helps me out but he's in Bristol at the moment and unlikely to be back by the weekend. So is there anyone in the Chinnor area that has at least 6 posters that I could have. They don't have to be laminated as the places I have in mind are inside. I will take more if they are available. Sorry to be a pain but I don't want to waste precious time ! Thanks
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

We would like to thank you all again for your continued support and selfless acts of kindness. We really do appreciate it.

I think at this point sightings are much more important than running around calling his name or capture attempts. He is too fast and it will be difficult to do. So many people are
invested in this that it warms my heart. But, the last thing I want to do is scare him off. Lets keep fingers crossed for another sighting soon. If you see anything, please let us know.

Also, we shouldn't forget about the other areas where he was seen like Thames, Christmas Common, Wormsley Estate, Ibstone, Ridgway between the a40 and m40. These are all good places to check as he may still be traveling to them in between sightings and some of these places could likely use repostering. The other thing is if he travels further. Jeff and I did some walking and poster in Princes Risborough and Monks Risborough this past weekend. Also, we had an unconfirmed sighting of him at near Hueghendon Park in High Wycombe. This is another place worth postering/checking. So, if you are looking to help tomorrow or in the next few days, those might be some constructive ways to help.

I would also like to suggest checking with me or Shereen on this forum if you would like to search a specific area because we might know if it is already being covered.

Since we are now trying to dicipher his movements so we can ultimately capture him, we need to remember that sightings are the most important thing after postering and awareness.

Also, just to say, we do appreciate all of the advice and ideas posted here. Definitely keep them coming. And, your positive thoughts are also very much appreciated. Let's all visualise him coming home and straight into his families loving arms. Good night.

Last edited: 2012-02-16 00:05:55 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Only managed a short walk today but tbh there were so many people out and about there wasn't really room for me! (Especially with blind shi tzu and brain-damaged saluki in tow!). Everyone I met was well aware, looking and already and had the numbers in their phones so sat in the pub for an hour chatting then left more posters there and tootled off again as i don't think he'd show at such a busy time anyway, and had to get back for the eye specialist for Mac. Hi Ellie, yes please do keep the ideas coming and continue to coddle your babies. Mine are hugely indulged but as a behaviourist one of the most common things I find is that everyone (myself included) hugely underestimates their pets' abilities and even those of us who work day in day out with dogs of all types can sometimes be astonished at what they suddenly show us! The most recent researches put dog intelligence somewhere between a 2 yr old and a 6 yr old human depending on breed, background etc etc and I'd definitely put Quigs in the top end of that!
Hi Ellie, I am like you, thinking all things to get Quigley. But obviously the main thing is that you care and want Quigley home with lovely Holly, Jeff and their children. Don't feel bad and keep the ideas coming it all helps. I think it is good to put your thoughts onto this site because we all want the same thing, to get Quigley re-united.
Thank you very much indeed, Darren, but I have already dropped some off to Kelly to reposter the area she mentioned. Will remember your kind offer though.Last edited: 2012-02-15 18:03:55 by Annie
Thank you very much indeed, Darren, but I have already dropped some off to Kelly to reposter the area she mentioned. Will remember your kind offer though.Last edited: 2012-02-15 17:54:45 by Annie
Thank you i've got some lammineted poster and will replace the old ones kelly
Quigley's Mum and Dad
For now, we have reached a Greenie ceiling. So if we need more, I will post. Thank you all.

Darren, I will e-mail you this poster now. Thank you!!
Hi Kelly/Annie You may have seen my note to Holly the other day. I run a printing company and am more than happy to run some posters out on a thinnish waterproof plastic which does not require laminating to whatever size you need. I spoke with Holly yesterday and she is waiting to speak to other 'search members'to see whether any other info is required. If you need some asap I am more than happy to run some out for you with the current details at whatever size you need. Please just let me know and i will jump on it. Also, if you need some on a more rigid plastic again just let me know. As always glad to help.
Hi Kelly, I can print some off and laminate them for you by later this afternoon and leave at Dobbins Clobber. Any idea how many you need?
Hi, some of the posters may have been removed because they were water damaged. The pet detective posters on the Phoenix trail between Towersey and Sandy lane are now unreadable. If anyone has some laminated posters that they can leave at Dobbins Clobber in Stokenchurch or Penn Farm at Towersey. I will take the old ones down and put the new ones up. Kelly
Hi Ellie, as Nicky said traps are often used and I'm sure Shereen is prepared when her experience tells her that the time is right to take that step. The most important thing at the moment is to try and keep him in the area and certainly not do something that's going to spook him and send him fleeing.
I walked the area for an hour and a half this morning, spending a lot of the time just standing, watching and hoping for a glimpse of him running across the fields. You can get great views across the open fields - the problem is that the woods behind could hide a dog easily. All we need though is for him to pop out of the woods and for someone to catch a sight of him again. I will be back there later this afternoon x
Yes Ellie, Traps are often used, as you'll see on other cases on this site they are successful sometimes but need special circumstances I believe as wildlife needs to be protected.
We forget too easily that our pets are animals taken from the wild and domesticated - it's surprising to some people how quickly dogs revert back to their feral instincts! Mine does it daily tho :-I
Can I say thaat I certainly didn't make my earlier posting to de-moralise. That is so far from the truth. I was just trying to point out the possibility that someone could have just taken a shine to him and if that was so then it needed to be sorted out! It MOST CERTAINLY wasn't to demoralise and I'm sorry if that is how it came across.
However , I've had a thought (yes another one - sorry) but please bear with me as desperate times need desperate actions.
Now, there is a rat- catcher, which is a rat sized cage which food is put in , Mr Rat enters to get the food and the door slams behind him and he has to then await his fate. I'm wondering if there is a Quigley sized similar type of devise that perhaps zoo keepers might have or wildlife groups. Then perhaps rather than putting food in it which would attract other animals, put pillows, squashy footballs and perhaps Greenies scented of course. It would obviously have to be checked out daily 'cos we might just find a startled Mr Fox but I'm sure you get the gist. I haven't a clue whether such a device exists but at least it's worth a shot. Please tell me I'm mad if you think so and I'll blame it on lack of sleep !
Hi, just wanted to say that there are many "reunited" pages on this site which show the astounding ability that a smart dog has to survive even in winter. Quigley is young but not too young to have some sense, and from what I've read about Catahoulas they are very clever and versatile, and good hunters. In my experience, the dogs with the best skills at living wild are collies, Gsds, lurchers, hunt/point/retrieve breeds, terriers and believe it or not, shelties and klein spitz who are nifty little vole catchers. My main concern for Quigley was that he would feel the cold with that short coat, but he seems to have found places to shelter.
Hi Holly, just to clarify re missing posters: VERY few of Qigley's have been taken down, maybe two or three, that I know of? Others, only a couple of hundred yards away, are still there and that's why I haven't replaced yet. Please be assurred, Quigley's profile is as high as ever in this area (as in many others) and I haven't met a single person who isn't aware of his 'houdini impersonations'! Yes, I too tell people that they will be removed when Quigley's adventures are over. Hope the greenies arrive shortly, ready for Quigley's home-coming!!!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks for the link, Annie! I have just ordered Greenies on Zooplus. In the meantime, if anyone local finds them in a pet shop let me know and I will reimburse if you purchase. They are the original ones. Some other companies make similar looking ones that I have tried, but he only likes "Greenies".

I think it would be good if posters remain up even in the area of Christmas Common/Wormsley where he was originally lost. Since we go a few days sometimes (even a week) without sightings there is a chance he could travel there and then we wouldn't know about it. It would be a shame if awareness wasn't kept up in his old area. So, if anyone see posters missing and isn't able to replace them just let me know and we will get them back up. Also, try to get the word out that we are well meaning and promise we will remove them when Quigley is found.

Unfortunately, some people just don't understand that this is the best way for us to get sightings and they think it makes the area look littered. So, we work very hard on getting them up and keeping them up every place where he was seen.

Once Quigley is found I have promised many people that we will have a poster removal party...after the welcome home parade of course! And, I will stick to that promise.

Thanks for all of the helpful advice.Last edited: 2012-02-15 09:03:39 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Millys Mum
Shereen - hi to you also! I read Quigley's page on a VERY regular basis and can't wait until he decides to throw in the towel. You are all doing such a fantastic job that it can't be very long until Quigley is transferred to the blue area. He really is a stunning dog. Holly - are the greenies you mention made by a company called Antos (believe they are a Dutch-run company) as they make a green toothbrush-type chew. I bought some of their products at last year's Discover Dogs show but, if they are the chews you are describing, our vets sell them, as well as a local pet shop. I'm happy to buy some and send them to you. Fingers crossed xxLast edited: 2012-02-15 00:30:17 by Millys Mum
I'm pretty sure I can get some greenies - I will try in the morning and will contact you if I get some!!
I do have some spare time tomorrow to come over to the area if I get any.
It's such a good thing that Quigley has been sticking to this area for a while. Even more encouraging that when he was seen near Thame, that he was so quickly back to his 'safe zone'.
Hi All, I am sure Ellie made her posting out of sheer concern and worry for Quigley's welfare and didn't mean to demoralise at all. I do understand where she's coming from but, as we know, dogs have amazing survival skills, sometimes against all odds. As was already mentioned, I really wouldn't worry too much about posters disappearing. I really don't believe that it has an ominous meaning at all. Some have disappeared from my area too (and not just Quigley's) where he first disappeared from. I have personally overheard a couple talking of 'littering up the countryside'. They're not doggy people and are actually quite few and far between. I also don't believe that this would hinder Quigley being sighted or found. If, via this amazing site, I had an inkling that he had left Bledlow area and was heading back this way, they would all go straight back up again. My laminator is still warm from the last lot! Talking of Quigley's poster, would it be an idea to remove the (now misleading) reference to the 'sighting in Faringdon' in case more will need to be printed off?

As far as Greenies are concerned, Holly, try http://www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/dogs/dog_treats_chews/dental_care/greenies/48502. I believe they have them in stock in the UK.

Hoping for good news tomorrow... It will happen one day soon!

Last edited: 2012-02-14 23:59:28 by Annie
Holly - I'm off to the States on Thursday, back Saturday am. Where can I get Greenies for you? Are they a Walgreens/CVS type thing or a Pet shop only? If I don't find them on this trip, I'm back out next week too(Wednesday to Saturday) with better shopping and more time to do it! Let me know.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
1. Quigley was famous in our house for attacking pillows. I had to buy a weekly stash from Argos and replenish them very often. Even though he is neutered, he would be very nasty with the pillow and then tear it up. It was to a point where it was becoming problematic. He also would act similarly with plush children's toys. Not so much stuffed animals. But, their grandma crocheted footballs for them (normal football size) and these only lasted in the house a matter of hours. I don't know what this means in terms of "playing" but perhaps if someone tossed a pillow around...
2. He can't resist GREENIES. They are a dog snack. They look like a green toothbrush. I've had some trouble getting them in the UK lately. We were having people bring them back from the states. I have had success getting them online. Maybe I'll order a package...
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Bless you, Ellie, for losing sleep with me!

By the way, I contacted the farmer in Farringdon and he is aware of and hasn't seen Quigley. He has all of our information. Jeff and I also checked Steed's Farm when we went up on Saturday. Didn't see anything either. We think this sighting was definitely wrong. It was also very vague.
Hi everyone.
Sorry but I seem to have caused a tsunami of replies and I now hold my hand up and give in! I must have spent my whole life pampering my pooches because I just cannot imagine any of them being able to fend for themselves. My husband says that I'm the same with the 'kids' and will never get rid of them while I make them to comfortable ! So I will admit defeat ! I must admit that I have lost lots of hours sleep especially in this cold weather worrying that Quigley was cold and now I'm being told that he wasn't' so at least I might be able to sleep a bit better tonight. X
I've had my own dog for seven years, he came from Stadhampton rescue centre after he was found living feral. I've seen how he's capable of living on his own, one example being he once sniffed out, dug up and ate a family of tiny baby rabbits in their burrow - I was horrified but realised he was only doing what he once had to in order to survive.
Regarding the posters being taken down, we have to remember that not every one out there is so keen on pet animals as us, and some people might see 'Missing' posters as a nuisance and a blight on the landscape, plus flyposting is frowned upon in towns and cities, so I think a bit of give and take from all is required?
Quigley is out there and you all seen to be getting closer as he appears to be staying in one area now! Weather is getting warmer, I bet he'll be out playing with someone elses dog soon in the sunshine - unaware of the distress he's caused! xLast edited: 2012-02-14 20:52:05 by NickyJ
We are around this weekend to help, if you let me know times etc.
Alfies mum
Moses's story gives hope to any one looking for their furry friend, good luck to you all its only a matter of time before hes back with you all x
in November a relative of mine found a lost cold and bedraggled dog on her land. It holed up in her stables and although she fed it everyday it was very scared and would not be approached for a long time. she had access to the internet but could not find any descriptions of the dog even on this site, She fell in love with the dog and did NOT want to hand it to the dog warden because she assumed after 7 days it would be put down, But in the end she did and after pestering the warden for ages she found out it went to a rescue and was re-homed.If you do not have access to the internet you are reliant on papers or radio and in that respect I think the owners and dogslost have done a fantastic job in getting the word out there. I hope you keep getting sightings.I will keep checking in to see if I can help in anyway.
Hey Millys Mum!Long time no talk!well chuffed for Moses!!!and all the commited lovely people involved!!
Millys Mum
Not to mention Moses (27396) the Greyhound being reunited today after 13 months on the run. Good luck Team Quigley!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,
I myself have to admit, it shocks me that my little shaking doggy that I embarassingly carried around in a puppy carrier for the first few months of his life, is now living feral. But, to be honest, it does make sense. Of course anything is possible. But, if I know my Quigley, he is certainly scavenging. No doubt about it. He could make a meal out of my son's dirty nappy if he had to (if you want me to be blunt). Part of the reason why we hired the Pet Detectives was to help us get to the bottom of this situation and find him, quickly. They routinely question people about sightings and question people in surrounding homes to ask if they have seen anything. They search derelict buildings and abandoned farms because these areas are perfect for him. They do not detect any foul play. I feel confident that they would be able to sniff it out as this is what they do for a living. You may not have met them because they aren't around every single day. But one of the detectives was up today searching, questioning, and reinforcing awareness since there have been so many sightings in the area. He is in agreement with everyone else that Quigley has been able to survive on his own by scavenging in the area, even if people don't realise it. I feel confident that amongst Shereen's commitment, everyone in the area being aware, all of our helpers searching(both from DogLost and those who have joined "Team Quigley" along the way), and the Pet Detectives involvement, we are on the right track and doing the best we can. Believe me when I say that I have lived every possible scenario in my mind each night before going to sleep (which I'm obviously not doing much of these days). It is hell. I am the hugest skeptic out there. Just ask Jeff. But, I can believe it. And, if I can actually believe it then it is at the very least a possiblity. And, if it is possible then I must get to the bottom of it. I can't pretend that I know what the outcome of this will be. Every night I pray that it is the most positive one and we are re-united with Quigley. The one thing I do know is that we will give it our best shot. We will leave no stone unturned. This will be the only way that I can do right by Quigley and once again be able to sleep at night. I continue to be grateful for the positive outcome that I have realised and that is seeing the goodness and beauty in people. I am humbled each day the search continues by the offers of help that I receive and by people's commitment to a family and dog that most have never even met. I thank you all. With posters going missing, that has been a problem since the beginning of this ordeal even in the other areas. We routinely have to re-post due to weather and some people just don't get it so they think it looks like rubbish and they take them down. Hopefully, they will be enlightened when Quigley is found.
: )Thanks Meeka...we have seen this many times on DL just look at Barbie who has just got home (36920) who has been out for 5 days without any fur!!!
Just butting in here a bit - sorry - but please have no doubt that Quigley can fend for himself. My first ever DL reunited dog was a collie type cross who had been living feral for over nine months and all through a horrible snowy and cold winter - when we finally caught her she was fit and extremely healthy, a bit of matted fur but that was about all, that first night she chose to sleep on a cold concrete floor rather a nice snuggly bed, she had not only fended for herself but had regularly been crossing the M3, A303 and A30 junction, a very busy bit of road and she had hardly ever been spotted even at the chicken farm where she had been thieving her dinner. Quigley is probably having the time of his life, blissfully unaware of what he is putting his Mum, Dad and everyone else searching for him through and I hope and pray that you get him home safe and well and soon, your dedication and perserverence will pay off in the end - good luck and fingers crossed for you all.
I think we should ignore completely the fact that a few posters have gone missing. If someone was removing them for a reason surely they wouldn't just take the odd one, they'd go round and remove them all ....... otherwise what's the point?
Ellie, I don't know how well you know the area he's been seen in but I can fully see how it's possible for him to be there but for there to be so few sightings. It's a massive area of woods, thick hedgerows - a perfect place for a dog to hide out. Around here loads of people put out food for kites, foxes etc so there is plenty of opportunity for him to find food but I would have thought thata dog living like this is going to very quickly learn how to hunt and kill for his dinner.
I too am slightly suspicious by nature, but if I had any doubts that Quigley had been (and in fact still is) in that area I wouldn't be out there for hours each day hoping for another sighting.
Just thinking - when I went out searching one of the things I tried was a squeaky toy... maybe he has got access to food, water, shelter... and I understand the family are taking their kids up there, familiar sounds/objects and scenting etc.... but is there something he couldn't resist getting involved in? For example did he play with the kids when they were playing with balls? Maybe a small group of people playing football could entice him out from a hiding place...there's got to be something so fun that he can't stop himself joining in/ showing himself? Still following this and Teddy/Percy. Quigley is treating this like one big ole game - perhaps we need to make ourselves more exciting and funner than being 'on the run'???? xx
Just to add my bit as well : )
How often do you see foxes in the daytime??? you dont in rural areas,but we do have proof of MANY being around and they are all looking really well this year.
We have had a VERY mild winter this year excpt a cold snap for two weeks.Spring is here early bulbs are early and even with the bit of snow it hasnt been round long enough to kill them off...also baby rabbits are out earlier than I remember they are everywhere at the moment so there really is Plenty for a clever dog to eat..im sure hes scavenging too but there is plenty really to scavenge ie bird tables etc etc..Where Quigley has chosen to be is a haven for a dog like this and if I were a dog id choose the same place.
As for the posters,well,we had a lurcher missing in this area and the same happened and I suspect it could be someone who is maybe an owner or something similar to this land??
Just to finnish Ellie...im normally very suspicious too but nothing about this is making me feel uneasy,I think its a very strait forward case of a dog going back to nature.Last edited: 2012-02-14 14:03:10 by Shereen
Hi Ellie, if you read right back to the beginning you'll see that there were many sightings before the first Bledlow one and that Quigley appeared to be happily settled on an estate near Christmas Common til they had a shoot. It was then that he moved off along the ridgeway and there is another vague sighting at Bledlow before the first certain one on the 31st. I've been involved in rescue for many years, especially dogs that have been dumped and it goes one of several ways - they seek out human help as soon as possible approaching people in the street or hiding in their porch, usually within the first day; or they come to some harm within the first day, such as being hit by a car or falling down a hole or some such; or they find they can live perfectly well without direct human assistance and at this point they cease to be 'lost' and become feral. They may scavenge in bins and the back if restaurants etc but they will also kill rabbits and rats etc, possibly chickens and other stock, possibly deer etcetc but they are essentially wild and have as much interest in human company as any other wild animal and, essentially, as much ability to survive and thrive as any other wild animal. This is why it's important not to try to approach him as you would a pet dog. It's much more useful to report where and when he was seen and what he was doing rather than risk scaring him into moving on again. It's not impossible someone is leaving food for him specifically, but they won't be getting him in close, and they may even be leaving food for birds/foxes/feral cats etc and not even know that he is taking it. I know it's frustrating that he's not back home yet but when dogs learn they can take care of themselves this is how it usually plays out - they are intelligent and resourceful creatures and Quigkey is perfectly designed both physically and mentally to look out for himself. We won't give up though and one day he'll remember that life is a lot easier when Holly gives him his dinner then when he has to catch it himself!
Hi, Ellie I like you, have loved and kept dogs and it is a mystery but he was running free so if he is having food and shelter he must be coming and going unless he escaped, and that was why he was running, because it it strange that he is not sighted more often if he is staying in the area. Also if someone is doing this surely other houses would see a dog matching the description making his way to the spot, unless it is in the night. But with the reward I would of thought the person would of come forward, unless they just think it is foxes taking the food and oblivious that it could be Quigley.Last edited: 2012-02-14 13:04:02 by denise
I'm not a K9 expert ,psychologist or psychiatrist but I've loved and kept dogs all my life using good old common sense.
There are 3 things that are bothering me about all of this.
Firstly, Quigley has been on the run for aprox. 6 weeks. He has had no food or shelter and the last week or so, he has been out in - 8 degrees or less ! However, the lady that saw him on Sunday didn't see a half starved, emaciated, cold Quigley skulking in a field, instead she saw an energetic Quigley, running fast across a field, up a hill and disappearing out of sight ! This is where common sense kicks in with me and makes me think that somebody has just got to be feeding and sheltering him. OK it might not be the people in the houses on the hill but it must be someone within a close proximity of where the lady saw him.
Secondly, the disappearing posters. Why on earth would anyone keep taking them down? Unless it's annoying kids then the only other real answer is that someone is taking them down because they don't want anyone else to see them !
Thirdly, we know that Quigley went missing from the top of Watlington Hill on the 2nd of Jan and appeared at Swansway on the 31st of Jan, however he could of been there much earlier than that and it just so happened that this was the first time he had been spotted. So, it took him roughly 3 weeks to get to Bledlow,so why did he not keep going? There is something that is keeping him here and as somebody else has stated as well, the most likely thing is food and shelter.
I'm sorry to keep harping on about this but I just have this strong gut feeling about it. I also hope that I am not sounding a bit Miss Marple-ish but my main concern, like everyone else, is to re-unite Quigley with his lovely family.
How they are coping with the rollercoaster of frustrations and disappointments is beyond my ken and I so admire their strength. If you think that I am totally on the wrong track then please somebody tell me and I will shut up !
So nice to read there are so many good people in the world. Darren and Sue what a generous offer, really hope Quigley is home soon x
Darren that is such a lovely offer,Than You!
Hi. Either myself or Sue my partner will call you in the morning to see how we can help. Good night.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone,

I did manage to steal a few hours today to take the Oxford Tube up from London and scent the area. It was so nice to meet so many of you and put faces with names to all of the wonderful helpers who are coming to Quigley's aide. I also have to say that each and every person I have spoken with or met in a house or on a hill, walking or driving has been absolutely wonderful, sympathetic and cooperative. If there is one thing I can say about the people I have met is that they love their dogs and feel about them exactly as we do about Quigley. So, we couldn't be more lucky in that respect! All we can do now is wait for Quigley to show himself again. If he only knew about the stir he was causing!

Darren-your offer of help is so very generous. I don't know what to say. I'm also so happy that Henton knows about this as well as I can see there are many farms there. We will definitley get in touch. You can e-mail me at hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com or call me at 07770751631 if that helps.

Sarah-thanks for picking me up today and offering so much help especially with kids in tow.

Shereen, Denise, Ruth, Claire, Mo (anyone else I might be missing) it was great to see all of you and a big TY!

In closing, I agree with Shareen, low key. I wouldn't even call his name. I would meander alone with your dog or else he surely isn't going to come to you. He is so cheeky!
I live in Henton with my partner and have been following the information posted here. Unfortunately we do not have any news of sightings but what we would like to offer are 2 things. We have a Land Rover Defender SWB that anyone can use for as long as it takes in order to get Quigley home and secondly, we have our own print company and are prepared to print large colour posters onto plastic or other waterproof materials to assist finding him. We have 4 dogs of our own and know what treasured members of the family they are. Please Please get in touch to see if we can help you.
Thanks for everyones help again today!..no sign of the elusive Quigley and there were lots of us out again. Lots of different routes taken by us.Quigley you are very good at hiding!but that doesnt surprise me.All we can do is our normal dog walking if possible, and keep everything as low key as possible!Thank You.X
Marishka, That's good to know that people there are co-operating in the search. If any up dated flyers are to be distributed how about the stables too? Holly, it was lovely to meet you, hope you got home ok.
re microchips, btw, it's definitely good advice to scan the full body of any dog one finds just in case a chip has travelled - I've known them to arrive at the back feet - but the vet and I check all dogs regularly and Quigley's chip is still in the back of his neck where it should be so even a cursory scan should pick it up
just a comment re the houses and people possibly taking a shine to him. He is definitely a love, but there are not many houses on the entire hill and several of us have now met all the people in the various houses all round the hill and they all seem very genuine, very co-operative and helpful. All do know about him and have had several flyers with updates just in case we don't see them, but the weekend is the obvious time for visitors and I think I know the person who wasn't aware and he was visiting family who probably hadn't got round to mentioning it yet. He is now aware. Several local residents have gone well out of their way to assist, hunt, spread the word, allow us to trample through their gardens, sheds and garages etc so I don't think anyone is deliberately working against us on this - at least around that hill.
All those houses were flyered on the day and the day following the first set of Bledlow sightings but it may be worth redoing with updated flyers
Quigley's Mum and Dad
If anyone is around, i think one good thing to do is to check in the houses behind the places where quigley was seen. From google maps, it looks like there are some houses on bledlow ridge road, wiggans lane, upper ickneild and oddley lane. Thanks!! Holly is up today scenting! Last edited: 2012-02-29 10:14:08 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Denise, several of Quigley's good friends have been walking around Bledlow most days spreading their scent. They are back tomorrow and bringing another special friend he's not smelled since he was lost. At the least we hope it will encourage him to feel at home on the hill and stay there!
I'm so glad that there has been a positive sighting of Quigley and that he looked in good condition although it's a shame he has not yet been found, I spent the weekend searching Aston Rowant and towards Chinnor but will now concentrate on the Bledlow area. With everyone working so hard it's only a matter of time before Quigley is home safe and warm x.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I personally spoke to people in house at top of the hill. They were lovely and they let me examine all of their sheds for evidence of quigley and promised to be on the lookout for him. Also, log cabin man is nice and cooperating as well. They will all call me if they see anything. Thanks! Jeff
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I personally spoke to people in house at top of the hill. They were lovely and they let me examine all of their sheds for evidence of quigley and promised to be on the lookout for him. Also, log cabin man is nice and cooperating as well. They will all call me if they see anything. Thanks! Jeff
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi, if you are out looking for Quigley today, and you see him, please approach him calmly. Don't act desparate to get him b/c he will just run. I agree we shouldn't freak him out. You can even put food on the floor and lay on your back pretending to play. Thanks everyone! Fingers crossed.
Shereen, I've a 4 x 4 I'm ok on 'rough roads' but not off road especially as icy still. I'm coming later to meet you. After we leave today with Quigley hopefully, but if not I could sit in the car with bincoluars when it has gone quiet. Holly, just a thought has Quigley got a best doggy friend you could bring next time to entice him?
Comment awaiting moderation
Hi This may be of some help? www.petes-walks.co.uk and click on the Bledlow Ridge area. it has photo's of the fields woods etc it has about 4 lots of pics and also some of his routes which encompass todays's areas. KarenLast edited: 2012-02-13 00:51:00 by karen
Yes, if you go over the next field on the right, then there is the wooded bit with the footpath to the right hand edge. Go up a bit and you can see the mounds. He went across the footpath (from right to left on the map) and into the field with the mounds. Does that make sense?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi ruth - I think you are right. So, sighting map should be over two fields to the right on the map. Will fix in the am. Right?
Sorry Shereen, it looks like I have a 4 x 4 but it's a fake!!!
Jeff - I'm a bit confused, I'm not sure if the lady explained very well where the sighting was but I met her later and she showed me exactly. When I left you at the top of the Swans Way I went back past the wood house and then turned left to go back to the Lions down the footpath. A good way down there I met her and and that was where she was when she saw him. She said he ran across the path and into the field with the mounds, running fast in the direction of the houses at the top. From there you can't really see anything of the fields that you marked on the map as the hill and mounds are blocking the view, so he could potentially have gone anywhere once he was over the hill and out of her sight.
But wherever it was, a sighting is a sighting ...... and I will be back there tomorrow :)Last edited: 2012-02-12 23:25:28 by Ruth
Does any one have a 4X4 that is coming tomorrow?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Here is the updated sighting map - http://g.co/maps/zvsfc
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi everyone - wheww... what a day... so close... I spoke with the lovely woman that saw Quigley - she was 100% it was him... she was walking on the path up the steep hill from the Lions of Bledlow. She said he was running very fast through the fields. If you walk past the small wood house (that leaves water out for the dogs) there is a long opening where you can see the fields below down the hill. He was seen in those fields running across towards the ridgeway and down the hill. I've spoken with the owners of the wood house, and they will keep a look out and put out food. If you continue to take that path, it meets up with the ridgeway / swansway intersection, where he was has been seen a few times now. I've spoken with a number of people in those houses along the ridgeway - a few of the houses are not lived in all of the time, which could explain why they are not aware. I personally spoke with the first house on the intersection, and they will keep a look out. We have been scenting the area and putting down food - as he has been seen here for two weeks now, hopefully he is settling in... for those out, continue to keep a look out... i'll post a revised map shortly. Thank you so much!!! Jeff (Quigley's dad)Last edited: 2012-02-12 22:36:59 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
I'll be there between 11-11.30 Shereen to help. Why is the man in the house at the top being so unhelpful, maybe if you Jeff and Holly have a word with him as he does have the best view to spot Quigley or the people in the timber house further along who leave water out for dogs if Quigley is around surely they must of spotted him? Surely they want him to be reunited it would certainly make the area less crowded with people looking. What about the houses just a bit further along to the right, has anyone noitifed them to be vigilant?
Alfies mum
I live to far away to help but check his page at least once a day, you are doing a fantastic job and i agree with ellie, the man in the house sounds rather fishy. I dont know the area at all but is it not possible to set a trap near this house without him knowing. its only a matter of time before hes home in his own bed. Good luck to you all x
Hi Annie, the idea of encircling him sounds a good idea in principle but the areas in between the footpaths are quite large and most are wooded so he could easily be in those areas and we wouldn't know. I can see it now - all of us in formation working our way into the middle, and Quigley hidden in the woods watching and laughing at us!
Annie - I think you're right. I would say that someone has taken a shine to him. After all it wouldn't be difficult. He's an absolute gorgeous dog. Who wouldn't ?
Hi again, just to clarify what I meant by encircling him: I meant each one of us spread out over quite a wide area, but from the outside coming in towards the Lion, so if does spot one of us he will turn and run back towards the Lion, not leaving the area. I certainly didn't mean enmasse. That WOULD freak him out. It would freak me out too. Just a thought anyway.
I just feel that if it was him today, there is something keeping him in that area, i.e. the two most powerful things for survival: food and shelter. Whether he's got lucky and finds it somewhere or whether someone is helping him had yet to be discovered.
Hi again, just to clarify what I meant by encircling him: I meant each one of us spread out over quite a wide area, but from the outside coming in towards the Lion, so if does spot one of us he will turn and run back towards the Lion, not leaving the area. I certainly didn't mean enmasse. That WOULD freak him out. It would freak me out too. Just a thought anyway.
I just feel that if it was him today, there is something keeping him in that area, i.e. the two most powerful things for survival: food and shelter. Whether he's got lucky and finds it somewhere or whether someone is helping him had yet to be discovered.
Does anyone know whether Lord Carrington owns that land ? He certainly seems to own most of the land around there. Perhaps it might be worth asking him personally. He's quite friendly. Maybe the man in the house works for him ? !
Ow God Ruth LOL!!!
im sure from a third of the way up the hill you cant see that hes run up to the top top houses!!! I have a plan ! ill text you tomorrow and meet and anyone else who is up for it but I dont think this is going to involve encircling him we dont want to freak him out and drive him out of the area..I hope its him there... I dont think ill get there until 11-11.30 but if you can make it lets check it out!Last edited: 2012-02-12 19:37:40 by Shereen
Annie, try this for footpath maps http://www.getamap.ordnancesurveyleisure.co.uk/
You have to zoom in quite a lot to see the footpaths - you can mark your route on there and it gives you the distance - great for planning walks even if you are going off the footpaths.Last edited: 2012-02-12 20:11:58 by Ruth
Can I be so bold as to say that the man in the house seems a bit 'fishy' ! Also the fact that those posters keep disappearing is also 'fishy '. As already stated he MUST be getting fed and sheltered. Also that he ran. Considering the fact that he has been on the run with supposedly little food and in -8 degrees makes it MORE fishy. It is good that he possibly is getting looked after but in strange circumstances ! How disappointing for everybody but at least we know that he IS alive and well !
Hi it's me that works at Stokenchurch Dog rescue at the weekends so I will continue to make sure his poster is displayed & I can confirm that all dogs that are handed into SDR are scanned for chips before the dog warden/holding kennels are contacted - Lisa
Shereen, she said up towards the houses at the top, not the log cabin .......but how well she could see from there I'm not sure.
When you're going tomorrow do you want to text me and I'll meet you there. Then I can show you roughly where she was and see if we can see where he might have gone?
Hi Denise, thank you for that. Unfortunately I don't have an ordnance survey map of footpaths of that area, so I can't see whether it would be possible or even plan it. That's one thing the net is louse on still, footpaths! Yes, there are some people who don't like notices up (my area too) but, no matter, we shall carry on anyway. I still have laminated posters left over from when he was in my area (Northend)
Hi Denise, thank you for that. Unfortunately I don't have an ordnance survey map of footpaths of that area, so I can't see whether it would be possible or even plan it. That's one thing the net is lousy on still, footpaths! Yes, there are some people who don't like notices up (my area too) but, no matter, we shall carry on anyway. I still have laminated posters left over from when he was in my area (Northend)Last edited: 2012-02-12 19:12:13 by Annie
Annie, I too spoke to the lady, I think she was genuine and said he seemed to have a lot of enery so yes he is getting food and shelter. I am very happy to meet to encircle him if he is still in that area. The lady said that the man in the house at the top didn't know the situation which is very bizarre with all the notices up! I will do anything to get lovely Quigley back home just let me know when and where you want me, I am local so is not a problem for me to come. The notices by the pub keep disappearing for some strange reason so keep an eye to replace.
Shereen, if you're going to be up there after all, does my previous posting make sense?
How very, very disappointing. It sounded so possible... Ruth, the lady you talked to, do you think it really was Quigley? If so, it must surely mean that he is getting food and shelter in that area somewhere. Would it be an idea - or even possible - if several of us tried to encircle the area relatively quietly and moved inwards towards the Lion? I don't live in your area and don't know the footpaths well, but can easily drive over. As you know the lie of the land there would that be feasible geographically speaking? Or maybe that's been done already?Last edited: 2012-02-12 18:58:51 by Annie
I know where you mean now Ruth so a THIRD of the way up the hill and he ran diagonally accross the field to the right where the mounds are towards the log cabin (Who put out the water for the dogs)...I will be up there tomorrow dispite what i said earlier!Last edited: 2012-02-12 18:54:57 by Shereen
Hi no luck tonight, Quigley's dad on way home and Marishka too. I went round the other side of the hill in case Quigley had gone over the top and down on the ridgeway, but it still seems he is behind the Lions Pub at Bledlow at the top of the hill where Shereen has posted. I can go out tomorrow at some point, today I was still at Cowleze woods where lots of people had come out and I was giving them posters of Quigley, Karen. Sorry Ruth didn't see your posting whilst typing KLast edited: 2012-02-13 20:30:16 by karen
Just got back. Met Jeff and Denise up there but sadly didn't see Quigley.
I talked to the lady who says she saw him. When you go up the track from the Lions, at the junction where you can go right to the Swans way, go straight on up the footpath. About a third of the way up he ran across and into the field with the mounds and headed up towards the houses at the top of the Swans Way.
Jeff was still out there somewhere when I left.Last edited: 2012-02-12 18:29:08 by Ruth
Is this the field that the Ridgeway runs through? If it was then we were walking there in the last hour but did not see Quigley
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Come on Quigley, please come home xxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Yes!!!!! Come on baby, home now, pleassseeeeee. x
Carry on strait past the lions of Bledlow UP THE HILL he was seen in the field up the top but going upwards...I can only assume this is the field with sheep in it!
Come on Quigley go to your Dad!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Lady made a mistake its the footpath behind the Lions of Bledloe which was scented yesterday.....so sounds promising.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
on footpath behind the red lion past the concrete path...running towards the houses in the wood about 10 minutes ago in Bledloe....I have mobile of person still up there...do call if you are local and can help she can give you exact location.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Just sighted...ringing for details...
The international chip should read fine on British scanners (have checked that out) as long as an all over body scan is carried out!
Hi Denise, All the rescue centres I know of do have scanners. However, the problem sometimes is how they use them. Some people don't realise that they have to more or less scan the whole dog to find the chip because, after time, chips move to other areas of the dog's body. Some still only scan the scruff of the neck area which wouldn't pick up a chip that has migrated to the bottom of the shoulder. Marishka, would a british scanner pick up and american chip? Has Quigley ever been scanned to check that in the UK? Last edited: 2012-02-12 13:28:02 by Annie
Hi, Marishka, thanks for that it was just a thought as I saw it about another lost dog. Do rescue centres have the facility for scanning or is it just vets? Hi Ellie, hope you feel better soon and think supermarkets are a good place also petrol stations where there is a lot of people coming and going.
Hi Denise, Quigley's chip is American But the registrant has been changed to our local vet so anyone scanning him will get straight through to his details and he's completely in the loop and contactable 24/7.
Hi Holly- I'm so glad that Olivia enjoyed her birthday. What a gorgeous little girl she is. You and Jeff must be so proud of her !
Hi Everyone
Sorry but am unable to help today. Having just got over Salmonella poisoning ( courtesy of a Take Away ) and a nasty chest infection, having to work all day yesterday on my feet it has left me quite exhausted ! However, my brain is still ticking and I'm hoping to target the supermarkets in Thame tomorrow with posters - Waitrose, Sainsbury, and the Co-op, unless someone has already done it. Also Pearces the Farmers shop as that is always frequented by the farming community. I also thought of Bledlow Tip. Perhaps someone who lives near there ( perhaps'it's Ruth ) could get a laminated poster in there. Apart from the staff, it is very busy with people dumping their household rubbish and they come from all around the area. It is always busy on the odd occasions that I have been there. There is a wooden ' office/ staffroon ' on the left where you drive in and out which would probably be the best place to put it. I'm sure that they wouldn't mind !
Ruth,I've been to Bledlow put a few more up and done the bottom by the allotments on the way to West Wycombe and some footpaths. As Shereen is having a break next week, if you need help with the food let me know. I can't believe the poster has gone missing yet again, it's unbelievable. Holly, Jeff where's best to check today and next week?
Thanks Ruth! ill put the food down on Tuesday and Friday then! ill txt you my numbers now.XXX
Shereen, I'm more than happy to put food down and I should be available at some point every day to do it. If you're checking the camera Tuesday and Friday will you do those days or do you want me to do then as well?
I've got the week off work so will be doing lots of walking - I thought I would spend some time looking in the area around the Rugby Club in Thame, is there anywhere else you think we should be looking other than where we have been doing already?
I don't have your number - could you text it to me, just in case.Last edited: 2012-02-12 11:58:25 by Ruth
Ive spoken to Holly/Jeff today and am going to need to take some days off to recharge my battries!
I was wondering if anybody could put food down this week?(Jeff is doing today)...I will check the camera on Tuesday and Friday.
I need this time off but obviously any sightings I will be available to help,and am on the end of my phone if anyone needs me,But with all you brilliant helpers that are out I feel this is a good time to recharge ...I will be back properly next week end.Will be checking Quigleys page a couple of times a day.XXXX Last edited: 2012-02-12 11:39:32 by Shereen
Hi Denise, no need to do Bledlow Ridge - there are posters - I live there and put some up! The shop has one and they are on the notice boards, and I'm in the process of putting them up where all the footpaths cross the village.
This morning I postered Princes Risborough (the town centre and where the Ridgeway crosses New Road), Whiteleaf Cross, Horsenden, Saunderton Lee. Went back into Bledlow for a quick drive around and replaced the poster at the entrance to the field near the Lions which had gone missing again :(Last edited: 2012-02-12 11:08:59 by Ruth
I read about another dog missing and someone said to notify the microchip company of the situation, I don't know if you have or not? Do rescue centres have scanners for the microchips? I would have thought so. Last night went through Bledlow Ridge village and there was no posters so I will also do that area.
Quigley's Mum and Dad

Like Quigley's Facebook page and share it if you can. Thanks.
Hi Spoke to Holly & Jeff tonight and will contact the photographer for crufts who has the links with radio Oxford; will also go through the internet for all dog walkers and kennels within the area, and send details. I will also put posters up in West Wycombe;Piddington and back to Studley Green and Stokenchurch. The Chiltern Way paths join up at the top of the A40 Oxford/ Lewkner Hill which come down through the valley (Popleys Estate) very rural, and link to Bennett end and radnage.Karen (Thank you both for the coffee it was most kind).
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone, we just want to say a quick thank you for all of your hardwork and enthusiasm today. You are all so inspirational and really keep us going. The kids were in good spirits for having been left with the sitter all day. We just finished watching Mary Poppins and I'm ready for bed. exhausted!!! Jeff and I postered Monks Risborough and a pub further along the Ridgeway. Chedenham??? I can't remember the name. We also checked his old stomping grounds around wormsley, turville, freith and reposted where necessary. I also got the most info I could re the farm on our fun trip to farringdon. I will make some calls and try to follow up to see if I can get any other info. I did see Quigleys poster hung inside the vet surgery. So perhaps the man saw it in there. Or else he could have seen Quigleys article in the paper. I'll let u know if I get in touch with someone on that specific farm to find out if they have seen a dog. Jeff is going to try to visit dog rescues tomorrow. Any suggestions? I think blue cross and stocks church are pretty aware of him. He can go to blackberry even though i called them on Friday. And maybe this Noahs Ark? He could also go to macabee even though we have contacted them a few times as well. Let me know if anyone has other ideas. Thank you all! Holly
Shereen, The chap who thought he might have seen Quigley in the Faringdon area knew about doglost or he would'nt have phoned him in, so perhaps if he is reading this he could phone the contact number and be a little more precise about what he saw. Was he on his own or running with another dog. You know that sort of stuff. Anything that helps pinpoint an area.Last edited: 2012-02-11 21:19:22 by k9chum
Don't forget, both Maccabee and Stokenchurch Dog Rescue come under Buckinghamshire County Council. Oxfordshire County Council have changed to Noah's Ark and have a different holding kennel to Buckinghamshire. I know Shereen is in touch with both.
I spoke to maccabee two days ago...Aparently SDK are not the contractors for this area any more,Its Noahs Ark...will contact them tomorrow if not Monday
That's correct, Ruth, some of us contacted all the Rescue centres with posters a while ago and I periodically phone them, just to make sure Qigley's profile (and other's from the area)is still high. Although I notice we now have someone who works at Stokenchurch Dog rescue, so maybe I don't have to phone regularly?

As far as the Red Kite feeding site is concerned Holly, to the very best of my knowledge there are no official feeding sites as people are actively being discouraged from feeding them. Too many actually die from being fed the wrong sort of stuff apparently. People still do in their gardens, of course.

I too came up with nothing on walks today. As far as the Faringdon , or rather Great Coxwell, sighting is concerned, it does seem a long and quite circuitous route to get there. If you look at it on the more detailed Ridgeway Google map http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=209481124411824590577.0004a6b276cde69dd79c7 you'll see some of the major traffic routes he would have to cross! But who knows? Here's hoping for a good sighting very, very soon, Quigley!Last edited: 2012-02-11 18:21:32 by Annie
I can put another at Maccabbee tomorrow when I pass to go to Ilmer.
Looking back at old posts it says that Maccabbee were sent a poster when Quigley first went missing, and then again when there was the possible sighting in Longwick (around 14/1/12)
Poster still displayed at Stokenchurch Dog Rescue - will alert all volunteer walkers tomorrow to keep their eyes open (most of them walk in Aston Rowant woods but you never know!!)
SDK dog wardens use Mcabees kennels in Princes Risborough for many of their found dogs - have they been alerted?
I walked the Phoenix Trail from Horsenden to the Thame ringroad and back. Saw nothing but made sure there were posters up at every point that there was a footpath joining it. Didn't have time to poster Princes Risborough but will do that tomorrow morning.
Map of the Ridgeway

Just got back and nothing today :( nothing caught on the camera either.
Looking at the ridgeway map and yes its a very long way but we know Quigley likes trails like the ridgeway its possible he could of done it in 6 days which is when our last sighting was I hope he hasnt gone that far out but the posters are up there now so at least if he is there and people see him then its covered....it was such a warm day today i was hoping we would get a sighting...none of us know this wasnt Quigley as info was quite scetchy and the person who thought he had seen him didnt leave a contact number so it cant be followed up.Last edited: 2012-02-11 17:17:18 by Shereen
Just come back, have done Owlswick,Longwick and outskirts of Ilmer. Put more posters up and given out paper ones. Tomorrow will do Ilmer village and surroundings unless hear if you want me elsewhere. Poor you Holly and Jeff having to go over all that way! So sorry there hasn't been a positive sighting today. What do you think about the area the other side of the kennels as he may of got back to that area and gone beyond? If you want us to check it out let me know. Supermarkets and petrol stations are good places to put up the posters.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi we went to Faringdon which was about an hour drive. Seems highly unlikely that it was quigley. Unfortunately, lions of bled low not open at 4.30, so will need to buy drinks next time!! We must get back to London to our kids so can't wait around. Last edited: 2012-02-11 15:50:03 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Where abouts exactly in SN7 And when is the possible sighting. Unless Quigley has run the ridgeway towards Swindon thats an awful long way away.
Hi Just got back from Cowleze woods and have spoken to lots of people who will ct., to look out. Holly the only place I know where kites are fed is near me at Studley Green on the A40 it is called Chris's cafe and is opposite a vauxhall garage just down the road from me. Not sure if anywhere else does,I'm going out again shortly, Karen
Holly - I'm not sure there are organised places the kites are fed are there? Some people feed them in their gardens but I thought that was all there was.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in SN7.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Can someone tell me exactly where the red kites are fed?
Possible Sighting in Faringdon (Great Coxwell) SN7
Please can some alerts fo out in this area Jayne?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Good luck team Quigley....
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Still at car park so come by for posters. I will leave posters in a yellow box on the picnic table by the pile of timber in the back car park at Lions of Bledlow for those who wish to come later to get them. Don't forget to meet us inside the pub at 4:30 for a drink to end the day on a good note! We are buying:)Last edited: 2012-02-11 10:20:30 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Good luck x
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Running 15 min late. Will be at car park 9:45. Got tied up with sitter/sick child (jared). So sorry. Holly
Quigley's Mum and Dad
We will try to cover the other areas unless anyone else volunteers. Leaving NOW.

If you are around at 4:30pm (16:30) then please meet back at the Lions of Bledlow Pub for a MUCH NEEDED DRINK on us! We want to show our appreciation for all of your hard work. We do have the kids with a sitter so we will need to leave by 6:00 to return to London. Holly
All xd that Quigley will be found soon.
Areas that need covering if possible...
Areas being covered tomorrow...if ive missed you im sorry please post here if I did!

Aston Rowant - Jo
Phoenix trail/Princes Risborough -Ruth
Shriburn/Watlington hill ( M40 ) -Jsh
Christmas Common -Shereen/Karen(if out)
Longwick/Owlswick -Denise
Bledlow -Anna

If you can make it 9.30-10am Meet Jeff/Holly @ Lions of Bledlow to collect posters (if needed)

I have all of your mobile numbers (appart from Jo's) I will bring them Last edited: 2012-02-11 00:56:03 by Shereen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Ellie-I spoke to Blackberry Farm today. They haven't picked him up:( I did give them details and email a poster over. I also spoke to all dog wardens in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. Nobody has picked up a dog fitting his description. I have also e-mailed posters to dog wardens and to Rescues/Sanctuaries. I still have to call a few of the rescues to make sure they received the poster. Olivia had a great birthday despite Quigley's absence. Thank you! Holly
Ellie South oxfordshire
district coucil havnt got a dog warden they use an outside contractor (SDK) but im in direct contact with the holding kennnels for both Oxfordshire and Bucks and have been in contact with them today and yesterday.
Oomsie..The camera doesnt go down that far (although we tried!)the movement only triggers from around about 20-30 ft...will post a little later about whos covering where and if you can look in the morning we have most places covered (I think)
Also,what about the local dog warden. Could he/she be of help? I think you would have to contact South Oxfordshire Council. Does anyone know about going down this route ?
Have just got in from work and have been checking up on comments. Their is an RSPCA rescue place called Blackberry Farm at Quainton nr Aylesbury. Their number is 0300 123 0752. Would it be possible for someone to call them if it hasn't already been done. I am out all day tomorrow until late or I would do it myself. They just might have picked him up !
Shereen - how far down does the camera see? We saw the camera(about 1:30ish we think) and had been standing by it for about 15mins watching with binoculars below, as we had seen something dogsize moving in the scrubby bit over the railway line below. We walked down for a closer look, but didn't see anything other than ducks on the ground :-( and then joined that footpath lower down. I wonder if the camera caught anything? We were x2 women, x2 children, x2 terriers and a retriever. For the purpose of the camera, we were also wearing several layers of coats each so are actually very slim!!!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi everyone - first, thanks again for all your efforts. For those that are looking for posters, we will have lots and will be at the parking lot at the Lions of Bledlow between 9.30 and 10am tomorrow. Most of the popular footpaths are done, so would be great to concentrate on public areas, houses and farms. For example, I don't think we have any in the Center of princes risborough or Thame. If you can't meet, please text your address, and we can try to stop by with posters. Shereen is going to send a list of places that people have volunteered on. Someone also mentioned checking out places where the red kites are fed. Thanks Team Quigley!!Last edited: 2012-02-10 21:52:25 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
sorry quigleys mum - did not mean to get your hopes up - just to put your mind at rest here is the link http://www.lurcherlink.org/llink/forum/viewtopic.php?t=77298 it was the photo on the guys lap that caught my attention. but this dog is definitely different and was dumped in wales poor thing.Best of luck everyone for tomorrow and i will log in again sunday to see if I can help then. Jan
:o))) I saw you with your Flat coats the other day!!
This may be the first time I have been caught on camera in a long time - I normally avoid them like the plague!! Will be worth it though if you see Quigley too :)
Dont worry Denise its no problem at least people know now at the moment were certain of whats taking the food But im hoping for a result tomorrow when I view the footage That maybe Quigley has been round again (I hope ,I hope!)...im going to post later tonight what people have said they are doing and Where! ill let Holly post Re a meet in the morning and go from there.... YOU ARE ALL LOVELY BRILLIANT PEOPLE!!
Stay safe special man so we can find you!XXXX

Last edited: 2012-02-10 21:05:22 by Shereen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Denise, I have tried to get on Radio stations but I'm having a difficult time. Spoke to bbc oxford today and tried very hard to get on air or get it mentioned on air but could not. I've e-mailed mix96 and will try to call tomorrow.

Everyone- we will have posters for ANYONE WHO NEEDS tomorrow. Jeff is putting kids to bed right now. As soon he comes down we will figure out a mtg place and I will let you know. We will give out posters. I'm thinking around 9:30 or so and we can also leave them out on top of our car or something for people to come and take if they can't meet. Just give me a few more minutes to get back to you with info and poster/search points.

Thank You! Holly
Sorry Shereen! You didn't say and with the food going people were getting their hopes up but no one except you knows where it is. Could their be any possibility of Quigley going back via the kennels and heading off in the other direction wherever that is?
Jansus I spoke to Stadhampton this morning and emailed them the poster.X
Ha ha my secret is out....I avoided saying about the camera to avoid any tampering..(not by yourselves though) I didnt check it yesterday and today but is number one on my list of things to do tomorrow...its good as it gives time date etc!
it definitely was not quigley I am afraid - when I got to the site they knoew the history of the dog and he had pale brown markings on his head - it just set me thinking that if he did go into rescue they might not know what breed he was. Also I did not realise that Stadhampton rescue had so many dogs - they have 77 at the moment! ( they are between watlington and oxford) I will keep an eye on there as well.I have been checking dogs blog on things like pointer cross etc. if I see anything I will of course let you know.
Ruth, No sign as far as I know :( If you want help on the areas you mentioned, let me know. Holly, I know I keep on about Mix 96 radio and Oxford but I really think it a good idea, many elderly people in this weather probably aren't going out and blissfully unaware of the situation and someone could be looking after him. The tel number for mix 96 is 01296 393396 and Oxford radio 0845 931 1444, just looked at the website and there are some happy reunitings!
Denise, I agree that the prints could be a dog off exploring ......... but they go into the field and I couldn't see any coming back out.
I didn't realise that there was now a camera set up - no sign of Quigley on it then :(
I will search wherever you want me to tomorrow, but I know Bledlow Ridge, Bledlow, Princes Risborough and the Phoenix trail best.
The lone paw prints could just be a dog with an owner off exploring. The camera set up has shown foxes eating the food so although can't rule out Quigley but with no sightings with so many people up there other areas need to be really explored as the bledlow area has been. Holly do you wan't me to concentrate on Owlswick and Longwick this weekend or do you want me elsewhere?
Hi Marishka, yes probably about 3" across but not prominant claw marks. The prints weren't as good today though as the snow was a lot softer.
Hi Ruth, would you say your lone prints were about 3" across? With good prominent claw marks? That would tie in with what I found on monday in the field by the pub and again up the top of the hill. Also following muntjac. Has anyone stopped by the wooden house in the woods recently? I think they were going to try putting out some food as well as the water they normally have out, so it might be worth someone paying them a visit.
'Dogs blog' is the best one Quigleys Mum as alot of the rescues use this to post thier adoptable dogs on! Cut and paste to your browser..

Holly, Jeff - could I have posters please - I'm off work all next week so fully intend to walk and poster everyday. I'll be around searching most of the day tomorrow so can get some off you at some point.Last edited: 2012-02-10 19:22:49 by Ruth
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Jansus - can you tell me which rescue sight as I would like to check it too - thx
A friend has just texted to say that there is a full page ad in the bucks Star>
I too have been looking on other dog rescue sights because I saw a harrier hound x and it looked very much like quigley I had to keep checking back at the colours on his face- but the rescue dog had brown ears not black.As unforutunately i dont think I can help this weekend I aill keep looking at dogs blog at rescue dogs and gumtree etc to see if anyone posts a found dog. Just in case.
NickyJ, I saw some fox tracks then! In a different field I saw some prints that were starting to melt so I couldn't identify the actual paw print - definite trail from a tail though. I didn't see the tail trail with any of the other prints, so lets hope it is Quigley and he's still in that area.
I watch foxes at night outside my home, and their paw prints in the snow are really quite small. I'll measure some, but I'd have thought judging from Quigley's frame that his paw prints would be considerably larger than a fox's, also, foxes in the snow leave behind a trail from their tail which skims the ground after them.
Sorry not been around today as was my daughters birthday too. Happy Birthday Olivia. Will be searching Saturday and Sunday, where's best to go? I could do Longwick and Owlswick and surrounding area unless I am wanted elsewhere? The area to search seems to be increasing. Good luck everyone!
Hi All, I just got back from walks starting at Christmas Common. I covered the footpaths from Xmas Common going downhill (to the right of Watlington Hill) to the Icknield Way, along there and then back to Xmas Common on another footpath. No footprints here at all. Just deer tracks now and again. Otherwise pristine snow. I don't KNOW, of course, but I have a feeling he hasn't come back this way. I walk the Xmas Common area - and everyone is aware of Quigley around here - regularly and there's been nothing here since the original sighting some time ago. Perhaps Ruth's findings in the Bledlow area may still be a better bet to concentrate on? Happy Birthday, Olivia and I, along with everyone else, wish we could have made your wish come true. We'll keep on looking though...Last edited: 2012-02-10 18:14:43 by Annie
DogLostJytte - Area Volunteer - West Yorkshire
lmbb118, phone Nos as above, or click on poster to see them also.
Working at Stokenchurch Dog Rescue so will ensure the posters are still displayed (I know they were there last week!)
Hi - new to this but local and keeping my eyes out for him - can you please tell me where I find telephone numbers to call if I should see him
Just got back from Bledlow. Put some food out, just over the stile into the field.
As there was fresh snow last night I used my new found skills to do some tracking!! As you go over the stile and straight down the field,to the right of the path there are what look like muntjac tracks with paw prints following. I'm pretty sure these are dog and not fox prints. Going back down the Swans Way, when you get to where there is the entrance into the bottom of the field with the stile - on the other side of the road there are entrances to two fields. The field on the right had lone tracks going into the field, heading up to where the wooden house is - again I'm sure they are dog not fox prints. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to follow them as I needed to get back to the car.
Happy Birthday Olivia!!! We had a day off school today, so we went up to the woods to look for Quigley with our mums and three dogs. We spent nearly 4hours up there and walked from Chinnor, up to the Ridgeway and then along to Bledlow and back. Our mums went out on their bikes yesterday for 3 hours and cycled from Thame (on the Phoenix Trail) all the way to Horsenden and then around Bledlow, down through Henton and back onto the Phoenix Trail home. We will be back out looking at the weekend and as we are off school now, all next week too. Love from Kizzy and Evie xx
I will be out walking around Aston Rowant nature Reserve / M40 tunnel then towards Watlington early tomorrow morning and Sunday so will keep an eye out. I will also try to get up to Christmas Common. I have your no's. stored in my phone so will call stright away if I find / see anything.
jess seems to have gone missing on the 9th Feb so might not have been her on 31st Jan at Hughenden!
I have to work all day on Saturday 'til late evening so will be unable to help. But will try Sunday to get out and help. Will follow instructions of whose doing what etc then.
I've just been looking at the trail hound rescue website and, despite lack of mottled colouring, they are very similar to Quigley - could someone ask the owner of Jess if there's any chance their dog could have been in Hughendon Park on 31st Jan?
Have just seen a pic of Jess and im sure this is the dog that was seen on Lane End Road : (
Hi Christmas common and Cowleze woods are particularly more busy at the weeknds with ramblers; I'm up at the woods daily and all doggy folk are aware and very concerned when spoken toand posters are still up. Yesterday I drove around the Bledlow ridge area down West Wycombe and back to Bledlow around down to Chinnor and back up Kingston Blount and Home (stokenchurch). Not sure if this has been done? but a photographer for Crufts has links at radio Oxford and I said I would check first. The side roads are still covered in snow and ice for those travelling up to the area though,Karen
just called owner of Jess,( Now Reunited!) it sounds like it was her...shes emailing me a pic to see how close markings match (very kindly!) so I WILL be in Christmas Common Tomorrow!Last edited: 2012-02-10 13:08:02 by Shereen
Oh yes well remembered ! ill check it out trying to find her now....your good at this Ruth!
Shereen, there was a trail hound lost on lane end road yesterday. Could it be that dog? On doglost called jess Hp13 area
My plans have changed so I wont be able to do Christmas Common please if anyone can cover this area?....This is due to a very credible sighting we have just had called in at a dissused property at Lane End Road High wycombe...which ill be going to tomorrow to check out!!!
The M40 back to the Ridgeway at Shirburn and Watlington Hill will be covered periodicly tomorrow.
i'll be there tomorrow but not sure yet how encumbered so can I check in when I get there?
Hi Shereen, I am planning on coming down early tomorrow morning - 8.30ish to walk my dog and look. I am happy to look wherever, however am aiming to cover the Ridgeway at Bledlow. I could also go to the M40 tunnel if that would help. We covered the High Wycombe sighting area last weekend, as know that well.Last edited: 2012-02-19 01:17:09 by Anna
Sorry Shereen ........ at work and can't always answer my phone! Very happy to put food out - have complete, sardines and carrots sowill go up there at about 4.
As for tomorrow I can do Bledlow, princes Risborough or chinnor or the Phoenix trail - don't mind whereLast edited: 2012-02-10 12:39:30 by Ruth
Ruth I have tried calling you a couple of times but will try again later.if you could put the food down tonight would help enormously!if you could put it in the same spot would be great but i will talk to you soon anyway.
Ill be going to put food down tomorrow at Swans way then ill be checking things out briefly at the M40 tunnel area but then ill search Christmas common.Last edited: 2012-02-10 11:21:08 by Shereen
Thinking of the search for tomorrow we have areas we would like to be concentrated on...Please post if you can cover one of these areas.Thank You
Princes Risborough
The Phoenix Trail
Bledlow (Ridgeway)
Chinnor (Ridgeway)
Christmas Common
or any other suggestions you may think should be covered!
Holly will be Emailing a wide area rescue wise today and following up with a phone call to make sure they have recieved the email.
She will also be contacting ALL councils again today in the Oxfordshire And Buckinghamshire area
Tomorrow she will be bringing hundreds of posters for everyone so please say if you need them.
They will be visiting in person any rescues needed too.Last edited: 2012-02-10 11:11:15 by Shereen
I didn't get up there this morning but will go up around 4pm after I finish work. With the fresh snow I can look for tracks again.
Are you going to be there today Shereen, or do you need someone to put food out again? I can do if you want.
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
I hope someone is constantly checking rescue kennels and actually looking round the kennels incase Quigley has been taken in there.
Thanks for letting me know Marishka about those areas. I was thinking with all those people looking and other walkers and horse riders up at the Bledlow area surely someone would of seen a sighting of him by now, so at the weekend perhaps not just concentrate on that area and spread out?
Kingston Blount has been done with posters a couple of times and I flyered about 1/4 houses individually. Also done - Kingston stert, Sydenham, Ilmer - all businesses and most houses plus posters. Chinnor was posters a while ago, I haven't checked recently.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi - thanks denise for the suggestions. Holly has contacted mix 96 and local BBC radio station, but couldn't find pet re-united section. The papers are doing follow-ups, so hopefully that gets more people looking out. We have done foot paths around chinnor, but have not done town Center, so if anyone can, would be very helpful. I don't think have done Kingston blount, and I think some farms in henton were done. I'll be there on saturday and able to meet up, which would be helpful. The pub knows, but not sure how proactive they are being. We have talked to the houses on top of the hill, or left posters. Maybe we can meet late morning on saturday? We will come up with a plan and post tomorrow. Tomorrow is Olivia birthday so will be a bit bittersweet... Last edited: 2012-02-09 22:11:10 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Wasn't able to go to area today but gave some posters out. A lady living in Longwick who has a dog wasn't aware of Quigley missing that's why a radio appeal I think would spread the word. Mix 96 have a pets re-united site. Or maybe put large posters up at petrol stations, supermarkets in the area as he may have moved away from Bledlow and foxes are eating the food so he may have moved on. I think it a good idea if we could all meet and do an area search at the weekend. Does anyone know if the house at the top overlooking the valley is co-operating in keeping a look out as they have a good vista. Thanks Holly, I got the posters so I'll put more up. Has Chinnor and Kingston Blount and Henton been done with posters? I too thought about the pub and food scraps are they really keeping an eye out for him?
How lovely ...... brought tears to my eyes x
To Holly and Jeffs Daughter I just want to say Thank you so much for your donation to Doglost of your pocket money and Birthday money!That is so lovely of you!
Hopefully it wont be long before Quigleys home!
ok done. If there is anything else I can do to help - post link on Gumtree or pre-loved for example just let me know. My son is buying a house at kiln lakes and has been alerted to keep a look out when he is up there.
Jansus - good idea, I don't think anyone has spoken with Taylor Wimpey yet.
Has anyone sent a poster or link to Taylor Wimpey ( the new extate boing built ) its just that I was thinking the builders there will probably be travelling in from all directions and might spot him? If not I will email them a poster or link just in case.
Hi Ellie and Owl, thanks for the info on foxes and tracks - I know the smell of fox poo (my dogs love to roll!)and probably do know the smell of foxes without realising that's what it was.
As for tracks, the best thing I read to identify it is to draw an imaginary line across the paw print - on a dog there is nowhere you can draw it that won't cut through a pad - on a fox you can draw a line above the back three pads and not cut through any pad (hope that makes sense).
We are forecast some snow tonight so hopefully Quigley is holed up somewhere nice and warm. I am on half term holiday next week so will be available most of the week, if need be - but fingers crossed he will be safe and warm at home with Holly and Jeff before then!
Just a thought, but is it possible that Quigley could be hanging around the pub area because there is food about ? I'm thinking more of waste food that they might put outside or perhaps bread etc for birds ?
Just want to add that I arranged for a poster to be put up in Tiggywinkles ( care of Holly) and also the Blue Cross are going to put some posters in their vets and on their vans.
Have to apologize for some typos but my keyboard is quite old now and some of the letters have worn away !
Ive got someone to go and put some food out now (Thanks Ross)
Come on Quigley we need some more sightings so we can get you into the warm again!
Ive got someone to go and put some food out now (Thanks Ross)
Come on Quigley we need some more sightings so we can get you into the warm again!
Sorry for the late updates but I overdid it a bit earlier in the week. I was out at Bledlow before dawn on Monday and found definitely fresh dog tracks of a size that could have been Quigley. Unfortunately his feet are in the same ball park as a lot of breeds that live locally but these were definitely overnight and seemed, for a while at least, to be following a muntjac. I'm only an amateur tracker but both sets of tracks we're hours old at most and the dog ones were superimposed on the muntjac ones. This was in the field by the Lions pub. I walked over most of the hill before anyone else was out and saw a lot of Dog tracks from the same dog as well as quite a few that I couldn't be certain of, and there were several sets of dog tracks that appeared to cross the path rather than leave and re-enter but I wouldn't like to swear to these. There were definitely some muntjac and some dog too small to be quigley but several that could have been him and one set I'm sure was the same dog as in the field. The ones from the field seemed to go into the field the the top - as if the path in the field carried straight on, but the ground was fairly disturbed there and my skills gave out. The other tracks were at the path that runs across the top of that field so that makes sense and would tie in with the possibles that others saw on the sunday. I looked for those but the ground was to disturbed by then. Re fox and dog, Quigley is very much a 'cling to the hedge' boy anyway and I would think more so now but his feet are 2-3 times that of a fox so even with some spread due to age I'm pretty sure it would be hard to confuse, plus his stride will be anything from 2' to 4' depending on speed.
Re Ilmer, I spoke with the gentleman and I'm 99% certain this wasn't Quigley as he described it as 'smaller than a badger' and it ran right in front of his car. I examined the hedge and nothing bigger than a rabbit or jack Russell has been through it in many years. I postered and flyers the entire are just in case though.
Here is a useful guide to identifying animal tracks:


Remember that tracks in snow which thaw a bit then freeze again will appear larger than normal.
Hi Ruth Re foxes. You can normally smell foxes when they have been about. Foxes like to mark their territory by spraying urine around. It is a distinct musky smell unique to foxes and they might well spray the area where the food is to mark it. It's a smell that people put down to a 'country' smell, but when you know the smell you will always recognise it. Also the tracks. Someone mentioned the lone tracks running along the hedge. these will almost definitely be a fox as they like to keep a low profile and tend to slink along the hedges hoping not to be seen. Having said this, it is not set in stone and there is always the exception to the rule! We just need to remember that we have canny old Mr Fox competing for the food and try to be one jump ahead. I have got to go to work today ( this afternoon and evenig) as up to now I have been off sick. So I will have no time to help with the food. Sorry. I'm making some enquiries though by phone and home to post it later when I have something to post. Chin up everyone !!!
I am a bit far away to help directly but if there is anything I can do with printing stuff or emailing or contacting people I am happy to help. I am praying for him to be found safe and well. Have forwarded on FB too. JoP
I couldn't get up to Bledlow this morning but I have just walked from Haw Lane, Bledlow Ridge to the south side of Lodge Hill - postering the entrances to the footpaths. Will try and poster Bledlow Ridge today so that we are covered in case he heads this way.
I'm at work today and then have a meeting at 4, so I don't think I can get over there to put food down before it gets too dark. But if no one else offers on here I will try my best.
Come on Quigley, lets get you home before it snows again.
Is anyone able to put some food down sometime today as I cant get over there?
if you include some carrot Quigley will eat this if its him.
Please let me know if you can.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi everyone - the sighting in ilmer is too vague to confirm. The man just saw a fleeting glimpse of a dog, but sounds like it may have been too small to be quigley. Thanks for everyone's continued help - we will be back on saturday. Best
Shereen, as someone new to this I'm interested to know how you know it"s foxes eating the food? Is it because there are tracks and fox poo nearby?
After I saw all the lone tracks that were Quigley size I did wonder if they could have been foxes. At that point I didn't know how to identify dog v fox ....,, I do now!
yes Ruth i put the same place as last night...the foxes are getting it at the moment but hopefully Quigly will find it soon..Marishka how did you get on today with the man and the sighting near ilmer?
Shereen, is the food in roughly the same place? I'm not sure if I can get there tomorrow morning but if I manage it I'll check whether it's gone.
Also posted Quigleys link on Hearing dogs facebook page...more food put down tonight I normally use smelly tripe but in this weather it just freezes so at the moment im using complete with a tin of sardines on top...

Davecart thanks for the suggestions,some of these are already being done...just waiting for the right moment to go to the next step!
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Done xx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Shame I've only just seen the post re giving Hearing Dogs a poster - I drove right past the Grange on the way to my mum's this afternoon! Nevermind, I will email one to them now, as I am currently dealing with someone there with regards to doing puppy socialising x
I am not sure if anyone has mentioned this before, but would it be worth putting up some wildlife cameras in the areas you think Quigley might be using? if Quigleys owners could afford to purchase 1 or 2 of them (around £90 in Maplin) then at least you could build up a picture of his habits. Once you confirm it is him eating the food etc, maybe it would then be possible to put up humane traps or even try and set up a way of attaching a tracking tag?

It just seems that Quigley will never get close enough to anyone for long enough to catch him with a slip lead or other similar methods.

With all the coverage you have, how about trying to arrange a large number of people to get out at the same time during the weekend - organise it so everyone walks inward to a finishing point and starting from Thame, Longwick, Risborough, Lewknor etc and finishing Bledlow area? Make sure evryone has binoculars and a phone list? At the end of the day if successful, buy everyone a drink in the local!

As a side note, we did walk the Ridgeway from M40 to Crowell on Sunday and there were no signs of a unaccompanied dog having travelled that area.
Do we know if the possible sighting at Ilmer has been confirmed?
Ellie, good idea to call the Hearing Dogs. I think the bit of the Ridgeway they walk is the other side of Bledlow Great Wood and Lodge Hill to where Quigley has been sighted, but at least if he moves into that area they know about him. Lodge Hill is a very popular dog walking area - whatever time of day it is there is someone out there. All parking places there are postered already.
Holly and Jeff I think it would be a good idea to put an alert for Quigley on Mix 96 (the local radio station) and the Oxford one as not all people are dog walkers. Also there are local tv programmes that I am sure would co-operate. Is the house at the top, pub and stables helping? (I was asked by a dog walker). I checked the hedging that runs alongside the house at the top, it is a good thick and warm place for him so check as pass as he could be sleeping!
As an after thought could someone who has a spare poster send one to them . Their address is Hearing Dogs for the Deaf, Grange Farm Cottage, Wycombe Road, Saunderton, Bucks HP27 9NS. Or better still, drop one in if they live near.
I rang Hearing Dogs and spoke to a lady who confirmed that they do walk their dogs along the Ridgeway. I gave her the details of Quigley and everything I could think of that would help, including Holly's number and she said that she would send out emails to the Grange. I believe this to be where the walkers are ! She was very helpful, asking lots of questions and was very sympathetic. So that is another area covered that could show up some info !
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Popping up to my mum's at Bledlow Ridge after work, so will keep my eyes open. Just a thought - do Hearing Dogs know all about him? I believe they walk their dogs along the Ridgeway, so they may have seen something..
Not much but, I had a word with a lady who lives in Wainhill and she's going to see some of her neighbours today to have another word with them. She told me that everyone there is aware of Quigley and they are all very concerned. She felt that somebody is probably feeding him but they are all keeping an eye out. I gave her Holly's number and asked her to ring immediately if she saw him. She was very helpful and I felt things were in good hands
Checked the food at 7.30am - all gone bar a bit of carrot.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I'll continue to post his YouTube footage periodically so people can really see what he looks like. You can cut and paste the link or search "Quigley Missing Dog" on Youtube.

Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Team Quigley,
Jeff and I feel so lucky to have you all helping out. Since we live so far away and can't be there every day it helps ease some of the anxiety associated with this situation. There was a possible sighting, as Shereen mentioned, in Ilmer this morning. Marishka is meeting with the postman who called it in to see the exact spot. Once we get the info, we will plot it on the map. She will also try to hang some posters. But, if anyone else is around that area and can think of places to poster, please do. Thanks! Everything is crossed here. Let's hope for some good news soon. Tonight is a little bittersweet for me as Jeff is on an overnight trip (first time since Quigley disappeared) and I don't have Mr. Quiggles to keep his spot warm in bed:(
Last edited: 2012-02-07 20:36:57 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Team Quigley,
Jeff and I feel so lucky to have you all helping out. Since we live so far away and can't be there every day it helps ease some of the anxiety associated with this situation. There was a possible sighting, as Shereen mentioned, in Ilmer this morning. Marishka is meeting with the postman who called it in to see the exact spot. Once we get the info, we will plot it on the map. She will also try to hang some posters. But, if anyone else is around that area and can think of places to poster, please do. Thanks! Everything is crossed here. Let's hope for some good news soon. Tonight is a little bittersweet for me as Jeff is on an overnight trip (first time since Quigley disappeared) and I don't have Mr. Quiggles to keep his spot warm in bed:(

Here is his footage on YouTube. I'll continue to post this periodically so people can really see what he looks like. You can cut and paste the link or search "Quigley Missing Dog" on Youtube.
I've just been up there again and checked the food while I was there - still there at nearly 5 so hopefully it won't get eaten tonight by dogs out walking. I'll try and get up there first thing in the morning again to check on it.
I don't think I'll be able to meet tomorrow afternoon as it's the one day in the week that I have something on. It may be cancelled because of the weather, in which case I will turn up at 4.10. Otherwise, as we are both fairly local Denise maybe we could meet up on Thursday or Friday and you can pass any info on?
Thanks for putting the poster up. I can meet you tomorrow and perhaps we can go up to the area. It's so cold maybe he will appear for the food before it turns dark. I noticed a very thick hedge that runs alongside the house at the top maybe good to check when up there as he may use it to sleep in? I've put posters round owlswick village as that's near to Ilmer if the van driver did see him he could be heading that way which is also near to where I live.
Shall I meet you at Lions car park at 4.15 then? Any luck with a den that can be put up?
I replaced the poster today...im not sure why anyone would take it down but ill do it as often as needed!
I wont beable to make any evening appointments as ive got children.The only time I can make tomorrow will be 4.10-4.20pm if anyone wants to meet me.
There was a possible sighting at ilmer very early this morning where something ran accross the road in fromt of a delivery van he was convinced it was a dog .someone will be meeting him tomorrow to see exactly where this was.More food has been left but a little closer to the style to the left just as you enter the field about 6 meters in to the left of the path.
I went up and checked on the food (11 - 11.30) just the carrots left. I did notice that the poster at the entrance to the footpath by the pub has gone and I don't have any more to replace it, can someone else put one there? Walked to the stables and then back up to the house and round but nothing. If you are all meeting tomorrow I am happy to come.
I have just been informed that there is a big village meeting in the lions tomorrow eve to discuss the jubilee, this maybe a good opportunity to get together and spread the word amongst the villagers.
Would it worth to hold a meeting in the lions and make a plan? Maybe tomorrow evening if people are free hate the though of Quigley being out there all on his own.
I was up there at 7.30am and at that point there were no other dog walkers around. I found the food that Shereen had put out - there were a few bits of carrots but nothing else ........ and lots of Quigley sized prints all around :) Walked for an hour but no sighting.
It's just starting to snow here now - hoping it's a light covering, just enough to help us with more tracks!
I left the blanket at the stables.and with it being in the open air for so long think the scent may have gone,if possible next time up if you could bring something? ill try and get a den made and speak to the owner of the property next to the field.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi - thanks to everyone for their help today - much appreciated... Good idea to leave clothes/ blankets. We have left in so many places at beginning, not sure we have much left! Shereen, do you still have his blanket - if not, we will find something else... Fingers crossed for more info soon...
Have been around the areas tonight in car and stopped at fields no sightings, unfortunately I can't help too much at mo, as whilst out on Sat, my youngster ate something he shouldn't and v. ill but do have some picture link maps if will help? Will gladly drive about the ridgeway if helps Karenx
Unless anyone else is going to get up there earlyish in the morning to check the food, I will try and be there around 7.30, before too many other dog walkers get there.
I agree a meeting would be good if we can all get together.
Sorry, I just read my message and wasn't that clear. I mean the food to be gradually moved up from just beyond the stile to the garage or even to the dip between the garage and stile, it seems quite protected there and he may feel safe there. I just think if he can go into the garage there is a better chance of trapping him but obviously need the house owner to agree.
I text Holly to suggest a scented garment or Quigleys bed to be left in the garage near to the house where he has been sighted if the owners of the house would be ok about this plus some food. Maybe this could be gradually moved nearer to the house and they could seem him from their windows and notify us. I live 5 mins drive away and think a meeting would be good to go through every detail. If he is close we need to act quickly before he disappears maybe to another area. Denise
I left the area at about 2.20 after leaving food out,the food seemed to be gone from the night before,I left food just as you go into the field just off the path on the right but if there long enough dogs that are walking there will get it.its a good Idea about a makeshift shelter and there is a possible place we could put it.it just getting permission.I will try tomorrow .
We have tryed leaving items of clothing but not in this area! if we can make a shelter it will be much easier to do so.The trap is ready and waiting but we need proof of him actually eating the food(Which we can get now)and getting a feeding routine up together!!
Plenty of lone paw prints today so here hoping hes staying there.it rained as I was leaving so suspect he was holed up somewhere.Thanks for joining the search Denise and Kelly at some point ASAP ill contact you and maybe we can all get our heads together as some of us have to travel quite a way to get there.
I wonder if we could all have a short meeting at some point to discuss what we are doing and what to do next!
P.S thanks Barny'n'Ozzies mum for your advice! always appreciated!.XXXLast edited: 2012-02-06 18:41:37 by Shereen
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Also wondered if there's somewhere you could set up a makeshift shelter for him? A shelter with some food inside and an old blanket might just be enough to entice him.....Is a trap out of the question? There seems to be enough people around on a daily basis to be able to check on it regularly.
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
I haven't read all the posts on here, so sorry if it's already been suggested/tried, but is Quigley's owner scenting in the area of the sightings? Perhaps leaving an old jumper nearby might also get him to keep coming back to one spot - you might even be lucky enough to find some dog hair on it as evidence?
I was up there from 4 until 5 tonight and didn't see any food - maybe I'm not looking in the right place! Stood for a good 10-15 mins as the light was drawing in, willing him to come running over the railway line and up the hedgerow to the Swans Way. No sign though.
one other thing that was suggested as we were walking around was that maybe to try and get someone up there at first light when it is quiet and see if he can be seen or to call him as he may be more inclined to come.
Hi there i live in bledlow and was walking arounfd this area yesterday, we were stopped a few times and asked if we had seen him but unfortunaltey not, please let me know if yiou need any more help walking and looking or food checking etc as it is only 2 mins from my house. I would be glad to help.
I have just been up to the area where the food has been left out, it is still there at 3 this afternoon. The fog was quite bad so visibility was not good. I am happy to come anytime to help anyone or if he is sighted and need help in getting him. Denise
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Ruth, thanks for checking. Marishka saw lone paw prints in the field near the pub as well. Lone paw prints good thing. I awaiting to hear if the food was definitley taken last night. Can't wait to touch base with Shereen and Sam. Okay, fingers crossed. Best, Holly
No news this morning from me. I looked for the food in both places ... couldn't find any, so either it's gone or I was looking in the wrong place! Walking down to the railway and then along it and back up the other side of the field, there are so many of the same lone paw track. They've got to be Quigley's surely. I would say that there are more tracks than there were yesterday so hopefully that means he's still in the area.
Good luck to anyone searching today,it was very foggy when I was up there but is clearing now. If he's sighted anywhere during the day I will happily come out again after I finish work (about 4). Ruth
I'm going out for a short walk before I go to work, probably be there from about 8.30 for 45 mins or so.
I'm going to go up the Swans Way, over the stile into the field and the follow down to the railwayline. Then walk back through the fields.
I won't be able to get there until 9.30-10am so anyone who's there first can check the food if they're there before me .he could be following the route of the streams ill have a good look in the morning at the map and check it out while I'm there.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi - Ruth, you are right - very interesting... those streams lead right to the Thame sighting, and it is only about 4 miles away... Marishka - i've left food right near the stile that goes into the field (if you are on the path down from the Lion of Bledlow, about 20 yards before the house and intersection with the ridgeway, there is a stile that leads down into the field, down the hill, towards the tracks. I think Shereen will be checking the food. I've left a bit down in the wooded area just before the stile, and a bit down the field as well. Thanks again to everyone that came out in the snow today! jeff / hollyLast edited: 2012-02-29 10:16:14 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Marishka, it wasn't me who put the food out - Holly and Jeff did. I was just wondering whether someone needed to check it.
Hi Ruth, I'll be out early with my dog whi's a good friend of Quigley's so can you tell me roughly where you put the food just sk I can be sure mine doesn't eat it before any of us gets the chance to check it!
I didn't realise that there were so many streams down there, when you look at the google map as a map rather than satellite you can see all of them. If he were to follow that stream it would eventually take him to the fields behind the rugby club in Thame. Then if he followed it back but then took a different branch it would take him to near Longwick ........ somewhere pretty close to the stables where the possible sighting was!! Shereen, is he likely to follow streams?

Holly, if I can get there tomorrow do you want me to check whether the food has gone - or is someone doing that already? If you want me to, let me know where you left it and I'll try my best.Last edited: 2012-02-05 20:43:31 by Ruth
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi everyone - thanks very much Ruth for the help! As ruth said, there was a set of lone paw prints from the style at the top of swans way (where he has been seen today and tues) leading down the field, across the rail tracks, and then up to the stream past the rail tracks. There no human prints at all in the area. This is the same place that the bloodhound had picked up quigleys scent on Tuesday. I've left food in the area - if anyone in the area tomorrow, please keep your eyes open!!
Just looking at the map again. I think Jeff said that Quigley had been tracked from that stile down to the railwayline. From there it is pretty much straight on to Henton and then to the Phoenix trail.
Have we postered all that area? Henton, Phoenix trail, Towersey?
Just got back ....... I met Jeff up there so he's already had this info.
I parked at the Lions and headed up the Swans Way. When I got to the first field on the right that you can go in to, I went into the field and walked up the hedgeline that runs alongside the track - there were lone paw prints all the way along the hedgeline, smaller than my flatcoats pawprints so could be Quigleys. From there I went into the next field which has the diagonal path towards the polo yard, I couldn't see anything there as there were too many footprints. At the end I turned left to go up the edge of the field towards the stile. There were human boot prints coming down the hill, but not up. Going up (not down) were the same size pawprints. They went about 3/4 way up and then went off into the hedgerow. Jeff said that was where the area that the bloodhound had tracked him.
Followed the ridgeway as far as the end of the woods - from there on to Chinnor there were lots of people out sledging so very noisy.
Good luck with the barbeque x
A warning for anyone with long haired dogs - if you go over the stile near the houses at the top of the Swans Way into the field, keep your dogs out of the hedgerow or you will be removing burs from them for the rest of the day!Last edited: 2012-02-05 16:18:41 by Ruth
we walked from kingsey to haddenham across the fields and through the forest and up around the fishing lake at around 5pm. No sighting but left some food in the forest just incase. Will do the walk again later. Hope he is found soon.
Sounds like he likes to come out when it is a bit quieter - and maybe there were just too many people about yesterday.Hope he has a little "camp" that he is hiding in and those tracks might lead you there. Really wishing the owners all the luck in the world this afternoon - and hope he does hear their voices.
It may be worth someone being at the Phoenix trail as I think this is the way he went off the ridgeway to Thame but at the same time im hoping hes come back to the Ridgeway so quickly because he feels safer there!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone, I am out of range via cell right now. With kids. We are planning to barbeque on the Ridgeway at 3pm and let the kids yell and play and perhaps he'll hear us. A lot of people have gone to spot of last sighting. I'm wondering if it makes sense to have people at other sighting areas as well in case he is headed away? Yesterday's sighting was in Thame near the Rugby Club headed towards Longwick. What do you think Shereen? Does that make any sort of sense?
Haha ...will do!
Ruth only advice I can give you is Think like a dog!
Good Luck.X
Going to try and get off the Ridge, probably to start at the Bledlow end as the roads might be better .... not sure I want to tackle Chinnor Hill. Will be going out in 5/10 mins - any advice before I go. Otherwise I will be contactable on 07775 583482. Will be on my own with 2 friendly flatcoats!
This is BLEDLOW AREA again!
weve had another two sightings this morning of Quigley back on the ridgeway!! we have someone in the area who parked on hill top lane and followed lone paw prints in the snow that went off the path into the wood then back onto the path he went down the hill and apparently Quigley was seen on the ridgeway path that leads from the houses at swans way to chinnor so have advised to cover these paths and the one leading up the hill again to chinnor barrows,but also to look for tracks in the snow from swans way you have a style that leads to a field that then goes down to the steam railway line!! God I just want to be there!!!!!
I'm not going to be able to search either today, unless the road off my hill clears a bit later on.
If anyone is close to the area today and able to help search would be really good,I wont make it today but hopefully the roads will be a bit better tomorrow!
Ive contacted the dog walker in Longwick who is going out for a look around as well.
Hi Shereen, yes, several people went through the area on foot postering posts and I encircled by car doing all farms and any individual houses or small groups. All notice boards were already done when I passed. Not sure about pubs in Haddenham? Not by me anyway. The posh house in Kinsey was Tythrop (very nice gentleman with dogs will keep a lookout in his grounds). Someone else did Tiggywinkle's, I did the scaffolding company and anywhere with cozy looking barns/woodpiles etc. I'll be around tomorrow but probably won't have 3G connection so if there's anything important happening can someone please text me. Best wishes and thanks to everyone - Mr Quigs owes you all a party at some point with himself was guest of honour!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Here is an updated sighting map -- http://g.co/maps/kkery
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Thanks Marishka,so to confirm with you between Thame and Haddenham are postered are they?...if so if somehow weather permitting that if Aston Sandford down to Owlswick can be postered then hopefully we have the area covered,ill be calling the lady who thinks she saw him in Thame today in the morning so she can confirm after viewing the you tube link if this is a positive or not...also I have a contact with a lady in Longwick who walks her dogs for miles and is very keen on helping so ill let her know he could be heading that way ,so really we could be looking in all the previous areas as Quigley is covering some ground and could easily retrace his steps in no time.if all the areas are covered with the posters hopefully it wont be long before we get another sighting called in. fingers and paws crossed!
depending on how the roads are tomorrow - we normally walk our dog on Thame nature reserve on a sunday. but will check in here first to see if there are any other areas that need checking.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi everyone - active day... But still no quigley. As mentioned below, sighting today in Thame at rugby club at ring road. For those out tomorrow in the snow, I think the best is to concentrate on the ridgeway from chinnor up through bled low and surrounding areas, and areas between Thame and bledlow, longwick and princes risborough. Also, including the phoenix trail. We will be in that area, and try to get posters up on phoenix. Also, a special thank you to all of the dog lost volunteers and the special people that helped today after reading Quigley's story in the newspaper. We have met some amazing people and we are so appreciative of the help that everyone is giving.Last edited: 2012-02-04 22:25:03 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Just a reminder that there is a google map of sightings both confirmed and unconfirmed (though today's possible in Thame isn't on yet at time of this post) http://g.co/maps/7fqqa
The farms between Thame and Haddenham are aware and on the lookout, and I stopped by the big house in Kinsey and spoke with the owner. Last edited: 2012-02-04 22:39:24 by Angus
I went out over to Long Crendon and through Cubbington and Chilton back into Thame back out again to Long Crendon and around back to Thame and Back to Chinnor Hill and then back to Stokenchurch via Lewkner, sorry no sightings,but everyone I met have spoken about Quigley. Keep warm Quigley and please stay still long enough to be reunited with your Dad and Mum KarenxLast edited: 2012-02-04 19:16:49 by karen
It seems to me if this was Quigley that he could be heading back to the ridgeway BUT ill have a good look at the maps to see where we should be concentrating the search tomorrow!,this seems to be his new larger triangle (Witch could well include longwick again).Thanks so much for everyone who showed again today.ill post later when ive had a good think!Stay safe Quigley we need you home!Last edited: 2012-02-04 17:48:31 by Shereen
There are so many people out looking for him that we've got to find him soon. Even all my non dog friends know about him - Holly and Jeff have done a fantastic job of getting his story in the papers.
It's now snowing so hopefully he's holed up somewhere safe and warm, and as Jayne says we will then have the advantage of looking for his pawprints. I for one am not giving up!
Sorry, Ruth. You're right. When I first looked it up on the net the Bing map showed the rugby club to be actually in Thame! A bit later I looked it up on Google and it is (unlike on Bing)exactly where you said. Unfortunately, by then a bit late for me to set out for that location from Northend. Let's hope the voice of his owner will penetrate his state of confusion and allow him to be reunited at last?? Let's just hope.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thats a wise dog out there...it knows how to keep warm...if it snows and the posters continue to do there magic the next sightings you will be able to track through paw prints..so make sure you get exact location...and look for paw prints with out human ones next to them....and put some thermal socks on...you helpers have been amazing...
Thanks Ruth - know where you mean now. I will keep checking in for more news.

come on quigley, time to come home before it snows x
Chinnor Rugby club IS on the ring road, it's virtually on the roundabout where the Kingsey Road crosses the ring road. If only we'd got the message sooner I could have been up there straight away, but I was only able to search this morning - literally got the text as I was on my way out :(
Weather permitting I will go there tomorrow morning, but hopefully he'll be home in a nice warm bed by then!
Do we know how reliable a sighting this was?Last edited: 2012-02-04 16:14:22 by Ruth
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx for offer of help...best to ring the owners on number above and they will be able to tell you location.
perhaps they mean the new stadium on the princess risborough roundabout in Thame - there are some fields behind there where they hold the Thame show?
For those of us who don't know Thame that well but would rush out to search , is it possoble for more precise info as to his sighting? I can see a Chnnor Rugby club on the map but it's not near the Ring Road.
come on Quigley time to go home....along with Teddy and Percy I hope...everything crossed xx
Come on Quigley!!!!! Let it be today you're found. Stay safe. xx
I'm currently in Aylesbury, but will get over to this part of Thame this afternoon with my (friendly) dog. Fingers crossed (still!)
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I have been following Quigley's story since he went missing. You are all doing a fantastic job, please let today be the day he comes home xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Sighted today at 10.45am on the Thame ring road...headed off into field near the rugby club.
I walk my dog in Hughenden park and in the woods behind the park twice a day, will keep my eyes peeled and have made a note of the numbers, wish you like in finding this precious one, this must be hell for you.
just returned -met Ruth.probably walked a similar area - went off paths into wooded areas a couple of times . but nothing I am afraid. Will go up there again though now we have found those walks as it is lovely. Jan
Just got back having walked for the best part of 2 hours. There are so many people out today - walkers, cyclists, horse riders - that is he's in that area and comes out, surely someone will spot him. It was busier with walkers the Chinnor end so if you're undecided where to start off from I would suggest Bledlow end. Good luck everyone!
Quigley's Mum and Dad

here is a link to OUR VOICES in case you want to play them when searching for Quigley.
Title on youtube: Quigley Missing Dog Family Voices
Thanks and Good Luck eveyone may see some of you there.Come on Quigley its time to come home now!!
I'm heading out now. I'm going to start out from the Bledlow Ridge/Lodge Hill side of the hills on the Upper Iknield Way and walk to where it joins the Ridgeway. I'll do both the loops (down to the lions and up the Swans Way, and down through Wainhill to Chinnor). It'll be me and a big black lab who'll be on lead, so hope to meet some of you there!
If I can get more posters today I will try and blitz the Bledlow Ridge area - I'm just waiting on more ink supples so I can print another load off myself.Last edited: 2012-02-04 09:36:58 by Ruth
Yesterday I drove back to Chinnor Hill and spoke to the owner of a stables (Highlands) and other dog walkers who are on the look out, I gave a lady a leaflet who works at the Chinnor Rugby Club. Chinnor Hill is above the Forest Glade Kennels. There are posters up at Chinnor Hill. I then did a circular circuit back to Bledlow Ridge and down to Saunderton, has anyone approached the security gauard at the old Molins site on the right opposite hearing dogs before you go onto the Aylesbury/High Wycombe Rd? I then proceeded to go to Aylesbury but turned the next left back up to Bledlow Ridge, there are a number of farms, one is a farm shop, ctd up the lane looking over the ridgeway and left at the junction to come back past the recycling,(it was closed) back again to Chinnor. Has the recycling tip got info? Sadly no sightings either. Will be out today,KarenX
Good luck, fingers and paws crossed here x
jansus, if you are starting from the Chinnor end there is a good parking spot (although can be busy if there is football on) where the Ridgeway crosses Chinnor Hill. At the roundabout in Chinnor take the road up to Bledlow Ridge. Go over the roundabout at the steam railway, just a little bit further is where the Ridgeway crosses the road. You want to go to the left, but there is parking on both sides.
Due to the forecast of snow tomorrow I have had to change my plans , so unfortunately I won't be available all day today now. I can get out this morning though, so will head up there in a little while for a couple of hours. I'll be on my own with either a large black lab or 2 black flatcoats (haven't decided yet!)
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Good luck to everyone looking for Quigley and hope THIS is the weekend he comes home ! X
We are going to try and go out mid morning - chinnor end - any hints on where to park. We will be with very friendly ~~( loves all dogs) lab x lurcher
Hi, I've been out for 3 hours late this afternoon until dark walking the Ridgeway to Chinnor and then up to Bledlow Ridge. Have put up several posters (laminated) at the entrances to footpaths in the Bledlow Ridge area (going both east and west of Bledlow Ridge) where there weren't any. Met several people who regularly walk those paths and who knew of Quigley but no sightings. I so hope for a result this weekend! Fingers crossed.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi everyone - thanks for the continue search... I think the plan for anyone looking to help this weekend shoud be to concentrate on the ridgeway from the a40 through chinnor, bledlow up to princes risborough - and surrounding areas. He is out there... I plan on covering high Wycombe in the am, to check out the sighting there, and then making sure that chinnor and bled low have enough flyers. If anyone is looking for posters, Ill have plenty - Ill try to leave some extra at the lions of bledlow. Let's get him this weekend!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi everyone - thanks for the continue search... I think the plan for anyone looking to help this weekend shoud be to concentrate on the ridgeway from the a40 through chinnor, bledlow up to princes risborough - and surrounding areas. He is out there... I plan on covering high Wycombe in the am, to check out the sighting there, and then making sure that chinnor and bled low have enough flyers. If anyone is looking for posters, Ill have plenty - Ill try to leave some extra at the lions of bledlow. Let's get him this weekend!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Last edited: 2012-02-03 22:01:36 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
drove out this morning, walked for two hours between bledlow and Chinmoor. I also thought about voice recording of the owners voice..would be a good tool especially for nervous dogs. No sighting this morning fingers crossed someone gets him soon, with all the posters and walkers out and about I cant believe hes not home yet
Extra alerts sent out to helpers in HP13

we had a possible sighting on Hughendon Road accross from Hughendon Park highwycome on the Tuesday between 2.30 and 3.15 of a dog eating franticly out of a box on the side of the road...the lady couldnt stop but a man who was behind her did and then she lost sight of what happened after that...owners will be postering there tomorrow but we want to keep searching Bledlow just in case this wasnt Quigley on Hughendon road...have called local holding kennels and hes not there.will also contact Hywycombe council and check hes not been reported as found as well.also will contact stokenchurch.
Searched on the ridgeway today and down on chinnor steam railway lineLast edited: 2012-02-03 15:35:20 by Shereen
sorry if this is a stupid question - but does Quigley react to anyones voice in particular? If so I was wondering if there is anyway you could get a recording of that voice on something so that if someone is out early in the morning that is not family they could have the recording going when he might hear a familiar voice calling him? Hoping that you do find him at the weekend and it will not be necessary.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks Ruth and Jo - we will get posters in those areas tomorrow! I'll have plenty of extra posters in the area tomorrow, if anyone wants... I'll send more details on proposed search spots tomorrow... best, jeff
Just got back from an early morning walk. Parked where the Ridgeway crosses Chinnor Hill (just going up the hill from Chinnor) and walked the Ridgeway as far as it's junction with the Swans Way. Took the steps down, past Wainhill farm, then took the path across the fields back to Chinnor. Everyone I spoke to knew about Quigley, but most didn't realise that he'd been seen in that particular area.
From where I parked there were no posters up until I reached the woods, or from Wainhill Farm back across the fields. I only had one (not laminated) left with me which I put up at the carpark, but maybe some more in that area wouldn't go amiss.
Going from Bledlow Ridge where I live to Princes Risborough I'm now driving the back way along Wiggins Lane which is only the other side of the hill from where he was seen. Constantly on the look out!
I'm the lady that you gave the poster to in Lewknor, I walk the area daily with my dogs and still carry an extra slip lead and have your number stored in my phone in the hope that we will find Quigley. I Will put the dogs in the car over the weekend and head to the Chinnor / Bledlow area please let me know if there is a spcific place you would like me to go to.
Will head up there this morning for a drive out with the dogs, dont know the area but will try and walk the routes people on here have already done
On my way out now. Will be there until about 9.30.
Like lots of people I'm too far away to help with the search but I'm willing Quigley home every step of the way. COME ON BOY,get yourself found and home.xx
Quigley's Mum and Dad

Watch Quigley on youtube. He is so gorgeous. You can really see what he looks like.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Come on Quigley, your family want you home now Precious. Praying he is home with you safe and sound very soon. x
Millys Mum
I'm also too far away to help (North Kent) but have been checking Quigley's page on a very regular and daily basis. I've never heard of this breed before but have fallen for Quigley! He reminds me somewhat of our NZ Huntaway. I do hope that you are closing in on Quigley and that it won't be long until you are all reunited. Fingers crossed that you will receive that oh so long-awaited phone call very soon. Come on Quigley so many of us need you home, most of all your family.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi - thanks for everyone for continuing to search... We will be searching all weekend in the area, and would appreciate all the help we can get... I'll send a note tomorrow with proposed areas to search. We got a potential sighting from Tuesday (the same day he was sighted in bledlow) in High Wycombe near Hughendon Park - given that it is nine miles from the confirmed sighting in bledlow, sounds unlikely, but for those in that area, please keep your eyes open, and we will try to call local vets and get up some posters. We are going to concentrate on the bledlow, chinnor area. Thanks!
Wow 17826 page hits Quigley! everyone wants you home!!
This afternoon I drove from Stokenchurch (home) down to Radnage around Bennett End Back to Bledlow Ridge down to West Wycombe and back to Chinnor (via Bledlow Ridge) via Hilltops and the kennels back down to the Chinnor railway and back through Crowell and up to Stokenchurch so sorry no sightings, I have also informed my vets who are also following this. Karen
Like many who have posted, I am too far away to help but am following Quigley's story and hoping for some blue news soon.......brilliant that so many people are out there helping!xxxx
Spent an hour up in Bledlow this afternoon. It was starting to get dark by the time I left so I thought maybe he would make an appearance, but it wasn't to be. I walked from the Lions through the woods past the wooden house, then towards Chinnor. Turned back and went down the track towards the polo yard, then back up to the houses at the Swans way -Ridgeway junction. Then back down the Swans Way. I kept stopping and looking across the fields but nothing at all.
I'm going to go out tomorrow first thing for an hour, but will start from the Chinnor end this time.
...And Gorgeous Quigley on Youtube!
Quigley BUMPED due to press coverage in the Henley Standard and Bucks Free Press today
Too far away to help in the search, but checking in every day for some good news...I will be praying for team Quigley... that he is caught by tomorrow....come on Quigley a Birthday party is ready for you.....brilliant support from all of you searching.
I'm off to work now but as soon as I finish I'll pick up my dogs and get up there for another walk - should be there around 4 for an hour or so.
Can also be there tomorrow morning first thing and then pretty much anytime on Saturday.
Come on Quigley - time to go home!Last edited: 2012-02-02 09:58:58 by Ruth
Its possible it may Snow this weekend : (Last edited: 2012-02-02 09:59:51 by Shereen
I adjusted the description on owners request,but have now taken off the 'smaller than looks in photo'
Are you there today Marishka?
I hope you catch him,I cant make it there today so Good Luck I hope today is Quigleys day!
Just a word on Quigley's size - I notice you've changed the description to say smaller than he appears in the photos but most people i give flyers to seem to think from the photo that he's small like a jrt and since collies vary dramatically in size and posture that can be misleading too. I usually either hold my hand about 2' off the floor as a shoulder measurement or say he's not far off an average fox hound. Hope that helps!
I think you may already have my number as we`ve texted each other already, I have yours and your husbands number in my phone. I am going to be away from next Monday for 5 weeks but will try and get up to Bledlow a few more times before then, perhaps tomorrow afternoon, LindaT helper
2nd photo updated and description.
Texted you my number
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Also, LindaT and Ruth and anyone else, my number 07770751631 is on some of our posters. If you text me your phone numbers, then I can keep them in my phone and blast you if we get sighting info as well. I've been doing this with some of the other volunteers. Thanks.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone, Well if hard work, dedication and love were the only things it took to find a lost dog then Quigley would be home 10 times over! But, Quigley, we need you to STAY PUT! It is so cold tonight...don't you want to be in bed with mama and papa? We didn't have any sightings today, but I appreciate all of you going there so much. You have no idea. Shareen--okay that actually sounds like Quigley's pooh on a normal day. He is prone to eating twigs, straw and wooden children's toys. On any given day, I would see those things in his pooh...I did speak to the woman who called in the sighting yesterday and she made me cry (happy tears) by telling me how well and healthy he looked. Just speaking to her made me feel closer to Quigley. Most of his sightings do seem to be either before 10:00am or after 3:00pm if that means anything to you. And he seems to show himself to women with dogs. Quigley should also be getting some press in the local papers this week if all goes according to plan. So, fingers crossed that we get the word out so much that everyone gets so sick of hearing about Quigley that someone just gets him already. Phantom Quigley, come on out!
Didn`t see any stray 4 legged`s but did meet Sam ( and the handsome Jake ! ) and Shereen...always nice to put faces to names and voices :-) Unfortunately Quiqley didn`t show but I did put my smelly fishy and saucy sandwiches and food down so if he is in the area he will get some food if he gets there before the badgers etc! I am walking at dog rescue 2morrow so will look around the Ibstone side of Wormsley Estate, everywhere I drive I have one eye on the road and one looking for this boy and the other lost boys, fingers X`d and praying for some divine help LindaT helper
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Do you think Quigley's likely to be moving around in the early hours? My brother does shift work and normally gets home to Bledlow Ridge around 4.00-5.00am. I will ask him to keep a look out just incase. Come on Team Quigley - you are so close now!!
Was hoping today would be the day ..... but you will not escape us Quigley!
I can't get there again until tomorrow after work (about 4pm) but will be there then if he's not been found already. I'll be checking this page regularly tomorrow, so if there are any other sightings and you want me to walk elsewhere please post it on here. Otherwise Shereen - my mobile number is on my profile ...... do you have access to that? If so you can text me anytime if there are sightings and I will try to get out, as I'm only 5 mins away from Bledlow.
Well I dont believe we didnt see Quigley today!! with Quite a few out in the area today (Thanks for that) and nice to meet you at last LindaT!Thanks for being there Ruth! and Sam from the pet detectives,we were there most of the day and walked miles and sat and watched on paths that branched off to others for a while and nothing: (.I know this sounds wierd but its the sort of things I look out for...I found a dog poo with loads of straw like stuff in it not your normal dog poo and definitly not fox or badger...I think its Quigleys,This was as you go up swans way and turn left back onto the ridgeway so you have the houses then the wooden on at the top,about halfway in between,I left a poster there because I wanted to go back to it but didnt get chance in the end!...Ive never seen hills like these I went to the Chinnor Barrows.What a view!I can understand why a dog would want to be there its beautiful and amazing.Last edited: 2012-02-01 18:36:03 by Shereen
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Team Quigley...you are amazing...you also have some amazing helpers and co-ordinators in your area...we will get a result..how can we not with all you helping? Not only that...I am amazed to see some kind donations coming in from relatives in America that helps run the site for other missing dogs...how kind...how needed...NOW ITS QUIGLEYS TURN! so keep pressing the share buttons above...and doing the wonderful work you are and soon....Quigley will be in blue.
Any new sightings?
Sorry to see Quigley is still missing. Good luck LindaT. Alas I am too far away to help. Fingers and paws xd for a good result.
Will be setting off shortly from home and will park in Bledlow, have some sandwiches chopped up made with doggy bacon sauce...and dried dog food. Will take my binoculars too, be out about an hour or two. LindaT helper
Just got back from Bledlow, been there since about 7.30 - no sign though I'm afraid :(
I walked from the Lions along the Swans Way up to the houses at the top where it joins the Ridgeway (took a couple of detours on footpaths through the fields so my dogs were out in the open and might be seen). From there. followed the Ridgeway, past the nature reserve as far as the track that goes off to Chinnor. Retraced my steps back to the houses and then turned right and carried on the ridgeway through the woods back to the Lions. From the woods you get a good view down across the fields to the railwayline and beyond, Stood for a while scouring the fields but no sight of him I'm afraid.Last edited: 2012-02-01 09:36:57 by Ruth
Thank you may see some of you there!(and Quigley)
From here Quigley can easily go across to Chinnor/Sandpit Lane Bledlow/Skittle Green Bledlow/ Phoenix Trail/Hill Top Lane just off Bledlow Ridge where there is a car park for anyone looking for him.... also to Henton which is between Chinnor and Bledlow on the North side of the B4009. There is a dog breeding farm there called Kilconnel Kennels which I haven`t been to but perhaps there might be a lot of noise from the dogs which might attract him. Also just up Chinnor Hill from the village towards Spriggs Alley there is a dog boarding kennels on the right about half way up, Forest Glade, again it is quite noisy with dogs barking and set in the side of the woods, I can take a poster there today if it hasn`t been done. I can`t go down to the puppy farm/kennels though :-( Regarding the Mastiff at Lodge Hill Farm that attacked dogs etc, I have been told on good authority that the police were involved in more than one attack on dogs and this dog is no longer there, although I believe there is now a Rottie and a Boxer who are both OK, although I haven`t walked past there. There is a golden coloured dog in the barn there where the stable is near the hedge, he went for my late Boxer 3 times and the owner does not keep him under control when out with him, she said he didn`t like Boxers but keep an eye on him if you pass by. I have a friend living in the dip just along from the Golf Club and I will ask her to keep an eye out, she can see right across to the hills quite well. I will have a walk at the Lions this morning ( park by the phone box but Mark seems happy for people to park in his pub car park as he is a dog lover although his dogs are a bit unfriendly with other dogs :-) ... and as usual take the slip lead and choc chews and phone numbers..... what a pity the women couldn`t catch him yesterday but fingers X`d he will come back again. We need a small pack of playful dogs to lure him out! Just had a thought, I do periodically take left over food and some dried dog food to a spot up the track from the Lions where it joins the Ridgeway, I put it over the fence where dogs can`t get to it and the foxes and badgers go there, but I wonder if thatcould also be something Quigley might have found, It`s not every day but I will take some with me this morning, it always dissapears, I`ve been doing it for years but perhaps he scents it out and a stray hungry dog can easily find his way through the gaps if he wanted to LindaT helperLast edited: 2012-02-01 07:58:55 by LindaT
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi - yes, exactly - right near the houses. He started a bit further up the trail towards Chinnor, and then went down the trail towards bledlow, past the houses, and then through went on a footpath to the left. both times he has approached dogs that were playing off lead. He is usually very friendly, so must be scared now. I'd give him a few treats, first at a distance, and then gain his trust, then a few more smelly treats, then try the slip lead. Please call and we will rush there!!

We will get you quigley!! Last edited: 2012-02-29 10:17:24 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
When you say 'on the swansway right where it meets with the ridgeway', do you mean at the top of the hill where the houses are?
I'll get up there first thing, but I have to be at work at 10 so I won't be out long - will head up the swans way and then turn left through the woods and loop back to the Lions.
Are the dogs he's coming to play with off lead, or has he approached any on lead? Any other advice?
I have a slip lead ready,smelly fishy treats and your number in my phone!So close :)
I am just glad you have had a sighting - it must be horrible when it all goes quiet. I have just sent an email link to the Chinnor steam railway to ask if their volunteers could keep an eye out.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hello - thanks for everyone's help. Unfortunately, we didn't get him. There were actually two sightings of him today in Bledlow. First, on the top of the hill up from the Bledlow lions pub, and then on the swansway right where it meets with the ridgeway. Just like the sighting from a few weeks ago on the ridgeway, he came down from the hill, played with two women's dogs for a while, and then ran off. We had a bloodhound look for him, and he tracked him off the track and down the hill from the ridgeway into some woods by a nature trail. Also, the hound picked up his scent down through the fields, and accross the rail tracks. If people are in the area, please keep a look out tomorrow, and take a slip lead (his collar is off) and smelly food... I'll update the sighting map and repost. Thanks very much!! So close today, but at least we know he is healthy and still out there...
Has there been any news from the owners after their visit to the area?
Barney 'n' Ozzies mum - I have two flatcoated retrievers and live on Church Lane. I also do a bit of dog boarding so am sometimes seen with a pointer, black cocker, springer and various other dogs!
The golf club is a little way from where I think Quigley was seen, but considering the distance he's travelled it's not that far away.
I#ll try and get more posters up in the dog walking areas between the Ridge and Bledlow.
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
What breed of dog do you have Ruth? - I just wondered if I've seen you about when I've been visiting my mum at Bledlow Ridge (she lives in Ridgeside).
Have the sightings been anywhere near the Princes Risborough golf club? Just wondered if they are aware of him and if he could be getting food from somewhere like this?
You're right Barney 'n' Ozzies mum - it was a big mastiff that lives in one of the barns at the bottom of the ridge (on the track that runs from the bottom of Haw Lane to Lodge Hill). Apparently it came out onto the footpath down from Bledlow Ridge. It was probably a year ago now, and I walk the fields between the ridge and the hearing dogs most days and have never seen it out since then.
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Everything crossed here for you!! If anyone if walking the Ridgeway at the back of Hearing Dogs (near Bledlow Ridge) please be careful. My mum told me a while back that she'd heard someone's dogs got out of a house along the Ridgeway and attacked a Hearing Dog being walked there. Can't remember what breed she said they were, only that there were 2 dogs and I am unable to back this story up, but please be careful just incase.
I've just got back after doing a loop from The Lions through the woods, then back down towards the cricket club. Can be down there again first thing tomorrow for an hour ........... but fingers crossed he's home tonight!

Is it possible to add this sighting to the map so we know exactly where it was?Last edited: 2012-01-31 17:27:07 by Ruth
Fingers crossed for you... Come on Quigs, you've got a birthday party to get to Friday!
Owner in the area,theyve managed to get a bloodhound for tracking...I hope todays the day!!Good luck!
Ive just got home,but nothing so far...a few of us got up to the area and were looking but we have swapped and left more people there searching.COME ON QUIGLEY!!!
At work now but can get down there for an hour at about 4pm.
Will take my dogs, treats and spare lead.
unfortunately at work today so can help - but Soooo hoping you get him home. Jan
Come on Quigley........let's get you home!!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Posters emailed to helpers in HP

Poster emailed to helpers in HP14,15,16,17,27. OX9,39,49.

DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Fingers crossed for you.XXX
on my way now
Quigley's Mum and Dad
NEW CONFIRMED SIGHTING - 10am this morning. In Bledlow - on the Swansway which leads towards the Ridgeway approx 3/4 of a mile from The Lions Pub in Bledlow. Quigley was playing with a couple of ladies' dogs. If anyone is in there area, please keep your eye out!! Thank you for this, God.Last edited: 2012-01-31 10:45:49 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Everyone that we have come into contact with has been amazing. This horrible experience has really made us see the best in people. We love your area and the people (and dogs) who live there. It is a shame that we had to learn it this way. Thanks. Fingers crossed for a sighting sometime soon.
yes that was me. I am afraid you see these sort of comments on all on line newspaper articles. It never ceases to amaze me how people can be cruel about all sorts of subjects. They obviously are either attention seeking ( and unfortunately I rose to the bait!) or they are just people who have too much time on their hands. I thinks its the saying that " the devil finds work for idle hands" and that just about sums them up. I am still posting about quigley on my face book and speaking to all my friends in Watlington ,and hope you realise we are a friendly lot round here really. (: you just need a sighting and I am sure everyone will be out looking again.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks, jansus. I assume you are speaking about the article on the net. I also saw you stick up for us in the comments when those nasty people said he probably was eaten or made into Quigley soup:(
Saw the article in the bucks free press. Just so hoping you just get a sighting to work on soon.

Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone, on Friday Jeff searched and repostered the ridgeway up through Hill Road. On Saturday, he did the footpaths on the Wormsely Estate from North End to Cricket Fields. Today, I postered the playground and football pitch in Watlington and some houses around there. Also put a poster at Chequers. Quigley had an advert again in Bucks Free Press. Next week he will have an advert in Countryman's Weekly and Bucks Star. Still no sightings...but we have hope. Olivia's 6th birthday party is coming up this Friday and she said all she wants is Quigley as her gift:(Last edited: 2012-01-29 21:35:51 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Did anyone hear or does anyone know which station had radio coverage on Quigley last week? I've heard it from a few people now. Just wondering what they said and which station. Thanks. Jeff is out there searching today. Holly
how lovely that you are all appreciated for everything you do. Heres hoping that Quigley, Percy ,Teddy are home soon. Plus of course all the other dogs that are missing.
Weve just had a very generous donation from Quigleys Grandparents from the States.Thank you so much.Xxx

a donation was just made in the honor of Quigley Palker. We thank you so much for the good work you do. My husband and I are one set of Quigley's grandparents and we are so grateful for your organization. Keep up the good work and good luck with all your searches.
I know where you mean Annie,and one of his sightings were exactly there off of the footpath (look at my post 2012-01-12 20:59) Thanks everyone for being out there for this gorgeous boy it is very much appreciated!
Walked the area in question, i.e. Ridgeway M40/A40, Aston Rowant Nature Reserve (including off paths), etc. late this afternoon, but unfortunately no sighting. If he is in that area there are large areas of thick scub land alongside Hill Road on the left just before reaching the Ridgeway where he could hide. Ran out of light to explore how to get into that part.
I was over that way yesterday,but not managed today ,hopefully all going well we are having a meeting Saturday with Percys owners and try and pull together on this...Come on Quigley please show yourself.XXXLast edited: 2012-01-26 22:24:11 by Shereen
I live in Chinnor and am out and about every day walking and/or shopping, also walk Tues/Thurs at Dog Rescue and am always keeping an eye peeled for Quiqley and Percy and Teddy, and will do so until there is news on their whereabouts. Dog lovers never give up on anyone`s dog :-) Just a thought, have you contacted the Thame Gazette, they print every Friday ( local newspaper, free to some households, it covers a large area including Chinnor ) and is available in newsagents. Tel: 01296 619760 nicholas.moore@jpress.co.uk and www.thametoday.co.uk are the contact details I`ve copied from the last edition LindaT helper
Hi, further to your posting, Holly, it might be worth putting an ad in the Oxford Mail too. This paper is read by a lot of people in and around Watlington and covers areas west and north-west of Watlington. Yes, as you say, dogs can travel a long way. Always working on the assumption the more people see his picture, the better. I mentioned local radio before, but you may have done that already. We feel for you and I thought I would just say that just because there aren't many postings on this site at the moment, it doesn't mean that a lot of us aren't still out there looking. Never give up... Last edited: 2012-01-25 21:27:27 by Annie

is it worth sending an email to the highways department at milton common as they patrol that stretch of road all the time. Also have you asked the secondary school at watlington if they could put a poster up? I really can not think of anything more you can do except for keep asking people to share on facebook as that can very quickly spread to other areas. Really hoping you have a sighting soon. I am constantly checking on gumtree and preloved to see if anything crops up.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone, left food in the spot last night but not touched. Will try to put up a camera. Need to speak to Shareen about that tomorrow. I have now placed an advert in "Countryman's Weekly". It will come out next week. Have also ran advert another week in Buck's Free Press and Buck's County Star starting this Friday. Finally, we have an internet ad on The Henley Standard running this week. We need a clue or info...something. I saw on Dogwatch Alert that a dog was picked up 15 miles from where he went missing a month ago. Frustrating. Are there any other ideas?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi Everyone, we still haven't had any confirmed sightings for Quigley. But, we did get a mention of a glimpse of a white dog with a prominent tail out of the corner of someone's eye. The interesting thing is that the spot is off the Ridgeway (where he had last confirmed sighting) right near the M40. The ground slopes up towards the highway and there is lots of rubbish there that must get discarded from passing cars. Since we live in London, we aren't able to get back until this weekend. If anyone is looking for a place to search in the next few days, that might be good. It also would be good if we leave food there. Someone is supposed to do that for us tonight. Will let you know how it goes. But, it wouldn't hurt to do it for a few days if anyone wants to help. Thanks for your continued support. We love Quigley so much, we just want to get him back.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Possible Quigley sighting from this past Monday. We are trying to gather more information and specifics. Near the school in Frieth. Will post more if I find out.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
We were up to the area today and spent most of the time at Cowleeze behind the Wormsley Estate giving out posters to people. We also stopped by the stable but the woman said she hadn't seen anything. We will begin postering more heavily in neighboring areas/villages. Our pet detective and dog walkers will be there to do more of this tomorrow. Thank you everyone for your continued support and help. We couldn't have gotten this far without you. Please do not stop looking for Quigley in the Watlington area. We will continue to come up to the area from London every weekend to look for him. All we need is another sighting to have something to go on. And, we believe we will get one. We won't give up on Quigley until we find him. That is what he deserves since for eight years he stood by us through the birth of two children and our move abroad to London. He makes our family whole.
The only evidence at the stables is rats so far :(
I met several people on West Wickham hill today who had seen the advert or heard the radio so the word is definitely getting out there. Sadly no sightings though...
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks to everyone for continuing to look. We will be out this weekend - covering the ridgeway, Christmas commons, north end etc. We really appreciate everyone's help - please quigley, come back...
Bumping Quigleys page due to press coverage in the Henley Standard Bucks Free Press and the Bucks Star.I really hope it brings some news.

We are trying really hard to find out if this is Quigley at the stables but no evidence so far.
I have just seen your advert in the Henley Standard, it really stands out and hopefully will bring you some good news. Have you ruled out the sighting at the stables? Wishing you every success in finding him,he is so obviously a much loved pet.It might be worth sending posters to Chiltern Equine vets as they cover that area and the vets will be on the road visiting farms and stables all day.
I am really sorry Quigley has not been seen in the last few days but I am sure he will be again - perhaps in this milder spell - he has not been missing for that long. I will keep looking when I am out and about. Keep me posted if there is any thing i can do to help.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I've placed "Missing Dog Large Reward" advertisements in The South Bucks Star (comes out tomorrow) and the Bucks Free Press and Henley Standard (comes out Friday. Hopefully this will generate some more sightings, if not my dog. Thanks again, everyone, for your continued efforts. We will not give up until we find Quigley and we hope you won't either.
Thats brilliant Knally,in that case we will get some posters up there!
It seems to me the logical route he has been taking from Watlington is parralel with the B4009. The Ridgeway is one side of this main road - but on the other side there is a bridleway - it is adjacent to the Blue Cross at Lewknor. From there Quigley could travel Aston Rowant/Crowell/Kingston Blount/Chinnor (possibly Sydenham) then cross fields to Henton/Skittle Green/Bledlow and on to Ilmer only having crossed one road to get to Bar Lane. So entirely possible. To hack a similar route on horseback only took me 4/5 hours as a teenager. Suggest postering all these villages if possible! Contact local stables/pubs/farms. Hope this helps!
I agree with Holly...We have the Bar lane area covered so if the search can take place from P.R back to the A40/M40 area im sure all areas are covered then.Come on Quigley please show yourself.XXXLast edited: 2012-01-17 13:14:56 by Shereen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi - yes, we have put out the food. Unfortunately, the food was not taken last night. Also, while we are hopeful, we are a touch skeptical that it was Quigley feeding at the Bar Lane stables. Nevertheless, i think we should continue looking in the area and get up signs - we have covered the ridgeway up to princes risborough and surrounding footpaths, but could certainly use more. The last sighting before Bar Lane was on the ridgeway between the A40 and M40 from Thursday. It would be good to continue that area as well, back to Watlington. Thank you!! Last edited: 2012-01-18 20:17:53 by Shereen
Was the food put out last night as per email on the 16th?

Has the lady actually seen the dog and photo of Quigley? Some of us are getting totally confused now as to where to go to look. Last edited: 2012-01-18 20:19:15 by Shereen
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to the requested postcodes hp14 and 27.
Thanks Everyone! and Knally for you your local knowledge its very helpfull as I dont know this area well,I was wondering how he could of got to this location (which is confirmed) from the ridgeway! the lady who said shes seen this dog every day since thursday/friday said she will try and get a photo so we can confirm if it is him or not.Last edited: 2012-01-17 10:20:52 by Shereen
There are footpaths from Sandpit Lane Bledlow that cross country to Ilmer... near Longwick. So it is very likely Quigley travelled via this route ending up at Bar Lane - there is a nursery on the Thame road - worth popping in there & putting a poster up - unfortunately I am at work & no access to printer and don't finish until 5 & then need to sort out my 3 dogs or I would be out searching with you. If he is still in the area Sunday can we all get together?
Has anyone postered the Hunt Kennels? This is some way from the Ridgeway. Can someone confirm this is the location? If so then it may be worth postering in nearby Meadle as there is a dog training club there (where the polytunnel is) They may be willing to speak to their members too. Last edited: 2012-01-18 20:37:51 by Shereen
Knally - HP14 has been done as I had an email :)
Walked Lodge Hill on the Ridgeway this morning, no sign of Quigley. Ran out of printer paper so couldn't do posters but passed the word to the few people I met. Will get onto posters tomorrow.
Please send e-mails to all helpers in HP27 postcode area!!! Please confirm location of the stables - I live on the Ridgeway in Risborough and walk on Brush Hill daily. This dog has travelled a long way if it is him who has been sighted. It may also be worth e-mailing helpers in HP14 area too.
Walked the Phoenix Trail this afternoon from Sandpit Lane, Bledlow, in a circular route parallel to Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough through to Horsenden and back along the Phoenix, no sign of stray dogs, and no posters up, unfortunately I didn`t think to print any first as it was a spur of the moment decision between nursing a sick hubby...will do it if I get a chance again this week :-( I am walking at Dog Rescue Tomorrow and Thursday so will look out again at Ibstone end of Wormsley Estate, LindaT helperLast edited: 2012-01-16 19:19:51 by LindaT
Walked the Icknield Way from A40 to Princes Risborough late this afternoon. Unfortunately, no sighting.
Maccabee are aware they were emailed a poster when he first went missing and given one yesterday (the updated one)
Presumably Maccabbee kennels know about him, as it looks like the possible sighting is very close to them?
Looking at the map of the Ridgeway, and where he may be now - it might be worth getting some posters up along the Phoenix trail (especially the Risborough end) which is a very popular route for dog walkers, cyclists etc.Last edited: 2012-01-16 16:28:48 by Ruth
Quigley's Mum and Dad
We put food out in Princes Risborough and it was eaten last night!. But please keep your eyes open. Here is the latest map - http://g.co/maps/xfyv6. Last edited: 2012-01-18 20:21:00 by Shereen
Help for Hounds
Have shared on Facebook x
Can you let me know where the possible sighting in Princes Risborough was (or mark it on the sightings map) - then I can try and walk my dogs around that area.
Hello. Spent all day walking around Cowlease, Shirburn, Christmas Common, Watlington Hill, Ibstone areas with a pocketful of cheese in the hope of sighting Percy, Quigley or Teddy.Sadly no sign - but lots of people up there today and lots of people stopping and looking at the posters. I so admire everyone on this site for all your continous hard work. I will try and go up there again next weekend or whereever the sightings take us. Together we'll get them home. xxxx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi - we have a potential sighting in princes risborough. A women has been feeding a stray dog in her stable for a few days, and thinks it may be quigley - so we are staking the stable out tonight, and will try a trap tomorrow. In meantime, please keep an eye out, particularly on the ridgeway all the back to watlington. Thanks!
I think it is well worth contacting the local radio stations. I have known of a couple of success stories of dogs being found this way. The News Desks at BBC Oxford, which covers a huge area and also Heart Radio. I think his story with an accurate description would get covereage.
Have also shared to my facebook page with a special note that he may have headed along the Ridgeway towards Risborough. I have quite a few friends who walk Chinnor, Risborough area too.
I live in Bledlow Ridge so will try and get posters up in the dog walking areas near or on the Ridgeway at Lodge Hill, Bledlow etc. Unfortunately I might not get a chance to do it until Tuesday morning ... but will try.
I have a trap available but we need to establish a feeding routine to do this...he is still on the move too much for it to be of use right now,if we can keep him in one area it will work.

I really think with there being no sightings today with so many walkers in the area ,it would be advisable to poster from the Ridgeway at Princess Risborough at car parks people use when they walk there just incase hes gone that way,and back to where the last sightings were.ill be out tomorrow ,fingers and paws crossed we have some luck tomorrow.
the next sighting will be huge because he is either headed towards chinnor and thame or hes sneaking around toward north end.Last edited: 2012-01-14 23:09:34 by davidc1988
Thank you. This map works fine now. Can work out tomorrow's route from this. Fingers crossed!
have you thought about humane traps? where about on the map were the corn on the cobs?Last edited: 2012-01-14 22:58:52 by davidc1988
Quigley's Mum and Dad
...Last edited: 2012-02-29 10:18:39 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
Sorry, Holly/Jeff, but the map doesn't open. Apparently it's not a valid file. Could you please try again? Because I must admit, even though I live locally, I have been somewhat confused about which area we're talking about at times, i.e. there are two Hill Roads and two Hill Farms in close proximity to each other. It would be enormously useful to have a more definitive idea of his movements, his latest sighting in particular.Last edited: 2012-01-14 22:05:48 by Annie
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks for the great idea - here is a map of all of the sightings - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/myplaces?hl=en&vpsrc=6&ctz=0&abauth=2e3c513f:n7d0xiJlsbM9KGA5B5xO_SD307A&vps=1&ei=sfART8K1B8-o8AP7ofSOCw&num=10

Thanks to everyone for all of the help - we will be out tomorrow!!
You can create maps to share via Google maps quite easily. (I've created one for the sightings of Poppy 31602 at http://g.co/maps/v26wh)

I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with many of the locations of Quigley's sightings unfortunately, so can't do one properly. But seeing all the points plotted on a map really helps get a feel of their route and could be very useful if you give the link on here so we can all see.Last edited: 2012-01-14 21:05:56 by NickyJ
by the way, ill be walking the dog again tomorrow. I not that familliar with the area (only usually keep to watlington hill but I walking down the ridgeway today). Could you possible do a map marking all the sightings/dates etc so I can see where I should be walking. Then ill do a long route through where he has been.
I was walking my dog in the area around 10-12 (whippet with a caoflauge coat). On watlington hill a dog sized animal ran out in front of me about 150m ahead but i only saw it out of the corner of my eye. I went up to see if anyone was up there with their dogs but there wasnt. The colours I rembered were white and orange so I initially thought fox but it seemed a bit bigger than a fox and ive never seen any foxes up there. looking at the pics I see quigley has "orange" patches on his face. Didnt see it properly so couldnt say exactly what it was.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
We were out all day today. I sat in his last sighting spot where he played with the other dog on Thursday at 4pm on the Ridgway behind Aston Nature Reserve. I sat from noon until 5pm with bacon and left a trail back to the woman's house with the dog he played with. Jeff did more postering and walking. We will be back tomorrow at dawn. Any other news?
Im walking my dog up near watlington hill tomorrow so I will keep an eye out. Good luck
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi - no sightings today... But hopefully tomorrow with more people out... I think the key area to focus is the ridgeway, from watlington to the a40, and the woods over towards Ibstone, including cowleaze. I think he must have travelled from Ibstone through cowleaze, down hill to the ridgeway. So, I'm going to concentrate in that area. It would be good also to hit shirburn and short ridge woods, and other areas north of north end. Thanks!
I live near Lewknor.. and visit Cowleaze woods daily will keep my eye open for him
Just back from walking up and down ridgeway - finished off back around where Quigley was sighted yesterday but sad to say no sightings. Have there been any sightings today? Happy to help over weekend - just let me know where.
Walked 2.20 to 4.10 with binoculars between Kingston Grove ( near Kingston Blount ) along Ridgeway Bridleway to Hill Road Lewknor, then along Hill Rd to B4009 and back to my car via Aston Rowant and the bridleway behind the hunting yard to the ridgeway again. Saw a lady from Lewknor walking her dog who was keeping a look-out and a couple of other walkers and mentioned the 3 lost dogs in this area to them. Sorry we didn`t get reverse luck for Friday 13th and spot all of these babes :-( Will keep looking here and at Stokenchurch/Ibstone next week but hope the search will bear fruit before then, fingers X`d LindaT helper Last edited: 2012-01-13 17:28:54 by LindaT
I do hope all the sightings were correct - Just thought I would mention it in case the areas did not seem to tie up. Really hoping for good news soon.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks very much for everyone's continued support. The sighting on the ridgeway between the M40 and A40 is a confirmed sighting. Quigley played with a few other dogs for about twenty minutes, and then ran off. For those out today, i think the key focus should be the ridgeway, from Watlington to the A40, and the area from ridgeway over the hills towards ibstone, per LP's suggestion, which would cover cowleze and reed woods. Please note that it appears that his collar is now off. I think the best bet is to coax him with food, and they to get him engage if you have a dog. Very slow movements towards him.
I am still hopeful this was Quigley - since he was seen a short while later in the same area by another dog walker, this time on his own
Just one comment on the sighting with the JRT- there are some people near me who do have a dog that looks very similar to Quigley except he does not have black/brown on his face and they do walk him off the lead with a jack russell. Now I have no idea where they walk them all the time but he does look a bit like a pointer / spaniel cross and from a distance he definitely would look similar. Just to say that this sighting very possibly may not be quigley ?
Now that he is in the vacinity of Lewknor just to say there are two Hill Roads - One running up from Watlington to christmas common and the 2nd closer to where he was spotted today runs up the hill from from Lewknor to Cowsleaze Woods - upto Hill Farm it is tarmac and then the road is unmade. Fingers crossed for more sightings tomorrow.

Last edited: 2012-01-13 00:04:06 by LP
>>> I will give you steak for dinner every night for the rest of your life! He might well hold you to that!! You're right the Northend end of Wormsley is no distance to where he is now. I walked that way today, but no luck. I do hope tomorrow brings him in to closer proximity. If not, have you considered a Search & Rescue Dog to track his scent?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Frustrating, Quigley!!! So close!!! The woman who saw him said he is no longer wearing his red collar. Also, it could make sense that he is staying/passing through the Northen end of the Wormsley Estate. If you look on a map, this area isn't very far. I wonder if he did get flushed out today? Fingers crossed, at the very least, for more sightings tomorrow if we don't get him. At least maybe we can hone in on his definite area. Quigley, if you come home I will give you steak for dinner every night for the rest of your life! Come home!
I also forgot to say I bumped into a lady today who said she saw Quigley about 4 days ago onthe left side of Hill Road as your going down the hill ,say,3/4 of the way down running through the woods off the footpath but heading up diagonally towards Christmas Common.
The Lambert arms is not far from me ( milton common) I will alert our neighbourhood watch co-ordinator just in case any of my neighbours drive that way to work. Good luck
Sorry I meant to say that I have driven around down to the Lambert Arms pub and the lane directly beside and gave a poster to a lady that lived in the houses she will put up. This is directly across the road (A409) from the field Quigley was in. Tomorrow I will contact the point to point stables which are parallel to the A40. karenLast edited: 2012-01-12 20:37:09 by karen
Tonight Sam and Jeff (The owner) are staying on the ridgeway, James has put some articles that smell of the owner near. It was I gather a definate sighting so posters are going to be placed around this area as the bottom part of this ridgeway will go up onto the top of the Aston Rowant Nature Reserve which links opposite Christmas Common. One of the owners of a property on the A40 and the ridgeway is putting food out in her garden and leaving the dog flap open. Quigley was apparently playing with another ladies dog and came to her little girl they own the farm opposite the the English Heritage and will look out, also the land owner farmer that has the land around will also look out. As said earlier the Blue Cross have details of Quigley. Karen
The 3.30 sighting (The one Jayne HO phoned in to me) wasnt 100% it was him but the lady had said it looked like him,there were two dogs running along the road,one a JRT and the one that looked like Quigley.the JRT ran into a driveway and the other dog jumped through a hedge into a field,its possible it could be him given where he was at 4pm and the fact hes beginning to play with dogs now...great sign because at least hes aproaching people now.no futher news from the Ridgeway tonight.Last edited: 2012-01-12 20:24:15 by Shereen
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
OMG Quigley...had another sighting phoned in earlier which I passed on to co ordinator Shereen....Guess where she was? on the ridgeway...above and beyond Shereen....Come on Quigley...we are all willing you home...
Quigley's Mum and Dad
QUIGLEY JUST SIGHTED!!! Definitely him according to source. He was on the ridgeway between the m40 and English Nature. He was playing with a woman's dog and ran when she tried to catch him. He was by a footpath and the edge of the wood. This happened today at 4:00pm
keep checking in - hoping for good news.
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
have everything crossed for you xxx
Go for it guys, we have all paws, fingers and legs crossed here. Good luck, time to go home Quigley. xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Go for it team Quiqley...
Anyone who can be available tomorrow to meet at the fox and hounds pub @9-9.20 we need as many people as poss to cover any roads exiting Wormsley area so we can try and get every road /track covered pls as we think the shoot may well flush Quigley out and we want to avoid him getting out of the area and ultimately catch him.See you there,Fingers and paws crossed tomorrow will be Quigleys day!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
FYI the pheasant shoot is from 9:30 to 3:30 and we are really hoping we find him tomorrow since this will be going on.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
No fresh sightings today. But, we did find out about 3 new sighting last Tues and Wed in Ibstone Commons. So, it is still very possible that he is on the Wormsley Estate since they boarder Ibstone. Tomorrow there will be a huge pheasant shoot on the entire estate. All gameskeepers and staff have been alerted to Quigley's possible presence. We are hoping to surround the estate by stationing people at points around it so that if he gets scared and runs off then we get him or at least get more sightings. We are having a MEETUP at 9:00am in the CARPARK of FOX AND HOUNDS PUB AT CHRISTMAS COMMONS to give people their station points. We will regroup and meet there again at 1:00pm. If you are able at any point to attend then please do and we will give you a cover point. If you would like to help but can't attend the meeting then please call Jeff on his cell 07788410617 for a cover point. Thank you all, again. And, we will get those footpaths postered tomorrow. Thanks, Linda for the info.
Stokenchurch Dog Rescue are well aware and have got posters. I thought they might, just thought I'd double-check.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks Annie - i'm not sure if we have stopped by Stokenchurch Dog Rescue - it would be great if you could do it - thx!
That's great. Has anyone given a poster to Stokenchurch Dog Rescue? Now that he's been sighted in Ibstone, that's of course their area. If not, I'm happy to do it?
The Blue Cross Centre at Lewknor have agreed to take details and a poster of Quigley and of Percy and Teddy will sort out.Karen
Have been round the Ibstone Turville North End circuit twice a day and have not had sightings but will go out and look more on the Ibstone side. Karen
I think LindaT means junction 5 - the Stokenchurch exit
I saw nothing on the Ibstone Edge of the estate yesterday morning and will be there again Thursday although I only walk the edge, however I didn`t see any posters up along any of the many footpaths that run down through the woods ( paths S1 and L19 and L23 I think they are ( not positive ), but as I walk with rescue dogs I can`t poster at the same time. The access area is near Junct. 6 of the M40 towards Ibstone where there is a thatched lodge house into the estate, also back near the M40 behind the industrial estate the footpath leads into the estate into different directions. LindaT helper
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks again for everyones help.  I think concentrating on the area around the wormsley estate is the focus now.   If people are in the area, please keep an eye out in north end,  ibstone and Turville as well.  There is a big shoot on Thursday at wormsley, so he may run, so would be good for us to coordinate on Thursday so we can cover his exit points, assuming he is on the estate.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
On Friday he was seen near Ibstone common, and then just inside the gate near reed farm.
Further to the last posting, is it possible to to confirm WHERE he was seen near Ibstone on the second sighting? From within Wormsley Estate ? On the lanes? Heading east? North? Would hugely help to know that.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
confirmed sighting from Friday night but significantly relevant as it was in the Wormsely Estate area. A worker tried to coax him for a while but Quigley ultimately ran when he got close. I need some better clarification on this but I think he was spotted in two places on the estate, near the entry gate and also heading toward Ibstone. Sam? Is that correct?
Also, I've just sent over a poster and e-mail to Turville Valley Stud.
OK, for clarification, the person who saw him in 'the cut' on the 8th is a different person to the one who saw him on Monday with the sheep. The Monday sighting with the sheep was in that general area but the exact location is currently uncertain and being checked. The Wormsley area does seem to be the main focus of his activity though
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Jeff and I are looking at a raw hide right now and there is blood on the end of it. In fact his gums to bleed when he chews things. Don't know if I'm overly excited but he also loves to hide rawhides. Our vet contacted his communicator who helped find his cat and said she sees him eating sheep pellets and being around sheep. I do believe the farmer that saw him yesterday said he also saw him herding his sheep on Monday. Can we confirm which farm this was? Holly
Tomorrow I will ask the staff at Stokenchurch Dog Rescue to ask the volunteer dog walkers to keep a look out as a lot of them do walk towards Cowleaze Wood and Wormsley Estate between 10.30 and 12.30 each day. Rescue are aware of all the missing dogs. LindaT helper
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks so much for everyone's continued efforts. I'll be back tomorrow am - will go predawn and camp out around the site he was last seen, and then search in the area - have also alerted the wormsley estate who are also searching. We will find him... Jeff / Holly
Have spent this afternoon and evening out again at Turville to the windmill and spoke to the stables next to the bull and butcher pub who will look out and have cctv installed, I then came back through Turville and stopped at the top of the hill before north end and back to watlington and cowleze woods no sightings unfortunately.
You so do deserve to have a sucess with this search. I was thinking today what would attract my dog if he was lost and funnily enough I thought of sardines - he loves those and also cheese (he can smell that from anywhere in the house). Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Ive just got back from last sighting spot i sat in the woods for an hour and a half just away from quigleys blanket with some food close to it,but all was quiet.I then walked up the hill and found some very interesting things which I think are to do with Quigley! first I found dog poo but with rabbit fur in it,it was quite yellow but wasnt fox or badger,definitely dog! then a bit further up I found a tree with corn cobs that had been eaten and stashed by the stump they had been eaten and had traces of blood on them exactly like when a dog would eat a bone,about 8-10 altogether! this is VERY close to the poo,then as you go up the hill it gets much colder and windy and didnt find anything but on the way down again I found a perfect shelter I couldnt see any evidence of him having slept there but its very sheltered.Ill be up there again in the morning and see if anything has changed,if id of thought id of taken photos...silly me but will do tomorrow!I left mackerel near his blanket.but tomorrow im going to put it near the corn cobs.

LindaT ive txt you.Last edited: 2012-01-09 15:55:20 by Shereen
After being at Cowleze I went around the ridge at Watlington Hill and then drove around North End;Turville Heath and Turville back around the Wormsley Est. and Back to North End and Cowleze. No sightings of any of the three dogs but have spoken to forestry workers at Cowleze; they did tell me that they will remove posters on trees if found to have metal pins in, so tape is best. I will go out again later tonight.
Shereen, can you text me your mobile number as I`ve lost it again ( new phone ) and your home phone won`t take a msg. I am walking at Stokenchurch Dog Rescue again tomorrow and Thursday and tend to walk into the Wormsley Estate during two walks at the Ibstone End, just in case I spot anything I can ring you. I have noted down owners numbers already, Thanks, LindaT helper p.s. you may have my home phone number as we spoke before Christmas, ex directory so won`t post it here, thanks :-) Linda ( helper )Last edited: 2012-01-09 11:53:25 by LindaT
Just a thought- probably already been done but are there many riding stables/livery yards around here, as riders have a better view while using the bridleways in this area and also would cover more ground than anyone on foot? I'm afraid I'm not close enough to walk this area more than about once a week but will continue to follow this story and help out when I can.
I've just spent approx 90 mins walking round the area from the car prk at the top of watlington hill, keeping a look out for the 3 missing dogs, but no sign unfortunately.Last edited: 2012-01-09 11:37:31 by sarah.dugdale
I'm shortly out with my two dogs at Cowleze but can help later on, but will go out again tonight around the routes.
Just an update on yesterday's (8th Jan) sighting. A local saw him about 3pm on the east bank of "the cut" on the North End to Turville road almost certainly running into the Wormsley Estate. There's a lot of cover and feed for young pheasants round there and it's pretty much where he was on Monday afternoon so it's pretty certain he's beginning to get a real feel for his "territory" and what's where - which at least means he hasn't left the area. I was there by 3.30, as were quite a few people in a ring and the estate staff were also involved but no further sighting. I did find the remnants of a pigeon, a little too neat to be fox but also perhaps a little too efficient for Quigs this soon... who knows... I now can't get back til Wed but another friend with tracking experience is in the area today, plus my assistant and two local who know Quigs so thank you all so much for your help so far and hopefully we'll have more sightings to zero in on his favourite spots... thanks again!
I was in the same area between 7-8 id just like to say Thank You to everyone who is going out as much as they are!!! im hoping between us we should get some more sightings!Last edited: 2012-01-08 23:30:37 by Shereen
Have been out tonight from 6-8p.m. at Cowleze woods, Watlington hill and Christmas common back to North end and Turville Heath and Turville, Fingest and Ibstone looking for the three, I can do the same as regularly at Cowleze with the dogs Karen
yes between north end and Turville
Is there more precise information about this sighting? Was this between North End and Turville or between Northend and Turville Heath?
another sighting between North End and Turville owners ther now ,ive not long been back from the area long and cant get there right now but will go back over there about 7pm
Good luck and be caught Quigley!.XLast edited: 2012-01-08 17:28:35 by Shereen
I too have just been out. Walked with my dog from Northend to Chrismas Common, then through Watlington Park and across country and back up alongside Watlington Hill and back to Northend. I'm afraid no sign. Lots os posters, which is great. Has anyone thought of phoning the owners/manager of Watlington Park itself?
Have just driven round area from Henley, Stonor, Turville Heath , Northend, Christmas Common and walked from Watlington Hill car park. Unfortunately no sighting of any of them but did see plenty of posters. There was a dumped bag of rubbish in the shrubs at Watlington Hill that had been ripped open by something looking for food, but it could just have been a fox. Hope they are all home soon.
Good luck everyone x
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thanks so much for everyone's help today. He is still out there and we will find him. I think there are three key areas to focus on (1) watlington hill and paths around it where he was originally lost, (2) Christmas commons / north end where he was spotted several times, and (3) ridgeway past lys mill (spotted on friday). I'm going at dawn back go north end and will cover area between north end, holland ridge and nettle bed. Then will cross over to watlington park, and try to make it down to Howe. It would be great if someone can go back to the hill, and make sure the paths around it are covered - including the valleys around it. Also, if someone is out can go down to lys mill, search the woodlands around it, and then out the ridgeway. Finally, if someone is in a car, would be good to cover the towns on the other side of the ridgeway and britwell hill, such as benson, berrick salome, etc. Thanks again - our kids will be out helping tomorrow (3 and 6!).
Quigley's Mum & Dad
Such a shame about today. We covered the ridgeway from m40 to watlington hill, then diverted into forest area just before watlington hill....thats where I spotted the GSD. Then we went up the ridgeway near Lys mill, and britwell. Also covered up britwell hill.
If not already done so, the woodland behind Lys farm should be covered. Think it is private. He could have retreated in there. Please lets hops for another sighting!! Heart skips a beat each time the phone rings! James
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
sorry you had no luck today but good luck for tomorrow !!! x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done everyone...
Such a shame,such a vast area covered....it was warm today I think he could of been sleeping??
Will also be out again tomorrow.Stay safe Quigley .XXXLast edited: 2012-01-07 18:30:35 by Shereen
really sorry you were not sucessful today . but lets hope the flyers may result in a phone call if he is spotted again.
Just been out again this time round Shirburn hill. Happy to have another go tomorrow. Can be out midday onwards. Let us know if any area to cover in particular versus where others searching
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I would like to say thanks to everyone for today. I wish we had found him. But, I'm still hopeful and will be back tomorrow at Dawn to look some more and to post flyers. Thanks.
I'm too far away to help but wishing you lots of luck for today.
Stay safe Quigley until you are safely caught. xx
Still being circulated on twitter.
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
i am up in yorkshire so sadly too far away to help but i have been following Quigleys page and willing him to be found ! Good luck for today ! x
Good luck today, will log in later and hope for some happy news.xx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I meant the carpark on Hill Road at Watlington Hill just up the road from Christmas Commons. Does this make sense. That is where he was originally lost. Please call me if you are still unclear. 07770751631. Also, this will be a helecopter led search with my husband in the air. So, as many volunteers as possible on the ground that time which we will station at 10:15 in various areas is best. Then if he is seen from the copter, Jeff will text us and we will go to the sighting spot. Please bring cell phones and give me your numbers at the 10:15 meet. Anyone who can make it would be awesome. Godspeed to Quigley.
What about contacting a local microlight club,
many years back an owner was allowed to go up
with the pilot. Worth a try.
There is a bit of confusion as to where the meet site is hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com do you mean Christmas common ?
unfortunately I can not get there in the morning - but will keep checking in during the day in case there is news. Hopefully my friend will have spread the news in the pub tonight as well.
I can't get there tomorrow but if he isn't found, I can help on Sunday afternoon if needed. x
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I would like to propose a meeting before the helecopter search if that is possible. 10:15am at the Car Park on the hill, Waltington Park. I have 200 flyers printed out to distribute to all of you. I will also have meat to give you in case you see him. I will also have some of his heavily scented items. Finally, we can discuss a game plan for the search. If you can make it, great. Thank you everyone. You have all been amazing. Let me know if this works. Hopefully we get him tomorrow.
LP...could you call me pls?..ive gone and lost your number!
just got back from this afternoons search....swyncome,britwell salome,lysmill ridgeway covered several times,we need to extend them posters now as we havnt had sightings since this morning...ill be out all day tomorrow looking just hope we have more sightings so we know where and which direction he went...I could really do with more posters if anyone has them????(My printer not working!)Last edited: 2012-01-06 18:58:03 by Shereen
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Bumped due to todays sightings....
I have re-linked on my facebook page as some of my friends work in Watlington school.Also I have spoken to someone who is going to ask all his dog walking friends in watlington to help by keeping their eyes open. Really hoping you have some luck soon.
If you get hold of these people they may beable to advise you or even do this themselves???

we posted at exactly the same time hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com please check out the link below...ive just spoken to you but will call you later.X
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Quigley spotted again today at 9:00am on the lane going towards Lys Mill. He has traveled significantly since yesterday. What about getting a helicopter? Any ideas on how I could do that? I'm getting desperate.
This is SECTION 4 of the ridgeway map


but im taking a chance that he turned left onto the ridgeway and not rightLast edited: 2012-01-06 12:37:09 by Shereen
There was a sighting of quigley at lys Mill nr watlington running up the lys mill road towards the ridgeway...owner aware...im going there now but will be entering the ridgway from the britwell salome side.Ill put posters up there too.
Was out today round North End and Christmas Common no sighting but good to hear he is still in the vacinity. Can't look tomorrow but can be back out on Saturday. Fingers crossed he is found tomorrow otherwise is there anywhere you want us to focus search on Saturday so we can have a concerted effort and have a real good coverage of the area?
Now we have the area hes staying in thats exactly what owners are doing tomorrom am.
Have you tried leaving his blankets, toys and also anything with your scent on (clothes etc) around the areas where he has been sighted. He may pick up the scent and go back to them. Please don't give up hope I have put the details on facebook and a couple of other sites.
Bumped due to todays sighting
Not long been back from the area...we have a triangle forming...which is good as Quigley is staying in the area,I have advised owner re scenting which he will choose his spot in the morning,lets hope another sighting comes in before then..took a walk in the woods where he was seen last night then drove the area till after dark,Come on Quigley,show yourself again!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Out again all day. Sighting this morning by Zoe, the woman who owns the farm on Holland Ridge Lane. Saw black and White dog limping. He ran away.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Hi. I've been walking the area since dawn and spoke to lots of people. There were a number of sightings on Monday afternoon - on north end and around the fox and hounds pub on nettle bed Henley. There was a possible sighting last night in the woods up a bit and behind the pub. Will continue to search in that area. Please keep your eyes open!! Thanks to everyone for being so helpful.
Have put Quigley on twitter + will circulate.
Thank for everyone who's been out today and all the locals who've been passing the word. I also spoke with a couple of courier drivers who are in the area every day and a local landowner who has faxed the poster to several of his friends who own large estates and they're all going to put them up in the estate offices and rec rooms etc.
Shereen, I sent the microchip number to admin this morning along with the other pics, and Quigs is not tattooed. Thank you so much for coming out for us today. Your calm and confident advice really helped us panic a little less and get on with the hunt. I'll be back tomorrow as well.
Thanks Angus! the photo is much better and will show much better on the posters when they are out there!
Quigley's Mum and Dad
thanks very much!! landline and mobile is great. We will be in the area tomorrow looking for Quigley, so any leads would be appreciated.
new image of Quigley added - this shows his colouring much better
Have updated page details - do you want the land line remaining or removing ?
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Thank you Shereen. Some of the info in this listing needs to be updated. Can you add his correct name, "Quigley" and my phone number 07770751631. Also important, his is microchipped. Thank you so much
Reward added to poster...we wont give up hollyrizzuto@yahoo.com.XLast edited: 2012-01-04 19:17:31 by Shereen
Quigley's Mum and Dad
My husband has been out there all day looking. I want to thank everyone for trying so hard to find him. Please don't give up looking and praying. Please let people know we will offer a reward. Thank you.
LP I think I flagged down the same Postman!!...we gave him a poster..we probably passed each other!!,There have been 4-5 of us in the area today including yourself at times up to 7 I saw nothing either ,Im hoping hes sticking to the classic 'Triangle' and should at times end up close to where he was lost...we just have to be in the right place at the right time!!...plenty of posters up already ,we just need to cover the area including footpath entrances and road junctions especially.I went to the Bull and Butcher pub to make them aware as alot of locals go in there.I will be back there tomorrow and surrounding area.Thanks for helping LP.Ive had the offer of use of a dog trap if needed,we just need more sightings first though.
Hi Shereen Following my tel call to you this morning just got back from the North End/Turville area. Good to see the posters are up already. Walked round the woods between Christmas Common and North End no sighting so far but will keep trying. Asked Post man in Turville who covers area including Stoner and that way - hadn't seen him but said he would look out for him - advised him to contact LostDogs of he has a sighting.
If anyone does see Quigley you need to use low
movements, don't use eye contact and a very low but friendly
voice calling.
Actually best not to approach but to try to call him to you and put on here where seen and where heading if you can't get hold of him. He's 100% non aggressive but can be very easily spooked. I'll be in the area all day today and checking in regularly
Quigley's Mum and Dad
Approach quigley with food. he will do anything for food.
Quigley's Mum and Dad
I am Quigley's owner. He is microchipped. My husband is flying in overnight and will land at Heathrow in the morning and drive to the area. He should arrive in the late morning. His cell number is 07788410617. Please call or text him with any info. Also, even though I am still in New York, you can call or text me at any time at 07770751631. Please continue to look for my baby. I am heartbroken over this. My children will be devistated if he doesn't return. HollyLast edited: 2012-01-04 02:55:37 by Quigley's Mum and Dad
LP which direction was Quig running in? was he going towards or away from the shirburn area?
This is under 3 miles from where he went missing from.Last edited: 2012-01-03 23:39:31 by Shereen
Ive sent owner a txt letting them know of the two sightings.
Wow thank you LP I also had a report of a mostly white dog at north end but the person thought it was a jack russel.I am up in that area tomorrow some time so will look...I will contact carer first thing in the morning to let them know.

Thank you Marshka for posting here..does Quig like squeaky toys? Last edited: 2012-01-04 01:28:26 by Shereen
Saw Quigs on Monday 2/1/12 at about 3.45pm running along road in North End. Was very nervous, looked lost, and ran off when we tried to approach him to check his pink collar for the contact tag. Was hoping he was local and would find his way home but have been concerned all day. Hope you find him soon
Have posted on my face book as I live very locally. Do we know exactly where the dog went missing and whether there are any suspicious circumstances?
I look after Quigs in London where he lives. He is microchipped but not tattooed. The chip is a US one but should be scannable with most UK readers and is re-registered to a London vet who has full contact details for owner and responsible representatives. Quigs can be shy with strangers especially men but lives with young children and is very fond of them and likely approach anyone with a pushchair to say hello. He is a very special dog and much loved by his family who are flying back from the US.
Shared on Doglost Oxfordshire Facebook page


also my personal one...
Owner out of the country at the moment but is aware...no sightings so far I have emailed and spoken to local holding kennels but no news so far,with the weather the way it has been today makes me think hes been holed up somewhere but have alerted all my local contacts.posters are going up ,vets etc contacted,He went missing from a very secure place but possibly sneaked out...just looking at google earth to see the way the land lies...have discussed a number of possible scenarios with carer...Stay safe Quig until you can be found.x
Thanks Jan.X
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Photo cropped and reloaded to bring him closer. x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx...alerts emailed to helpers in OX9,10,39,44,49. HP14. RG9.
Ive just put a better photo on Jayne Ready for Alerts thanks
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Can someone enlarge poster photo please...tx
been in contact with owner and sending email advice right now...also adding photo for posters and alertsLast edited: 2012-01-10 15:10:17 by Angus
Sorry to see that QUIGLEY MISSING EIGHT YEARS is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
  • A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (35889)
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
  • Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
  • DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk

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