Reunited: Tri-coloured Jack Russell Terrier Female

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  • Dog ID 35447
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 19 Dec 2011
  • Name
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Tri-coloured
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Found 15 Dec 2011
  • Where Found Burns Road, Daventry
  • Found In Region Central
  • Date Reunited 29 Dec 2011
  • Other Info Pink collar very tiny JRT in season.
  • Listed By JD
  • Views 1185
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Pawprints Dog RescueJD
Sent into rescue from pound x
Sad but yes, a new home is probably best for this little one if current owner is struggling financially. Glad someone has offered to take her. xxx
I'm sorry the present owner has not followed up via facebook - but not knowing the circumstances, it may be better for the little one to be rehomed - perhaps the owner is relieved that there is a home waiting.
Pawprints Dog RescueJD
Hi everyone, despite contacting owner via facebook on private message offering to help pay for fees - she has not come back to me. I have "friends of friends" in common and have asked that she contact me but sadly, she has not contacted. There is a tag on this girl with a home on standby for her which owner is aware of. I am not entirely sure that she wants to be reunited x
Julie B
This is just so sad. I hope that there is some way that the little dog can be reunited with its owner. x
How much are the council fees?
I'm with you here Neighbark. x
J.D. how much are the council demanding? Have u any idea that if someone 'lent' the owner the money, whether they would pay the money back?
...Also, would the council have had the dog chipped?Last edited: 2011-12-19 19:04:09 by Neighbark
I've heard of this kind of thing, payment in full up front.I'm editing my post as I know which council it is now xLast edited: 2011-12-19 18:52:37 by reggiemollieros
Pawprints Dog RescueJD
Hi Ashmark, the number is mine and I am hoping to get pic tomorrow. However, I have received information on the owner and it looks like she cannot afford to pay the kennel/council fine fees to get the dog back. She does have until Thursday to pay before dog will be rehomed. I find this so sad as many people are strapped for cash this side of Christmas (and beyond) and despite her pleading with the council, they will not allow her time to pay. Wonder how many others are in this situation which then has a knock on effect to the rescues who are having to shut their doors as they are all full. So sad.
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