Rainbow Bridge: Chocolate Labrador Retriever Male

  • Dog ID 33612
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 20 Oct 2011
  • Name PERCY
  • Gender & Breed Male Labrador Retriever
  • Age Adult
  • Colour chocolate
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 19 Oct 2011
  • Where Lost Highmoor,Henley on Thames.
  • Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Lost In Post Area RG9
  • Found In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Found In Post Area RG9
  • Date Reunited 21 Feb 2012
  • Other Info ** STILL MISSING ** 2 years old. Escaped from home with 3 other dogs later found. One had been maliciously shot in the face close range and the other two had soft tissue trauma like being hit by a car or kicked hard. Percy who is wearing a blue collar has BEEN SIGHTED in the NETTLEBED and CHRISTMAS COMMON AREAS. ** HE IS VERY NERVOUS ** if SIGHTED PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO CATCH HIM but RING A NUMBER BELOW. He is MICROCHIPPED. Please look out for him. If picked up he should be reported to the Council Do
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 28957
  • PERCYPoster Image
  • PERCYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Jansus, please will you contact me ..... fiona@widespec.co.ukLast edited: 2012-04-03 12:49:06 by Flossy
i am truely sorry to hear this sad outcome of your poor dogs. i cant imagine what you must be going through. i really do hope these evil people are caught and are punished for what they have done. xx
thanks. I only asked because there were some rumours going around a few weeks ago about a shooting of a dog by someone on that estate. Again I am so sorry about the loss of Percy and the awful circumstances. Jan
What an extremley sad story, I don't think I will ever understand the evil who live among us. Can't begin to imagine how you would get over a tradegy like this :( RIP dear percy xxx
Jansus, the Estate where Percy was found was the Nettlebed Estate in Oxfordshire.Last edited: 2012-03-12 07:10:37 by Flossy
No jansus it wasnt.
So sorry to hear this.Words fail me.

Can I just ask who owns the estate where he was found?
It was not the Getty estate was it?Last edited: 2012-03-10 13:38:53 by jansus
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
I am so very sorry to read this. I wonder why the witness didn't go to the police straight away?? It would have saved Percy's owners from their endless searching and may have resulted in the evil b******s who did this being caught already. RIP darling Percy, noone can hurt you now xx
i am so very very sorry to read about percy,sleep tight little man,, there just are no words, my thoughts are with you all x
Words cannot express how I feel about this. I just hope that justic will be done, not only for Percy but for his wonderful brave owners and family. Very much in my thoughts. Carole
Ive not commented on Percy's thread before but followed his story, my heart goes out to you, as dog lovers we will never understand what goes on in the heads of others to cause so much pain and hurt to defenceless animals, I hope they are caught soon it does not bare thinking about what other 'kicks' these scum would get.

RIP dear Percy, you are safe now at home with your loving family xx
These pieces of sadistic scum must be caught and if I had my way I would do the same to them. Justice must be done for Percy.
i find it very sad that these heartless people than gain pleasure from shooting have never felt the love of an animal,they must be very lacking in their lifes that this is how they gain pleasure, what sad and soleless individuals, i am so glad that i am not in their head.my heart goes out to you i cannot think of the hurt and anger you must be feeling, i hope the people responsible also one day feel the same hurt however i am afraid i dont think they are capable of feel anything. at least now you have closure,give your other dogs a big hug and cuddle from me. xx Last edited: 2012-03-09 09:14:27 by rottie
I am reading this the day after my beloved 16 year old Westie cross died suddenly but oh so peacefully in my arms at home. I am grieving for his loss but after reading your posts I am grieving too for you and your family. I cannot comprehend the minds these scum have - rest assured they will get their punishment, in the next world, if not this. My two black labs are comforting me in my grief as I'm sure your other babies are comforting you. I hope your other dogs fully recover from this and your little boy is okay.
Can barely see through my tears here. The evil scum who committed this act MUST be caught and dealt with as soon as possible. Not just with a fine and a slap on the wrist but ideally put into jail, and the key thrown away. What other crimes might they have committed? I am so very, very sorry for the family that their search for Percy ended this way and can only imagine the heartbreak they are suffering. My thoughts are with them. Run free at the bridge beautiful Percy - no-one can hurt you now xx
I have read and re-read part 1 and part 2 of this update.

To say I'm shocked...is an understatement!

I can't imagine what the owners and the other dogs must have gone through. To do what those murderers did was pure evil, and to put the family through so many torturous months of searching for poor Percy - was sadistic.

I do hope the police can find these men. They must have some idea who they are - not many people would 'fit the bill' .
Lets all hope and pray that justice will prevail, but most of all - I hope the emotional scars will fade and allow this loving family to get as close as possible to a 'normal life' again. God bless you all, and know just how many people are praying and wishing you our good thoughts and our sincere condolensces. Love Nola.x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I'd like to say thank you to Percy's owner for sharing this terrible tragedy with us - it could not have been easy. It also helps to let others know what terrible evil thugs share this world with us. I do not know how you can ever come to terms with something like this, but this owner has to for her family, including her other dogs who have been through an awful time too, and, she has to for Percy. Percy would need his family to get through this and I'm sure he is doing his best to look out for them from up above. I don't think anyone can put into words how they feel about such a despicable act. No matter what happens to these thugs on earth, it will be nothing compared to what they will face when they leave this earth. As far as I'm concerned all these dogs are special angels to go through what they have and these owners have to be rather special too. Look at all the people Percy's story has reached; look at all the love Percy has generated. This is Percy's legacy. God bless you sweetheart and your loving family, forever. You will be together again and this time never, ever, to part! With love, Kim x
If I were to put down in real words what I feel about these so-called human beings then I would be put into moderation. I just simply hope that the police catch these people and are dealt with in the most appropriate manner. I am so very sorry for your loss and share your grief.
Such an awful shame. I do hope the scum who did this are caught and given a sentence to fit the crime.
At least he is home at last. Play happy sweet lad at the Bridge with the warm sunshne on your back and the fresh warm wind in your face.
My thoughts, sympathy and prayers are with Percy`s owners, who have at least been able to lay him to rest near his family. Please remember that your boy is now fully recovered and playing at the bridge, and when the time is right you will be reunited with him in Heaven. Night, night Percy sleep tight. Sending your family loads of comforting hugs and absent healing for their grief. PS As for those so called human beings who are responsible for his death, I hope these cowards are caught and dealt with severley. PS I hope one day they rot in hell.
Jack Russell 4
Run free at the bridge xxx
What a tragic situation. You must be heartbroken. An utterly incomprehensible story. Wishing your other dogs long and happy lives. x
Oh my god. I am just horrified and in tears. How could any human being be so evil. I don't know how you are coping with this awful nightmare. My heart goes out to your all.
I've just read what happened to Percy and I'm stunned. The men that did this need to be strung up. It makes me wonder what else they're capable of, they are not human. My thoughts are with the family. RIP Percy, run free at the bridge.xxx
I hope they catch the excuse of a human being that could do this. Thinking of you. Rest in Peace at home with your family Percy. Good Night God Bless xx
I've just read what happened to Percy. My thoughts go out to and your family, both human and canine. I hope and pray the evil beings that did this are caught and brought to justice. Although whatever that is will not be enough for what they did to an innocent animal. Sleep tight sweet Percy and know that you were loved.
I'm so very sorry and upset to read your update. Why would someone do this? My thoughts are with you as they have been all along. I pray these men are caught. Rest in peace gorgeous boy at home with your family xxx
This is so so awful.....there is no need for this, these 2 men need to be found and dealt with. They could be elsewhere in the country doing the same thing. RIP Percy, at least you have been found and are safe at home now with your family xx

We gained permission from the Estate Office on that day to cross the land and retrieve his body and take Percy home.

This is not the outcome we had been expecting and I am heartbroken, as is the rest of the family, nothing will ever bring our beloved Percy back to us in this life, but we take solace in that we at least had the opportunity to bring him back with us at home to lay him to rest.

Thames Valley Police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the shooting of Percy and have interviewed a witness who saw two men shoot my dogs on the afternoon of the 19th of October. We did not know at this time that Percy had been shot dead. I would appeal to anyone who has any information, however insignificant they may feel it is, to please come forward and speak to the Police. It is law to report the shooting of a dog to the Police within 48 hours.

Lastly I would just like to thank you all so much again for all your kind kind words, and support throughout our quest to find our boy, we did in the end 'Find Percy', albeit not in the way we would have wanted :o(

With all my love
XXXLast edited: 2012-03-08 15:35:13 by Shereen
Words from Percy's Owner..........PART 1

I would like to thank all of you for your support and kind words following the news recently that we had discovered our dear Percy's body.

Percy was our beloved 2 year old Chocolate Labrador, one of 3 puppies from the same litter that we brought into our lives and we love them all dearly. Mo and Louis are doing well, they have grieved and now moving on, getting back to normal, playing in the garden, digging holes and chewing bones!....as Labradors do!

Many of you have asked about Percy's demise and we have been totally devastated since the discovery and I have not really been able to face anyone to talk about it, but as we have had Percy cremated and he is now resting at home again I feel it is time to tell his story.

Percy went missing from home on 19th October 2011, late one afternoon 2 shotgun shots were heard, nothing much was thought about this because the boundary of our home abuts the Nettlebed Estate in Oxfordshire. However on this tragic day Mo returned from the garden in distress, crawling on her belly, we rushed out to find the other dogs in the garden but Zeus the 4 month old puppy had vanished completely, thankfully was later found at a neighbours house having bolted following the gunshots and Louis was found collapsed in the garden trying to crawl back to the house with life threatening gunshot injuries to his head, eyes, mouth, ears and body, but there was no Percy! Louis was rushed to the vets where he was immediately attended to and it was touch and go as to whether he would live, but thankfully with the good care from my veterinary surgery and love from his family and sister Mo, he has recovered to almost full health apart from the 48 shotgun pellets still lodged in his eyes and his body (26 in his head alone!), amazingly he still has full sight, but this is a miracle!

At the time we believed Percy had fled in fright, and since 19th October 2011 we have searched mercilessly with Leo my 6 year old son for him, with the help of Doglost and many other volunteers who have helped and supported me, keeping me positive, campaigning, postering, walking miles and knocking on doors just in hope of a sighting of our beloved Percy, at first there did appear to be sightings, but sadly mistaken identities, we investigated each sighting and qualified and sadly disqualified it.

On Tuesday 21st February 2012 a farm worker ploughing a field on the Nettlebed Estate, Oxforshire discovered the body of a Chocolate Labrador, I took the call and immediately rushed out to see if I could identify the body. The body was badly decomposed and there was no identity collar, so I was certain this could not be my boy. I returned with a team member from Doglost with a microchip scanner, we scanned the body and the microchip confirmed that YES, this was my beloved Percy.............

Percy had been shot with a shotgun, a later post mortem carried out by my veterinary surgery confirmed that Percy died at the time of the shooting, there was no way he could have crawled to this spot which is 2 miles from my home. He had significant gunshot trauma, 'sprayed' internally with 80 pellets alone into his abdomen, this trauma would have caused death almost instantaneously or within a very short time of shooting, and he would have known little or nothing about it. Percy's Identity Collar with Metal Tag and his Active Freedom Fence Collar had been removed and are still missing. His body laid concealed in a large bramble bush in a field on the Nettlebed Estate, only revealed following recent hedge cutting.

Last edited: 2012-03-08 15:34:31 by Shereen
Old Southern White Bulldogs
Oh my word, can't believe it, i drove through Christmas common last night and was talking with my other half about why all the posters had gone - Really sorry to hear this, our thoughts are with you.
So very sorry to hear the news, our thoughts are with you. R.I.P Percy x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thinking of Percy and his family at this very sad time. :(

Run Free at the Bridge and sweet dreams Percy. xxx
I am so saddened to see this, I never gave up looking for him, Dear Percy you are reunited now and running free at Rainbow Bridge rest in peace little man,Karenxx
Just seen this - had been out to look for him on several occasions with Shereen. Gutted. Sleep well, fella x
Jack Russell 4
Run free at the bridge xxx
So sorry Percy didnt make it home. Sleep tight and night night beautifull Percy love from stolen Tays mum xxx
So,so sorry, our thoughts and muddy footprints are with you xx
So sad that percy
has pased away
he will wait at rainbow bridge
for his family
Last edited: 2012-02-22 18:50:22 by Dr.dog
R.I.P Percy
x x x xLast edited: 2012-02-22 18:49:09 by Dr.dog
R.I.P Percy ♥ ♥ ♥Last edited: 2012-02-22 18:46:28 by DogLover
Percy is with with all the dogs at rainbow bridge xxx
I'm gutted to read this. You tried so hard to bring your boy home. He'll be waiting for you - don't ever doubt that. Rest in Peace sweetheart. xxx
So incredibly sad to hear the news. This must have been an absolutely awful experience for both family and dogs from beginning to end. Poor Percy - I was convinced it was just a matter of time and like others my hopes were raised when I saw him in the blue. RIP gorgeous Percy and deepest sympathy to your lovely family who did their very best to get you back. xxx
So very, very sorry to hear the sad news about Percy. RIP beautiful boy xx
I was so excited to see Percy in reunited and then I saw rainbow bridge. I was so convinced he would be ok, I can hardly believe it. My thoughts are with his wonderful owners and helpers. RIP Percy. ((()))
Such tragic news, I am so so terribly sorry for the owners and poor Percy.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
This is absolutely awful. These poor dogs. So very sorry that this has happened to Percy. Reast assured he is now safe and sound and nothing can ever harm him again. Percy has definitey earnt his wings and he will wait whilst you continue to earn yours and then you will bereunited once more, this time FOREVER. God bless Percy and his loved ones, always. x
Oh no - this is just heartbreaking. I am so very, very sorry that dear Percy never made it home. My thoughts are with the family at this dreadfully sad time. Run free at the bridge, beautiful Percy - my two labs Beau and Fergus will be waiting to play xx
This is so sad...we had all hoped for a happy ending. Thinking of you. xx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
I'm so very sorry to read this. My thoughts are with Percy's owners who must be absolutely devasted. You WILL meet again one day. In the meantime my Ozzie will be amongst so many keeping Percy company at Rainbow Bridge xxx
Precious Percy

Beautiful Angel in the Sky
You tried to tell us where you lie
We looked and looked and looked and looked
You kept on saying you were waiting for us
But we just didnt think you were sound asleep.

The day has come at last dear boy
That you can come home but its not filled with joy
But instead tears and sadness BUT gladness at least
Now Percy you can be layed to Rest in Peace♥
we lit a candle for percy tonight.xxx
I feel so so sad for Percy's loving and devoted family who did not stop looking for their gorgeous boy and am so sorry that he did not get home in the way that everyone wanted. Sleep tight beautiful boy and play happily at the bridge until you meet your lovely people again xxx
I am so sorry x
RIP Percy - so sorry to Percy's owners.
I am so sorry for your loss. I regularly checked Percy's page just hoping to see he had got home safely. I don't know what else to say... RIP Percy and run free xxx
I am so so sorry your beautiful boy Percy didn't make it home to his loving family, run free and play with your brother and sister at the bridge little man xx
So sad to read this news, thinking of his family and all those who worked so hard to try and get him back where he belonged xx
I am so very sorry to read this, so upset for Percy and his family :(
Run free Percy, thinking of your family today xx
Quigley's Mum and Dad
My prayers are with you and your family tonight. I am so sorry. I am so sad. Percy was our inspiration. Maybe he will guide Quigley home. Rest in peace, sweet Percy.
So sorry to hear this sad news. I shall be praying and lighting candles for the family of Percy who must be so distraught. Thankfully you have not lost Percy forever and one day when the time is right you will be reunited with him at Rainbow Bridge. He has his health back now and is playing merrily in the sunshine with hbis pals. Night, night, sleep tight Percy; until you meet again. Sending healing thoughts and lots of comforting hugs for thei grief. Remember Percy is only a whisper away and watching over you all. God Blessxxxxxxxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Oh no....so many people helping and gunning for Percy...Shereen you must be gutted as you and all others have put so much time into trying to get Percy home...will call you xxx
So sad to read this, R.I.P Percy..... Run free at the Bridge, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this terrible time XX
Alfies mum
So so sorry to read this RIP Percy x
heart breaking for everyone, my heart goes out to you all.... RIP DEAR PERCY.... run free now percy....
I am so upset to read that Percy did not make it home safe. My thoughts are with his owners at this very sad time. They and lots of helpers have tried so hard to get their boy home. RIP Percy, Run Free xxx
The news none of us wanted to hear. My thoughts are with Percy's owners
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
So very sorry to hear this sad news, run free over Rainbow Bridge sweet Percy. My thoughts are with your family and everybody who tried to get you home xxx
So sorry to read Percy didn't make it home the way everyone wished for. Although it may not give you much comfort, at least you have closure. x
I am so sorry to hear this news. I really feel for the owners as they had done everything they could to get him home. So sad. Jan
Gutted. I am so so sorry to hear the worst news. I was sure he would get home safely. My thoughts are with the family. RIP Percy.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
We all wanted to see Percy reunited but not this way. RIP sweet Percy.
so sorry for the owners at this sad time.x
R.I.P Percy XXX
Last edited: 2012-02-21 15:53:13 by DogLover
I am so very very sorry to hear this heart breaking news. Rest in peace sweetheart Percy you touched many hearts on this site. My thoughts are with all your family. Sleep tight. xxxx
I am so sorry to hear this news. You tried so hard to get your little man home. R.I.P Percy xx
Heart breaking news - feel for the family so much. At peace now gorgeous boy where no harm will come to you. xx
I have just seen the news on his facebook page....so very sad and feel so upset for the family. They know they tried everything to bring him home.
run free gorgeous boy xxxx
Its With sad regret Percys little Body has been recovered today We are all absolutely distraught for this outcome we really thought we would get him home.Time to go home to your brother and sister and family now Dearest Percy we all love you.Run Free in the Sunshine at Rainbow Bridge Sweetheart.XXX
Hoping to get out in the area this weekend. Any updates on the location of the sightings. Thanx.
where have the most recent possible sightings of Percy been? x
There has been a few calls of possible sightings... we have people out still looking and helping the owners(a very lovely couple who are on a mission!!)
Old Southern White Bulldogs Teddy still hasnt been caught : ( Last edited: 2012-02-12 11:48:25 by Shereen
Old Southern White Bulldogs
Was the German Shepherd found that was with Percy?
has there been any news at all on Percy?
awe was soooo hoping it was the Percy I knew bout!!! O well at least 1 wee hound is safe an sound!!!! will share again and start checking dogs for sale etc again lets hope he's home soon poor wee mite xxx
LaurenB Percy is still missing! we did have a Percy registered here(a german shorthaired pointer) that had escaped from the fosterer which was reunited,I saw a couple of posts on Facebook about him ...maybe thats the percy your talking about.The search is still very much on for Percy so if you could share to make people aware he is still missing that would be great.Thanks.
read somewhere that Percy was found not sure if its same dog!!!! any1 know?
with Teddy and Quigley sighted wondered if any more news on Percy? Hope he shows himself very soon x
Sorry Pebbles for not replying until now,did you manage to get through to finders?Percy is microchipped could you find out if the dog was scanned please?
Sorry found on the 13th December 2011, logged onto site on the 14th! xx
Hi, i have just come across a post that may match the description of Percy, the Dog was found on the 14th December in Hadley Wood which is EN4 (its approx. 52 miles from where Percy was lost) could be possible? Chocolate brown Labrador i am logged with the site and can e-mail the finder? Really hope it is Percy obviously do not want to get anyones hopes up just trying to help xx
Thanks Old Southern White Bulldogs could I ask you one thing,please could you avoid putting food down at the moment as we have been doing so for weeks now but just in one spot,as we are trying to get Percy to find it and start taking it,we have also taken his brother and sister to the same spot so is only a matter of time...this way we can put a trap up in a safe area to catch him.Thank you so much for all of your help everyone and pleas ekeep looking because your sightings and help are majorly important!
Old Southern White Bulldogs
Have been out around Christmas Common, Shirburn and watlington Hill this evening. We have left food out in 3 places.
No sighting of Percy, will pop over there again Tuesday and Wednesday to check again. Mr S.
Jade, have you been to see the lady at Woodcote Cottage again, as she would more than likely been the one to have seen Percy again if he was around Christmas Common.
Shereen - Have just read your post, will do, didn't realise that you were doing this. Last edited: 2012-01-16 09:14:54 by Old Southern White Bulldogs
Percy has had a few Dogwatch alerts done,im in touch with the local holding kennels so they send me any possible matches,as we know now this possible english farm sighting was not him but a dog called Chester now registered here on Doglost.so the one over near the ridge way was probably him! there were people (and owners) there tonight but no further news...YET. come on Percy! we all want you home.XXX
Just a thought is Percy on the Dogwatch alert as well? This covers the holding kennels and dog wardens and police in the Thames valley areas. Also it was suggested whilst looking for Quigley mentioning the loss on the Radio's?karen
Hello. Spent all day walking around Cowlease, Shirburn, Christmas Common, Watlington Hill, Ibstone areas with a pocketful of cheese in the hope of sighting Percy, Quigley or Teddy.Sadly no sign - but lots of people up there today and lots of people stopping and looking at the posters. I so admire everyone on this site for all your continous hard work. I will try and go up there again next weekend or whereever the sightings take us. Together we'll get them home. xxxx
Thanks Tiggs thats reallly helpfull im sure the english farm sighting could be him then!ill look into that now.
I have just received a Dogwatch alert about another missing Chocolate lab who disappeared yesterday on a walk between Nuffield and Stoke Row, he is microchipped but does not ssem to be listed on here. As it is a similar area I thought it might be worth posting on here
OOh good luck, hope you find him and his friends and get them all back home xx Fingers crossed xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
OMG! Great news....Shereen you must be exhausted with these 3 dogs giving you the run around for the last month and more...good to konw all 3 owners of these missing dogs are working together...and passing on sightings...
also a possible Percy sighting by Qigleys owners friend who was on horse back.she bumped into someone who possibly saw him with another black and white dog?off the campsite but heading towards stokenchurch...there is a campsite at the bottom of hill road which joins the ridgeway.there are people in the area now.Last edited: 2012-01-15 16:22:53 by Shereen
Do hope this is; have put extra posters out all over cowleze top of the rideway and whilst at Watlington hill posters were put on every car by another person who had linked to facebook it was very busy up there this morning,karen
There has bee a possible sighting of Percy around the English Farm area which is closer to hom,owner out scenting back to home from there now.She cant get hold of the lady who sighted him until 6pm tonight hoping for more info then.
Old Southern White Bulldogs
Hi Jade and everybody, we have been leaving food out for Percy over the last few days in the evenings, Freshly cooked Chicken!.We have left it around the places where we last saw Percy.
I will text you my email address and number over now.
All the best Mr S. Last edited: 2012-01-13 15:04:02 by Old Southern White Bulldogs
Lets Find Percy
We are still out looking for Percy everyday, we know the area he is using so fingers crossed it wont be long now!! :) A BIG THANK YOU to all of you for support through this terrible time! Mr S lost ur numbers but will contact you on here and really hope the next time we update you all on Percy it will to say he has been found safe and sound :)He does have a facebook page 'lets find percy' if you are not already friends with lets find percy please do become friends and share will all. Many Many Thanks Jade xxx
Old Southern White Bulldogs
I'm one of the couple who spotted Percy with the GSD Teddy, we still look out for him when passing through and have a leash with us now in case we see/ spot him ( I have rescued dogs in the past, so would be quite considerate and sensitive if i came across percy ). Teddy's owner contacted me last Saturday morning to tell me that Teddy had been spotted, we have spoken since and have been told that Teddy was seen again as a result of an Air/ Plane search for a Catahoula Dog by the owner. Percy can not be very far, i think that items ( Scarf etc ) from the owner that are scented can be tied to tree's where the last sighting of Percy was, this could draw Percy in and maybe make him visit this marked area regularly if he relates to the scented item from his owner. You have my number Jade, please let me know if there is anything that we can do to help or assist you in anyway. Peace, Mr S.
Still looking for Percy whilst looking for Quigley have taken a poster to the Blue Cross adoption at Lewknor in case he was found Karen
Come on Percy get yourself out in the open with your pals so you can all go home xx
Two choc labs found in Surrey. No other details though. http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=507281
And then there were three! Lol this is turning into a little pack. Must be plenty of food and shelter to keep them there hopefully.So pleased there has been another sighting come on you 3 do yourselves a favour and come home to a nice warm bed. Fingers crossed there are more sightings soon. Xx
Teddy mentioned in a DogWatch update today, and refers to Percy too. Hope this brings more sightings.
Would be convenient if they also hooked up with Quigley and handed themselves in. Last edited: 2012-01-05 22:03:54 by NickyJ
possible sighting today from a lady who was out searching for Quigley,ducked back into woodland to avoid being seen!I was in the same woods at the same time and im sure I heard Teddy bark.Last edited: 2012-01-05 20:19:04 by Shereen
we have our eye on a particular area and believe Percy and Teddy are still together.but no sightings, apart from a possible one two ish weeks ago (which I only heard of today but third hand!!) not quite sure why this sighting wasnt phoned in because there are plenty of posters everywhere!!!...we are searching in the surrounding area of the last sighting though and have had some fantastic help from two really lovely people who are brilliant!!!!! (you know who you are) the search is still very much on for Percy...hopefully we will get another sighting soon.
me too. Any other sightings?
i keep checking to see if there is any news of Percy. x
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Any news?
Any news or further sightings of Percy or Teddy?
It's such a popular area for walkers, especially with the weather mild this week.
Hope for some news soon..
I didnt make it to the bar b q today but owner went and done it...we had left food in two places and in one place it had gone,so some more has been left there.fingers crossed its Percy.X
come on Percy and teddy the games over,time to go home for Christmas xx
had a bar b q in the woods yesterday and will be doing this daily for a while see if we can draw them out!
NickyJ yoou can try any footpaths and keep your eyes peeled either side of the raod going through C.C.Thanks.Last edited: 2011-12-21 10:58:13 by Shereen
Come on Percy & Teddy, show yourselves or even better get yourselves home, please x
Come on Percy - It's time you were home. There was a bit in the Daily Mail today about Percy which will make more people aware of Percy's plight. Keep up the good work Shereen!
I should be over to walk Christmas Common later today and will be looking for Percy and Teddy. Any suggestions for best areas to do?Last edited: 2011-12-20 09:31:07 by NickyJ
Been in the area today,and we are fairly sure its the area Percy has been in all this time,would explain no sightings for so many weeks as the area has nobody in to see him,gamekeeper and security aware and we will be back tomorrow to have a bar b q! and to look for more evidence!
No news today im afraid but thank you to all the lovely people who turned up, we found a couple of interesting spots and we are going to look on the other side where the first sighting was in C.C so easy for access into both woods it all joins so lots of hopefully safe places!
Good luck everyone on your search this afternoon, keeping my fingers crossed.
at least they are not out on their own and have buddied up, too far away to help but hope you get your furbabies home soon xLast edited: 2011-12-17 10:56:08 by Puddies
This is Teddy who Percy was last seen with
Have you seen these dogs???
Just on my way out to look for Percy and Teddy.XLast edited: 2011-12-16 22:04:36 by Shereen
Come on Teddy take Percy to meet your family. It will be wonderful if this happens, keeping everything crossed for both Percy and Teddy to be back home so very, very soon xLast edited: 2011-12-16 19:13:56 by BBKM
Percy appears to of found a companion called Teddy! GSD who he was seen with the other night,She dissapeared with a collie x lab who was wearing a red collar,the sighting the other night was the GSD with choc lab with a blue collar...The collie/lab is home and normally Teddy would return home on her own,but seems she is staying with Percy.Lets just hope she takes him home to her house because she knows the area well,we will be deciding on a time for the search on saturday tomorrow and I will contact all that are interested.Last edited: 2011-12-15 23:05:22 by Shereen
Thanks Glynafon!
Probably not him but felt should mention Male chocolate Lab found Hadley woods London

Wishing you all the luck in the world. Wish I was closer to help but I shall be thinking of you all and the gorgeous Percy. xx
If Percy isnt home by the weekend (which we hope he will be)we would like to meet up with as many people as possible on Saturday for another search.it will be in the Christmas common area,but exact location and time will be confirmed closer to the time.if you show your interest here I will ensure contact will be made with you.Thank You.Last edited: 2011-12-14 20:42:19 by Shereen
Everything crossed here!
i really hope its him.
Nothing last night,owner going over this morning to try and rule out if these could be anybody elses dogs.Last edited: 2011-12-14 09:42:20 by Shereen
BUMP!!!just had a call from someone who is sure they saw Percy just 15 minutes ago...Christmas Common,blue collar,acting very skittish,This time was with a Sable GSD,the person who saw him spoke to a lady who also saw a lab this morning...apparently these dogs are walking around aimlessly.Owner in the area now...will be going over if needed,just waiting for a call.Fingers Crossed!!!!!Last edited: 2011-12-13 20:31:17 by Shereen
No further news at the moment ,Hoping for another sighting soon please Percy.XXX
have been following Percy's story and keep checking back to see if the elusive boy has been caught. I would love to be closer to help but I'm thinking of you all and hope he is found very soon xx
I would just like to say a massive Thank you to those who turned up today for the search. unfortunately no Percy.
....but we will carry on with the scenting and postering next week.Owners still out with bar b q's which were lit before we set off and that is the point we scented to .Last edited: 2011-12-04 19:49:13 by Shereen
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done team Percy...shame about the boards being removed.
Another search will be taking place again at 2pm today...to meet at Stoke Row Green.contact number above if you would like to join us...I will txt those who already know ,this morning.
Makes you wonder if someone doesn`t want to draw attention to Percy...could it be that someone in this area has taken him in? If it`s the roundabout by Sue Ryder home then that`s not a million miles away from Henley.... just a thought!
Well,we had 8 huge boards not on, but near Nettlebed roundabout with huge posters on with 'STILL MISSING PERCY',they were brilliant....somebody has taken them all!!!Ive contacted county council highways and no job has been logged to remove these the last couple of days .The man who deals with this was off today but ill be contacting him on monday just to see if they've been removed.IT IS ILLEGAL TO ADVERTISE ON ROUNDABOUTS SO EVERYBODY BEAR THIS IN MIND.But our boards WERE NOT actually on the roundabout.We really needed these up for the weekend traffic and also any traffic going to the Christmas fair in Henley tonight,So its a mystery at the moment but im sure we will get to the bottom of it.im annoyed because thats two days gone where people could of seen these and they havnt!!!!,Surely if the council took them they could of contacted the numbers on the boards to let us know....it just doesnt make sense!Last edited: 2011-12-02 16:49:59 by Shereen
Thanks Serena,Yvonne and Dionne for today turning up at such short notice....ANOTHER SEARCH BEING PLANNED FOR SUNDAY 2PM....details to follow depending if there are any sightings ...Come on Percy follow that trail home.XXX
Were trying to get some people up together for a search tomorrow at 10am to meet on the green at Stoke Row (The one with the Crooked Billet sign on) please call number above if you would like to join us.Thank You.
No sign of Percy today : ( we were out on foot and then later when it was getting dark in cars lets hope hes heading home.
Thanks Riverlady.xx
Have put Percy + sighting on twitter + will circulate.
I had a report of a lab Very scared in Stoke Row sighted at 4.30,but didnt get told until about 5.30 tonight,because it was dark the colour could not be confirmed if it was black or chocolate but the way this dog was acting would be highly likely to be Percy,he actually hid behind a sign so to avaoid being seen and then just ran,Ive taken a drive around the area but nothing,im sure he will be in the woods,we will be out in the morning scouring the area,this sighting was a mile and a half from the last one I really hope this is Percy it would all make sense.fingers crossed for tomorrow and that hes stayed in the area.Last edited: 2011-11-28 19:40:31 by Shereen
helen n
Keeping everything crossed! Percy will be home soon xxxx
We have been out searching this afternoon until dark for a couple of hours due to a possible sighting called in to owner unfortunately the sighting was 24 hrs old which is a shame but we will be out again tomorrow.this sighting was VERY close to home.I found some brilliant dens which are probably being used by deer but lots of them it was so warm in that area of the woods tonight I hope hes bedding down somewhere there.Last edited: 2011-11-25 19:14:00 by Shereen
Absolutely gutted to hear this dog that was picked up near Ibstone turned out to be a golden retriever pup so back to the drawing board....Ive contacted highways today who deal with the motorways and major trunk roads,they are going back over thier records and will be getting back to me on this,Ive also contacted the South Oxfordshire district coucil who have thier records right back and have found no reports...Ive contacted Grundons Waste Depot in Ewelme as many stray dogs end up there They havnt seen Percy there but were very helpful and will get hold of me strait away if they see him.Im just about to get hold of highwycombe council now to get them to go back over thier records.LindaT nice talking to you the other night,you will see more posters going out again and thanks for your eagle eye.XLast edited: 2011-11-24 15:09:16 by Shereen
Hi Jade. Many thanks for the safe return of the trap and the pressies. It was very kind of you. What with everything that is going on at the moment it must be an awful time for you. We are all routing for you here and willing Percy to see sense and be caught. If only they knew what they do to us! I will keep checking his thread until he's home. Take care and look after yourselves. Mandy
I walked for Stokenchurch Dog Rescue this morning at the M40 Junct. 6 end of Ibstone, behind the industrial estate and into the fields, also at the top of Aston Hill towards the Nature reserve and through the woods in the loop between the A40 and the road to Christmas Common and I didn`t see a single poster anywhere for Percy. Were there any in this area previously? LindaT helperLast edited: 2011-11-22 16:05:08 by LindaT
postered Northend,Southend some of Turvill that hadnt been covered extra ones in Ibstone (including the Church)
Percys family are trying to get the cctv footage I hope they can get it!
Would the petrol station at Stokenchurch be able to look back on their cctv to see if they could get the reg. number of this ladies car, the police or PCSO should then be able to locate her from that info? I guess the report of this lady must have come in from someone at the petrol station? LindaT helper
Vets called...Temple end high wycombe,sprinz+nash princess risborough,Hampden vets Aylesbury,Wendover hights Aylesbury.Last edited: 2011-11-18 17:57:39 by Shereen
Vets called so far...Hall place stokenchurch,Baskerville aston rowant,Crossroads watlington,
Sprinz+Nash chinnor,Crossroads highwycombe,Summerleaze Marlow.....Will call more later when I get home.
Thanks Majorjet for doing the updated posters,postering has already started in ibstone this afternoon,and will be carried on tomorrow,It could be possible this lady may of written the number down incorrectly and thought it was wrong on the poster...just a possibility,Ibstone is so close it must be him,distance and time scales just fit.It wont be long Percy mum is working so hard to get you home...cant wait to see him in the blue either!!!
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Details updated to show up on the poster and photo cropped to bring him closer. Word doc posters created and emailed to Shereen. Everyone is doing a fantastic job in the search for Percy. SIGHTINGS sound really promising. Keeping everything crossed he is found soon and we see him in the BLUE. Good luck Team Percy. xxx
Oh wow, that is really promising news. You might have already done so but How about putting posters through doors in Ibstone? That would explain why there hasn't been any more sightings.
I have everything crossed for you that you get your lovely Percy back very soon. Sounds like you are getting closer and it's only a matter of time. Xxx
helen n
Dear Jade - that is really amazing news. It really must be Percy! There does not appear to be any other missing chocolate labs in the area. This all sounds like too much of a concidence otherwise. The lady had good intentions going to get the number, so there must be a reason she has not called you yet. Are you going to poster in Ibstone? Should we make door to door enquires? I think my neighbour Yvonne left a message for you today - as she would be free to help tomorrow morning. I will be free at weekend. This feels like positive news! Let's hope lovely Percy is safe and waiting to come home very soon! xxx
Lets Find Percy
Thank you so much everyone for all your ongoing support, it means a great deal to us. Helen Thank you for the great ideas we have done an interveiw with BBC radio Berks I am over the next couple of days going to look into other local radio stations and we have had a helicopter up looking! Please keep any suggestions coming xxx
Lets Find Percy
**IMPORTANT** Last Friday 11th November a lady went into the Petrol Station in Stokenchurch, Buckinghamshire, As she had picked up a chocolate lab and had come in to get our number from the poster they had in there. We did not get a call from her! The lady is from Ibstone and said her house keeper/ cleaner was caring for the dog! For those of you who do not know the area Ibstone is VERY close to the last place Percy was seen!!! Ibstone is also a very small place, We need to find this lady ASAP! WAS THIS PERCY?????????? PLEASE PASS THIS ON AND HELP US FIND OUR VERY LOVED MISSED BOY :( XX
helen n
sorry my phone posted the same message twice!Last edited: 2011-11-17 12:55:49 by helen n
helen n
Hi Jade and everyone, put my thinking cap on today and I am sure these methods have been covered but also had a few strange but maybe they will help suggestions - all vets in surrounding areas to put up posters. I can do larkmead in cholsey, oxon. Any police reports from local and surrounding areas? Council road worker reports? Nettlebed post office, poster? I have put a poster with local Crowmarsh beautician and mechanic as people from those areas may travel down to Crowmarsh and my be able to help. Can announcements be made on the local radio stations often? This is the strange idea but you can go on light aircraft or helicopter rides in the area. How about doing this to see if Percy can be spotted in the local fields that go on for acres? Keeping everything crossed for Percy. He will be home soon.Last edited: 2011-11-17 12:56:15 by helen n
Heres the link to the follow up story in the Henley Standard last Friday
Thats brilliant helen n Thank you for doing that.
helen n
Postered down Nuffield Lane today - OX10 6QQ area, 7 miles from Christmas Common, but easy for Percy to stretch over to. A lot of fields and woodland in the area. Someone may have seen him. Last edited: 2011-11-16 20:44:47 by helen n
Thanks Linda,The owners changed location : )Last edited: 2011-11-16 19:14:47 by Shereen
I noticed a day or so ago that the huge double-sided poster hanging on the posts on the A40 just down from Stokenchurch Dog Rescue, opposite the road to Christmas Common has been removed... highways or council perhaps? The verge has recently been cut. LindaT helperLast edited: 2011-11-16 18:44:24 by LindaT
postering futher afield now and will keep doing so until we have another sighting which I hope will be soon,please show yourself Percy but in a safe way.XXX
Thanks Sue ill let Percy's owners know.x
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine. I hope it brings some news.
Time to extend the search area...Stay safe and be brave Percy.XXX
Lets Find Percy
We have been up in the Christmas Common area today and nothing! :( But thank you all for being so kind and caring we are all very positive that we will find Percy, I've just left a voice mail for a pet detective. however if anyone knows a good tracking agency that could help we are open to anything :) xx
Oh this is so awful what has happened to these beautiful dogs...so hope that Percy is found safe and well very soon. Poor baby keep safe xx
Bumped due to a follow up article in the Henley Standard today.
We havnt had any sightings ,but we were up in the woods he was last sighted last night for a huge bar b q.....nothing,owner also went again tonight to do the same thing,until we get another sighting,we are concentrating on this area,hes a dog whos home is in woodland and I think hes sticking to it which is probably why hes not being seen.Keep safe Percy.XXXXLast edited: 2011-11-10 22:17:01 by Shereen
I keep checking Percy's page to see if there is any news. Has there been any more sightings at all? Come on Percy, show yourself again so that you can get back to your loving family. xxx
Shereen, I`m not sure about the wall...that may be the Shirburn Estate, just opposite the Tree Barn at Christmas Common, would be good to inform them,also the Tree Barn along the top road there,they sell Xmas Trees and have a shop and visitors and it may be worth calling in there to inform them too, they have dogs in outside kennels so it may be a good area for a dog to be drawn to? The Getty Estate has lots of entrances and footpaths do cross it, I think one of the Lodge Houses can be accessed by the Sculpture Trail ( as it was ) at Christmas Common, along the track as you look at the car park, it`s on the right, not the house near the road, the drive goes along a hundred yards or so.
owners have been to the area of the last sighting tonight ,but nothing :(
Were going there again late afternoon tomorrow to try a bar b q and see if the smells will lure him...I really hope so.
Thanks Linda T....we getting the Getty estate checked out to make sure they've been informed...we know someone local who knows alot of the land owners....is the Getty estate the one with the big wall around it???
I walk as a volunteer at Stokenchurch Dog Rescue today and will make sure they are aware and pass the info onto the other walkers, will look out for Percy...has anyone informed the gamekeepers at the Getty Estate at Christmas Common area as they have game birds there and will be checking out for dogs disturbing the pheasants etc? Hope this poor babe is safely home soon, he must be terrified of humans after the ordeal he has been through :-( LindaT helper
I so hope you're home today Percy. Thinking of you all. Jo xx
Come on Percy - nearly back home....can't wait to see your reunited piccie with the rest of your family who are waiting for you. x
Thanks Angus.x
further Alerts being sent out to OX9,OX10,OX39,OX44,OX49,HP14 and HP27
Come on Percy, time to go home. You are all doing such an amazing job and I hope it pays off very soon. Xxx
Please can further Alerts be sent out to OX9,OX10,OX39,OX44,OX49,HP14 and HP27.Thank You
Come on Percy .... almost home!
Hope Percy is home soon.
***BUMP***Theres been another sighting called in about an hour ago by someone walking thier dogs on thier land,hes moved a little bit closer to home but is running like the clappers bless him...owners are there now.got my fingers tightly crossed here!!! Good Luck 'Lets Find Percy!!!!xxxLast edited: 2011-11-06 17:12:19 by Shereen
Fingers crossed for Percy, have joined his F/B page and shared. What a horrible story, hope your other dogs are ok. It looks promising that Percy is still in the area, so it is just a matter of time. What about search and rescue dogs, would they help in this case or do you think he would run off?
Lets Find Percy
Thank you so much everyone for all your support:) I think we are well covered in the area now! Fingers crossed lets hope the phones RING tomorrow :) x
Been out this morning, had a good look round the wood where he was reported yesterday. No sign, but went up to picnic/dogwalk area just up the road, spoke to a number of dog walkers, handed out posters & left one up there.
Thats right its is, Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum,the area is being absolutely flooded with flyers as we speak,Maidensgrove was covered yesterday BonBon,in all approx 4000 flyers,maybe more so far have been distributed through postmen ,1200 through newspaper delivery and door to door as well as big amounts of posters going up in the area we are just going to keep extending that area till hes caught,Id like to thank all the people who have been so kind in letting us make this possible,Giant 'A' boards are also being made up with more flyers for the sale tomorrow at the Sue Ryder in Nettlebed where we are going to hand out more flyers....hundreds of people attend this sale every month who come from miles around.So, brilliant work going on here to spread the word!!!!Last edited: 2011-11-04 14:06:52 by Shereen
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Is this the Christmas Common near Stokenchurch Dog Rescue? If so, a poster displayed where the volunteer dog walkers can see it wouldn't go amiss. Come on Percy, time to go home xx
Everything crossed for good news today. Do hope you managed to find somewhere dry to bed down last night, Percy. Just a thought but has a poster been given to The Five Horseshoes in Maidensgrove? I know lots of dog walkers from all around the area visit there, particularly at weekends.
Stay safe sweet Percy till you are found. Good luck all today we have our paws crossed. xx
Oh please Percy - stay safe until you're found. Good Luck today - thinking of you all. Jo xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Another sighting just phoned in to HQ ...Shereen is on the case.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Another sighting just phoned in to HQ ...Shereen is on the case.
Thanks Sue lets hope it brings some good news.
Percy on BBC website
: ) brilliant owners too 'Lets Find Percy'! your working so hard to get your boy home where he belongs!!Last edited: 2011-11-03 10:32:35 by Shereen
Lets Find Percy
Thank you Bon Bon, We are working really hard to spread the word about Percy as we think someone could have picked him up as he is such a lovely cuddly boy but we need him home as his sister is now not eating! as I think she is missing him?! they have never been parted. That is how we ended up with 3 of them as my husband did not want to break the family up :( Shereen is an amzing lady and has been our rock of support the time she has given to finding Percy is amazing! xx
Just heard owner's sister-in-law being interviewed on radio berkshire. Do hope this brings some good news for the family. Having now heard and read the full story, poor Percy must have been so scared. Thinking of you all and wishing a speedy recovery for all the other dogs and the safe return of Percy.
Percy has another facebook page too,please send a friend request.
Please join and share Percy's Facebook page...
hope he gets home soon
come on Percy time to come home xx fingers crossed he gives himself up very soon xx
Really hope that gorgeous Percy is found soon. Good luck over the weekend. Xxx
Have spoken to early newspaper delivery people for both areas (home and sightings)to keep an eye out for Percy and left my number.
BUMPED...Due to article ,made front page of the Henley Standard 28th Oct,cant find online version until nxt week,will put it on then.extensive search still ongoing.xLast edited: 2011-10-28 16:03:04 by Shereen
No sightings again today,but his siblings are picking up scent of him in the area.more looking tomorrow.Stay safe Percy till we find you.xxx
no further sightngs today.hopefully tomorrow will be his day.
Come on Percy, time to go home x
Sighting today at just after 3.30 of Percy exactly where the evidence was of rabbits yesterday,hes moved closer to the houses now but still very elusive.
big search down in the area today with no sightings,some evidence of bunny hunting back up near the houses though,hopefully its Percy.Last edited: 2011-10-28 23:16:50 by Shereen
90% sure of another sighting this afternoon in similar area,owners been out until after dark,and will be back out first light.
Theres been another sighting again this morning at about 10am at the same property as before ,hes scared and ran off again but owner is there now,Ive advised on how to act if owner sees him.im going out to meet up with them soon.Got my fingers and paws crossed so much on this one!Stay safe Percy till your found.xxxLast edited: 2011-10-22 12:56:36 by Shereen
Alot of ground has been covereed so far looking for Percy,its definately possible this sighting last night was him,we took his sister out today and her behaviour changed when we were level with the property of the possible sighting,unwashed clothing and food have been left there just incase he returns tonight.if it is him hes crossed two dodgy roads so we will try and keep him in that area,to stop him crossing back,we're hoping it was him as there is no sign or sghting elsewhere as yet....loads of posters have been put up now,and many people aware .Serena,Thanks so much for your help today,it was nice to meet you,I will update if any more news over the weekend.
Dogwatch Alert has now gone out.Last edited: 2011-10-21 20:53:55 by Shereen
There was a possible sighting of Percy yesterday around about 6pm a couple of miles down the road,owners out now looking and putting posters up,Serena and I will be going out in the morning.Pup is ok ,but trauma to his chest ,he may of been kicked ??
Have spoken with Shereen, if no positive developments tonight we'll go out looking tomorrow morning. Am tweeting like crazy, lots of locals (& kind non-locals!) passing on the message to alert drivers / dogwalkers etc. that he's out there somewhere. Fingers crossed he's OK, has just strayed too far.
the pup now is in the vets as was showing worrying signs,hav been out all afternoon and no sign of Percy yet.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Serena and Shereen now in touch. The dog who made it back was injured and is at the vets under general....vet has rung to say he has found pellets in his head. younger puppy was found 2 miles away but no sign of Percy...hopefully someone has picked him up.
Serena,please can you leave your number with admin,we dont seem to have it,thanks
Sereena...I may call you a little later,im just going out now to meet with owner...will know more when I get back...thanks for your offer.xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Always needed...to ring owner and ask where other 2 dogs were picked up from as likely Percy may be in that area...tx
Shereen - Highmoor 5 minutes from me, if more searchers needed please let me know.
Percy is not at the holding kennels,but they have his info now.Last edited: 2011-10-20 10:13:50 by Shereen
Thanks Jayne,Ive been in touch with owner for advice,everything is in hand,I just hope to see Percy back home safe and sound really soon,I will be going out a bit later to help search,Im going to to email the local holding kennels now as I cant get through on the phone yet.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in RG4,5,9.10,41,42.

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