Reunited: White With Grizzle Patches Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Female

  • Dog ID 32133
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 23 Aug 2011
  • Name POLLY
  • Gender & Breed Female Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
  • Age Elderly
  • Colour white with grizzle patches
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 22 Aug 2011
  • Where Lost Harrow on the Hill, on a walk at 6am
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area HA1
  • Date Reunited 25 Aug 2011
  • Other Info this girl is 12 years old.
  • Listed By Sherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
  • Views 4881
  • POLLYPoster Image
  • POLLYExtra Image


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Dear All, Thankyou so much for your help, advice and encourgement with looking for Polls. She is none the worse for ware this morning after her stressfull ordeal, and even seems to be up for a walk, on her flexi of course !!!! I suppose stuck in a smelly house for four days then you would be wouldn't you. I have boasted the work of Doglost to
all in Harrow and the school, we have a very large dog community here on the HIll. I have also highlighted the fantastic work to the Harrow Observer. Very Many Thanks to my good freind Sue who is as ever cool and bright !!!!
Fantastic news. I'm so pleased this girlie is safely back with her family xx
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Only just got in & heard the brilliant news. Thank you Suzeebee & Susan for your messages. Welcome home now Polly & stay safe sweetheart. xLast edited: 2011-08-25 23:16:10 by Aunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
BRILLIANT!!!!! Was she taken by someone? I'd begun to think that must be the case. Hope she is ok, look forward to hearing what happened. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fantastic news. Welcome home Polly. Stay safe now::)xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news...
Ever the one for a photo opportunity: Perhaps the Harrow Observer could do one with Polly & Abbs.
Wonderful !!!!!!
Now car's back happy to be out searching. Can't do Saturday. Can bring partner & pbgv too.Last edited: 2016-11-01 00:15:16
Fantastic news.... Polly is home. Will let Sue post the details, I will just say very suspicious circumstances. Sue you will sleep tonight and little Abbs will probably have her faced washed off !! Take care now, Polly you are going to be on a flexi lead now for the rest of your life.Big hugs to you all xxx
P.S. Thank you so much to Steph, Nik and lesleyjane for all the help and support.
Susan, if you think it might help to organise a search over the weekend I can help and could ask friends too. My number is 07759 012977.
Renee the PBGV from Sevenoaks is home, where are you Polly. Please give us a clue. Is there anyone local who could help search ? Without a sighting it is very difficult to know where to start. Stay safe Polls xxx
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Have left a message on your answerphone Susan.Thank you for your call earlier,sorry I missed you,I was on the landline to Zak the Whippet's owner.
It is a good idea to poster as much as possible locally as even though most local residents know of Polly they might think she is just doing her normal thing & following you. Some might not realise that she is currently missing,the posters will let everyone know state of play.As well as checking people's gardens & sheds or garages ,gamekeeper's traps etc please check any empty houses or properties for sale. I know that this can happen with cats more but estate agents can be showing people round,doors are sometimes left open,animals creep in for shelter,hide & become trapped when agent & clients leave. A bit of a long shot but worth a check.
Thank you Nik & Suzeebee for your brillaint imput here. As many ideas for where to search,check,cover as possible, is really appreciated.Last edited: 2011-08-25 13:54:02 by Aunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Hi, I have spoken with the Harrow Observer this morning asking them to add a few details to the article that is soon to be published about Polls. I have asked them to add that a generous reward will be offered and also could people
please look in their sheds, out houses.

Good advice SuzeeBee. There are a lot of nooks and crannies around there. (And let's hope the Observer & Times get something up on their websites, too.)
Sue, do try to get all the residents of West Street to check their gardens and outbuildings as she may have crawled in somewhere to shelter from the rain and got herself trapped.Also do you know if anyone on the hill sets humane traps for foxes? Sorry have just woken up with my brain buzzing.Good Luck today x
Thanks Nik and everyone else who is helping to spread the word. Wish we had just one sighting to go on. Come on Polly where are you sweetheart. Stay safe x
Press release did go to Observer (& Times) yesterday. Have also just tweeted them & asked for RT.
Just a bit of an update from me Polly's owner. More posters given out to various paties all over the Harrow area. Thanks to SuzeeBee THe Harrow Observer have asked for a storey on Polly and her cicumstances, home life, Breed ect.
I have been advised by Stef to concentrate on areas close to home just incase, i will do this.
Sue & Abbs

Stef, back at the laptop so happy to do anything here. No car until Friday, so can't get do anything useful unless postering Bushey Heath or Harrow Weald Common is any use.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Thank you everone for your help here. I have made some calls here & there & at the moment there are no reports of a stray dog at all, anywhere in the area. I will try & catch up with you by phone today Susan.Last edited: 2011-08-24 13:16:18 by Aunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
About to go to Fryent Country Park in Kingsury with posters. Lots of walkers go there from neighbouring areas. I will also put some up in other places round here. You seem to be doing such a good job at spreading the word, Susan, fingers crossed yo get news soon.x
Thankyou Paul, have now sent poster to all SNT's.

Try sending your poster to these Police SNTs:

That covers most of the area around Harrow-on-the-Hill. Don't depend on SNTs actually talking to one another, or on information getting sent out from Harrow Police station - I'd suggest you mail each of the SNTs directly using the addresses above.



Thank you Paul. The Safer Neighbourhood Team for Harrow on the Hill have been notified. All suggestions welcomed I am running out of ideas. Stay safe Polly hope your Mum has some news today xx

Just to let you know I've posted details on, linking back to this page on Doglost. We cover the South Harrow and Roxeth areas, so hopefully that'll help in the coverage:

If you haven't already done so, can I suggest you email a PDF of the poster to your nearby Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams - you can find email address for each of them here:

The SNTs are the police officers and PCSOs out and about 'on the beat' all day, so they're a good option.

Hope you have good news to report soon.


Last edited: 2011-08-24 11:41:03 by
Thanks Guys for all of your input.Posters were put upo in the Kenton, Wembley, West Harrow, Harrow on the Hill area & Sudbury last night, but more will be spread in other areas
of Harrow and Brent later today. I managed to catch a Police man at the local petrol station and he look info to display, my postman also has dissplayed in head office. In fact just in the last few hours i have jumped on every delivery driver and rep travelling to the School for their various drop off's, it's a massive mini town here at the school itself, so in other words the word is spreading. I'm beginning to realise that she is in a bit of trouble now.
Hope i'm not babbling, just want you to know that i am doing
my best, thank's to you all for being so caring.
I'll be in touch.
Sue & Abbs ( her daughter who's face gets washed all day by her mum usually )
Thanks Guys for all of your input.Posters were put upo in the Kenton, Wembley, West Harrow, Harrow on the Hill area & Sudbury last night, but more will be spread in other areas
of Harrow and Brent later today. I managed to catch a Police man at the local petrol station and he look info to display, my postman also has dissplayed in head office. In fact just in the last few hours i have jumped on every delivery driver and rep travelling to the School for their various drop off's, it's a massive mini town here at the school itself, so in other words the word is spreading. I'm beginning to realise that she is in a bit of trouble now.
Hope i'm not babbling, just want you to know that i am doing
my best, thank's to you all for being so caring.
I'll be in touch.
Sue & Abbs ( her daughter who's face gets washed all day by her mum usually )
Libbys Mum
This breed have fantastic noses, if she is out there, she will find her way home, it is possible someone took her in, and also possible, sadly that people do not recognise the breed, if she is microchipped I feel certain she will be found . 6 years ago I had 6 stolen and got them all back , the last one after 10 days.........keep looking, I have e mailed everyone with BGVs in the HP area.
Have sent poster out to all local dogwalker/sitters. Muttley crew already have Polly's poster on their vans. Thank you Mutley Crew.
Where are you Polly ?
I have just spoken with Sue, still no news . There don't seem to have been any sightings at all since she went missing. Sue is today making small flyers to hand out to everyone she sees.If anyone can help with posters it would be appreciated.Polly knows the area very well around Harrow on the Hill and if she was able she would be home. She must have either been taken in or gone further afield where she is completely lost.Come on Polly show yourself to some kind person who will help you get home.xx
This seems to be Polly's time of day, so let's hope she walks through the gate this morning.
Linda Skeritt has put Polly on the home page of her BGV Community Web Site. Thank you Linda.
Where are you Polly - please come home - Stay safe sweetheart x
Wow, you have done so much since I checked earlier........surely dear Polly will be home soon? I will poster Fryent Country P ark tomorrow, I know it is used by dog walkers from your ares too so that will help. Have you asked postmen/dustmen/street cleaners and local cab offices to look out for her?
Worth mentioning that despite a pbgv getting RBIS this year at Crufts, that a lot of people (and I'll include some DWs and rescues, here) think they've got a Heinz 57.
I have sent poster to Met Police Safer Neighbourhood Team for Harrow on hill asking them to look out. Also sent to ARC,Battersea,Hounslow Animal Welfare, Mayhew, NAWT, All dogs Matter. Come on Polly time to come home now. Stay safe sweetie x
Going on the club website tonight. (Thanks, Dianne) and now posted on top breeder's Facebook page. (Sorry, Gavin !)
Thanks for all your help guys. Fingers crossed that i get the call soon to say that someone has handed or taken her in.
I have lots of people helping to put up posters in the areas that Polly is and is not familiar with.

Many Thanks

Sue & Abbs ( Her daughter )
Contacted BGV Club committee and rescue and asked to pass Polly's details on to their contacts - particularly if they are local.
I have just spoken with Polly's owner, she is still not home the gate and door have been left open in case she turns up.Loads of posters are being printed for distribution this evening. Come on Polly time to stop chasing the wildlife, your mum is very worried about you. Stay safe little girl x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks Nik.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Brilliant. Thanks Nik. Thanks for your email SuzeeBee.
Ditto Harrow Times
Thank you lesleyjane and Nik for your help. I can't contact Polly's owner at the moment, but I am sure she will be truly grateful for any help.
Story & pic gone to Harrow Observer and online. I'll see what else I can muster up this afternoon.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Have put Polly up on Facebook-Doglost West London.Twitter request is in,thanks Jayne.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Thanks lesleyjane & Nik. Polly was lost in the open space on Harrow on the Hill but she is very famliar with this area & would have found her own way home. There was a possible sighting in West Street .It is thought she was on the chase & has gone out of her familiar area & into unknown territory leaving her disoriented. Owner is going to poster,South Harrow,Wembley areas as this could be the direction Polly has gone in ?
Have tweeted fellow local pbgv owner who is cab driver. Hoping he can pass the message on. Stef, do you have an exact location ?
I will spread the word in my area (NW9, Kingsbury). I know lots of local dogwalkers and owners so even tho' I am a little way from where Polly was lost I hope it helps. I can put up posters tomorrow. Brent dog-warden is fantastic, so hope Polly is back safely soon. Glad she has id on her.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Thanks Jayne. Mobile number now amended. Just spoken to owner .Polly was after a rabbit. This could mean that she has chased & got out of her familiar area & is now lost & wandering. It could also be that Polly has been taken in by someone who has not reported her as found. DWs,Vets in the area are being informed.Posters & flyers are going out. Lets get this elderly girl home.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
poster e mailed out to over 80 local helpers.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed to helpers in HA 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0. UB 5,6. NW 9,10. WD 6,19,20.
If anyone could help with postering I know Sue would be very grateful. Polly is a much loved pet, she is from the only litter that her owner bred from her adored bitch who sadly died last year.
So sorry I have put this on for a friend and the mobile number is wrong. It should read - 07781432647 could it please be ammended on the poster and above. Thank you
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Have left a message for owner. Will also send general advice sheets.

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