Reunited: Black Labrador Retriever Male

  • Dog ID 27380
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 11 Jan 2011
  • Name QUIN
  • Gender & Breed Male Labrador Retriever
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars No marks except some hair shaved off on underside of neck from recent blood test. Greying under th
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 11 Jan 2011
  • Where Lost Near Ditteridge, Box, Wiltshire
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SN14
  • Date Reunited 12 Jan 2011
  • Other Info This is a working gundog and so very biddable and gentle. Must be spoken to gently, but dog is not afraid of people.
  • Listed By Paul
  • Views 2544
  • QUINPoster Image
  • QUINExtra Image


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Just to let you know, the jacket cleaned up perfectly, so alls well that ends well, and the good lad Quin is hale and hearty!!
Brilliant news. Welcome home Quin xx
What a clever boy and what a clever Dad for thinking to lay his jacket down :)

Welcome home xxx
Great to see Quin is back - what a clever boy to wait for his dad. Welcome home lovely Quin. Stay safe now - maybe you saw a pheasant go down that no-one else spotted!! xx
Well done Paul! So glad to see Quin is back with you, I knew he was a clever boy! Take it easy today Quin after your adventure and no more wandering, your dad's off to buy himself a new jacket!Last edited: 2011-01-12 11:06:40 by dinkydoodle
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Extremely glad to see this older gent home and safe.
wonderful news
so pleased to see this lovely boy back home - works time and again to leave clothing at the site as the familiar scent keeps them close x
Thank goodness - maybe he has a bit of dementia and got a bit confused - who knows. All the best Liz xx
THE PRODIGAL SON HAS RETURNED!!!!Thank you all for your very kind and helpful comments!!!

The last thing I did last night was to put my shooting jacket under a tree near where we had last seen him, which was about 2 miles from the last known sighting at 5ish.

First light this morning I drove down the very long track to the spot and in the headlights I saw 2 black ears sticking up from under the tree. Lo and behold, there he was as if nothing had happened lying on a very wet and dirty schoffel shooting jacket,looking at me as if to say "Can I go home now, I'm bloody hungry!!" What a result!! Not sure how the jacket will clean up though, but who cares!

Thank you all for the support and help!

Cross posted to Labrador forums

Hope Quin is soon home x
Perhaps something spooked Quin today? I am sure Quin will have found somewhere warm to bed down for the night - loose dogs generally move at dusk and twilight so would suggest if you can returning to the area you last had him very early in the morning, also take something of yours to start scenting the area - I will ask a co-ord to email you scenting instructions. If you can also tonight leave some access at home open or leave his bed where he can reach it, he may find his way home overnight (so long as it's in the vicinity of where he went missing). Good luck, I'll check here tomorrow for any developments.
I love labs I have 2 black females, I really hope he is found soon and ok. I will be thinking of him tonight, seems to be a few labs missing at the moment.
Really hope that you find him soon. Fingers crossed he is found very soon. xx
Thanks for your advice. I have done all the things mentioned but as it was nearly 5.30 before we realised he was not going to be found tonight was unable to inform Identichip, but will do so first thing in morning.

He was out shooting with a party of us and just ran off for no reason whatsoever. He is mega quiet, I have trained and had him for over 10 years and he has never remotely done anything like this before. I wonder if he has had a brain seizure or something along those lines?
Sorry to see Quin is missing. Can you let us know how he came to be missing - got out of garden, on walk etc. Please take the advice given below, it is imperative that you put up hundreds of posters in your locality to make everyone know Quin is missing and they can then call you or DL with any sightings. Inform local dog warden, vets, kennels, farms. Good luck and I look forward to seeing Quin back at home very soon.

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