Rainbow Bridge: White & Grey Siberian Husky Female

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  • Dog ID 26764
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 13 Dec 2010
  • Name CASPIAN
  • Gender & Breed Female Siberian Husky
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour White & Grey
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 13 Dec 2010
  • Where Lost Bala, North Wales
  • Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Lost In Post Area LL23
  • Date Found 03 Jan 2011
  • Date Reunited 03 Jan 2011
  • Other Info Details e mailed today...date not given of when dog ran off.
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 2789
  • CASPIANPoster Image
  • CASPIANExtra Image


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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Why can't farmers use a tranquilser gun or something? Or a sound like the screech of a personal alarm, that would get the dog's attention. There must be another way, surely? I know it must be upsetting for the sheep but killing a dog doesn't make it better. Now the owners are all grieving for a loved one who accidently saw some sheep. I can't help wondering if the farmer just happened to have a gun on him at the time, or if he had to go back and get one? If so, he should have stayed and tried to get the dog by other means. How about farmer's dogs? If they have sheep, they could have collies or a tractor/buggy/thingy. I have seen this, so why not go back and get his little buggy instead of a gun? Sorry, but I get so angry with farmers like him! God bless Caspian, safe in the arms of God now, and bless his owners. You are in our thoughts and hearts. xLast edited: 2011-01-11 00:18:20 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
omg that is horrible and so distressing, im so sorry to hear this. my thoughts are with you the family. its heart wrenching. rip caspian.
So very, very sorry to hear about Caspian - RIP sweet boy xx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Deepest thoughts are with Caspian and her family. Run Free at Rainbow Bridge Caspian and sweet dreams. Jan x
This brought tears to my eyes, so sorry. xxx
How absolutely tragic. However, not all farmers are tarred with the same brush as many have fed and helped capture many lost dogs on this site. My thoughts are with Caspian's family at this awfully sad time. Run free at the bridge dear Caspian xx
Aw, noooooo. Sympathies to your owners Caspian.....run free and fast at The Bridge, no farmers with their guns there sweetheart. Night night x
My thoughts are with Caspian's family, run free at the bridge sweetheart xx
So sorry, I agree with Radar Ears some farmers can be trigger happy, I have a friend whose pointer was shot in front of her even as she was trying to call it back and the farmer was standing beside her, but would not hear her pleas! Run Free Caspian xx
Millys Mum
I'm so very sorry to hear that Caspian didn't make it home - such awful news. Rest in peace lovely girl - sweet dreams...x
Radar Ears
That's the worst of living near farms, most farmers will shoot on sight, because to them, as we all know, dogs are not seen as pets,they are just seen as threats to their livelihood, when seen to be worrying their sheep.

If he had any compassion, which he obviously didn't, he could have called the dog and it would have probably come to him and he could have re-united her with her owners.

RIP Caspian, Last edited: 2011-01-03 11:29:37 by Radar Ears
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Oh no- how awful, my thoughts are with the owners- they must be distraught! Run Free at Rainbow Bridge Caspian xxx
I am so very sorry to see this. Run free at the Bridge Caspian. My thoughts are with her owner.
Furlover - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Caspians owners called me back and it seems this post dated 13th December was from when she ran off last time ( but was then reunited)
However Caspian escaped again only YESTERDAY and was shot by the farmer last night -- as it was claimed she had been worrying his sheep.
Run free at Rainbow Bridge xxxx
Furlover - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
I rang owners to get some more information or a picture of Caspian as saw a malamute for rehoming at Llanstinan Kennels . Owner was extremely upset when he told me Caspian had been shot so I didn't ask any further. My thoughts are with his devastated owners.
Rest in Peace Caspian xxxx
Will contact.

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