Lost: Brindle Lurcher Female In South East (SG12)

  • Dog ID 19802
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 06 Jan 2010
  • Gender & Breed Female Lurcher (Spayed)
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour brindle
  • Marks & Scars right ear scarred; white chest, socks, tail tip,
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 06 Sep 2009
  • Where Lost Stanstead Abbotts, Nr Ware
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area SG12
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Moi Moi
  • Views 2974
  • WILLOW - REWARDPoster Image
  • WILLOW - REWARDExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Southern Lurcher Rescue Mimsmum-SOUTHERN LURCHER RESCUE
I can contact her. Sorry this is a late message, but I have been looking for one that we have just found. Not Willow though.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Netty tried to contact Moira but no response. Does anyone have a contact in case Willow is found? We don't need to know it, just that someone has it! Thanks.
Border Girl
Is there any chance the female lurcher found in SG9 (24818) could be Willow? May be worth checking out. I still think of Willow and keep hoping that there is some news about her. This may be a long shot, but who knows.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
On the A414 just after the Hunsdon turn off on the left hand side, there is a tiny row of four houses (or cottages you may say) terraced. Date 1904 is in middle up top. You cannot see this until you actually drive in, but there is a big car park on the left. This looks like a construction car park of some sort. People meet in the mornings and again at night to collect/return these vehicles. Directly behind, up hill is a farm. There is a kind of silo, its the sort that goes on sideways on a lorry. Who knows whether these silos are permanent or moveable? Worth checking. I have seen a black lab in one house, but its kind of the place you only go if you live there. But worth door knocking. I am game if anyone can join me??? Please!!!! Last edited: 2010-08-17 13:37:23 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Opposite Hundson lock, off A414 opposite the turning to Hunsdon, is a house with Mead in name. It's the first one down the leafy lane, on the left. Had a look round, can't see inside, big gates. Next to a farm; railway in distance, and there was construction nearby over Xmas. Also in Roydon house called Mead View overlooking farm land/fields. I can't get to the back to see properly. Also a farm with hanger and hay stored, probably edge of Roydon but u can see it from the river by Hunsdon lock. I am thinking if Willow is on high ground there would be no real smells, plus if it is an arable farm, there would be no animal smells unless animals are further down hill and smells don't reach her. Wracking my brains to think of all the possibilities. Anymore news on the animal communication/medium front? Is she still in the same place? I would think she could well be. If she was on a farm or in the sticks, this would be why no one has seen her. Last edited: 2010-08-10 12:53:00 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Moira, there is a farm in Hunsdonbury (I think it is) and you have postered this, there is a sign saying "Halfway House" at the entrance (if you come from Eastwick/Harlow direction it is on the right hand side). As you go in, on the right are fields of wheat or hay. In front of you is the farm, which has 6 metal silos. If you turn right to go into the field, in the distance are two houses. From these houses it would only look like there are 3 silos. Don't know if you've checked these houses. I can't figure out how to get to them. I'll keep looking. Kim x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thank you Jotty! I was wondering if anyone was out there! :-) It's okay, I feel connected now! :-) You know where I found that poor Staffie, well my instincts are going that way with all the info so far on Willow's page. Trouble was they chose my "inspired" weekend to dig up the road!! Had to go the long way round, but it took me to some interesting places. The other side of the place where Staffie was, has a low road and high road, leafy lane, house with Mead in name, a farm, other farms over the fields and its near Hunsdon and Little Parndon side of Harlow (although strictly speaking not in Harlow), but we have Roydon there too. I need to get closer. Also, found some villages with Dickens type windows! I'm on a role! Come on Willow, are we close?? I'm sure Moira's done all this, but you never know. Plus, children most probably would attend Burnt Mill School from these areas! Spoken to a number of people and showed them Willow's poster; doesn't seem like she's in the village of Eastwick, but could be close. It is west of Gilston and east of Hunsdon. A lot of posters have gone up. I'm hoping this renewed search will spark off the chain of events that Willow and Moira need. xxxLast edited: 2010-07-24 22:33:28 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Well done Kim, you go girl!!! I know Moira will be very very grateful for all you are doing. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Me again! Spent hours this morning & have found some silos, some chimneys, places with MEAD in, hills & valleys etc. I am feeling inspired at the moment so will keep going. Spoken to people in Eastwick which is the right area and Little Parndon is next to this area. Both Animal comm & medium have said the same area,really as they are very close. Roydon looks interesting and MEADS are common names there. Will keep postering. Seen some old ones of Willow and have renewed. If anyone can help me, I so want to knock on some doors and farms etc. I'll keep going anyway. xLast edited: 2010-07-24 14:16:54 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I'm going to poster Gilston, High Wych and Redricks Lane - just feel the need!
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Me again, I have been reading what Jane - Animal Communicator said. As I was reading I was getting the impression of that quarry area behind Gilston and as I read on, it did mention Gilston. There are farms there and leafy lanes and cottages. I know it was a while ago, but how about we go door knocking on every house in Gilston - there is not THAT many. What does anyone think?
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I first saw the poster near Hunsdon lock last Autumn and my heart went out to you; I couldn't bear thinking of your pain, it touched me so deeply. Sadly, not very long after I had my own unbearable pain as I lost my own beloved dog and not being able to find her ripped my heart out. Please know I understand. Sadly, my Cassie went to heaven but at least I know where she is. I wish I could find Willow for you safe and sound, I am going to try. Willow must be proud of you as you are brave and strong for her. Please know that lots of people care and will never give up hope. Willow is always with you in some way because your hearts are locked together forever. Recently, a dog that was missing for 10 months turned up near here. You just never know when or where Willow will turn up! I keep you both in my prayers. The reason I am writing here today is because I keep thinking we need to poster more around here (Harlow) so what I would like to do is put a lot of posters up, if that's okay? I am postering for little Doda so thought I should put Willow up as well as I'm always thinking of you both. You never know. Just be careful of bogus callers; if you do a trade do it with the dog present. With love, Kim x Last edited: 2010-07-21 19:22:34 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Border Girl
Willow is in the March edition of Dogs Today.  Not a day goes by when I do not check to see if there is any news on Willow.  I hope that the piece on her in Dogs Today brings some more sightings or news.  As I've said before - positive thoughts will find their way to Willow.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Don't know what happened but my posting hasn't appeared... will have to do it all over again!! :(
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello all... |Thank you for the latest CW entry .. when I was called by the Bucks/Beds co-ordinator I thought it wasn’t going in until February..  I know I haven’t posted anything on here since Christmas but I haven’t given up on Willow .. just been getting the house ready for market and the sale board FINALLY went up last week!  There have been no phone calls other than from a gentleman shortly after I’d postered Great & Little Hormead in the New Year (had done Hare Street just before Christmas) and he was just checking that I’d covered all the bases ie using the internet eg DogLost!   This is the latest info I’ve had from a medium (not the animal communicator)  "I picked up that Willow is on a farm somewhere with the name Mead in it.  There is a hangar-type building which looks to me like a barn where hay is stored. I have a feeling it is in a valley or has some hills nearby.   The next info she gave was that she saw 3 farm silos in the distance; a children’s playground and a Dickensian-style village with bow-fronted windows.  I asked whether potentially these could be power station cooling towers (vis-a-vis Broxbourne power station) and she said possibly.. they were metal.    I will post the rest in a 2nd entry ... this is getting too long!  
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moira, has there been any feedback regarding the post below? Fingers and everything else crossed that this is her. Thinking of you everyday and sorry I missed you the other week. I'm praying and hoping so hard for Willow to be back safe with you. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The following has been posted on the found section of the National Missing Pet Register : Found in Cirencester, Glos on 12/01 Brown Lurcher Bitch ~ 4/5 Years old, 24'' tall. Injured. I know it's Gloucs and possibly  long shot, but worth a call.  The phone number listed is 01285 863 0308  email : michaelrosy@btinternet.com Good luck xx  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Moi Moi.  I have got fingers and everything I can think of crossed, that Willow's appearance in Countryman's Weekly brings some information as to her whereabouts.  Not a day goes by when I do not think of her.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Willow is in The Countryman's Weekly. Good LuckLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi, we are all still looking for Willow,dont give up., I know you wont do that.   Its a new year soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
I've been thinking of you and Willow over the Christmas period.  I am sure that you will hear some news soon, maybe another sighting which you can follow up, which will lead to her.  Hopefully she is being cared for in the warm, but will be seen "out and about" soon.  There will be some news which will lead you to her.  Keep positive - remember those positive thoughts will reach Willow.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Merry Christmas to everyone .. and thank you again, I know I'm repeating myself, to you all for your support and help since Willow went missing.    I know she's out there, hopefully safe and well as people think.  It's only a matter of time I'm sure before she comes back.  Treasure every day with your 4-legged friends  :) xx
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
live right near traveller's site will keep an eye out for you
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Southern Lurcher Rescue Mimsmum-SOUTHERN LURCHER RESCUE
Met up with Moira on Saturday morning.  Willow is always in my thoughts all the time I am out and about.  xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
I keep thinking of you and Willow.  Do not give up hope.  The person that you had dealings with, needs a kick in the shins (I'm being polite!)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Spoken to Willows mum in depth this evening. Given advice and help.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Buddy and Isak
sorry have not seen willow but i will keep looking. KEEP UP THE GOOD POSTING i am in harlow but first see poster in stanstead abbotts shops then see willow on doglost Good luck on willow being home soon Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
mark stowell
Keeping everything crossed Moira. will try to come over and look around if time allows. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Had another call late afternoon yesterday from a lady living off Commonside Road and she's convinced she saw Willow not only yesterday around 3.30 but also earlier in the week; heading towards the traveller site on Fernhill Lane. Went back there and called across the field with the ponies.  Spoke to the lad again, who lives along the lane, who said he has seen the dog since but he couldn't find the flyer I gave him.   I will go and "stake out" the lane today even if it means just sitting in the car and hoping something trots by!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So pleased to get your call tonight was hoping that tonight was the night for you. Chin up one day she will be home. Call me if you need any help, but as you know looking for Cassie at the moment, but Willow is also in my mind   and i am always looking out for her. Take care. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Visited the Fernhill traveller site to see if the dog spotted a few times in the Commonside Road area of Harlow was one of theirs.  According to a lady I spoke to she reckons most of the dogs kept on the site are JRTs and are much lighter coloured dogs that Willow (she showed me a cream saluki-lurcher). I left some flyers and put a poster up.   I met a couple of teenage boys looking after ponies in the field below the site and one of them swears he actually stroked a dog before it ran off, the night before.  They said they would try and keep a hold of it if it came by again.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Thanks Netty-B and BG...   I followed up a few "sightings" last week - one near the greyhound stadium in Harlow - turns out there's been a tall cream coloured lurcher appearing in the Bali Hai garden in the evenings.  The proprietor was going to try and catch it; another along Katherines Way in Harlow; then last Thursday evening one near Southern Way, going from The Briars into Woodhill and Barleycroft, by the proprietor of the pet grooming parlour in Little Parndon.  Postered that area the next day as best I could; then got a call this evening from a young woman who lives on The Briars and who's fairly certain she saw Willow and tried to lure her .. but the dog got scared and ran off.  She said there is a traveller site near the Chequers pub so I will go there tomorrow and see if they know anything about this dog.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Had a bit of a drive around today in the "milk float".  Went up Holy Cross road, but unfortunately no sight of Willow.  Saw a lot of the posters that you have put up - you have done such a good job of postering.  As soon as I can, I'll try again.  Keep those positive thoughts coming.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have been loking on Willows page when i log on, and am really sorry she is not home with you, i know its not from lack of trying. I really do hope you have a break  through soon. Don`t forget i am here if you need me. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello BG... I am not giving up hope of ever seeing Willow again.. but, as the communicator says, if Willow is not "free" to come home then all we can do is keep sending out positive messages which may cause a chain of events that turn things around and bring her back home.  Another communicator says it's better sometimes to take a break from physical searching.  A lady on DogPages says "time for some quiet faith" ... (trouble is I've never really been much good with that!)  which is good advice... So... I think we should all take a break .. but keep the positive messages out there! After my postering in Little Parndon I had 2 calls this week on consecutive days from men having seen a dog similar to Willow near in roughly the same area, however this was east of Harlow College.  I didn't see a single dog when I went either in daylight or early evening, let alone a lurcher.  I handed in a some posters to Stewards School whose pupils also wear black V-neck jumpers.  Yesterday I had a voicemail message from a lady who said she'd seen the poster and had seen a lurcher one evening (didn't say when)... but told me where ... but the lady forgot to end her call from her mobile and then started up a conversation with a man (which lasted 4 minutes!), who asked her when she saw the lurcher and she said "last week, I think"... :(   Maybe she just forgot to say when...
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Hello Moi Moi.  I will "charge" up the "milk float" and have another drive around as soon as I can (no doubt holding up a line of traffic behind me).  I'll try Holy Cross Road this time.  I know it must be frustrating, but one day soon one of these sightings will be positive.  Keep hopeful and try not to get down hearted.  Positive thoughts will find their way to Willow and Willow will find her way back to you.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
On Thursday, I misheard a voicemail message on the mobile saying that Willow had been seen on the High Cross Road.. I rushed over there from Stevenage but nobody had seen anything... On my way back I went through Ware and up Hollycross Road to put a poster up where it had been taken down from a tree by gravel pit parking area.   The gentleman rang back... but it turns out that he had said Hollycross Road, where I’d been a bit earlier, and he had been on the allotments at  adjacent to the Widbury Road, and a driver stopped to say he’d driven past a lurcher walking along the road. I went back.. and had another walk around and shout... but nothing.  By the end of yesterday I’d covered the Little Parndon area including the greyhound stadium and Harlow FCand golf course. However, having popped into the dog and cat grooming salon in Springhills, in Little Parndon I spoke to a very helpful lady who’d been following Willow’s progress, and was told that Stewardstone School in s/w Harlow also wear black V neck jumpers... so I’ll have to try them next week if I’d heard nothing positive before then...and she’s told me to look around the Harlow Common area.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello Tracy...thanks for your kind message.. hope you, your hubby & son and, not forgetting, the lovely Paddy are all well.  I just hope my latest postering brings her home!  However, if someone's got her and doesn't want to give her up.. then it doesn't matter how many people try looking for her...  Thanks again. :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
   Hello moi moi, I've been looking on this website every few days to keep updated with news about Willow. I don't know if you remember me, I'm Tracy, I came with my hubby and greyhound Paddy to help look for Willow and put up posters. I'm sorry to hear you've had no luck as yet in finding her, I just wish I lived a bit nearer to you so I could help. I'm keeping everything crossed and praying that you will find her safe and well very soon. X X Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Question:  when is a sighting.. not a sighting??  Answers on a postcard please!  Sorry I haven't put anything on of late... but there's been nothing to put on but I've been trying to keep positive! I've had a few phone calls of support in the couple of weeks but no substantive information from the public.  The animal communicator came back to me last Thursday and Willow is still with the same people, although 12/13 year olds wearing black V neck jumpers and dark trousers have somehow become connected (which a DogPages member had also suggested a while back).  That evening I managed to make contact with the dowsing detective in Yorkshire who gave me a location last night .. between 3 and 3.5 miles as the crow flies from home, 80 degrees east of magnetic north .. which comes out at Little Parndon in  Harlow ... near Rectory Wood (nearer 4 miles when I got my piece of string and a pin out!), who also said (with no prior knowledge of anyone else's info) that he felt Willow's being looked after by a young person.  I did postering today around that area and found out that Burnt Mill Secondary School in Harlow has black V-neck jumpers as part of the uniform.  So I called in there with posters and flyers and, possibly, the senior staff member I spoke to said they would probably go in "registers" ... so presumably that means that all pupils (well the ones not playing truant!) would be alerted to Willow's disappearance by the teachers??  I ran out of posters so need to get more done as I've only done a fraction of the area that I want to cover.    Then... typically... I got home this afternoon and dialled 1471 and spoke to a chap from Harpenden to visits the area every couple of weeks to visit his niece and told me he'd seen a dog like Willow walking along the Lea towpath between the 2 bridges near the Amwell Viewpoint ... all alone .. with absolutely no-one for hundreds of yards in either direction... 2 WEEKS AGO!!!  He said he'd not seen a poster until today.. that's probably because some of the posters have been torn down including a new A3 laminated one (which costs ?3.50!) by the viewpoint... and it had been stapled to the fence! Amazingly the A3 poster is still up by the bridge in Stanstead Abbotts itself...  If it was her.. no-one else contacted me.  Maybe it was her... but there again.. what if she's in Harlow??  Would the real Willow please return home!!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank God - sounds like there has been a sighting at last. Bump !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
 I am so pleased you have had some possible leads on Willow, was begin to think she had been abducted by aliens as there had been no news.!!!!!! I was glad to help out on Sunday and am available to come over at short notice if need be, please do call, your not on your own we all want to help. If you want to walk around  the areas she has been seen i am around this week except Friday . Take care, keep that prayer going,see you soon. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hoping you get some encouraging news about Willow soon. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Moira, Thanks for your call this morning, once again I apologise for not being able to join in the search yesterday due to family commitments, but if you are organising another search (hopefully you won't have to) then I will be there. I am practically looking for Willow everywhere I drive as said. If you need me to do anything this coming week, including coming out with you to search, let me know. I'll talk to you soon, keep your chin up; very very soon you'll have your little girl back. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello all a very big thank you to Mark Stowell from GRWE for organising the posse yesterday .. I was amazed that people came from as far as Dartford and Colchester to help.. I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet everyone but thank you all for bringing your lovely dogs and giving up your time!  Unfortunately there were no further leads .. but at least the weather was kinder to us than anticipated and it was warm, if a little drizzly!  Thank you Netty-B, Sacha & Cracker for your company and help... much appreciated :)
I had a call just before 9.50 am today from a man called Paul who said he jogged past a dog, just like mine, along the Fanhams Hall Road on the north side of Ware going towards Wareside, either Thursday or Friday afternoon but he couldn’t remember which.  He assumed the owner was walking in the field... (slightly strange assumption if you ask me... but that’s folks for you!)... so I bombed along there and put some flyers in the youth football club and postered along the road up to Wareside.  I drove up a private road a "settlement" alongside Fanhams Hall and was told the dog might belong to someone at Noah’s Ark, and was met by a gorgeous light brindle lurcher but the owner said their dogs never wandered out along the road but would go across the land to the back...  Further along the road I asked two young girls out walking to look out for her and they said they’d seen  a dog similar to Willow last night on the Kingham estate in Wareside.. but they couldn’t be 100% certain because it was dark, so I’ve postered a lot around there and towards Babbs Green.    The mystery continues...  
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Joined the search for Willow , met some really lovely people, but sad to say no news of Willow. Will keep looking, and will put posters given to me up in Harlow, and hand out small ones to all fellow dog walkers. Lets hope we have some good news soon. Nice to put faces to names.                                                                                                                            Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Good luck tomorrow Moi Moi.  I've got my fingers crossed that the weather is fine and that Willow is soon in the blue.  So sorry that I probably won't be able to join the search tomorrow - but I'll be thinking of you.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello all for anyone able to make it tomorrow.. we are meeting in Lawrence Avenue in Stanstead Abbotts at 10.00 am.   I spotted a notice in the newsagents yesterday to say that parking in the village "pay and display" is now free at weekends!!  Whoopee! So that’s now available if needs be.   Thank you in advance for everyone’s help.  Pray for sunshine!! :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Border Girl... I also forgot to say that you probably met Phoebe, the Dobermann, with her mum Sally.  Phoebe was a rescue dog with big socialisation problems .. and we would agree to go off in different directions if we happened to meet in the field next to All Nations.. However, one day we cracked it.. and Phoebe had a really nice walk around the meadow with Willow just a few feet away from her. :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Also forgot to say I will scan the area on GoogleEarth...!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello Border Girl... yes.. I think we should disguise our cars as "milk floats" ...  Thanks for looking...  :)
To everyone.. just had a call from Jane Summers at TalktotheAnimals, a communicator with positive news. This is a summary of what came through...
"physically alive; being cared for by a man and a woman.  She was picked up in the dark and taken home by them because they thought she was on her own.  She says she’s fine but not where she’s meant to be and was quivering with nervous excitement when Jane made contact.  She may be in a kennel, has a bed; sense of concrete floor and enclosure; pen;  She is confined but can go out  but not freely and is sometimes taken out along a leafy lane behind the house(s) with overhanging trees and shrubs.  House may be down an unused road .. lower road ... parallel to larger road... May possibly be sounds of earth-moving vehicles with caterpillar tracks?? Also, but not as strong, maybe the sound of railtracks.   A long line of evergreen trees forming a hedge.  No other dog but there is a cat.  Area is bland for smells.  She lives at the back of the house look out for where people meet in the morning and evening ... sometimes hears voices in but not during the day.    Willow says she went exploring too far the night she disappeared...  Station Farm, Station Close ...also came up.
Jane also dowsed a map I sent her .. and she pinpointed north-east of Hunsdon and west of Gilston...  If there any dowsers out there.. could they have a go for me too, please??  I’ll give it a whirl too if I can find a suitable pendulum!    My postcode is SG12 8DT if you want to find the area on multimap...  Thank you .. and fingers crossed... we may have a better search area for Saturday... :)

Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Had a drive around today between Stanstead and Hunsdon, unfortunately, the only thing I achieved was annoying the line of traffic behind me.  I popped into Eastwick Lodge Pet Food Shop and the vets, and they both had Willow's poster up.  Whilst in the vets there was a lady there with her Dobermann, and she said that she knows you Moi Moi, and often went for walks with you and Willow.  She wishes you well and was quite amused when I said you had been up in a plane at the airfield.  The receptionist at the vets said that hare coursing takes place near the airfield (unfortunately!).  Saw your posters up everywhere.  Hope there is good news soon - I'm sure there will be. If I have posted this twice, please forgive me - computer decided to play upLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
whippet lover
I really do hope you find your girl xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
With regard to sightings... the first one was in the Amwell Nature Reserve below Hollycross Lake.. this was a few days after she disappeared.  The 2nd was the night sighting of her crossing  the Ware Road in Hoddesdon ... (really don't know how reliable this was).. the 3rd was again night time in Blackbridge Lane near Much Hadham, when she was mistaken for a deer .. so  who knows what they really saw ... 4th DEFINITELY NOT HER along A120 Bishop's Stortford .. so that can be discounted... and last but not least ... between Newlands and Halfway House along the Hunsdon Road near Stanstead Abbotts.  My gut feeling tells me the 1st and last sightings were more likely to be her...
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello all... I emailed Hertbeat FM today with Willow's details, asking the public to visit either DogLost or DogPages etc... Also emailed The Paul O'Grady show .. although I'm not sure this will come to anything... Will try and contact a dog communicator urgently to see if he/she can shed any light on Willow's whereabouts before the weekend.  I will get more copies of Willow's missing poster run off ... as my pet insurance covers me for advertising so I will probably get 200 A5s done and 100 A4s... but if Mark thinks I need more please let me know.  I still have some in the car which I have already "double walleted" .. and I have 2 staple guns!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Moi Moi, after all my offers to help look for Willow, I do not think I can help on Saturday.  I am doing a collection for the DogsTrust at Van Hage's.  I will of course, hand out Willow's posters while I am there.  If I can come along I will.  Mark - you mentioned contacting Heart FM - have you contacted the local radio station Hertbeat FM? Their website is www.hertbeat.com.  The studio phone no is 0845 649 1069 and the news team is 01438 810914.  Might be worth a try.  I wish I could help on Saturday - I really do wish you well and it is great that you are getting so much support.  Lets hope this flushes Willow out and that she is home with you very very soon.  Thinking of you.    Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
mark stowell
Hi Moira, I have had a great responce to the appeal hor help on Saturday, Lisa from Courtlands kennels is also coming across from Dane end to help with her husband. Could you please send me the original photo's of Willow as I need to print up some A4's for people to take with them. Also I would like all of the sightings and possible sightings for us to work out the best area's to search and then close in to a central point. I will also print up as many a5's to hand out and maps for the searchers. please send photo's to mark@rodrace.co.uk   Dogs are most welcome to come help search as often a dog will readily come out of hiding if she smells / see's another sighthound. I have contacted 3 counties radio and Heart FM to see if we can get an appeal mentioned, and crossposts have already been done to Hound lounge, Greyhound walks, SLR, Kent Greyhound Welfare, Gap so hopefully support should be good. Speak Soon Mark    Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Meant to say in last blurb... I really don't think there's any point looking near Bishop's Stortford.  The gentleman at Wickham Hall was emphatic that the dog he and the police were trying to catch on 11 October was not Willow.  Thank you :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello all... directions for anyone  able to spare any time this Saturday from A10... come off at Harlow A414 /Ware (South) and take 3rd exit onto B181 Stanstead Abbotts/Roydon.  St Margaret’s Station is on LHS just over the crossing.   From Harlow, come off A414 for Stanstead Abbotts/Roydon and turn right onto B181... turn left into the High Street opposite the Red Lion pub and drive to the end of the village.  The Station is on RHS before the crossing.  Unfortunately there are car parking charges in force .. so best to park down Lawrence Avenue (opposite station car park).  We also have pesky "jobsworth" traffic wardens.  Alternatively, St Margaret’s station is on the Hertford East line. :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have been following the blog on Willow,  i live in Harlow and if possible will be there to help you search on Saturday, will have to phone Mark for more details as not sure of the area. I can offer a lift to anyone from Harlow  who wants to join the search. Having lost one of my dogs  this week for only  a day, i can`t imagine what it must be like for you, but fingers crossed she will be home with you soon. If not found before, will see you Saturday. Take care of yourself. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Moira/Mark etc, I will certainly join the search on Saturday for dear Willow. We have to get her back home asap and if I can be of any physical help; then count me in! Moira, please don't beat yourself up about not going to look again this afternoon, you are doing a fantastic job searching for Willow, so much so, your body is obviously telling you to take it easy (tiredness, oncoming cold etc.) It's great that Willow is being sighted but please don't worry about her being out in the cold. They are well able to find adequate shelter, look after themselves and find food and we do not give them enough credit, I speak from experience as you know. There is alot of farmland along the A120, I'm sure she's probably sheltered somewhere very warm (let's hope so). Only a matter of time before you get your baby back I'm sure. Text or call me if you need anything. I'll call you and let me know regarding the search on Saturday 24th Oct.  Can we bring our Greyhounds on the search for scenting etc? Stay safe Willow. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hi Border Girl... I postered all through Little Hadham yesterday morning after Angela's call on Friday and near Cradle End... but I couldn't find the vets so I thought maybe they'd moved... I thought it was on the RHS on the flat section going from Little Hadham but I'm ever so tired at the moment so maybe I just wasn't looking properly.  I didn't go searching for her this afternoon because I just didn't have the energy and I think I'm started to get a cold ... (sorry to sound so pathetic) and  night driving is not good when I'm tired particularly along the narrow windy roads with oncoming car headlights... and I know people hate sitting behind a slow moving vehicle as I snail along hoping to get a glimpse of her...  Thanks BG for your support! :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Thanks Mark for all your help and support! Hope your new job's going well...  It's so difficult to know which sightings are reliable... when people say they "are positive" it was Willow they saw ...and turns out it wasn't her at all...  and thinking about how many potential "wrong trees we've been barking up" and being pulled in all directions.. literally. I do still believe she is alive though...  I went out again before dusk last night and at first light this morning and it was extremely "chilly" to say the least so I hope she's finding adequate shelter ... but no sight along the Hunsdon Road where she was "seen" yesterday; went to Roydon and back along the Rye House toll road as well and put more posters up along there.  Will put your post on DogPages re 24/10 search...  Thanks again to you and everyone for their help.. am truly indebted!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
mark stowell
Hi Moira, I have been keeping one eye on this thread, and one on my new job but have managed to come by 100 acre a couple of times in the past week. As the sightings are gathering momentum it would be a good time to try a mass assult on the area with dogs and posters. Next weekend (if Willow is not home by then) we should get all the volunteers together in the area armed with posters and maybe a bit of news coverage. I will get the ball rolling on the hound lounge and GRWE's website, if someone could crosspost lurcher link, greyhound gap, Kent Greyhound welfare. Please post the following : *** Please Read ***   As you may already know Willow, a much loved lurcher went missing on the 6th of September. Although sightings were non existent for the first few weeks new sightings have come in around the Bishops stortford area and Willows owner Moira has been tireless in her efforts to get Willow back. It is now most important that she is reunited with her girl. We are planning a mass search on Saturday the 24th Starting at Stansted st Margrets and then spreading over the area's of the sightings postering and speaking with people. Please reply to this thread if you are able to help search and hopefully bring this girl home. Even if it is only for an hour ANY help would be most appreciated and is surely needed. For more information please contact Mark Stowell on 07532 364166 or even better email me at mark@rodrace.co.uk If you are able to offer car spaces or need a lift post it and I am sure someone could help With our combined effort we could help get this Girl back home where she belongs.   Thank you for taking the time to read this and please crosspost or contact the media for additional exposure. Mark (GRWE) 01462 888075 : 07532 364166 : mark@rodrace.co.uk  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lets hope we get a good response and BRING HER HOME Mark    Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
This sounds really hopeful Moi Moi.  Have you postered the A120 Vet centre?  I'm sure you will have done.  I'm sure there will be good news soon.  Show yourself Willow and come home to your Mum.  Please do ring if I can help.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Unfortunately, no sign of Willow this afternoon.  Went back to Hunsdon airfield in the hope of talking to some of the microlite club people and  telling them about this morning's sighting.. and got a 10 minute flight in a tiny 2-seater plane courtesy of Reg!  Not for the fainthearted...up and down was ok... turning was a different matter altogether.. had to hang on to the bar!! Definitely felt a bit green by the time we landed... but no sign of her from the air... She's the wrong colour for this time of the year when the fields are ploughed and the hedgerows are turning brown ... if only she was a Dalmatian!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
NEW SIGHTING... this morning along the Hunsdon Road coming back towards Stanstead Abbotts, young man from the Ash Valley Golf Club (where I’d dropped in a poster bright and early this morning  - and where the assistant said her brother had reported a lurcher, like Willow, loose with 2 black labs along the A120 last Saturday)  was going towards Hunsdon and saw her walking along the road against the flow between Newlands and Halfway House!  He said he’d seen her about half an hour before and thought it was strange she was on her own.  My neighbour and I went out and searched etc but didn’t see her.   Have driven up onto the Buxton’s estate, which incorporates All Nations Christian Collage, along the tracks which lead back to the village cross country.   Back in Stortford this morning, I went to Wickham Hall and luckily spoke to a man who, along with the police, had been trying to catch the lurcher that was spotted along the A120.  When I showed him Willow’s picture he said it definitely wasn’t her as the one he saw was a fawn colour and wearing a collar with a big disc on the front.  Going back out again in a minute.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Morning all... am going on a dawn offensive today ... as I didn't manage to get to any of the farms in the A120 area... the Stortford by-pass Tesco will put up posters in the store; managed to slide some under the door at the police station in the town centre (one step better than only being able to leave them under a windscreen wiper in the Hertford police station car park when that was shut!); Angela, the lady who called about the most recent sighting and who lives in Little Hadham, sounded genuinely upset and apologetic on the voicemail message she left on the landline, and again when I spoke to her in person, that she was not able to stop...but if only she'd rung the dog warden.. even the next day.    But at least she called eventually... as I was really getting very down last week...   Whilst in Stortford town centre I had a call from a lady with a sighting near Brookfield Farm ... but it was the travellers' dog which visits the burger van .. again she apologised because she'd seen it 6 days previously.  Had a text from a lady called Vanessa (which curiously was Willow's first name at the RSPCA Southridge centre!) ... saying she's looking for her particularly as she has a lurcher too!  :) 
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi all, I've just had a phone call from Moira, Willow's owner. She had a call today from a lady who had seen Willow on Sunday morning at 10.30am travelling along the Bishops Stortford Bypass, near Tesco?? This would make sense, as previously she was seen near Much Hadham; which is near to Bishops Stortford. There were many cars slowing down for her and the lady who spoke to Moira was certain it was Willow. Unfortunately, her husband wouldn't stop the car!!! Moira is understandably upset and very frustrated about this, as the area is heavily postered and Willow's plight is in the Hertfordshire Mercury. Moira is going to head that way this afternoon but at least people are aware. If anybody lives near this area, please have a look out for her. I'm going to head over that way at the weekend and I think Moira is going to contact Mike Abbey, Dog Warden for East Herts. I'll also let Moira know to contact Mark Stowell. Please stay safe Willow. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I teach in a school in Hertford and lots of our pupils come from this area. Will put up posters at school tomorrow. BridgetLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Forgot to say, we've seen the Mercury ad, it's excellent. It stands out and will certainly catch many, many more people's attention. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh Moira, we really feel for you, but on a positive note, at least people are aware of Willow, and possible sightings of her are being reported to you. I was walking along the river this morning in Ware, and stopped to talk to several people I know with their dogs. All of them commented on Willow and knew she was missing. We are all keeping our eyes and ears open I can assure you of that. In the meantime, let me know if you need any more help. You are working so, so hard to get your little girl back and I'm sure you'll get that phone call out of the blue to say that someone has her. Stay safe now Willow, your mummy is coming to get you. Look after yourself Moira, we're all with you. xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hi Denise ... hope you had a good break .. and that the weather wasn’t too bad??  Yes, very spooky about your next door neighbour!!  Will give you a call over the weekend.. Willow’s on page 11 of the Mercury.   Am going to head off towards Hadham Cross this morning.. a gentleman rang me at 10.25 last night to say he had seen what he initially thought was a deer up Blackridge Lane but his son, who was travelling in the car with him at the time, said it was a dog very much like Willow...  however this was on Monday, 5 October, at 7.45pm.   Then on Thursday night a family out walking near Forres School in Hoddesdon rang and said they thought he’d found her... and I rushed down there.. but it was a dark grey greyhound.. beautiful creature, just out looking for a bit more dinner... and it was soon reunited with its owner who lived in the next road along. I’m sure everyone on here who’s lost their dog will know what it feels like when you think you might be bringing him/her home and then ... you return empty handed...  I then had two more calls yesterday about the same dog; a "comfort call" from the Broxbourne Dog Warden; a call from a lady called Karen, who works in Hertford but lives in Harlow, with an offer of help to look for her... so I’m building up a little posse   It’s just so frustrating because the last 2 sightings have been in the dark   on 2 October  she might have been in Hoddesdon, and 3 days later she’s possibly out beyond Widford... but I have to follow all leads up
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello dear Moira, Just got back from our week away on Devon, to see Willow still missing! I thought about you and Willow so much while I was away and so hoped she would be back reunited with you. It sounds like she has got the attention of many, many people; which is brilliant! I haven't seen the Mercury ad yet, will get it tomorrow (Sat). What a coincidence about the graphic designer being my neighbour? It's a great idea though, the more coverage the better. Is there anything else that I can do to help? You are doing a fantastic job with advertising etc, but I just want to help wherever possible. Give me a call or I will call you tomorrow. (Sat) Look after yourself and Willow, stay safe and come home!! xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Fantastic advert in the Mercury Moi Moi.  It is bound to get people keeping their eyes open for her.  Can't remember what the freebie paper is for Hoddesdon - is it the Star or Herald?  Will they automatically carry the Mercury advert or can you approach them as well?   Hope Dog World and/or Dogs Today are helpful.  Have you postered in the Library in Hoddesdon, the supermarkets and the vets?  The second sighting (which turned out to be the greyhound) shows that people are looking out for her.  Don't forget the offer to help searching, if you get any more sightings.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just seen Willow's advert in the local paper. very eye catching and should bring Willow to more people's attention. I live north of Hertford near Buntingford but if I can be of any help please shout! If you get a sighting I'll come down to help you look. Come home soon Willow! Bridget    Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello Moi Moi,   In an effort to get your dog home I make this suggestion to you.  Are you brave enough to hire or buy a megaphone and stand in a busy place and broadcast that you dog is missing.  Also hand out doglost posters as well at the same time.  It might also bring you some extra publicity.  Have made this suggestion a couple of times, never had any feed back whether it has been successfulLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Thank you Border Girl, you are a mine of information!  :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello to all... no more sightings of Willow..(did try to post a blog midweek but the gremlins got it!)  but a family in Hoddesdon thought they’d found her last night, on Murchison Road,  but it was a lovely dark grey greyhound who was shortly reunited with her owner.  I was bitterly disappointed although half expecting it not to be her from their description, but at least kind people are being vigilant, and AWOL dogs being collared.  Have been driving around the 100 Acre etc most evenings this week. I need a bumper sticker made up to say "Please pass... looking for my dog" as I’m obviously snailing along ...  A 10 x 4 cm ad with a colour pic is coming out today in the Mercury, in the main body rather than the classifieds to draw more attention.  I was only reminded at the beginning of the week by the lady in the classifieds dept that Willow’s pet insurance might cover her advertising.. which it duly does up to ?1000.  My brain’s been a sieve lately and it just didn’t occur to me.  I’ve got a 3 week ad run for the price of 2.  I have approached a graphic designer, quite by coincidence GM1969’s door neighbour, to quote for a "missing" sign to go on the car doors, bonnet and boot ... but Tesco pet insurance say it’s maybe something they won’t cover because it’s a bit unusual but it’s cheaper than a 2 week colour ad in the paper and if people see me driving around hopefully they will respond if they see her.   I will try them again next week if there’s no positive response to the new ad.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bumped cos of sighting on 4th Oct.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Moi Moi - have you had any more sightings in Hoddesdon?  I've just thought of a paper and magazine that you could approach with a view to them mentioning Willow.  The first is Dog World (a weekly paper for dog enthusiasts).  Their general e-mail address is editor@dogworld.co.uk telephone 01233 645669.  The news editor's contact details are chrissy.smith@dogworld.co.uk  phone 01233 658908.  They often mention missing dogs in their "In Brief" section.  The other magazine that you could try is Dogs Today e-mail address  enquiries@dogstodaymagazine.co.uk or phone 01276 858880.  Might be worth a try - they can only say no.  Keep hopeful, and keep that candle of hope going.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Thanks Border Girl.. yes, sorry I missed you too.  Am afraid I was a bit tearful earlier but I think that’s because I’m a bit run down now...   You had a lovely morning for the walk... beautiful autumnal weather and lots of walkers.  I went out again tonight around the 100 Acre and the wider area like looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack..  and the temperature had plummeted like a stone.  Gave a few A5s to people out with their dogs.   I left some cooked sausages out in the garden last night .. and they’re still there today... so there’s not even a fox about at the moment...  I’ve lit a candle in the back porch every night since she’s been gone ..
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Oh Moi Moi - let this be Willow.  If she is around the 100 acre estate, people are bound to notice her with the posters you have been putting up.  If you get any more phone calls like this, please do let me know and I will come out and help search in the car (if I can).  Thanks for findng the time to come to the walk today - I'm sorry I missed you, my dog and I did part of the walk (she is too elderly to do it all), and we were out and about when you dropped by.  Your posters attracted a lot of attention, and people were taking copies that you left with us.  Don't forget to let me know if I can help searching.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
and it was Eloise ... brain's a gonner today...
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Sorry, forgot to say this is on the outskirts of Hoddesdon... about a mile from home...
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
This might be a ray of hope!!   At around 6.30 pm yesterday I had a call from a young lady called Eliose who said she saw a dog run across the Ware Road between the Roselands estate and the new Plomer Avenue estate, heading for the 100 Acre estate, around midnight the night before ie Friday night!!  Her father must have shown her the poster yesterday and she said it was Willow.   I went out straight away and drove around for the best part of 4 hours, came home about 11.45 pm because I was getting too tired.  Then of course it lashed it down with rain halfway through and I thought she definitely wouldn't come out in the rain ...  Put up loads more posters around the 100 Acre (including putting them back where they'd been torn down less than an hour before!); handed A5s to people out walking or in takeaways etc...  and then had a run-in with a moron  in his car who was either on drugs or was drunk ..which I don't really need.  Will look into getting bigger laminated posters done.. and definitely a larger newspaper ad this week with a photo in the main section.  
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Let's hope that Countryman's Weekly brings forth some sightings and contact.  There seem to have been a lot of "views" of your posting on Dogpages - it can only help.  It would be lovely to see you on Sunday, I will take the posters with me to put up at the hall.  Come out of hiding Willow so that Moi Moi can find you.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Thank you DogLost for the Countryman Weekly ad.. she's always been a "doggie diva" and looks fab in print .. of course...    Denise, my mobile's in limbo slightly at the mo, literally in the middle of switching network providers so maybe still in the system and will come through soon.. but thanks for your message here.  You've been a wonderful support right from the start ... if you've got a crystal ball I can borrow then that would come in very handy.  :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Willow is in The Countryman?s Weekly magazine today. Good Luck.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Moi Moi, have sent you a text tonight wondering if there was any update. I really wish I could do more to help you. Apart from giving leaflets out etc, I don't feel like I'm doing enough. Did you get any more feedback from The Gypsy King? I saw the advert in The Herts Mercury, how long is the ad running for? Did you contact Hertbeat radio or 1017 FM, Harlow? If you want me to contact them for you, please let me know. We are going away on Friday for a week so I'll contact them before hand if you need me to. In the meantime, keep up the excellent work, you know where I am if you need further help. Come on Willow, get back home to Mummy!! xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hi Border Girl... I will hopefully be along to the Dogs' Trust event at Benington on Sunday... I thought October was miles away when you first mentioned it... but not so... In fact Willow and I had a nice walk back in May in a wood not far from there as we always liked to find new places to go.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
I must have missed her in the Mercury.  Good to see her mentioned on Dogpages, sorry my attempt to get her on there was not successful.  Some dog walkers looked at one of her posters at Hartham Common today, so hopefully they will spread the news.  If she is not home by the weekend, I will take her posters with me to the dog walk at Benington on the 4th.  You really are doing so well with your posters and all the contacts you have made.  Good luck with the radio.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Thanks Sue... will keep an eye out for the magazine!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi, you're working so hard to find your girl. She should be featured in The Countryman's Weekly very soon, hopefully she'll be in this week. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Willow is now registered on DogPages ... which blocked DogLost in the posting .. so I've renamed this site "ChienPerdu" in the posting ...to avoid the censors!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello Border Girl... the ad’s in the Hertfordshire Mercury and I was told it would appear in the sister editions ie Hoddesdon and Broxbourne etc.. but maybe I was mistaken.  She’s on page 62 of the Herts Mercury and appears in the online edition too.  Haven’t had any response at all to the ad, however.   Over to the radio now I think Moira :(
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Maybe I cannot see for looking, but I could not see the advert in the Mercury this week.  Is it in the Hertfordshire Mercury or the Broxbourne one?  I've put a poster up at the Cole Green Garden Centre yesterday, they are very "doggy" in there, so I am sure they will keep their eyes open as well.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
It was lovely to meet Mark Stowell yesterday evening, as he knocked on the door on his way back from collecting a Sawbridgeworth stray lurcher.  Hoping George will be very happy in his foster home.  I have had no calls in response to the Mercury advert ... Will carry on postering the area...    Moira.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Thanks BG... even the fishmonger who does the rounds in my area thought he spotted her     I called in at the Elizabeth Way travellers’ site in Harlow this afternoon. The gentleman I spoke to had seen her poster at the Rye House toll and was very sympathetic. Although he hadn’t seen Willow, he said he would help as much as he could and would leave the poster for Bill Davidson, the site manager, and display another at the entrance. Moira
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
It's good news that you had a possible sighting at Brookfield centre, even if it didn't come to anything. It shows that people are keeping an eye open for her, and the more people that are doing that, the better the chances that she will be seen soon and back home.  Don't give up hope, you are doing so well.  Did you have any luck putting her on Dogpages?  I'm going over to Broxbourne on Sunday, so will take a poster with me to go in the pet shop there.  I'll also take one to Cole Green Pet and Garden Centre tomorrow.  Hopefully the advert in the Mercury will bring some calls.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Thank you Shirley4... will certainly follow that up.  Had a call this morning from a lady saying she’d seen a dog similar to Willow roaming the Brookfield Farm car park, so I went down there and spoke to a couple of ladies on the traveller site who were very helpful but, sadly, that dog is one of theirs and is well known to shoppers and he makes regular trips to the burger van in the car park!  Not a silly dog!  I had really thought I’d be bringing Willow home today.   :(   Herts CC Gypsy Section have e-mailed me to say they’ve notified all their sites now and people will keep an eye out, so please everyone "fingers crossed", as GM1969 - aka Denise - says, that Gypsy King Norbert  will work some royal magic!  On my way back from Cheshunt I dropped a poster off at Paradise Park and Broxbourne school, Baas Hill Common, the Showmen’s site at Rye House etc  An ad has gone out in today’s Herts Mercury "Lost & Found"  Yesterday, Network Rail were working on the line bordering the back field where Willow hunted and could have got out and I asked them to check both sides of the track but have had no ’phone calls to say they found anything.   Moira
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Crossposted ... thought this might be worth following up for this dog? Two whippet type dogs were found yesterday afternoon in Shepshed one is grey with white chest and socks, the other is brindle colour.  They were found the top end of Shepshed which is not far from junction 23 so could have been dumped from anywhere.  Neither had collars on they have been taken to College Garth Kennels in Hathern which is near Loughborough.  Their telephone number is 01509 842327.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi ya Moira, let's hope and keep fingers crossed that one of the sites or 'The Gypsy King' himself knows of Willow's whereabouts and that you can get your lovely girl back home. Dreams come true so let's hope that your dream of Willow coming home is a premonition (sp)? In the meantime, you're doing everything possible and let me know if you need any further help or have any updates etc.  Denise xx  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
I’ve had a call from Norbert, from Herts CC Gypsy section;  it turns out that he is the chap in the office in Hatfield (and he’s having a couple of pints of the black stuff in the pub tonight to celebrate being crowned "The Gypsy King"!) and he said that the section would contact all the 11 Herts sites, regarding any possible sightings of Willow, hopefully by the end of the week.    In the meantime, I had another dream that Willow came back then I woke up...
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Moi Moi.  I think my posting on the Dogpages may have been removed.  Reading the header on the Lost/Found page, it appears that only the owner can post a lost dog on there, and it cannot be used to cross post information found elsewhere on the internet, and I did include the Dog Lost website in my posting on there.  So maybe if you register on there, you could post the details as the owner of Willow.  Sorry I did try.  Any luck with Hertbeat FM.  I notice there is a piece in the local news on there about the missing greyhounds from potters bar.  Hopefully Willow can get a mention as well.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Thank you Border Girl... I can’t see Willow’s posting on the site yet but maybe it’s being moderated??  Will try the radio station :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
It was lovely to meet you on Saturday Moira.  Don't get down - you are working so hard to find Willow, you are bound to hear some good news soon.  I have been putting your posters up around Hartham.  I have also posted details of Willow on the Lost/Found pages of www.dogpages.org.uk  - the more people that know about her, the more people that can keep an eye out for her.  As Mark has suggested, have you tried Hertbeat FM.  They may be prepared to run a news item on air and/or on their website.  www.hertbeat.com and click on news, then got a news story.  It might be worth giving them a try.  Chin up. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Sorry, forgot to say, yes her Identichip is fully up-to-date; she's also been registered with Battersea; RSPCA; Wood Green; and my sister's posting  in Charlbury/Witney (Oxfordshire). :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Sorry about my Monday morning blues!!  I had been trying to get hold of the manager of the Harlow travellers’ sites last week without success although I will keep trying.  In the meantime, however, a lady rang me this morning to say I should try and contact the Gypsy King in Hatfield because a dog went "missing" from Brighton and when they went to see the GK, the dog was returned for a fee.  I am not in any way implying that Willow was stolen by them but she could have been found wandering on a road and passed on to them So I’ve contacted Herts CC gypsy section with her poster and someone called Norbert should get back to me tomorrow hopefully.   The daughter of a friend of mine in Ware has been posting Willow up in Stevenage and WGC and all over the place too, to my joy and surprise!  A neighbour is a veterinary nurse in Epping so she’s posted it there and that local authority dog warden has been notified as have all the neighbouring ones. Another friend is posting at Harlow Garden Centre and Happy Grow Nursery with the pet shop near Thornwood Common.  The Herts Mercury ad is coming out this Friday.  Thank you, Mark, for the reminder about the local radio stations.   I think I’ve done most of the vets (lots of them are networked or multi-location practices) including the one at Harlow Pet City and QEII Hospital etc  Thanks, Denise, for your call just now :)   Moira
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
mark stowell
Please keep positive Moira, as most will agree some hounds take longer to find than others, it may seem that it has all gone quiet but underneath the word is spreading and connections will be made, I had a call from a relative in Dobbs weir yesterday asking for details so more and more people are keeping an eye out.  Is there any news from the dog warden? All we need is that one vital sighting and efforts can be focused again. Sorry to prob go over old ground but wanted to check if the following have been chased up: Local radio ie Heartbeat, BBC Beds Herts & Bucks,
Local Pounds
Local dog's homes
Local vets
The Chestnut Veterinary Group Hoe Lane,Ware
Walton Lodge Veterinary Group The Green,Ware
Medivet Stanstead Abbotts Stanstead Abbotts,Ware
The Chestnut Veterinary Group Ware Rd,Hertford
The Good Companions Veterinary Clinic Stanstead Abbotts,Ware
Walton Lodge Veterinary Group Ware Road,Hertford
The Chestnut Veterinary Group Fore St,Hertford
Toddbrook Veterinary Centre Ware Rd,Hoddesdon
Forest Veterinary Centre Eastwick,Harlow and are chip details up to date ? 
and please keep this thread updated as often as possible.
Mark x
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
I met Border Girl late Saturday afternoon, and her lovely little dog :) Thank you for offering to put posters up, much appreciated.  It would be lovely if Willow was back home safe and sound in time for the Dog's Trust sponsored walk in Benington on 4 October which Border Girl is helping to organise!   I managed to catch the East Herts Rambler group near Widford Church before their 11 mile walkies to Much Hadham on Saturday morning, and left posters at Hunsdon airfield for "the eyes in the sky" to keep a look out .. but no sightings reported.  In the meantime, life goes on but it is very unsettling without her... apart from a 9-month break after my previous dog, Branston, died my life for the last 17 years has always been structured around a dog - 2 walks a day, rain, sun, snow or fog...taking Willow out with me in the car whenever possible.  Willow disappeared just when I was making some changes to the house before putting it on the market and moving to west Oxfordshire, to be nearer my sister and her mad Airedale, giving us all a fresh start.. but now I feel that I would be abandoning her if I was to up sticks and move ...  Moira :(  :(  :(
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Moira, I tried contacting you last night on you doggie hotline number, I will try again today.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
mark stowell
No sign of Willow tonight, Good news is that the word is spreading as a few of the people I spoke with tonight knew of a missing lurcher and are keeping an eye out. The local area is very heavily populated so if she was close to home sightings would be flooding in.  I thik you are certainly on the right track looking further afield. Stay safe willow. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
A big thank you Mark for coming all the way over from Hitchin last night ... particularly as there wasn't a great deal of daylight left.  I didn't see your van unfortunately.  Denise sowed an inspirational seed in my mind after she mentioned a farmer had gone up in his plane to look for Ranger, and I'll go back to Hunsdon today to the airfield and put some notices up by the microlite hangars, as they are always flying over this area; Willow and I have often walked on the airfield...  I will also try and contact the Ramblers.   Moira :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
mark stowell
Have spoken with Moira and am heading over there now.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Sorry my brain's not working... my doggie hotline no is 07599 082982 not 902  ... D'OH! :(
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi

Denise has been so supportive; it was lovely to meet her  (& hubby) and two adorable greyhounds yesterday evening.  Luckily their greyhound was found .. so I'm keeping things crossed for Willow.  Richard Glanville from Network Rail rang me mid morning to see if Willow had come home; his number is 02033 569126 as it may come in handy in the future if anyone else needs a contact number for Network Rail other than 08457 114141.  Could Border Lass please txt or ring me on my doggie hotline number: 07599 082902 so that I can get some posters with pics (and pins) to her if she wouldn't mind putting a few more up around Hertford - that would be fantastic.  Thank you Debbz for your message of support.  If you could let me have your email address, I could send you a photo poster because you just never know where she might be... and someone may have seen her ...the little tinker!  Thanks again, Moira
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello to all DL co-ordinators and helpers. I met Willow's owner Moira this evening. A lovely lady who is understandably heartbroken that Willow is still missing. There have been no confirmed sightings of this lovely lurcher since she went missing on the Sunday,6th Sept. Obviously, until there is a confirmed sighting, it is difficult to know where to start looking. Moira has been searching high and low on farmland, fields, along the river in Stanstead Abbotts and is extending her search areas further afield. Could Moira or myself have the contact number for Mark Stowell, as when I lost my greyhound last year; he was very helpful and I think Moira would benefit from his help also. I'm not sure what else to suggest to Moira, she has contacted all relevant parties. I just want to help get Willow back but may need Mark's help. Many Thanks in advance.    Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello Moi Moi, I walked along the river today with my two greyhounds, near the Jolly Fisherman Pub, I spoke to a few people and told them about Willow. I've also contacted my friend who lives in Stanstead Abbotts. Have you contacted anybody at the boat yard marina on the river? If there is anything else I can do to help, please let me know. You are doing everything you can; postering, contacting vets, dog wardens etc. I know what you are going through, but I'm sure you'll have her back very soon. Fingers crossed, stay safe Willow. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am too far to help - but sending you this message to stay strong and try everything you can.  Doglost helpers are truly amazing and will help you try what is needed to get Willow home. Until then, stay safe dear Willow.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Moi Moi
Hello and a big thank you to everyone who’s responded.  I will contact you all asap.  Am going to Hertford in a few minutes’ time to get some more posters printed with her pics on.  Have put up about 100 already since Monday afternoon; Tesco in Ware, Hertford; Sainsbury’s in Hoddesdon; Hertford and Hoddesdon Police stations; most of Stanstead Abbotts including the Scout Hut and All Nations (new gamekeeper is moving in soon!) has been covered;  I need to start doing the outlying villages eg Hunsdon, Wareside etc.  A friend in Clements St in Ware  has a small bundle of posters and she will do the High St ie Post Office etc.  I will make a list of the locations  where they’ve been posted and maybe I can email it and if you are kind enough to put some more up you can add the location to the list so we are up-to-date and not duplicating.  I did have a possible sighting on Wednesday; a lady thought she saw her not far from the Amwell nature reserve viewpoint where all the birdwatchers gather.  There was no trace of her there so I moved on towards Watersplace Farm and then switched over to All Nations above Cappell Lane as that’s a favourite walking place.  I know it’s only been just under a week but it feels like a lifetime and it’s so weird not having her around.  I just hope someone has taken her in and she’s curled up on a sofa ..  Thank you again, Moira :)
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks everyone for you offers of help. Willow's owner has been notified.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Please, please let me know if myself & my husband can help, we live in Ware so if there is anything we can do, including coming out to help search, please let us know. My name is Denise and you can contact me on: 07971 239715 or 01920 460832. I will also contact my friend who lives up in Chapelfields, Stanstead Abbotts. Our greyhound went missing last year, so we know how you must be feeling. Stay positive, we'll get Willow back. In the meantime, stay safe dear Willow. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Southern Lurcher Rescue Mimsmum-SOUTHERN LURCHER RESCUE
We'll put her on our website.  If you want help at the weekend postering or looking out for her please get in touch. Jenny. www.southernlurcherrescue.org.uk. 07940 555 574. We are located in Harlow, Essex.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Border Girl
Sorry to hear that Willow is missing.  I will print off posters and start putting them around Hertford.  Put some posters up in your car, it always attracts attention.  Whereabouts in Stanstead Abbotts did Willow go missing?  Is it worth asking Van Hage Garden Centre if they will put up posters?  They are always very busy and hopefully a lot of local people would see the posters.  Also what about at the railway station - catch all the commuters. Hope Willow is home soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18

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