Stolen: Brindle Lurcher Male

  • Dog ID 164833
  • Status Stolen
  • Registered 27 Feb 2021
  • Gender & Breed Male Lurcher (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Brindle
  • Marks & Scars Boris has a small circular scar on his left ear and the tip of his right ear missing.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Investigating Force Suffolk Constabulary
  • Date Lost 27 Feb 2021
  • Where Lost Dunwich Forest, Suffolk
  • Lost In Region East Anglia
  • Lost In Post Area IP18
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Wearing a muzzle to protect the local wildlife - he is a very friendly boy. A SUBSTANTIAL REWARD IS OFFERED FOR THE SAFE RETURN OF BORIS.
  • Listed By Sioux-b
  • Views 12592
  • Alerts Sent 140
  • BORIS  MISSING 3 YEARSPoster Image


Sightings and Information

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Can’t believe lovely Boris has been missing for 3 years. Must feel like a lifetime for his family.
Always hoping and praying for good news. xxx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Boris is still missing, he has been missing for 3 years, please re-share, the owner is still hoping he will be found safe x
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you HNich2019 for posting this found dog and thank Medway Animal Warden for checking this dog against Boris so promptly, sadly not a match but certainly needed checking x
My husband and neighbour found this lurcher. We have more photos.

This lad was found in Rainham today, 15.01.2024. He is chipped, but it is not up to date.

Please contact us on 01634 333333 or email quoting 24/00258/STDO if you have any information.
Missing & Found Dogs North East UK
We have had a grey male lurcher handed in to our St Helens practice this morning that was found at West Auckland. He is microchipped but we have not been able to contact the owner yet. Please contact the surgery on 01388 450700 if you think this is your dog.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you Kizzysmum, I’ve checked the found dog and sadly of a match for Boris.
Kizzysmum I think this may be Boris, tag in ear!
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Bumped Boris's poster on Facebook Group & retweeted his twitter thread @DogLostUK edited: 2023-02-28 03:55:20 by Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Boris has been missing for 2 long years, please re-share to remind people he is still missing, the owners desperately want news of their boy.
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Features in the DogLost column of lost and stolen dogs in The Countryman's Weekly 2nd November.
Lisa T
Similar to Boris found at SDK if anyone who knows owners could check please (I can’t tell from the SDK photo if tip of found dog’s ear is missing like Boris’s) 🐾🐾♥️

Found male lurcher (not microchipped)
Iver, Buckinghamshire, SL0

Ref No: SBDC 0110221038
Council: South Bucks District Council

Telephone : 03444 828 300
AbbieDLNorthLondon Could this be brois?
A brindle lurcher found
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
From Boris’s owner....
Boris has been missing for nearly 10 months. He had cigarette burns and was obviously used for coursing. We think he spent all his time,previously to being rescued, outside. He really hated being outside, unless on a run/walk 😪. It’s getting colder now and it breaks my heart to think of him being chained up outside…. Please bring him home.
He went missing on 27th February in Dunwich Forrest Suffolk
Hi a lurcher has been found in TerenurePost doesn’t state gender, but colouring is brindle Dog is now with Dogs trust, Ireland Lost & Found
Call dog trust on 018791000.
Any news on this beautiful boy? xxx
Hi Folks, we have everything crossed that Boris is amongst the 83 dogs recovered by Suffolk Police. Thanks again for all your help and thoughts. K&S
Really hoping Boris is found. x
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you AnnaMac, the sighted dog is not Boris, Boris's owner has confirmed this.
Could this be Boris ??
On Tuesday (16 March) Sussex Police seized 10 Lurcher and Spaniel type dogs from a location in Surrey.

They are asking anyone who has lost either a lurcher or spaniel to contact them by sending an email: with your contact details.
They have a dedicating team managing this and believe they may be stolen
I found out about Boris missing today :( Is he thought to be lost in Dunwich or stolen and taken elsewhere? I can look out for him in Dunwich area but wondered if he is thought to be possibly elsewhere. I hope the lovely boy is found safe and well xx
Really sorry to hear Boris may have been stolen. Keep thinking about him. Back out walking around Dunwich this afternoon so will keep looking.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Shared on Twitter x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Updated on National FB Group x
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
CRN number received and status updated from missing to stolen.
Please if you are in the area do not stop looking for Boris, however as there have been no sightings of him the owner believes he may have been taken from the area.
Spent some time walking around Fredericks Mount yesterday and all around Dunwich forest this afternoon. Sorry to say no sightings of Boris. Will keep looking.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Unfortunately because of Covid restrictions we are unable to organise an actual search in the area, however if you are local and you want to walk, the area that is being concentrated on is Frederick’s Mount.
The fire tracks are all numbered so if you could let the owner know by text which area you have covered that would be brilliant.
Contact numbers are 07193076264 and 07925346309.
Have you asked locally if anyone has a search and rescue dog? I walked from Frederick's Mount car park to Helenas through the forest and didn't see or hear him sorry. Last edited: 2021-03-04 16:14:34 by Cathy
Let us know if you would like any specific areas searching. We are local and happy to go out looking wherever you think Boris could be /hasn't been searched.
I walked with my dog yesterday from Frederick’s Mount (Along road from 5 finger post to Dunwich) through to the Archery club entrance Post 41 (Westleton to Dunwich road) no sighting, I’ll be walking around there again today, also asking other walkers to be aware
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
A substantial reward is offered for the safe return of Boris.
Thanks for everyone's efforts / comments. The muzzle is a greyhound type with plenty of room to pant / drink. The single strap behind the ears is deliberately loosish so will (hopefully) come off without too much effort or if snagged. Still no sign of Boris but we still have everything crossed. K & S
Georgy Porgy
Feeling worried for this dog because of the muzzle. Is it one he might be able to get off?
Been all round woods near St Helena this morning with 2 nosy dogs,no sign , any other suggestions as we are very local
We walked around the forest this morning looping back in the middle. Unfortunately no signs. Any suggestions where else we could look to cover more ground? We will be back out tomorrow and happy to look in a certain place.
Owmer couple of ideas......Try and get some tripe from the butchers amd leave on different areas. Also leave a scenting trail of your urine on a safe route back to an area that is safe
Thanks folks, appreciate all your efforts. Out looking again this morning, casting the net a bit wider. Fingers crossed.
Drove around all the main P places this evening - about 5.30 and the beach / café parking in case he might be hoping ‘his’ car / owners were there. Have also alerted lurcher owning friends in Walberswick in case he’s gone that way. Will be back there tomorrow with my dogs for a walk - hoping he will turn up safely very soon.
Spent an hour there mid-day today, no sign.
Will go again tomorrow- let’s hope he’s found soon.
Spent this afternoon walking around Dunwich Forest and surrounding areas. No signs of Boris. Keeping everything crossed and will keep looking.
Just returned from an hours walk around the RHS of Dunwich woods where there were a few others about to. Regrettably no sightings of Boris despite looking in amongst the woodland. I hope he has made his way to somewhere familiar. Shall keep a look out on our walks in the area.
Did a 5k walk on Westleton Heath this morning, but no sightings there. Hope to god you find him soon
Thanks all - appreciate all your efforts :) Keeping our fingers crossed.
We've been through woods near Westleton and over heath this morning but no sign of him there. Will try to get some posters out that way later if he's still not home. Hopefully he'll turn up today as will be hungry if can't get food with muzzle on.
Hi, Boris was last seen in the woods on the left hand side of the road from 5 ways carpark down towards Dunwich.
He has been gone about 24 hrs now so could have travelled anywhere. Your offer to help is appreciated - if you are going there for a walk please keep your eyes open. Thanks K & S
Roughly whereabouts was Boris lost? We were there yesterday and walked from car park 42 on the road from Westleton to Blythburgh.
We could go there today and have a look.
Hoping this gorgeous boy is found safe and soon. xxx
HelperSky's AngelsLouise
Shared to Lost and Found Pets UK and to Sky's Angels on FB
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted @DogLostNSC - please follow us and RT if you can x
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Details added to Dog Lost Norfolk and Suffolk Facebook group and other groups in the area.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent.

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