Reunited: Chcocolate/Brown Cocker Spaniel Male

  • Dog ID 156559
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 07 May 2020
  • Name FIGGY
  • Gender & Breed Male Cocker Spaniel (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Chcocolate/Brown
  • Marks & Scars Chocolate colour apart from a white star on his chest.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 06 May 2020
  • Where Lost Freezinghill Lane/A420 end. Spooked by something and ran off with our other spaniel on late night walk. The pair probably headed south to Langridge/Lansdown area.
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area BA1
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info The other spaniel has just returned home but Fig is younger and not as streetwise as the older dog and won't find it easy to make his way home.He is a fourteen months old and a shy boy who will be timid and apprenhensive about approaching people.
  • Listed By Nicky
  • Views 2788
  • Alerts Sent 82
  • FIGGYPoster Image
  • FIGGYExtra Image


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Toby and Billy
In tears reading of Figgy's return. I was so worried when reading of him being taken off in a van. My faith in humanity restored. Well done all involved in reuniting Figgy. A huge ((hug)) to all, no more adventures Figgy xx xx xx
Great news - well done all involved.
Did he not have an id tag - would have saved all of this hence the lawLast edited: 2020-05-07 19:32:24 by Debbie123
… and I must add..this Dogs.Lost website really does work and really does raise the profile. Please continue to support it, it is doing a very important role. Thank you to Juna who rang me as soon as she saw my post today... meant a lot and was very reassuring.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
I am so pleased for you and second the thank you to everyone.
What a marvellous story of kind people helping a lost dog. So pleased Figgy is back in his home.
Figgy is back home! Thank you to everybody who re-posted/re-tweeted/re-facebooked our plea - it worked, we reached the right people and collected him an hour ago. The actual story of his return is thanks to you all and the power of communication. We were lucky - right place, right time - and special thanks to the wonderful nurse, Luisa, (as if the NHS aren't doing enough for us right now!) who stopped the traffic and helped catch Fig on the road; to Craig, who drove around with Figgy in his van trying to find his owner, and failing to do that, leaving him in very safe, capable hands for the day... and THEN dropping in on his way home to see how Figs was; and the charming couple who took Figgy under their wing, fed him, let him play with their dogs and took him to be microchipped. Really, really appreciative of you all, thank you. It reminds me, once again, how grateful I am for the community spirit that survives the toughest of challenges (and pandemics!). Happy evening all.
Thankyou all for your concern, we've contacted the local vets and both dog wardens as well but as yet nothing beyond that report at 7am this morning. Please forward to anyone you can think of that lives in/near the Bath area who can spread the word. Desperate to get him back home. All news gratefully received. Thank you.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Figgy was caught this morning but as finder was on their way to work was unable to keep him. Workmen in a van took him saying they would take him to a farm but this is as far as his owners have been able to trace him so far.
Chip company contacted to flag as missing.
HelperSky's AngelsLouise
Shared to Sky's Angels and Lost and Found Pets UK on fb.

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