Rainbow Bridge: Tabby Cat Female

  • Dog ID 147480
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 18 Aug 2019
  • Name LEXI
  • Gender & Breed Female Cat (Spayed)
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour Tabby
  • Marks & Scars Tabby markings mostly black on body, pink nose. LEXI IS DIABETIC, she becomes very ill without her insulin injections.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 14 Aug 2019
  • Where Lost Hunts Cross, Liverpool
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area L25
  • Date Found 19 Aug 2019
  • Found In Post Area L25
  • Date Reunited 19 Aug 2019
  • Other Info SPAYED and MICROCHIPPED. Tabby markings mostly black on body, pink nose. LEXI IS DIABETIC, she becomes very ill without her insulin injections. Please check GARDENS, SHEDS and OUT BUILDINGS.
  • Listed By Zvent91
  • Views 1832
  • Alerts Sent 85
  • LEXIPoster Image
  • LEXIExtra Image


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Oh no! I am so sorry that you have lost your beautiful girl Lexi It`s awful when we lose a pet; they are family. Nightie, night, Lexi, sleep tight, and have fun with my cat who is waiting to play. RIP+ God bless x A~~~Candle~~~burns for you Lexi. One day when the time is right.you will meet Lei at the bridge, and she will show you the way. Forever together. Now with loving Angels. Lexi will always be at your side. And her paw prints etched in your hearts.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
So sorry to get the sad news LEXI has been found and she has gone to Rainbow Bridge. Deepest thought are with LEXI and her owner.

Run free over the Bridge and sweet dreams LEXI. Last edited: 2019-08-20 08:31:28
Thanks Majorjet. Plus when searching make sure she isn`t hiding behind, or in an object within, especially if timid. Also take a good walk round the area, holding an object with her scent on, and rattle some Dreamies. Someone maybe feeding her. (Common problem) Try a squeaky toy as it may attract her attention. Remember too that cats can squeeze into very small spaces (About 3" wide) as they have very flexible spines , so she may have squeezed into a partly open window, and is now trapped. Post in shops; post offices too. Hand out as many posters as you can; when you can. Ask around, especially those with children, as they can be very observant, where animals are concerned. Incidentally cats can survive without food for 2/3 weeks. Paws xd.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West

you may have already done all this,but just in case
1.Put familiar smells outside, bedding, contents of hoover
2.Call softly late at night or early morning when quiet, shake their biscuits.
IMPORTANT wait for a response, they may be trapped in somewhere, if they are injured, they may be close by, hiding under a hedge or somewhere that is sheltered, garages,sheds,greenhouses.
3.Check with neighbours, ask if you can check their garden shed etc, your cat will respond to your voice and not theirs.
4.Make a poster with their photo, location lost, your contact details, put poster at eye level around your area, and give to neighbours
5.Make smaller posters to put through doors close to where they escaped from, not everyone is on Facebook
6.Contact local vets, and animal shelters
7.Put on FACEBOOK, nextdoor.co.uk, post on all animal sites around you
8.And if you have recently moved house contact your old neighbours, give them leaflets, and put posters in that area
9.If chipped contact chip company,they may have been advised of a cat that has been found with your details
10.Also if there are any empty buildings,houses in the vicinity, check to see if they have a cat flap, cats have been found locked in empty houses not being able to get out
It is critical than this is done as soon as possible
πŸ™πŸˆI pray your little furbabe is home soonπŸˆπŸ™
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Details and photo upload. Will share on fb,
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in L24,25,26.

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