Lost: Black And Tan Jack Russell Terrier Male In North West (CW12)

  • Dog ID 147042
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 07 Aug 2019
  • Name SPARKY
  • Gender & Breed Male Jack Russell Terrier
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black and Tan
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 06 Aug 2019
  • Where Lost Bromley Woods, Buglawton, Congleton, East Cheshire
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area CW12
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info **PLEASE DO NOT CHASE ** Chased by another dog before and ran but went home. Similar dog chased it this time so now really SCARED. If found He should be reported to council Dog Warden as required (BY LAW)
  • Listed By Greyhoundgap
  • Views 6068
  • Alerts Sent 104
  • SPARKYPoster Image
  • SPARKYExtra Image


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Any news of sparky?
This little man has really tugged at my heart strings. I am hundreds of miles away but wishing you all lots of luck in your endeavours. Thinking of you all and hoping Sparky is found and safely home very soon xx
Does anyone in the area have a heat seeking camera?
Shared to Home Safe Dog UK x
DogLostFiona Monger - Investigations Co-ordinator, Police Liaison
Poster has been posted to DogLost Northwest Facebook Group x and surrounding areas
Labrador lover
Yes, sorry, I didn’t think about that, I was trying to think about a way to find him in thick undergrowth. Hoping he stays safe until he’s found.
DogLostFiona Monger - Investigations Co-ordinator, Police Liaison
If he's been chased by dogs in the past then sniffer Dog probably isn't a good Idea x
Labrador lover
Are there any sniffer dogs in the area who could help?
So sorry to hear that Sparky was chased...all paws and everything xd that he will be found safe very soon - to your distraught family please don't give up the hope and perhaps he is just hiding out until he feels safer...what a horrible thing to happen and equally sounds like a horrible thing that was said, and perhaps even, (too) flippant disregarding Sparky's owner's feelings...thoughts are with you and wish everyone Good Luck who are involved in searching for this lovely lad 🤞🙏 x Last edited: 2019-08-08 22:49:51 by Carolynl
Having done this for a large number of years I'm having a heart and head battle tonight. My head says he may need time to calm down but my heart says it's a densely brambled and bracken filled area and if the other dog injured Sparky badly we dont have more time. I'm going against the grain and organising a finger tip search of the area tomorrow. It's a large safe area with no major surrounding risks. Railway is 60ft up on a huge bridge, river not fast flowing and canal well used with no major roads. We have cameras and food drops in and a trap and ring two in owners gardens. Its impossible without help to rule out a seriously injured dog buried deep within density and if that's the case and I didnt do it I'd never forgive myself. Please keep everything crossed. We cant even get a drone in it's so thick
From Greyhound Gap FB page “On Tuesday 6th August at around 7.30pm Sparkys owners were walking him up the steps on Bromley Woods that bring you out onto Fern Crescent when a large described as bull x but taller than a standard bull x and white in colour with tan patches with its owners came shooting down and grabbed at him. The dog got over the top of Sparky and started to drag him. Sparky managed to free himself and run. The other dog took chase hot on his heels and they were gone for around 2 minutes when the larger dog returned and Sparky didnt. The man who was with his girlfriends told Sparkys owners *my dog doesn't give in*. They then left the scene. As anyone who knows the area will know its massively overgrown in parts and with major brambles etc that are hard to get through. There have been no subsequent sightings 48hrs on and we are now gravely concerned that Sparky could be injured and desperately needing help. This is where you come in. We need volunteers tomorrow who know the area to meet us at 10am kitted out in thick clothes and thick footwear who can help us to as good as finger tip search the area and bring a broom handle with you. We will give you guidance as to what to do should by a chance you find or flush him and he isn't injured or scared.
If the owner of the other dog does read this we would like to know exactly what was meant by my dog doesn't give up. You told the owner of a small terrier he should be on lead when it wasnt him who was a risk to other dogs. I strongly suspect this isn't the first time. This time it could have cost a small dog its life. It's not the dogs fault its irresponsible ownership so please do stop and think about your dogs capabilities and the repercussions. We have a missing dog and a distraught family.
If you are in a position to help please DO post on this thread and let us know you'd be able to meet us tomorrow.
Thank you in advance I know Sparkys family will be hugely appreciative”
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Details shared to DogLost.co.uk Facebook Group & tweeted @DogLostUK
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Near Buglawton. Alerts sent to helpers in CW12. SK11. ST8.
Sorry to see that SPARKY is missing.
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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Drone SAR

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