Lost: Blue Roan (Black, Grey And White) Cocker Spaniel Male In South East (TN6)

  • Dog ID 141686
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 19 Mar 2019
  • Name HAMISH
  • Gender & Breed Male Cocker Spaniel
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Blue Roan (Black, grey and white)
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 19 Mar 2019
  • Where Lost Between Mark Cross & Wadhurst - £1000 reward now offered
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area TN6
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Missing from B2100 between Mark Cross & Wadhurst (Does not worry livestock).
  • Listed By Green Gables
  • Views 12196
  • Alerts Sent 163
  • HAMISH Poster Image
  • HAMISH Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Just in case pls check https://www.facebook.com/share/p/hyweWjTQ6UsxVqEG/
Please have a look at a found dog on dog lost site. 101303. Cocker found in Southern Ireland. Sadly they haven’t put whether male or female. Wishing Hamish home to you. LouiseB a dog lover x
To check.... breed not released but roan colour small dog found Devon.... https://www.facebook.com/dartvalevets
DogLostScruffy Dog - Central Team Volunteer
please check https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=3089144764737035&set=gm.3201483596757862
Tweeting in #SpanielHour tonight & bumping up posts FB XX
https://www.gumtree.com/p/dogs/cocker-spaniel/1397925724 cocker for sale on gum tree, looks very similar. Advert says 7 months old but may not be genuine.
Another found....https://www.facebook.com/LeedsFoundDogs/photos/a.1644634735825470/2606562989632635/?type=3&theater
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Just to add, i was given the name of the found dog with Swale Council and did check back through the missing dogs of the same name on here and nothing listed as missing :-(
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Thank you to the people who flagged up the cocker with Swale Council, much appreciated. As Margot has said, it has been followed up and is not Hamish sadly.
I have been keeping in pretty much weekly contact with Margot since Hamish went missing so the search is very much still active, its just there has not been anything of any note to report:-(
Thank you to everyone who is still thinking of Hamish. x
Green Gables
Hi all,
Swale Dog Warden kindly contacted me. After discussion discovered chip numbers do not match, nor does past owner address, dog name and dog year of birth. So looks like that poor dog in FB pics isn't Hamish. I can visit the spaniel if I need to 'see for myself'. Thank you for all M
I have just seen a similar dog found in a poor state on FB. It is on Swale borough council stray dog site and listed by Dogs Found in UK. Tel no. Is 01795 417850 or 01634 233624.
Oh, I hope so. x
Green Gables
Thank you. There's quite a strong likeness, so have left a tel. message with Swale Dog Warden as want to follow up ASAP.
Thank you for sharp eyes!
Could this be Hamish https://www.facebook.com/swalestraydogs/photos/pcb.2480631868849588/2480631815516260/?type=3&theater
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
I know Margot followed up the Corby dog, sadly it wasn't Hamish :-(
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Please check this found male spaniel https://doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=148874
Green Gables
After phoning around many vets in Northants, and the Council, Kennels etc, I discovered the Vet tel. no. was for an out of hours emergency vet service. I managed to speak to their call centre who advised that the spaniel in question was female and had been reunited with owners. The Vets will contact me to confirm this.
Green Gables
Thank you I am following up the Northants connection. M
Liz Q
More photos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/corbylostpets/permalink/2264137333684991/
Liz Q
Please check this one out (sex unknown). Found Corby Northants but finder says chipped to Scotland. I know not likely but stranger things have happened :) Vets no. is 01604 635835. Similarity noticed by @jamonthebottom on Twitter x

Zoe and Hamish's family, so sorry Hamish is still missing and your searching has not yet found him. If there is anything I can help with please let me know. I am always looking out across the fields in my daily drive from Heathfield to Wadhurst in the hope I will see him. Hoping for good news soon. Hugs.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
There is now a £1000 reward for Hamish's safe return.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Nearly two months later and Hamish is still missing🙁 There is now the chance that he was either picked up on the day he went missing or sometime since. There were two separate sightings of a similar dog in both Rotherfield (first week he went missing ) and Stonegate three weeks later. They may or may not have been Hamish but there has been absolutey absolutely nothing since then. His family are missing him desparately and just want him home. Do you know anyone that has acquired a similar dog? They may be totally unaware he is a missing/stolen dog, no questions will be asked and any information will be treated in strictest of confidence.
Contact schools and colleges and offer a reward towards school funds. Put posters in cars and posters into red post boxes for postmen to take back to the sorting offices. Have you postered poo bins and bus stops. Contact taxi firms.Last edited: 2019-04-23 10:39:41 by Nina
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Hamish has been missing for five weeks:-(
We are at a loss as to what we can do next. His owners were back at the location of the last possible sighting over the weekend, having a picnic in the woods. The area is postered and everyone they met were aware of him.
We are all still very much looking but just need a new sighting.
So sad to see no further news on Hamish. My heart goes out to his owners who are so desperate to know where Hamish is.
I did walk from Mayfield to Colkins Mill on Sunday, so many open fields! Will have some time Sunday/Monday Zoe so will do Mayfield again.
Come on Hamish, where are you?
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Thank you “thedogfinder”...really appreciated.
I’d just like to say a huge thank you to Alison who has spent most of morning driving the area and postering.
Also to Kate, who has been a huge help as always...thank you both of you.
Owner is out walking the bridleway from sighting back to her sheep field near Mayfield, so fingers crossed, if it was him, that he’ll pick up their scent.
Sharing again for Hamish , with details of the recent poss sighting, have stressed not to chase if seen but to call owner straight away . Paws crossed 🐾
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
We now believe that Wadhurst sighting was another dog unfortunately:-(
Hamish’s owners had a call yesterday with possible sighting on bridleway/footpath between Witherenden Bridge near Stonegate station & Mayfield . If anyone can help poster then it would be greatly appreciated.
Myself and Hamish’s owners have followed up the very few sightings that have been reported but to no avail. They are still desperate for news.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Hamish is still missing :-(
There is quite a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes so we haven't given up on him and the search is very much still on.
Hamish's owners and friends have been amazing and very proactive. We all want him home safely.
We believe that he may not have his collar on anymore.
We'd also ask that he is not chased if he is seen, and to contact owner with any sightings.
Thank you all for your help.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
I have spent a couple of hours with Hamish's owners today. As I arrived, they'd just had a call from a lady who had seen a similar dog in Faircrouch Lane yesterday afternoon, which is literally just down the road from where he went missing. The lady was really unsure whether it was Hamish so it is definately an unconfirmed sighting of a similar dog! It is completely the other direction to where the sighting was a week ago, but the interesting thing is, that the family covered a lot of ground last weekend and he could maybe have followed their scent back to where they left their car.
There is nothing concrete for any of us to work on, but the sighting was followed up as I was there and a few more posters were displayed in that area as well.
I really wish I had some good news to report today, but if today's sighting is Hamish, then he is closer than was hoped.
Please, if there is anyone in the Wadhurst area, particularly Faircrouch Lane/Tapsells Lane, can you keep a close eye open please. Thank you x
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Thank you as always Kate for your help.
No news that I'm aware of, I had a long chat with owner yesterday. I think they were going to try Jenny to see if she can help. Sadly there has been no sightings now for a week which just seems bizarre:-( I have suggested dropping a poster into Dewlands Golf club in Rotherfield and there is also an equestrian centre in Rotherfield so have suggested a visit there too.
Owner has my number and knows I will help if needed or if there is another sighting. I will keep you posted. X
Zoe been keeping a look out on way to and from work in Wadhurst. Let me know if you need help. Is there any more news? Kate
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Thanks Jayne, received.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Further alerts sent to helpers in TN21.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Please could alerts be sent to TN21 as well if possible as that’s my postcode and is only about 10 mins from where Hamish went missing? X
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
I’m so sorry I’ve not been around to help, I’m away on holiday with limited internet but flying back overnight tonight so once I’ve picked my dog up I’ll contact owner and hopefully I can help in the afternoon. If they know where Hamish is settling at night then it may be worth contacting Collette @ Kit Wilson’s in the meantime as she’s really good at catching scared dogs.
Shared details of the sighting to twitter and instagram, stressed that people’should call owner if seen & not try to catch him . Paws crossed. Maybe take the 44 off the phone number? Might confuse some people. 🐾
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Sighting Rotherfield, heading South (at that point) towards Argos Hill. Please do not try and catch Hamish, but phone owner as soon as you can.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Sorry to see that Hamish is missing, contacting owner.
Sadly Kazsito the dog that was found and posted on Lost and Stolen Spaniels group. Not Hamish. Still missing.
Hamish went missing from home.
It is my route to and from work, kept an eye out this morning. Do we know if he was lost from home or on a walk? Hope you find Hamish soon x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Shared to our national FB group and tweeted @DogLostUK https://twitter.com/DoglostUK/status/1108361733134000129
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in TN3,5,6,20.
Please check the post and pics on Lost and Stolen Spaniels group, blue roan cocker found, fingers crossed its Hamish, please let me know x
Sorry to see that HAMISH is missing.
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  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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