Reunited: Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Male

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  • Dog ID 12804
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 03 Mar 2008
  • Name ROCKY
  • Gender & Breed Male Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
  • Age Elderly
  • Colour
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 03 Mar 2008
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area B69
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Not known
  • Views 1358
  • ROCKYPoster Image
  • ROCKYExtra Image


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Whether we agree or not, this lad spent nearly 3 month's in kennels before been adopted by 'new' owners. I hope they dont read some of the comments hear- as far as they are concerned they have homed an 'unwanted' dog. Rocky is the priority &I'm glad he has a nice warm & safe home for his retirement. YES- it is sad that old owners couldn't get him back but as it has been stated, the kennels have done a wonderful job- over and above what a lot of places do. Rocky has some one to love him & i'm sure he's happier than been in kennels. Not many people will take on an older dog, especially one from a kennel so they must be caring people. I sympathise with his previous owners but how many times as this got to happen before people learn to put a collar a tag on at very least, a microchip should be a legal requirement. Maybe the 'owners' can sort something out for a visit, but please don't blame the new owners. Rocky- enjoy your retirementLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Murphy & Maisys mum
I think the one important lesson to be learned from this is everybody please chip and tag your dogs, they are special to us all and something that is very inexpensive can save a lot of heartache. Enjoy your twighlight years Rocky where ever they may be xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nic Jones
Maybe Rocky's new owners will have a change of heart, who knows, as I said previously, if I got that phone call my initial reaction would be no, I'd have to think long and hard before letting him go, maybe they'll think things through and decide its best to let him go back to his previous owners.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just because something is legal, it does not mean that it is morally right.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
if i had adopted this dog, I would also want to see him go back to original owners, but i would first like to see the dog meet his previous owners to see what his reaction is to them. I think maybe then it would be easier to make the best decision for the dog, based on his reaction. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Well I'm asking myself what I would do after two weeks if I'd rehomed an older dog, the previous owners turned up. If I was satisfied the previous owners were very loving and had walked the streets to find him, then yes I would hand him back. A dog takes longer than two weeks to bond at any age. There's the law then there's the emotional bit. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
totally agree with three others on here ! We are not on here to have arguments we are just saying what we feel !! I have rescued two oldies and one of them they would of not come forward for her as she was shipped out of where she came from as they badley abused her but my boy great dane i rescued if his owners would of come forward which they never did i would of done the right thing ! If people are upset by what we have said then there is nothing i can say ! people are not being s- off which is very sad word to say x This is my last blog !! hope you do go home sweet heart !!!! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Misty - Area Co-ordinator, Walsall I do not think people are (Slagging Off as you put it) the new owners but are just saying if they could look at it a bit more sympathetically, as I say I am fostering at the moment and if the original owners come forward and they are or was good to the dog when they had it then I would have no worry about letting them have it back and it is not a young dog. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
May i just add please that the kennels involved are the only pound within the area that is actively involved with doglost. All dogs are photographed and displayed on site. Nearly all of the helpers at the kennels search on this site for any possible matches and check various other media. If the dog had been taken to any other pound then the dog would proably be dead by now! The kennels has a no PTS policy. At least this dog is in a loving home now, thanks to the new owners who deciced to rehome an oldie... God Bless Them!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
well if i was to log into a public message board to find someone who didnt know me call me selfish, i would think they were slagging me off. (yes its an awfull word to describe an awfull thing to say) Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry it should of been an s not a c in offensive I can spellLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
My final comments on this page are that I do not know who this post was pointed at more than one post though I suspect and that is Misty area co-ordinator mentions about new owners being slagged off on a public message board (what an awfull word to use? and how offencive?) All people are doing are voicing opinions or is this only allowed for a chosen few? Probably get kicked off the site now but I feel extremely strongly about this word. Stay safe Rocky xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
FROM THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT Control of Dogs, Section 149. Where any dog seized under this section has been detained for seven clear days after the seizure or, where a notice has been served under subsection (4) above, the service of the notice and the owner has not claimed the dog and paid the amounts due under subsection (5) above the officer may dispose of the dog? (a) by selling it or giving it to a person who will, in his opinion, care properly for the dog (b) by selling it or giving it to an establishment for the reception of stray dogs or (c) by destroying it in a manner to cause as little pain as possible but no dog seized under this section shall be sold or given for the purposes of vivisection. (7) Where a dog is disposed of under subsection (6)(a) or (b) above to a person acting in good faith, the ownership of the dog shall be vested in the recipient. And that is my final comment on this page Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nic Jones
doglady I understand what you're saying, there are MANY 'ifs & buts' to this story and Rocky is the injured party here, none of us know the reason why Rocky was in kennels for 3 months, none of us know why attempts (good ones too) by the kennels to find Rocky's owners were not successful, what we do know is that this whole situation is a crying shame, we have an elderly dog running off in Oct and finding himself all alone, picked up in Dec (it seems) where was he in between?, put into kennels completely alien to him, probably very frightened, almost 3 months later a family decide he's the one for them, take him home and make him part of their family, original owners finally find out where he is but the law says they can't have him back, the whole situation is a sad one. We're all different and all have different views, I can see both sides but I veer more towards one than the other, having said that if it were me that had given Rocky a new home no matter how hard I found it I would let him go back to the people he knows and probably misses but as I've already said, we're all different, I just hope that however this situation ends up (things may change) Rocky remains happy and none of us should assume that he isn't happy.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Are we in a world gone mad? What has happened to common sense for goodness sake. Obviously Rocky should be with his original family, they brought him up, cared for him, loved him and looked after him. To them it must be like having one of your children taken away. I have a rescue dog that I got two and a half weeks ago. I love her to bits, but even though I would miss her dreadfully I could not keep her from her proper family if she were in Rocky's situation. And if I were Rocky's original owner, I would do everything in my power to get him back, whether it was by fair means or foul.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Debbi_Jayne sorry disagree with you not all DW are contacted by the person who has lost a dog for many reasons, one they are not given this by the relevant people ie police and also rescues they think that owners of lost dog should know this, and as BUFFYSMUM says this person may never had lost a dog before and was so upset when they did, they was at a loss of what to do and reading back over the forum it dose not appear to have the owner on here so dose the owner have a computer to get such info not everyone has a computer or indeed know how to use it, I myself work with a dog warden and we are for ever saying to the police please make sure that when they are contacted to inform the owners to get in touch with the DW and do they not always and if I'm wrong and the owners do have a computer do they uderstand the way round the sight, because I have just read that JAZZI had to bump the found dog up so owners could find it, not that easy if you are upset and trying to find your dog, and I agree with BUFFYSMUM if this dog dose not like his paws touch and the children do this once to often and the dog snaps will the owners then want to keep the dog, no it would be best to let it go back to the person who knows the dog better, I my self am just fostering a dog and I can tell you there is always a Honey moon period and then the dog starts to show some behavior that you never seen when first brought in to your home, and this is very common, and as they have only had this dog for two weeks well time will tell if he starts to feel comfortably who knows that this little problem he as rears it head. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nic Jones
buffysmum I agree that many people don't know about DL, but having just re-read the found page it seems Rocky was picked up by the Sandwell DW in the B69 area so he was very close to home by the looks of it, regular contact with the DW would also have brought Rocky back to his original owners.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Forgot to say what wonderful kennels they are to put in all the adverts and coloured photographs as well. Maybe they could pass their expertise onto kennels in Wales as to their finance secrets in being able to afford this. Many of the kennels here struggle to answer the phone..much less have someone to check their records properly.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nic Jones
I'd just like to add that I also don't think it matters how long they've had Rocky, 2 weeks is long enough to bond and fall in love with him, they obviously found something special about him to take him home in the first place, can any of us honestly say that if we acquired a dog by whatever means and 2 weeks later it turned out to be someone elses we'd just turn round and say "hey ho, he's only been here 2 weeks so he doesn't mean anything to us, take him back", I know I couldn't, this is a hard one, one that needs to be looked at from both sides and as much as I'd like to see Rocky back with his original owners for HIS sake, I'm edging towards the side of the new owners on this one, wrong or right opinion? no, just an opinion.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
How sad. Maybe the original owners could write a letter to the new owners and ask the kennels to pass it on, or even write an open letter in the local paper. You never know. If Rocky does not like having his paws touched is it such a good idea to place him with children. I realise that the kennels he was rehomed from may not have known this. Also not everyone knows of DL - why should they if they have not lost a dog before or even known anyone else who knows about the site. Not everyone has computer access. 'If only' is only good with hindsight.. In the meantime Rocky stay safe and get yourself a tag/chip/tattoo.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
to call the new owners selfish is wrong. they rehomed an older dog legally. people are going to be less likely to rehome ex stray dogs if they think that some time in the future, they might be getting slagged off on a public message board. everyone on here who has rehomed a dog from a rescue may find yourselves in this situation. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nic Jones
Have to say I agree with Jazzi on this one, of course we'd all like to see Rocky back with the people who have looked after him for 12 yrs but the fact of the matter is, if that boy had been chipped (something that most of us feel strongly about) then he wouldn't have had the stress of being in a rescue centre for 3 months, frightened & wondering where mummy is (not good for any dog, let alone an old boy like him), now a new family have taken him in and good on them, many older dogs get passed by in rescue centres so I applaud them for that, I'm sorry for Rocky's owners, I really am, I'd be devastated, heartbroken & angry if it were me but as has already been said, the law is the law and Rocky's new family are under no obligation to hand him back as much as we'd all like them to, I'd like to see him back for his sake and ONLY his sake, but if he's happy where he is I can only wish him the best and hope his last few years are happy ones, the answer to this story?? CHIP YOUR DOG. Be happy Rocky.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
The law is the law, on the 8th waiting day, the owners lost their rights. Sorry, thats the way it is. And just so you understand a few things, Rocky spent almost 3 MONTHS in kennels prior to rehoming, is that fair on him - NO! The kennels ensured that he was advertised as found in local papers, in one instance there was full coverage complete with large colour photo. The kennels did everything in their power to locate the owners! If you want to express your anger, express it in the right direction - fight the law, and not the people who pick up the pieces and mess left behind by many irresponsible owners. You need to understand the huge problem the West Midlands have with strays, if had Rocky had found his way into any other local kennels, he would be sleeping peacefully at the bridge now.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I also feel Rocky should go home not every one knows about Dog Lost and who to contact or how to get messages out to people that their dog is missing and being quite blunt now those children are going to miss Rocky when he eventually goes to R/B Why not give him up now and let him have the rest of his life at home?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh dear what a shame for the owners I do wish the new owners would look at this more sympathetically towards the original owners, they have had that dog a long time, I know if the owners had got in touch with doglost earlier it may have been different, but they may not of know about this sight, and yes as this dog is older and the children will be in the same position if the dog dose depart later on, so my feeling are they should let him go back to the owner who have had him all these years and they then can give another oldie a chance there are lot in rescues where owners have died. But I will say if it was me I would fright for my dog if I had him that long. And a big part in all this is to get people who still don't tag and chip or tattoo to do so. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
i just cannot believe the "new owners" will not give Rocky back to his proper owners! how utterly selfish. obviously they do not genuinely want him as his real owners obviously love him . not everyone knows of these sites. i just stumbled on it myself. DO THE RIGHT THING AND LET HIS OWNERS OF 12 YEARS HAVE THE DOG BACK.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I agree with you emmabellalandy Rocky should be home this is so sad.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry writing is up the wall am busy and rushing ! very bad x be safe rocky x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
have you got children / grandchildren !!!!! what about what you have gone through !!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
this is a hard one ! they have only had him since 18 feb and this is no time at all ! i think they should give him up as it has not been with them for 1 year i think they have not had him long enough to quote that ! this people have had him all the life ! i do hope they see sense and decided to let him back home !! 2 weeks in no time at all !!! i would give him back as it is early days !!! owners i feel for you and i hope they think again ! how can they say he belongs in 2 weeks as if you feed him love him and give him a warm bed any dog will feel like they belong !! but wait to they see their true owners !!! hope you still some home rocky x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I echo your words Debbi_Jayne also the children will get used to him and he is an older dog so they will be heartbroken when well you know what I am saying. My heart goes out to his real owners who had him so long. So sorry but the law is the law I suppose. Good luck Rocky who knows what you are really feeling my boy. Stay safe darling xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nic Jones
Thats such a shame, this is one of those cases where the ending would be an unhappy one for at least one of the parties involved, I can understand the new owners not wanting to give him up, they've taken him in as part of their family and have obviously fallen in love with him, I feel so sorry for Rocky's original owners, it must be heartbreaking to know where he is and not be able to take him home, my heart goes out to them they must be devastated, I know I would be if I were in the same situation, If only. xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
Unfortunately the new owners do not wish to give him up. He has settled into their family home as though he belonged. He is has two lovely children as companions. Rockys owners have been informed. If only Rocky had been chipped, tattooed and reported to us sooner, it would have certainly helped, but it wasnt the case. The law is on the side of the new owner and we have to respect the new owners wishes.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Heres praying for the right outcome for Rocky he must wonder what has happened to his mum and dad. I am sure he would love to be home where he belongs after being with his owners for 12yrs. Good Luck Rocky hope to see even better news later xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I do so hope the new 'owners' will do the decent thing and give back Rocky, after all they have only had him a couple of weeks, and they can find another dog who needs a loving home easily enough. Well done to them though, for offering to give such an old fellow a home - his fate could have been far worseLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nic Jones
Thats terrible, what on earth do you do for the best in a situation like this? It's one of those 'if onlys', I hope everything works out for all involved, including poor Rocky, xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
I have received confirmation from the owners that found dog Dougal is actually Rocky. However, the found dog was rehomed on 18th Feb. We are going to make efforts to contact the new owner and see if they will let Rocky go back home. Just have to wait and see, if only the owners had contacted us earlier.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
FINGERS CROSSED X Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Well spotted Shelties mum! If only owners had put their dog on the internet earlier.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Sounds promising, rooting for it to be Rocky. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
I have just come off the phone to the owners, I have bumped the found dog from December to todays date to enable the owners to find it easily. From what they have described they do sound very similar. I am unable to contact the kennels until Monday to find out what happened to Dougal, he could still be there. Fingers crossed everyone!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
Dog ID=11668 link to the found dogLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Wonder if Rocky could be the stray in the found section? The dates would tie in and the found one looks an older dog Fingers crossed xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18

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