Rainbow Bridge: Liver & White English Springer Spaniel Female

  • Dog ID 123703
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 27 Dec 2017
  • Name DIZZY
  • Gender & Breed Female English Springer Spaniel
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour Liver & White
  • Marks & Scars She is arthritic on her back legs and therefore a bit lame.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 21 Dec 2017
  • Where Lost Taken from secure property in Hyde Heath, near Amersham, South Bucks.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area HP6
  • Date Found 05 Feb 2018
  • Where Found On Monday 5 Jan we found the body of our dog hidden well down in a large open straw bale. It would seem she had been ratting or looking for eggs and the straw must have collapsed rendering her unable
  • Date Reunited 07 Feb 2018
  • Other Info Her disappearance is very out of character as she doesn't like walking too far due to her arthritis and never is far away from us. Very friendly.
  • Listed By Sally
  • Views 8033
  • Alerts Sent 526
  • DIZZYPoster Image
  • DIZZYExtra Image


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Heartbreaking. So sorry for your loss. RIP little one
Heart breaking. So sorry for your loss of your beautiful girl. Run free Dizzy x
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
I’m so sorry to hear this news x
I am really sorry to hear your news, I think that the straw must have overwhelmed her scent so that my two when searching couldn't smell her.
I am so very sorry for your loss of Dizzy. Nightie, night, Dizzy sleep tight, and have fun with Lola who has also passed to the bridge. RIP+ God Bless x A~~~Candle~~burns for you Dizzy. Run free (HUG) X One day when the time is right, you will meet Dizzy at the bridge, and she will show you the way. Forever together. Now with the Angels surrounded by light.
Georgy Porgy
Really sad, so sorry. RIP Dizzy X
Oh Sally I am so so sorry to read this tragic update. Sincere condolences to you all. Run free Dizzy forever in the sunshine over Rainbow Bridge. Xxx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I am truly sorry that Dizzy didn't make it home. X
Run Free Sweetheart. X X
How very sad. Our sympathy on the loss of this lovely dog xx
Hi Claire. On Monday 5 Jan we found the body of our dog hidden well down in a large open straw bale. It would seem she had been ratting or looking for eggs and the straw must have collapsed rendering her unable to get out and we think she suffocated or had a heart attack trying to get out. She was totally concealed and our other dogs/trained sniffer dogs did not indicate her location. Whilst we are devastated we now at least have closure on her disappearance. Thanks to all of those who helped us in our search for Dizzy.
Is there any update Sally?
Thanks Claire. A friend is obtaining the Traveller LO contact details as this post has been outsourced from BucksCC so will contact them as soon as I it.
Hi Sally if you get a Crime Reference No from the police and either give it to me or phone into admin we can then share Dizzy details differently through the police channels as she will then be classed as stolen. If you speak to the traveller Liaison Officer through you local Council he/she maybe able to pass her missing details onto the local traveller’s site in the area.
Many thanks to all of you in helping to find our lost spaniel, you have been so supportive through either encouraging words or actual help with social media/posters. Sadly she is still missing. As you are aware we have had our property and outbuildings checked by 2 sniffer dogs and she was not found so we know she has either got out or been taken. As she was securely fenced in and has never roamed in the 11 years we have had her we are 99.9% sure she has been taken. We hope we will be reunited with her as she is much missed so please continue to keep an eye out for her whenever you are out and about. Thank you all again.
Today’s search with the boys didn’t lead to find Dizzy. Jonathan thank you very much for your help. Sally, the owner,is unable to respond on here at present but does thank everyone for their help in searching for Dizzy. Caron if you could print off any of the poster and pin up in places where there is a great footfall area that would be very helpful. The more posters that are displayed, the greater awarenesss of Dizzy if seen will be notified to owner.
I live in Hyde Heath and happy to help search, let me know if there’s anything I can do, Thanks Caron
Two dogs assisting in the search for Dizzy on Sun. Good luck JC and “boys”.
Not Dizzy. The dog at crowfoot is Male.
Worth a check - at Crowfoot Kennels - https://www.facebook.com/crowfootdogrescue/photos/rpp.1532089193712502/1968746856713398/?type=3&theater
Owner now made contact and is going to spk to Jonathan
The dog that has been found in Derby is definitely not Dizzy. There is a distinguishing feature that only that owner will know. Thank you for thinking of her though. Last edited: 2017-12-29 12:50:05 by ClaireC
I’m checking out Found Spaniel but I think it is a Male. Will update when I know more
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Page, Twitter & Public. I hope that Dizzy is safely back at home soon.X
Someone has asked to look at Crow foot kennels as they have a springer they've found. Just in case not sure of sex
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Claire that is great that Jonathan has offered to help. Hoping Dizzy will be found safe soon x
I have offer of help with Jonathon and the “boys” for tomorrow if Dizzy hasn’t been found by then. Just waiting for owner confirmation that this will be acceptable.
Jonathan would you be able to help out with the “boys”? I’ve yet to ask owner to see if she would like to go this route.
Very good advice from Claire, and also note that trapped dogs sometimes do not bark for help.
Was there a gate left open so that she could have wandered into another area?
I have been speaking to owner this morning. There is still no sign of missing Dizzy. The 3 dogs and owners were out in their very secure yard. Whilst they were clearing out and feeding other livestock, Dizzy had gone missing. I’ve suggested that as the other dogs who are more able bodied that Dizzy is still on their property somewhere as she quite arthritic and never ventured far, that they have to check again around sides of buildings, barns etc. The hay barn is another area that quite often elderly dogs take themselves into, curl up and simply go to sleep! Sally has my Mob to keep in touch with me. Last edited: 2017-12-28 11:52:06 by ClaireC
Shared on PAW https://www.facebook.com/groups/PAWhelpingdogs/permalink/609733222702849/
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
Shared to local dog walking/loving page in HP5.
Hope she's home and safe soon 😔
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Sorry Dizzy is missing hope she will be home safe soon
I have shared her on local FB groups
Do you think she was stolen?
I live in HP1 area. I have walked my dogs earlier today but there was no sight of dizzy. I will continue to search when I am out.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in HP1-16,22,23.

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