Lost: Black & Tan German Shepherd Dog Male In North West (CH65)

  • Dog ID 11881
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 08 Jul 2008
  • Gender & Breed Male German Shepherd Dog (Neutered)
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour black & tan
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 23 Dec 2007
  • Where Lost Ellesmere Port, Merseyside
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area CH65
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
  • Views 1915
  • GYP-SIGHTED!Poster Image
  • GYP-SIGHTED!Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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Afraid to say theres been no news on Gyp at all. Think both myself and my son have resigned ourselves to fact that we may never see him again.....but we keep looking.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
is there any news on gyp? Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi everyone. Gyp still missing. Been a sighting of a gsd in Chester( following another poster campaign i did 2 mths ago) which not far from where i live but went round and not my Gyp, although looked so like him. I know i havent left any comments for a while but havent given up looking for him so if anyone sees the posters and think they may have seen him,even with someone else please let us know. My son still cries for him....Gyps mum.xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Gyp's mum, the GSD we spoke about which I've seen while driving through Halewood Village is not Gyp, I've spoken to the owner and he has had him since a puppy.  Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
my boy max
have reposted details on biggsd siteLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Have spoken to gyp's mum and explained how to find the postings on the site shirley has left (thanks Shirley).  I've looked at the site there are no pictures just postings re a found GSD.  Keep up the brilliant work Gyp's mum, nice to catch up with you again.  Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi.have looked on www.doglost.org but cant see germ shepcould you tell me which page he was under...? thanx...gyps mumLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owner have put gyp to the top as you were having trouble finding him.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Probably not the same dog at all .. but there has been an older GSD found on this link: http://www.dogpages.org.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=173259&st=0Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
me too. I wouldnt wish what you went through that night at my house on my worst enemy. However I truly believe we reap what we sow in this life......Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanx for your messages. Have checked out both dogs and they both loook so like Gyp but both younger. Thank you all so much for stilll looking tho. Hve repostered the area in hope someone will remember seeing Gyp being taken. Would love just 5 mins and a big stick with the b******d who stole him !!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Check this link out, they have a male german shepherd found yesterday, its at the bottom of the page under the found dogs heading. Worth a look just encase. Good luck xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
It might help if i give you the link!!!! http://windyway.org/dogs.htmlLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi simular dog no age on hyndburn stray dogs in need picture diffrent angle but same coat lengh and same colour and markings goodluck xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
ANY NEWS ON GYP?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good work on here, and good luck everyone with your continued search. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck in postering again for Gyp. This poor lad has been missing for quite a while now. Time to get you home Gyp. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Niki, the phone number for the garage in Hope is 01978 761812. Jayne and the Baldrick crew xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanx everyone for your continued help and support.Have taken baldricks advice and gettin new posters printed to blanket local area again.Will not stop until I get Gyp home where he belongs !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Owner is just about up and running with her computer, and is still looking for Gyp. She will start posting soon just to let people know she is still looking and that he is still missing. Sorry to have been the bearer of bad news. Please dont think this means investigations in wrexham were wasted, they were NOT! Gyp is publicised here now. We are not too far from you in the great scheme of things. Our gypsies have links with yours-even go from our local RC high school to yours and back. It is not out of the realms of possibility Gyp has been sold on here. If he turns up we will be on to it here. I am looking in all the free ads locally, and am on alert for Gyp amongst others when I hear of dogs for rehoming. I will get the number of Hope garage over the next couple of days so you can ring to see if their dog is in before dashing over to investigate unconfirmed possible sightings by the pub in Hope. Please, please please think very carefully before you hand over any money to anyone who asks for a fee to help find your dog. By all means register on other sites, consult psychics or whatever, but please be aware your grief makes you vulnerable to exploitation. If you have money to spare you are better off spending it postering your locality and taking out a full page ad in the local papers, or a page in the national dog press, or radio ad or something. I still feel someone in your locality saw what happened that night. Someone else saw something else etc etc. Its not until you get all the bits of info together that youll get any real idea where he has gone. Its publicity and leg work that gets dogs back. I may be wrong, but in my opinion that is where money is best spent. Chin up hon. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks everyone for your continued support in looking for Gyp. His owner is still searching for him and waiting for that important phonecall. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Great thanks Cheshire crew. Sorry to have been bearer of bad news. We still have Gyps poster up at Wrexham dog club, and I will still look out for him. Does anyone check the free local ads for "no fault of his own rehoming, price more important than welfare" type ads. I check Wrexham for Gyp amongst others, but dont see any for your area really. I will get the dog hating other half (whose not as bad as he sounds eally) to put a poster in his car when he goes to his mums in Bootle on Saturday. Is Gyp's Mum still in touch?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
found on www.amissingpet.co.uk Found: 24/02/08 Male Alsation or Alsation cross, Widdop Resevoir, Lancashire. Annette, 07764784585 Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
good look with finding gyp i will keep my eyes open on my travells xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi hun thanks for ypur support but charlie has returned home he has been on a long journey he has he not in so good condition but he still my boy thanks again xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, i'm in E/Port. I don't have a printer, but if someone can some posters off I'm happy to help. Also, how about teaming up with the owners of the lost brown Border Collie 12/2/08 from Stanney Grange, halve the work between the two groups. Hopefully we'll see them both blue soon. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
ok the hunt is back on in ellesmere port and surrounding areas. pity we were looking in the wrong place. lets hope something comes up .....Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Gyp is featured in this weeks Countrymans weekly.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have had some bad news today. have had a confirmed from reliable source that the dog in the Red Lion Hope on New Years Eve was definately the dog from the garage. I can only assume that when the drink is flowing one GSd looks much like another. It is therefore very unlikely that Gyp is in Hope village. Please, everyone, if you have any info on any GSDs anywhere put it here, as Gyp could literally be anywhere. :-(. Vould some helpers from Gyps home town post to confirm people are still looking closer to home.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
staffy girl
dog pages.org male gsd found essex very skinny at basildon police station have alook at web xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Millie's Mum
Still checking your page Gyp. Stay safe sweetheart.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
well for starters there are GYP here, SNIPER LL20, ROSIE SY13 MOLLY SL3 pluse her kennel mates, one of whom was found shot dead. Also Lurcher pups ME17. These are just the ongoing ones in my area, or that I have stumbled on. There are hundreds of past ones. Nobody in authority seems to care. If I broke into your garden and took a motorbike from your shed that is a crime. Should said bike turn up somewhere else it must be returned to me as identified by the DVLA register. BUT if I did the same and took your dog, sold him on to some grotty unlicenced puppy farmer who is later raided by the police after a call to the RSPCA, your dog would be held into secure kennels and then returned to the "owner" after the court case or rehomed unless they are lucky enough to be chipped-not that he would necessarily be scanned for chips as the kennel and police know who the owner is dont they????He wouldnt make it onto a found dog register anywhere as he's not "found" he's "impounded property".Its a discraceful thing when the thefts of thousands of dogs every year are given less press coverage then occasional thefts of "works of art" and suchlike. There is plenty for a good journo to get hold of. This is an ideal combination of heartstrings, hard facts and sad reflections on the state of modern society that readers love.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Has anyone collated them? I have a friend who runs a press agency, he's not doggy but he has a very keen nose for a story and superb contacts in all the media - inc nationals although he is East Anglia basedLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Charity, contact Sniper LL20's owner. He would definately be up for that. There are hundreds of little snippets for an investigative journalist with a taste for scandal to pick up on when you piece all the stories together. failing that, what about the Daily Mail. They are very keen on issues of the country's moral decline and the failings of the police at present. They manage to sound quite respectable too. There are stories on this site that would quite literally make peoples hair stand on end.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
have given gyps description to birmingham dogs home,i am thinking about getting in touch with the sun newspaper to see if they will put us an article in re gyp and rosie and the amount of dogs that are stolen.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Baldrick for clearing that up. I'll try and go back to Hope later this week. Come on Gyp. You need to be found. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Gyp show yourself wherever you are, you need to be home now. Stay safe hansom chap, thinking of the owners. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry goldenfrodo i was sneaking on t'internet in work when im not supposed to. Its hard to type when youre looking over your shoulder LOL. The dress shop is opposite the Red Lion pub in Hope. There have been 2 sightings of a GSd, the latest at 5pm Saturday nosing around between the pub and the shop. The garage owner is adamant that his dog has not been out loose since it came back at New Year. Also, his dog has no collar, and is a very yellow colour, unlike Gyp, and the dog in the pub at New year which are primarily black with tan markings and a studded leather collar.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm getting a bit confused here. Is this dress shop near Hope or Gyps home from where he went missing. I'm going to Oswestry this afternoon to help look for Rosie. Where I live, even the shops are miles away LOL. I'll try and go around the Hope area again later this week. Come on home Gyp xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
havent heard anything from the sighting, so we have to assume it is genuine. posters are still there apparently, inc on dog bin in "the willow" where locals walk dogs. I dont know if we have any helpers actually in Hope. I am 30-45 minutes drive away, so cant go there regularly, and dont have any family in the area, though a friend lives and works there. im sure if owners ask there will be locals who would display a board for them though. i know they read this although they dont post.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I do hope this is GYP. He's been out so long and the weather in North Wales has been dreadful. Fingers crossed xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What about going to a local print shop and see if they can make up a "for sale" kind of board as estate agents use to display a DL poster on? Probably pretty expensive but ask family and friends to display in gardens perhaps? That way bigger and better - anyone living on a main road would spot as travelling to and from work, taking the kids to school, postie would see it everyday, binmen, window cleaners once a week and quite a broad area covered? Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck, keeping fingers crossed here, come home soon Gyp Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hopefully she's got hold of this lady tonight and shown her the picture. Am a bit worried she hasnt seen the posters tho, as the last lot I put up I wrapped in plastic, so they couldnt get soggy and blow off. Still, i suppose if you are in the car you dont really see posters.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck with the search - guessing you've already contacted these but may be worth trying again. RSPCA Liverpool 0151 486 1706 Aardvark Vets 0151 355 9880 Cambridge Road Vets 0151 356 2476 Cranmore Vets 0151 339 9141 Littlecroft Vets 0151 339 2605 fingers crossed you get some good news soon x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Fingers crossed this GSD is Gyp. Have spoken to owner again, they are still continuing to go to the area, postering and looking for him. Visiting rescues and contacting DW's on a regular basis. There is a lot of open land in the area where this GSD has been sighted, another person in the village has two GSDs, Gyp's owner has spoken to the owner and seen these dogs, they are bitches and completely different colouring to Gyp. Owners son is really missing Gyp, it would make his day to see him back home. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
poor gyp.. its been weeks now since he went missing and in this horrible weather and fending for him self must be tough for a dog his age too..i really hope he is found very soon and i hope who ever took him and dumped so far away from his home rots in hell..Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Back to the top for you Gyp!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
someone calling at the dress shop on saturday just after 5pm saw a GSD outside. She has only just mentioned it when she rang them back today! lady in the dress shop is going to take her a picture of gyp so that garage dog can be discounted. they really are totally different looking dogs, so if this sighting is a black faced GDS we are back in business in a big way. fingers crossed.......Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
could owner ask about Rosie SY13 at the same time? I strongly advise she speaks to Sheila at Capricorn rather than anyone else as she is in charge. She is never available in the mornings as she sees to all the mucking out etc. They are quite a busy private rescue, so visits are probably best. I have a list of more Welsh rescues from out of the immediate area, if owners want them. I can e mail if I am PMd with an e mail address to send them to.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks belerdog, greatly appreciated. Owner did ring Capricorn and is going to contact the numbers again supplied also the ones by Baldrick posted on 4.01.08. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I will print more posters to hand out to people at our training club in Chester, we have a lot of people coming from North Wales so hopefully he will be home soon. Has anyone contacted Capricorn Animal rescue? Tel:01244 547938Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Put more posters along that road near park and school, pet shop, church, this time in wallets as the wind and rain is ripping posters off. Hid a couple in phone boxes too! Spoke to garage owner opposite Red Lion. His GSD does occasionally escape, but it is a much yellower dog than GYP, and does not have a studded collar. It is also known locally for being a scaey dog, as it is the guard for the garage. I couldnt find anyone who had sighted Gyp again, though the postman is very helpful, and is actively mentioning him. All locals I spoke to know about Gyp and are looking out for him, though it is still hard to get past the "why would a dog be nicked then dumped miles away, whats the point" questions. People assume you steal a dog to keep, not to sell, and because they wouldn't dump a dog, they find it hard to believe anyone else would..........Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'll go over to Hope again tomorrow. Gyp has been in the Leader, so his profile has been raised again.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Had a telephone call from owner today, they had a call this morning from someone who had seen a GSD this morning on the same road of the Red Lion Pub where the last sighting was. Owner has been to the area today searching for a good few hours. Checked with the owner of another GSD in the area incase it was their dog, it was not. Owner is going to contact DW's and Police again. They did go to see another found GSD but it was not Gyp, the finder said they would report him to the police and contact the DW. Even though Gyp has already been reported missing to both police and DW none of them have contacted the owner with details of the found dog. Have stressed how important it is to keep on contacting them on a regular basis. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
I've done the list now, covers 12 dogs, the ones you mentioned and more in your surrouding areas, if o.k. you can add more dogs. This should be ideal to leave at rescue kennels and your dog clubs etc. Hope it helps you. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
That sounds great, no problems taking that and everyone can see them all.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
that poster sounds the business. Saves me having a lost dog book at club which outsiders wont see. Posters are best coz everyone at the special riding centre sees them.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Baldrick and Frodomum, when I visit my local RSPCA kennels, every so often I put a group of dogs details on an A4 poster which they display in the holding block, if you want I'll do the same for the dogs you have mentioned and email it to you. This list is updated when new dogs come on DL or they are reunited. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
cheers frodomum. Just e mailled nantycorn and Acorn to follow my phone calls of this AM.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
yep, ok, I'll take them all to Barndy on TuesdayLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nice one Frodomum. Is there any chance you could take a poster for ROSIE sy13 toffy LL20 jen LL15 Kelly CH5 Sniper LL20 tilly LL20 and Archie CH8 as well??? Then I only need to beg mum to print off one of each that I havent done yet for Wrexham club. Even if they just go in a folder or something the more dog people from the area that see them the better. We have had a few more helpers sign up as I have been shamelessly drumming for trade in the agility community. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I can take a poster to Barndy this week- I do hope we find him.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
rang acorn, nantycorn and maesgwyn. no dogs matching this description at present. maesgwyn have logged their book, i will e mail the other 2 tonight unless someone else can do it first. advise owners to phone/visit if they can.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
please if you ring anyone about GYP, please ask about ROSIE SY13 also stolen with pointers to perhaps the same perpurtrators.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
thanks. All helpers to note GYP is neutered and is wearing a faded leather collar with studs on.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Gyp is NEUTERED. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Baldrick. Owner is going to poster tomorrow further out from the village. Next door neighbour is working in Wrexham and will put posters up. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
forwarded to shrewsbury and wrexham agility clubs. will also try to get one to Barndy in TreuddynLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks goldenfrodo and baldrick (the advice about scent marking the car was me btw, it has worked before)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I agree, Baldrick. We are all so spread out here in North Wales/Oswestry areas etc. We all need to help each other. Come on home sniper, gyp,rosie and toffee. We're all doing our best for you.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Please consider teaming up with owners of ROSIE lost from Whitchurch. White van seen when she went. We need to combine these 2 and Toffee from Glyn ceiriog for Max impact re the press.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Keelah, you are a star. Jan xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
press release doneLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks rev marj. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
rev marjww
pet rescue welfare assoc. North wales. I have placed your poster on our office notice board. Good luckLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sylvieliz I agree you would have through they would have noticed that.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Baldrick for your helpful advice, owner does need local help and we cannot thank you enough for all you are doing. SCENTING instructions were given to owner 4.1.08 and as soon as more sightings come in these can be put into practice. I'll pass contact details for Keelah onto owner, unless you speak to them before I do. Owner has been to the area today visiting farms and postering the area. Come on Gyp boy make yourself known to someone. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
totally agree with majorjet. no viewing is wasted. every dog looked at belongs to someone. none of us feel our time is wasted, that is why we do it :-). It could be our dog next time. poster mailled to various dog contacts plus work colleagues with family in the vicinity. Owner, Keelagh the Press officer would like you to get in touch. Please contact her thro admin ASAP or ring me at home ASAP. Also recd advice from a Northern co-ordinator who advises parking your car near any sightings and scent marking round it with urine of people who live with Gyp. A friend who regularly donates to search dogs suggested a tracker dog handler team may use this case as practice. Any ideas anyone?I know bloodhounds can track cold scent, but no packs in this area. Thanks JayneLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Do hope this poor dog comes home soon. Surely the owner knows if the dog has a pair of testicles or not ???? Wish I lived nearer. Good luck to all the helpers who are putting such a lot of hard work in trying to get this dog. SylvieLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hurry safely home dear Gyp p.g.xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Baldrick, great work you are doing again in getting this RTA GSD back with its owner and thank you to the finder. Will ask Gyp's owner to check with Vet, they could also maybe ask the rescue centre where Gyp came from they would know if he was NEUTERED. Any sightings are worth following up and owners are not wasting time, our time or helpers, if it is their dog and they are reunited that is what the aim of DL is. The postering and getting Gyp known to as many people as possible is the way to get him home. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
RTA GSD collected from Llanfynydd last night by member of the public(thank you Sharon Jones, you were terrified but perservered). Identical down to markings and collar. Owner viewed dog-was not Gyp. Now reunited with owner (thank you to all farmers in Llanfynydd who got out of bed to answer the phone :-). We have established this dog had only escaped that day, so was not a case of mistaken identity. The Gyp dog is still out there. Dog in alley-owner says this had grey muzzle and sounded too small. Gyp is a very big dog. Owner cannot remember if Gyp is neutered or not. Could she please check with her vet? Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks goldenfrodo. Talking to owner when notifying her of the sighted dog, she was pretty sure it was not Gyp. Finder described him as small, Gyp is not small and also the way he was behaving, but that could have been down to him being out on his own and being unsure of going to a stranger. All leads are worth following up and it is great that people take the time to contact owners. One of the best ways to identify a sighted dog is take a picture on a mobile phone and this can then be sent to the owner or someone else to compare. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Do we know if the dog in the alley was Gyp or not? I cant go out today but will do so again tomorrow. Come on home boy.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Baldrick, thank you so so much for what you have done today. When you post you know how to post LOL (brilliant and an excellent update). Gyp's owner said all the villages have been really helpful and some do monitor the site. So if anyone in the area has not already registered could they please do so and post any updates (just press 'Click Here' after Register As A Doglost Helper below the telephone number at bottom of the page). The more helpers that come on board the more help and support owners have when searching for their missing dogs, that is what Doglost is about, everyone looking out for each other. Thanks to anyone who is helping Gyp's owner and we are just waiting for the day when he moves over to the BLUE, Jack & Sky (Lurchers WA9) have been reunited now so it is Gyp's turn. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
come on come on gyp show yourself and be safe xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Went to Alyn Waters (Wrexham side) today and Alyn Waters (Llay side) yesterday to look for Gyp. No sightings. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just in case this is not Gyp might be a worth a look at this website as two or three GSDs on there with darkish heads and look similar from the very small photos http://www.pupsandmutsdogrescue.co.uk/page_1196643481562.html Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry. Long Post. Gyp is wearing a faded brown leather collar with studs on. Owner cant get to area until Monday. Been to butty shop in Caergwrle today. Helper there is not 100% it was the same dog, as she doesn't remember the little tan eyebrows Gyp has. Spoke to postman and gave him doglost address and told him where posters can be seen. He is off after today for a week, but will inform his colleague. He does castle rd area. ***would a local catch relief postie and ensure they have been told, give a poster if poss then post site to say so , in order that owner knows this has been done*** ***also if you live in Hope, Caergwrle, Abermorddu or surrounding areas please catch your own postie, give out a poster and then post on site to say you have done it*** Spoke to Castle pub who are GSD fans, but lady about to have a baby any day, so dont hassle too much. They picked up a GSD New Years eve and returned him to owner in village. They will print a poster and display in bar. ***would a local please ask the pub where the GSD they found lives. We need to know if he was out again this morning in order to discount him as a sighting if appropriate. We also need to ensure there is a poster in the bar and also if poss the outdoor smoking area. Please post site so owner knows if this needs to be done*** ***major hardship, could a local visit the pubs in both villages taking a poster to each, and chatting to people, then when you have recovered from your hangover(!) post to say how it went*** Spoke to vet nurse who has a poster and will catch dog if sighted. Spoke to local lad who suggested if this is the same dog he is probably using the packhorse bridge path over the river between the 2 villages. The road is horrible, so most dogs would not try to go along it, but would bolt for quieter routes. ***would a local please poster the packhorse route. I am not entirely sure where it is, but know if you go down the side of the halfway inn, then the next pub you are there, but it isnt a car route at all. Please post site so owner knows if this needs to be done*** Spoke to a neighbour of the Deli who stated there is a very nice family with lots of dogs living "at the top". I couldnt get where he meant, except that it is somewhere alongside the bridge pub/chinese and keep going upwards. Apparently they love dogs, and have occasionally looked after strays in the past until they can be handed in. ***could a local please find out who these people are, if they have seen Gyp, and if they would be willing to sign up as helpers. Please post site so owner knows this has been done*** Charlotte in the dress shop at Hope has been out to the Deli within 5 mins of my phone message, but found nothing. She is sending her husband out again tonight to look along another off road route linking the villages. The red lion in Hope are absolutely 100% positive they had Gyp. They saw owner's very clear photo, and also described his collar. Sorry for the long post. My printer is goosed again. It happens every time I print lost dog posters. I get unclear pictures and stripes across. Please can someone PM me and maybe post or deliver me some? Lots of people in both villages know about Gyp, but we need to be persistent.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I do hope this is Gyp. I'm about to go out shopping in Wrexham, armed with posters. I've instructed my husband to keep checking on the site and to phone me if he's in the Blue. Come on Gyp.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Come on Gyp show yourself, praying for his safe return. Stay safe gorgeous boy until you are home again beside the fire. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sounds promising - fingers crossed this is Gyp.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
One of our helpers who was e mailed a poster yesterday has rung to say she has an older GSD out side her shop in caergrwl,Hope. They have it in an alley way and are feeding it-owner has now been notifiedLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks paula carrigan, if possible you could use the 'Email Friend' see under his picture and forward onto anyone you know and then they can also send it on. The more eyes on the look out the sooner we will get Gyp home. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
paula carrigan
i live in the queensferry area will keep look out and will check local park at weekend with my dog. my printer not working but will spred word. hope he is home with you soon .Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Baldrick, thanks for the brilliant update and for all you have done today, it must be reassuring for Gyp's owner to have someone on the ground helping her. I can send you some posters but you would not get them until beginning of the week. If there are any postcodes that Admin could do some emailing out to please put them on here. Speak to you soon and keep up the great work. If there are any other local helpers who could assist with the postering please do we want Gyp home, there is a little boy missing him deeply and his Mum. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Charlotte, if you are reading this, could you ask the pub if you can leave some nice smelly tinned dog food on their premises outside the door wherever they last saw him, and do it every night for a few days? I will give you the money for it when I see you in work on Monday. Jayne xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Gyp has not been back to the pub, but I have spoken to some of the regulars who have taken posters home to give to dog friendly family members in the village. Charlotte in the dress shop over the road from the pub is looking out, and is specifically mentioning Gyp to all of her customers (when she saw me in the pub car park she came running out of the shop to tell me there is a missing dog in the area). Owner has done a superb job publicising. Working on the principle that Gyp, may have a penchant for pubs, I called into the Bridge pub/chinese restraunt just after the station between Wrexham and Hope. This is a very popular eatery with people from all over the area. They have not seen him, but will look out, and promised to display the poster. I have told people to look out especially around children's play areas and places where there is likely to be food around, as Gyp lives with a young child, so will probably gravitate to children. Locals are asking if anyone amongst their neighbours has taken in a dog. There were apparently lots of fireworks New years eve, and a couple of days following, so Gyp could have bolted some distance. Owner is wanting to try farms etc in the vicinity on Monday. Am wondering if we have any local helpers in Higher Kinnerton Penyffordd, Abermorddu and Caergwrle areas? Yes, we need to keep hammering away at Hope, but the sighting was almost at the junction leading back towards Penyffordd. Also Hope sort of merges into the other villages. It is also not far from the Ffrwd, the Ffrith, Llanfynydd and even Treuddyn. Owner has not got a dog bed, but Gyp did have an old sheet. Is there anyone out there training an urban search dog who would fancy a real life training session? Any dogwalkers do Caergwrle Castle regularly? I could do with some help with posters, as have printed my limits again. Can anyone get some to me? We could do with putting some up at Alyn Waters Country Park, another local walk for car drivers.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is looking good, come on gyp......Good luck and fingers crossed.xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
glad to hear that he has been sighted. how did he get to Wrexham, lets hope he returns to the pub and the landladie takes him inn. come home soon boy.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Poster emailed to dogwarden and NCARLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Updated flyers are now on the info centre for downloading and printing. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
come on gyp show yourself and come home soon x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks goldenfrodo and Doglady. If Gyp turns back up at the pub the landlady will take him in and contact his owner immediately. Owner has SCENTING instructions, they feel Gyp may have been taken in again, great to see local helpers in the area, thank you. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I know this area. I'm just about to print off Gyp's poster as I'm going into Wrexham tomorrow and Monday (to the hospital). I'll have a good look around for him on Monday as I have to wait quite a long time before I can bring my husband home.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
owner if Gyp as been sighted by the pub can you leave something with your smell on it and some food to get a food patten going. Sounds like he will be with you soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
http://www.wirral.gov.uk/Wirraldogs/Poster.asp?foundpet=&ID=1052 Details of Gyp are now on the Lost&Found page Wirral Pound website, thank you Wirral Pound. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Baldrick, you are a star, thank you. Owner has been out since Gyp went missing postering and searching for him. Fingers crossed the posters have made Gyp too hot to handle and he will be home soon. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Numbers as promised for ref. Owner has been given them:Wrexham Dog Warden 01978 292000 Wrexham Police 0845 6071001 Wrexham Holding Kennel (Whitchurch) 01948 662931 Gypsy liaison 01978 315430 Flintshire Dog Warden 01352 703366 Maesgwyn Holding Kennel (Flintshire and Denbighshire) 01745 560546 Out of hours Wrexham and Flintshire often end up at www.nantycorn.co.uk 01745 824646 Capricorn Animal Rescue 01244 547938 N Clwyd Animal Rescue 01745 824646 When you get through to Dogwardens ask to be put through to street cleaning who pick up RTA dogs who didnt make it. Details will be logged but dogwardens are not informed. Going up to Hope now just to have a look round as owner spent 8 hours postering yesterday :-( Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Updated smaller posters will be ready for downloading on the Info Centre later today. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have put on.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Admin can cash reward be added to the poster.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Baldrick, thank so much for the local advice greatly appreciated. Owner does not have direct internet access at home but I will pass your details onto them. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Baldrick!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
ring nant y corn on 01745 824646. out of hours dogs from flintshire usually end up there. Their website hasnt been updated over Christmas, but check www.nantycorn.co.uk regularly as they generally photograph inmates and post them on the site. As Hope borders wrexham and flintshire you will need to contact wrexham and flintshire dog warden seperately, wrexham and flintshire holding kennel seperately plus local rescues like Capricorn at Padeswood. NW police don't give a flying fart, so please insist on a reference number and be a polite nuicance. I will get my numbers from my book and paste them in shortly or ring me on 01978 845643 if you need any direct practical help. I can't print large numbers of posters, but will willingly deliver as many as I can be provided with. I will publicise Gyp in work in Wrexham, plus at Wrexham Dog agility which is in Llanfynydd, a stones throw from Hope village. I cant e mail out, but can recieve mail in! When I get to my Mum's computer I will circulate Gyp's poster via e mail to local agility friends.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Updated poster e mailed to local helpers.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Spoken to owner, Gyp was taken in by the owners of the Red Lion Pub, Hope Village, Flintshire, Wrexham on New Years Eve unfortunately someone let him out of the premises. Owner has been postering the area and delivering smaller posters to houses etc. There has been a Lost and Found advert in the Standard paper and a caller said he seen Gyp on 1st Jan by the Red Lion pub at about 8.00 p.m. but could not stop to get him. If there is anyone in this area or local could they look out for him. He may have been taken in. Come on Gyp we want you in the blue. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks lozzer. Gyp was seen on the hospital CCTV being taken by a young man. I have tried a couple of times to contact his owner but have been unable to. Thanks for helping with the posters, we are sure his owner is thankful as they needed help with the postering. Owner has had problems trying to leave an update. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
any news on this boy yet. i sent all my mates in the area a pic of gyp and i have been keeping an eye out. i seen the pic in our local paper. did someone steal him then. alot of travellers in our area at the moment.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Left updated list of local North dogs, with pictures at Halewood Liverpool RSPCA. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Smaller posters are now on the info centre for downloading and printing. Good Luck with finding Gyp xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Lynn, we need to get Gyp's picture circulated as far as possible. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have emailed poster to friends and asked them to do the same to there friends., Hope this poor boy is home soon. LynnLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Have done smaller posters ready for the Info Centre. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks belerdog, Gyp is a rescue dog. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I worked with a GSD called Gyp several years ago but the tel. no. was different, I will pass out his details to other training instructors who may suddenly acquire a 'rescue' GSD in their classes, I hope he is found safe and well.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I hope this boy gets home soon. Fingers crossed for you.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Update from owner they have seen the Hospital cctv footage from time Gyp went missing and he is seen being taken by a young man with Gyp on a lead at back of house within seconds of him being let out into garden. They have been to the police and got a crime number...... Any help with postering in the area would be greatly appreciated. Owner will update as soon as registration has been done. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
what a cutie - will pass poster to sister in law - her sister lives in area x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hurry safely home dear Gyp p.g.xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
http://www.ufindus.com/hospital_services/ellesmere_port .....to find a map and info for the area. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks, Gyp may have got out of the garden onto the grounds of Ellesmere Port Hosp, Chester Road, Whitby, Ellesmere Port. Owner does not have access to the internet at home at the moment and will register asap. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you to all our local helpers for spreading the word!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Woodys Mum
Hi, I live in Wallasey, so im not very far away from Ellesmere Port and have transport to get there. If theres any way I can help (as well as the posters) or if anyone is organising searches for Gyp, please let me know. Hope Gyp is home soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I shall keep a look out around the Rivacre valley, & Golf course areas. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
lozzer, thanks for offering to help, great when helpers come on board who live local. Please contact owner sure they would appreciate help with postering and searching for Gyp. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Lozzer!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi i live in ellesmere port myself so i will keep an eye out for gyp as i take my dog out alot. hope he is back soon.. anything else i can help with just ask..Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Poster emailed to Wirral RSPCA, Wirral Pound, Heswall Rescue and Merseyside Pet Ambulance.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nearly 400 posters have been e mailed out to local helpers and organizations.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Mobile photo now received and emailed to admin. Owner to print posters View Poster underneath Gyp's picture, any problems ring me. Good luck and hope you get lovely Gyp home soon. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
owner get lots of posters up I feel sure Gyp will not be far all you will need is one sighting and if people see the poster they will know what to do also I'm sure you have, but get the local dog warden involved and get in contact with the street cleansing railways. also try when the paper go to print again to put it in the local paper. and visit the local kennels don't just phone as they still get GSD wrong when describing over the phone. make Gyp hot, hope he will be back soon. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Whishing you home safe and sound v.soon boy. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Spoke to owner again earlier. Settings need sorting on mobile. Hopefully they will be done tomorrow, they will also try and find family member to help with photo. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
show yourself gyp and come home soon x x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Spoken to owner, they are having problems sending a photo. Discussed ways of getting a photo and owner will try and send one by mobile so I can email to admin. Also explained how to register and leave an update. Hopefully Gyp has been picked up and there will be good news soon especially after the Christmas break. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sally Nicholson-Fisher
come on home GypLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Have tried contacting owner's several times, no answer. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Numbers to try: Ellesmere Port DW 0151 356 6734, Wirral Animal Control 0151 647 8799 (this is also same no. for DW), Wirral RSPCA 0151 638 6318, Barra Boarding Kennels 01244 880 837, Heswall Animal Rescue 0151 342 5139. Please visit in person regularly, leave a poster, dogs are only kept for 7 days and can then be rehomed. Ellesmere Port Council 0151 356 6789, Wirral Council 0151 606 2000. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Gyp's owner can be contacted on 0151 355 9071. Awaiting photo.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18

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