Reunited: Tan And White Collie Cross Female
- Dog ID 118238
- Status Reunited
- Registered 03 Aug 2017
- Gender & Breed Female Collie Cross
- Age
- Colour tan and white
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged Unknown
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 03 Aug 2017
- Where Lost Freeman Avenue, Hampden Park, Eastbourne
- Lost In Region South East
- Lost In Post Area BN22
- Date Found 06 Aug 2017
- Where Found Harper made her own way back to her foster home!
- Found In Region South East
- Found In Post Area BN22
- Date Reunited 06 Aug 2017
- Other Info Harper is microchipped & has a collar with a tag (NB: it's poss the telephone number on it is incorrect so please use contact numbers on this poster, thank you)
- Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Views 6397
- Alerts Sent 150
- See more Reunited dogs
Poster Image
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Sightings and Information
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- 2017-08-06 15:15 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Good news.X
- 2017-08-06 13:07 Mary
- Harper - you are a very clever girl. Gave us the run around but you were travelling between the places you were familiar with and had previously been walked. I'm so pleased you are safe. Stay close now.
- 2017-08-06 09:23 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- Great news:) Hope you get your new home very soon Harper.xx
- 2017-08-06 07:39 Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
- I should also mention that Harper is looking for her forever home so if anyone is able to offer her one please contact Lynne at Give a Dog a Home UK. Last edited: 2017-08-06 07:40:08 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
- 2017-08-06 07:39 Susan O
- So relieved to hear the good news.
- 2017-08-06 07:38 Bobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
- Great news - stay safe Harper x
- 2017-08-06 06:27 Quincy
- Fantastic news looked at earlier post and thought shall I ask if more help necessary glad I held back. She's one clever girl. Hope Harper settles. Well done everyone. Good girl Harper xx
- 2017-08-06 06:09 Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
- Fantastic news to get from Mary early this morning. What a clever girl Harper is to make her way home (even if it did take her a while to find it!) I hope she is ok and I'm sure she will be glad to have a good rest now. I have updated the page and will do my post on Fbk shortly.
Very, very special thanks to you Mary for doing so much and staying out at all hours to help find Harper. So glad Doglost has you in Eastbourne, couldn't have done it without your help.
You all did a great job with the search and postering, a fine example of good team work.
I just have to ask one one more thing please .. to take the POSTERS DOWN which is the best job!
Thanks to you Claire for keeping us updated. It does really make a big difference as helpers in Eastbourne area are not all on Fbk. So relieved for you (especially for your team members that had to travel into the area) that Harper is home and didn't decide to stay on the run for longer!
Well done Harper and welcome back!
(Reunited photo on here now. You may have to refresh/reload the page to see it) Last edited: 2017-08-06 06:22:28 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex - 2017-08-06 05:57 Claire Whittaker
- Yes Harper is home! (More details to follow when have them) Thank you all for your help so much. Mary - thank you for all your care and diligence and sorry that I had not seen your last message! We will hold off publishing on our main fb page as dog lost should break the fab news. Thanks again for all you do! Last edited: 2017-08-06 05:58:27 by Claire Whittaker
- 2017-08-06 05:41 Mary
- Harper is back home.
- 2017-08-06 01:10 Mary
- Hi Claire - I drove up that way earlier unaware of the sighting. I can go back and sit and watch until the search team arrive in the morning. The fosterer, who was also out searching, confirmed the enclosed location that Harper is walked and it is in Huggetts Lane. Do you have any dogs still in kennels that Harper knows well and may come to?
- 2017-08-05 23:40 Claire Whittaker
- Harper was located by the search team and has taken sanctuary in the large (fairly enclosed) garden of a house (Huggetts lane, willingdon, eastbourne bn22 0lh) Homeowner elderly and therefore would not give permission for team to wait for Harper in the garden after dark and it's quite a large garden and she is very wary so is going to take time for Harper to come out. The only way out is through front garden or drive or into neighbours garden and neighbours garden cannot be exited without going through their garage. Search team have left for the night and a few members going back at 5 am tomorrow to see if they can coax her out (or at least follow/track) so hoping Harper stays put until they return tomorrow morning. Last edited: 2017-08-06 06:00:10 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
- 2017-08-05 23:24 Mary
- All the locations of previous sightings checked at dusk. People still out and about aware Harper is missing. Fingers crossed there is a new sighting soon.
- 2017-08-05 13:12 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Well done team Harper!
- 2017-08-05 12:49 Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
- I set off early & got to Hampden Pk about 5.30am. Had walk & look around, met lots of people including Harper's fosterer, another dog walker who Harper had gone up to yesterday in the woods but then run off, MaryC who had lots of posters & Quincy. Met with Mary our lovely Doglost helper (lovely to see you & B again!) & then Lynne at the cafe.
It was as we were sitting hatching a 'plan of action' for the day that the new sighting came in & although we quickly went up there none of us could spot Harper. MaryC got busy putting posters up, Lynne, Mary & I as well as Harper's fosterer & her son kept on searching. No luck finding her but several people said they had seen her earlier. Seems she had been near the Park gates at about 8/8.30am & then made her way back in the direction of her home. So it does appear as though Harper is trying to make her own way back but is a bit confused.
We all met up again in Friston Avenue when a kind lady brought her dog up to see if it could track Harper even though he'd not done it before, bless him. Not sure how it went as I had to leave after this but I'm sure Lynne will let you know.
Whilst those sightings are great news we do not really know if Harper will stay in that area or if she will make her way back down to Hampden Park again but some more posters up now & luckily they & the shares are bringing in sightings.
If anyone would put big posters outside the cafe, in the car park at the Rugby Club, on dog bins by the old firing range (skateboard/bike ramps now) & along the paths between the hedges leading to St.W's Hospice/ Sainsbury's/ David Lloyd areas it would really help please. It would be good to get some along Willingdon Park Drive & the surrounding roads nr Friston/Woodlands Ave, Hampden Park Sports Centre as well as the roads across & leading up to Harper's home in Freeman Avenue too if poss please. Many thanks!
It will be interesting to see what other sightings there are during the rest of the day so we know where Harper is going. Everyone is doing a great job & hopefully she will be found & caught soon. Many thanks to each & every one of you.
Last edited: 2017-08-05 13:03:32 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex - 2017-08-05 11:53 Claire Whittaker
- I have also just emailed a screenshot of the sightings map to admin to add in photos if possible?
The map link below does not appear as a hyperlink for me so if you want to open it in google, you need to select the whole link by highlighting and then copying it (ctrl+c) and then pasting it (ctrl+v) into a new browser tab.
I will add all the postcodes for these sightings in another comment shortly. - 2017-08-05 11:39 VickyP
- Here is a map of all the sighting of Harper
Last edited: 2017-08-05 11:42:51 by VickyP - 2017-08-05 09:59 Claire Whittaker
- Hi. Search party has been back to decoy woods with warm smelly foodssince 6:30am.
News in of latest sighting in Friston Ave BN22 OEL. Will see if we can get more posters up there (65 laminates were pinned up all around hampden park and various entrances etc yesterday plus 100+ leaflets handed out or also pinned up).
I had not copied and pasted advice email as so long but I will post in both our fosterers group page and our search party thread this morning. - 2017-08-04 22:45 Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
- Thanks Millypod.
It seems Harper escaped any serious injury as she has been running around Decoy woods & Hampden Park area for most of today but still not caught. Hopefully she will settle down now it's quieter. Give a Dog a Home volunteers have been out searching & postering so they are doing everything they can to find Harper.
If she stays in the area where she was today then she should be safe from the roads.
There can never be enough POSTERS!
These are the best way of getting sightings come in to you & letting everyone know that she is missing (.. & who to call when she's been seen)
I'm hoping the advice I sent in the email has been passed to the searchers so they know what is best way the catch Harper. Best of luck with your search.
Stay safe girlie. - 2017-08-04 22:09 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- Sharing Twitter.
- 2017-08-04 17:30 Quincy
- Been down to Hampden Park with Ana my niece most of the day. It is so busy there as its summer holidays. Adoptadog had plenty of their own volunteers keeping each other informed via their phones. They are keeping dogslost updated - so felt it best to leave as dog was obviously going back and forth in the park. If no joy catching tonight will go out early morning
- 2017-08-04 17:14 Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
- Oh dear. I suspect Harper can sense that they are after her! Probably best to let her settle down until later and just make a note of where she has been & is going ie direction of travel. It's often at dusk (or dawn which is about 3.30/4am now!) that a dog will be wandering around & as it's quieter they can be caught easier. She may even head back to where she was first lost.
If your helpers have 'eyes on her' then ask them to watch where she goes & report back to you.
If there are posters up then more sightings should come in but it sometimes takes a little time for people to respond.
If Harper's close enough to your helpers then would be worth dropping food (wet food/sardines work best!) to keep her in the area. That way the people who know her best will be able to get to the area & try to catch her (slowly & carefully as described in our advice email)
Keep postering all over the area so that if she wanders further there are already posters up so people can telephone you straight away.
Thanks for keeping us updated as some Doglost helpers are not on Fbk. - 2017-08-04 15:50 Claire Whittaker
- Harper is giving our team of volunteers the runaround! Seen running towards woods and then later in hospice car park near sainsburys. Hopefully they will catch up with her very soon.
- 2017-08-04 14:23 Claire Whittaker
- Another new sighting apparently towards the rugby pitches so cafe side again (rugby pitch by Sussex Downs College sports field).
- 2017-08-04 13:43 Claire Whittaker
- Hi - more recently reported sightings of Harper - again in the surrounding woods to where she went missing.Further info "She is sighted around the David Lloyd club maybe park on the Rd around the park near the tennis club".
We have 4 or 5 volunteers searching at the moment and another 2 joining in the next 1/2-1 hour so hopefully she will be found soon. Last edited: 2017-08-04 13:48:43 by Claire Whittaker - 2017-08-04 12:32 Claire Whittaker
- Thanks Megan. As I said Lynne is already there (was at Cafe last time we messaged). I've told the search group about the posters and to look out for Mary but as she has numbers easier if she texts directly.
Yes we've shared on Give A Dog A Home UK main fb page, Animak Rescue Register (fb and Twitter), dogs lost West Sussex, Brighton dogwatch, dog friendly UK and others and had nearly 200 shares off our main page and we are south east based so Hopefully good awareness about Harper building.
I'm offline for a few hours now. Will update anything significant when back. - 2017-08-04 12:23 Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
- Wow, that was quick Mary..thanks! Will leave commenting and updates to Claire and you for now as not around much for couple of days. I'm sure more sightings will come in when posters are up and about.
Claire: Thanks for the updates. Mary has Lynne's mobile as she said to text her when she wants to. I think Lynne's on her way to Eastbourne now.
I've shared to Friends of Hampden Park, Eastbourne Dog Lovers and Lost Pets Eastbourne pages so expect the word is getting around fast. - 2017-08-04 12:09 Claire Whittaker
- One of our volunteers (also Mary) was advised about another possible sighting from earlier (8am) in Decoy Wood by a lady out with her dogs. We have several volunteers walking around those woods.
- 2017-08-04 11:58 Claire Whittaker
- Hi Mary. That's great! We also have volunteer doing 50 laminates as we speak. I'm not at the site - I'm just keyboard coordinator atm - but there are lots of our volunteers about (some will have Give A Dog A Home UK tee shirts on). I think some of them are congregating at the Cafe (at David Lloyds) I could arrange for one of them to meet you there to collect posters? Or you could text Lynne on the Give A Dog A Home UK number as she is at site now +44 7896 041561Last edited: 2017-08-04 12:04:08 by Claire Whittaker
- 2017-08-04 11:21 Mary
- Claire - I have just printed 100 A5 posters suitable for handing out and 50 A4. If you have some A4 plastic insert covers for files that should do the job until some can be properly laminated. Are you local to meet?
- 2017-08-04 11:08 Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
- Thanks for your text Mary. I've done that now and have let Lynne know that you may be able to go and help search this afternoon.
Apparently Harper is friendly with other dogs and may go up to them to play so if that happens and someone takes it slowly/quietly she may let herself be caught.
I've sent out our Doglost advice emails to Lynne so there's lots of helpfull ideas on there.
Most important is to get lots of posters up so that everyone is aware that Harper is missing. Hampden Park community are usually very helpful when a dog is missing so hopefully Harper will be found very soon. Best of luck.
PS Claire Whittaker: not sure about local printers but Mary may know as local. If anyone reading this page can help with printing posters please let us know. Thank you.
Please note that although Harper has tag on collar it's possible that the tel number is not complete/correct as Lynne says she's realised others have one digit missing. So please use numbers above when you see Harper. Thanks!Last edited: 2017-08-04 11:16:59 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex - 2017-08-04 11:06 Mary
- Thank you Clarkey
- 2017-08-04 10:12 Mary
- Admin please remove microchip number from comments.
- 2017-08-04 10:10 Claire Whittaker
- Please can doglost admin update Harpers profile with her microchip number
Edited .. number noted & added to page.
Thank youLast edited: 2017-08-04 10:16:52 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex - 2017-08-04 09:44 Claire Whittaker
- Thank you. We need to sort some laminated posters to pin up later today incase she has not been found before nightfall. Is there a local printers any of the doglost guys use nr this location who will do a quick turnaround so I can call and organise?
- 2017-08-04 08:49 Sarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
- New Photos added , you may need to refresh your page to viewLast edited: 2017-08-04 08:50:10 by Sarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
- 2017-08-04 08:36 Claire Whittaker
- Hi I have emailed better photos for admin to upload. Thanks.
More pics and description can be seen at
Also just to mention Harper has khaki collar on with small round silver tag with Give A Dog A Home UK number on it. Last edited: 2017-08-04 08:39:01 by Claire Whittaker - 2017-08-04 08:13 Claire Whittaker
- Update 04/08/2917 from Lynne Spencer
A sighting we think, in Hampden Park this morning, she ran up to the dogs of a friend of a lady who I talked to yesterday. They tried to grab her but she evaded and ran into the woods near the David Lloyd Centre. On the big field near the cafe.
Last edited: 2017-08-04 08:32:24 by Claire Whittaker - 2017-08-03 23:17 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- I have shared with DL FB Page, Twitter & Public. I hope Harper is safely back at home soon.X
- 2017-08-03 19:40 Sue - onestopalldogs
- Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
- 2017-08-03 17:56 AceB
- Harper escaped from her house in Freeman Avenue, Hampden Park, BN22 9NX around 3PM.
- 2017-08-03 17:23 egizzy
- Shared on FB Hampden Park my home village , All things dog East Sussex and Lost Pets Eastbourne area hope she is found soon x
- 2017-08-03 17:14 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts sent to helpers in BN21,22,23,24,25,26.
- 2017-08-03 16:56 Sarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
- Photo added
- 2017-08-03 16:03 LisaP
- Please email photo of Harper to quoting her ID118238 x
- 2017-08-03 16:01 shoot the owner
- She is a young dog and microchipped.