Found: Brown Cocker Spaniel Male In South West (TA14)

  • Dog ID 116608
  • Status Found
  • Registered 22 Jun 2017
  • Gender & Breed Male Cocker Spaniel
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Brown
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Found 21 Jun 2017
  • Where Found A303 near Yeovil
  • Found In Region South West
  • Found In Post Area TA14
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info He has a microchip which was scanned but there are no details at all on it. The vet who put it in has long been retired so there is no way to trace his owners at all. We found him on the hard shoulder of the A303 in serious danger of being run over. He has a very severe leg break on his left leg above the knee Joint which requires extensive surgery and for the meantime while we try to find his owners, have taken full responsibility for his treatment.
  • Listed By RobertoRevilla
  • Views 14519


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Yes he did
Hi just wondering what happened to this poor dog? Did he stay with Roberto?
hi roberto i do hope this lucky dog is recovering well from all that surgery. they heal so quickly and so strongly, usually. day after my little jr attacked by big dog collected from vets, half his fur shaved off and dozens of stitches but he trotted out as fit and happily as tho nothing had happened the day before....
As you can only legally dock a puppy if they are of a dockable working breed and intended for working homes. Its possible he belongs to someone from a shooting family.
dog owners must register their microchip details themselves - this way you know for sure your dogs details are recorded. so many found dogs have chip but details havent been recorded either by the person who chipped the dog or the person who owns the dog. all mine also have id tags on their collars
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Yes I recon the same re breeder- and I manage to find a chip that did fit and in the same batch - and was chipped to a cocker spaniel in Dec 2015 so a breeder with pups sold on but sadly not registered by new owner.
NB as this dog has a dock tail from a pup it will eliminate more possible matches.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Thanks CJ. That ties in with the age that Roberto thought he is, around 2 years old as would have been chipped by the breeder due to being docked.
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
The microchip was issue to a vet in North Petherton Somerset and it is likely the dog came from this area.
Dogs were chipped and then paper work given to owners to send off and register. Due to the number that they chip, they could not say who this dog was chipped to or when it was chipped although i do know the chips were allocated to them in 2015 but at what point used i cannot confirm.
robertorevilla you are an angel. thankyou so so much - i wish there were far more angels in this world
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
That's what we are here for Roberto, not just to reunite dogs with their rightful owners but to support and try to take the pressure off those concerned. I am sorry that your holiday has been so disrupted but I am sure you have saved his life and would do the same again without a second thought.
Thank you so much to Jane and Gina from Doglost for their help and support. I know I am not his owner - I am merely fostering him, paying for his treatment and giving him the round the clock care he needs over the next few months, next surgery etc till his owners are found. Obviously if they aren't found then he has a home with us but I have done EVERYTHING I can do to find them, above and beyond. Anyone who thinks they may be his owner needs to go directly to the good people at DogLost and provide the evidence please. I've had so many people claiming to be his owners producing photographs of dog's that look nothing like him at all - and so many other stupid claims. As soon as I asked them for the microchip number they mysteriously disappeared!
Viv B
Well done, another dog finds a loving home. Just sent small donation to help a bit.
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Roberto has kindle sent the microchip to me and i can confirm that it does NOT match any lost or stolen dogs where the microchip details have been logged on doglost.
This shows why we ask that owners update their microchip on our site - which is NOT seen by the general public.
Any owners who feel they may still have a match I would ask they email the chip number to admin or to and we will be able to confirm if it was a match.
Please do not keep harassing the finder for these details.
I really feel for roberto, he found this poor spaniel on a busy road with a broken leg and his first thoughts was to get the dog to a vets for emergency care, he then contacted the dog wardens and RSPCA etc to see if they could help in finding the owners. I am a senior nurse and my first instinct is to treat the causality then deal with contacting the families, I am not going to say to someone, you just lay there in agony as I must ring your family I am going to treat this person. This is no different to this poor dog and roberto. He has been hounded day after day, but why, it is not his fault an owner has not come forward, even though this dog has been well published all over social media and he has gone through the proper channels. So come on people stop and think, roberto is offering to give this boy a loving home if no owner comes forward in the allotted time as law allows. I for one wish there was more people like him out there, because there are some really cruel people in this world
This dogs treatment has been crowdfunded in the hope that the owner could be found. He was only found on 21st June and the microchip is not the only thing that proves ownership. I think people have every right to ask questions and make suggestions to find the owner. The warden has a process which they must follow. Not everyone has access to social media. RobertoRivello has done a wonderful job but that does not make them the owner. The best thing for this dog would be to be reunited with his family. To have changed this to reunited unless the owner has been located is wrong.
Great news xxx
thankyou so so much roberto for being the guardian angel to this dog. it is so often the case that dogs found injured/starving/ or just in a terrible state are actually lucky because by chance they are found by wonderful kind compassionate people like roberto, and a whole new happy life begins
RobertoRivello my post was most certainly not intended to be patronising! I thought the point of this sight was to reunite dogs with their owners which was what I thought you were trying to do? My suggestion was merely an idea that you could either read and act upon or ignore there was no need to have a go at me for it.
Good luck with your new little friend, do keep us posted on his progress. He is a very lucky little dog to have you on his side. Hope all goes well.
Julie Gee
I'm sorry to see this has been a bit of a drama for you when it's clear you've tried so hard to track down any legitimate owner etc. I think you're superstars and wish you all the best x
Georgy Porgy
You are very special people. I hope you have many happy years together
Bless you , what a lovely finder caring for this poor dog , if an owner can not be found this dog is blessed to have found someone looking out for him and caring . Best of luck and all be happy x x
DogLostSandra Watt
Roberto you are to be commended for everything you have done and continue to do for this poor dog. He is very lucky to have found you and your family. Good luck x
Don't hand him over to RSPCA
There was a missing one I did text the owner of lost one yesterday just in case
So where is this dog and is he reunited please?
Can't believe the hassle Roberto is getting over this dog.He has done absolutely everything - and far far more - that he needs to do to find an owner.If this continues people are not going to report dogs any more if all they get is patronising advice and people not bothering to read what finder has already done to try to find an owner.
Ali The previous vet is not contactable, I am really getting tired of being patronised by people who think they know better when we have done everything we possibly can. No mention of the owners who haven't bothered to post he is missing on any missing dog sites, have not notified the local warden, the RSPCA, or bothered to call round all the vets in the area to find if he had been brought in? So it is highly unlikely that his owners actually give a stuff. I am at the end of my tether with people telling me what I should be doing when I have spent the last three days doing everything I can to find his bloody owners while at the same time co-ordinating his surgery and making sure his treatment plan leaves him with the use of all four legs. My concern is now for our little boy and making sure he gets everything he needs.
RobertoRevilla ... this little dog is SO, SO lucky that you found him, you have gone over and beyond in caring for his welfare and he is blessed that you have been there for him in his hours of need. I wish you and this little babe many happy years ahead, and hopefully he will recover well from his trauma with you looking after him, sounds as if you have really started to bond too :-)
If the vet could be contacted maybe he would remember/know the dog and owner as he may not have chipped many dogs if he was a horse vet? It could be that the dog comes from a farm or stables maybe?
The vet who put the chip in originally and has retired/closed practice was actually a horse vet we found out last night. Anyway warden and RSPCA have given blessing for us to take him into our care. He has 6-8 weeks initial recovery from the operation with a further operation due at that time, so it's going to be a long road, but we are giving him the best of care possible. If original owners come forward they need to prove he is theirs by providing the microchip number we will not accept any other claims of descriptions etc (and we have had some weird people trying to claim he is theirs in the last 24 hours). His welfare is our primary concern.
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
I have made contact direct asking for the chip number so I can check on data base and that way eliminate any doubts of ones missing or stolen.
My vet practice has told me previously that they are bound to keep records of all clients for quite a number of years, I imagine that it is some sort of legislation? So with regard to Basil I would have thought that if the vet retired and sold his practice then there should be records somewhere. A previous practice I used many years ago closed down and relocated all their clients to another practice which opened some miles away; this may be the case with Basils` previous vet? Well done for the finders of this lovely dog for caring for him, I do hope this has the best outcome for him with regard to future ownership.
Laudable that the finder is sorting out the dogs operation. The finders have said that the vet that did the implant that has retired was in Bridgwater which although Somerset is a fair distance from where he was found. If that vet has retired what happened to his records - surely they aren't just destroyed? What if he had been stolen a few years back, used for breeding then dumped - the owner may not know anything about sites such as doglost or Facebook and will have no idea that their dog has been found!
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
This has been looked into by the vet and dog warden Mary but although it can show the part of the country the chip was issued to without any further info they have drawn a blank. There is also so much public sharing across the country on social media anyone who thinks they recognise him has the opportunity to come forward.
There are many dogs microchipped but not registered for some reason. This doesn't reflect on the owners as they would have given details and expected it to have been done. It would be tragic if this dog was rehomed rather. than go back to his owner's. As they know the vet who put the chip in, even if now retired, there would be a record of where he worked surely.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Update from finder's page, one lucky dog.

The vet had followed correct procedures and contacted the Dog Warden and RSPCA. The Dog Warden said they could only offer £200 toward surgery costs, but if there is no information on his chip and we were willing to take full responsibility for his surgery costs and adopt him then that was fine by them. The RSPCA only added that the vet should say thank you to us on their behalf!

We will visit him again tomorrow and Sunday, then Monday prepare to take him home.
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsFound Facebook and Twitter
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
The found dog is thought to be around 2 -3 years old. It doesn't look like Basil and if his chip details were registered then it's definitely not him.
The finders have done all they can to try to find owners and have had a very stressful and exhausting time worrying about how the surgery would go etc. and want the best for him. I have advised they speak to the dog warden for the area (the vet has done so already). Their priority has been to get the treatment sorted out first to ensure he was no longer in pain or risk of infection.
There has been no report of a spaniel missing in the area.
Don't think it looks like the same dog... but who knows? Perhaps the vet could give an estimate of the dog's age - this might be revealing.
Looking at a picture of Basil he seems to have a lot of white on throat/chest I do not think this one has much white .
real problems here - as dog has no chip it seems people who claim its their basil ref 113141 lost 28/3/17 struggling with finders to prove its their dog. suggested they contact you for advice......
sorry claire what is dogs name and how do i find facebook page - what exactly do i type in?

i rang owner of found injured dog doglost FOUND ref. 116608 to ask her if this could be her dog. the doglost LOST ref. is 116588. i asked her to let you or me know if it was him. no word yet
Vickie I know these people are on holiday but i! daily contact with the vet where he is being treated. You maybe be better telephoning the vet in first instance re identification of distinguishing feature you have mentioned! Go onto his Facebook page as listed below and track vet practice I think maybe on there . Last edited: 2017-06-23 13:32:10 by ClaireC
I think he is my dog, he looks so different but I lost him months ago, please please get in contact with me, his name is basil & has a slightly bald but on his tail where he bites it, could've grown out by now, but please get in contact with me so I can know for sure I've phoned & left voicemails xx
Could this found dog be Bertie ID 114655
thanks sarah. i think what happens a lot like at a rescue not far from here is they dont do the paperwork and then the adopters dont either. i imagine all vets would do.
NickyB, when a dog has a chip implanted, the chip literally is just a number. That number has to be associated with an owner's address, so they or the vet should have filled out the corresponding paperwork detailing the dog's name, owner's name and address etc, to the implanted chip number and that paperwork then sent off to be added to the chip company's database. In a lot of cases, unfortunately, this isn't done so the animal is scanned but simply shows up the number which is of no use to anyone! Hope that helps.Last edited: 2017-06-23 11:47:11 by Sarah
can anyone explain to me how a dog is chipped but there are no records of details?thankyou kind guardian angels for taking care of this dog.
Georgy Porgy
What lovely kind people you are to take responsibility for his care😊
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Post Area amended to TA14 based on further information given on Facebook post.
(". . . he was found about 10 mins past Yeovil on the A303 as you head west... I think the closest area is called Percombe? But not sure . . . ").Last edited: 2017-06-23 09:48:55 by GeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Julie Gee
You've taken full responsibility for his treatment?? Bless you! xxx
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
I have spoken to the finders this morning, what lovely caring people. All authorities are aware and no similar dogs have been reported missing yet.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Thanks Geoff and thank goodness the poor boy was found and taken to the vet.
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Poochpal - have tagged you on post and messaged you for info.
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
There is a Facebook post related to this case:
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Post Area calculated as BA22 (not entered by OP)
This dog is microchipped but not registered.
Thank you for taking the time to list this found dog and ensuring the safety of the dog.
Please ensure that you notify your local Dog Warden and the local Police Station - in Scotland you MUST inform your local Police Station and if possible contact the Dog Warden also.
The found dog may have a Microchip or a Tattoo - please have the dog scanned and checked for a tattoo at a vet's so that owners may be contacted as soon as possible.
Please check on our Missing pages in case the Found dog has been registered as missing with us.
If possible please add a photo as this greatly assists our work in matching Found dogs with Missing dogs.

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