Reunited: Tabby Cat Female

  • Dog ID 114437
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 30 Apr 2017
  • Name MITZY
  • Gender & Breed Female Cat
  • Age Elderly
  • Colour Tabby
  • Marks & Scars Struggles to see and hear. Old lady. Blue collar
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 27 Apr 2017
  • Where Lost Picked up and taken by a lady in her car around 5pm in Regency Close, Talke-Pits, Staffordshire
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area ST7
  • Date Reunited 20 May 2017
  • Other Info This lady apprantly knocked on a number of doors to ask if it was their cat, one being a women we know who lives at the bottom of our road. This women saw us looking for our cat and said a person had taken it and said they were going to take her the vets. They also said she was not injured. So we are not sure why this person took her. We do know this person said to the women at the bottom of our road she had 2 dogs and a cat.
  • Listed By Wozwarren
  • Views 2879
  • Alerts Sent 41
  • MITZYPoster Image
  • MITZYExtra Image


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DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks for update.
Owner's post regarding finding Mitzy -
"There is an industrial unit around 500 meters from our house. A number of employees had seen Mitzy around over the last few days whilst they were working. After a few days, one took her home as his partner, I believe, knows someone who runs a vet practice. That person had seen this post and thought it may be Mitzy and contacted me. We then went to ID her and it was!

She has lost so much weight we are worried for her. Her legs seem a lot weaker but that's probably due to what's happened to her as well as being old. She was also quite frightened but it seems she's started to become her usual self and actually lie down in her basket - as she wasn't to start with - almost hunched over. We'll take her the vets this week for a once over.

We can only assume the lady who did pick her up, decided to drop her back off at some stage as opposed to taking her to the vets. However, we have her back, that's the main thing. She's catching up on her sleep as you can see!"
OK Thanks Gillian for letting us know:-)
I think she was found in a local rescue. Someone spotted her there. I don't know the owner or the area so am only going on what I've seen on FB.
I would get Mitzy microchipped now; just in case
Fantastic news. So happy for Mitzy, ansd her owners. Stay close now Mitzy:-) How, and where was she found please? Dont do Fb
Great news that Mitzy has been found and is OK. This is the FB thread

Scroll down to end for comments.Last edited: 2017-05-20 15:38:10 by Gillian
I do hope she's back with you soon Warren. All I meant really was that the lady concerned might feel she's caused an awful lot of fuss and bother when she was just trying to help Mitzy, and might find it difficult to do the right thing and come forward. Hopefully even if she doesn't see the posts herself, a friend or neighbour will and will realise the new cat she's acquired is yours and is being frantically searched for. Fingers crossed xLast edited: 2017-05-05 00:07:26 by Gaynor
Hi Gaynor, yes it is peculiar why this lady not come forward. I wouldn't say any of the comments are that negative and I am sure the lady sees the post or this post she'll understand all we want is Mitzy home safe and sound.
It sounds to me very much that the lady acted with the best of intentions, given that she knocked on doors to try to find the owner. I know the area and the main road there is busy. She was probably very concerned to see a frail elderly cat in that location, and would be understandably worried to leave her there. It's odd that she's not come forward but is perhaps now worried and embarrassed to do so given that some of the Facebook appeal comments about her aren't really very positive.
Maybe try a radio appeal, and an ad in a Natioonal newspaper? Paws xd.
The owner has posted that the location taken from, Regency Close, Talke-Pits, Stoke on Trent Staffordshire is a small street with 10 houses. His parents and Mitzy live at the top and the Mitzy was taken from the bottom. The road is a small cul-de-sac around 100 meters long - it's a road just down from the Spar off the high street in Talke-Pits.
Drop posters off at local schools and colleges and offer a reward towards school funds
Maybe this person who took her, had her checked for a microchip; and when it was found she wasn`t though she was a stray, and took her home? Ask friends, and neighbours to share as well as DL And a radio appeal maybe? Paws xd.
Just a thought ... does anyone in the road have CCTV which may have captured this to throw some light on the lady's car? Also, I wonder if you can find out from a local vet whether there is a national (or at least regional) system of communication between vets so that practices out of the immediate area can be notified about poor Mitzy if she's been taken a bit further away. Also, have you put posters through all local doors in case this lady was visiting someone nearby. Lots of people still don't use social media so may not be aware of the extensive Facebook etc search to find her. And do ask the Sentinel if they'll do a feature. The time it happened coincides with people on the way home from work so poster local businesses too. Really hope she's home with you all soon, precious little cat x
Please, report this to the police asap and get a crime reference number. Also contact your local newspapers and radio stations and ask them to put out an appeal for you asap. Share everywhere including to any local social media sites groups in your area. Too many cats are just being picked up as strays when they are not and taken away from their homes. Sharing and tweeting and praying you are reunited very soon x
You need to contact all the vets in the area and not just local area but a wide area as she may have taken your cat to her vet which may be a way off. Also contact all the rescues just incase she has left it at one. I have had cats picked up as if they are strayed and abandoned when they are just elderly but much loved and in my home so definitely not straying. I recovered one of my Persians once from an animal rescue in North West Wales as someone had picked her up and knocked on a door to ask if the occupant knew the cat - she didn't - so she was taken miles away. I live near Manchester! I never give up on mine so was able to track her down but this was the days before microchipping so I was extremely lucky in her case. I have also got one back after over 6 weeks so don't give up if you don't have any luck for a little while. Also poster and knock on doors. Was it a passing car or possibly a local resident? Good luck x
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