Lost: Black & Tan Dachshund: Miniature Female In South East (UB1)

  • Dog ID 11200
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 25 Oct 2007
  • Name MILLIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Dachshund: Miniature
  • Age Unknown
  • Colour black & tan
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 18 Oct 2007
  • Where Lost Southall.Middx
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area UB1
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 1844
  • MILLIEPoster Image
  • MILLIEExtra Image


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Have put up more posters and a friend has been to local schools. On Saturday 15th as we dsoor knock the area we will put more posters up and in new areas.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I received a phone call on Tuesday 4th December from someone who said they Had Millie and arranged to meet outside Villers School in Southall so she could be returned to me but alas he didnt turn up.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This week I set several smell trails for Millie back to my Mums hopuse where she went missing from. I am organising a Find Millie Day - Saturday 15th December 9am. Friends and Family are gathering at my Mums house and we are going to door knock the whole area and as far as we can get, with pictures of Millie. Am making contact with local paper and local radio. Come on Millie come home for ChristmasLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan Hyams
Have been in touch with a few members of Dachy rescue today and there is a show coming up so they are all putting their ears and eyes to the ground for Millie. Mrs Skinner from Dachy rescue is very well known within the breed and she is going to do everything she can to help with Millie. Where are you darling girl, lets try and get you home for xmas. John if you read this could you call me, have been trying to ring you. Many thanks Jan HxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jan Hyams
Have just spoken to Millie's owner and he is going to start re-postering, try to get Millie into the local papers again, but also going further afield with everything. Have suggested trying to lay t-shirt trail for her, and get in touch with local radio again. Will speak to owner again soon. Jan Hx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry I havent logged in for a while as each week passes I am finding it even more difficult to see an outcome. I can never have Moto back she is at rainbow x but I have to find Millie. Come on Millie we have to have you back home for Christmas!!! We love you xoxoxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
owner, feel free to give me a call to see if we can get a piece in your local paper telling millies story in the hope it helps bring her home. 07843 681980 sianxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
is there any news about this baby girl?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
p.g. millie will be saved xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
Any further sightings of Millie?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sally Nicholson-Fisher
This is so sad. I so hope that Millie comes home xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have sent you a pmLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Received a phone call this morning from someone who says they could have seen Millie on 27th October in Pitshanger Park, Ealing W5. I am going there this morning to put posters there. Anyone in that area please look out for MILLIE.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Please come home now Millie we miss you, love you and need you. Over 3 weeks now, we will not give up on you xoxoxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
Come on Millie show yourself, we have everyone looking for you!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry it wasn't your baby, hope you find her very soon xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have had a message from the person who saw the JRT who is definate it wasnt Millie they saw. Thanks againLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Went to GU5 area yesterday spoke to local vet, police, dog wardens and tree tops centre. No one has seen the JRT mentioned and no one has seen or heard of Millie but have logged her details with them. Have left a message for the person who saw the JRT to contact me. Thank you for your help We love you Millie and are still searching for youLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Stay safe little Millie until you are back home xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Well done!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Texted owner last night with info, he's gonna check it out today xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was thinking the very same thing as Sheba! It's about 30 miles away - don't know how far a little dog could get in 10 days. No photo but worth ringing to clarify. Found dog 4100 Tel: 01302 743361. Good Luck xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Unsure of geography but could found dog described as jrt be Millie? Says unsure of sex. Someone will know if this is anywhere near the right area. Stay safe Millie xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Millie is 4 months old. She has been missing since evening of 18th October when she went missing from Southall area of Middlesex. She was with her mother Moto who died in a RTA that night. Moto is at Rainbow Bridge playing and waiting for me to join her. Moto will always be in our hearts even though mine aches so bad. Millie has a hernia which needs treatment. She is Micro chipped and was wearing a red collar. Millie I love you xoxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you everyone for all your help with finding Millie. We still have no news. Millie my sweet baby Everyone is searching for you and we will never give up. Stay safe baby until i hold you in my arms again xoxoLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
come on home millie x x be safe untill you are back home where you belong x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
come on home millie x x be safe untill you are back home where you belong x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Gailshay!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am so sorry to hear about millie's mum x I have postered over Larch fields (popeye park) and have put sign in vets in yeading and have one in my car. Come home soon Millie xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Stay safe Millie xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I dearly hope this little dachsie girl is found safe and well, I'm so sorry for the loss of her mother xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Poulton! Millie's plight is on the front page of this weeks local paper-hope it helps.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good start, come on helpers lets see those posters up quickly for this little mite. Sue xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What a tragic story!!! Have just been out and postered around Warren Park and Minet Country Park (both UB4) Lets make this little one well known and pray she is home safe and well soon. Lisa xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
Have emailed poster over to relatives in the area.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Poster has been e mailed out to local helpers. They were both at owners mothers house when they escaped. I am sure she will have been picked up locally so we need help putting up posters in the area and surrounding areas.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
what is the story on this two how did they get out ??? Soooo sad x ! ! ! such a shame ! run wild and free mummy doggie in rainbow bridge x come on millie show your self sweet heart come home soon x x x x be safe and sound untill you are found xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is so sad, she must be terrified and possibly hiding out somewhere. Jayne do we have an age please? Sue xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Owner can be contacted on 07967 089686. Awaiting photo.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18

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