Found: Tan And White Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross Female In South East (SE7)

  • Dog ID 106411
  • Status Found
  • Registered 26 Oct 2016
  • Gender & Breed Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Tan and white
  • Marks & Scars Breed to be determined!!!
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Found 25 Oct 2016
  • Where Found Woolwich road
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area SE7
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By
  • Views 5322


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She has now gone from the site 😥
Millys Mum
I fear the worse for this poor girl, especially as she 'in the care' of SDK. And yes, I agree, Beats was condemned to death, right from the start, even though Beats' owner worked so hard to get his dog back home. Unfortunately SDK cover our area and, in my opinion, they would struggle to spot the difference between a Guinea pig and a hamster. Such a worry.
You can have now Rescues with a nominated keeper but if she is aggressive the assessment will be hard for her....

Poor mite they are only ever what people have made them.... xx

Shared her but I don't know as they ... Well you know how it works Last edited: 2016-10-29 12:58:28 by Seeks
Spoken with Clarkey not a lot we can do as owner not come forward. Dog will be assessed and if it is the same dog and is aggressive will be pts sadly.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Would you contact me please ClaireC? Admin has my number. Mary helps me in East Sussex. When I met her last week she told me how her lovely spaniel (her assistance dog) had been attacked by a dog like this. She had to defend him.
I've spoken with ClaireC (thanks for your call) Not sure what to do about this dog now so have asked if GillyP would get in touch with me so I can give her more info. Last edited: 2016-10-29 10:11:17 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I think this may be the dog that attacked my Hearing Dog in SE7 recently, so please keep her away from other dogs. The dog had apparently got out when the door was left open on that occasion. Last edited: 2016-10-29 09:19:18 by Mary
Bumped in the hope that we can find her owner.
Poor dog , bless her ,I hope her owner is trying to get her back. Take care hope good outcome.
Hollieberry - Yes I'd hold a suspected type like that - I've driven many to the safety of their rescue's usually in Scotland. Type isn't dangerous - that's the point.
Skywalker - Don't know ref Beats as I haven't seen the evidence so can't comment without seeing the true facts.
Gillian - We have spoken many times over the issue.
Would you really hold a suspect dog like this as the picture shows.No malice in this girl .
Beats was chipped, that didn't stop his owner not being contacted....
FYI a qualified DLO does not make the call. Heard that first hand.
SDK don't make the law - if they suspect a dog is banned they have to follow the process which means a qualified DLO makes the judgement call. The person who owns this dog I suggest has let her down as she has no chip - the "blame" attached to anyone else in this process seems a bit odd to me. Yes chips do fail BUT if I had a dog that could be "typed", I'd be making sure that chip was in good order at least once a year.
Good luck gorgeous girl.
I shared on Twitter.
sharing, bless x
Thank you Jayelle x
I have now joined Street Life and posted her picture in Greenwich and Woolwich with an appeal for owner to contact SDK.
I don't live anywhere in the region, and Streetlife only allows 3 areas to be followed so I guess she really needs to be put on other SE7 or surrounding areas, but I don't think I can do this.
Hope it helps.
Jayelle all helpful suggestions can only be of help to this dog. Yes please its certainly worth using it. Thank you.x
Is Streetlife for the areas surrounding where this dog was found likely to be any use for locating the owner? I have never used it, and it looks as though you have to have a local postcode to post on there?
Might well be talking rubbish here, or perhaps someone already does this?
if the dog had chip with up to date details would SDK ring owner? i always worry when dogs looking like staffies that have no i.d details are at a very dangerous risk of being put down. i know all dogs should be chipped - but when the poor dog has this appearance does it make a difference.......... or do SDK decide the death sentence regardless|?
Jayelle they have the warden contracts all over the South East and West Country
I think SDK is primarily a pest control company.
Shared all dog groups x
Shared UK wide on fb to find owner.
SDK are a money making organisation, so getting rid of them too soon would grate on their pockets!! Least if an owner comes forward they have the chance of making some money.
This girl does not look like a banned breed, I read something yesterday that makes me agree with Skywalker99. Poor girl hope someone does come forward for her .
A source revealed they don't have formal training. If they don't know they call the police!!!. You rock SDK!!!!
Maybe it's cheaper and less effort to condemn them and pts than find rescue space?Last edited: 2016-10-26 13:40:00
This organisation called SDK need to have better trained wardens/kennel staff who can determine what breeds are in my opinion!
Yet another underdetermind! Hope an owner can be found. And hopefully will have a happy ending. Paws xs.
If this is your dog please contact SDK immediately. If they are unable to help please contact the status dog unit via your local police. DDA watch can also assist you. Numbers are

0844 844 2990
0844 844 0802
0844 844 2900
0844 318 9980
0787 016 9585
07941 020754

Last edited: 2016-10-26 08:30:55
This dog has been cross posted from the SDK Environmental website and has no relation to doglost. Please call 03444828300 quoting reference RBG-251016-1432
Thank you for taking the time to list this found dog and ensuring the safety of the dog.
Please ensure that you notify your local Dog Warden and the local Police Station - in Scotland you MUST inform your local Police Station and if possible contact the Dog Warden also.
The found dog may have a Microchip or a Tattoo - please have the dog scanned and checked for a tattoo at a vet's so that owners may be contacted as soon as possible.
Please check on our Missing pages in case the Found dog has been registered as missing with us.
If possible please add a photo as this greatly assists our work in matching Found dogs with Missing dogs.

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