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Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross Black & Tan

Missing from Guthrie Castle,Guthrie,near Forfar, DD8 area, Scotland on Friday, 19th April 2013

Poppy is 9 years old of stocky build, about 14-15 inches tall.She has a docked tail about 4 inches long and a small piece missing from her ear,very grey face, white on her chest and tummy. She is MICROCHIPPED but it has migrated down her shoulder and SPAYED. She was wearing a red collar with reflective spots and ID Tag with owners contact details on when she went missing. If found she should be reported to the Council Dog Warden (which is the LAW)

There is a REWARD for POPPY's safe return.

Help us find POPPY - print this poster from https://www.doglost.co.uk/poster.php?dogId=51749

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Reuniting Dogs with their Owners