Rainbow Bridge: Golden Labrador Retriever Male

  • Dog ID 82874
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 15 Feb 2015
  • Name WATSON
  • Gender & Breed Male Labrador Retriever
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour golden
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 15 Feb 2015
  • Where Lost Whiston near Penkridge.
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area ST19
  • Date Reunited 17 Feb 2015
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 4884
  • WATSONPoster Image
  • WATSONExtra Image


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I am so very sorry. Run free dear Watson xx My thoughts are with his family at this sad time x
Oh how heartbreaking and sad. I am so very, very sorry to hear about Watson. RIP darling. Run happy and free at the Bridge beautiful sweetheart xxxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry to see Watson has gone to Rainbow Bridge.
Run free gorgeous boy. Thoughts are with your family.xx
So very sorry. Rest in Peace beautiful Watson. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless xx
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
God Bless Watson, thoughts are with your family xxxx
So sorry. My thoughts are with bhis family. Night, night Watson, sleep tight, and have fun at the bridge with yolur pals, u ntil your family comes for you. RIP+ God bldessx Run free handsome Watsonxxx
So sorry to read this sad news

R I P Watson
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
I'm sure Watson knows how loved he was inthis life and was finding his own way to Rainbow Bridge. Run free lovely boy x
I am so very sorry to read your sad news. I feel sure that Watson would have had a fun filled and much loved life and these are the memories that will make it easier for his family. RIP Watson xx
So sorry Watson, that you didnt make it home. Run free now lovely boy. My thoughts are with your family and hope that they have some small comfort in the fact that they have found you x
Such sad news. R.I.P sweetheart.
I'm so very sad to read that this lovely boy didn't make it home :( my thoughts are with his loving family. Run free Watson forever young until you meet again xxxx
Poor Watson, my thoughts are with you and your loving family xxx
Oh no, I had been anxiously waiting for news about Watson. I am so so sorry, my thoughts are with his family. In time closure will be of some comfort and they will remember him during the happy times having a much loved dog brings.
Run free at Rainbow Bridge dear Watson.
So sad dear old boy, r.i.p Watson
Oh no, how terribly sad. Was so hoping it was going to be a happy ending - am in tears here - Watson was the image of my Digby. I am so very, very sorry, and my thoughts are with the owners, who have closure and can now bring him home and lay him to rest. Run free at the bridge, darling Watson, where my two labs will be waiting to play xxxx
We are so sorry for the loss of your beloved Watson.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
So very sad RIP dear Watson - my thoughts are with your owners. God bless. Julie x
Sad news that Watson has been found but that he is dead. He remained on the land he lived on for the past five years but had taken a route he hasn't been for a couple of years since he became really poorly. He was found in the bottom of one of several brooks a field away, which had been checked but owing to the rainfall on Sunday/Monday he wasn't seen and as the rainwater has dropped in the past 24 hours he was found this morning with the help of a local lady and her lab retrievers who scoped the land and found him within 5 minutes. The family are eternally grateful for the publicity spread and the searching for their best boy and thank everyone who took the time to look or share his absence. RIP Watson, much much loved.
Run free over the Rainbow Bridge Watson :-(
I've managed to get hold of her and she's also been looking for Watson and will have another look tomorrow, as will I. Poor boy, I bet his poor family are beside themselves with worry.
I've managed to get her number I'll phone her now!
Not too sure, I know a few people who live down the road so will ask. Great :)
I've posted on fb and had some shares I'll keep pushing it
It may be not sure. If you stand on the bridge facing penkridge and look to the right it the farm over there. The name rings a bell
Preston Vale Farm? Definitely may be worth following up. There is no fb page at the moment but think someone should create one as its very urgent. Not sure if the owner has access to Internet :(
What's the name of the fab page please?
Just a thought. There is a farm by the bridge on the Whiston road by where he went missing. The woman there takes in strays it may be worth trying her to see if she has him, you never know she may not have had chance to report him found yet.
This is now becoming very urgent! Have we set a fb page up just so we know all areas that have been searched? Not seen many posters in penkridge, is it worth me putting some up tomorrow? Unsure if he would of gone that far as he's elderly.
Hi, no joy here i'm afraid. I've posted over a few social media sites and stressed his medical condition so hopefully if anyone has found him they will see the urgency to return him. My posts are being shared. Fingers crossed. what a worry! x
Yes Emma, they have been contacted several times just in case. Thank you for looking, people are so kind to have taken the time to do so xx They have been out looking again today and also put up more posters and passed out leaflets locally.
Have you tried swan pit in Gnosall. Apparently most newly lost dogs end up there. Could definitely be worth a try. I'm a Whiston resident and I have scoured my fields and off now to try elsewhere. Bumped into a woman and her daughter also looking after they were given the poster. Really hope someone finds him soon
I have no more positive news yet, family making lots more phone calls today x
Do hope gorgeous Watson is soon back home, safe and well. He's the image of my Digby! xxxx
Sarah make sure they try Sunnyside Kennels in Coven in the morning xx
Thanks all, he went missing off whiston road between the bridge nr Penkridge and the Swan in whiston. I've heard that all fields and lane have been searched and owners hoping he was found in lane and Finder might report in morning as he cant move fast anymore or see very well at all.
Still out searching for Watson!
I've shared to the Striaton's Vets, Penkridge fb page and i've rung Swan Pit Kennels, Gnosall and they are aware. Stay safe Watson xLast edited: 2015-02-15 15:08:33 by DianeB
Will post on North Wales FB Groups. Stay safe Watson until you are found x
Watson went missing at 1.00 am, he has poor eyesight and needs daily injections for diabetes, so needs to be found quickly. Anyone in the area that can help by postering and searching would be appreciated
Sending advice sheets, contact numbers etc
Adding to DogLost West Mids, Shrops and Staffs facebook group
Stay safe until you are found Watson
He's a big boy! Did he run off during a walk? Hope you find him very soon x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
You can all share now...tx. Alerts sent to helpers in ST16,17,18,19,20.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.

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