Reunited: Brown And White English Springer Spaniel Female

  • Dog ID 66914
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 02 Apr 2014
  • Gender & Breed Female English Springer Spaniel
  • Age
  • Colour Brown and White
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Found 01 Apr 2014
  • Where Found Near Higher Walton in Preston
  • Found In Region North West
  • Found In Post Area PR5
  • Date Reunited 01 May 2014
  • Other Info Now at Vets4pets Cleveleys REHOMED
  • Listed By Tom Abram
  • Views 5150


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DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Ella's a real stunner! very pleased for her....look how beautiful she is now ! Xx thank you for updating us on her wonderful progress xx
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Ah what a beautiful girl xxx fantastic she has been rehomed enjoy your new life xxxxxxxx
New photo added of Ella looking so much better and happy in her new home (refresh page to view)
A wonderful Happy Ever After story. Enjoy both new owner and Ella xx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Wonderful news that beautiful Ella has a new happy home....make sure she stays close..... look forward to seeing her new photo when settled in xx
Good luck in your new home beautiful Ella xx
Wishing you all the best Ella in your new home - stay safe and close now sweetheart xxxx
So pleased this beautiful girl has found a loving home. Be happy sweetheart.
Any new pics of this lovely dog xxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Have a great life in your new home gorgeous Ella :))
Well done to everyone involved.xx
Have a long, and happy life Ella in your new home:-)xxx
Fantastic news, hope you have a wonderful life in your new home. X
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Good luck in your new forever home Ella. May you bring years of joy to your new owners. xx
She's now called Ella and has a new home :-)
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
This is wonderful news....big hugs for gorgeous Spring x
So pleased this Gorgeous little girl has responded to treatment. I have Shared on Facebook Stolen/Lost Dogs
Facebook update
"Well it sounds like Spring has made herself feel at home....she spent the evening lounging on the sofa and then decided it was time for a slumber, picked up her toy and took herself off to her new bed.
As the dust settles we've realised just how much you guys have done for her....
You've Raised over £500
You've Donated over 200 towels
She's had innumerable visits to help while away the boring hours in kennels.
She has been supported by Bayer, Royal Canin and Pets at home
Her original post was seen by over 16 000 people
Over 500 people have been watching her daily progress through this event page
She's has had 27 offers of a loving home and many more wishing there could.
Not bad forte scruffy little dog that was running around the streets just a few days ago.
Thank you"
Quote from her Facebook page last night -
"Evening all, we have an exciting update for you today.....the in house skin scrape from today has been clear of the scabies mites which is great news and gets her closer to being given an all clear.
She is getting brighter and giddier every day and we feel increasingly needs to be in a home environment rather than our kennels.....however much attention she gets from us it isn't the same as being in a family.
Generally speaking she no longer needs a lot of veterinary care just plenty of tlc and time and so we are hoping to move her to a foster home tommorrow.
A huge Thank you to all of you who have offered her a place in your lives. For the moment she is staying with a family connected to the practice so we can keep a close eye on her and any potential issues she may have. We can also keep you updated on her progress"
End of quote
Great news x

Oh poor little girl safe now sweetie xxxx
Ah bless her such a cutie!
What a difference !
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Fantastic to see this gorgeous girl looking so much better ....head up and holding herself better...poor baby what a terrible time she has endured....but now it can only get better x
I will keep looking and tweeting for her x
Isn't she just! x
New photo added of her looking so much better (refresh page to view)
Lovely news to see this girl heading in the right direction.
Update from her FB page;
"evening all, Spring is doing well although seems to be getting a bit bored of our isolation kennel now!
It's now been over 7 days since she joined us and we've not had any luck tracing an owner and presume this is unlikely to happen anymore.
She's continuing to gain weight steadily and has had no further tummy troubles.
Her skin has continued to improve and some of the fur is starting to grow back. We think it is likely to be several weeks before she is cured of her skin disorder however.
We'll have a grand total regarding donations for you all tommorrow but thank you to everyone that has donated so far, much appreciated and is being put to good use.
couple of other nice bits of news from the last couple of days:
our friends at petsathome have donated a doggy bed and toys for her to enjoy but we are keeping hold of them until we won't need to through them away.
Also willow's hydrotherapy have offered her some sessions to help build up her muscles once she is given the all clear from her skin."
End of quote
Really well done to all of you helping her
Update from her Facebook page from last night;
"Anyway, overall we have some great news regarding her health....since Friday she has gained 1kg in weight which is fab news and suggest her special diet is suiting her and there isn't anything too horrid going on with her gut system.
Her eye infection is settling back down now too which is good.
Her skin is coming under control now but is going to take several weeks to actually cure with frequent anti parasitic and smelly medicated baths! Sadly that means she's going to be in isolation for a while yet.
We have done some imaging today to try and identify if there are any secret or non functional microchips but sadly have to conclude there are not. This unfortunately eliminates almost all the lost dogs we currently know people are searching for as potentials.
We are now fairly sure that, unfortunately, she is a dumped and abandoned dog rather than a loved and lost pet. For a variety of reasons we believe she is likely to have been used as a puppy farm/breeding dog that, for whatever reason is no longer wanted. We will continue to keep our ears and eyes peeled for a potential owner but this increasingly seems unlikely.
Thank you to everyone for the offers of loving homes and again for all the donations this has been amazing to see so many people come together for one cause and we're honoured to be a part of it."
End of quote.
Just had confirmation back from Holly's owner that this girl is not Holly. Thank you for thinking of her x
Just advised admin number for Hollys owner doesnt work and admin may have other contact number
Will text Hollys owner to check.
Hazel Richards has posted could this be Holly ID47061. Facial markings are vey much alike.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Could you also check Holly 47061 and Misty 39377... poor baby ...such a beauty but have every faith that we will see a different happier dog in time...I just wish we could find and punish those who are so cruel ....hugs for this gorgeous girl xx
Now I have seen the head shot I don't think it is Lily as the stripe between the eyes looks wider than the one on Lily's head but please double check for yourselves.Last edited: 2014-04-06 21:24:42 by AlisonH
Thanks Bo head shot now added (refresh page to view)
Alison - I've just emailed admin of a better headshot of her - its not perfect but it shows a fair bit of her face. This was from her Facebook page. Last edited: 2014-04-06 20:03:45 by Bo
I have been following this story and am so pleased things are looking rosier for her - thank you for the extreme kindness shown by Tom & his girlfiriend and Bo and wife. There are still some lovely people around.
Message sent in to admin from Jo wondering if this could be Lily ID56067. I have looked but it is difficult to tell unless we can have a head on photo of this poor little dog.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Poor girl, get better soon xx
For those without Facebook this is her latest update.
"Saturday update:
Evening all, shortish update today.
Finding the owner...sadly we're not having much joy on this front so far. Although there isn't a functioning microchip we are considering performing another scan or radiograph on Monday to see if we can identify of there us the possibility if a dysfunctional chip.
Skin: We have had the results of the skin testing back and these show that she had a highly infectious skin disorder so unfortunately it seems likely she'll need to stay in isolation and have barrier nursing for some time yet.
Tummy: She is now on track with her eating and we hope that when we weigh her on Monday she will have started to gain some weight. If she hasn't then we may have to consider some further investigation around her gut system."

End of quote
Her Facebook link set up by the vet practise caring for her is here;
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
So happy she is being well looked after. Thankfully the right people found her & did the right thing xx
Have updated contact details to Vets4pets where she is being treated
Update from Facebook and I quote
"UPDATE: My wife who saw the dogs in the road originally has just returned from visiting this poor little dog at the vets where she is currently being cared for. Her blood tests have come back clear and they are just waiting for some skin test results so they can treat the sores. She is eating and seems happy (although she looks a little fed up at being in a cage). Her tail started wagging when she saw my wife and was licking her hand. When she is a little bit better she is going home with one of the nurses from the vets to fully recuperate. They didn't say if they had found a chip or not (don't think they would have told us anyway) but things are looking up for this lovely little dog. They have promised to keep us informed of her progress and I will pass any information on. I am overwhelmed at the support my post has had. Restores your faith in humanity a little. I will keep you posted and thanks for all the concern and reposting. "

End of quote.
Poor girl looks so thin. Thank goodness she was rescued, but sad that the other one didn't make it. Hope an owner can be traced xxx
So sad that one dog had been killed but thank goodness this one has been saved. X
The finder Tom said there were 2 dogs together wandering across the road but by the time they had turned back to save them, the other one had tragically been killed. The other one was described as
a young alsation cross bread it was smallish and they think the body went to leyland crematorium.
There is another photo of this poor dog on link above.So glad that she is getting treatment for her sores and hair loss. You are in a good place pretty girl, get well soon x
Thank goodness she is safe and will be looked after.
I have a springer and a cocker and she definitely looks like a springer to me so I have changed the breed.
She does look like a springer. hope she will be ok now
Jayne I've just emailed you and admin this found dogs photo
Tom Abram
It looks like she is a springer Spanniel not a cocker spaniel. She is now in the care of Vets for Pets in Cleveleys and they have reported her to all the relevant authorities.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Please inform your local dogwarden as they have seen dog on site but do not have a record with themselves..tx
Brown and white - could she be lemon and white? Orange roan? Animal Wardens have a "lemon roan" bitch missing from Kendal
Please would you check and make sure she isn't this one?

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