Rainbow Bridge: DECEASED Possibly Full Brown Or Black Or Brindle Greyhound Female

  • Dog ID 64857
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 18 Feb 2014
  • Gender & Breed Female Greyhound
  • Age
  • Colour DECEASED Possibly full Brown or black or brindle
  • Marks & Scars Maybe had 4 white tipped paws... the back paws were white.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Found 17 Feb 2014
  • Where Found IN A FIELD
  • Found In Region North East
  • Found In Post Area DH9
  • Date Reunited 25 Feb 2014
  • Other Info Scanned and microchipped but not registered. PETLOG are trying to get an area from chip? CAUSE OF DEATH STILL UNKNOWN....The local council have been informed along with the Police and RSPCA. Blanket found with dog.
  • Listed By BBKM
  • Views 6249
  • DECEASED DOGPoster Image
  • DECEASED DOGExtra Image


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Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Shame on whoever done this to you poor baby girl xxx R.i.p xxxx
Nanni Byron
Was there ever a conclusion on the case of poor Angel - another one I have followed and waited to hear any outcome?
I don't know if it possible to tell now but greyhounds usually have numbers tattooed in their ears. If she has one it can be traced to where she was bred etc
Please, please share the link with as many people as you can. Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident. If you have friends or work colleagues considering a'night at the dogs' persuade them to do a bit of research first. It still amazes me how many people don't wonder what happens to the dogs after their 'career' has ended. The track nearest to me has a fairly good relationship with the RGT and a lot of the dogs do get rehomed responsibly. However this is obviously not always the case.
Angel. You deserved so much better. I'm disgusted to breathe the same air as the 'so-called' humans who did this to you. Let karma do it's worst.
RIP sweetheart xxxLast edited: 2014-03-06 10:28:04 by Daisysmum
Just FB'd again hoping someone out there will recognise the blanket. Good to here that there is a reward. xx
An appeal has been launched with a reward for £1000 for any information leading to who was responsible for Angel's death.


***WARNING***GRAPHIC PICTURE in both links by myself and GillLast edited: 2014-03-05 11:49:16 by BBKM
Abe babe
Gill - thank you for that link, I don't do fb but have been able to read it and sent link to friends who do fb.
Huge thank you to Greyt Exploitations for their valuable and often, no doubt, harrowing work.

greyt exploitations have now issued a article on tAngel offering an award for any information...x
I have been following this post and every time i read it i have shed tears for this poor girl. It also prompted me to look at the Greyt Exploitation's website and needless to say i shed even more tears - i will share the website with all my friends to make them aware of what is going on in this disgusting so called sport - if anyone thinks "a night at the dogs" is entertainment they need thier heads examining!!!!! RIP Angel xxxxxxxLast edited: 2014-03-01 22:13:24 by terrierlady
Another gentle soul, a victim of the racing industry no doubt. One of the 10.000+ to lose their lives every year in the name of this so called sport! When will it end. Rest easy now sweet Angel, safe & pain free at last. I hope Greytexpectations can bring about some justice for this poor girl. RIPOTRB Angel
You poor darling girl. Hoping he person who did this gets the justice they deserve.they are nothing butscum. You darling angel are free to be happy again at the bridge. X
Timmy`s Mummy. A good idea about putting a photograph of the blanket in the newspapers. Perhaps she was a racing Greyhound, no longer wanted. I hope, and pray that the person who killed this poor dog is found, and dealt with severely. You may escape justice in this world (Hopefully not) but you wont escape it in the next: Angel will have the last laugh then. Hope there will be some developments soon. Keep us posted.
Nanni Byron
I too have only just read this. It's so awful & sad that this goes on and I lose faith with many agencies who are contacted too. That isn't to say that there are also many people out there that do care and act upon information given immediately. R.I.P. Little Angel. X
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So sad run free at Rainbow Bridge Angel.xx
Thankyou to Bazil and to the people that helped.x
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I have only just seen this post & I have read it with tears streaming down my face. How can someone be so cruel. I am also very disappointed in all the agencies who failed to act at the beginning.
Thank you Bazil for doing so much to find out what happenen to this girl & everyone else involved.
Angel is a beautiful name, may she run free in the warm sunshine, where she will have some friends waiting to welcome her & show her the love she should have got on earth..
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
God bless Angel xx
I have just read with a very heavy heart, the sad demise of Angel. This is absolutely disgusting. How someone could do this to a poor dog is beyond me, but for the poor darling to be left laying there when the authorities had been made aware so long ago is beyond belief. Angel you have lots of people who love you .
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I would like to say Thankyou to Bazil and all those who helped give this poor girl some dignity in death and shown that there are caring people.
Rest in peace dear Angel and run free over the bridge x x x
Timmy's Mummy
It would be good if a local newspaper showed the picture of the blanket, someone might recognise it or know someone who had one. I have never seen one like it. Night God Bless Angel. xxx
Thank you Bazil and rest now Angel u deserved better sweetie xxxx
Run free Angel xxx
So very, very sorry Angel that you were betrayed by some 'humans'. RIP darling girl, run happy and free over the Bridge sweetheart xxxx
RIP Angel, your life was too short and ended probably by some despicable so called human. Thank you to all of you that are trying to find out what happened.

Run free xxx
Heartbreaking. Run free at the bridge, beautiful Angel - no more pain xxx
horrendous……….I just can't be doing with all this cruelty I can't bear to think how she must have suffered. Run free now Angel xxx
Thanks Bazil. Pleased she is at peace now. Hope the search goes on to solve this mystery. RIP+ Angelx
Thank you Abe babe.

Can we move Angel to Rainbow Bridge please x
Abe babe
No-one can hurt her now...Bless you Angel.

Thank you Bazil, you're a star. x
Angel is now at peace and will be growing her heavenly wings. She was buried at 8.30pm 25th Feb.
Angel was only 4yrs old.

Run Free Sweetheart.... Forever young xxx
bazil. Thank you for updating us again. I really hopr justice can be done for Angel. (((HUGS))) to her from mex
UPDATE..... Angel was scanned again today and DNA taken from her. We are still waiting for more info about her microchip. GBGB. (Greyhound Board of Great Britain) have confirmed she is a full Greyhound. Angel's body will be buried either Tuesday or Wed and location will not be disclosed. This is all I can really say at the moment, you all know Angel's cause of death is suspicious. Greyt Exploitation's are still investigating.
Abe babe
Thanks Bazil and Jayne...names duly removed! x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Spoken...will call and update you Abe Babe,....
Sorry Abe babe... I have had to pink you again... you have said nothing wrong... just need to remove names.

I will be updating again later, need to speak to Jayne - Head Office first.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Have reinstated comment...most pinking is done by mistake by helpers using mobile phones to update....apologies.
Abe babe
Why have I been pinked?
bazil. Thanks for the update on Angel. I hope the mystery of why, and who shot Angel will soon be solved. Someone should be called to account for their actions. Yhans for laying the flowers on her. Spiritual (((HUGS))), aznd red roses are being sent to Angel from mex Keep us posted.
** ANGEL UPDATE** I have received some information today about 'Angel'... Without going into detail it is very likely that she is NOT a LOST or STOLEN dog but at this moment we can't rule out. Sorry I can't say much more than this. I am meeting with Trudie from Greyt Exploitations again tomorrow morning. Will update again when I can xLast edited: 2014-02-23 20:52:18 by BBKM
Jayne I do not have the chip number the RSPCA have it. I am waiting for Heidi to come back to me when Petlog have found the area that her chip number was registered too. I have no contact details for her as they do not give them out... I can call tomorrow and try and get a message for Heidi to call yourself or me or you may be able to contact them. She said she could not give the chip number to me. Maybe if Greyt Exploitations contact RSPCA they may be able to get it.
Let me know what you want me to do please.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Can you email the chip number to admin please...we can check if this dogs number is on our database and with the help of Halo scanner see if the chip has been read recently.tx
I have managed to examine Angel and we have found a Tattoo in her right ear although because of poor condition it is difficult to confirm details. Trudie from Greyt Exploitations has taken more photos and they will be examined closely. Greyt Exploitations will also get one of their staff to visit Angel and will take DNA from her. They will now be investigating Angel's death. We will keep you updated of any progress made. Last edited: 2014-02-23 21:45:53 by BBKM
Abe babe
Bless you Angel xxx

Thank you Bazil. I wish I were there to lay flowers too. xLast edited: 2014-02-24 17:24:31 by Abe babe
No absolutely not. Angel will be a lovely name for her. bazil. Thank you for giving Angel this "Send off" and for the flowers; such a nice thought. We know that Angel will have fun at the bridge. Look forward to seeing her flowers. Sending Angel (((HUGS))) RIP+ AngelxLast edited: 2014-02-22 15:51:21
I have been to see this girl again and I am still here near her. I am waiting for a Greyhound Rescue worker to meet me as we do think she has been shot. I was asked earlier today by Trudie from the Rescue to take some flowers and lay them by her body. I have covered her body with the blanket that she had been wrapped in. When opened out it is a Christmas blanket so I and her finder have decided to call her Angel. (Hope you don't mind janie). I brought with me 4 half bricks so the four corners of the blanket are weighted down. I have laid her flowers on top of her.

I can now confirm that the land she is on does belong to Durham Council. They rent it to a local Farmer who rents it to a man who has his horses on the field. I have talked to them both and will update more later. I will post a picture of Angel's covered body with her flowers. It will be upsetting for many of you but I feel it is a fitting tribute for Angel.

RIP Angel xxx I am so sorry we did not find you earlier xxLast edited: 2014-02-23 21:47:31 by BBKM
Abe babe
Ellie, :o) xx Bless you sweetheart.
If her identity remains unknown, perhaps we can give her a name. How about Ellie?
Abe babe
Well done Bazil. A rather distressing case for you...that poor little girl. At least she's is being loved now.
I so hope there's an opportunity for this to be investigated.
RSPCA Officer Heidi and myself went out to this dog this morning. She is female and she is microchipped but unfortunately not registered. Petlog will try and trace the area batch this chip is from. Heidi will let me know if they come back to her.

Heidi has contacted Durham County Council again and informed them her body needs removing asap. She has told them to call me if they need me to show them where her body is.

I will keep updating with any more info that I am given.

RIP sweet girl x

Abe babe
Perhaps Greyt Exploitations might be able to advise?
Abe babe
Disgusting! Since first commenting here I've been trawling the web for info regarding such a situation - can't find anything specific... other than the local council (if on public area) should remove.. however, if there's suspicious circumstances then surely the police should be investigating. Therefore I would go straight to the top...ring the chief constable and inform him/her someone is not doing their job.
Unfortunately if it was found in a field it's the responsibility of land owner.
Let's hope the poor dog is not spirited away and all evidence lost... surely this is possibly result of a crime, and may be a loved pet?
What is wrong with people!!!?Last edited: 2014-02-21 05:02:28 by Abe babe
I have been made aware today that this poor dog was first seen and reported to the Police, RSPCA and local Council in Dec by two other people who came across it. Lots of phone calls made today and I still feel as nothing is going to be done. Just getting excuse after excuse. I am waiting for a call back from RSPCA as I have offered to meet with an Inspector today before it gets dark to take them to the poor dog. Still nothing.

Totally unacceptable from all three Authorities!
This poor dog needs to be scanned asap, it could be a lost or stolen dog. I am angry and upset.
Poor little dog, hope the owners are found and prosecuted, sleep tight lots of love xxxx
So tragic - poor, poor dog. This is terrible, and I hope owners can be found for closure, or those responsible for this act are traced and prosecuted. Run free, like the wind, at the bridge, beautiful girl/boy xxxx
RSPCA have called finder this morning. They are contacting local Council and I am hoping this poor dog is removed (or has already been) from where he/she is lying. If a child sees it they will be traumatised.
I have taken photographs of the dog. If admin want or need them I will send to them. They are not nice to look at and I am gutted we could not lift this poor baby's body last night...
Lets hope he/she microchipped.

Run free darling, you were born to run xx Last edited: 2014-02-23 21:41:38 by BBKM
Thjis is very tragic. I hope the police get a result to how this poor dog died Presume post mortem will take place? Let us hope the dog is "Chiupped" Goodnight, sweetheart, sleep tight, and have fun at the bridge with your new pals. RIP+ God blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for you. Run freex If we dont find out your identity, we will give you a name. Keep us posted.

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