Reunited: Brindle Grey Brown Boxer Cross Male

  • Dog ID 61011
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 06 Dec 2013
  • Name MARTIE
  • Gender & Breed Male Boxer cross (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Brindle Grey Brown
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 05 Dec 2013
  • Where Lost Kingfisher Drive Westbourne West Sussesx
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area PO10
  • Date Found 13 Dec 2013
  • Where Found Forests north of Westbourne Possible broken leg and abrasions but OK At the vets now !!!
  • Found In Region South East
  • Date Reunited 13 Dec 2013
  • Other Info Injured.Hit by car. Galloped off after slipping collar. Friendly and approachable normally REWARD OFFERED for information leading to safe return!
  • Listed By Jackie Tims
  • Views 1947
  • MARTIEPoster Image
  • MARTIEExtra Image


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So so pleased that Martie has been found safe. He is such a handsome boy. Welcome home Martie and get well soon. Xxx
Best Christmas present ever, so delighted for you.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Fantastic!!!! Just read your email on my phone....getting some strange looks as I'm smiling away in the rain! Hope Martie is okay xxx
Brilliant news x
Linda Tanner
I can't tell you how big the smile is on my face!! Fantastic, I'm thrilled for you and your family. Give him an extra hug from Linda, Steve and our beagles at Wagtails.
Jackie Tims
thank you everyone who has helped with the search
Linda Tanner
Your plan sounds good - fingers crossed for lots of helpers. Steve will go through Southleigh Forest including Blackbush Copse and Blackbush Hangar, starting about 9am on Saturday. I'll go out too if I can, probably with my dowsing rods as you never know what'll work, so if you see a mad woman clutching 2 metal coathangers you'll know it's me! You mentioned only living in your house since July. Is it possible Martie is trying to make his way back to wherever you used to live?
Jackie Tims
The News ran a great story on Tues . Thanks :-).Posted up a reward today in the paper. Reward for information leading to his safe return etc.
Looking to do a call out the troops for Sat. as the weather looks good. Expand out the search to the North towards Stansted House and West towards Leigh Park.
Jackie Tims
I have contacted the Ramblers association this week, all the horse stables and liveries in the area and also contacted Stansted House. He may have got that far now. Also considering a reward - what are anyone's thoughts on this and if so how to go about it?
Thanks again for everyone's support. :-)
Linda Tanner
So sorry to see there's been no success yet. I've just checked Brook Meadow and around the Lumley Mill area. Don't give up hope - just try to get more folk involved in the search. In the hopefully unlikely event that he's not found by next Sunday, ask the Vicar to tell the congregation after the service. The other group to get in touch with are the WI. With children you've probably already told everyone at the school. He will be found - if you look at the DogLost listing you'll see lots who've been found weeks, months or even a year after they've been lost.
Jackie Tims
Scent trail laid down and the pubs in the are have been covered. thank you to all those who have been out there. please repost this link on Facebook if you can. We have recently moved (july) and our network isn't so extensive yet.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
So sorry that Martie is still missing. We will come over tomorrow afternoon and help search around the areas you mention; all paws and fingers crossed that this lovely boy is found very soon xxx
Linda Tanner
The forecast for Sunday afternoon is bright and sunny so there should be lots of folk out for a stroll. You could try putting flyers on tables in the pub so anyone wanting to walk off their lunch will be aware. It's amazing how many people will be glad to help if they know what's happened. When we lost Megan, we printed lots of slips of paper with our phone number on so we could hand them to everyone we saw whilst out looking. You never know what'll work so it's worth trying everything. Good luck.
Jackie Tims
Thank you so much! Andy is still out going north into the fields and woodland. No news yet.
We will try the hoover contents mulch tomorrow morning.
I think ive contacted everyone vets, dog wardens, police, newspapers and radio and the rescue centres. Cross fingers now !
Linda Tanner
We've just got back from searching. I covered Cemetery Lane, your estate and the town. Steve did Mill Road, Monks Hill and the footpath across the fields back to the town. Then Mill Road down to Lumley Mill and on to Brook Meadow. No sightings but told lots of people who we met en route. Fingers crossed there's some good news soon.
Linda Tanner
Steve's setting off now to Mill Road and will head north into to countryside. He has your phone number, dog biscuits and a lead. If no joy, I'll join him this afternoon and we'll try another area.
Jackie Tims
My previous post I meant to say MILL ROAD in Westbourne
My gut feeling is that he wouldn't have gone south into the village. He was a bit spooked. He does however know the walk into Emsworth and does love the sea so might follow his nose. This is along Mill Lane in Emsworth and on past Lumley Mill.
Jackie Tims
Thanks everyone for your support. He ran off up Edgell Road and was apparently seen on Mill Lane.
Westbourne. We could use some help to the are north of Mill lane ( its fields and countryside) . His regular walk is on Cemetery Lane. We'll be out that way to the East today.
We also could use some help in the West part of the village near river road and North street and up monks hill.
Well put, Linda. Just point us in the right direction and we are happy to help find this poor boy.
Linda Tanner
We live in Chidham but can easily drive to Westbourne this morning to help the search. Where would you like us to look? We lost Megan for 3 horrendous nights last year but with the help of DogLost (especially taking their advice about laying a trail and when found, not making eye contact, falling low to the ground etc.) we got her back thank goodness. Publish the places you want folk to look and more like-minded dog lovers including us will be out there looking.
Hope he's found real soon. Shared on FB x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in PO8,9,10,11,18.

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