Reunited: Sandy/light With White Patch Under Neck Onto Belly Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross Male

  • Dog ID 60276
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 22 Nov 2013
  • Gender & Breed Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Sandy/light with White patch under neck onto belly
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 15 Nov 2013
  • Where Lost Escaped from garden and then has obvioisly Gone of wondering and 2 males were seen dragging him off stealing him
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area RG30
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info name :dollar, has Been 2weeks and stil missing he escaped from garden on The 15th November around 10 oclock in The morning , While was at work ,2 males where seen dragging him off up norcut hill in tilehurst not far from my house were he escaped, They were seen to be handing out leaflets in tilehurst in deveron drive for a roofing company and were wearing black jumpers and believed to of had a commpany name , southern south or Severn roofing in yellow writing?!
  • Listed By Daniel Chapman
  • Views 3363
  • DOLLAR  NEW INFOPoster Image
  • DOLLAR  NEW INFOExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Daniel Chapman
Daniel Chapman
dog warden can you ring me?
Was so Surprised to see Dollar in the Blue. Fantastic news so Happy for the owner :-)
Such Fab News , So pleased for Dollar & Owners :)- Gives sooo much Hope to other Owners - Never Give Up Hope is the Motto !
Stay Safe now Dollar x
This is fantastic news after such a long time away. Really happy for Dollar and Daniel x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
WOW :))Brilliant news. Welcome home gorgeous Dollar.xx
Well done to everyone involved.x
This absolutely wonderful news to know dollar is back where he belongs. Am thrilled for his owners. I wonder if he got "Too hot to handle", so was subsequently acondoned? Keep him close now:-)xxx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Great news :)
Absolutely brilliant!!!!
Thanks for the text Jen so pleased this little one is safely back home.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
I have just seen on FB that Dollar was found wandering in Hazely Heath earlier this month. He was scanned and reunited with his ecstatic owner xxx
Daniel Chapman
The picture on Facebook is not dolla! No luck yet still people :(
Daniel...please check out this picture being circulated on FB.....I think the white on his chest isn't quite right but please look just in case...
Nadine Widdows
Hello one and all... is there any news please? x
Helperpungent whiff
Daniel Today i have delivered 20 posters and some clear sleeves to put them in get them out as soon as you can I am convinced that this is the only way to get him back good luck. i will keep my fingers crossed
Theyre in the post today Daniel. Good luck
I may just post them to you today so you will get them tomorrow. Either way ill text you this morning x
Daniel i have done 20 and will try and do a few more but cant get there till the weekend. I wanted to come last weekend but have had a few emergencies at work and had to work all weekend. Someone i work with lives in Reading so ill ask him today where abouts .Maybe he could drop them to you. Ill text you later on the number listed here.
Helperpungent whiff
As soon as our colour printer is fixed i will do you some posters possibly a couple of days
Daniel Chapman
I don't have a printer but really want to get some posters done in colour with both pics of him on there with a bold MISSING £350 REWARD and my contact number if anyone is able to print say 40 for me I will pay you I would really appreciate it I think then I may get him bak if people see there cash reward
Daniel Chapman
Yes I've contacted the police was only couple days ago as didn't think was much they could do but have had a lot of people telling me I should so I did they have told me they will make contact in a few days , they haven't yet, I have a crime reference number if anyone thinks they could be of any help would be appreciated a lot
Your local police should i believe have a traveller community officer if there is a site nearby ( not sure of the official title ) someone please correct me if im wrong. If youve reported Dollar stolen are they not giving you any help with this Daniel? If there are traveller sites locally its worth putting up posters with the reward clearly displayed. Funny how lost dogs suddenly become found when a reward is offered.
Daniel Chapman
The guy who informed me about the males said he heard one if them talk and had an Irish accent if that's the case it maybe travellers /:
Daniel Chapman
Have done that and the number comes up the same no difference!
Try ringing the 118 118 and see if theyve changed their number .Could be why they were giving out flyers if they were moving.
Daniel Chapman
There is a company down zin Zan street that might be them but can't contact them the number doesn't work /: anyone know if they have new number or can find it?
Daniel Chapman
No is not my dog on there! I have put up. Posters although they don't seem to be stayin up in this weather, I have already done that with regards to google'ing company's,I have also nocked a lot of doors down deveron drive but had no awnser From anyone maybe I was tapping at wrong time of day or people might be intimidated by my look I don't know, I know someone that lives ne'er deveron drive and hav asked them if the can have a look to see if hav any roofing leaflets lying about that have been posted lately
Txt sent alerting Daniel to these posts thank you.
There is another found dog on SDK services website which could be yours too they both say not chipped but I have seen 2 dogs on SDK site come up as not chipped who were chipped. I have emailed them to ask them what scanner they use.
Im hoping this is the same dog - fingers crossed
Daniel can you post on here where you have put posters up so far so we can try and cover as many places as possible. Also have you got a crime number from the police for the theft of Dollar. As we have seen lately ie Kent police some forces are very commited to stopping dog theft and may help track down these lads or at least advise as to the roofing company.
Nadine i can do Saturday but unfortunately busy already on Sunday but happy to go on my own.
Nadine Widdows
Here are two possible companies... and Wen calling them, I would ensure you take the name of whomever you speak with. Let them know e police are involved and that you have somebody knocking on doors at is very moment inTilehurst to obtain the roofing leaflets posted. This way they might be less likely to not get involved. I am happy to make the calls but please let me know on and I will make the calls tomorrow. x
Nadine Widdows
Good point Clare. I can go knocking on doors on Sunday, it might be safer to do together? I will have a look at roofers now. x
I dont know this area very well but i would be happy to come and help knock on doors and poster etc on Saturday x
Hi Daniel i would just go and knock on doors in Deveron drive and ask if they have a leaflet rather than wait for someone to contact you. Also youve probably tried this but if you google roofers in tilehurst and put in your postcode it gives you the nearest five. If you can see their ad you may get to see the uniform colours. Do you have a local phone directory as they often have ads with pictures or your local paper. Sorry if youve done all this just trying to think of anything x
Nadine Widdows
Sharing update on FB for all my Tilehurst friends. X
Shared on F.B. Hope you find him soon
Daniel Chapman
I was also told by The informant that These two males who stole my dog were handing leaflets out in deveron drive in tilehurst before They took The dog if anyone knows anyone that live down that road would be grateful if You could Ask them if They recieved a leaflets from a roofing company on The 15 november, as if i get my hands on one of these leaflets i no there will be a number to contact these people or will make me closer to finding my dog!
Daniel Chapman
It Maybach south roofing southern roofing or severn roofing , i have phoned all roofing companys with any resemblance in name i was also told that The 2 miałeś had uniform on which was either a very dark blue or a black jumper with sóuthern roofing or whateverr The company name was in yellow writing on it if anyone know a roofing company with The same color uniform black with yellow riting then Please plet me no i have got nowhere closer to finding dolla with this new information surely sumone will be able to Help :(
Helperpungent whiff
I have just spoken to Daniel. Dollar is still missing. Info from the man that found the dog initially the lads that took the dog were delivering leaflets and one of them had a logo on his shirt Severn Roofing Services or it may have been Self Roofing Services. We have a Reading firm Southern Roofing Services. Daniel is on the case.
Helperpungent whiff
They were going up Norcot Road toward Kentwood hill and they were just past Church End Lane.
Stay positive Lots of extra eyes looking out for him now x
Maybe an ad in your local paper with a photo would help as wellLast edited: 2013-11-23 22:50:38 by Clare
Daniel Chapman
Thankyou Nadine that's a big help x
Daniel Chapman
Yes I just hope these people get caught, and that my dog is ok! No nowhere with CCTV around that area but I'm not sure on what direction they were heading from where they were see so is a tricky one but at least now I no somebody has him round here I just have to carry on and flood posters x
Meant to say big plus he is microchipped and is a distinctive looking dog
Nadine Widdows
Hi Daniel, my friend at Reading Chronicle is going to out Dollar of the Reading Chrinicle FB page and their Twitter account. I will update him now on the sighting with the two white males. x
Hi Daniel hopefully these lads are local if they were walking with him. Get loads of posters up everywhere. Take to local vets, newsagents, postman and taxi firms to keep a look out for him.Is there anywhere that may have CCTV that you could look at? Good luck Really hope you get him back soon.
any chance of a reward being added to the poster ?...may motivate some people!
Helperpungent whiff
I was about 40 yards away they looked like white men but i didn't take a lot of notice at the time. I never considered that it could be the lost dog until i i got a proper description. By the time i got back they had gone. they could not have gone that far because i drove around for about 30 min and saw nothing. Because we had no reports of a dog lost or further calls about a dog found i thought that the dog had got home. Im sorry that i did not 2 and 2 together earlier but i thought that you had lost the dog monday this week. fingers crossed you find him.
Daniel Chapman
Where they white males?
Daniel Chapman
Oh my god thankyou this has helped a lot
Helperpungent whiff
Daniel i Have only just put 2 and two together but on friday last week at the request of the police about 11.30am i went to the Dee Road estate to pick up a brown and white staffy that had been tied up by a bloke that had found it straying. on my way there i saw two young men (18-25y) in Norcot Road on the grass verge by Church End Lane they were with what i thought was a red nosed pit bull The dog was on a lead and was pulling the male all over the place he obviously did not know what he was doing. i did not find the tied up dog and i called the male that reported the dog to the police he told me that the dog was tan in colour and two lads had taken the dog up the park. I now belive that that dog was your dog and it has been stolen. concentrate your posters in the area of norcot road where i last saw the dog and report it as stolen to the police.
Have emailed advice...and have spoken to Daniel.Last edited: 2013-11-22 15:49:52 by Shereen
Daniel Chapman
Tilehurst is where i live! I live off of norcot road, that would be Great thank You for your Help its much apreciated!
Nadine Widdows
Hi Daniel, sorry to hear that Dollar is missing. Where is RG30... I have friends in Tilehurst and Oxford Road area and will post now on Facebook. I live over in Sonning Common but I am over in Tilehurst tomorrow so if we have any sightings, I am happy to search. Here's my number if you have a sighting or need help as I don't check in on Doglost every day. 07867 5403401. Best wishes, Nadine
Daniel Chapman
Thank you so much
Helperpungent whiff
I have printed 20 posters we will get them out today
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in RG1,2,4,5,6,7,30,31.

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