Lost: Liver And White English Springer Spaniel Female In North West (LA21)

  • Dog ID 56599
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 25 Aug 2013
  • Gender & Breed Female English Springer Spaniel
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour liver and white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 25 Aug 2013
  • Where Lost coniston old man but recently sighted appearing in good health "The Bell" area.
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area LA21
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info could of headed off near the broughton moore area.
  • Listed By hayley86
  • Views 8058
  • POPPY SIGHTED Poster Image
  • POPPY SIGHTED Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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Maybe worth a check for Poppy due to white marking going down left side of face http://www.lostandfounddogs.co.uk/
The point of brown to white goes the wrong way above the nose and the body markings are not right :-(
Urgent please check
Christine Williams
Could this be Poppy?

No News?
Just checked on Poppy...really happy to hear she is around, at least you know she is alive now and no-one has her. Fingers very crossed you can catch her. She really has had an adventure, she might take some settling in once you have her. Hopefully it wont be long before she is home :-)
Any news? brilliant that a feeding station and trap can be set soon. Good luck everyone who is helping, wish I lived closer to help too.....

Cant wait to se Poppy in the 'Blue'
Hayley, I have sourced a trap. Will call your parents' landline number this evening.
Come on now Poppy, you have had your adventure; time to come home now. Paws xd.
Paula Marie
Wonderful news that Poppy is in the area and has people keeping a eye on her. Fingers and paws crossed that she is soon reunited with her owners with the help available.
Hayley, I have left a message on your parents' phone to say that I have asked Ray Dedicoat to give you a call. He runs a rescue in the Midlands and is an excellent catcher and trapper of dogs on the run.
Thanks for message, I have just had a long chat with your mother and given various advice.
The person that has called could you please contact my parents number again as the message isn't clear on the answer phone please .
Thank you xx
Hayley86, I left a message on your phone. You need a trap but for now you need to get her feeding regularly in one place. You can also have a barbecue or camping stove with some smelly food e.g. bacon, by your friend of friend's house in the hope she can be lured down there to start taking food. Is there any kind of barn or outhouse there that she could be fed in?
I am very new to the site but have literally spent the last two days looking through comments people have made, quite a few dogs that are hard to catch and that have been missing have been caught using food in a trap, maybe that is an idea but not sure the way you would go about it...good luck, hope she is home with you soon
Poppy is still living in the woods up by a friend of a friends house. They can't catch her as she's far too quick. Does anyone have any ideas on how to catch her?xx
Still missing . so desperate to get her home someone somewhere knows her wear a bouts
Please take a look at the two Springers found together today…….worth a try. I do hope one is Poppy x
So sorry to hear she is still missing......just awful for you...Don't give up hope, someone is looking after here somewhere, you just have to keep trying.
Poppy still isnt home. :-(
Hi - What about this ? Trying to get more details off the person who found this girl > @nadeemansary : Found this dog wandering along Grimeford Lane, Anderton, Lancashire - collar but no tag. pic.twitter.com/LR77Bpx4Vi

Just thought I would post this of a dog in rescue kennels in Yorkshire for rehoming - just has a similar white face stripe but unfortunately there is only one photo. I am sure you will know anyway if it's her. Might be a bit too red in colour or is it just the photo?
Last edited: 2013-12-16 21:36:31 by Sarah
Still nothing..........someone must have her, don't lose hope its just a matter of time.Last edited: 2013-10-22 20:45:45 by Wonderous
its driving me crazy i need my baby home :(
How odd this person is telling you about someone who has now got a Springer but wont say anymore...very frustrating. You must be in such a state, very upsetting. Maybe its not her, I hope it is and you have her back soon where she belongs and wants to be.
had a message from someone saying that someone they no has suddenly appeared with a springer, in askam in furness but after asking for more info she is ignoring me.
so were keeping an eye out for poppy there.
its hurts knowing that there are horrible people who are keeping a family away from their beloved dog they need to do the right thing and give her back, id even buy them a dog if thats what they want a free dog :(
Shared again on my FB page...hope Poppy is found and home safe very soon x
So sorry you haven't got her home yet. Don't give up, someone must be looking after her, she will be wondering where you are :-(
Do the police know and the stray centre's, someone could have handed her over. I so hope you find her soon.
so sorry this weather is causing problems with my internet . cant thank everyone enough for their help.
there has been no more sightings of poppy we think shes no longer up there, someone must have her as weve looked in all the holes caves and other sheltered areas but no sign of her. this has gone on far too long now :(
Paula Marie
Kind Reply from Chillswim
No problems Paula. I can print out the poster in black and white and put it up at our registration. Do you have a twitter or facebook account then we can also share the news this way too.
I hope that Poppy can be found soon.

Yes good advise by Bazil, poor little girl she must be so frightened. So glad you have had a sighting and she looks well. I check every morning to see if you have found her yet. PLEASE keep us updated, really feel for you and hope she is home safe and sound soon.Last edited: 2013-09-10 13:19:50 by Wonderous
Paula Marie
Coniston Chill Swim on 14th September. Should be plenty of people in the area. Event HQ and registration is at John Ruskin School, Coniston, LA21 8EW. http://www.chillswim.com/the-swims/coniston-end-to-end/
I have emailed Chillswim asking them if they can please help by sharing the news of Poppy with link to Poppys poster.Last edited: 2013-09-09 22:01:16 by Paula Marie
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
The Waterhead Hotel in Coniston have also agreed to put a poster up in their hotel and they have shared to their Facebook page requesting help looking for Poppy and her doglost link.they say that " the bell" is to the east of the old man of coniston. Last edited: 2013-09-09 20:35:56 by ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Have shared your message on FB Hayley86 and posted maps of the area so that people may know where it is should they be visiting. I hope there's more news of Poppy soon............ xx
Furlover - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Hayley I have had to google "The Bell" and have put the link in so wondered if you could confirm if this is the area/terrain.
Try to get as many posters out as possible locally if you can try and notify farmers/ gamekeepers/shepherds that she is missing but sighted & there is a search for her -- and ask them to notify you if they hear anything. Will try contact Lake District Rangers for the area tomorrow.xx Many thanks again to The Bridge Hotel for their help now with Poppy xx Last edited: 2013-09-08 22:49:41 by Furlover - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Fantastic there has been a sighting of Poppy.....have you thought of setting up a feeding station where she was seen, so she will stay in that area and you can build her trust up again. Leave an item with your scent on it too. Try crouching down low if she is seen again and softly call her name keeping down low. Good luck, hope she is caught safe and back home very soon xLast edited: 2013-09-08 21:09:47 by BBKM
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news...tx for alerting them...they have been total stars....
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
I've bumped due to the sightings.The Bridge Hotel over at Buttermere are now helping to share Poppy on their fb page etc as visitors will travel all across the Lake district.also posted to condition shooting grounds wall and asked the Waterhead hotel at Coniston to please share with their visitors and on their fb page. Fingers crossed that she is found and safe home really soon xLast edited: 2013-09-08 18:15:22 by ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
sorry had no internet for a week, there have been sightings of poppy at somewhere called 'the bell', my step dad went up and saw her, she started walking down towards him then ran off again, she seems in good health ive been told but just need to catch her and bring her home asap.
Have you got posters in all village shops, pubs and filling stations?
Any news yet, really thinking about you and wishing Poppy home very soon.x
thank you, cant believe how quick its getting around the area. everyone my parents spoke to including farmers know about poppy. were going back up at the weekend with posters. just need her home so much hope she is home very soon. miss her so much. have a very heart broken 8year old.
Paula Marie
Shared on NWESSR facebook page. Wishing for a speedy return for Poppy. Sadly to far away to help and know the area around Torver well. Would suggest posting in the pubs as plenty walkers call in, riding schools and local farms. Know there is a milk man who used to call into our site. Sign posted off the A5804 near Torver T-junction. Look out for “Shepherds View House lovely people and the family farm a lot of the land in the area I'm sure they would pass on poster to the milk man and spread the word if asked. Tell them Paula (Brian's daughter) with the Spaniels advised you to call. http://www.browsideconiston.co.uk/caravan.html
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
Shared Poppy on FB, hoping for a fast and safe return for this lovely girl x
Alerts sent to helpers in LA12,LA17,LA18,LA19,LA20,LA21,LA22
Sorry to see that POPPY SIGHTED is missing.
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