Rainbow Bridge: White Bichon Frise Female

  • Dog ID 55822
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 06 Aug 2013
  • Name ROSIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Bichon Frise
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour white
  • Marks & Scars Wearing a lilac collar.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 05 Aug 2013
  • Where Lost Rosie escaped while visiting a friends house in sandhurst college town
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area GU47
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Rosie is very friendly our 10 year old daughter is devastated at her being lost
  • Listed By Annette
  • Views 9383
  • ROSIE Poster Image
  • ROSIE Extra Image


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Bless you Davey..she really was an amazing little girl ,she really got to me.you worked so hard to get her home too.She got home in the way none of us wanted,but one thing ,she isn't lost anymore like some of the dogs who's lovely owners I have worked with and still we wonder where they're babies are!...I just wish this could of been different,at Peace now dear Rosie...I'm so glad you have stayed on to help other owners davey...you have my numbers if you need me.xxxx
just wanted to say how sad and gutted i feel at the sad news of rosie death,what an amazing little girl she was i worked out from my house to where she was found was 11.1 miles and thats not including the time and days spent in the forest,schools ascot and roads etc, where found was another 5 miles from last sighted place (ascot) she just kept running very near to M3 makes me wonder if she was trying to get home ? run free rosie at rainbow bridge with jade,charlie and davey god bless you all XXXX would like to say a massive thank-you to shreen you were amazing and get me going (XXXX thank-you) also clare, terry hazel and brian, mark also family and friends for coming up from london to help norma sue paul thomasina jass, courtney, lou-lou, jess and jodie thanks,XXXXXXXXX, and to every-one of you who phoned with sightings and kept your eyes open, what a great sight this is i have now signed up to help other people as i no 1st hand how daunting it is when your alone
Such sad news. Run free little one. X
I am sorry I left you in such deep despair
But now I am safe in God`s tender loving care

Please stop crying because I had to depart
To see my loved ones teardrops is breaking my heart

If you want me just call me any time of the day
As your little girl Rosie is only a whisper away

God bless my loved ones


Sorrry for pinking myself. An error
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My heart truly breaks for Annette and all of Rosie’s family. May you have some comfort that you were able to bring her home and she can now rest in her special place knowing you are all around her. I couldn’t have shed more tears than you but I have shed many. X
I am so sorry for such a sad ending, and the loss of your darling Rosie. God bless Rosie and run free xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
How very very sad...such a great bunch of helpers and support...really thought the out come would be different...thanks to everyone who helped,
Oh no. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. RIP darling Rosie - run happy and free over the Bridge sweetheart xxxx
Im so sorry to read this - I have been watching Rosies thread and hoping to see her reunited, but not in this way. My thoughts are with her family and those who spent so much time searching for her. Run free sweetie xx
hi everybody my name is Annette im rosie owner(Mum)I would like to thank everyone for there support over the last two weeks it is greatly appreciated its comforting to know there are so many kind hearted people out there, were are pretty cut up with her lose but we have had some comfort in the heart warming comments that people have put, although rosie was little she had a great heart and beautiful nature and brought a lot of love and joy into our lives everybody whom meet rosie loved her that was her nature (gone but not forgotten so sad that you weren't with us long) love you lots baby girl see again one day
we brought rosie home last night she looked at peace we buried her in her favourite place in the garden were she used to send hours playing with the children. she's home now RIP our beloved ROSIE
special thankyou to sue, linda, clare, shereen for there help and support
Last edited: 2013-08-20 07:38:51 by Annette
Aaaaww so sorry to read this sad news sweet Rosie run free at the bridge sweetheart xx
very sad indeed x
I agree Kimmybear sometimes it just isnt meant to be. You cant save every animal no matter how hard we try. As we walked round knocking on doors the number of people who were interested and said they would like to join doglost was amazing so all those people will be helping other lost dogs. Not much comfort now i know but this is the bigger picture. We really couldnt have tried any harder and just have to move on from this. Big hugs to you Annette,Linda & Sue not forgetting lovely Shereen who was such a huge help Sleep well little Rosie x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I've just been reading back thru these comments. You helpers did marvels out there. Linda, Sue & Clare, you are wonderful and I am sure Rosie knows you were trying so hard to help her. Please do not beat yourself up over this. I have come to learn (the hard way also) that sometimes no matter how hard we try, there are some things we just cannot prevent. In cases like this, you have to trust that there was a reason, although right now it makes no sense and shouldn't have happened. But, the big picture, we do not know. We can only hope and pray there was a reason it ended in this terrible way. That is how I get by and it is hard, but it's all we have. God bless you for trying so hard. If you feel a tender touch on your cheek, I bet it will be Rosie sending kisses from heaven. xxx Last edited: 2013-08-19 22:50:21 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I am so incredibly sorry. My heart goes out to the owners and searchers and sweet little Rosie. Please know it would have been quick and God was there to catch Rosie. I really believe these fur babies have already earnt their wings so God takes them quickly and without suffering. It is us who are left to suffer their loss. Rosie is safe now until you meet again. Love never leaves, and Rosie never will. She is just a whisper away until you are together once more. With love. xxx
Oh this is so very sad and tragic that little sweet Rosie has not made it home. Reading through all the comments she has been such a clever little girl to survive the way she did. Everyone involved has been brilliant in trying to catch her and get her home. So sorry Rosie those damn railway lines have taken you to Rainbow bridge too early. Run free sweetheart xx
Oh no that is so sad you all worked so hard and deserved a better result. RIP Rosie xx
HelperLost Pals Surrey Heath.LostPALS
From everything I have read here, you did absolutely everything you could do Sue. I've been involved in a few of these searches and believe me, it's obvious, just from reading the posts Rosie had the best possible people trying to find her. You really couldn't have done more. It's a terrible end to what we'd all hoped would be a happier story, but again I would say, Rosie had the very best and most loving people trying to bring her home. I have seen people do a lot less. You have nothing to recriminate yourself for. Sending much love and sympathy to you, Annette, Linda and everyone else who were involved in trying to bring her home safely. And to little Rosie, bless her. RIP xx
I am devastated, i truly cannot believe this is real , i pray to wake up and its a bad dream ,
I feel i have failed her , if only i could have done more looked more , if only if only if only , thankyou to all the wonderful people who went out of there way to help , my thoughts are with Annette who has just gone to pick Rosie up and at last take her home , my thoughts are also with linda who must be suffering the most and i feel the most for you ,
HelperLost Pals Surrey Heath.LostPALS
Am so sorry for Rosie and her family, and for everyone involved in trying to bring her home. Don't know what to say, sending huge amounts of love to you all. This was not the ending we had all hoped for. She was very lucky to have such dedicated and loving owners who did so much to find her. Thinking of you all. X
How tragic, so near to getting Rosie home, too. Thinking of her family, especially their daughter. xxx
Oh no, I am so very sorry. . My thoughts are with are with Rosie and her family.
So very sorry to read this tragic news. RIP Rosie xx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So sorry to see Rosie has gone to Rainbow Bridge, run free lovely girl :((
My thoughts are with her family at this sad time and also to the helpers who I know will all be gutted at this sad news.x
I am so sorry to hear she didn't make it home x
So sorry to see this I am "In bits" for the family. Night, night sweet Rosie, sleep tight, and have fun at the bridge. RIP+ God blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for pretty Rosie:-(xxx

DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Oh no! I can't believe this. So very sad. Thoughts are with the family xx
Oh no, she was so close to being found. I'm so very sorry XX
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
So sorry to read this, my heart goes out to the family.
Run free at the bridge Rosie.
Absolutely gutted and so sad for her family but lovely to know there are people who will drop everything to help someone else. R.I.P little Rosie
Oh so sad, especially after surviving all this time. Those damned railways. I am so very sorry and my thoughts are with the family. Way too young for the bridge, but run free, beautiful little Rosie xxx
Bless her heart x
I am so Gutted,Poor Rosie had kept herself safe for so long .R.I.P Sweet Girl,Run Free over Rainbow Bridge.xxx

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Last edited: 2013-08-19 18:27:38 by Shereen
Just had the very sad news rosie been killed on the train lines
I think i'll go about 9 tonight and have a look around. Was she seen in the road where the trap is or round the corner near the labrador lady Linda?
That's good Linda. I'll have a look at the film and see if shes been in the garden. Update you later.
Great news! x
phone call to say rosie sighted last night at 9pm in same area where trap is.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Sue if you get this message can you ask Brian not to cover the camera as the cloth sets it off. Lots of film of the inside of his cloth, not very entertaining viewing!Thanks
Good luck today Sue. I will go later and check the trap and change the film in the camera. Terry are you free tmw at all to meet up and search with me? Fingers crossed for news. Im at work today but will keep checking.
Going to sighted area for the day , with Annette linda fingers crossed she may show herself
HelperLost Pals Surrey Heath.LostPALS
Got everything crossed for you that Rosie's page goes blue today!
Please keep up the positive vibes. No visitors to the trap as yet tonight. Ive just viewed the film from the camera and nothing there either. Lovely Brian is watching the cage like a hawk and will ring straight away with any news. Thanks for all the support everyone. Come on Rosie
Will keep checking whilst working my night shift and hope to see little Rosie in the blue tonight. She looks so like my bichon, Jodie, who lived to be 17! You are all doing an amazing job. xx
yes Good luck Claire..(most of you have my number now txt or call if needed)..Come on Rosie...you can do this.

davey..just want to say you have been amazing and I know you want little Rosie home and safe ASAP....Listen to your little doggy ...he's a very clever little boy,(Just like his sister!) xxLast edited: 2013-08-18 22:36:50 by Shereen
Come on Rosie its time to get in that trap and get your self home darling. My little Rosie is sending you get home safely vibes from one little white doggy to another xx
Going out to look around the area again now and check the trap and camera. Wish me luck!
Hope you get her back real soon x
Well a really good day at least 8 sightings of rosie feel its only a matter of time , trap set so fingers crossed she is caught tonight , thank you for all for your help today it makes such a difference
Like the others, I'm so pleased to hear she's taking food from the same place so those that know what they're doing could maybe set a trap for her. We were up at Swinley Forest today, entered by the Buttersteep/Kings Ride route. Did a long circular walk and didn't see any posters?
This is the best news ever , i am so relieved she is nearly at arms reach , feel very sorry for the other little bishon who we now know is not Rosie , i hope she will be reunited with her family soon , fingers crossed we get Rosie tomorrow
I am so pleased that Rosie has been sighted. I have been checking a few times every day hoping to see her reunited. I was at Swinley Forest last week spreading the word. I just wish, like everyone else, she was back home already. Good luck with catching her, and getting her back to her family.
Ive just driven all around that area. I think she crossed the road at Blane Lane and headed through the Swinley Wood to were she is now but there are plenty of bridges that she could have used so wouldnt have had to cross the railway. Obviously a clever girl to get to where she is now! Fingers crossed for a great result Linda
just looked at map and hating the fact she may of had to cross the railway to get there!..im hoping she used the roads though!...stay safe Rosie!
Hi Shereen Thats fantastic news shes been located. If theres anything i can do to help let me know im only 10 minutes away. Happy to go back out tonight if Linda wants some company. Good luck Linda
Oh, that's great news.....I so hope she hangs around the garden and can gain enough trust to be caught.
Claire I have pinked your comment just for now,because the location you posted..We are going to have to be so careful now ...Rosie has been seen taking cat food from someones garden in South Ascot for two days now....Brilliant as she has found a source of food clever little girl bless her...the people are happy to continue this to build up a feeding pattern for her,I have spoken to Linda on what she needs to do next ...we do not want to scare her from this area as she has hopefully settled there...because of the way she runs away like the clappers,we have to take this slowly,unless she falls for Linda and her ham who is sat nearby now.

IF SIGHTED...DO NOT CHASELast edited: 2013-08-17 17:48:46 by Shereen
Comment awaiting moderation
Hi can I help at all I live in Bracknell?
Hi clare it is long hill near skate board park linda is going to meet you i think she will call you tonight
As i am coming monday to look at found dog and then if no luck will stay in the area all day
So i wont be coming tomorrow but as i say linda will meet you there , will let you know what happens on monday keeping everything crossed for a great outcome x
Hi Sue Yes i will meet you at 1pm but Long Hill is where the skatepark is do you mean the carpark there or Lily Hill Park is round the corner but there are a few different entrances to it. I think youre very wise to go and see the found dog as no one has claimed it. Some times the chips just dont pick up do they.
Hi clare we are meeting tomorrow at liley park road near the skate board park at 1pm if you would like to meet us can give u some leaflets , myself and annette are going to see the found bishon on monday just to be certain its not rosie , they say the found dog is not microchiped but u never know , and better to be sure , please keep looking today
Hi Sue i can help on Sunday with posters. There is a farmers market in Ascot on Sunday 9.30am - 1pm very busy with parking etc until after 1pm
Weekend tomorrow please please have a good look around and also keep your ears open incase
She is trapped somewhere and trying to get out
Will be in ascot sunday putting up photos of her any help would be most appreciated
spoke to ascot, and windsor/maidenhead wardens today reported rosie missing as she may have moved on, also spoke to street care who cover all the area,s we are looking and beyound and no reports of rosie been run over (thank GOD) also annette spoke with catherine the dog communicator who felt postive rosie is still out there please keep looking and hope we get some good news soon can anyone help with posters in the ascot area i will be there tomorrow thank-you.
Ill call you in the morning Linda or you can call me...(tonight if you like)
linda- had six calls today from people that have seen rosie she was seen on longhill rd, forest rd, lilly hill rd in a field with horses, a lady called clare phoned to say she tryed to catch her on friday that was around lillyhill, she has been leaving food out hoping she will come back, no sightings since sunday so we have no idea if she is going further or still around this area, keep looking and hope to hear soon.thanks.
Hi have told Annette to change listing . Ie
Microchipped and wearing lilac collar when she went missing
So hopefully admin will update soon
Hi Sue, that's a shame. The listing says unknown against having a tag or microchip so may be worth updating that. I'm sure someone would have already said but have you checked the chip details are up to date? i.e. correct contact number. What type / colour was the collar, is there a tag on it again with correct contact number?
Linda just rung dog warden dont think its rosie so sad
Hi just trying to ring dog warden now , nothing that she would stand out but she did have a coller and is chipped thank you
Great minds think alike Clare, just logged in to say the same thing. Annette, is there anything specific about Rosie that would make her stand out from other Bichons? We have a lot of Bichons in this area.
Look at 56187 on the found page. This is only 40 minutes away from Bracknell. I think the mobile number for Annette in the ad in the Bracknell News may be wrong. Please check it.Last edited: 2013-08-15 13:40:14 by Clare
Very good advert Page 32 Bracknell News Fingers crossed
Rosie in local papers today .
Please look out for anyone u know who now has a new white dog
As she could be with somebody as still no sightings
Thank you everybody
Im sure she has found somewhere to shelter from the rain. Fingers crossed for some news when the ad come out in the Bracknell News tomorrow.
linda- no news today have been to swinley froest nothing.
HelperLost Pals Surrey Heath.LostPALS
Let's hope she breaks cover again today. But if not, hopefully the ad in the paper will do the trick. It may be that someone has found her and is unaware of the search, and is looking after her, and they might see the advert and be able to reunite you. Thinking of you guys. We have the ad in the shop window now. Good luck, got everything crossed for her safe return.
Day 3 with no sightings , please people
Lets have some positive news today
We need some sightings ,
In the local paper tomorrow , so fingers crossed
Our friend lost a dog in Lindfield who was found using a dog communicator, that Dogs Lost had recommended, the dog was found safe. The communicator is called CAtherine and telephone number is 01824 705510. I really hope she can help and fingers crossed for her safe return soon.
Hi Linda so sorry to hear no good news yet. My daughter and friends are up and down to Sandhurst this afternoon keeping an eye out. Im just off to Coral Reef for a quick look as she may have made her way back there through Swinley Woods. Anything i can do as i know the area please let me know. I definately know where to come if my dog ever gets lost. Fantastic site and i agree, lovely people. Good luck and fingers crossed x
linda- up at the froest at 6am today with annette we went into the golf club, so they are keeping eyes open family and friends there now,(i think we should rename her BOLT) GOOD LUCK EVERYONE and thank you clare for everying also to mark what lovley people you all are.
Add has been placed in the newspaper for this week and it will also be on the internet ,
It is meant to be quite a large photo so everything crossed , 2 days without sightings its a bit worrying , i am there tomorrow and prying for a good result
Thank you all so much for everybody's help x
HelperLost Pals Surrey Heath.LostPALS
Will put one up in our shop on the A30 slip road in Camberley. My little pooch is ill at the moment or I would be joining the search. Am sorry I can't physically help this time, but will make sure all the dog walkers I know over here know to keep an eye out. Have been coming back daily in the hope Rosie's page has gone blue. It's only a matter of time, I'm sure. Have everything crossed for you that she is back home soon.
Welcome Sue Im happy to help.
Im just taking some posters to my friends shop in Ascot. She has a dog and uses a local dog walker. I'll be out looking for Rosie again later today. Last edited: 2013-08-13 15:11:54 by Clare
Thank you for your help x
Hi just spoken to Catherine at Bracknell News. Really nice and helpful If you can email her the wording plus picture today asap and a phone number to contact you on she can get it into this weeks paper out on Thursday.Depending on size she can do £59.92 + VAT or less.
email her on ctaylor@berksmedia.co.uk Phone 01189503050 Good luckLast edited: 2013-08-13 10:19:49 by Clare
It looks like the next avaliable date for putting an ad is the 22nd Aug but i will ring them in the morning to check.
Thankyou x
The local paper is the Bracknell News/Ascot News which comes out on a Thursday and would cover the whole area from Sandhurst to Bracknell. It may be to late to get into this weeks but i'll try and find out.
Hi do you think it would be a good idea to place an add in your local paper ?
As I'm not from the area not sure which paper it would be ideal , if anybody could place the add i am coming to search with the owner on wednesday and will happily meet up and pay u the cost ,
Many thanks
Keep positive its just a matter of time.
We wont give up until Rosie is safely home.
Hi everybody no sightings today please please after your dinner would you have a little walk around
The more of us out the more chance we have
Thank you all so much for your continued help
Well done, be patient..she is somewhere there...its just a case of bumping into her ,being in the right place at the right time.keep going with what I said and you should find her.stay safe Rosie.xx
been to swinley forest twice today no luck, rosie,s owner (annette) is there at the moment.
no joy.
Monday morning and back to work tomorrow
Please keep your eyes open ,
She has been sighted loads today
Just have to get hold of her
Day 7 tomorrow
So please everyone leave 10 mins earlier and
Have a look around
Good luck to everyone
just going back to have a look around, linda.
also went to binley rescue centre as someone told us she had been told a dog like rosie had been found and taken there but it wasn,t her she had been returned to her owner.
it,s linda lady phoned this afternoon to advise she also saw rosie she was in the same place from 1st sighting this morning witch was blanes lane off swinley rd opposite beaumont sheads,1st sighting about 9am lady and few others tried to get her but bolted back into the forest and was gone, 2nd sighting around 10am same thing happened man,s wife stopped traffic but rosie bolted back into the woods,myself and a friend have been at the forest most of today looking out but nothing we spoke to a lot of very helpful people who will all be looking out for her, thank you to the people who have tried to get her and keep going back with other family and friends to try again.
Ive just been to Blane Lane and all surrounding area. Alerted all the dog walkers to look out for Rosie.Ive driven around everywhere she has already been sighted but unfortunately no luck. Ive contacted the Pine Ridge Dog Santuary in Priory Road. They have a poster and details if shes handed in to them the warden will be told straight away. Also The Berkshire Golf Club is next to Blane Lane and backs onto Swinley Woods Ive been trying to ring them and see if theres been any sightings but i think they must be closed.I will try again tomorrow if no luck before then but fingers crossed.
Fingers crossed BIG time.....xx
Good Luck Linda..(have just spoken to her)...Linda's number added to poster now
its linda just had a call rosie sighted in blainslane ran behind the wood yard into the forest on our way there now.
So sorry you had no luck last night. If she is heading towards Bracknell there is South Hill Park which is Ringmead Bracknell RG12 7PA another popular place for dog walkers where you could put posters up. Unfortunately this area has so many parks and woodland where Rosie could hide. I will drive round this afternoon all the parks from Longhill up to Sandhurst and anywhere in Bracknell i can think off. Good luck
Hi rosies owners have asked me to put this message as they cannot get onto the sight as they are on the isle of wight and reception is bad , Rosie is micro chiped
And details are up to date ,
And if there is any sightings and you need urgent contact please contact linda
On 07504 267445. Many thanks and please please keep looking
hi it,s linda just got back been up to the area since 6am with a friend finished putting up posters then drove round no luck and haven,t had any calls so far but did speak with a ranger who will spread the word, also told me that a beagle dog was found 3 months after it went missing around there.
re Sue's post below...we really need to know where tonight's (last nights) sighting was please...
I will be with a dog training group at Lilly Hill Park during tomorrow, so will look out for Rosie and mention her to everyone there who is local to the area too. Hope she is found soon. I may be able to help look during the week if this helps.
Urgent can the lady who rung and left a message that rosie had been sighted in bracknal tonight please ring again with details as to where it was as there are helpers at the moment looking in the bracnal area so please call again now thankyou
myself and 2 children travelled today to long hill park,
walked all around right down to the bottom through the woods, felt so positive,
but disappointment,
meet linda poor lady is frantic,
cant think of anything but Rosie,
we live in Wimbledon so not to easy to keep looking but please please locals help help help
we have put some posters up also,
please give us some good news
posted again on F.B. asking my Bracknell F.B.friends to keep a look out for her, I do hope she is found safe and well
Hi again Linda My husband is going there now to put up posters in Long Hill Park and in Lily Hill Park which is a few roads away. My family drive from Long Hill up to Sandhurst several times a day so rest assured we will all be looking for Rosie. All 3 of my children will be driving that way at different times tonight so fingers crossed for news. My friend is a local RSPCA inspector in this area so ive asked her to spread the word also.
hi it,s linda i went up to longhill rd today i had put up about 7 posters when i got a call saying someone had handed in a dog that fitted rosie description at addlestone police station, stopped what i was doing thinking it must be her got in touch with the police station who got the warden to call me but it was someone else,s (not rosie) and was,nt found in the right area, i will be going back to longhill rd and around to carry on with posters,please can anyone else help with posters,thank you with all my heart for all your help.xxx i have also advised bracknell warden that rosie is missing in this area.
Thank you everyone have hardly had her out my mind since she disappeared into undergrowth with me on Thursday Come on "Team Rosie" she is so close now to being safe!
Yes Shereen i walk my own dog here and know lots of other people in the area that do also. I have printed off some posters which i'll put up in these 2 parks. Keep positive Linda we know roughly where she is i'm sure its just a matter of time before you get her back.
circulating on twitter
Brilliant HEC I don't know the area well at all...just getting my info from google maps ... Its great as sounds like you have local knowledge...Linda needs that please if you can keep her updated on these areas. Thanks
My daughter just went and knocked on the house where she saw Rosie run into the garden last night. The garden backs onto woodland. She has given the owner your number Linda incase he sees Rosie again so he can ring you straight away. Posters need to be put up in Long Hill Park (and the busy scateboard park there) and Lily Hill Park which is nearby also.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Go team Rosie!
ok,have just had the latest sightings call into by by Linda...It is making sense now..and Rosie is doing the classic triangle :


so,if we use the points we know of.....

1)The look out...NINE MILE RIDE





I suspect she is using these roads as her guidance.....it appears,she has bolted from the 'missing area' and cant find her way back....she isnt going quite far enough.....

I think she is going anti clock wise and could also be using *NEW FOREST RIDE* to then maybe join the *BRACKNEL ROAD(A322)*...you need posters in all these sighting areas first.

Once them areas are postered, work back towards 'home'(Foresters Way area)..also a few posters on London Road (A30)just in case she is going that far but at this stage I don't think she is.Last edited: 2013-08-10 13:20:11 by Shereen
rosie sighted on longhill rd she ran into someone garded is very frightened, she is has also been seen in piroy rd,swinly rd church rd near london rd this was at 2am sat 10.8.2013 around bracknell.
My daughter saw Rosie at 2am this morning in Priory Road Chavey Down(This is straight on from Swinley Road). She followed her along Church Road to Long Hill Road where she went into a garden. She was very scared and just ran and ran. She went into the garden looking for her and the owner came out to help but she had gone. There is a large park opposite called Long Hill Park. This area comes under Ascot SL5. We are going there now to have another look around the area.
Wish you all the best finding her.
All these sightings need to be plotted on a map...with times and dates,it will give you more of an idea on her movements.
I think my daughter saw this dog last night at 2am She stopped and tried to catch it but it ran. Ive left you a message with my phone number on your mobile to ring me
Advisable for strangers not to call her name as it will make her run....she is in survival mode and is not acting like a pet at this stage...Do not chase her (Although I understand it was needed when she was on that busy road)...Throw tasty food down gently and back away...repeat as much as necessary but patience will be needed..you need to gain her trust.very slow gentle movements and get close to the floor avoiding eye contact,even turn your back...she will feel less threatened!........if anyone can help by printing out posters and putting up in the area ,I know it will be appreciated....do not pin them to trees as they will be removed.....Best to use the brown packing tape.its strong and works well.......I have spoken to the carer on the phone and advised of scenting....Ill send an advice email now .Last edited: 2013-08-10 12:06:01 by Shereen
thanks for all your help everyone, still no news of her been found, have advised the warden she is stilling missing good luck to everyone looking for her.
This is SWINLEY forest folks, near The Lookout. She may be foraging around the Cafe there. I'll go now and put up some posters and alert the Rangers and take some tasty treats.
sorry its a male sorry
There is a young bichon frise on the found site its in kennels could be the dog
Called owner she was just giving up and going back to IOW today. Adviced her to use doglost to communicate with people as apparently she did have a few sighting in the first few days. Said to go down there with food calling her name and flyers with her mobile number saying Rosie has been sighted and to call her if anyone sees her again. Definitely Rosie with a lilac collar on Can people come down to this area and try and help I live over in SW London and as a dog rescue terrierrescue.co.uk I have a busy day planned ahead but sending all my good wishes Rosie is found
That is Bramshill Forest at the A322 side
Sighted today 7.15pm by the A322 at the side of the busy carriage way just before the Coral Reef Leisure centre roundabout travelling 'north towards the Leisure Centre being on the left of the forward roundabout. Stopped the van and tried to attract her another 3 cars stopped and an lady and I tried to get near her but she ran away from us sadly: but fortuneately away from the road, down the fern filled slope into the forest and disappeared. At least we managed to shoo her away from the road. She was frightened of approachLast edited: 2013-08-09 01:16:21 by xxlynne
I live in Camberley too. Please let me know if you have any sightings or any ideas where she may head to. I will be walking my own dog in the local areas so will keep a look out for Rosie and will be happy to help look too.
I am in Camberley and would be very happy to help with searches if needed, just let me know if I can do anything.
Will change to SE but this looks very similar to
55757 which I have already changed to SE??
This is south east.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in GU14-20.47-51. RG7,12,27,40-45.

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