Rainbow Bridge: TRI COLOUR Jack Russell Terrier Cross Male

  • Dog ID 55214
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 25 Jul 2013
  • Name MONTY
  • Gender & Breed Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour TRI COLOUR
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 24 Jul 2013
  • Where Lost Lexden Park, Colchester, Essex
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area CO3
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Possible sightings in the following areas: Abbey Fields, Shrub End, Lexden Park or even the Golf course.
  • Listed By Turnercat
  • Views 14011
  • MONTY Poster Image
  • MONTY Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Still thinking of you. Sending Monty a big kiss Heavenward. X
They are together Catherine , I believe that he is looking after Monty , always think of Monty when I come on here I think we all do , I feel he is the mascot for Doglost bless him xxxx
When i was 6 I had a baby brother who died when he was two. Loosing Monty at such a young age has brought back grief that has been lying dormant for years. Monty and Ian were such gentle souls, I believe they are together. xx
Thank you so much for all your kind words, I too believe that Monty came back to me. There is not a day when I don't think of him and my heart still bleeds. I hope he definitely knew we loved him and I hope all my loved ones and dogs that have gone before us are looking after him. xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Hello Turnercat. I have only just come across your sad loss as I have been away for a while, but want to say your dream was real, as Kimmybear says. It happened to me with both my dog and my cat, they both returned just that once. I did not think I was asleep either time but was in that 'in between' state, in fact waking up. I heard my dog come up the stairs and settle on the landing outside my bedroom door, although she normally slept on the sofa downstairs. My cat was on the bed at the time and jumped up (they weren't best of friends). Then my cat died at 18 and returned to settle with me in bed, walking up my body. We can never really know for sure but the only other dream I ever had was when my aunty died. My Nan came, putting on her coat, saying she was going to collect my aunty and I could go with her if I wanted which frightened me for some reason so I declined. We got the call early the next morning. I have written all this to try to help you to believe it really did happen. Where there is a bond there is another kind of communication, even in life. This was his gift to you, he is safe now. Monty knew you were looking for him, he loves you and tried to reassure you. xxx
This is such a sad story but Kimmy is right - Monty had a quiet and peaceful end. And I truly believe that he knew where to find his owners - even if it was in their dreams. He knew he was loved. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh my gosh! Catherine! That dream was REAL. I have had this and so have others who have lost their fur babies. It was Monty coming to visit you and loving you just as always. They can often only get through in dreams because that is when our subconcious is relaxed and able to connect with our loved ones in heaven. I guarantee it was Monty! It's called a visitation - when the dream is so real, it really is real. Gonna text you.x
Thank you kind helpers for helping to remove posters - please everyone, this really needs to be done to keep the council on board for lost pets and to prove we are not fly posting. But, removing posters is SO hard to do when your fur babe has gone to heaven; SO hard. Please continue to help Catherine and her hubby, so are so distraught. Thank you everyone. x
thanks Chris and Carol for all your support and everyone that followed, thanks for taking posters down Chris, we have been doing the same. Hope to see you on one of our walks xxx
Oh Catherine your story was so sad I know you have closure but of the sad kind, bless you both and I will never forget Monty and am glad he died peacefully without trauma he could have had heat stroke and just went to sleep, sweet dreams darling Monty xxxx
Hi Catherine been round taking posters down, so many people were upset that dear little Monty didn't get home and passed on their best wishes to you. It was lovely meeting up with you I just wished the outcome was so much better. Maybe our paths will cross again when we are walking our dogs, which would be lovely. You take care of yourself and stay strong. My heart goes out to you. X
Thank you for your kind words Kim, you are right he had already earn t his wings. He was the sweetest most laid back dog I have ever known, who loved everybody and everybody who met him loved him. I know this sounds strange but one night when we were looking for him, I dreamed that he was with me and I was cuddling him and it felt so real xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Catherine, this page is for you and Monty - you say whatever you want. We are here for you. I know I texted you, but I will also say on here that I am so incredibly sorry. You are a good mum and did everything you could to find Monty - he knows and he loves you for it. Do not ever think he may have thought he was abandoned because he would never think that. He never left you either. You would have found each other if this hadn't happened to him. I suspect it was most likely something that happened suddenly and that is why he couldn't be found at the time. Its quite possible he was stung or bitten. Dogs can be allergic to stings and you wouldn't know in advance so couldn't have prevented it. He would have felt a bit woozy quite quickly and so curled up to go to sleep. He would not have been in pain and he knew you were close by so felt at peace. Also, it has nothing to do with not putting him on the lead or going to that park. Believe me, I too have been there and have come to realise, when it's our time, as hard as we try, there is nothing we can do about it. It makes no sense as Monty was still so young, but often those who go young have already earnt their little wings. He is completely safe now in God's arms and you DID find him! He is no longer lost. No horrible person has him - you still do and always will - he is your Monty! He is in heaven now waiting for you when it is your time, however long or short that may be. He will always look after his little furry pal too. Love never parts. Maybe you were not meant to find him that day; it may have been too much of a shock. Maybe you were given time to prepare, as awful and sad as it has been. I wish I could ease your pain and even make it so it never happened, but you have to trust there was a reason and I think it was because Monty had already earnt his wings. God bless you sweetest little Monty; your family love you so much and always will. You are together forever. Of that, I am sure. xxxx
I just want to say how very sorry I am, and though I live a long way away my thoughts are with you tonight...
Dear all, thanks very much for all your best wishes, he was found only about 100m from where he went missing. He was curled up in a ball as though he was asleep and there was no sign of any tauma, most people walking by thought he was a dead fox and we have walked past hundreds of times. There are a lot of adders over there and the weather was hot, we don't know if he was bitten by a snake, knocked over on church road and managed to get back into the park, or if he did go down a hole and did not have the stamina to get home, guess we will never know, I just hope he didnt die of a broken heart because he thought we had abandoned him.. My husband collected his body and we took it to the emergency vets, who scanned the bag and confirmed it was Monty. His body is now on the way to the Cambridge crematorium and when we receive his ashes we are going to put them in his favorite place in the garden. At the moment we are going through all the usual grieving process and feel full of remorse that I did not have him on the lead that night, that we went to the park, that I should have looked more in the area that we lost him and most of all that I was not able to protect him when he was so young. I suppose time will heal all that and I hope you dont mind but it helps to write it on here xxxx
Oh how very sad. I am so sorry, and my thoughts are with the family at this time. Too young for the bridge, but run free, lovely Monty xxx
So very sad to see that Monty did not make it home after all your hard work but at least you have closure. I feel really gutted for you.
Oh Catherine I am so sad for you ,RIP little Monty , do you have any idea how or when he died , we were in sea pets yesterday and his poster was on display and a little boy in front of us said look dad there's a little dog missing called Monty , I wanted to say to them yes keep an eye out but though I had better not incase they think aim a nutcase :-( Catherine hope you were able to take him home and lay him to rest , we never met but when searching for Monty it almost felt like we had , take care lots of love Carol xxxxxxxxxx X for Monty X big kiss X
Turnercat I'm so very sorry to see Monty at RB. You have worked so hard to bring your little boy home. Sleep tight little guy XX
So sad, owners did so much to help find little Monty. Loving thoughts. xx
So sorry to read this sad news.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Gutted to read this, Have also been following his page from the start although I am not in your area. Thoughts are with dear Monty and his family xxx
So very sorry to read your news about Monty. Run free sweetheart. :(( xxx
So sorry to see this about Monty. My thoughts are with his family; my prayers too. Goodbye Monty, hope you are hacing fun at the bridge with those who have gone before, and after you. One day you will see Monty again at the bridge where he will be waiting for you. He may have left you in body but his spirit lives on. (((HUGS))) to his family for their loss. RIP+ Monty now another Angel in Heaven. God blessx A~~~Cancdle~~~burns for Monty.
Oh Catherine my heart is breaking for you. I am so sorry that you didn't get little Monty home, you tried so hard. RIP little boy, run free at Rainbow Bridge. X
Another one lost to rainbow bridge so sad :(:(:( All run free together x x
So sorry to read about poor Monty - have been following his story from Day 1. I know how broken-hearted you were at losing him Catherine and made every effort to find him. At least you are reunited though not in the way we had all hoped. Go play at the Bridge little one.
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
I'm so very sorry Monty did not make it home, so sad :(
RIP handsome xxx
You so deserved to find Monty after all your hard work, but not like this. I am so very sorry for you. R.I.P. Monty.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
So very sorry to hear this...
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry to see this Turnercat, you tried so very hard to find little Monty and you did but not in the way we all wanted :((
Run free at Rainbow Bridge little one.x
So very sorry Monty didn't make it home - I'm gutted for you. You tried so very hard & tirelessly. I really feel for you. RIP sweet boy x
So very sorry to hear that little Monty didn't make it home. RIP sweetheart.
I am so sad to read this - have followed Monty's story everyday on here even though I am not in the area - sometimes certain dogs/stories tug at you heart strings and he was one of those I so desperatly wanted to see re-united. Sleep well lovely Monty and love to all your amazing family who fought so hard to get you home xx
Thank you to every one sincerely for your help but my darling Monty's body was found today partially decomposed under a blackberry bush in Lexden Park. R.I.P Monty xxxx
Been looking on some of the dog found sites, quite a few, I dare say you have you looked at a lot of them, just trying to think of anything else. If I can help anyway at all let me know. X
Hi Catherine you so deserve to get your little dog back, I can't believe it is 7 weeks now and so wish he is found. Please don't give up, I am sure someone is looking after him and when they realise Monty belongs to you will let him come home. What about doctors surgeries, I put one in Ambrose Avenue and Winstree Road, just a thought. There is a car boot sale on in Marks Tey and Weeley. X
pop on to website to check found dogs, so thought would leave a message. Garden centers now done xx
Have just finished sending Monty's poster to every vet in Essex, start on Suffolk next x
Ardleigh car boot sale have offered to display Montys poster xxx
7 weeks today, still missing, still searching xx
Last edited: 2013-09-11 08:31:50 by Turnercat
Did the grounds Chris, no luck I'm afraid xx
Oh Catherine had high hopes you were going to find the tinker. Lots of grounds in Severalls so could be hiding in there, are you able to go round the grounds? X
Went back to Boxted and surrounding area. No one has seen Monty. Nothing in town either x
Have been all over Boxted this morning but not seen him. Met a couple of people and they are going to keep a lookout, very rural up there, but a couple of Kernels and stables. Hubbies gone down town, covering all bases. xx
Oh Catherine what positive news you have, fingers crossed it was Monty and you get the little monkey home soon. Come on Monty show yourself time to come home. X
Had a call tonight approx 7, there was a JR seen opposite the nursery in Boxted. The people who rang got out of the car and approached the dog who ran down the road towards Colchester. Went up and did a search but no luck.
Have left some posters with a girl who lives in Boxted who is going to kindly put them up, she has lost her cat up there. Also left one at the British legion and the Sheperd pub at Langham as someone said they saw a JR up there. I am waiting for it to get light so I can go out early this morning. The people who rang said it looked like Monty. Going to try the old several's site in the morning. It would tie up with the JR seen in Mylend a few weeks ago. Fingers crossed, we are still going to do town tomorrow too. xxxxxxxx (been married 35 years today, where did the time go?).Last edited: 2013-09-09 05:11:06 by Turnercat
Hi Catherine just read about a lady who found her dog after four months so don't give up, we will help you to keep spreading the word. Monty will be found, I am sure of this. X
Hi to all of you just had a message from a friend that there are two young men going around the Colchester area stealing dogs, just be careful. X
Thank you so much to both of you for your help and thanks for looking. We are going to try the Council offices tm. Hubby been down town today doing a search. Next week back out with posters, Monty's on lots of web sites including Shrubend dog walkers and Ive managed to get him on Braintree lost dog site who have mentioned another couple of rescue centres I have never heard of. Ive also got him on the Greenstead Community website and Im waiting for approval from Monkwick. I know there are some old people who do not have acess to the web, so still trying to reach them xxLast edited: 2013-09-08 00:18:34 by Turnercat
Just a thought Catherine, you have probably looked at this site before, but have you looked at petlog website, someone found their dog through them. X
Went to hilly fields and Lexden park but nothing , Catherine I was thinking why don't you ring council offices on Monday as someone may of handed him in to council offices thinking dog warden is there , long shot but worth a call , my friend works in the council offices I will ring her tomorrow , I also think someone has him who hasn't got Internet and doesn't realise you have to report found dogs ,also I think he will be found as someone must know something xxxxxLast edited: 2013-09-07 23:02:24 by Carol
Been over to Stanway green and the dyke replacing the posters this evening. As Monty is so friendly just have this strong feeling someone has him, he would be like my dog and probably just go off with a person. My friend works in the High Street in an office going to ask her to keep an eye out for Monty after the possible sighting of him outside the council offices. I am so determined to get him back for you Catherine, lots of people still out there keeping an eye out for dear Monty. PLEASE whoever you are let him go home. X
Hi Chris, I pray to god he is with someone kind, will try the nursery's as you suggest, thanks for that xxxxx I could live with the thought that he was being spoilt to death by a kind elderly couple. It would be just like Monty, while Ruby, my husband and I are going through hell. Little tinker, he would love it. Even willing to visit with both dogs if it is someone who is dreadfully lonely xxxxxLast edited: 2013-09-07 15:29:40 by Turnercat
Hi Catherine going over to the woods in Tiptree tomorrow so will put up more posters there and perhaps ask if some of the shops are willing to put a poster up. Places like nurseries, Perrywoods , Poplar, Mill Race and Wyvale might put posters up if your husband would ask next week, these are lots of places elderly people go who don't have access to computers etc. Still think someone is being kind by taking him in but they don't know he belongs to you. Please if you know a person who has just acquired a little dog, do the honest thing and let Catherine know, no questions asked, PLEASE. X
Oh went down O livers lane yesterday and left posters at the stables xx
Hi Carol I keep going back to Lexden Park where he went missing and to all our local walking areas.

Hilly Fields
The meadows
Friday Woods

Have added Shrubend, Abby Fields, I have a dog walker looking in Rowhedge and Fingringhoe. Another dog walker in St Mary's who goes all over the place. Copford Woods, I don't know the Greenstead area but have put Monty's poster on their Community site on Facebook. I'm wondering if should venture further out. Maldon, Mersea, I know there are posters at Tiptree, Chris has kindly put some up for me. I'm on the Clacton Facebook page, Elmstead, Is there any where Ive missed. xxxxxLast edited: 2013-09-07 09:14:47 by Turnercat
I wasn't going to share this but have been thinking about it all night and cant ignore it. A dog walker I know had been speaking to another dog walker, (so its a bit like that)said she thought she saw Monty with a women near the council offices in Colchester. That all I know. So if anyone is in town, please keep an eye out for Monty. Like I said not much and thought shall I ignore it but I cant. At the moment searching Facebook for local community sites and posting Monty's poster.
Will come and look at weekend, where is best to look Catherine ? Xxxxx
Hubby on holiday next week going to make a big effort putting up more posters and replacing the ones that have been taken down. Come on Monty, Ruby and your soft basket are waiting for you. xxxxxxxxx
Thanks Chris and Carol, put some posters up in the estate of warren lane yesterday and Copford. Going to keep going make him too hot to handle xx
This is a massive plea if you are reading this and have Monty please give him back please please xxx
Hi Catherine put posters up in Stanway and the Dyke. A couple I met with a jack russell said they heard about another jack russell going missing in the area, makes you wonder doesn't it! Think I will put up more posters in Tiptree when I am over there visiting friends. PLEASE give Monty back no questions asked, he needs to be at home. X
Its been six weeks today that Monty went missing and sadly we think that someone has him. If you find a JR and even if it is tagged, please check it's not Monty first. He is micro chipped. If someone out there is reading this and has Monty, please, please give him back, there are plenty of JR out in rescue centers that need a loving home xx
Hi Catherine sounds promising the dog with a curly tail , keep us informed if you see this little dog , be great if it was little Monty , come on Monty come home xxxxxx
Hi folks had a black dog day today, been chasing sightings in Rowhedge of a Jack Russell and another dog on the loose, no luck. On a positive note my hubby did find a blue,grey staffie loose this morning in Shrubend and took it to Ark Vets in Prettygate. The dog was chipped and the microchip company were getting in touch with the owner. Dog in safe keeping at the vets until owner collects. Can find other peoples dogs but not our own. :( xx Lovely to see you Chris and thanks for your help xxLast edited: 2013-09-02 20:42:25 by Turnercat
Hi Catherine nice seeing you again, will put up the posters for you and also in Tiptree lots of dog walkers in the woods there. Let me know if there is anywhere else I can put them up as well. PLEASE if anyone knows where this little dog is let him go home. X
It will be our 35th wedding anniversary on the 9th. The best way to celebrate would be to have Monty back home, come home Monty. xxxxx
Last edited: 2013-09-02 11:34:56 by Turnercat
Hubby met a dog walker in Rowhedge who said that there is a JR there that does get loose now and again, she is going to keep an eye out. Have had a report of a JR being seen by two people in Shrubend. It may be Rizla who I have spoken about before, but one lady said the dog she saw had a curly tail, which Monty has and the other dog doesn't, so I am going back there tm xxLast edited: 2013-09-02 04:53:31 by Turnercat
Hi Chris, that would be brill meet you at 3. I think Hubby may have done the Anchor pub, hes also done the British Legion. xx
Hi Catherine how about meeting tomorrow at 3 pm at the front of the Co-op again. Ask your husband to go into the Anchor pub, they are very amenable, a nice couple that run it, I am sure they will put one up in there. We WILL get him back, I am so determined for you! X
This may be nothing our elderly neighbour said she saw a loose JR runnoing down the road in Rowhedge last Monday. She thought she would wait until she saw us again to tell us. Bless her cotton socks. Hubby gone down to put up more posters. If anyone lives in Rowhedge could you please keep your eyes peeled please. xx
Hi everybody, thanks for kind wishes, enjoy your holiday Barleysmum and hope he is back before you. We were supposed to be going away next week to Derbyshire for walking holiday with the dogs. Hoping to still go, but not going without Monty. I have now also put him on preloved too. Hi Chris happy to hand over some posters, shall we meet at same place, what day and time that is best for you xxxx
Me too barleys mum :-) xxx
Catherine, so sorry but we are away on hols or would have been very happy to help. You ate doing a brilliant job and I am expecting Monty to be home before we are! X
Hi Catherine could you let me have some posters and I'll put them back up again. Still haven't got a printer as my dog cost £800 at vets! Just an idea about Ipswich, you never know. I will also ask friends to put them in their car windows. I dare say you are you looking on preloved and similar sites in case someone is trying to sell Monty, I see someone found their dog on one of those sites. Still feel you will get him back, you so deserve him to be returned. X
could posters be put in front windows of peoples houses, in cars,in vet windows etc etc visible but out of reach of officialdom or weirdos who remove them
Now on Free Ads and Gumtree. xx
Colchester Council will love me. Once Monty is back, it will be good exercise to go round and take them down. Monty on the lead of course xx
I haven't contacted Ipswich yet Chris, but have a son in law who supports them, I will ask him to try xxLast edited: 2013-08-31 15:26:36 by Turnercat
We have printed 100 new posters and all in plastic pockets. If anyone would be willing to replace the ones been taken down or to put posters up where there isn't any I am quite happy to meet and hand some over.
Kind regards
Catherine xxxxxxxLast edited: 2013-08-31 15:23:23 by Turnercat
Just got back from walking king George field and the dyke, not one poster up. Once the children are back at school I will replace the ones I had originally put up. Can't understand it. Catherine if you ring Ipswich Town Football Club and ask them if we can put up a poster there for the next home game I will take one for you when I go down there. No harm spreading the word further afield. Look how Jayne got her dog back. X
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Turnercat...we are all behind you here....so keep going...
xxLast edited: 2013-08-30 06:33:12 by Turnercat
Will do thanks to you both, thanks Jayne you have a wonderful organisation going here. xxxxxxxxx
Catherine don't you dare give up , Monty needs to be found and you will enjoy colchester with him I am so sure , be stroooooong , xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Turnercat...it was 6 and a half weeks after my dog got stolen I got the call in from posters put up on my behalf ( as I don't drive) 30 miles away that generated the call about my Hermie...It struck me then how many total strangers when they see you putting up missing dog posters stop and take one from you...this lady I remember so well...It was 4 weeks down the line just like you and I was replacing posters...not the easiest thing when the wind gets in the way and the tears form everytime you see the picture of your dog...she put her hand on my shoulder and asked if I was alright...I just collapsed in tears....I felt I was never going to see hermie again...she kindly said she would give the poster to her daughter that worked in a vets 30 miles away...and she did...and it worked...cannot thank her enough...that was when the idea of a support group for owners began....and here we are 28,000 reunited dogs later...They do get back....its spreading the word as you are doing and not giving up...keep getting those posters up....they work...
Hubby gone to get new printer cartridge, start again next week when children are back at school xxx
Going to write a book on beautiful walks in Colchester when this is all over. I'm from Derbyshire originally near Bakewell and moved to Southend because of my dads job. Have found the countryside again if not Monty. Got plenty of time got made redundant form the NHS in April after 30 years service. 2013 has been pants. Colchester is beautiful. xx Come home Monty want to share it with you xxLast edited: 2013-08-29 13:40:45 by Turnercat
Got a call today saying that a dog the image of Monty was found in Copford woods. Left lots of posters up there behind the village hall, but it turns out the dog has been re united with the owner???????? Monty is going to go in the village link, this will take a long time to circulate as one area at a time is printed. But do what ever it takes. To be quite honest with you there have been times when I think let go and feeling like it today, but you are all so supportive you keep me going. But to be honest going to run out of ideas one day xxxxx You can tell I haven't had any sleep.Last edited: 2013-08-29 13:28:22 by Turnercat
We certainly will be waiting barleysmum! I walk everyday in Stanway and Lexden areas so will keep looking. We are not giving up Catherine! Once the children are back at school perhaps put up more posters just in case it is them taking them down. X
Could not sleep last night, rang the dog warden this morning. Would you believe it they said it was a boarder terrier found in Stanway. Am I going mad barleysmum, it did say JR last night didn't it. Was advised to ring Westend Rescue and the lady there confirmed it that she told the animal warden it was a boarder terrier. xxxxx
Going to chase up the found JR tomorrow, Animal Warden cant be contacted now. Have sent them an email though with Monty's poster attached. Fingers crossed xxxxxx
Thanks to everyone I hadn't seen the JR found at Stanway. Monty's chipped they would have rang me by now. No haven't seen those two women since that day, they were sitting on a bench. I was back down there 30 minutes later, but they had gone.
Oh yes barleysmum we sure will be waiting xxxx
I see the dog warden has listed a Jr found in Stanway today.
It's all so odd. Looking through these sites there are so many lost dogs but then lots of found dogs that don't seem to have been reported - unless they've been missing for a fair while. Catherine I am constantly looking for Monty - out walking, from the bus and train to work, just all the time. I think you should keep going back to Lexden Park as if he was taken from there then whoever took him, what were they doing there? Walking their dog? If so, do they still do that? Maybe. Not necessarily those women but might have been someone the next day. Or, wasn't he seen in the dyke? And posters have been taken down from the dyke. Same person? I think its a waiting game as eventually whoever has him will think its OK to take him out but we'll be waiting won,t we! X
I did Lexden Park, Lexden springs, hilly fields and Gosbecks today. Ruby barks in the garden at the pigeons and we don't get any response, so I don't think hes round here. Just don't know where to look next xx
The reason I'm anxious to find the women in the park that night because one of them jokingly said, if we find him can we keep him. I hope to god she was joking, they had their own dog. all sorts of things go through my mind daily, some are a nightmare. xx
Thanks Chris, must stop chasing everyone who has a JR, apologies to all xx
Can't believe it is 5 weeks Catherine. Was over at Lexden Park this morning but no sign. Like you I believe someone has taken him in so please whoever has got little Monty let him go back home, no questions asked. I am waiting for the day this goes to blue (reunited). X
5 weeks day :(
You couldn't make this up, thanks Carol xx
And no we don't think u are mad ,just incredible :-) xxxx
He will be back Catherine , so we now have to watch out for 2 gay women ,ok that's not a problem ha ha chin up Catherine ,stay positive xxxx
Thanks Chris, I am so glad your dog is well again. Its five weeks tomorrow that Monty will have been missing. Baskets still in the same place along with his toys, looking forward to the day we get him back. Come on Monty xxx
Hi Catherine sorry to hear no further sightings of Monty but I am still confident you will get him back. Will put up posters now my little dog is well again and I can go walking with him. I still think someone keeps taking them down deliberately but we will still keep putting them back up! Please give Monty back whoever has him, please please do the right thing. X
Can we have him back please
I know you will think I am mad but I was panicking the night Monty went missing, the man and woman who i saw on the bench that night. Well my neighbor said it was two women. So is there anyone out there with access to the gay scene who knows a couple who have acquired a Jack Russell lately.
Wont give up Carol, thanks xxx
Me to Catherine and he isn't mine so you must be going through a bad time right now I am sure , but like everyone else I know he will be found its just the time in between that's unbearable , you have been incredible in everything you have done , a lady in my village said to my husband on a dog walk , have you heard about the JR Monty that's missing , my husband said yes we have been out looking for it several times , so u see Catherine word is even in my village , we will go out tonight and have a walk around , chin up and don't ever give up , there is one on the found sight which is like monty but its got a darker head but it made me look twice xxxx
No news, nothing since he was in the paper. Been awake all night thinking of Monty. Come home Monty, please xxxxxxxx
Yes Monty come home xxxxxxxxx
Monty where are you??????
Thanks kimmybear re tracker dog xxxx
Catherine you have as many wobbly moments as u want , xxxxxx
Thanks everyone, sorry sometimes have a wobbly moment xxxx
I know it's so hard not to torture yourself wondering and I so feel for you. I just hope that if someone has him they will see sense and do the kind thing and give him back. I feel it is very important to keep spreading the word so that everyone is looking for him. We will check the posters on our walk tonight. Stay strong.x
Hi Catherine I am sure he will be found. It must be a very despairing time for you but as Carol says dogs who have been missing for a while have been found. Stay strong and we are all with you keeping our fingers crossed Monty is found. X
I am sure Monty is with someone, he loves people, dogs, children he probably popped out of the woods when he finished playing, went up to the nearest person, now can you take me home please. I have a tag the numbers on it, and where you and I as responsible people would ring the owner, someone has decided to keep him. Or he has got stuck down a hole and the reason no one could hear him is that he had already passed away. Or there was a storm that night perhaps he has been spooked and ran off somewhere. Its all very strange, we are only a stones throw from where he went missing, he would have found his way home. xxxxxxx
Posters a wash out especially those I put up yesterday in Mylend. Its rained all night. If anyone sees a soggy mess can you please let me know and I will go and replace them. xxxx
The dyke near Lexden Park is old earth works used by the Romans, its referred to as bluebottle grove, it backs onto houses not very long. I don't know what the history of the dyke next to King George Park, but that is a long path that goes through two or three housing estates and eventually out to open countryside.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Can anyone tell me what this dyke is please? Is it water or where water used to be? Like in a fen? x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Only certain tracker dogs can be used for dogs; others are trained for humans; others for drugs etc. There are not that many who can do dogs and even hen it depends on a number of other factors. Leave it with me for the moment.
Is there anyone with a tracker dog that could pick up on montys scent as I have been following poor piper the lab missing for a week now and she is muzzled poor thing and they have a tracker dog out today that picked up the scent it seemed , hello anyone out there with. Tracker dog that can help , I know he will be found , another dog recently was found after going missing in April , theres loads of hope Catherine stay positive xxxxLast edited: 2013-08-21 22:27:14 by Carol
Still not going to give up on Abby fields, wonder where he could have gone from there. xxx
Hi barleysmum I didn't see any at Westlands main entrance, so my hubby is going to bike up there tomorrow. Sometimes get very low and think whats the point Ill never get him back, but those times are rare thank goodness.
Oh you are working very very hard and so deserve your boy home. Its the wooden gate out of westlands on to the farmers field I mean. That one isn't locked. I 'll replace it tonite or tomorrow latest.I still keep wondering if it was him over Abbey Fields and if he is still out there somewhere.x
Please give Monty back if you are reading this and you have him.
Hi barleysmum been down to the meadow and left a trail of leaflets from the meadow, I never knew about that area. Only lived in Colchester about 20 years. I wonder if the park keeper who unlocks the gate at westlands park got fed up of posters of Monty being up. Haven't replaced the ones at King Georges or Westlands yet as I have run out of tape and pins. Also need a new cartridge for my printer. Will put some more up either tonight or definitely tomorrow. xxxx
Ive had to replace the one at Friday Woods three times xx
Yes, if you have monty please give him back , no questions asked , xx
It is disgusting if someone has Monty, no one has the right to keep someone else's loved pet. Like barleysmum says, would love to find out who keeps taking these posters down. I taped the ones I put up so the person or persons who are taking them down would have had a hard job getting them off. Never mind we will keep putting them back up! Please give Monty back if you have him. X
Please look out for someone who has just acquired a young JR, may have another dog, cream long hair couldn't tell what it was. They were the couple I saw in Lexden Park. xxxx
Thanks barleysmum, Monty was just beginning to grow a dark patch on his head, sure it wasn't him. Thanks for the directions I know the children s playground will put posters up tm. I know what you mean Chris, this printing posters is costing me a fortune, worth it though if it gets him back. Im sure someone has him. xxxxx
The path from the station starts from the steps near the main entrance which go into the carpark. You go across the carpark and will see a tarmac path with grass on the right and a kids playground on the left. Follow the path to the end then go left and it will take you round to the underpass.x Chris, I'd love to get CCTV up by the Westlands gate! Hope your dog is soon on the mend.x
Hi Catherine I am so determined to get your little boy back like all the other people looking. Thanks for your good wishes for my dog. Had him in the vets over the weekend, so think I need to win the lottery now! X
I agree with barleysmum, someone maybe deliberately taking these posters down, I will put them up again when I can. It is very suspicious and hopefully we will catch the culprit. X
Thanks Leebod, there is a tan JR that lives in the houses, my two used to chat to him when we walked down there. xx
Hi every body thanks so much, sorry to hear your dog isnt well Chris, hope he/she gets better soon. I will print some more posters off and stick them up at Westlands and the Dyke, not sure where the new path starts or where cymbeline meadows are barleys mum, where do you go from north station? xx
This evening after work we walked from north station along the new path through the allotments then down through the underpass to the woods and cymbelline meadows. We met a lady walking a Monty lookalike except he had a black splodge on his head. I wonder if that was the dog reported at Mile End? This lady hadn't heard about Monty and I didn't see any posters. A lot of dog walkers use that route. Can anyone please get some posters up in that area? Otherwise I'll do it at the weekend. I also noticed posters torn down in the dyke and from the gate into Westlands. I kept putting the gate one back and each day it was down again now completely gone. Suspicious? I will replace tomorrow.
Hi, it was the dyke at bluebottle grove, a walk that goes along the backs of houses and brings you out near magazine farm way?? I'm new to Colchester so not entirely sure of the names of places yet! Xx
Catherine, Kim and I are going to a big dog fun day on Sunday in Essex, so will make sure Monty's picture is on show. How good of Colchester United to do that brill stuff. Chris63 sorry to hear your dog not well, hope for a quick recovery xLast edited: 2013-08-20 15:46:13
Good old Colchester United! I am very annoyed that either nasty children are ripping off the posters or someone doesn't want people to know about Monty missing. Will replace them when my dog's health has improved. Keep going Catherine. X
Colchester United said yes, they have six posters and they are going to put them in their concourses on Friday for their home match. THANK YOU COLCHESTER UNITED every body wants Monty home in his rightful place xxxxx
I have met some amazing people who are all out looking for Monty. Met a couple in Lexden Park and the lady was carrying a spare lead just in case she found him. I cant thank everyone enough for their support, just wish he would come home, I'm sure he would if he could.
Went up to Birch today and left a poster in the local pub, drove round Layer and surrounding villages as far as peldon and back. Walked Ruby over Gosbecks and of course Lexden still no news. Going to plead with Colchester United to let me put some posters up at the turnstiles for just one night on Friday as its a home match. Will let you know how I get on. xxxxx
Spent the day at Bark in the Park yesterday and my husband went to the horse fair in Chelmsford. No sign yet but everyone was realy kind and encouraging. Thanks to Hazel who helped my hand out leaflets and also to Jeannie from 5 star pet services xxxxx
Hi barleysmum, thanks for keep looking, thank you everyone for keep looking. No the taxi firms dog did not have a harness on. xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done, everyone! Okay, there is a horse fair in Chelmsford tomorrow. Missing dogs are often sold there - so if any helpers are free, get yourself over there. It may be a bit upsetting to these poor animals, but some owners and helpers are going to check for missing pets and horse Archie. Anyone can go, it is open to the public, but be aware most are travellers. Go in pairs or more.
We are still looking out for Monty and Kit I am sure many others are too. We are over Westlands, the fields, dykes etc most days walking our dog anyway and I am trawling through the ads on the internet when I have time. What was the thought on the Abbey fields sighting? Does the taxi firms dog wear a harness or not? If not then I am happy to go looking over that side of town. I am sure he will be back with you. Never give up hope.x
Thanks went over to Colchester Football Ground this morning, going back on Monday to ask if they would put up a poster for the home game on Friday. I couldn't just put up posters, they not happy about that. I suppose thats understandable. xx
Catherine stay strong for monty , keep going good news about food eaten lets fingers crossed it was him xxxxx
Hi Catherine keep faith and stay strong, we WILL get Monty home where he belongs. I go over the dyke most days and there plenty of people looking, we are not going to give up. X
Please look out for someone who has a new Jack Russell xxx
Keep going but it's hard xxx heart broken xxx
Last edited: 2013-08-17 04:44:00 by Turnercat
Hi Leebod, the tin of dog food was licked clean, the foil was still there though. xxx
Last edited: 2013-08-17 04:26:31 by Turnercat
The couple in the park the night he went missing had a creamy colored Lapso or shiatsu. The man was stocky short dark hair, the women had long hair but souldnt see her face she had her head down.
xxxxxLast edited: 2013-08-16 10:05:17 by Turnercat
Yesterday a man rang there was a JR loose in his garden, when we got there we found it was a little girl called Lilly. The couple are taking the dog to the Ark vets in Prettygate to check if it is mocrochipped. Anyone lost a JR called Lilly. That could have been the JR seen in Shrubend. xx
Thanks for leaving a tin of dog food out for Monty yes that's where he went missing. Is that the dyke near King George Park or the one in blue bottle grove? xx
Last edited: 2013-08-16 09:46:53 by Turnercat
Just speaking to my other half and we took our JRT up to the dyke behind that park on Sunday and heard a dog we thought was ours barking in a garden that backs on to it, not sure if its just a coincidence but possibly him? It was a typical JRT bark
Hi just to let you know that I went to where you lost monty and left a tin of dog food on top of the t shirt and tea towel I presume you left for him! I hope he returns soon! X
Monty went missing at about 8:15 and I stayed around until about 09:15 -09:30 and searched with our neighbors. I then took Ruby home and came back at 10 and my neighbors searched with me again but it was dark by then. The park was empty at 09:30 other than a couple with a light tan dog, but must admit didn't pay them much attention, but often think could he have popped out between 09:30 and 10. I just wish we had never gone out that evening xxx
I contacted the police today and the two boys that were supposed to have seen a man pick Monty up have not come forward so far. Monty could get home from Lexden Park. He has disappeared before but the longest was for an hour. Then he just popped out of the woods and some people found him and rang us straight away. Maybe he popped out and someone wanted him. or he had lost his harness and they couldn't identify him. My husband has been in the woods again today and took Ruby, there was no sign of Monty. The woods are private but we have the owners permission. I go back to Lexden Park every day and the reason we tried the woods today is because we found a dead pigeon near to where he went missing and where we have left some old clothes that we have scented. Although it could be a fox. The strange thing is that at night I sometimes think I can hear his bark, but it sounds as though its coming from a garden. It realy is a mystery, he could find his way home from there. The owner of the wood did say she saw a white backside disappear through the fence on the night he went missing chasing a buck dear and making a hell of a racket, that's Monty, this was about 09:30, we spoke to her today and she hasn't seen him since. That night there was a hell of a storm with thunder and lightning and the following morning it teamed it down with rain. The Thursday evening was when the boys were supposed to have spotted him. I feel hes near and my husband thinks that some one has taken him in. He realy is a friendly dog who loves everyone and everything xxxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
From what you've said Catherine, maybe this was the JR sighted in Shrubend and not Monty, so let's focus on the other sightings a bit more than this one. Do not discount it though, as it is still possible, but work on the others more. Also, can someone help this other poor dog? If it is known then I'm sure the dog warden could intervene and find owner to help this furbaby. Pls email me if you have any further details and we can contact DW. Okay, Team Monty, let's have a brainstorm. Go back to the beginning. Where could Monty have gone? Who was than man and if he did have a dog, where would he have gone? If Monty was down a hole and came up later, could he find his way home? What would he do? Any thought is a way forward. x
I reiterate what Carol says, keep going Catherine and you will get him home. X
Keep going Catherine you will find him I just know it xxxxx
thanks xx
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine. I hope it brings some news.
Oh Catherine shame it wasn't dear Monty. Some people don't deserve to own a dog when they treat them like that, so sad. We are going to find your little boy, I won't stop looking until he is home with you. X
Thanks Carol, just seen a JR loose in Shrubend while doing my daily morning search. He was in a terrible state, scars all over him and fresh wounds on his backside. Apparently the locals say he has an owner and is well known for wandering the streets. He looked as though he had been used for dog fights but I'm only assuming this, he could have had mange. Please god Monty is being cared for where ever he is. xxx Tried to approach the little dog but very stand offish and kept barking me to warn me away. Managed to give him a few of Ruby's tit bits xx
Apparently his name is Rizal. xxLast edited: 2013-08-13 12:42:00 by Turnercat
Catherine just call me when you need help looking , 07909694918 xxxx
Thanks Carol I would love to meet up one evening, just waiting for further advice from doglost experts. I feel helpless don't know what else to do xx Thanks for your kind offer.
Catherine never give up still carry on doing what u r doing , he is out there why don't we all meet and do a search together it will lift ur spirits , I work during day but can get day off or we could all meet up every evening , it will keep u company as well I will do it till he has found xxxx
Not giving up Chris, xxxx
Oh Catherine please don't give up hope. I have put up a few posters further afield like Tiptree, lots of dog walkers around the woods there. Perhaps the doglost experts could give some more advice. There are lots of people out there that won't give up looking for dear Monty. X
Still no news and the sightings have dried up. Perhaps it was a mistake appearing in the paper. Don't know what to do or search next. xxxx
Hi Catherine hope you have some luck in town. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that Monty is soon home with you and will carry on looking. X
I am so certain he will be found soon we are all with you Catherine xxxLast edited: 2013-08-10 18:24:37 by Carol
Many thanks to all of you for looking xxxxxxxx cant thank you enough xxxxxxx
Off into Colchester town center to put up more posters and check that there are no people begging who have suddenly acquired a JR as a companion. You know the ones in shop doorways with some poor dog on a piece of string.
Does anyone know of anybody who use JR's for catching rats ? xxxxxxx
Hi I will try and scan the article and send it to you.
Hi so sorry to hear about Monty, saw the poster as I was walking my JRT, anyway I took a drive out tonight around the Lexden Area and around straight road and will continue to help look for him! I hope he returns safe and well soon!
Thanks Mena Viana, this dog was checked beginning of week it is not Monty owner has checked. x
please look in this page one very similar found - http://www.lostdogsuk.co.uk/index.php?id=74&page=2
Would it be a good idea to take photocopies of the front page of the gazette and pin it up over at Lexden Park just in case someone who walks over there doesn't get the local paper, just a thought and hope it helps. X
Catherine, is there any way you could try get a clear close up of the story and email to either myself of Kim please? xx heres hoping you get some good news from this great headline xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done, Hazebella! At east we can see it. Great fron page! x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Millipod, that was problem. Thank you. x
Will stay strong but nothing yet.xxxxx
Hi Catherine have seen the story on Monty, well done for getting into the Gazette. Lots of people in Marks restaurant talking about the piece in the Gazette. Hope whoever has taken Monty has a conscious and let's the little man come home. Will still carry on looking while walking my dog. Stay strong. X
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer

Found this short piece on line, it wont let you go to main story. you must have to buy the paper :(Last edited: 2013-08-09 12:34:22 by Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer


these are photos of paper Catherine sent still trying to find a link with the story x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
OOH do we have a linky thingy?
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Bumping. Brilliant work, Catherine and well done to the Gazette.
Monty is front page news in the Colchester gazette today with a spread on page 5. Too hot to handle. Also mentions doglost.co.uk.

xxxxxxxx fingers crossed
Still no luck, we couldn't find him over Abby fields. A lady who works in the office from the Arena building for PDQ cars has a JR that looks very similar to Monty and is female, the drivers take her out over Abby Fields. They have promised to keep a look out for Monty.
Yes this does seem a positive sighting with harness on and also means that no one had him , he is it seems ok thank god xxxxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well, this is good news once more. The thing with sightings is you never know which is which and what is what, but it usually becomes clear once the dog is home. Also, as police will confirm, witnesses often all see the same thing yet remember it differently. Also, depending on whether anyone has tried to catch him, he may or may not be wearing a harness. Every lead is a good lead and any one could be THE one that gets him home. Look how far you have come! The fact that this man went to the bother of notifying the vets (and there was a harness) makes this a very promising lead. You are doing really great. Well done Team Monty! xxx
Gosh, he's really getting about then. Great to have the sightings though and the direction he's heading looks like it could be a case for 'The Lazy Dog Walkers'. Will post to them via facebook again once I can get on there. I'm sure there are many of us looking Catherine and he will surely be home with you soon. x
That's weird as one sighting said he never had harness on , it looks like he likes open spaces doesn't it , we will be out again tomorrow eve xxxLast edited: 2013-08-08 17:22:01 by Carol
latest version of Montys map, seems to be heading for parks or open green spaces could end up in Bourne Hall, Friday Woods who knows. Please keep your eyes peeled. Finished at Dentist on my way out now. Stay safe Monty xxxxx http://goo.gl/maps/Tufqi
Another sighting, a man went into his vets yesterday on Harwich Road and said that he saw a JR on Abby fields Colchester at 1:30pm yesterday. The dog was still wearing a harness and the man called him and the dog ran off. The reason that the gentleman was unable to follow him was that he is disabled. Is there anyone in the Abbyfields area that could look for him this morning please. Unfortunately I have an emergency dentist appointment at 11 (stress always affects my teeth.) but will be out afterwards. xxxx
Still not ruling out Myland, left some posters in the local pub and farmers are going to look out for him xx
Still looking going to do the triangle again today, my hubby is going into town to try and persuade shops to put up posters. There is now one in the newsagent in crouch street. Lots of people pass by there. I have posted leaflets in Fitzgerald Avenue. Their houses back onto Phillip Morant school.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Have added to your poster.
Thanks everyone. Why is it that the posters dont state that the dog is microchipped, shouldn't this make them to hot to handle. Just wondering. The police have been in touch and have been very supportive, we hope they are going to help us with our publicity campaign xxxLast edited: 2013-08-08 09:46:11 by Turnercat
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
These dogs can on for ages, walking around in the wild, so chin up and we plod on till we get him. Well done with the scenting and Ruby may know something you don't, so looking good out there. And Catherine, we are a bunch of mad women so no worries, and, mad women win the day! Come on Monty boy, where are you? x
Many thanks Chris, Ive had no luck either. xx
Hi Catherine, can't imagine what you are going through but he will come home. My friend and i just got back from Lexden Park and there are a lot of dog walkers about, all of whom know about Monty. Just a matter of time and we will get the little devil back! X
I'm not saying anyone has stole him, they may have taken him in out of the goodness of their heart. Just wish they would take him to the vet, or phone the animal warden who will come out and pick him up xx
Thanks Chris, I wont give up on him, but missing him like hell. Been down Lexden Park this morning with my Grandson. Im going over Shrub End park tonight, Ruby got quite excited with some of the smells over there last night. Probably fox pooh knowing her xx
Oh Catherine please don't give up or worry yourself that someone has him. We will get him home. I am going to Lexden Park early evening will have a look round. Fingers crossed you get more sightings. We will all keep going until you get Monty back. X
Do you know I think someone has him or the other alternative, which I don't want to think about.
As you can see Kimmybear I have taken your advice re the scenting.
Thanks Owl that's reassuring in a way because he was too trusting and too friendly which made me think someone may have taken him xx
If you read about sightings of a smelly mad women walking around Colchester with a bag of pilchards and lead in one hand attached to which is a JR barking like mad at the cats after the pilchards. Whilst spraying something unmentionable from a bottle in the other (don't ask), then its me looking for Monty. Been to Lexden Park and left a trail (of may hem) back to the house and then to Shrub End and on to Plume Avenue and back doing the same.
Come on Monty I will be arrested soon. xxxxxxxLast edited: 2013-08-06 23:31:47 by Turnercat
Catherine, even the friendliest of dogs do keep a low profile when they are out on their own. They get cautious when they don't have the security of their humans, and prefer the safety of bushes and hedges where they can watch everything and not be seen. I'm not surprised the local dog walkers haven't seen him. He won't be trotting around openly.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Myland is a very good possibility, Catherine! Truly. Dogs do travel even further out than that as they have noting else to do, so lots of time for exploring. I wonder if these two, Kit & Monty, have met up and made friends? It is possible they are now working together. Or they meet and then split up and meet again. I would suspect Kit is staying closer to one area (but nothing is definite) as she was lost from a place she is not familiar with, but Monty seems to be having an adventure. Catherine, the email I sent you explains the triangle. This will continue over and over so you could be looking in one place whilst he is in the other. Sometimes the best thing is to just sit in one place and wait and wait and wait. Try setting up a feeding/water station - same place, same time morning & night but in a safe, fairly concealed place - not too concealed or you won't see. Remember foxes like a feed too, so if you can watch from a distance, you may see someone eating it - it needs to be regular so they can always come back to it. Whether you are present or not, still leave it. Check if its gone next time. It needs to be smelly like sardines, garlic chicken or do a BBQ to bring them in evening or morning before everyone is up. We are getting somewhere! Come on you two - home! xx
Forgot to thank Red for emailing businesses, Not sure about the sighting at Myland, The thing that is puzzling all the local dog walkers round here is that they haven't seen sight nor sound of him either. And he does know his way home from Lexden Park. Must go out to do the pilchard trail again. Ill have all the local cats in Colchester on my doorstep. Keep thinking I'm on Candid Camera and all this is a wind up. Hoping someone will step round the corner with Monty in their arms xxx
Thanks Chris my daughter is putting some more up for me in Shrub end. Thanks Petal and everyone else. Will try again tonight around the area xx
Hi Catherine been round Plume Avenue and put up some more posters. A post lady said she will look out for him and spread the word amongst the posties. Will walk over Lexden Park tomorrow evening with my friend and have a look round. Hopefully he comes home tonight! X
Thank you been on a Search today for Monty and Kit Lexden Park been in the Bushes well Hubby!! no luck I am sad to say xx
Thanks lesleyjane xxx
Fingers crossed he will be found today. Could everybody searching please look for Kit who is also lost in this area. Please keep an eye out for a black shih tzu . Thanks very much
Just had a look at the map, brilliant work easy to work out how you have put the flags, yes he def is doing the triangle bit and can see lots of places for him to hide, it could just be timing that you missing each other. on the last sightings did they mention a time Monty was about? just trying to work out the time, where he is coming from one area to that park, so that you can be in the right place early to see him. Yes get some rest Catherine, you doing so well need your energy. come on Monty show yourself xx
Been out since 6 checked shrub end playing fields, Prettygate School, Irwin Raod allotments and Phillip Morant and surounding school fields. Also went down to Lexden Park. Still nothing, going to have some kip, I'm exhausted. Thanks to everyone for their support. xx
I am following Monty's story closely from here in London ( Colchester is my home town) and I really hope he is home soon. You are doing so well and deserve to get him back so fingers crossed. xxx
Please will all Monty searchers see Kit's updated page for a sighting in Lexden last night. I know you are all watching out for either of them.Last edited: 2013-08-06 11:25:10 by Owl
The Myland sighting could still have been a good one. It's only 3 1/2 miles away from Plume Avenue, and Monty can cover a lot of ground. Good that he is closer to home now.
Very pleased to see you have a sighting :)
Oh Catherine that's wonderful news, I am out and about so will keep my eye in that area. Come on Monty nearly there, we are all praying you get safely home. X

There is a triangle that you mentioned hazebella, but been out this morning for two hours and still cant find him. Do you think he is having too good a time. Will carry on scenting as you and Kim recommended. Luv Catherine xxxLast edited: 2013-08-06 07:22:15 by Turnercat
This latest sighting is very good news and if near to home make sure you get the scenting back in play ie smelly fish trails items he recognises :) xx
Come on monyh nearly there xxxLast edited: 2013-08-06 02:59:24 by Carol
Very near to home and last place he was seen xxx
Latest news two women think they saw Monty run across the road from Shrub end into Plume Avenue at 12:30am. I have been out with Ruby and still no sight nor sound. Lets hope he is trying to get home. Fingers crossed. My hubby is going to search for him when he has finished nights xxxxxLast edited: 2013-08-06 01:36:29 by Turnercat

Sorry I don't think the other link worked. Thanks Red for emailing businesses.
Hi folks just got back ended our search at Collingwood Road and Lexden Park no sign of Monty or Kit. Thanks for all your meassages its what keeps me going. Thanks Kim, went to a couple of the big golf courses only to find pictures of Monty up, so thanks to whoever did that. Please find enclosed a link to google map with areas where sightings have been seen. I will try and plot where I have searched onhttp://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2Fmaps%2FQcTPJ&h=EAQGouM1E foot. Got to bath Ruby now she is covered in fox pooh.xxx
I have just emailed details of monty and his photo to over 50 businesses, schools, mobile hairdressers, Golf courses etc in braiswick, horksley, mile end and surrounding areas.i have asked them to print poster and display it in their premises. This worked when we were looking for another dog and helped spread the word so fingers crossed!
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I've just been told that all dogs love golf courses! There are discarded sandwiches, bushes to hide in, lawns to sunbathe on and bunnies to chase. So, strongly recommend posters get out to the gold course and surrounding areas asap. Sometimes dogs just like an adventure and need a nudge to come back in, so please, poster golf course area. Many thanks to all you super folk. You are helping Monty's owners so wonderfully. Your support never goes unnoticed. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Have we covered the golf course? Any other lawn areas with hedgerows or bushes alongside? Places next to open land/lawns/fields with bushes to follow round and thus hide in if need be. Open or hidden as the need arises - they like to do that.
Hi Catherine, how certain was the boy who saw the dog in Myland? Where exactly was he? Do you think he was genuine? It certainly isn't that far so very possible it was him. Try not to worry about that first sighting, they could have been playing a prank. We all need to concentrate on finding him now, and staying positive. Come on Monty!!!
Not sure where you mean Catherine, whereabouts is it? Lets hope someone sees him tonight. Fingers crossed. X
Is there any dog walkers owners that walk their dogs near Braiswick. There is a large wood behind Westland Conference center, could you please keep a look out, will be searching there tonight. xx Will still be combing Collingwood Road area. xx
The supermarkets don't want to help, its not the staff its company policy xx
Hi Catherine I quite understand you must get very upset, I would be, but remember we are all rooting for little Monty and we won't give up. Poster taken down in Stanway Co-op, can't believe it, so going to put another one up in the car park! X
Will be trying scenting again today. xx
Thanks Chris your a tonic. Monty going in the paper again this week. An elderly lady across the road told me that at her local scrabble club they all had pictures of Monty and were going to luck for him.

Sorry for negative thoughts, its just that sometimes I go into panic mode. I will not give up on Monty don,t want to let him down or the amazing people that are supporting us. My husband says he is grounded when we get him back. (only joking).

Thanks to Ingrid who got in touch this morning and is willing to share Monty on her face book page.

Not heard anything from the dog wardens today.

Thanks Catherine
Hi Catherine put that horrible man out of your mind. We are going to get little Monty home for you. Although I cannot do as much walking as I would like I can put posters everywhere i go! Please stay strong he will be home, got a good feeling. X
Although we have had reports of sightings, I'm still worried about the man who was seen picking a Jack Russel up by the back legs. The description of the dog sounded so like Monty. I have reported it to the police who were supposed to be sending someone round. But so far nothing. xx
Been out today and still no luck, been all over Myland. Yes there are posters up at Highwoods. Thanks to everyone for looking, felt really sick today with anxiety. Posters are also going up at Greenstead and St Johns. Don,t think we have missed anywhere that I can think of. My daughter went over to Brighlingsea today and her friend has offered to put up some posters there. I also checked the woods behind Colchester Campsite. A kind lady who had a chocolate lab walked from Myland to Hiily fields, Lexden Park and up Spring Lane for me this morning. Cant thank everyone enough for their help xxxxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Catherine, do as Owl says - she's very good at this stuff. This is brilliant, as every sighting is a lead to Monty coming home. Phone calls are the result of your posters going up! Keep it up and poster the areas Owl has mentioned. Let's get this boy home! x
Hi. We put a poster up earlier in the week for Monty and the other lost dog by the gate you go through when you park in Bakers Lane to take your dogs swimming in the river and walking round the fields there (Cymbelline Meadows). We've been down again today and walked miles around the fields and through the woods where the steps go up the underpass through to Mile End. No sign I'm afraid, but if he's got that far he could now be over High Woods Country Park? Are there any posters up over that way? We live in Lexden and normally walk the dyke, Westlands, KG etc so will keep looking for both dogs. x
There is JD with Tiga the beagle in Kent but she is away at present. And I am too far away with no spare time this week.
Hi Catherine did you manage to get a dog tracker, I am sure there was a lady from near Chelmsford with her dog. I am so hoping little Monty is soon found. I can put up posters in Myland and Braiswick if you like, let me know if I can be of any help.
Hi, good luck with your search, could everyone looking for Monty, please keep a look out for a black shih tzu called Kit, who is also missing from this area. She is listed on dog lost. thanks very much. Fingers crossed for you.
Let me know what areas you poster Catherine and maybe I will be able to do some as well. Gosh Monty is getting about and so pleased that you are getting sightings, please come on boy time to come home! X
Just been checking map, and it's only 2.4 miles by main road and will be less distance cross country. The main obstacle is the railway, but besides the 2 main road bridges there is a smaller road, Bakers Lane, which goes over from Lexden Wood golf centre to fields around Braiswick, and Myland is next village to that. Poster Braiswick and Myland! Also further to the east there is an underpass footpath going under the railway to Peto Avenue Myland. Plenty of woods and fields nearby. There may also be underpasses for livestock etc which I can't see on Google satellite map.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Is Myland far from where Monty went missing?
As you can see still cant sleep, I am off out to search now. xxx
Had a call yesterday at about 9 from a 12 year old boy who said he had seen Monty at 2 in Myland. Sounds a bit unlikely but is there anyone in that area who could keep an eye open. My son in law went up to check the area last night. xx
Hi Chris yes we have put the posters through the doors leading to the zoo, the zoo also have a couple of posters, did it yesterday. Thanks for still looking.
Will go out soon and have a scout round. Did you put leaflets through the doors along the road leading to the zoo? Some large houses there with outbuildings there. Will ask my friend if she can keep an eye out when she walks her dog in Highwoods. X
Many thanks have been to Gosbecks again this morning took ruby for a walk, two male dogs were found on Olivers Orchard on the 2nd August looked like they were abandoned, followed up to West End Farm Stowmarket where the strays are taken but it wasn't Monty. out today putting up more posters. Monkwich, Rowhege, Great Tey, West Berholt and East Bergholt. Does anyone live in Great Horksley. My daughter is doing the two estates each side of Turner Road. Still need to do Severalls and Highwoods although there are a few poster up ther. Not giving up. Come on Monty we need you back and Ruby is pinning for you xxxx
Hi Catherine don't give up on Monty, we will find him, he will be home before you know it. Plenty of people now looking for him. Keep going! X
Thanks everyone, hes probably curled up on someones lap, but wish he would come home. xx Rubys still missing him.
Been searching tonight but nothing im afraid. Done the fields behind the dump and adjoining fields towards the quarry. Also king george field again, part of the dyke, lexden park and blue bottle grove. Wish Monty would show himself! Perhaps he is having too much fun chasing rabbits and isn't ready to come home yet!
Hi Catherine if you want me to put any leaflets through doors just let me know, plenty of houses round Stanway Green and surrounding areas near to Westlands Park.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
You are all so brilliant! What a fab team - Team Monty! Catherine, if Monty is not a rater and can't be used for breeding, if someone has taken him for that - they will let him go. So keep up the good work, one and all. Who knows, maybe with all these posters going up, come Monday the dog warden might have some news. Everything is crossed for sweet Monty. xxx
Just got back no sighting over Stanway area put lots of posters up. Many people know about Monty so the word is getting around, even children are looking! Good luck to everyone tonight , Monty show your face!
Hi there going out now and will put up more posters particularly in Stanway. Will put up one in Stanway Football Social club where I found my dog hiding after being attacked. Good luck tonight, time to come home now Monty!
Hi Red no sighting since yours where he disappeared into the bushes. Lots of pilchard trails left though.

Hi went over to Hilly Fields this morning no sighting. Had the search and rescue team who were on training near by (that was bit of luck) check the woods where he disappeared to check he wasn't stuck down a fox holes but nothing was found. Ruby and I are going to the wood near the zoo and Gosbecks tonight. Tomorrow we are going to put more posters up in areas that we have not done so and do a house to house leaflet drop around Prettygate and Poets corner to start with. Thanks so much to everyone for your support, couldn't do it without you. xxxxx
Thanks Chris i did and they said they would put it on their notice board, but I couldn't see it. Thank you you are a tonic. xx
Hi Catherine did you drop a poster off at the rubbish tip? I will if not and put out some more posters as well. Will be out later looking. Please don't give up, I have a feeling Monty will soon be home. X
Hi, we will be out looking again tonight. Where and what time was the most recent sighting? Thanks
The boys that I met the day after he went missing said they saw a man pick up a dog that was milling around the lake. He apparently picked this dog up by its hind legs. Unfortunately I rushed down to the lake and didn't get the boys names, they said it had just happened. I am keeping my eye out for them. xx
Just to let you know that I met Gorge this morning a neighbor and local ranger for the council. He knows Monty and has been working in the areas we are all looking. He has not seen him. Do you think some kind person has taken in him in but does not know to get his chipped checked. How do you reach these people. Or the alternative someone has taken him, there is a lot of it about at the moment. Jack Russel's are supposed to be raters, but Monty would not know what to do. He has also been neutered so no good for breeding. I don't want to think of any other alternative reasons xxxxx
Going over to Hilly Fields this morning with the Grandson and Ruby xxxxx
Thanks for your help Chris, it was great to meet you yesterday. Will not give up.

Feel better after a good nights sleep. Ready to rock and roll again xxxx
Catherine the people that gave the sightings were sure it was a dog and as you know the areas also where the dog was spotted were all around area he went missing. Chris63 ty soo much for your encouragement and help. Bella's Angels are helping comment below. Will try and find out about tracker x ty everyones help x
Just been over to Stanway Green and put posters up. Lots of dog walkers over there so all keeping an eye out for Monty. Could Bella's Angels not help with a dog tracker?
Does any one know where I can hire a dog tracker, have been in touch with K9 but no response yet.

Thanks Catherine xx
Hi Carol, asked Sainsburys but they are not allowed to put up posters of this nature, however Chris63 has informed me that they are willing to put it on their staff notice board. Thnks xx
Hi turnercat I will put up some posters up over Stanway green tonight. If you get any leaflets done and need help delivering them I am quite happy to do so. Nice meeting you today. Monty will soon be home.
Hi Angel Mel

Have posted leaflets on Collingwood Road, Have not done Westland or Straight Road although we did do St Claires Road last week behind the woods where he went missing on Lexden Park. There is a poster at the Westland Park entrance. xx
Angel Mel
Hi, I am from Bella's Angels... I have been out yesterday morning and last night looking for Monty, it may be worth us postering the dyke and also leafleting the house around king george and also by collingwood, westlands and also straight road
Hi folks have been to Westlands, King George and Gosbex with Ruby this morning. The heat kills. I'm just wondering do you think it was a cat on Collingwood Road. Are we looking in the correct place? Getting a bit low now and worried sick xx
Spoke to several people this morning, all going to keep an eye out for Monty. A lady walks her two dogs every day down the dyke so will keep an eye open as well. Come on Monty show yourself!
Put a poster in Sainsbury's at Tollgate as everyone goes there from the area also put one at sea pet and pets at home in cowdray ave as people from all over go there also Last edited: 2013-08-02 08:18:56 by Carol
We went out last night until 11pm collingwood rd, park ,woods, straight rd...... did that circuit till we were dizzy ha ha there are so many cats down collingwood rd that dart about and they can look like a small dog out of the corner or your eye , we can't go out tonight but will be back out on Friday , turnercat I rang your husband on Tuesday night and said we were about to go out and search incase he wonders who the mad woman from Great Tey was :-)) good luck with your search and may see you fri night at some point ....Carol xxx
circulating on twitter
Morning Catherine have you tried Stanway Green as it is right by Westlands, also what about the rubbish dump leaving a poster there as it backs onto Westlands Park, the bin men would keep an eye out. Keep going you will find him. X
Hi just to let you know hubby searched this morning in King George park and Lexden Park. Again nothing. Im wondering if the search needs to widen? Im going to try Westfields this morning. Anyone out there from the army estate, shrubend, monkwick, that kind of area. Lexden hillyfields. Desperate

Love Catherine xx
Hi turnercat. I met you this morning over the field, I was walking my apricot poodle and spoke to you. I am so sorry to hear that you haven't found your little dog, don't give up, he will soon be home. I can meet you at the entrance to Fiveways Co-op and take some posters off you. I am meeting my friend walking tomorrow evening with my dog over at Stanway Green so will look there as well, that's where another missing dog was found. Have you been in contact with Bella's Angels, they are brilliant as well as doglost. See you tomorrow at 2.
Hi Chris63 my hubby dropped some of at Stanway village hall tonight but if you still don't have any I can meet you tm at 2 at the Five ways co-op if that's OK with you. I have been out again tonight only a little later. Went to Collingwood road and the park, down the dyke and then cut back home to Prettygate through a number of paths through to Jefferson, Straight Road and Cherry tree nothing seen.

Ruby and I have blisters on blisters but we are not giving up. My daughter and her sister in law did Gosbecks and Westfields. No sighting of Kit while I was out either. xxxxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Turnercat, Chris63 will help put up more posters - but she needs to them from you. Please leave a post on here to let her know if that is okay? You can meet and Chris will keep postering as I don't think there are any in Stanway, are there? You can never have enough posters. Sometimes, it's a good idea to just sit still early morning and/or evening at one of the sighting locations, and watch. The dog may be seen at those times. Maybe have someone at each sighting location at the same time?
Well done all you helpers ! Monty is a lucky boy that you're all looking out for him - wish I were closer to help xxx Come on Monty, they're all rooting for you x
Comment awaiting moderation
I can put up posters in Stanway, as well as Stanway Green, if you like but need someone to print off the posters as printer broken. Good luck tonight.
David Diebelius
As I was on the road all day from work, outside Colchester I have kept a look out but no sighting so I have a feeling he is close around the area as some houses have very large gardens. I will contuine to keep eye out
this is great news, but remember softly softly he will prob be scared so no shouting if you do see him try to get down low and talk softly. if possible the areas you are looking try to split up and then meet back at a main point incase you going one way and he the other! also check the area of sighting and back to hedges etc but later tonight if possible as that is when he may likely appear. good luck xxLast edited: 2013-07-31 17:10:16
Another spotting some children saw him down the dyke next to the park. The dyke leads to Dugard Avenue on to Westlands, Westland Country Park and then to Gosbecks where we walk often.

I am going to walk from Lexden Park to King George Park after my tea. my daughter are doing Gosbecks, Westland Country Park and the estate. may see you pout there.
Love Catherine xxx
I have been to King George Park this morning, looking for about four hours, nothing. Took Ruby my other JR she was definitely running about picking up a scent. Husbands gone back on his bike this afternoon. I will be doing the evening shift as he works nights. Lots of wonderful people looking out for him. Going to join dogs lost as a helper once this is all over and we get him back pray to god.

Please keep looking we will not give up. Trying to load a map of the area of Lexden but technical skills not too great. xxx
Last edited: 2013-07-31 13:47:44 by Turnercat
Hi folks thanks for your help, please keep looking. Monty will respond to his name, but can sometimes be a bit nervous, he is only 18 months old. However loves people, loves dogs, loves children.

I left a pilchard trail from Collinwood Road back to where last seen and home on Monday night. Searched everywhere yesterday with his companion Ruby. Will go back to King George Park today.

He went in the gazette yesterday and will be in the Standard Friday

Realy appreciate your help

Love Catherine xx
Well done all the helpers x With everyone keeping a look-out, let's hope little Monty gets back where he belongs very quickly x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Bumped for local paper. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Turnercat - how exactly did he go missing, please? What happened step by step? Thank you. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Red, Carol & Diebelius - thank you! xxxLast edited: 2013-07-30 22:58:28 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
David Diebelius
Been to tollgate area and stanway area no luck but as Red said possible closer to home and hiding in either shed or garage. I will help too as needed powerful torch we also been down Lexden park and no movement. I will help any way we can. Will keep eye out
We have been searching since 8.30pm but no luck i'm afraid. We did see a small white animal run out of a hedge on King George playing field and back in again when it saw us. I'm sure it was a small odg, but it was very dark. I went to look in the hedge and it was dense trees, bushes, etc so good place to hide. I have marked location here https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=203357569686595246815.0004e2c175225651cc029&msa=0
We will keep looking!
Nothing at all sadly we are on our way home , we will do it again tomorrow night xxx
We have been searching the area since 8pm and just sitting in car at mo waiting for 9.30 ish when we will look again, all crossed xxx
Am on my way xxxx
I live just 5 miles from collingwood road, do you want me to go and have a look now xxx Last edited: 2013-07-31 22:15:38 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
He is probably hiding away and only coming out in the dark, so dont worry about not getting many sightings. We have found dogs weeks after they went missing, they are stronger than we think and can survive more than we realise. I will go and have a drive around that area tonight. Will he respond to his name being called?
I cant believe he has vanished into thin air. Have walked miles and miles with ruby his 12m companion, another JR. Thanks for all messages. He goes in the local paper today and Fridays evening standard.xx

Is it usual for no sightings after this long? My husband is in bits xx
Sending all my positive vibes to Monty to get back where he belongs x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
This is fantastic news. Owner, you need to do the scenting as per email I sent you, to lead Monty back home - but safely. Or, to the man's house if he would leave a gate open and some food out - you can sent the way to him. Let's hope this is Monty and he's home very soon! Maybe he managed to escape and is finding his way home? Come on sweetheart. x
we have a positive sighting on Wed night from an owner at property near where Monty went missing. Last night another sighting came on collingwood rd good description of Monty but without harness. Owner went down with man that notified him but could not see Monty. Owner going again tonight to check areas between st clairs road and collingwood road. bump due to sighting 9.30pm last night. come on Monty you nearly home boy xxxLast edited: 2013-07-29 12:03:52
I have shared details about Monty on my facebook page. hope he is returned safe and sound x
excellent glad they taken the report this time. I am sorry, it will be very worrying for you, but try and keep positive. Come on lets show some support here and search and share and get Monty noticed out there please :) xxLast edited: 2013-07-28 15:31:23
I have reported to the police.

xx Catherine
Still looking and no sightings other than two boys on Thursday who saw a dog milling around the lake on Lexden Park same description as Monty, but a man apparently picked him up by the back legs and walked off. Worried sick xx
Hi folks still looking. xxxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Hazebella & I have been liaising with owner today and local Badger Group has been out to try and help in case gone to ground, but nothing found. This is on border of Essex & Suffolk so sharing with Helen and Suffolk area helpers. There was sighting of dog like Monty but upsetting as owner was told someone had picked him up by his legs. She raced down there but found nothing. This is a large area, please can people help poster and get word out. Concerned re the type of people who would pick a dog up like that, if you know what I mean. We cannot confirm this, but it was children who advised owner. We really need to make Monty too hot to handle. Please help!
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Reload, or refresh your browser if you can't see Monty's body pic in the top photo. I have changed them around because as you can see, Monty has very distinguished markings.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Owner is very worried. Have sent advice. Second body photo being added - although this is when he was younger - markings are the same. Please help poster and search for this little boy. Thank you. x
Alerts sent to helpers in CO1,CO2,CO3,CO4,CO5,CO6
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Photo now received, ready for alerts. Thanks.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Texted owner.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Emailed and requested photo.

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