Reunited: Brindle French Bulldog Female

  • Dog ID 54314
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 04 Jul 2013
  • Name MEG
  • Gender & Breed Female French Bulldog (Spayed)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Brindle
  • Marks & Scars she has a white chin
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 04 Jul 2013
  • Where Lost Earls Court, Near Warwick Road
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area SW5
  • Date Found 19 Dec 2013
  • Where Found Meg was found through her microchip yesterday. She was sold last Friday to a lady who had know idea she was buying a stolen dog. She took her to the vet and her chip was found. We are ecstatic to hav
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area EN9
  • Date Reunited 19 Dec 2013
  • Other Info
  • Listed By samvandyk
  • Views 8201
  • MEG Poster Image
  • MEG Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
What a lovely early christmas present. Welcome home & Happy Christmas
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Have just spoken to Meg's owner. Meg was lying by the fire & is very happy to be home .
Welcome home sweetheart. XX
Wow amazing - very happy xmas for all concerned xx
Wow that is amazing, so happy for you. I shared and shared her on twitter. Happy Christmas xxx
Fantastic news.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Fantastic!!!! I often think of Meg and am so so so pleased for you. Welcome home Meg.Stay safe sweetie xxx
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Woohoo! So happy to see Meg in the blue! I hope she's well and settles back in quickly, lovely Christmas present :-)
Hi Samvandyk, soooooooo pleased that you've got her back. Hope she gets on with your new one as well. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas xx
I emailed and left messages for everyone but heard nothing back. I have watched the dog that was found but it seems its chip does not match so sadly not her. Thanks for your continued support, fingers crossed next time.
I know we have spoken but were you able to check out dog found by any chance?
Please can you check out Found dog ID 58564
I know it states possibly darker colouring but you never know. Please let us know. Good luck xx
Animnal Wardens page;

Status: Found dog
Date: 10th Oct
Breed: French Bulldog
Gender: Female
Colour: White
Markings: Brindle
Size: Small

Ref: 318403 A longshot but you never know!
Bumping Megs page as she is featured in a special dog theft section of the November edition of Dogs Today magazine out now. Do hope it brings some news
Very sadly, nothing, all leads seem to have gone cold. No news
Any update please?
Hope Meg is being made "TOO HOT TO HANDLE" Come on Meg bget yourself seen and reunited soon. Paws, and fingers xd.
So sorry. I would get in touch with Fern below they really want to make a difference to how dog theft is dealt with. I will keep sharing X
She does yes but that is very sadly not her, thanks so much for looking though, trying to stay positive. X
Does Meg have white on her back feet? There is a French bulldog for sale on Pre-loved, (some white on chin) could be genuine ad as they are saying she is chipped which would be hard to fake... Last edited: 2013-07-19 09:46:16 by reggiemollieros
Hi there, I am sorry to hear that your dog has been stolen. If you are interested, we are forming a group to have a meeting with police officers covering the south east to highlight the fact that dog theft in our area is a problem. My dog was stolen in April and it has been hard to get the support of the authorities. Please contact me at if you would like to be involved. Best wishes Jodie
If you can find the local Homless Shelter(s) sometimes churches they are good sources to put some posters or at least the word out on the "streets" so to speak. Who knows maybe a homeless person has find her thinking she is a stray and has kept hold of her. Maybe give some leaflets out to them and they may spot her amongst them especially with this amount of reward on offer. Also sellers of The Big Issue are another good source to had out some leaflets to. Good luck xxLast edited: 2013-07-18 20:50:53 by ClaireC
Oh so sorry. What about asking in pubs and shops if they would let you put them somewhere or church halls...does that big Tesco have a community notice board? Must be awful for you. when is the article out? if you let admin know they can bump Meg to the top maybe?
The problem with Kensington and Chelsea is that they take the signs down immediately, I keep putting them back up but don't think she could possibly be in the area without being spotted. I have an article in the Kensington and Chelsea Chronicle. Just so sad about it, 2 Weeks tomorrow!
What is the situation with posters? It is such a busy area. Have you been able to get them up in the tube station and local shops? Have you tried the local newspaper? I think it is called the Kensington and Chelsea times. A lot of people tweeted when Meg first went missing so would be good to keep up the momentum on twitter. I shall tweet again tomorrow as well. Last edited: 2013-07-17 00:20:34 by reggiemollieros
Thank u!!!!!!!
I will do it right now, fingers crossed he'll retweet (so his followers can see it)
No, I don't have a twitter account, how would I do this?, thanks so much for any advice
Has Twitter message been sent to actor Russell Tovey? He has a Frenchie and 154000 odd followers?
Thank you everyone, this restores my faith in human nature. Fingers crossed, next time.
there has been a black and white French bulldog found, please look in my group on facebook

and you will see where it is, or email me on or ring me on 07583069008
I called Pets at Home and they told me the found dog is white with black marking and he is male. He is also chipped with an address but no phone number. So sorry this is not Meg but people are on the look out for her if it is some small consolation.

hello all. a black and white french bulldog was found running across boundry road opposite aldi in ramsgate. no collar. didnt check sex im afraid. a very lovely lady has taken him/her to pets at home at westwood. please check there if you think it might be yours. or pass on x posting
just saw this on my pet group
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Some Facebook links are going to the now deleted page for Meg. I have put the amended page & link on Doglost West London facebook page -

& asked people to share again to hopefully circulate the correct page.Last edited: 2013-07-14 08:51:10 by Aunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
My Facbook posts I just checked are working. Coming straight to this page.
Snufflepuppy, I was worried about that, I checked my tweet links and they were working - coming to this page straight away. I shall check any facebook posts I did.
Alerts ent to helpers in W3,5,7,13. TW7,8. HA0. UB6. NW10.
Unfotunately, the previous page listing that I shared on FB has been partially deleted and does not link to this new listing automatically. So anybody who posted the original and shared on fb, it will not be able to be viewed.
Sorry Meg is still missing. I would ask anyone who has any information on Meg`s whereabouts to let the owners know. You can see from the photo she is a much loved
family pet: she also needs medication, and the owners said there would be no questions asked. If preferred you could contact DogLost in confidence, and help reunite her. Thank you.
Comment awaiting moderation
Thank you for combining the pages together. I am re-sharing on twitter with the new photo. I am hoping you will get some good news soon.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Scroll down...or view poster....
Megs photo is not showing for me! Have tried refreshing but no better
pages updated and second one deleted
2013-07-13 08:09 reggiemollieros
The difference between the 2 pages is the reward has increased to £2000 and there is another photo on this page. Thank you so much. I feel posters and flyers left in places in the area might help. Tube stations (if they will let you) and pubs and eateries of which there are many in the area. I really hope you get some good news soon.
2013-07-13 07:18 DogLostAunt Stef - Area Co-ordinator.West London.
Thank you reggiemollieros,i will contact admin & get this done.
2013-07-12 21:26 reggiemollieros
URGENT: Meg is already on here. We have been sharing the link to the other page and also Battersea have acknowledged they have a missing report. Would it please be possible to merge the two together. I am worried if there are two listings info might get missed. Thank you. Meg's original page is Dog ID 54314
Last edited: 2013-07-12 21:27:57 by reggiemollieros
2013-07-12 18:44 DogLostAunt Stef - Area Co-ordinator.West London.
Have left a message on your voicemail samvandyk. Will send email advice & contact numbers inc DWs,dogsale websites etc. Will put Meg up on Facebook Doglost West London & request twitter.
2013-07-12 17:58 samvandyk
We are just so desperate to get her back. have informed all the necessary people and losing hope but but praying for a miracle!!!
2013-07-12 17:06 DogLostJayne - Head Office
Alerts sent to helpers in SW1,3,5,7,10. W2,6,8,14.
2013-07-12 17:03 DogLostJayne - Head Office
OMG Meg is the spitting image of My French Bulldog Hermy...who was stolen 10 years ago...Hence Doglost was set up because of kind strangers with dogs.....spreading the word and after 6 long weeks we were reunited....lets do this for Meg...every one that receives an alert csn you press share buttons.....tx
well I'm sorry and glad the advert isn't her! presume you have conatcted your local dog warden and kennels?
Have they let you put up posters at both side of the tube station? Bus stops too. Anywhere there are people passing through would be good. Local pubs and restaurants. I used to live near there is quite a busy area. I guess you have tried the Metro newspaper? They might do a story although getting lost dogs in the paper is hard. Just keep postering and telling people and asking people in the area. I will keep sharing too.
She disapeared from Philbeach Gardens, just off the Warwick Road, We are heartbroken and would pay anything to get her back, its just unbelievable
So sorry Sam. I got a really good response on twitter but I will try again. Meg is posted on lots of Facebook pages. Have you managed to get many posters up? Whereabouts in SW5 did Meg go missing?
Thanks so much for your help but sadly it is a genuine advert for a 3 month old puppy. Still desperate for news. x
Advert emailed to admin.
I can't find the advert tonight - I saved it on my phone though. No picture just a mobile number to call. I'll try and send it to admin.
I just had a look but could not see the ad. If you are on a PC you can press the button PrntScr which saves the page as an image and then paste it in an email or in photo software, you can then save it as a .jpg and email it to admin. I hope that makes sense.
Could be nothing but on pets4homes there is a dodgy advert for a female Frenchie for sale £595 in Gatwick. There is no pic and only mobile number. I dont know how to pass the advert onto here though.Last edited: 2013-07-07 23:29:59 by Ang
circulating on twitter
Shared on Facebook and Twitter. Good luck Sam, and please try all local rescues. Check on Gumtree and other anonymous websites, in case she was stolen and they're trying to sell her on. Marj
I have shared on twitter too. I really hope you find Meg soon. Is a bit far from me to go look but will share where I can x
Shared on Facebook and Twitter. Will lookout in Fulham/ Chelsea area.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Ashmark...Alerts sent to helpers in SW1,2,5,6,7,10. W6,8,10,11,12,14,1,2.
Bumped now photo added. Can email alerts be sent out please.
Text sent requesting photo.
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Report also made at BDCH ref 00054883, no matches yet.

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