Found: Possibly White Unknown Unknown In North West (L3)

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  • Dog ID 48580
  • Status Found
  • Registered 10 Feb 2013
  • Name
  • Gender & Breed Unknown Unknown
  • Age
  • Colour Possibly white
  • Marks & Scars DECEASED DOG
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Yes
  • Date Found 10 Feb 2013
  • Where Found Columbus Quay, Riverside Drive, Liverpool, L3 4DB.
  • Found In Region North West
  • Found In Post Area L3
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Deceased dog found close to Chung Ku restaurant on rocks (would be necessary to climb over railings to get to it)
  • Listed By Lee
  • Views 2036
  • Poster Image
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What colour was this dog?
I have spoken to the council again twice and they said there are no notes on the system saying anything to do with the matter being passed to Mersey Trust. This is becoming increasingly frustrating.
I have tried contacting Mersey Heritage Trust(they deal with boats) in the hope that it is them but can't get any answer up to now. I will keep trying.
The dog is no longer there. I will make enquiries to see if I can find out if it has been removed or washed away.
No further news.
I will try to contact the Trust tomorrow.
Gothwitch: there is a blue collar so hopefully it will have ID on it
Thanks Lee. Just hope closure can be found.
yes thank you lee for all your hard work. hope this little soul can be scanned as it may bring closure for someone. such a sad ending for the poor little soul.
Thank you Lee on behalf of all dog lovers for the effort you have put into helping this poor little soul... I hope there may be a collar or maybe they will actually scan the dog to find an owner..
The Council has passed this on to The Mersey Trust. The land originally belonged to a Development Company which no longer exists. Mersey Trust has agreed to remove the dog only if it is not too decomposed but the Council are not sure if it will be checked for a micro chip.
Have not been able to ring council today for varous reasons but will call in the morning. Hoping they will have moved things forward by now.If not I will contact the local Councillor and MP.
I mirror what others have said, poor little mite, what a way to end up. It's lovely to know you are doing your very best to try and get him recovered. xx
what about coastguard/lifeboat, wont they help? or even a local abseiling/rockclimbing club? i feel so sad for this little dog to end its life this way.
Majorjet (Jan): I have thought about contacting local radio stations to ask if they can mention it on air. I would be grateful for your opinion, please.
Julie B. I feel the same. It saddens me to think that often life is thought so little of. If there is someone out there in the area that has a microchip detector and would be willing to climb over at least then if it is microchipped there could be a conclusion. As time goes by ,sorry to be so blunt, decomposition will get worse.
It has also come to my mind that perhaps the dog was thrown into the sea or there on the rocks so it would go out to sea in the hope that it would go undetected. It is hard to tell because if the dog had been in the sea and washed up there and there would therefore have been changes in its body but I think it may be a Staffy. I really hope that it was not used as part of a fighting ring. I will donate to DogLost at the end of the month in it's memory.
Julie B
This is just so sad. Cant stop thinking about it there alone and the fact that there is probably an owner out there that doesnt have any idea of what has happened. :-(( xx
The Council and Neighbourhood Services are apparently not responsible for the area because it is unadopted. I was also told that the dog is trapped between rocks. The customer services operator said he will refer it to Neighbourhood Services again and suggest they try to get a grant to pay for removal. I don't hold out much hope though. Will call them again tomorrow.
The tide will come in that far sometimes. I rang the council again and it has been referred to Neighbourhood Services. The customer services lady further emailed the department while I was on the phone (including screen shots of previous information).
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Lee for posting an update and also trying to get someone to deal with the poor dog.

Yes when I spoke to two different Liverpool Customer Service people I was given conflicting info, hence the two posts below.

Lee like myself you know the area and the dangers of anyone trying to climb down to get to him/her. Can you tell us does the tide cover the rocks when it comes in? If you have spoken again to the Council and they have been out I'm at a loss as to who to get help from. :( The earliest I could go to the area would be Saturday. x
How sad this is :(

Have just found another phone number on google for New Brighton Lifeboat Station, 11 Brockley Avenue, Wallasey. Telephone: 0151-638 9402
Hopefully Jan will be on here again after she finishes work. Not sure what is the next step atm.Last edited: 2013-02-11 18:02:02
I contacted both British Waterways and The Environment Agency. Both said they are not responsible for that area. I spoke to the Council again to make them aware of this. I had conflicting info from 2 customer service people: 1 said they won't check for micro chip on a deceased animal and the other said they would. Please note that it was not possible to ascertain if the dog has a tattoo (I must have clicked incorrectly on that section). The deceased dog was first reported to the Council on Saturday when another person saw it. The Council sent someone out this morning but they didn't want to climb over the railings. It worries me that there is an owner out there wanting to know where their dog is. Also the poor thing should be laid to rest respectably not just thrown with rubbish.

Debbie: I understand your worry. The dog was definately deceased. Had it not been we would have made sure it got to a Vet asap.
Tried to number but it is a fax machine.
sounds a silly Q but is it definately deceased, would hate to think what would happen if it wasnt xxx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Just spoken to Liverpool Council again and the earlier report has gone through to Enterprise (Liverpool Street Cleansing) and will be followed up tomorrow. If they cannot get to the dog they will contact the Waterways. I've been given a log number and can contact them tomorrow for an update. I did also try Merseyside Police for advice on who to contact before ringing the Council back.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks to Lee for alerting us to this poor dog and to Lizzy for the call. I had just logged off when Lizzy rang and was on my way out and not long got back home. I did ring Liverpool City Council (0151 233 3000) and they have had a report of this dog and it has been said it has a blue collar on. Council said as the dog is on the rocks it would not be the Street Cleansing who would deal with it, Council said it could be the Waterways but did not have any contact numbers. I don't know who to contact but a Lifeboat Station may know. The nearest one I can find to the area is in Wallasey. Is there anyone who could try and contact them tomorrow as I will be in work from early until after 17.00 hrs:

Lifeboat Station, Marine Promenade, Wallasey 0151 639 8000

I've not actually been to the part where the sighting has been reported but do know the area and the rocks are not accessible without climbing down the wall. There are railings all along the waterfront wall and when the Tide comes it it goes right up to the wall and rises to a high level, so there is a chance it could wash him/her away by time tomorrow. :(

Really hope the body can be recovered and it checked for ID and a chip.

I will update if I get anymore news. x
I'm so very sorry you didn't make it to wherever you were going - rest in peace whoever you are. xx
There appears to be a path from Riverside Drive which goes past the restaurant on the river's side upto Atlantic way. Perhaps it's possible to reach him or her that way............ Last edited: 2013-02-10 19:40:02 by jobadger
Info has been passed onto co-ordinator for that area.
So sad. Can't the dog warden go and with some help get him or her out so he can be scanned and laid to rest? I guess this place is inaccessible? I am miles away but maybe someone in the region could investigate.
Poor thing x
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Please ensure that you notify your local Dog Warden and the local Police Station - in Scotland you MUST inform your local Police Station and if possible contact the Dog Warden also.
The found dog may have a Microchip or a Tattoo - please have the dog scanned and checked for a tattoo at a vet's so that owners may be contacted as soon as possible.
Please check on our Missing pages in case the Found dog has been registered as missing with us.
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