Lost: Tan/Orange/ginger With White Jack Russell Terrier Cross Female In South East (HP9)

  • Dog ID 45688
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 27 Nov 2012
  • Name TINY
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross
  • Age Elderly
  • Colour Tan/Orange/ginger with white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 26 Nov 2012
  • Where Lost Hall Barn Estate in Beaconsfield...From our garden/drive/lane. Taken between 4pm - 4.30pm.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area HP9
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Tiny has never runaway. She is used to pottering around independently but never strays far. This is very unusual.Tiny is 12 years old.
  • Listed By Lucy Irvine
  • Views 6307
  • TINYPoster Image
  • TINYExtra Image


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Oh dear, it can never be simple! Did they tell you where they took her to? I don't know what kennels they use in Sevenoaks.
Lucy Irvine
Hi Cate, the dog warden did pick up a dog like the photo you sent but she doesn't believe it was the same one, I think we'll have to drive to Kent to see for ourselves..so the search continues, LucyLast edited: 2016-01-12 11:34:27 by Lucy Irvine
Lucy Irvine
Thank youLast edited: 2016-01-12 11:33:26 by Lucy Irvine
I really hope it is her and I really hope you get her back! It would be so lovely for her to finally get home. Keep us all posted, good luck with the dog warden. Cate.
Lucy Irvine
Thank you for passing on the picture Cate and for speaking to us tonight.Fingers crossed the dog warden has her and is really is Tiny, she is sill so missed and loved. It would be amazing to have her home and it looks SO much like her, I will keep you informed Cate and Doglost, Lucy. people do change chips etc so i will try to actually see her if the chips don't match, thank you again
Hiya. yes I am going to send the pictures to the number too. I was just trying this first. I'm just conscious it's been such a long time. The tiny this way was collected by the dog warden. If it isn't this tiny I'll get more details and post on found as I'm not sure it ever was. Thanks, Cate.
Have you called owner Cate? They may not check the page after so long
Hi I lost my dog Zappa recently and people have sent me pics of dogs they have found. I know it's such a long shot but we got a picture of an elderly dog called Tiny that looks very similar to this Tiny. I know it's been a long time and I don't want to drag up painful memories but I know if it was me I would want to know. The mobile number on the collar doesn't work apparently. Lucy, if you want to see the picture pls let me know and I'll send it to you. Thanks, Cate.
I came across the man in the Hi viz jacket again but this time stopped and spoke to him...his dog is male and he allowed me to take a photo so I could send it to Tiny's owner..Tiny is still missing.
Hi, I am in and around Beaconsfield on Wed (17th) in the afternoon after Amersham from 2.30 and will have a look around and also a drive around. This is purely a thought but has anyone ever notified the Defence Language Centre (Beaconsfield). I know it is scheduled to close but not sure when. I believe there is a dog section there possibly and they might be worth mentioning Lucy for them to keep an eye open. There may even still be MOD Police section there also who man the gates etc.Last edited: 2013-01-15 13:32:45 by Shereen
Lucy ..found dog 45871 was actually a duplicate of this one http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=46046 so not a match
ive also updated the second picture on photo box 2 (you may need to refresh the page to see it)
Lucy..have left a message on Rugby pawprints Facebook page asking re found 45871...also with the other possibles ...if you list their id numbers on here ill look into it for you.
Lucy Irvine
Thank you again Shereen for staying alert and to everyone else who keeps searching for all our missing dear dogs.
Just wondered if dog45871 ever got a picture? Went through found list again there are a few without pics which are possibles.?
I have let owners know but saw a similar dog being walked by a thick set male with black hair yesterday he was wearing a high viz vest with black writing on the back ...I couldn't see what it said,by the time I had safely turned around,he had gone...

This was on the fairmile in Henley (RG9)...walking towards Northfield end...Please keep your eyes peeled!
Thanks Sue...have emailed owner to let her know.Fingers crossed it brings the news they want.
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine.

AMENDED: This advert went on 9 JanuaryLast edited: 2013-01-10 10:33:54 by B30
Hi, I am probably saying the obvious but has all the neighbours properties, gardens, sheds or even garages been checked?
Thanks Shereen. It does sound as those she may have been picked up by someone. Will still do a tour around again next week poss Mon if she hasn't been found by then.
Claire...the link to the news paper article is here....just cut and paste into your browser and it will bring it up.


Hi, have driven around Beaconsfield, Amersham area today but sadly I have not seen Tiny. As the weather is so grim today it could be that she is undercover somewhere keeping out of it. Might be out that way next week and if she hasn't been found will have another look hopefully in the dry!
Hi Shereen,, no I haven't but will make a point of getting the paper . Thank you.
Thanks Claire Weston Turville good luck...would be lovely....have you seen the news article...its got a picture on there...I think Tiny is younger in these pictures on here...
Shereen, Beaconsfield is in Bucks, near to Amersham, Penn area. I am that way tomorrow and will keep my eyes open for her.
Bumping Tinys page due to her being in Bucks free press yesterday....


Sue have added her to the CMW list.X
Can a co-ordinator find out Tiny's age and the name of the area that she went missing from please and then put her on the CMW list for an advert
Thanks Abbalish ....this is out of my local area so dont know the ins and outs of the area at all.... the word is being spread Far and wide, but please help in doing so by cross posting....it is really looking like Tiny has been stolen,she has never done this before in all of her 12 years....the area has been searched extensively.Thank You.Last edited: 2012-11-30 20:04:50 by Shereen
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Report made with BDCH, ref 296669.
Have advised owner to try and get a piece in local paper.
Have also shared on FB and Twitter.
Thanks Riverlady....Owners are doing all the right things here spreading the word futher afield dog wardens,rescues,vets etc I have recommended to alert surrounding councils...Please cross post.
Circulating on twitter as ..TINY Ginger JR Cross MISSING http://bit.ly/SbO21S #Beaconsfield #HP9 Plz RT
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in HP5-16. SL1,2,6,7,8,9.
Sorry to see that TINY is missing.
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