Rainbow Bridge: Black Cross Breed Female

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  • Dog ID 44504
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 28 Oct 2012
  • Name DAISY
  • Gender & Breed Female Cross Breed (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour black
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 28 Oct 2012
  • Where Lost Nonsuch Park
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area SM3
  • Date Reunited 31 Oct 2012
  • Other Info Daisy has funny little front legs a white patch on her chest and a white tip on her tail
  • Listed By stuweston
  • Views 2767
  • DAISYPoster Image
  • DAISYExtra Image


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I am so very, very sorry to hear about Daisy - RIP sweetheart - play free over the Bridge xx
Oh no! another one to the railways. My prayers and condolences are with her owners. Night, night sweet Daisy, sleep tight; another flower gone to the bridge. When the time comes Daisy wait for your family at the bridge, and cross together. Meanwhile play in the warm sunshine with all the other "Rainbow babies" with God watching over you. RIP+ Daisy. Run free. Sending your owners healing vibes for their sad and tragic loss. God Bless+
So very sorry to read this terrible news about Daisy - my heart goes out to her family. Another one lost to the railways. Run free lovely Daisy! :(((x
I'm so very sorry you didn't make it home Daisy - Have fun at the Bridge gorgeous - your family will come for you when the time is right. xx
Oh not not another - so sad - RIP Daisy xx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So sorry to see Daisy is yet another victim of the dreaded railway.
Rest in peace Daisy.xx
I am so so sorry your beautiful girl didn't make it home safe to her loving family, run free and play forever at the bridge sweet Daisy xx
So sad - yet another lost to the railways. I am so very sorry and my thoughts are with the family. Run free at the bridge, lovely Daisy xxx
so sorry for your loss, run free at the bridge lovely girl xxx
Hi thanks for all the assistance daisy has been found unfortunately she was run over on the train tracks at Belmont
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Careful we had an owner join and pay a few weeks ago to get info on a found dog...but had no reply to his emails so he contacted the website to be told they cannot give out finders details because of data protection....
best to contact the dogwarden.
Hi Stuweston - sorry I don't know the dogs not with me - just spotted this possible match on the 'pets located' website (link below) Also just realised I left the reference off my earlier post:

Pets Located Reference: KT0002689

I think they charge £10+vat to login and register to email for more information about the found dog. - that goes completely against the grain - but it seems to be the only way they will put you in touch with the finder. Just to note though - by law this dog should have been reported to the dog warden for Tadworth area, so you may be able to find out more information via that route.

Sorry I can't give you more info - hope this helps and Daisy is home with you soon.Last edited: 2012-10-30 23:50:09 by skippy
Hi Skippy, just on the off chance does she have funny little legs and a whit tip on her tail
Hi skippy The only bit on the description that is different is she only wears one collars, and she has name and number on there. thank you though
A few miles away, but could this be a possible match for Daisy?:

Female black short-haired mixed breed/cross breed/mongrel dog found in Tadworth (KT20) on 28th October 2012
Sex: Female
Neutered: Unknown
Approx Age: Young Dog
Main Colour: Black
Other Colours: White (Chest)
Other Information: Was wearing 2 collars-one grey collar and also black with red stars.
This is a duplicate.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in SM1-7. KT4,,17,19. CR5.
emailed advice x

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