Lost: Ginger Cross Breed Male In Central (NG22)

  • Dog ID 42660
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 02 Sep 2012
  • Name CLYDE
  • Gender & Breed Male Cross Breed
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Ginger
  • Marks & Scars Large Rottie cross Akita with long curly tail. 18 months old.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 01 Sep 2012
  • Where Lost East Markham. Nottingham.
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area NG22
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Clyde is 18 months old and went missing from the farm he lives on. He ran off with another dog that later returned. The area is open countryside and his owner is very worried about him.
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 5001
  • CLYDEPoster Image
  • CLYDEExtra Image


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Definitely a long shot after all this time, but I saw the picture on this link and thought of Clyde. Described as a young dog, so age may not be right, but maybe worth checking out if Clyde's still not home x
That found dog was reunited with owner.
Theres a very similar dog found 47736..worth a look?
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine.
Thanks Kelly, will let the owner know.
Poster sent to Notts TLO
Dog WardenKelly DW
Sorry meant to put they have called him Red Ruben.
Dog WardenKelly DW
It maybe a long shot but I have seen on facebook a dog which looks simular to Clyde. He is meant to be coming in from a pound and going to Tag Rescue in Ramsgate this is their website but he isnt on yet but it maybe worth ringing them to see which pound he is in and just double check. www.tagpetrescue.org.uk or call 01843 822931.
The kennels have said that the found dog was claimed by two lads. Unsure at this point whether they provided any proof of this and owner is looking into it further as they still think that this was Clyde.
Really wish I wasn't in work today Sue - would drive to Acorn and see if he is there - I can get there Friday but not before - Cheshire West normally rehome through Acorn Kennels, Whitchurch if dogs aren't claimed in 7 days. Has the DW confirmed the dog hasn't been claimed? I did notice that the photo appeared to have a reference...(middle bit of the name (dogid 1198 I think) Do hope they can track this boy down.

Just thinking - I think one of lost dog Hezka's helpers is local to Whitchurch - she may be able to drop in and take a look about?
Comment awaiting moderation
Thanks for the update Sue - All crossed here.xx
Skippy I've spoken to the owner, she's looked at the photo and thinks it may be Clyde so she's going to phone them tomorrow. Fingers crossed for Clyde
Thanks Sue - dog has now disappeared from the website - I sent an email through to admin with the phot but just realised I didn't add all the details.

They had the dog listed as a Male Mastiff picked up in Ellesmere port on 01/11/12 - no reference on the site I'm afraid. Hopefully the dog warden will be able to help.
Thanks Skippy, I've notified the owner.
Some distance away, but there is a very similar dog on the Cheshire west dog warden website - picked up in Ellesmere Port on 1st November:

Spoke to owner, still no news on Clyde. He has been on the radio and will be going in the paper shortly. Nothing found on railway line which is good news.
Thanks JennyB. Owners have already been in touch with railways and were going to ask for a call to be put out on local radio.
So sorry to see that Clyde is missing - it is well worth contacting your local radio stations and asking them to put out regular alerts for you - we did this when our GSD went missing over Christmas and they were extremely helpful to us. Also keep in regular contact with Network Rail, because they were also good to us. Hope this helps - we will keep a look out for Clyde, but it is a little out of our region. Will keep checking back to keep track of Clyde's movements, and if it looks like he is moving towards Collingham, we will come out to look with you. Best wishes JennyB xxx
The trail we picked up led through the fields down to join Quakefield Rd and followed it into East Markham village. Then through the churchyard down to skirt part of the fishing lakes, then along field edges and through a fence on to the footpath which runs parallel to the railway and leads to the Fountains inn at Tuxford. Then across A6075 on to Marnham Road, over roundabout and railway bridge, past Orchard caravan park, until we stopped just short of Merryfield Farm. Clyde was nipping in and out of fields on the way, doing a bit of hunting. Wispa showed us where he had been, the grass was flattened. She had done 2 hours and was getting tired, and at first I wasn't sure if the trail had come to a dead end or not. But then a light wind got up and she began pick up his scent in the air. She, and I, think he is out in those fields somewhere in that area. He may have roamed as far as Skegby.
Spoke to owner, Wispa is going out at 2.00pm to do some tracking....fingers crossed. Railtrack are working on the line and have not seen anything.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in NG22,23. DN22.
Circulating on twitter.
Photo on site for alerts to go out please xx
Put on Facebook Central and East Mids & Warks
Spoke to owner, she needs to contact DW. She could also try to put an ad on the radio. There are a few travellers in the area, have advised her to poster with 'reward' on. Advised her to contact 'railtrack' as the main Edinburgh line is not far away.
Photo has been sent to admin.
Info and Advice sheet sent.
Sorry to see that CLYDE is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
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  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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