Reunited: Light Golden Retriever Male

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  • Dog ID 42434
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 26 Aug 2012
  • Name UNKNOWN
  • Gender & Breed Male Golden Retriever
  • Age
  • Colour light
  • Marks & Scars has very bad hips,limping on back legs,been clipped recently.very friendly pleasant old chap.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Found 25 Aug 2012
  • Where Found on main road near Avesbury Wiltshire
  • Found In Region South West
  • Found In Post Area SN10
  • Date Reunited 29 Aug 2012
  • Other Info he has an abcess/growth on one of his hips.He was walking on the main road and was picked up by two young ladies who where heading to Devizes on way to work.I offered to take dog as vets ect. are closed until Tuesday after bank holiday.notified police of is safe, warm and fed and watered and made freinds with my own dog.Will have dog scanned for chip on Tuesday.
  • Listed By shaz
  • Views 1464
  • UNKNOWNPoster Image
  • UNKNOWNExtra Image


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DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
So pleased to see that he is back with his family, thank you for taking care of him. I can understand your reasons for not letting him go to kennels. He was lucky to have found you.
Thank you Shaz....I'm so pleased this old fella is safely home. You're a nice person.......xx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Well done Shaz for keeping this boy safe, you are a star.x
I'm so pleased this lovely old boy is safely back with his family x
Well done for taking care of him xx
Aww how lovely of you to look after him x
Well done I bet Barney's owners are so grateful to you for caring for him xx
Well done shaz!!
Barney,has been returned safe and well to his family.
I would like to thank everyone for their messages of support and understanding,I couldn't have let such an old boy go in to a dogs home or kennels.he might have caught something and got ill,and the trauma might have killed him.It was a short but sweet encounter with a love old chap.THANK YOU
DogLostCounty Pet ServicesKaren - Solstices Missing Dogs and Wiltshire volunteer
Poor old boy, lets hope that he is chipped and can be reunited soon.
Thank you for looking after this old lad, bet he's much happier at yours than some kennels...lets hope his family soon find where he is and that he's chipped...if he's been clipped recently someone must be missing him xxx
This poor old boy is so lucky that you found him and can take care of him. Hope Tuesday brings news of a chip and he can be reunited very soon. PS. a lot of groomers and these big pet chains seem to have scanners now so you may be able to get him checked before then. x
Poor dog very kind of you to take care of him and care for him over the weekend.

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