Lost: Blue And White Chihuahua Female In North West (BB3)

  • Dog ID 39296
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 07 May 2012
  • Name MOJO
  • Gender & Breed Female Chihuahua (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour blue and white
  • Marks & Scars scar under belly when being spayed. fox like tail, white blaze on top of head.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 05 May 2012
  • Where Lost Argyle St, Darwen, Blackburn
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area BB3
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Mojo is 4 years old, she went missing from her garden in Argyle Street. Her family are devastated and just want her back where she belongs. Mojo is SPAYED so cannot be bred from. PLEASE contact the owners with ANY information that may lead to her safe return. If found she should be reported to the council dog warden WHICH IS LAW.
  • Listed By dawn
  • Views 4512
  • MOJOPoster Image
  • MOJOExtra Image


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happy christmas, please could everyone still keep an eye out for my baby girl as she is still missing and must be somewhere, had no sightings of her recently but onestill haven't given up. thanks to everyone who has been helping me look for her. did get a crank call which i reported to the police, someone rang demanding £1000 or they would blow my babes head off. arranged to meet with the money but when i was there they rang saying it was all a sick joke. at least i know that mojo is still in everyones mind.
Sorry to hear Mojo still missing.....will keep looking out for her.
Have you thought of getting her story in your local paper?
Also keep reading on other dogs pages about the Countrymans weekly....think you ask a co-ordinator to go on the list.
As you said once Mojo could turn up anytime so keep the search going x Fingers crossed x
hi thanks for the info just been on the site, sorry it's not mojo but is simliar. have now saved the site so that i can check daily thanks.
Picture of a little dog similar to Mojo on Leigh Dogs and Cats Home though I cant see a white stripe on face on the picture so unsure. Thought might be worth checking.
Phone: 01942 671215
someone has been in town and country vets in darwen nr sainsburys, claiming to be me, saying that mojo was found and could theytake the poster down, can't believe the cheek of some people. lucky for me a friend noticed the pic wasn't up and explained the mojo wasn't found and had the pic put back up. heading to vets tomorrow to try and find who the women was or at least get a good discription of her as she spoke to the receptionist.will keep you posted, on the positive side i know that mojo is defo still in the darwen area. so i will find her if i have to print a map and knock on every door for as long as it takes. would the police look into it as someone is walking around pretending to be which is against the law?Last edited: 2012-06-11 01:33:37 by dawn
two teenage girls were seen ripping the poster down outside chapels nursey tonight at 9:09pm. one had red hair and was quite cubby wearing a red jacket, the other quite slim with brown hair. would like to thank the family who contacted me when they were doing this, this is still in the same area where all my posters keep getting ripped down. reward is now £350 for her safe return.
hope that it works,feel really down all the time, miss her so much. have to say a big thanks to the ladies that have made it possible for me to increase my reward, by adding their own money.if only the person that had mojo was as nice. hope she is being looked after.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
I have bumped Moho's page due to the reward for information being significantly increased.
posters still being ripped down in same area, but no sightings of mojo. feeling a little dishearted, but not giving up. sooner or later they will slip up, an thanks to most people in darwen someone will spot her.
hi thanks for advice, have already been to all local schools posted pics outside and asked for one to be put up on schools notice boards as these can't be ripped down.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Hi Dawn sorry to see Mojo is still missing. Have you taken posters to these schools mentioned below its amazing how children like to help.
im not in your area or would help myself, goodluck.x
got a better discription of the lady that was caught trying to rip down my posters.
in her 20's to 30's, long straight dark hair,(at the time was swept back into a pony tail.) dresses smart, was wearing what looked like leggings and a red top. walking white fluffy dog believed to be a shih tzu. i also think she has a young child that goes to either chapels nursery or st james primary school and lives near pot house area, at the top of st james, darwen.
Hope and pray this is Mojo. Fingers and paws xd.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Bumping Mojo due to the recent information. A possible sighting of Mojo.

Dawn you are doing a great job, keep going. As I said, if they rip them down, out them back up again. Mojo is very distinctive, get EVERYONE looking for him x
hi posters round st james darwen still keep getting ripped down. don't think its kids as they have to rip through the polly pockets to get at them. and they posters are no where to be found.last night someone was caught trying to rip a poster down, again near st james. the discription was a mature lady, quite posh looking , and walking a white/black fluffy dog similar to a pom. if you are this lady or you know someone that fits this discription please contact me on 07522066351 as it's possible they know where mojo is. now 100% that someone has taken her in and is tryingk to keep her. although you think they would understand what i'm going through being a dog owner herself. would like to thank the lady who prevented her from removing the poster and giving me the discription. thanks dawn
MoJo is Adorable. Great your getting sightings so she hasnt been taken in.Keep talking to Young Children and thier parents by school gates give the kids a few posters ,they love being involved are a great way of spreading the word. Youve done great getting so many posters up so quickly.Good luck.sstolen Tays mum x
hi mojo was spotted round st james primary school by children and near a close street anyon st by an adult, they all said it was defo her and that she was walking by herself have re posted new pics with, £100 reward cash no questions asked for her safe return. this was on tuesday. just had another 300 posters done and have covered most of the area including taxi ranks,pubs,shops,bin men, anything else that i can stick poster to. will up date again with any more news. thanks everyone.
Last edited: 2012-05-11 02:31:21 by dawn
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Thanks mumstaxi, I've given dawn the numbers for Glencoe and Aspen and reinterated how important it is to visit. I've also given her the numbers for the surrounding dog wardens, Hyndburn, Chorley, Ribble Valley, Burnley and Rossendale and recommended that Mojo is reported to these areas as she is not chipped or wearing a tag.
probably already mentioned but aspen valley(homeless hounds) and glencoe kennels maybe worth a try
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Link to Mojo's Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/Mojomissing
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Thanks Jayne :)
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in BB1,2,3,4,5. PR6. BL7,8.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Poster ready for email alerts to go out, thanks.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Dawn is doing a fantastic job. All the right people have been notified, 400 posters have been printed out and are being distributed, local police notified, A mention on the local radio and they are waiting to hear back from 2 local newspapers. A facebook group has been set up 'Mojo Missing', I will post the link and copy the photo across when I'm back on my PC.

Mojo is very distinctive and very tiny. She is 4 years old and she went missing from the garden, unsure if she was let out or she escaped.

I've mentioned about scenting and walking their other dogs in the area in case Mojo is hiding out during the day.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
I will contact and request a photo.
Sorry to see that MOJO is missing.
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