Reunited: Brown Cocker Spaniel Male

  • Dog ID 38859
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 21 Apr 2012
  • Name CHOC
  • Gender & Breed Male Cocker Spaniel (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour brown
  • Marks & Scars small white tuf of white fur on chest, scars on back legs from having claws taken off 1mth ago
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 18 Apr 2012
  • Where Lost segensworth road fareham hampshire
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area PO15
  • Date Reunited 27 Oct 2012
  • Other Info This is breaking my heart , please keep you pets safe ... there are some wrong people out there who do not care who they hurt xx its been a mth and still no sign of my baby..... whoever has MY choc let him home .... they say dogs love there owner for life so he will never love u because im his owner... your nothing to him so let him home you no its for the best ....
  • Listed By alltwee
  • Views 4777
  • CHOCPoster Image
  • CHOCExtra Image


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DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
I am so so pleased for you!! often thought of Choc and kept an eye out for him when I was in the Fareham area. Welcome home beautiful boy and stay safe xxx
That's brilliant news! Wonder where he has been these past 6 months? Welcome home lovely Choc - stay safe now xxx
Another longlost canine reunited with it`s owner. So pleased for the owner of Choc who must be ecstatic to get him back. Had he been straying all this time or was he stolen and then abandoned? Stay safe now Choc:-) :-) :-)xxx
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Wonderful news that Choc is home safe xxx
Thats so fantastic :)) Welcome home Choc....hope hes ok after all this time xx
UNBELIEVABLE - welcome home Choc so pleased for you and your family xx
WOW - well done to the finders. Hope Choc is ok after his time away! Welcome home you handsome boy - stay safe now! :)xx
Welcome home Choc xx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Brilliant news!! Bet his owners feel like Christmas has come early!! Welcome home Choc xxx
Check the forum Jayne
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Oh Wow....where found?
Just spoken to an elated owner who I don't think can quite believe that she has her gorgeous boy back after all this time!!

Many thanks to the people who caught him and who took him to be scanned.
FB group:
Inkie's Mum
Hi, there's a dog matching his description been found in the North East, in case someone picked him up and took him somewhere else and he escaped, it is under 40715 on here. May be a totally different dog, but worth checking out
choc is still missing .......we have had a few sigting but all come to nothing just dogs that look like choc
i feel heart broken that i havent got him home yet and the more time that passes makes me fell like im never going to see him again .....please come home my little chocy i miss u so much xxx
So sorry little Choc is missing. I have 2 of these dogs now the little one is identical to Choc, just getting her feather`s too.very slight and the fastest dog ever. My heart breaks for you. I still cry when I speak of our stolen Welsh Springer Spaniel Tay who went missing from our garden 14 months ago. Similar circumstances, our gate was padlocked but the theive`s lifted fence panels to take him.Tay escaped his captures 2 wks after he was stolen and we had had a few calls of sightings but he was caught again by them before I got to him Im sure that was my fault as lead them too him by posting the sightings as a dog thief will also read .We know so much now and he is still alive its a waiting game for us. The point Im trying to make is you may need to do some decective work. Back track over recents weeks if anyone you met or saw made you feel uneasy or suspicious in any way, if you think back you may find a clue. Have you asked every home who has a view of your garden if they saw or know anything.I truly want you to get your little boy back and posters and keeping him high profile are without doubt the best way. In our personal experience had we known then what we know now we`d have been stalking the nieghbour (almost)who has him somewhere!!!. We do still have a lot of hope its a matter time for us im afraid, however weve learned so so much in our search for Tay, once we realised the happenings and who to concentrate on . Very very best of luck . stolen Tays mum xLast edited: 2012-05-17 16:09:41 by scootjockey
Have you contacted the Portsmouth City Counsil Dog pound. I know its a bit far but you have to check further afield too, dogs can travel an incredible distance.Hoping Choc is found safe soon x
Inkie's Mum
Where Choc is lost from is very close to J9 M27 and the main railway line, not to cause anxiety for the owner, has she tried contacting Network Rail? I have seen posters and have reposted to my local FB friends, as I am in PO14
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine
I have contacted alltwee to see if I can help put posters out, or leaflet drop door to door in our local area as I live nearby. I am so sad about Choc, and have informed my neighbours to keep looking. I hope alltwee is ok too.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
So sorry that Choc is still missing. I expect that you have contacted all the local rescues/kennels etc, but have you spoke to the lady at Chichester Dog Rescue as they cover your area? Hope that you find him soon xx
POSTER, POSTER, POSTER!!!!! This is what we did with Jess (contacted you on FB). I am convinced it was because of the massive publicity, that we got her back! So POSTER...everywhere!
Have seen a tweet with Chocs link so am circulating.
hi altwee. I live in Valerian Avenue. I have asked my neighbours to look out for him. YOU MUST put up posters in the area, they are the biggest way of getting word out locally. If you print them, I am happy to come out on foot with you every night and post them, or put through peoples doors. You should inform the stable yards just off cartwright drive, they notice lots! email me direct if you want my help.
alltwee I think you need to flood your area with posters as this will bring in sightings if hes roaming.Also would there be any CCTV cameras in or around your area that may be looked at ?
Choc is the spitting image of our little girl. Have there been any sightings? Hope you have some good news to report very soon
thank u , yes im missing so much , i feel so sad coz i keep crying when i talk about him , his my baby and i just want him home safely , thanks again xx
Hope he returns home soon Tee, he's a gorgeous boy and I know how much you are all missing him xx
he was in the garden . which he can not get out off , the gate was shut and can not just be pushed open , its really hard to open and close, and on this day i no it was shut . and he went missing ...... someone either came in and took him or opened gate and dog got out as he is very fast .. dont no wot to think at the mo
What were the circumstances alltwee ?
how can a dog just go missing without a single person seeing anything.... my dear choc who we all miss so much , please come home safely xxxxxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
ALERTS sent out to helpers in PO12,13,14,15,16,17.

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