Rainbow Bridge: Black Portuguese Water Dog Female

  • Dog ID 31908
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 15 Aug 2011
  • Name STELLA
  • Gender & Breed Female Portuguese Water Dog
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour black
  • Marks & Scars Stella is actually a SPANISH water dog.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 15 Aug 2011
  • Where Lost Maidenhead.
  • Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Lost In Post Area SL6
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 9515
  • STELLAPoster Image
  • STELLAExtra Image


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Maravilla Spanish Water Dogs would like to Thank Stellas family for their donation to Dog Lost. Stella RIP sweetheart.
Very generous of Stella's family, RIP Stella wish it was a happier reunion x
Septembers reunited dogs will all thank you x
RIP dear Stella. my thoughts are with your loving family, Night night Stella. xxx
My thoughts are with Stella`s owners. RIP and play at the bridge, Night, night Stella.
I am so very sorry that Stella didnt make it back home. Run free in the sunshine at the Bridge sweetheart.
My thoughts are with her family xx
My thoughts are with Stella and her loving family, run free at the bridge sweetheart xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
May I thank Stella's owners from the bottom of our hearts for their very kind donation to help other dogs get back to their owners. The donation covers the running costs of doglost for 1 month. so all the dogs that get reuninted this month is due to the kindness of these people and would be a fitting memorial for Stella. Thank you.
My thoughts are with Stella and her family, run free at the bridge sweetheart xx
So sorry to hear of this horrid outcome. Stella's owners must be heartbroken. My sympathies to them.
So sorry to hear this, rest in peace Stella xx
So sorry for your loss, rest in peace Stella, run free at the bridge xx
Jack Russell 4
Run free at the bridge little girl xxx
So very, very sorry Stella did not make it home - RIP sweetheart xx
RIP Stella, thinking of you all x
So sorry for your sad loss, and may you soon begin to be able to remember happy times you spent with your lovely Stella.xx
Gloria & Geoff
Jenni S
So very sorry to read this. All sympathy to Stella's family.
my heart goes out to stellas owners, Run free at the bridge now lovely girl....
So sad to read this. My sympathy to Stella`s owners. Run free stella at Rainbow Bridge. God will take care of you until you all meet again. RIP.
Oh what sad news - I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with the family at this awful time. Another gone to the bridge too young, but run free, beautiful Stella xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh my goodness. I am so, so sorry to hear this. God bless you Stella, safe in the arms of God. God bless your family who is struggling with this sad news. Run happy wit the other dogs at Rainbow brige sweet Stella, till your loved ones come to walk over that brige with you. You can keep a check on them from there and you will be together always. God bless everyone who has done so much to help. Your support and love is never forgotten. x
Im so sad to read this. Poor Stella, my thouhghts are with her owners
This is so sad. RIP Stella. Liz xx
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
God bless and keep you safe from now on, beautiful Stella.You will always be safe in God's beautiful garden. xx
Run free at the bridge beautiful girl and look after your family. Love and light xxx
Oh Poor Stella, So upset to see this is the outcome, even though i never met u after spending a week searching for you i felt i knew u, thoughts with ur family.Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

So so upset that this beautiful girl didnt make it. My heart goes out to the owners and the family, Pat, Steph, and the whole team who were out searching, you were an amazing group who did so much and of that you can be so proud. Run free at the bridge beautiful Stella.
I am so sad to read this. My thoughts are with Stella's owners, her breeder and the many people connected to her through her doggie family who were all searching for this lovely girl. Thank you spindle for all your help. Run free gorgeous girl.x.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
I am absolutely heartbroken to have to let everyone know that dear Stella has gone to Rainbow Bridge.
Stella had been the casualty of an RTA.
My thoughts are with her owner & his family as well as all the people who came from miles away to search for Stella & loved her dearly.
Run free sweet girl. X

A poem for Stella.

When tomorrow starts without me and I'm not there to see
The sun will rise to find your eyes are filled with tears for me

When tomorrow starts without me, understand you must
An angel came and called my name, in her I placed my trust

Perhaps God tires of always calling the aged to His fold
And so He picks a rosebud before it can grow old

God knows how much we love them and so He picks but few
To make the land of heaven more beautiful to view

When tomorrow starts without me you’ll ask yourself, but why?
For the saddest words that mankind knows will always be "good-bye"

But I’ll still be watching over you, never to depart
When tomorrow starts without me, I’m still there in your heart
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Hoping to get over to the area tonight .Thank you for your offer of help Truffle,as Spindle has said,any posters going up are so important as we need some sightings of Stella to be able to be more precise about where she is travelling to & from. Stella is probably lying low & feeling lost & frightened so any extra eyes out there to just quietly observe the area & call owner if Stella is spotted would be really appreciated.
Truffle - pls feel free to put some posters up your way.
I am VERY local - let me know if I can help in any way - I haven't seen any posters on 'my' side of the Thicket (Stubbings end), but have been keeping a look out on my dog walks.
I've spoken to the Robin Hood and they have given permission to park in the right hand corner of their car park. They can only accommodate this for the evening and overnight, but it will need to be moved by lunchtime as that is their busiest time. Do you want me to speak to the Golden Ball??
I've spoken to the Robin Hood and they have given permission to park in the right hand corner of their car park. They can only accommodate this for the evening and overnight, but it will need to be moved by lunchtime as that is their busiest time. Do you want me to speak to the Golden Ball??
have spoken to the guy in charge of the cricket club, he has said they dont have a problem with it but need permission from the warden called Paul Bindle who is based at Cliveden, i have spoken to Stellas owner and passed this info on for him to follow up.
I will phone national trust and ask them as they own all the land round there and im sure you need permission to park overnight in the car park by the cricket club.leave it with me and i will see what i can do.
I have spoken to Robin Hood and Golden Balls pub no joy to park on their car park but not local to ask .If Maria or Suzi could ask that would be great.
Small barbie done saturday night and no joy. We need sightings of Stella to move forward. Lots of people khow of her missing so everything crossed that call comes in. Would it be worth talking to pub people where she was sighted, they may know local people where a caravan would be ok to be parked.
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Don't know if this has already been suggested, but how about a portable barbecue in the area where she was seen? The aroma of tasty sausages might be enought to lure her out.
The owner is continuing with the scenting stratagem. we still need to heavily poster the area - a new poster is being designed and will be available very soon.
several of us are planning to do a night vigil . Can anyone local suggest where we can safely park a small caravan in the Pinkneys Green area?
I would like to thank all of the searchers this weekend searching for Stella for all the dedication and hard work in trying to locate her. Special thanks this weekend to Lynne and Steph for their invaluable advice Please lets continue to search for her (maravilla)Last edited: 2011-08-21 12:45:33 by Trella
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
I have just spoken with Stella's owner & have now amended the mobile contacts for the new posters. The priority mobile is owner's number 07734 717947.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Have been over to the area Stella went missing. The last sighting was Thursday evening & we had no sign of her tonight. Stella's owner is back now & searching . Stella was seen earlier in the week very near to where she first went missing. We have put some food & familiar scent items in this area in the hopes of getting her to keep coming back to one place for now.
labsmad - believe you understand situation now. there are a few people meeing tonight to try and find her. Owner will be back in UK later today. Given advice etc also e mailed out to dog warden in berkshire and local places that public visit.
I met the owners Weds night whilst out looking for Stella.Doesnt make sense that u have put that they are back tonight,when they come home weds and where with Maria then.Sighting near Robin Hood makes sense as i spotted her running in that direction Tuesday night just as it was getting dark.I have txt the number given below offering more help over the weekend(i have been out every night looking), but i havent had a reply.Also the woods behind and next to the Robin Hood lead to Cookham and Bourne End-has anyone done a poster run down winter hill?
There was a sighting of Stella thursdy night by the Robin Hood Pub but nothing since.the breeder is in the area now with some relatives of Stella with her. She needs help if there is anyone in the area that can assist please phone 07967 032315 . Owner due back late tonight. If seen please do not chase, call immediately.
I have been texting the mobile on the site. re Stella. Please if owner is now home follow the scenting instructions I have already sent to you.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
poster e mailed to helpers in RG9,10.
Hi Maria, I meant DogLost needs to send the email to people who live in RG10 and RG9 especially as that is where the dog lives. I have heard from the owner this morning, they have come home from holiday to look for Stella so hopefully she will come out when she hears him. I'll keep a watch out around all my walks. Come home Stella!
We put up posters in Wargrave, and Dawn visited Hennerton Golf Club. We'll continue to put up posters in the area over the weekend.
I will post on my Facebook too. Can I suggest that you (Dog Lost) also send posters out to RG10 and RG9 as they are also quite local to Maidenhead. I didn't get a poster but saw the posters on the telegraph poles yesterday
Texted owner for update.
No sign of her today when i went looking, Maria has been out constantly looking too, everyone in the area is aware of her, checked local lanes/footpaths and spoke to the locals today,Maria has done it all.Bed/crate water/bones left.Come On Stella, time to go home.
Hope she is found soon. liz xx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
I don't know the area very well, but a couple of years ago a cocker spaniel went missing in the Maidenhead area and she was eventually found near some gravel pits. Is this anywhere near where Stella went missing? My daughter is working in Maidenhead at the moment, but travels in via Bourne End and Cookham. Will ask her to keep a look out though, just incase x
Have txt owners, going to check round the stables down lee lane tonight, will go out 2morro afternoon to look if she still hasnt been found.
When my dog went missing I put up posters saying that she was a Poodle cross rather than saying she was a Spanish Water Dog, wary that someone might think a rarebreed was valuable.
I sent copies to the local GP surgeries. Also a good idea your local fire service and police station. My dog was seen twice by the fire brigade when they were going to shouts at 2.00 am but they couldn't stop of course.
Go out later on at night when there's not many people around. She was wandering with a 3 mile radius. Lana eventually turned up at my parents house on her own 2 weeks later.
Good luck in finding her got everything crossed.
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Hi Maria x am so sorry to see that Stella is missing. I am too far away to physically help you but up here in Yorkshire we had a young Spanish Water Dog that bolted on a walk a few years ago.His owners contacted the Spanish Water Dog Club and were given help from some members. It may be worth contacting them or at the very least emailing all their committee with the doglost link for Stella and asking them to forward it to all their contacts in the Spanish water dog world.. Posters were the key to getting our missing dog back here as through them we started to get lots of sightings of him. His owners described him as a very 'hairy dog' when they called up stray kennels. Good luck ...... I hope Stella is found very soon xxx http://www.spanishwaterdogclub.co.uk/contacts.Last edited: 2011-08-16 17:17:41 by Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I have added this to my Facebook wall. I hope very much that you find her safely very soon.
We've alerted everyone we can think of. Please, please keep your eyes out. Been told by a behaviourist that she may be hiding in hedgerows either around pinkneys green or she's bolted and gone further away. I've been up walking around Pinkneys with dogs she likes and there have been no sightings as yet.
I agree, I would point out that she looks like a Poodle or Labradoodle (no offence intended!). Anything to help get her home! Crossposted to DogShowingUK
Kennels, Vets, animal wardens etc., may not know what a spanish water dog looks like. They may think she is a poodle cross, so do check out anything that could be black and curly whatever it may be called. I do hope you find her very soon,Spanish Water dogs are very intelligent, is she near enough to be able to find her own way home? Good luck with your search. Stay safe Stella x
Given owner advice, scenting instructions, contact numbers etc. Also alerted her to posts on site.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Labsmad you can contact the owner on number on dogs details...tx
Hi Labsmad, any help is very much appreciated.
Texted owner
Ilive in the area so am willing to help look if needed, have also facebooked it.Hope Stella is found safe and well soon.xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Sorry owner as we did not have Spanish waterdog registered on our data base we had to use Portuguese waterdog...poster e mailed out to helpers in SL 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
PLEASE HELP!!! Stella went missing at 4pm on 15th August in Pinkneys Green in Maidenhead. She was last seen in the bushes behind the cricket ground club house. She is very barky and she wouldn't approach strangers readily. There have been no sightings as yet. We are desperate to find her, any help is greatly appreciated!!!

Drone SAR

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