Reunited: White Japanese Spitz Male

  • Dog ID 31355
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 26 Jul 2011
  • Name JAKE
  • Gender & Breed Male Japanese Spitz
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 26 Jul 2011
  • Where Lost Eversley.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area RG27
  • Date Reunited 28 Jul 2011
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 2260
  • JAKEPoster Image
  • JAKEExtra Image


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Welcome home Jake xx Stay safe now sweetheart xx
Jake back home with the rest of us but I think he must have been very spoiled by whoever was looking after him. He does look as if he was confused and is taking a bit of time to get back to normal. Thank you is just not a good enough word. Someone is going to have to think up a word that goes above Thank you for the support that has been given.
Very happy birthday Dee and the best present to know your Jake is safe. Welcome back. Will let owner update the site.
Happy Birthday Dee. And it is a happy one as Jake is found, safe.
contacted dog warden for Basingstoke as a friend's dog ended up in southampton thru the Basingstoke warden. Also contacted So'ton. Posters in Saddlery shops in Eversley and Wokingham. Today is my birthday and am being taken down to Chichester for the day so not much I can do til I get home
Hi - I have let a friend who lives in Basingstoke and owns a spitz know about Jake and she has passed it on to the spitz community. I am in Tadley but will spread the word that Jake is missing. Hope you get some news soon.
Dee text me whenthe ad comes out so I can bump.
All posters in place. Advert has been put into Free ads Reading
Spoke to owner given advice. Jake went missing from New Mill Restaurant, the ford, no calls or news as yet.

posters delayed a bit due to running out of out magenta ink!!!Then as upset bought wrong ink so now have to go out again.........oh dear.
thank you owner for updating his page. Suggested media now to get this little one very hot. If picked up may not have been reported to authorities. Given owner advice.
There are no dangers near where Jake went missing. There is a ford but he would avoid it and it is a small river. There is no river traffic whatsoever and Posters are up. This is a very rural area and within 200 yds of the ford is a forest. Cars park on one side or the other as only 4x4's can cross the ford and hardly any do that. Jake should know his way home as he has been walked from the ford home frequently through the forest quite a few times. People come to the ford to swim, have a picnic and to fish from the bridge.........this is why I think he may have been picked up. Traffic to the restaurant is limited and quiet. The Riding School nearby has also been alerted. Thanks you so much for your support. I did not realise I needed to keep updating every day but will now do so. Last edited: 2011-07-27 08:18:20 by Dee
No response from owner have now requested them to update his page.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Could have been taken in by someone as he looks so lovely. Are there any dangers nearby? If any railways call Network Rail to report him missing and any roads contact the Highways dept of the council or the Highways Agency for your area. Rivers/canals call the river and water authorities. I'm sure Spindle has advised on everything you need to do. Most important thing is to POSTER like mad, everything you can and quickly. Posters get you sightings and they will lead you to your dog. If there's a station nearby poster heavily there, give posters to taxi drivers, anyone in boats on the water, bus drivers, anyone and everyone. Good Luck. Stay safe Jake.x
Sent offer of advice.
Jake was with me in a barn adjacent to the ford at New Mill Lane near the New Mill Restaurant. He found a way to get out of what was thought to be a secure barn and I think he went back to my car which was parked at the other side of the bridge on New Mill Rd. Someone may have thought he was lost as he would have waited near the car.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed to helpers in RG 1,2,5,6,7,10,24,26,27,40,41.

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