Reunited: BRINDLE & WHITE Greyhound Female

  • Dog ID 31010
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 12 Jul 2011
  • Name IVY
  • Gender & Breed Female Greyhound
  • Age Adult
  • Colour BRINDLE & WHITE
  • Marks & Scars She is a Racing Greyhound that was stolen around midnight on 12/07/2011. She is small around 26kg.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Yes
  • Date Lost 12 Jul 2011
  • Where Lost Twyford, Shaftsbury, Dorset, SP7 0JD
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SP7
  • Found In Region South West
  • Date Reunited 25 Nov 2011
  • Other Info She is a very sweet little dog. Weights 26kg.
  • Listed By birty156
  • Views 6007
  • IVYPoster Image
  • IVYExtra Image


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Over the moon that Ivy is home and will get the TLC she needs... missing so long gives us hope that Tucker will be home soon tooX
So pleased that lovely Ivy is back home x
Sending her lots of love and positive and healing thoughts.
Get well soon Ivy, sending loads of love and cuddles, so happy she is home xx
Get well soon Ivy, sending a gentle hug for this poor girl xx
So pleased that Ivy has been reunited with her owner. These people are low life sub human scumbags. Sorry to see that Ivy is in this state, but am sure that with lots of TLC some nice grub and tasty treats and of course a nice comfy bed, she will make a good recovery in her phyhsical and mental state. Sending Ivy absent healing and loads of hugs and xxx`s. Keep us posted Ivy.
Poor Ivy, im so glad shes home, get well soon sweetie x
Alfies mum
Lovely that shes home but so sorry to hear shes in a "mess". Hope she makes a good recovery, a fantastic early christmas present for you
I am so sorry to hear about Ivy's condition and I really hope that once she is home and in the warm she will be on the mend. I have two retired greys and when they are unwell they also get dull and depressed - it is very difficult to see. How people can do this to a dog is beyond my comprehension.............
Poor Ivy, I'm sure you'll get lots of tlc from your owner and hope you feel better soon. xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Update from owners...

dont know if you received my last email as I was having trouble with my computer.This is to tell you what the greyhound vet found wrong with Ivy. Her pads were cut and had splinters in them, shes torn a muscle in her back leg and has a sprained hock, also abrasions over her legs and neck, underweight, dehydrated, dull and depressed, covered in ticks, coat sparse and poor. her blood test showed her very anaemic and had a very bad kidney infection.She is going to need a lot of TCL in the next few months. Why do these people enjoy making these poor dogs suffer,bring back the birch it might do them some good to suffer.
Oh what wonderful news. Yeah..if only they could talk. So happy for Ivy and her owners, welcome home gorgeous girl xx
very happy that Ivy is home safely. Owner never stopped looking for her.
What a great end to this poor dogs story! I'm going to get my dog's ears tattood now, my horses are freeze-marked - makes them very hot to steal due to the visual deterrent! So pleased for Ivy and her owner.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
I am so pleased to see this, what a lucky girl:) Do you think that she had been dumped there? The reason I ask is that we were passing the show ground around 8 ish and saw a vehicle driving through it which we thought was a bit strange.
Good news that Ivy is home. Great that we have WDDC Dog Warden on board doglost if only other Dog Wardens......
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Spoken to owner...Ivy is well...very dehydrated...and skinny...but pleased to be back home...if only they could talk!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks owner was ecstatic...thank god she microchipped and tattooed her dog....its paid off...
Dog WardenWDDC Dog Warden
I wasn't aware that Ivy had been missing for so long so am very happy to have been able to help get her home! She was found last night by a member of the public in the road near Dorchester Showground. Last edited: 2011-11-25 13:07:42 by WDDC Dog Warden
Hooray, Welcome home Ivy. I'm sure mum is going to make a big fuss of you. x
Ivy has been found in the Dorchester Area. Thank you to everyone for all your help. She is on her way home today.

I know Scotland is a long way off but this girl is described as having white toes and being brindle colouring
Advertised in The Countryman's Weekly magazine today
Sigting on Melbury Hill has turned out to be local dog that is allowed to wander so back to the drawing board. Ivy has to be out there somewhere.
Just round the corner from me, so will continue to spread the word and pray she is reunited very soon.
Hope Ivy is caught soon. Liz xx
Possible sighting of Ivy on Melbury Hill first thing tuesday morning. Please watch out, do not chase call number on here immediately.
Have posted Ivy on my fb wall, I hope she is found very soon.x.
Word is spreading on this lovely girl. Although stolen from out of the Thames Valley area, have just received the Thames Valley DogWatch Alert. Do hope she is found safe and well very soon.
Poster received and have started putting up in dog walking areas. Any more news?
Details of Ivy missing went out on midwest radio. Bumping.
Kennel was broken into atnight and Ivy was taken. She is a lovely dog with nice nature. Police aware and CRN issued. Please watch out for this dog in all areas.
posted on my facebook
Texted to offer advice.
For security reasons, particularly as she was stolen, can chip no. be removed? Hope Ivy is found save very soon. Poster as quickly and as widely as you can and do get crime number from police.
Hope you find Ivy soon. Liz xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed to helpers in SP 3,5,7,8. DT 10,11.

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