Rainbow Bridge: French Bulldog Female

  • Dog ID 30392
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 14 Jun 2011
  • Gender & Breed Female French Bulldog
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 13 Jun 2011
  • Lost In Post Area RAINBOW BRIDGE
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By CJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
  • Views 4302
  • MISSING HERMESPoster Image


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I am so very sorry to see that Hermie is now at Rainbow Bridge. I remember seeing the tv documentary about the theft of Hermie many years ago, and how Jayne was setting up a website in order to help reunite lost dogs with their owners, and have watched this become the great organisation it is today. My thoughts are with you Jayne at this truly heartbreaking time, but as others have already said, this site would not exist today had it not been for Hermie. Run free at the bridge lovely girl - you will never be forgotten xx
Thinking of you at this sad time Jayne.RIP Hermie xx
Very sad news. Hermie was truly loved and cherished and had a happy life. A little dog, with a huge legacy and lots of people and dogs will forever be indebted to you and Jayne. Run free beautiful girl, with our other babies, who are forever in our hearts, until we all meet again at the Bridge.x Jayne, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have no words to ease the pain, just want to say you were blessed and honoured to have little Hermie share your life.x
Bless you Hermie. You were the inspiration for a wonderful organisation which has helped so many dogs - you leave behind a wonderful legacy. RIP.
Bless you Hermie. You were the inspiration for a wonderful organisation which has helped so many dogs - you leave behind a wonderful legacy. RIP.
Thank you Hermie - it is thanks to you that so many dogs have been reunited with their owners. What a wonderful legacy. RIP. Sincere condolences to you, Jayne. Hermie will always be with you in the name of DogLost.x
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
Hermie you have left an unrivalled legacy never to be surpassed. Have fun now at the bridge. Heartfelt sympathy Jayne...judy x
Maybe the stars above are windows from which our loved ones look down on us, to tell us they are at peace and waiting for us. Thinking of you at this time. Run free and happy Hermie
Millys Mum
Jayne - I was so sorry to hear the sad news about your little Hermie. It seems that maybe she was sent to you for a reason... who knows? But we all felt that we knew her and so share your sadness. I'm sure, as others have said, she will be having the time of her life with all her new doggie friends at Rainbow Bridge and that she will wait everso patiently (!) to be reunited with her family one day. Rest in peace little Hermie - sweet dreams girly... xx
So sorry Jayne. There will be one more bright star over the bridge tonight. Run, play and enjoy with all your lovely friends there Hermie, as they will be there to look after you now. Sleep tight.x
Quote from an epitaph -
"No heaven will not ever heaven be,
Unless my dogs are there to welcome me!"

How true this is.

Run at the bridge dearest Hermie, until you all meet again.

What a wonderful legacy you leave. Last edited: 2011-06-15 10:49:58 by Debbzz
So very sorry - RIP Hermie xx

I know how you're feeling x
God Bless Little Hermie ,Your memory will live on forever,Thinking of you Jayne at this difficult time,im so sorry for your loss.XXX
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Jayne, I think we have a DogLost in heaven now, but its called DogReunited and I can see Hermie at the gate directing them all to where they are supposed to be! I know this pain is so bad and I know too that you long to be with Hermie, but he is forever with you. You are only separated physically, for a time. A love like that knows no bounds. Wouldn't mind betting that DogLost will go from strength to strength in a big way as there is now a famous doggie angel in heaven pulling some strings! God bless you and little Hermie. x
So sorry Jayne to hear about your dear Hermie, her legacy will definitely live on x x x x
Heartfelt sympathy to you Jayne x Run free at the bridge sweet Hermie xx
Jayne - this is such sad news but Hermie knew love and gave love and will always be remembered, not by just those close to her but by all the many other fur babies she helped through DogLost. RIP Hermie. Enjoy playing with all our babies. ~Carole x
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Jayne, I am so sorry, run free at the bridge Hermie. Your legacy will live on forever gorgeous girl, many of us have so much to thank you for. Jayne, thinking of you. x x x
ZZ - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Thinking of you, Jayne. Your little girl will be in your heart forever. She is woven into the fabric of your soul, and the celebration of her life is Doglost. Every dog reunited is a triumph for Hermie. Run free at the bridge, little girl.
My thoughts and heartfelt best wishes are with you Jayne at this terribly sad time - rum free at The Bridge Hermie with all your mates - without you we wouldn't have DogLost and I personally wouldn't have met so many wonderful people - your legacy will live on. Sleep well little girl.
Sympathy to you Jayne, losing a pet, whichever way, is so painful. Hermie will have found all his doggy pals at The Bridge, and be playing joyfully in the sunshine til he is reunited with you. Til then, thankyou from us all for the site, the friends, and the opportunity to help each other face the loss of a pet in company of like-minded folk. Night night dear Hermie. x
Border Girl
I am so sorry to hear the sad news about Hermie. Try to rejoice in the happy times you shared together, even though your heart is heavy at this time. We only borrow them and then they return to the angels.
So sorry to read this but Hermie did not die in vain did she? From your arms into Gods, where she will be looking down on you for evermolre. RIP Hermie. And then go play at the bridge with your friends. Night nightxxx
Said I wasn't going to cry today but here we go again... so sorry for your loss Jayne.. you and Hermie spent many happy times together so hoping this helps you through your loss... thinking of you xxx
So sorry to hear your sad news, please remember Jayne, Hermie will never leave you he is just a thought away. sending you the big hug Jan x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Jayne thinking of you and Hermie at this very sad time. Sending you a big hug. Jan x

Run free at the Bridge and sweet dreams Hermie you will live on in memory through DogLost.


My best friend closed her eyes last night,
As her head was in my hand.
The Doctors said she was in pain,
And it was hard for her to stand.

The thoughts that scurried through my head,
As I cradled her in my arms.
Were of her younger, puppy years,
And OH...her many charms.

Today, there was no gentle nudge
With an intense "I love you gaze",
Only a heart thats filled with tears
Remembering our joy filled days.

But an Angel just appeared to me,
And he said, "You should cry no more,
GOD also loves our canine friends,
HE's installed a 'doggy-door"!
Run free Hermie - this site has opened my eyes and through it I have made many very good friends. We have shared many a tear and a smile over many a dog on here xx
Sorry to hear of this sad news, my thoughts are with you xxx
Jack Russell 4
Run free at the bridge little girl xxx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
So, so sad. Sandie's comment has summed it all up really. Without Hermie we wouldn't have this wonderful site and she was so lucky to have you with her at the end Jane. Sending you a big hug xx
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Thinking of you at such a sad time Jayne. Run Free at the Rainbow Bridge Hermie x
I am so very sorry. Thinking of you Jayne at this sad time x
Run free at the Bridge dear Hermie. I'll light a candle and raise a glass in your memory.
Look for the brightest star in the sky tonight. That will be Herme telling you she's ok and is watching over you.xx
hello janey
Jayne,,I am so sorry to hear of your sad loss,,this site has been unbelievable in the helping of others through the first stages of a lost dog to the last,,whatever the outcome may be. you should be very proud of what you and Hermie have achieved,,and now your precious runs free at the rainbow bridge with my Alfie and all the other furbabies, thinking of you Annabel xx
Dear Jayne, my thoughts and love are with you at this very sad time. May Hermie meet up with all the others that she/you helped over at the bridge.
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Jayne,you were there for Hermie right until the end.You & Hermie made this website what it is. I will light a candle & raise a glass for you dear Hermie.
Run free sweetheart. xx
My heart goes out to you. You loved Hermie to the end and were able to hold her and give her peace, the last act of kindness we can show our beloved pets in this world.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Oh Sandie,that was lovely. You're making me cry now. I certainly will be thinking of Hermie and Jayne as I was last night. Jayne, nothing can comfort you at a time like this but Hermie has left a legacy which has brought comfort to so many people through Doglost and through you. God bless and keep that wee girl in his loving arms. Sending big hugs and loving thoughts at this very sad time. How wonderful that you were there to spend your last moments together. xx
I am so sorry Jayne for your loss, Hermie left this world in your arms surrounded with love and I know that you will draw comfort and strength from that moment in time.

Hermie leaves a legacy which Jayne has struggled hard to build, sacrificing many things along the way,to build this net-working site which has one common interest and brings together people who truly love their animals and give freely of their time and support for one another to find a reunite our missing and stolen dogs, something which everyone here should be proud of being a part of.

In parting this life Hermie has formed many friendships and tonight folks please raise a glass and light a candle for her.

Jayne, our thoughts and love are with you and we are all here for you xx

so sorry jayne.... hermie will be running free at the bridge now... thinking of you
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
Jayne there are no words to say what an inspiration Hermie has been. Thank you for doing what you do, for the dogs, for the owners and for Hermie. Thinking of you today - run free Hermie and look over all those dogs who don't make it safely home. xxx
Jayne, you know I am here whenever you need me be it for email alerts or a chat, you are an amazing person in both respects and I am so sad for you at this time. I have told you many times that Yoda is more than enough dog for a person and that I am happy to share him :( Hermie was beautiful and I can only imagine how hard this is for you. Run free Hermie with all of your Frenchie friends at the bridge, all my love, Caroline, Sam and Yoda xxx
So sorry to hear this news. By now Hermie will be happily playing with all the other beloved pets at Rainbow Bridge. I hope she finds my Jacob, he will take care of her.She may have been only little but with your help she has done a huge amount of good. Until you meet again.
My thoughts are with you at this very sad time. Have fun at the bridge, Hermie - you've many friends there who have been grateful for your help. Sweet dreams little girl. xx
thinking of you at this sad time. it is so heartbreaking to lose a dear pet and friend. sweet dreams hermie xx
Helen, area co-ordinator for Norfolk and Suffolk is away at the moment but she has asked me to to send her condolences to Jayne at this sad time. RIP Hermie.
What a wonderful and beautiful life you shared together, what warm, funny and endearing memories you will have that will help you smile through the tears, laugh through the pain and remember Hermie for the very best friend you ever had.

I have no doubt your heart aches so much it hurts and I am truly sorry for your pain, though truly happy that yours and Hermie's lives were enriched by each other.

Goodnight and Sweet Dreams dear Hermie x
Run free little one, look after your mum. Love and light x
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
My thoughts are with you Jayne at this time. Run free at the bridge sweet Hermie, you will live on forever in the legacy that you have left behind. Sweet dreams little one xx
Thinking of you at this sad time x
So sorry to hear this. Every dog that goes into the Reunited section is because of you Hermie, a tribute to your legacy. RIP little girl.
So sad little Hermie has gone to the bridge. Sweet dreams you will never be forgotten.
im so sorry referring to hermie as male sorry little girl thomasina x
jayne i am so very sorry to hear about hermie without him and your determination this website wouldnt be and all these dogs wouldnt have been re united sleep well little one my thoughts are with you hermie and with you jayne thomasina xx
Run free little Hermy, always to be remembered. My thoughts are with you, Jayne.
My thoughts are with you Jayne x A big thank you to Hermie for being the inspiration for Doglost and helping so many people and their doggies. Sleep tight precious girl xxx
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
So very sorry to hear this news. She has left us all a great legacy with this website and I know how welcome she'll have been made at Rainbow Bridge. My thoughts are with you Jayne. love Sylv xx
I'm so very sorry Jayne to hear that your beloved Hermie has gone to the bridge.
She will go on helping other dogs for many years to come because of this wonderful website.
run free sweet girl xxx
Thinking of you Jayne at this very sad time x
My thoughts are with you Jayne, god bless little Hermie, run free at the bridge sweetheart xx
Very sad news and so very sorry to Jayne. All those babies which have been reunited couldn't have been done without you Little Hermie, and your mammy - your memory will live on. Sweet dreams darling and run free at the bridge. xxxLast edited: 2011-06-14 09:59:59 by Vizsla55
So sorry Jayne. Sweet dreams Hermie XX
What sad news. I'm so sorry Jayne, my heart goes out to you.

R.I.P sweet little Hermie, your memory will live on the legacy of DogLost. Run free at Rainbow Bridge sweetheart xx
I am so sorry Jayne. RIP Hermie at the bridge. Liz xxLast edited: 2011-06-14 09:31:52
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Many of you have all been helped over the years by founder of doglost Jayne.
Yesterday sadly her beloved Hermie passed away in her arms.

It was the theft of Hermie that led Jayne to create this site and i am sure that all of you would wish to express heartfelt sympathy at her very sad loss.

Hermie leaves behing a wonderful legacy in that without her there would be no dog lost so her memory will live on forever with this site.


you were much loved and will be sadly missed.

Drone SAR

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