Reunited: Black With White Border Collie Female

  • Dog ID 30145
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 02 Jun 2011
  • Name CLOUD
  • Gender & Breed Female Border Collie (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black with White
  • Marks & Scars None
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 30 May 2011
  • Where Lost Cornwall - Polzeath Nr to Wadebridge & Padstow
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area PL27
  • Date Found 02 Aug 2011
  • Date Reunited 05 Aug 2011
  • Other Info Wearing a RED collar. hometown is blackpool but the dog ran away in Cornwall when we were out as someone came in and scared the dog and she ran out of the door.
  • Listed By JoeCloud
  • Views 14743
  • CLOUDPoster Image
  • CLOUDExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
What lovely photos - I like the pair of them together! :-)
She is looking like she's never been away.... so happy for you all, did read she was on her way home the other day but couldn't access a computer to say how pleased I was for you all.... goes to show, never give up hope. You stay safe now little lady no more adventures xxx
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Beautiful photos, so pleased this gorgeous girl is finally back home where she belongs. DogLost Rocks!!! Stay safe now Cloud :)))xx
Lovely photos, so please for you xx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Great pics. So pleased to see her home : ))))
So pleased to read your good news x
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
Pc down and only just seen this. Tears of Joy for you. Absolutely wonderful. We never give our dogs credit for survival but they are much more capable than we are. Welcome home little one, you look so happy and relaxed
Thank you for the re-united photo's. So lovely to see her settled as if nothing had happened.
Photos have been uploaded, top one of Cloud in her favourite seat and below of both the dogs 'Cloud' and 'Breeze' waiting for a treat x
Reunited photos sent to admin email

Cloud is happy and settled and apart from a tendancy to scavenge, is completely back to her old self. Unbelievable. So for those still looking dont give up
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
We want reunited photos...
Fantastic news and well done everyone, just shows what survivor's dogs are.. clever girl Cloudx... Give's so much hope to us all still looking for our special friends.
Such excellent news. So glad Cloud is safe and well and back home... They are very resourceful. Welcome back home Cloud :)
Now this has made my day!!!!!!Welcome Home Beautiful Cloud!!!
Wonderful news , so great to have a happy ending......She is beautiful......its gives others hope to never give up.Welcome home Cloud.....xx
Wonderful ending..Im so happy for the family, such a beautiful dog..WELCOME HOME CLOUD :)xxx
Sitting here in tears.What a wonderful tale(tail).Just had to read this the whole way through in amazement of people,s strength,resilience and utter kindness.Cloudy,dog and owner well done.Welcome home!!! xxxxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Such a lovely update from Cloud's mummy! Miracles do happen and they happen a lot on this site. Cloud is now one of them! God bless you all. x
Lovely update , dogs are special arnt they and they know a thing or two
Welcome home gorgeous girl xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The bestest news ever!!! I'm so glad she's home - I'm so glad you didn't give up hope. Welcome home gorgeous!! xxx
What a lovely post on here from Clouds mum. She is so beautiful and back home safe where she belongs. Look forward to photo, let us know if you cant put on and we can do for you. Give her a hug from me please.
absolutely fantastic news welcome home girl xxx
aaah so nice, a few tears of joy here for you all...welcome home Cloud xxx
:-) :-) so pleased she is back to normal so quick my eyes watering again! look forward to the pics xx
What brilliant news! Border collies seem to have extremely good survival instincts (just look at Eva - reunited after five months on the run). Happy endings all round! Welcome home beautiful Cloud - stay safe now xx
That's so lovely, what a happy ending. Welcome home Cloud you beautiful girl xxx.
Dear all
She's home and its the most wonderful feeling. we cant belive it we got back and 11pm we left at 4am so a long day, but oh so worth it. We had considered staying over, but when we intially picked her up she was so woebegone, we wanted to get her home and just love her. As we traveled the dog we know started to unfurl it was lovely by the time we got home, she was almost back to her old self it was remarkable. She met her mate, Breeze like she had just nipped out for a couple of hours and they are already in their usual routine. We have had so many people calling and she greets them as she always does, barking till they get indoors then a big fussy waddle of her whole body tail going like mad. The night before we went to pick her up my husband came down with her lead, he had hidden it way but didnt lose hope. i now need to confess i thought i had lost her for good and it was only all of you and your positive attitudes that kept me going i was desolate. i only hope that our positive experience keeps others going, its hard to believe that they can fair so well without us, but Cloud is absoulte proff that they are a LOT smarter than we think
I cant upload pics yet having trouble with the how to do it part, smart daughter home soon so will send Thank you thank thamk you all again. i will stay in touch and keeping an eye on Oscar
What brilliant news!!!! So pleased for everyone concerned & once again, special thanks to all of those individuals who made it happen. Now stay safe Cloud & enjoy a fun but peaceful life! xx
Have just spoken to Clouds owner and she is home. They drove from Blackpool to Cornwall and back yesterday and so are very tired. Cloud is absoloutely fine. Owner is going to post an update later on and add re-united photos.
Im all excited as Cloud will be reunited with her family very soon. Cant wait to see pics. Welcome back Cloud x
I too cant wait to see the photos. Wonderful person Mark is to care so much. gives hope to so many others still missing on DoOglost. Welcome home.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I echo helper Bazil's sentiments. What a wonderful trio! Felicity should be commended for being such an efficient RSPCA officer; Mark, what a great & caring person to do this on holiday and Adrian, a good example of what all dog wardens should be. So glad these three were in that area. You deserve medals! Cloudy, thank you so much for sharing that story - we always like to know how our missing site dogs get captured/found. That was a story of determination and love for a lost dog, who is lost no more. x
Yes!! This is the sort of news we always hope for! So pleased for Cloud and her family.
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
What a heartwarming story, well done Mark. It gives us hope for our other missing dogs locally like Oscar and Sky that we are trying so hard to find. Looking forward to seeing the reunited photos xxx
Julie B
This is just fantastic news. I am so pleased that Cloud will soon be on her way back home with her family. Julie x
Thats just so wonderful that Mark took time out on his holidays to observe and continue to feed her. Well done to Mark, Adrian and Felicity. What a lovely successful ending xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
this is what happened, the lovely dog warden Adrian was phoned by a holidaymaker called Mark on Tuesday 17th July who alerted him to the fact that there was a collie that was living in bushes on the cliff top above Lusty Glaze beach. He told him that he had seen it there over several days and that it was living on scavenged scraps and that he had put out food for it. On the 18th Adrian and a colleague investigated and located where Cloud had been lying up and spent a couple of hours observing and charting her movements. Mark very kindly agreed to continue to feed her at specified intervals.
After several days of Cloud being disturbed by curious members of the public she disappeared. He contacted an RSPCA officer, Felicity, she very kindly lent them her cage trap and they continued to monitor the area until they had fresh sightings. On checking her records she also gave the Warden a possible dog, namely cloud. Cloud returned to the area on Monday 1st August when they put into action a plan to capture her. Yesterday (2nd), by careful manoeuvring they were happily successful. will of course send masses of pictures on Friday xxxxx
Wow what brilliant news, seems to not be listed in reunited yet.
Wow! What brilliant pleased Cloud has been found. Can't wait to read how and see a reunited photie. Well done everyone. xx
Hoping and wishing Meg (29387)lost up at Cresswell will also be found soon. She too was lost while owners where on holiday, they live nearly 300 miles away
WOW what fantastic news!!!! Bet you can't wait to get her home, can't wait to see a reunited pic. Really would love to see Oscar and Sky reunited now! Well done everyone x
I'm sooooooooo very pleased this lovely girl has been found safe and well. My eyes are all watery too :-) . Oscars turn now!! xxx
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
Wonderful...lots of tears of joy...welcome home little one.
Superb news to read that Cloud has been found. Well done to all. A sigh of relief for her owners. Cant wait to see the reunited photo. Take care all. xxx
What great news!! Im so pleased to read that she will be home xxx
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Fantastic news. So pleased Cloud is on her way to being reunited - woo hoo :)x
Brilliant news. Liz xx
Thanks ESSJ, sorry didn't see that post, my fault. Thanks for sorting.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Over the moon with this news. I will update the Facebook page and look forward to her reunited news and pictures. So pleased for you x
BRILLIANT NEWS. So pleasewd for Cloud and her owner. Can't wait to see the reunited photo.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
So pleased to see Cloud is home, well done to everyone who helped to reunite her. Welcome home Cloud you lovely girl xxx
Fantastic news ! So happy for you, just brilliant !! xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh, I'm over the moon! So VERY, VERY pleased! Well done to those involved in helping Cloud and her owner all the way down there in Cornwall. You have all been so tremendous! Each and every one of you has helped in some way. And as Cloudy has said, you have all be so kind. Bless you all. I am so happy! And I bet Breezy will be ecstatic to have his girl back home too! Owner, you never gave up hope and here she is, your baby's back. xLast edited: 2011-08-02 22:08:12 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
sorry Owl, moved her back to lost as per ZZ's post below, but bumped her to top so everyone can see she is found xxx
The best news cant wait for reunited photo. Beautiful dog. Welcome home.
It seems that you were all so excited that none of you stopped jumping up and down long enough to move her over to the Reunited section LOL! So I have just done it. Great news, that's 2 back in 2 days who have been on the run for 2 months.
Michelle Oscars mum
So so happy for you Jackie. Your more than welcome to stay over at my place when you come down to collect Cloud. Would love to meet you all xxxx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Wonderful, wonderful news!!!! Just read Jane's post on Oscar's Facebook page. So pleased for Cloud's owners!! Come on Oscar, your turn now. Big hugs to Cloud xx
Just FANTASTIC news. Sooooo happy . Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa. x
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Just heard this fantastic news too. Brilliant brilliant news. I'm so pleased. xxx
So glad this has had a happy ending xx
ZZ - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Owner has just called me - this is just the best news - and a massive thank you and well done to all those involved. Owner would prefer that we didn't show as reunited until they really are all reunited.
Well done everyone...fab news. Will let twitter folk know.
Thank you all for your help and lovely comments. Cloudy has been FOUND safe and well in Newquay. We're going to get her to bring her home soon!!! The dog warden has said she is safe and well. Thank you all again i have never experienced such kindness and will continue to monitor the site for dogs lost in my area and support others. For those of you who are looking for a lost dog, i never belived it was possible but it is DONT GIVE UP HOPE
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Traps need to manned 24/7 if they remain in situe. Dogs have to go wild to survive and they become very good at it as their instincts kick in, so it could well be Cloud. Anyone reading this, please do everything you can for Cloud - she needs you with her owner so far away. Bless you for caring. x
I have been in contact with the RSPCA (a lovely lady called Felicity) and a black and white collie has been seen in the Lusty Blaze area, the man has been feeding her and the RSPCA and Wardens are contuniing to leave food, but it may be foxes/badgers that are taking it, there is also evidence of capture of small birds, which i guess could be her, she certainly chases Gulls on the Beach though never caught any.
The RSPCA did set a trap but couldnt leave it for fear of theft the beach is one that dogs are banned so hopefully if she goes there she will be easily spotted. I will keep up the pressure and keeping everything crossed its so frustrating being 300 miles away

i have contacted someone via the website for Lusty Glaze and sent a poster, which she has agreed to upt up and pass on to others
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Sounds very good, Cloudy! Please post on here what details you find so we can get people looking down there. x
apparently a man on a months holiday has been leaving food out for a collie fitting Clouds discription in the Newquay area.
He only spoke to the RSPCA the night before he went home. it has a tag and collar, but he was unable to catch it. the RSPCA went out last night to lay traps. no news yet. i am not sure about the area so will try to get more information to share.
Julie B
This morning are doing an appeal for lost dogs on tomorrows show. Their email address is, they need a picture of the dog and some back ground info about where it went missing etc. It needs to be sent to them by 6pm today.
I hope that you get some good news soon. Julie x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Collies are very resiliant and clever at hiding. We just need to have some more sightings and then we can catch her. How are the posters doing? Maybe they need revamping and or renewing? Maybe something like "Still missing" "possibly in this area" kinda thing, just to keep people alert. We can update the poster if you want. Can any helpers help with the re-postering? Thank you. x Last edited: 2011-07-26 22:37:17 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
trying to ring Philip, but think its the same dog i have preiously enquired about. the sighting lifted our spirits and your responses are great. i have contacted the ambulance and the RSPCA in that area with posters and the lovely man on his motorbike is drving around the area, though she isnt likely to go to him at least he can let us know of any sightings
I could be wrong but I think quite a bit of the porth reservoir nearby is restricted for dogs because of the wild fowl . Maybe worth checking out. We are going to nearby harlyn bay for a few days next week and will be looking out. Hope she shows herself again soon Xx Last edited: 2011-07-20 08:50:37 by angi
21st Jun 2011, Collie Dog, Polsue Manor Farm, Tresillian, Truro
Black and white rough haired collie dog.
Contact Philip Stead on 07817501544 JUST A THOUGHT?
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Good info Suziewoo! Excellent. Come on Cloudy baby, home darling. x
I really hope it is her & that you get her home safe & sound very soon. Eva, the missing collie who was on the run for 5 months in RH1 went nocturnal but slept in safe areas during the day. You need to find out where she hangs out - somewhere where she is not likely to be disturbed by other dogs. Eva was staying in a private school's grounds & also the grounds of the company Canon. Both places were not open to members of the public or their dogs. Is there anywhere like that in the area where Cloud has been seen? Everything crossed that you get her home very soon xx
Have put this out on Facebook again with poster details and possible sighting. Will email around again later.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Asked for any helpers in this area on Facebook group. Also handed poster to client who is on holiday for two weeks in this area.
ZZ - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
The possible sighting was at Colon Woods, popular with runners, and with shelter, food and water sources for a running dog. Now trying to get posters up through the woods and on the approach roads. Can anyone from that area offer help?
ZZ - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I am seeking more information on the location. We have Colon woods, and Colan Barton, both very near Newquay!
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh, so she could have go nocturnal which explains why there have few sightings. If the ambulance night crews are made aware and any other singers, night clubbers out that way? Peraps target any shift workers in the area. And as you say, Cloudy, a collie on its own at that time in the morning is probably lost. Sounds like it could well be Cloud. Everything crossed. Any helpers who are on shifts out there?
Michelle Oscars mum
I work in Newquay so will keep a look out for her. So happy she has been sighted will send an email of poster to St Francis home for dogs.
Bumped due to sightings.
A panicky collie was spotted on the Newquay road near the Colon turning near the layby, where Ambualnces park waiting for a call. This happened yesterday at 1.30 am spotted by a man returning home from work as a singer. he then saw a poster in a pet shop and rang us Please could you look in that area, it seems quite postive if its not our Cloud the dog could be soemone elses so please continue to help
Cloudy just text.........a collie was spotted near Newquay darting into bushes at 1am...motorist couldnt stop but saw posters so rang. So going to add #Newquay as placename on twitter + tweet a few locals.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
We never give up hope on DogLost. Only recently a dog was reunited after being found miles away and after three years! We want Cloudy back home way before that, like NOW, so come on Cloudy where are you sweetie? I bet someone has taken her in and one day, something will happen and you'll get the call. Tell Breezy we're all still trying and we'll never give looking for her sister. God Bless you all. x
No she hasnt been found, thanks everyone for keeping on helping and thank you Moogie for theoffer tosend a friend with a picture. I rang the man in Truro it was a male dog from a local farm, so back with the owner. Breezy our other dog is still a bit woeful and he doesnt run round without her, its so sad
Don't think so!!
Has Cloud been found?
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I have a client going on holiday in a couple of weeks to Polzeath. I have already told her about Cloud and will hand her a poster to take with her when I see her next.
ZZ - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
We were told that the dog found in Truro was male, which is why we didn't make owner aware.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
So hope it is! Cloudy, I understand. Just keep searching and doing your best to find her, she will will understand. Dogs are telepathic so tell her you love her and she will hear you wherever she is. x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
hope its her...had an e mail this morning from a helper who had seen details of a found dog not so far away on the net.
Thankyou for your continued searching, its so amazing that everyone is still looking. its so quiet without her, i will never moan again about her barking. My otherdog is so sweet but so quiet. The hardest thing is the feeling of having let her down andof course not kning if she is OK
Have spoken to the owner this morning and she is going to check oout the dog found in Truro.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Any news????
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Has anyone looked into this collie found in Truro? Have owners been made aware? Last edited: 2011-07-01 11:15:34 by Angus
a black and white collie found Truro
Have just seen this. Hope Cloud is found soon. Come on Cloud show yourself, your owners are missing you lots. Keep safe until thenxx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
My daughter will be holidaying down there next week and will be doing lots of walking with her boyfriend, so I've given her posters of Cloud, Sky (28278) and Oscar (28036). Hope you get some positive news soon xx
Michelle Oscars mum
Thats really good news. I'll send a poster to Wadebridge School to put up on their notice board cos that is on Govena Hill. Some of the children may has seen her and not known it.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I hope owners can plot a circuit now with at least two points known, where she was lost and here. Come on Cloud baby, find a nice person to say hello to.
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Bumping due to sighting as requested.Please share this girl wherever you can.
Julie B
Has there been a sighting of Cloud ? I think about this little girl every day. Julie x
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Could you bump this due to sighting?
Approx 2 weeks ago I saw a collie near the Rock/Polzeath roundabout in Wadebridge, at the entrance of the St Matthews Hill estate. The dog was on it's own and after passing in the car it ran down Govena Hill heading into town. As it was so quick we were unable to see where it had gone. It looked very similar to the picture. Hoping this helps in the search. Last edited: 2011-06-15 21:53:10 by Angus
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Have posters been sent to all known farms etc in this area? Wish I were closer to help.
Lizard Kennels
No news I am afraid but just to let you know Clouds details are circulating around the 'dog people' in Cornwall via email.
My mother made an account as well, but ive put details linking to this page on the one she made, sorry for any confusion and thankyou so much for all the support and help, will let everyone know about any news regarding her xxx
Cloud should return to the last place she was with her owner on the walk, or if taken by car, to where the car was parked to go for the walk. she should "scent" her way back.
Rang owner + his daughter may have registered as well....I did explain that her first reg 30145 is getting lots of views, tweets from local cornish folk. Owner said thanks very much for all the support he really does appreciate it.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Any news from owner?
Still tweeting Cloud on twitter and he is being rewteeted which doesnt show up on here. Word is getting round.
Great Idea michelle, really really hope it brings you all news! x
Michelle Oscars mum
I'm off to the Royal Cornwall Show tomorrow to hand out fliers for Oscar, so will print some more Cloud posters off and hand them out too. As the Show is at Wadebridge there should be plently of local people there. I do hope this will help and bring some news for you. xx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Has Cloud been put in all local newspapers with regards to her missing?
Julie B
I cant stop thinking about Cloud being down in Cornwall all on her own. Have there been any sightings of her ? I only wish I was closer so that I could help. Please stay safe gorgeous girl - go to someone so that they can help you get back home to your family. Julie xx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Email from one member of Network Cornwall:
'  I live at Colliford Lake and will keep an eye out in case she wanders this way.'

Wish I was closer to help put posters up. Come on cloud, please go to someone ...
Michelle Oscars mum
Hi Jackie, I have posted Clouds poster out with my Oscar's to about 30 vets across Cornwall today got some more to post tomorrow. Hope this helps. Michelle x
Sorry I am too far away but really hope there are some more sightings soon. Liz xxLast edited: 2011-06-07 23:05:24
Thank you so much for spreading the word Moogie your help is really appreciated. Let's hope and pray that Cloud is caught soon.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Just sent email to all Network Cornwall members explaining that Cloud is missing and to spread the word with link to here for posters etc. This has gone to approx 2800 people. Hoping there's a sighting soon.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Come on sweetie, you need to find a nice person to go to who'll help you get back home! x
Will share on f/b and i hope Cloud is home soon...
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Anyone circulated it on network Cornwall? Emails are sent to around 2000 plus people. If not I'll try to do it tomorrow Last edited: 2011-06-06 23:05:50 by Moogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Hi, shared on FB and sending poster e-mail, I am in Cornwall.

Hi have posted on Facebook and will send around e-mail co9ntacts asking all to cross post.

DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I've added cloud to my facebook page and twitter. Hope someone manages to find her. Anymore sightings?
Have not put postcode on twitter just #Polzeath #Cornwall....tweeted link to a few locals. Have now added #Wadebridge #Padstow.

Thanx Bill please keep an eye out.
Postcode area says/said PL2 which is not listed for POLZEATH so have changed to PL27 hope thats correct now?

Good Luck!Last edited: 2011-06-06 14:31:32 by Reynard
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I am so sorry you have had to come back home and what a terrible situation to be in. You need to find someone down there to act for you. Looking at this site, you have some nice people down there. You need to plot the sightings, so you can see if a course presents itself. You need then to patrol or sit and watch at these places. A sighting means you are half way there, but without your presence you need others to trap her - I say trap because that may be what you will need, without you there. Cloud may be scared to go others, so you need to liaise with your co-ordinator and helpers down there to see how they can catch her without scaring her off again. It can be done! Well done to all of you very kind people helping out - Cloud needs you and her Dad needs you. Please keep going. You CAN do this! x
I live right opposite Polzeath across the estuary at Hawkers Cove and will be putting your poster on the North Cornwall coastal footpath
Have put Cloud on twitter + will circulate.
So sorry to hear about Cloud. Ignore malicious , unhelpful people and concentrate on being positive. Although I'm near Liskeard, my sons spend a lot of time around the north coast area working and surfing, so they will look out for her and spread the word. Jann xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
poster e mailed to helpers in PL27,28,29,30.
Michelle Oscars mum
Polzeath is PL27 area as it comes under Wadebridge postcode. Can you please inform helpers in the PL26/PL27/PL28 area's.
In my experience farmer's wouldn't shoot a Collie dog as they are classed as a working breed, they heard sheep. Please try to ignore these nasty people they don't deserve your time to even think about it. I do some clerical work for a farmer around that area so I will give them a call when back at work and as them to spread to word that Cloud is missing. Farmers seems to have their own little community so word will get around quickly. Try to stay positive x
So sorry to hear about Cloud going missing. Can you confirm lost location as postcode listed is Pl2 which is a plymouth location but it says she was missing in Polzeath cornwall which is pl27 I think. Poster alerts may not have gone to helpers nearest x
Julie B
How cruel can people be to send a text like that. I am so glad that you have had sightings of Cloud and I really hope she is caught safely very soon so that she can be back home with her family. Julie x
Thanks everyone for the support, and help, theres been sightings, but know one has managed to get her yet. it was horrible having to come back without her, but thanks again to everyone being so nice and helpfull xx
How awful to receive a text like that. I hope this is not the case and she will be found soon. Liz xx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I am so sorry Cloud is missing and it must be devastating for you to go home without her. I wish I were closer to help and hope there are some more people to help spread the word. Lots if luck in finding her and hoping she's back home soon. Stay positive.
There was a sighting of a BC today but owner also got a text saying she had killed a sheep and was shot at 10pm yesterday. Police are looking into it and owner will let me know the outcome.
Michelle Oscars mum
I have also put his on facebook pages and asked people to cross post it. When I next go to Daymer Bay (a dog walking beach) I will pop a poster on a notice board for you. It must be very hard for you to have to leave for home tomorrow and leave your girl. We will keep a look out for her and if anyone finds her, she can come to stay with us until you can pick her up. I will be posting out some new Oscar posters to vets soon 50+ of them, so I will print Clouds posters off too and send them together. Try to stay positive. Michelle x
Would it help to poster the motorway stations along the M5? There are a lot of holiday makers at the moment travelling back from Cornwall and this could spark someones memory if they have seen her or stop anyone taking her out of the area if they have taken her in.
HAve 'liked' and posted on some 'cornwall' facebook pages.... :)
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
The most important thing you can do is poster everything, NOW. She will most likely stay around, or come back to, that area where she was lost. Leave something of yours, that smells like you in the area, or lots of little bits of something of yours all over there, to keep her there. You may need to poster a mile or so in every direction, or more if you can, but ensure the area she was lost in, is well covered. Lots of dog lovers in Cornwall, they will remember her. Even if she is running scared, she will probably work her way back there at some point. Poster, poster, poster! You can get her back, just keep doing everything you can. Once someone sees her poster. and another, and another - they will remember and you will get a sighting - then you're half way there! You can do this.
Beautiful dog, will advise if needed
I love the name cloud - we had a dog at Dogs for the Disabled called cloud - hope she is found soon. Liz xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
poster e mailed to helpers in PL 1,2,3,4,5

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All donations go towards running the website, maintaining the helpline and keeping DogLost free to all dog owners!


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This is the new GENUINE X account for DogLost.


Our Partners, have created a new Lost and Found Pet Locator. Enter a postcode, choose distance radius, status, species and gender to search