Reunited: Black And Tan, Brindle Legs German Shepherd Cross Male

  • Dog ID 26013
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 06 Nov 2010
  • Name MAX
  • Gender & Breed Male German Shepherd Cross (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour black and tan, Brindle legs
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 04 Nov 2010
  • Where Lost Mitcham Eastfields
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area CR4
  • Date Reunited 11 Dec 2010
  • Other Info Friendly but may be nervous, quite slim build not wearing collar.
  • Listed By fbailey
  • Views 2420
  • MAXPoster Image
  • MAXExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Here is the full story from Lisa Clark at New Hope Animal Rescue. Lisa and Niall really are such wonderful people that i am very proud to call my true friends! There are not that many people like them that go that extra mile to save the animals.
Buds Mum
Great news, so pleased Max is safe, well done to everyone involved
This is fantastic news. I'm so pleased this boy is now safe. Well done to all.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Great Max is on his way back home to his family. WELL DONE and THANK YOU to everyone who made this possible. Welcome home Max. Jan x
Watersinger - thanks for the update on Max - he had certainly travelled a fair way from where he first went missing . Big thanks to you & Chris for getting him into the trap finally and gor everyone who had been keeping eyes peeled for this lovely lad .
Majorjet - thanks for the alert on the great news x
Max was trapped tonight in Greenhithe kent by myself and chris from alfieslostdogs ... he will be reunited tomorrow with his overjoyed owner ... We responded to an appeal on facebook asking people to keep their eyes open for this dog ... after 2 hours he gave up and went into the tra where he was then picked up by the dartford dog warden and lisa from new hope rescue .. both of whom had been out for 2 nights previously tryin to trap this dog
Still no news on max. Hoping he's ok. Any news or sightings please let me know
It's thought that he has been following the train line to get around. I Have informed local vets.
Have you been checking with all the local vets incase someone has taken him in for treatment and the surgery has not scanned him for a chip or not found his chip for any reason - vets can be found in the link under the latest missing poster in the top right hand side of the page
No nothing for the last 2 days :(
Any news or sighting of Max?
I went over to South Norwood Country Park and the surrounding parks/green this morning, wander around for three hours and no sign of Max. If he is still around that area, is it a good idea to leave some scent (either his bed or owner's clothing) for him? If he is injure, he can't be far and he needs security.
I am very close to South Norwood Country park and Lower Addiscombe road, if you need any assistance please let me know. 07876361880/01689848101
Dog WardenCroydonDogWarden
Hiya. I had three reports for this dog. One of him in Grange Park on the evening of Sunday 7th, one in Lower Addiscombe road, then one in Croydon Sports Arena where I tried to catch him and he jumped over the fence into South Norwood Country Park. He is quite badly limping. Looking at Max's photo, I'm pretty sure it's him but I could be wrong of course. I will let you know if i have any more reports of sightings and you can meet me where he is, that way, if it is Max, he will come straight to you, rather than be scared off by myself trying to catch him.
But is very scared and injured
But is very scared and injured
He was apparently seen jumping out of croydon sports arena into south norwood county park. Thanks for your help lian
Oh! Look like he has travel quite a distance now! I knew there are a couple of parks around that area. I will be down with my dogs to have a look tomorrow morning.
no luck in response to dog wardens info , hope he turns up soon
have called croydon dog warden awaiting reply, but looking at the map not sure how he would have got to lower addiscome road without being seen its a very long way across central croydon
I have taken a look at the map and from your cofirmed sightings I would think that he is using the cover on the trees off Commonside East by the Ecology centre to move around - there is water source in the shape of a large pond with what looks like 'beaches' which would make drinking easy he can then easily access the points marked with out showing himself too much - please follow up the sighting mentioned by the croydon dog warden as if he has been clipped y a car this may sow him down a bit
Dog WardenCroydonDogWarden
Sorry, not golf course, the american golf shop.
Dog WardenCroydonDogWarden
Hi there. I had a call this morning from a member of public who had seen a German Shepherd hit by a car and was limping. This was about 8.30am on lower addiscombe road, near the golf course, this morning. I took a drive down but couldn't see anything. The dog was described as dark in colouring and frightened. It's a long shot but could be your girl??
i think this is most likely the way he went sightings are in order didnt know how to map times,-0.1527378+to:51.3958942,-0.1378468+to:Chestnut+Grove,+Mitcham+CR4,+United+Kingdom+to:Elm+Gardens,+Merton+to:51.39589,-0.137+to:Commonside+East,+Merton+to:51.4039041,-0.1568674+to:51.404838,-0.1560013+to:Grove+Rd&geocode=FdpwEAMdoKP9_ylVjSuPQgZ2SDE6e3pvZqIbwA%3BFSxTEAMdX6v9_ylFmwcvRQZ2SDGRa7mqLa4OEw%3BFTY9EAMdiuX9_ylVt1fk-AZ2SDHAnbmqLa4OEw%3BFQ1CEAMdXvb9_ykJYFoM-gZ2SDELR__MiA2XFw%3BFVNJEAMdIfH9_yndNAP7-QZ2SDF-AhL5Fl8yNg%3BFTI9EAMd2Oj9_yk7vgUb-QZ2SDEwnrmqLa4OEw%3BFYBKEAMdhML9_yldidj5RAZ2SDFsFlAPEvTF0g%3BFYBcEAMdPZv9_ynDajsSRAZ2SDFRZBs5xoUREw%3BFSZgEAMdn579_ymjqWqJQwZ2SDHQ-742xoUREw%3BFV5cEAMdKZv9_w&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=3&mrsp=8&sz=15&via=1,2,5,7,8&dirflg=w&sll=51.402499,-0.145311&sspn=0.021686,0.038581&ie=UTF8&z=15Last edited: 2010-11-08 09:16:54 by fbailey
fbailey - can you try to plot these sightings . times and movement of travel if possioble on a map you can use google or pen and paper and then take a look at google earth for the area and try to spot any possible buildings that he could be holing up in over night and look for water scources to see if you can get any clues. If you do it on a google map you can pu the link on here and we can take a look too
I met the owner this morning in Mitcham Common and we had a little chat. I was aware then Max was last sighted at Commonside East on Friday. After talking to his owner, our guess is he either try to find his way home, so we were walking the dogs in Figgs Marsh or surrounded area this afternoon to see if we can spot him but no luck.
Also seen grove road saturday afternoon
He was seen commonside east on friday morning but no sightings reported since then.
Max went missing from his own home after he managed to open the front door whilst owners were out - have alerted them to Lians post
ThanKS Lian, will alert owners to your posting
Will cross post to biggsd forum.
a friend of mine lives in Chestnut Grove. He has saw this dog on Thursday afternoon running along Chestnut Grove then turn into Elms Garden. He tried to catch him but he got scared and ran.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed to helpers in CR0,4,7. SE16,17,19,20. SM1,4,5.
Have sent owners the general information sheets and offered my contact information so that they may call for more assistance

Drone SAR

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