Reunited: Brown Poodle Cross Male

  • Dog ID 23536
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 27 May 2010
  • Name MARCO
  • Gender & Breed Male Poodle cross
  • Age Adult
  • Colour brown
  • Marks & Scars breed not listed but looks like a poodle cross with a tail like an Irish water spaniel. White shirt
  • Tagged
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 26 May 2010
  • Where Lost Finches Lane, Lindfield, Haywards Heath, West Sussex. Possibly heading north or west
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area RH16
  • Date Found 29 May 2010
  • Where Found Pascotts Farm, Snowdrop Lane, Haywards Heath
  • Date Reunited 29 May 2010
  • Other Info traumatised by traffic and very nervous with sudden movements. May become rigid with fear
  • Listed By Blanche
  • Views 1996
  • MARCOPoster Image
  • MARCOExtra Image


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Welcome home Marco
A 'stuffed toy' show dog who never got the chance to think for himself has just had the gap year to end them all. Found a good gaff - shame there was no food. Mum and Dad found me in a barn, snuggled up in horsey straw. They gave me bits of sausage and then took me home. Feels really good. I've certainly grown up, but I'll tell you one thing - I'm not afraid of the cat any more! If you see us out, come and say hello. Lots of love from Marco + Mum and Dad xxxxx
So pleased lovely Marco is home and safe. xx
great news that Marco is safe - I hope that he will settle into his new life very quickly. Good luck beautiful Marco
any news Blanche - you are getting so close
sorry Angus I pressed the wrong button. Have just heard from my other half he has been within 20 yards of Marco. Still there, armed with 3 sausages so will keep you posted. Anyone with a pet Deity, please have a word on our behalf xx
The second telephone number on our poster belongs to my other half, and if he had spoken to anyone to either give or receive information, I would have been the first one to know. If anyone genuinely has seen Marco this morning, will you please call the first number on the poster which is currently right by my hand. The sooner we can get this little guy's name on the dogs found list, the happier the whole of the village (and the entire contents of the local school - his details were read out in assembly yesterday) will be. When we get him back, he's going to be a little celebrity!
Inn the dog house
Regarding the sighting at 8am this morning,(angus area co-ord) can somewhere let us know where ?
Blanche - that message came to me from the second mobile number on your poster after I requested an update this morning at 10.33 - it does not mean that he was spotted in Bucks :-)
Me again: Marco has now lost his lead although we presume the collar is still intact. Very nervous of people - any sightings do not try to approach but observe movements and call owners soonest.
If a dog has been spotted in the North Bucks/Beds area it is definitely not Marco and I am not on my way anywhere. Several sightings Thursday 27th/Friday 28th May in the Scaynes Hill/Snowdrop Lane area, including one by owner. Whoever this dog is that someone is going to look at, it is not mine. Please keep looking.
Marco has been spotted this morning at 8am - owners on the way now, fingers crossed
Have cross posted to lots of my contacts in this area. Lovely looking dog, stay safe Marco x
I have added to my Doglost South East facebook site:
fingers cross for you here - remember to adopt low body position no eye contact and low voices if you get close to him
Seen this morning at the Walstead end of Snowdrop Lane, Lindfield. Previous owner on way to help as he will be more familiar with her voice. Sooooo close!
Positive sighting 27 May Scaynes Hill Road, still trailing lead during rush hour. Second likely sighting mid afternoon in Snowdrop Lane, both reported to owner
I have emailed some general information sheets to registered email address and local warden contact numbers
Hi Blanche, we are all hoping and praying that you find Marco very soon. Will poster as much as I can. All love Tania, Steve, Lance , The Borders & Logan xxxxxxx
very very nervous dog has only been with new owners for three days please if any one localcan helpplease contact owner

Drone SAR

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