Lost: Liver & White English Springer Spaniel Male In South West (SP6)

  • Dog ID 182237
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 11 Feb 2023
  • Name MAX
  • Gender & Breed Male English Springer Spaniel
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Liver & White
  • Marks & Scars None
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 08 Feb 2023
  • Where Lost Turf Hill near FORDINGBRIDGE in the New Forest
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SP6
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Posters already out
  • Listed By Thompson
  • Views 4242
  • Alerts Sent 83
  • MAXPoster Image
  • MAXExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostJenny Wright. Area Co-ordinator - West Hampshire
Bickton,Sadly no news, l went out just after he went missing . walked where they ran after a deer but found nothing .
Is there any news on this dog? It seems to have gone very quiet.
There's a dog been found in cashes green stroud now at woods vets quedgley matches description
Nice to see many more posters about. I popped into lyburn farm on friday and yes they are aware and have a poster on the counter. I also spent a few hours searching the forest across the road from the car park, loads of deer about, many fences and barbed wire but lots of holes in them, a long natural corridor along power lines runs through the area. Lots of hazzards about, deep gullies, ancient and new forest areas, shooting areas and really thick forest areas difficult to walk through. I could not get access to the quarry area which I beleive is where the other dog was found. I think if it can be made possible with permision an organised search by a few nimble and sensible people should be conducted around the quarry area, a detailed search around that area looking along barbed wire fences and in thick undergrowth as im thinking max would have stayed with the other dog I am thinking he may be caught up in that area or worse. I am happy to help if something could be organised to get permission to that specific area, it may be managed by a council or associated waste treament business.
Lisa T
Thought one in Kingston was a possible match but found one is female so I’ve deleted the link - sorry πŸΎπŸΎπŸ’”Last edited: 2023-02-16 18:52:52 by Lisa T
A place worth someone taking a poster to and having a chat to is Lyburn Farm which is near the place the dog went missing and which also has the power line and corridor extending along the edge of their property. Why ? Because it makes cheeses and a number of dogs have been found and recovered from there over the years when they have been missing for more than a few days within a 5 mile radious, must be the smell that attracts the dogs. Post code SP5 2DN
Went up there late afternoon, spoke to a person in the car park who told me where the other dog had been found, so walked to that area via going under a fence directly opposite the car park this side of a very large pylon where obviously some wildlife have been using to get under and most likely over. Point being deer being chased will run to this type of area, they use the natural break in forests that are formed when power lines and pylons are installed, these corridors are liked by deer as they provide decent access away from people and more importantly have lots of lush young green vegatation growing where they feed. A field adjacent to the pylons I found a herd of around 50 deer grazing happily as most likely private land and no walkers or dogs in that area, next to the field at the bottom is a large forest. A perfect area for deer. I am feeling frustrated due to if I had known the direction the dogs had gone chasing deer or where the other had been found then the area could have been searched a week ago, this is where no information given has a negative impact. In my opinion the dog may still be at large but that is a slim chance now, it could have travlled as far as southampton by now as that is where the power lines and the natural corridors end up, or the dog may have fallen down a gully, got caught in barbwire or hit by a deer or a horse.
I have just been walking my dogs at Godshill - not far away from Turf Hill - and there are posters up now with a photo of Max.
So still nothing from the owner ? and no contact number, just a vague area the dog may be in which he could have gone many miles by now. Not even a confirmation if the image in the poster is of max or the other dog ? If someone were to spot the dog then what use would it be to report it perhaps hours later when on facebook or through this site. With no contact number someone who spots the dog may be inclined to try and aprehend which wont be possible with a dog now well into survival mode, only chance is to get the owner near where the dog is seen in a timely manner which does not seem like it could be done. Time is ticking away, like I said lots of dogs have had bad endings in that area, so this dog needs to be found.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
The dog taken to the vet was Max's brother, they had chased after a deer together.
The owner does not use Facebook but has friends in the area helping with posters.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Thank you for the offers of help to find Max, I have left a message requesting updates/sightings etc.
I completely agree with the comment below - what is the owner doing? Are they local? We need some more information. I have posted on FB and been walking in the area but nothing so far.
Who is the owner of this dog and is there a contact number, there was a similar looking dog found and taken to a vets a number of days ago but without a real picture of the dog lost it is difficult to tell if its the dog lost that has been recovered. The one taken to a vets almost looks very similar but may have part basset hound in it's dna as the ears look slightly different to a springer spaniel but it is really hard to tell. The so called posters up are very inadequet in the area, I only spotted one by the car park and has no images on it, there are lots of car parks covering many miles in that area where the dog could be heading none of which I have seen any posters. Facebook pages people have asked for ore information and the owner seems to not want or perhaps cannot update. There are a few expereinced searches who know the area very well and the likely spots a dog will go to but need more info for a starting point to look and info on the circumstances dog got lost as may have a bearing. There have been many dogs who have got injured in the area from chasing the local wildlife or getting caught in barb wire fences etc so more information is helpful as to where to look in a logical way.
Sadly still no sightings of Max in the Redlynch area Thank you everybody for your effots.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Is the photo above still of a similar dog?
HelperSky's AngelsLouise
Shared to Lost and Found Pets UK and Sky's Angels on FB
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Details shared to DogLost.co.uk Facebook Group X
Just posted this on a local Fordingbridge Facebook page. Hope for good news soon.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
Hoping Max is found safe and soon. xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thank you! Alerts sent to local members
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Photo added from post on New Forest Dog Owners Group to enable shares and alerts.
NB. Photo is descibed as similar dog not the actual missing dog.Last edited: 2023-02-11 12:34:32 by GeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Started sharing will update post (& share twitter) when photo added x
Sorry to see that MAX is missing.
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