Lost: White With Tan Ears Parson Russell Terrier Male In East Anglia (IP9)

  • Dog ID 17509
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 30 Mar 2009
  • Name RUPERT
  • Gender & Breed Male Parson Russell Terrier (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour white with tan ears
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 13 Mar 2009
  • Where Lost Bentley - Suffolk
  • Lost In Region East Anglia
  • Lost In Post Area IP9
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By trikka21
  • Views 1641
  • RUPERTPoster Image
  • RUPERTExtra Image


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DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I will be displaying a poster of Rupert at a dog show in Suffolk on 2nd May and again at a weekend dog show in Norfolk on 9th/10th May in the hope this brings some news xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Found pages has several Jack Russells with similar colouring Basildon DW - read message on this link: http://www.doglost.co.uk/Page.aspx?data=Qvmnp7NbSqCOYLL7ThMH8cgDIBGNb_3527OnpY_3521tPzNxZF5GXNTxJvsy9TjNsMb_352nkLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you Jansen, that's kind I will arrange for a poster to be emailed to you.  I sent one to Mistley Rescue, it's a shame that people don't put them up, they did say they would.  Let's hope they've been looking out for him.  I've driven the road where the dog was hit, and only saw one poster which was at low level.  I do feel it would be good if someone could put posters higher up on some tel poles, etc. so people can see them as they go along.  I believe owners are thinking of taking down posters if there is no response to their notice in papers today, but I would urge them not to give up too soon.  This dog could easily have been another one - I saw several Jack Russells who live along the road and I know of a number of others which are allowed to roam around the area.  Let's hope you are still ok Rupert. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have just seen your Rupert in the paper, so sorry he hasn't been found, we were at Mistly rescue yesterday i didn't see a poster. I have never been able to download posters from this site but will try again, i am going to my vets in Braintree in the morning will leave poster for them. If he was picked up you never know were he could go. If someone could email poster to me that would be great.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have spoken to Rupert's owner and they have had no more news so assume that it was Rupert who was hit on the road.  He is in Pets Corner of the East Anglian Daily Times and Eve Star today so I've pushed him up in the hope someone may recognise something.  We won't forget you Rupert. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have moved Rupert up again due to further press ads today and in view of the new situation.  All local vets and rescues have been alerted and I understand owners are putting revised posters up around the area asking for any information regarding the dog hit on road.  Dogs can run a long way after they've been hit and let's hope Rupert turns up safely somewhere.  He is not microchipped and he is a Parson Jack Russell (not a x) with long legs.  Poor little boy, I hope you are ok Rupert. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The old A12 is where I mean.  It was just at the beginning at the Capel end.  He would have been able to come from the woods our side and there is a slip road that runs under the new A12 to this spot.  We are putting up a sign near the spot as we feel it is possibly someone fairly local using that road.  Barn are our vets. and I have contacted Penrose.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So sorry to read this trikka.  I wonder if you mean the old A12 which would run from Capel St. Mary through Copdock, in which case he would have crossed the busy 'new' A12 to get there.  If anyone had picked him up and taken him to a Vet, it could have been the Barn Vets Copdock 01473 730213 or Penrose & Ptns down in Stratford St. Mary 01206 323414.  It does seem strange that they had not called you though - the Vets certainly would have if he still had his tag on.  I will try to contact you tomorrow.  Maybe someone else will see your 2nd ad in the papers and throw more light on this.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
It seems our ad in the local paper has helped us find out what possibly happened to Rupert.  A lady phoned last night to say she had seen a white JR hit by a car on the old A12 last Saturday morning - 18 hrs after he left us.  The car stopped and when she passed back again there was no sign of anything.  We have however not heard anything from anyone else and been in touch with all the vets.  It seems strange someone would pick up a dead or injured dog and not contact us or anyone else but .............  Where he was makes sense as it is the other side of the fields and woods from our house and where there are lots of deer.  However it was in the opposite direction to where we were looking.    In all our enquiries we have not heard of another missing JR in the area so it seems most likely it was him.  Very sad.  TriciaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You should be able to write on the laminated paper with a permanent waterproof felt-tip pen.  Meanwhile, I've emailed you some amended posters and flyers. I've bumped Rupert up in view of the press ads tomorrow and Monday.  Do hope he'll be home soon. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
We have done Bentley Riding School and local area with posters.  Tattingstone is also done including pubs.  We are putting ad in East Anglia Daily Times for Saturday and Monday.  Also added reward but can't really go round and put reward on all posters as they are laminated.  Any suggestions re that?  Thanks  TriciaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You are doing very well Trikka21, don't lose heart I'm sure he's out there somewhere.  I have contacted Mistley Park Rescue, they have not seen him but I've sent them a poster to put up and they'll look out for him.  I will call more Rescues tomorrow. I presume you've got a poster to Bentley Riding Schl as I suggested.  A friend of mine has driven all around the area for us and has seen nothing.  I sent you Scenting instructions which you may consider.  Hope you can put flyers through people's doors and also poster around Tattingstone, local villages & Manningtree. I know it's a very fast road but there may be spots where you can poster?  Please show yourself Rupert.  xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Welcome on board trikka21 - that is very helpful that you can now keep in touch. Sorry no news yet. Are there any animal holes he could have gone down? I take it that Rupert's Mum cannot follow a scent trail from where he was last seen? If you were near a road, its possible that some kind soul has picked him up for his own safety. Get posters in safe places along the road, where the cars pull up or stop, as it may be someone who travels the route regularly. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you for all the help so far.  We have postered far and wide and called lots of the people you have suggested.  Will visit RSPCA in Ipswich tomorrow and also recall Dog Wardens etc.  Really getting so desperate.  We miss him so much.  Rupert's Mum is so sad too as she doesn't know where he is and keeps looking down the garden.  Pity we can't speak doggie xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Yasa.  Amended posters and info emailed to owner.  Poster also sent to Pampered Pets at Hacheston (Kennels for Suffolk Coastal). Good luck in finding Rupert. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So sorry Rupert is missing. A4 poster and smaller posters emailed to owner and Jimmi. Use the flyers as handouts and for posting through doors. I hope they help get Rupert home xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have spoken to Rupert's owners - they have postered area and contacted rescues and councils, etc.  Rupert did not return from his usual walk around the fields on Friday eve at 6.15pm near Rookery Farm Shop off the A137 south of Ipswich.  I will email more suggestions to owners.  Meanwhile if anyone can help with posters we need to spread the word as much as poss as he has been missing for four days now.  Stay safe Rupert till you are found. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18

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