Rainbow Bridge: White/cream Chihuahua Male

  • Dog ID 110630
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 26 Jan 2017
  • Gender & Breed Male Chihuahua
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour White/cream
  • Marks & Scars Nil
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 24 Jan 2017
  • Where Lost Langham.
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area LE15
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info 9 years old and in need of daily medication
  • Listed By Tony
  • Views 4113


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so sorry xx
Tony - that story has touched my heart and brought a tear to my eye. 1. Because of Cosmos life being cut short and 2. To hear that a young lady of only 13 was so caring and loving to your loved pet and so determined to find him too ..... I wish there were many more young people like this as it is inspirational and restores your faith in humanity. Xx
Cosmo was number 7 in our long line of Chihuahuas since our first in 1964. All lived into double figures, two over 16yrs and one of those over 16 and a half yrs. Therefore, it was cruel for his life to be cut short, at 9yrs, by some irresponsible owner's dog. I will be coming to see Jane, of Rutland, this week which was my original intention anyway. And I'm also going to meet again the 13 yr old girl who persistently asked her parents for all of them go out to look for him and she did find him. She took off her jumper, removed her t shirt and then put her jumper back on again. She wanted to wrap him up in it as she was determined he should be wrapped up. And she was the one who handed Cosmo over to me. What a marvellous young lady. A credit to the youth of today. Again many thanks to everyone. Last edited: 2017-01-31 16:35:35 by Tony
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Hi Tony.Thank you for your kind words. I am so sorry that we could not do more and get Cosmo home safe. Please do pop into the garden centre to say hello once you are ready. It would be lovely to see you. There are a few of us Janes here at doglost. I am the one who called you, Jayne admin is the lady who set up Doglost in the first place and runs operations from head office. Thinking of you all. I hope Algy settles soon without his friend.
I am so very sorry to read this about your beautiful Cosmo. Thinking of you all at this extremely sad time.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry :(( Run free Little Cosmo.xx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I am truly sorry to read this sad update for your precious furbaby, Cosmo.
Run Free Sweetheart. X
So very sorry not the outcome anyone wanted for you ,Chihuahuas are long lived little dogs and his life has been cut short, in time try to think of only happy thoughts about Cosmo .
A very sad day Tony and nothing can make that better but at least you have him back in his home and you can still feel some kind of presence from him. Lots of extra tlc for algy as I expect he/she will be pining for a while. Xx take care and don't let algy near that nasty dog!!! RIP I peace dear cosmo πŸŒˆπŸŒˆβ€β€πŸ’”
I want to say how much I have appreciated all you people commenting with support, advice and sympathy. Unfortunately it was a sad ending. However, Cosmo is at rest, at home now, where he should be with us, and he is in a favourite spot in the garden. My wife and Algy, our other Chihuahua, miss him terribly. Finally, my thanks go to Jayne - Administrator Head Office/ESSJ Area Co-ordinator Rutland (was Bedfordshire) for her help and support. I am assuming that they are the same person.
So very sorry to read this sad update. Run free in the sunshine now forever young. Xx
Such sad news...... sincere condolences to the owners.
Run Free at the Bridge Cosmo Sweetie, until the time comes when you are reunited with those who love you so very much xxxx
So very sorry for you Tony, I do hope the other dog owner gets to know the consequences of their actions. RIP Cosmo.
Extreememly sorry to hear about Cosmo. Maybe he knew it was his time? I think animals do. My sympathy to his family who m ust be distraught . Night,. night, Cosmo, sleep tight, and have fun with the other "Rainbow babies" who have passed. RIP+ God Blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for you. Run free (HUG)X One day when the time is right, you will meet Cosmo at the bridge, and cross together; never to be parted. He will be back to full health; just like a young puppy. Try to think of all the happy times you shared with Cosmo. And the times when he made you laugh At least you are able to lay Cosmo to rest. He is only sleeping. Another bright star shines in the sky tonight. And loving Angels surround him with loveLast edited: 2017-01-30 12:21:51
So, so sorry for the loss of your dear little chap, absolutely heart breaking. Thinking of you. β™‘RIP Cosmoβ™‘
This is the saddest news 😭😭 poor boy. He must have been trying to hide as scared and from the weather. I guess it was lack of medication and being older in this cold that got the better of him. Devastated for the family as I have two 9 year olds and if I wasn't with them to the very end it would break my heart πŸ’”πŸ’” RIP little beauty, run free healthy once more πŸ’”
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Sad news, RIP Cosmo x
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Cosmo was found late yesterday by a family who were looking for him on horseback. He was curled up as if asleep under a hedge but had passed away. Tony and his wife would like to thank everyone for their help looking for him. run Free over Rainbow Bridge Cosmo.
Really hope you find him soon ,shame on the other owner if had any respect hope is helping you find him without the dog and dog warden contacted x x
DogTag Midlands
Comment awaiting moderation
I have a 12 year old spaniel, and I cant imagine him being lost since he's quite old. Your boy Cosmo is so handsome! I hope he is found soon xxLast edited: 2017-01-28 20:34:25 by IlovemyboyBarclay
Thank you for your concern. It is much sppreciated. I have, and currently, trying everything you suggest where practicable. Will continue as usual day and night tomorrow.
Tony these little guys are tougher then we give them credit for .Keep walking your other dog around the area you lost Cosmos it could be that he has gone to ground after he was scared so badly .
So many irresponsible and cruel humans around now, I am praying you find this little fella asap. Have you checked and asked neighbours to check any sheds or bushes, hedges, greenhouses etc that he could be hiding scared??
And have you tried going round the area lost late at night when it's quiet with some
Strong smelling treats and a bed or blanket with his scent on to encourage him out of you call as may be hungry?
Also try walking your other chihuahua on lead all round the area lost when quiet as
May pick up his scent and encourage him out of hiding.

Daily check all local rescues, vets etc and have you put lots of posters up?

Praying for him to be found safe xxxx
No luck with sniffer dog yesterday.
Cosmo slipped his lead when I was walking my two Chihuahuas on leads and they were assaulted by an uncontrollable dog in our village who was off the lead . It was a large black dog who barged into them continually. Owner had been warned by me before and then let her mother walk it of the lead! Many villagers know that it is a menace. My wife and I have to suffer now for another person's idiosy. My other Chihuahua pining at present. Hence we need Cosmo back urgently as he needs heart tablets twice a day and blood pressure tablet or he could fit.
i have everything crossed, when is the sniffer dog going out? xxxx
No news to date. Sorry to say. Trying everything Rutland Radio, Facebook, posters, flyers, walking, even engaged a sniffer dog used by police. Thank you everyone for your kind messages and advice. We continue to search.
Any news on Cosmo ? fingers crossed he will be found soon .
Was he lost from home or on a walk? Is there somewhere safe away from roads if away from home you could put his bed or something familiar out for him as they often scent back to where lost. Also if no worry of roads betweenyour home to where lost try do a trail of your pee as they pick up on the scent and follow it. (If it rains you would need to do it again though) other than that poster everywhere local and near so people recognise him if seen and maybe go out late tonight and early morning with smelly treats and as quiet call him rattling treats as your familiar voice might make him come out of hiding somewhere near where lost. Always check buildings, bushes where he could be sheltering. ****** PLEASE ANY LOCAL PEOPLE PLEASE HELP LOOK FOR THIS BABY AS NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION AND ELDERLY SO VERY VULNERABLE XX πŸ™πŸ™
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
shared to groups x
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared Facebook & Twitter
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Page, Twitter & Public. I hope Cosmo is safely back at home soon. X
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in LE7,14,15.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Please email photo to admin@doglost.co.uk

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